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Billy Changes needed if Billy is

also an English learner
1a) Identify one instructional strategy or The vocabulary list The vocabulary list
student activity from the outline of plans which contains related may very well be
that could be challenging for the student, scientific words and challenging if Billy is
considering the description of the student’s their definitions may also an English
learning disability. Choose an actual be challenging for learner.
instructional strategy related to the Billy given that his
specific science content being taught, reading ability remains
rather than getting along with others or at a second grade level.
improving behavior.
1b) Explain why the strategy or activity you As mentioned above, If Billy is also an
chose could be challenging for the student, the scientific words English learner, the
based on specific aspects of the student and their definitions new scientific
description. may be challenging vocabulary may also
due to the limited create another
reading abilities challenge for him.
conveyed by Billy. His
second grade level
reading may require
additional strategies in
order to guide him
through a more
understanding of the
scientific material
provided by the lesson.
1c) Describe how you would adapt the strategy A strategy for Billy to In order to further help
or activity you identified to meet the needs learn the scientific him, the flash cards
of the student. Your strategy must be vocabulary needed for may also contain a
multisensory because those strategies are the the completion of this translation of the
most effective, and must be able to be done by
the student independently, without help from
assignment would vocabulary words from
anyone else (e.g. teacher, aide, peer, etc.), include practice with his first language.
since assistance is not always available for every flash cards. First, Billy
student with special needs, for every lesson,
every day.
would create his own
flash cards in order to
practice writing the
words needed for this
assignment. Next,
Billy could draw a
picture on the
corresponding flash
card that relates to the
word being studied.
Third, Billy could use
the flash cards
throughout the lesson
plan in order to help
remind him of the
topic on hand.
1d) Explain how your adaptation would be Keeping the flash Having him read the
effective for the student in making progress cards handy will help material in both
toward achieving the learning goal(s) of Billy advance through languages will guide
this unit. the lesson plan as the him in attaining the
flash cards give him new vocabulary as
the keys he needs in well as provide
order to complete the structuring for his
assignment. Since his language learning.
reading level is lower
than his peers, his flash
cards will serve as a
guide whenever he
faces any sort of
confusion between
specific words that
relate to the
assignment. For
example, he would
have personally
created notecards that
show the distinction
between concepts such
as evaporation and
2a) Identify one additional instructional Another student All activities in a
strategy or student activity from the outline activity that may come different language may
of plans that could be challenging for the across as challenging come across as more
student, considering the student’s other is making bar graphs challenging.
learning needs. Choose an actual or pie charts based on
instructional strategy related to the the information
specific science content being taught, learned in class.
rather than getting along with others or
improving behavior.
2b) Explain why the strategy or activity you Since Billy struggles Although his abilities
chose could be challenging for the student, with math, reading, in math, reading, and
based on specific aspects of the student and written expression, writing are already
description. creating bar graphs and correspondingly lower,
pie charts may come it will be even more
across as a challenge. challenging if it is all
conveyed in a
language he is
unfamiliar with.
2c) Describe how you would adapt the strategy An iPad that contains The applications
or activity you identified to meet the needs applications which provided on the iPad
of the student. Your strategy must be help Billy access and also have language
multisensory because those strategies are the use information as well options.
most effective, and must be able to be done by
the student independently, without help from
as help with his
anyone else (e.g. teacher, aide, peer, etc.), writing would be
since assistance is not always available for every provided for Billy in
student with special needs, for every lesson,
every day.
order to provide him
with assistive
technology so that he
may complete the
2d) Explain how your adaptation would be The applications that The language options
effective for the student in making progress are standard on an iPad on the iPad will allow
toward achieving the learning goals(s) of will allow for Billy to for a much easier
this unit. access the PowerPoint transition into the
presentation that was subject material.
included in Lesson 1
of the activity.
Furthermore, he will
also be able to access
voice commands for
information he may
otherwise have trouble
finding as a result of
his struggles with
spelling. In addition,
the iPad will also help
with any math related
issues as well as
provide examples of
how to create the
graphs needed to
complete the
assignment. Lastly, the
zoom option on the
iPad will also help
Billy with any visual
problems he may
encounter. For
example, he will be
able to enlarge the
screen in order see the
information better in
case his glasses have
gone missing again.
3a) What progress monitoring assessment Since Billy has issues As an English learner,
would you choose to obtain evidence of the with reading and the drawing option
student’s progress toward a learning expressive writing, I may be the best
goal(s)? Your assessment strategy must be would have him possible choice for
multisensory, and must be able to be done by vocalize what he has Billy to express what
the student independently (vs. oral tests,
conferences, etc.), since teachers are not always
learned. For example, I he has learned.
able to provide individualized assistance to every would ask him the
student with a disability, for every assessment, same questions that are
for every lesson, every day.
on the quiz provided
and have him answer
those questions by
either vocalizing his
answers. Second, he
will also be given the
option to draw his
answers if that makes
him more comfortable.
For example, he can
show how evaporation
works by drawing a
simple pattern to
provide for a basic
understanding of the
topic. The test issued
to the students will
provide for optional
ways to answer the
question and will allow
for Billy as well as
other students to
answer the questions
independently while
the entire class takes
the test.
3b)Give a rationale for your choice of The test provided will Since he will not be
assessment. Use your knowledge of have a space large stressed by the need to
academic content in this unit and this enough for any student translate new difficult
student’s learning needs in your rationale. in the classroom to words that he just
explain the differences learned, the drawing
between the phases of option seems to be the
water. All students will best possible choice
be able to answer the for him to convey the
questions by using
more than one information he learned
approach if they feel from the lesson.
comfortable. Some
will answer by writing
about the process
while others can
choose to draw in
order to convey their
understanding of the
4a) Billy will be moving on to the middle I would ask Billy what I would make sure any
school at the end of the school year. What interested him most translations that need
will you do to include Billy in his transition about what we learned to be made will be
meeting and to help him express throughout the school made during his
appropriate self-determination and year in order to find transition meeting for
expression skills? out what works for him him and his
as well as to help find grandmother.
ways to keep him
interested in the future.
I would also ask him
what his personal goals
are in order to put him
on an appropriate path
for his middle school
4b) What community agencies would you I would collaborate All the agencies
include/collaborate in planning for a with any social provided will have the
successful transition for Billy? workers that may be ability to offer
available as well as translations or help
counselors that may him with any other
help Billy along the obstacles he may
way. There is also encounter in the future.
access to support
systems such as
Parents Helping
Parents that can also
provide Billy and his
family with any help or
information they may
need in the future.
Case Study Summary

Case Study Results - Recommended Interventions/Actions Person Responsible

Student Needs (General Education Teacher/
Special Education Teacher)
Billy struggles with reading and Special Education Teacher
expressive writing. Flash cards with all the information he may
need including drawings and vocabulary words.

An iPad with proper applications will allow for Special Education Teacher
Billy struggles with vision and math. Billy to zoom in and access any mathematical
information with voice commands.
Creating a flexible test for the entire class so Special Education Teacher
Providing proper assessment that Billy and others have the freedom to answer
what they learned independently.
Translations of the vocabulary words and the Special Education Teacher
Billy is a language learner. language options on the iPad will help with all
parts of the lesson.

Please review the Case Study Rubric for additional information as this is what your instructor will use to grade your work.

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Dear Billy’s Grandmother,

In order to provide Billy with the guidance he needs during the science lesson this week, we are going to have Billy create flash
cards with drawings, if necessary, so that he can practice his new vocabulary words that pertain to the lesson. We are also going to
have Billy use the iPad for any information he needs in order to help him be successful with creating any charts or graphs as well
as help him with his spelling. The iPad will also allow for him to zoom in to anything he may be struggling to see. Although the
iPad will help him with his vision, it would really help if Billy does have his glasses with him daily in order to achieve his best. I
will send home a list of the vocabulary words if you would like to help Billy create his flash cards for the lesson this week. Thank

All the best,

Mr. Katsandonis

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