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Studio pre-production

Studio setup process and documentation
I recently underwent a process of testing a draft setup for our ‘Tom Talks’ media production inside of our
studio room. During this test run I learned how to actively set up and conduct a professional media
production through understanding how to use certain equipment in our situation. I utilized many different
pieces of equipment, BNC Cameras - BNC Cables, kettle cables, 3.5mm splitters, vision mixers, headsets
and talk boxes and more.

To set up the room as desired with the appropriate equipment, I first placed three BNC cameras onto the
appropriate tripods and placed them to gain full coverage of every aspect in the room. I then hooked up
the BNC cameras with the appropriate BNC cables that would then be re-routed into the vision mixer, the
vision mixer allowed us to see what was going on through all three of our different video inputs and
displayed it to us, we could also use this piece of equipment to change the focus of our video inputs and
speak directly into the talkboxes + headphones that we also connected to the vision mixer. I had
successfully connected and tested every piece of equipment within the studio that would have been
necessary for our production, from checking appropriate adapters and connector cables to understanding
how to use the vision mixer to control and monitor video output sources and so on. There were a few
technical difficulties experienced, however I understood these errors and have concluded that the only
reason they arose was due to faulty / old hardware - nothing to do with an issue in the setting up phase.
Role Justification
I have been assigned the role of ‘Cameraman’ during our interview production. I vouched and am
glad to have received the role i am assigned to due to a multitude of reasons. I have always had a
particularly higher level of attention to detail which allows me to notice of point out certain aspects
that may pass by others. This is already an incredible skill to possess in terms of relating to
operating camera in an environment as such - one in which is going to specifically highlight
emotion and reaction during our interview piece. I can multitask, track multiple different aspects /
elements during our production and accurately and efficiently capture individual points of interest
during the interview shoot. My extensive understanding of emotional responses and audio cues will
also aide during our interview. I have additionally listening and analysed our production script to the
extent that I can plan ahead in time to understand and foresee the potential shots i can achieve
based on upcoming reactions of questions during our shoot.

The aforementioned qualities I possess will greatly aide in my ability to perform to a high extent as
an individual in our production process more than so if I was placed in another role, thus I believe
that i am justified to be a good camera operator.
Meeting notes.
27/05/19: Client research and script development

This was our first contact with information on our client - we collectively researched and gathered information on ‘Dominic Strevens’ to begin
developing a script for our interviewer and tried to gather some information that we could base some questions around, linking both to our
work, and his. Essentially understanding the client we were dealing with.

28/05/19: class-wide meeting and designation of roles to individuals.

During this meeting, we as a class assigned different roles to each individual student and discussed who and why should be assigned to
what specific role, based on their strengths and weaknesses that could be utilized during our production. I was assigned Camera operator at
the end of our meeting due to previously discussed advantages that I possess as an individual.

1/06/19: Concept mockup for equipment setup

Communications with myself, along with the other camera operators and floor managers, lighting managers and such revolved around
understanding and drawing a mockup for what we wanted to studio to look like when we shot our production.

2/06/19: Concept mockup further development

Presenting the mockup to the rest of the production team and preparing to set into action our mockup into a physical rendition to be able to
physically understand our positions on the day and how it would play out.

5/06/19 - 9/06/19: Physical setup of concept mock layout.

Physical setup of the aforementioned concept layout for our production setup.

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