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Group Assignment 2 English I

Unit Interview Report :

ICC (Intership And Career Center)

Name And NIM Of Member :

 Daniel (012201805015)

 Alif Bagaskara Alamsyah

 Maulana Ramadhan (012201805006)

 Rinaldo Dwina Aufanrizky (012201805029)

Informant by Ms.Lina Rosmawati

Information System - Evening Class

I. Unit Structure And Job Desc

Director Of Intership & Career Center (ICC)

Mr.J.Budhi Susetiyo

Staff Of Intership & Career Center Staff Of Intership & Career Center Staff Of Intership & Career Center

Ms.Lina Rosmawati Mr.Matnur Ms.Nada

Job Desc :

 Mr.Matnur And Ms.Lina : coordinate students for internships at the

 Ms.Nada : Control all student documents starting from check
document students before and after the intership, making sure all
document are stored and maintained properly.

II. Location And Working Hours

They Office on the 1st floor with marketing,They work start at 08.00 AM until
05.00 PM, but sometimes they going late to home because they serving the
student and people.
III. What is Main Responsibilities of this unit?
The main responsibility of ICC is :
 like how to write a CV
 Helps the student develop job search skills
 Provides Opportunities to work in a career related or professional
 Provides career awareness for the students
 Gives the students the chance to evaluate, reflect upon, and try a
career field
 Open student access to professional network contacts
 the goals of the program is to help students get hired before they

IV. Costumers of ICC

The costumer of the ICC is students and families of students

V. Service Or Info The Costumers Can Get From ICC And

Service Give To The Costumers
A. The service they provide for students is :
 tell students the first thing to do when students get a job
 tell students how to communicate well with superiors and other
people in the company
 they provide training for students, soft skills and help get a job
B. The service they provide for families of students is :
 they tell the family of students about the development of students in
the company
VI. The Obstacle When Serving Customers (Especially Students) and
how to overcome them
Their obstacle when they want to provide soft skills training for students
is to match the time of the student with the company time because the
student schedule is always blocked by the internship schedule in the
company. so they have to reschedule the right time to provide soft skills
training for students

VII. Long Term Plan To Improve The Service Of ICC To Costumer Or Still
Continuing The Current Service
they are moving to digitalization and they are planning to make own
career website and they are more focusing to integrating our business
operation with the technology information system(internet).

VIII. Office Number And Extension Or Official Email Address

 Email of ICC is :
 Extension Staff of ICC is : 138
 Extension Director of ICC is : 132

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