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Gowning and gloving


Open gown AWAY from you, open gloves and lay on a clean spot on the table
 open towel to dry hands after scrubbing, do not allow towel to touch your clothing
 open gown by inserting hands in the arm openings and allowing it to fall
 keep sleeves over hands & open gloves
 lay the glove on your palm with the thumb side up and flip the glove over and on
*when removing gown pull from the shoulders and turn sleeves and gown inside out

 follow the steps to properly put the gown all the way on, with sleeves over the hands
 open the gloves, with the inside of the glove partially folded inside out
 touching only the inside out portion, pull the gloves on

 check expiration date on the materials
 hand hygiene
 open the wrapper and pull the drape out allowing it to unfold
 remember the outer 1 inch of the drape is not considered sterile and you may touch it without gloves
*If anything drops below waist level it is no longer considered sterile!
*always open things away from you
*if ANY break in the sterile field occurs, restart completely

Mandatory reading:
Scrubbing – purpose is to remove dirt and microorganisms from the hands and forearms, and to reduce
bacterial growth and risk of contamination
 Transient organisms – what is removed on the skin surface during scrubbing
 Resident organisms – below the skin surface, resistant to removal
 Opens the sterile scrub brush package
 Turn on water to a pressure and temperature that assures no splashing
 Wet hands and forearms
 Lather two inches above the elbow in antimicrobial soap
 Rinse hands and arms while keeping the fingers pointed upward so that water drips off the elbows and
away from scrub attire
 Dries hands and arms with paper towel
 Use nail cleaner to clean under nails
 Rinse hands
 Use scrub brush with soap hold the brush perpendicular to the fingertips them and webs of hands
 Scrub the palms and back of same hand in circular motion
 Continues at wrist, scrubbing in a circular motion to 2 inches above the elbow
 Repeat and rinse hands, holding in correct position  enter the OR pushing the door w/ your back

1. If any part of the scrubbed hands or arms touches the sink or faucet during scrubbing, the person should:
10 extra scrubs in that area
2. The closed glove technique is used:
Only when the hand has never passed through the gown cuff
3. The sterile areas of the gown include
The front from 2 inches below the neck to the waist or table level
4. The use of a brush for surgical hand scrub is only method
5. During gowning the circulating nurse assists the scrub person by doing all of the following except:
stretching the glove
6. In the event that the gloved hands need to be changed mid-procedure (keep in mind the hands have already passed
though the cuffs), which technique must be used?
Open-glove technique
7. Both the anatomical times scrub and counted stroke scrub are accepted methods of the surgical hand scrub.
8. Once a sterile field is prepared it is important to know what areas of the bottom drape are considered sterile.
Which of the following statements is true regarding your sterile field?
Once the drape is placed on a clean dry surface the outer 1-inch perimeter is no longer considered sterile
9. When a team member other than the scrub nurse contaminates a glove during the surgical procedure, the scrub
nurse will reglove the team member using which of the following methods?
Assisted gloving
10. When washing with an antimicrobial agent how far up the arm do you scrub?
Two inches above the elbow
11. The purpose of the surgical hand scrub is to:
slow the growth
12. Which of the following is the FIRST STEP in opening a sterile linin wrapped package
Open the first flap away from the body
13. Where would the scrubbed person hold onto his or her gown when lifting it up to don it?
The inside front of the gown just below the neckband
14. What motion is used to scrub the palm and back of hand to the wrist?
A circular motion
15. Resident microorganisms:
Live in the hair follicles and sweat glands
16. It is permissible to scrub without removing rings.
17. Which of the following is true regarding maintaining a sterile field?
A sterile object remains sterile only if the objects that touch it are also sterile
18. Wearing artificial or acrylic nails in the surgical setting is:
Unacceptable because they may harbor microorganisms
19. When taking off the gown at the end of the case, the gloved cuffs typically turn down as the sleeves pass over the
arms. The wearer removes the gloves using which of the techniques listed below?
Glove to glove then skin to skin
20. All of the following should be worn as protective gear in the OR: headgear that covers all the hair,
protective eyewear, a face mask, protective shoes or shoe covers.

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