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:D This is my final exam (Speaking class) in semester 3.

Pak dosen meminta kami untuk membuat

lesson plan and after that kami berperan menjadi seorang guru. Saya memilih Listening subject sebagai
bahannya. Ini adalah lesson plannya, n dibawah nanti ada materi yang akan dibahas, tentang lirik lagu.
Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi yaaaaaa teman2 =D7


School : SMA 1 Rengat

Course : English
Class/Semester : X/2
Learning Material : Song Lyrics
Skill Aspect : Listening
Standard competency : 1. Listening
Comprehend the meaning and the new vocabulary of song lyric in daily activity. And helps them
remember it easier.

petence : 1.1 Perceptive meaning in the song to get things done. Express and memorize new vocabulary from
song lyric with the way accuratly, fluently, and acceptance of daily life of the song.

Indicators : 1.1.1. The students are able to listen some words correctly.
1.1.2. The students are able to write some words based on the song which their listen.
1.1.3. The students are able to remember the new vocabulary.

Aspects/Skills : Listening
Time Allocation : 1 X 10 minutes

A A Goals :

In the end of lesson, students understand and they are able to increase listening skill and
remember the new vocabulary that their listen.

B. Learning Material
Listen and comprehend the meaning on the slow song (You Light Up MY Life) and fast
song (Hall of Fame)

C. Method :
1. Giving illustration about listening song
2. Giving clue how to answer the song lyrics on paper

The clue:
a. Listen and choose: Take some words in the lyrics and ask student to listen, they must choose
which one should filling in the gap.
b. Reorder the letters: Take some words in the lyrics, then disordered that letters word. And ask
student to reorder the letters until become good words depend what they listen and filling in the
c. Rearrange sentences/paragraph: This technic using with give wrong composition sentences or
paragraph, then student should listen and arrange the sentences/paragraph become true.
d. Spot the mistakes: Change some of the words in the lyrics and as students listen they have to
spot and correct the mistakes.
e. Classic gap-fill: Listen to the song and filling the gap on lyrics.
3. Check the answer

D. Steps

1. Pre activites :
- Greeting, Checking for the attendance list.
- Prepare the material
- Motivation (explain how important this material)
- Confirming students readiness

2. Whilst activities :
a. Teacher giving the material.
b. Teacher giving clue how to answer the song lyrics on paper
c. Student listen song and answer the material

3. Post activities.
 Check the answer together and students can remember the answer as vocabulary.
 Teacher closes the class and greets the

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