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Vince Bantad


Ms. Fleming


Truly, College Is The Best Opportunity To Obtain.

For those who are reading this article of mine, let me tell you a few facts about college

that you may already know or not know. One, college is can be very expensive because of

paying for tuition, supplies and rent(if you’re planning on living near the university); however if

you have high grades and/or a high intelligence, and you’re in high school, you can apply for

scholarships, so you don’t have to pay for tuition and college won’t cost that much. Second, it’s

true that college is not for everyone, because it’s not necessary for those that want a job that

doesn’t even require college. According to Robert Reich, who believes college isn’t for everyone

stated in his article(Why College Isn’t And SHouldn’t Be) For Everyone), “The biggest absurdity

is that a four-year college degree has become the only gateway to the American middle class.”

So, it’s ridiculous that college is the only way to get into the middle class, but who cares? What

I’m saying is that I believe college is very valuable and worth the opportunity to obtain.

One reason that college is important is that getting a college education can help you

easily achieve the job you want for your career, and avoid the chances of most likely to be

unemployed. For instance, according to the informational text, Education Still Pays, it states that,

“Workers with more education have lower unemployment and higher earnings than workers with

less education.” In other words, college can decrease your chances of not being hired by any

employers, and increase your salary from your job. In the text, it also states that, “Workers with
less education than a high school diploma had the highest unemployment rate(11 percent), while

those with a doctoral degree had the lowest rate(2.2 percent).” So, if you only have an education

that’s less than a high school diploma, you’re less likely to get a job, but if you had a college

education you’re more likely to achieve a job.

Another benefit of getting a college education is having greater wealth, more money.

Andrew J. Rotherham, in the article, Actually, College Is Very Much Worth It, discovered 7

years ago that, “Ron Haskins of the Brooking Institution found that without a college degree,

only 14 percent of Americans from the bottom fifth of parental income reach the top two-fifths.

But if they complete college, 41 percent of this same group can then expect to make it to the top

two-fifths.” Basically, if you’re a parent and you’re planning to complete college or you already

did, you’re more likely to raise more money by having a higher income. With money, you’re

able to take care of your children and help them grow up by sending them to school to learn.

Andrew also found some other data from the BLS(Bureau of Labor Statistics), 7 years ago and

stated that, “the median weekly earnings for someone with no college degree were $712,

compared to $1,038 for a college graduate.” Based on his explanation of the weekly earnings, if

you’re a college graduate, your chances of a higher salary will increase, which means more

wealth. But, if you don’t complete college, getting a lower salary is what will mostly happen to


One reason people may say college is not worth the time, effort, and money is because

some of them are planning to have a job that doesn’t require any college, or some people are

doing something else to make money. But, what mostly people think is that college is not

important or a big deal at all. In the article, Why College Isn’t (And Shouldn’t Have To Be) For
Everyone, Robert stated that, “not every young person is suited for four years of college. They

may be bright and ambitious but they won’t get that much out of it. They’d rather be doing

something else, like making money or painting murals. They feel compelled to go to college

because they’ve been told over and over that a college degree is necessary. Yet if they start

college and then drop out, they feel like total failures.” In other words, not everyone can be

adapted to four years of college, and even though you’re an intelligent person, there’s not that

much to learn in college. Also, if you dropout of college, you may feel guilty for yourself

because you wasted your time. However, the problem with this statement is that it is wrong to

say that a college degree is not necessary. It is necessary. For example, let’s say that you got

fired from job and you need to find one to make money to be able to survive. Then suddenly, you

discover that there are job openings, but those jobs require college. So, your only solution would

be to go to college, so you can get a job, and if you get a degree, you future job can possibly be

high paying. Also, even though you can be very clever, you still have a lot to learn. Plus, college

is more important to intelligent people. In fact, Star Tribune, in the editorial, An Early Start On

College, indicates that, “if more students take advantage of dual-credit options, more will be

prepared for college and other postsecondary work. That will reduce the need for remedial

courses and save money for students, families, and taxpayers.” Therefore, college is more

important, because it can help you get a job for money, become a better adult or person, and lift

the weight off your parents by you helping them with bills and taxes. Another reason is that if

you’re an intelligent person and you plan to go to college, there’s a possibility that you’ll be

provided many fantastic opportunities that will change your future. In addition, college is
important to others, too and if you’re thinking of being a parent, go to college so you can become

an inspiration to your children, and help you build a relationship with them.

Ultimately, I believe that college is a big, significant deal, and worth the opportunity to

obtain. To summarize, the benefits of a college education are: very small chances of

unemployment, increase of income, closer family, and a good change in your future. If you’re a

student from high school or a parent/veteran/adult with no college, that is reading this article, pay

more attention to what college is & what it looks like and you’ll see how good or better your life

would be if you go to college. I think it’s time to spread the belief that the college is more

valuable than sitting at home, playing video games. College can also help you discover your true

purpose in life. If you think college or education is worthless, you have no purpose. Go to

college, stop being so lazy, become a good citizen, help your family and community, and life

will be good & wonderful for you and all of us.

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