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Career Voyage/

au Interest Guide Report

Name Organisation Account Type Educational Level Group

Hessa AlAseeri Bahrain Polytechnic Adult Five

Interest and Career Guidance

My idea of being happier …

Interest is one of the most powerful
motivating factors. Indeed it’s so rewarding
that people will pay a lot of money, expend a
lot of energy, and in some cases, like
mountaineering, risk life and limb, just to
satisfy their interests.

Not everyone is driven by such

intensity of interest, but most of us
have some areas of activity that we
find intrinsically satisfying. When we
engage in it we become happier,
more positive, and more productive.

Start planning your career.

Avoid getting stuck in something you'll hate.

Your career is a life-long journey. Starting out in the best direction for you is crucial. And establishing your
occupational interests is an important first step. It sets the broad Job areas which will be most suitable (based on
what you’ve told Career Voyage).

Your personal occupational interest profile, with descriptions, is on the following pages.

Carefully read your report. Most people are happy with the result. But if there is anything which doesn’t seem quite
right, you should talk to your career adviser. Remember you can always go back and change anything if you need to.

Once you are happy with your Interest Profile, the next section will ask you to respond to additional critically
important Job Factors, helping you to further focus your individual career plans. Career Voyage will generate 20 (or
40) suitable Job Suggestions, and guide you to explore your most suitable options.

©JIIG-CAL Australia Page 1 of 3
Career Voyage/ Interest Guide Report

Name Organisation Account Type Educational Level Group

Hessa AlAseeri Bahrain Polytechnic Adult Five

Interest Guide Report

You chose entry level 5 - Completion of a university level qualification is required
Level of Skill
Professional jobs requiring a degree or higher education qualification.

Training for Adults

You would in most cases be required to complete a university degree over a minimum of 3 years full time (or
equivalent part time). In some cases, post-graduate studies (e.g. Masters programme) followed by a period of
supervised practical experience is required before admission to practice in the profession.

From the answers you gave to the Interest Guide the computer has worked out how you feel about 6 Types of Interest.
Here is your interest profile:

Interest Profile

Strong Like


Not Mind


Strong Dislike

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

The above chart indicates how much you like each of the six interest types described below:

You have a strong like for Interest Type 4 - Art and design
Work involving fine art, the history of art, architecture or sculpture appeals to you. This type of work involves a
high level of artistic taste or knowledge of design principles and techniques. It also requires artistic ability where
you need to be able to produce creative and original work. The administration, management or organisation of art
galleries or museums is another area of work which will be of interest to you.

You like Interest Type 5 - Social service and health care

Social work or counselling, where you have to be able to analyse difficulties in open minded, unemotional and
practical terms is possibly something you should consider. You may enjoy the organisation, management or
coordination of social work or the planning of social work schemes. Study and investigation of social problems
may appeal to you. You might like teaching or taking part in the educational guidance of people with learning
difficulties or disabilities. Community work or the rehabilitation of criminals may interest you.

©JIIG-CAL Australia Page 2 of 3
Career Voyage/ Interest Guide Report

Name Organisation Account Type Educational Level Group

Hessa AlAseeri Bahrain Polytechnic Adult Five

You don't mind Interest Type 2 - Biological sciences and medicine

Overall you seem to not mind the types of work where you are observing and studying animals and plants.
However you may be able to pick out some parts which appeal to you more than others. This could include
collecting, identifying and classifying living things. It can involve helping with planning farms or forest land or
projects which help care for the environment. It also includes medical work such as diagnosing and treating
diseases, carrying out surgical operations or advising on health and hygiene. Biological or medical research is
another area which you might not mind.

You dislike Interest Type 6 - Language and Literature

Perhaps you are not attracted to this type of work which involves a high level of skill in verbal or written
communication. You might not enjoy writing books or articles, reviewing and criticising or cataloguing documents.
Giving talks and lectures may not appeal to you, nor may interpreting, translating and using foreign languages.
You probably dislike work which requires an interest in literature, language, drama or history.

You have a strong dislike for Interest Type 1 - Technology and science
You would not enjoy applying physics, chemistry and maths to the design, invention and building of advanced
engineering, scientific and technical products. These products include equipment, instruments and machines.
Doing research and carrying out experiments does not appeal to you, nor does work requiring logical and
analytical thinking, knowledge of maths and the ability to understand and apply scientific principles. This type of
work often involves the use of computers.

You have a strong dislike for Interest Type 3 - Finance and economics
You are not interested in organising and managing the economic, accounting and financial areas of business.
Giving advice about stocks and shares, finance and investment does not appeal to you. You should not consider
work involving the application of maths and statistics to economic problems, analysing economic and business
trends and making forecasts about these. You will not enjoy the areas of law, taxation and insurance and their
effects on business and employment.

You chose entry level 5 - Completion of a university level qualification is

Level of Skill
Professional jobs requiring a degree or higher education qualification.

Training for Adults

You would in most cases be required to complete a university degree over a minimum of 3 years full time (or
equivalent part time). In some cases, post-graduate studies (e.g. Masters programme) followed by a period of
supervised practical experience is required before admission to practice in the profession.

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