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Calisthenics is a discipline or sport practiced on the street that is based on

workouts that are carried out with one's own body weight and in different
places designed for that purpose. The calisthenics began to develop in
France in the eighteenth century.

More than a free alternative to gyms

It’s a real lifestyle for those who practice it, converted into a movement that
mixes sport and leisure.
Actually, it’s a socio-sport movement that is based on training on the street,
usually in parks and public spaces, using your own body and any object in
the environment.
It's oriented to the strength development and that is practiced in the street
using the usual public equipment, like parks or sport zones. Above all, a
correct way of performing the exercises is important, demonstrating that at
all times you have enough strength to control the movement against gravity.
That is, stretches are performed, localized works and the return to calm has
a very important role during calisthenics classes. Calisthenics combines
techniques from different points, among them: dance, yoga, martial arts,
conscious gymnastics and stretching.


It’s components are; Exercise and training. Effort and discipline, but...
It’s followers use it as a form of training, as well as an aspect of life, promoting
values such as respect, strength and education. So, the physical aspect is
not the only goal, there is more important aspects like gain a better health,
mental health, a functional body, mobility and control about it. This
movement can change lives because it teach to drive the pain, drive the
discipline and struggle for a objective, these things development a strong
character to face the life with a more positive way.
This discipline has become in a popular movement to change the thought
that gym as only way of training and improve the body condition. It has
several advantages as its nature because it is available for anyone, most of
the movements that is practiced in it, are daily movements that anyone uses
in their life, for that, it could help to improve the performance in other
activities or disciplines like football or basketball. The idea of workout at
anywhere with anything is to create a new concept of exercising, that anyone
can perform it avoiding excuses of time. In fact, people that practices the
street workout are agree in that it can produce a improve in the people’s
quality of life, just taking a short time to exercise their bodies as hobby.
Calisthenics, in addition, performs social work with a community
integration, as the contact with another persons has been lost. More and
more people isolate themselves, and maintains social relations through
the technology, interacting only with a screen. We know how much
damage can be to have a sedentary life. For all this, go out to train on the
street is very convenient, and if you practice in a group, it's better, it helps
to get back in touch with the environment and social interactions,
improving the union.

No doubt exist about the exercise offers us great body and mental benefits.
It helps to fight against anxiety, depression and stress. Improves sleep,
increases energy, benefits the joints.. Therefore exercising outdoor is a
good alternative to perform it, due to its easiness and disposition.

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