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Check the channel

1. Mark Cunningham
2. Fatspiracy
3. Joint venture magic
4. Spike Humer Joint venture course

30k feet view :

- Have sexual and affectionate relationship with multiple women
- Have a career which provides value to everyone involved. I should be working on
the buiness instead of in it
- Have high energy, be physically and mentally fit

Hint word : paint

Conversation based marketing


1. How to make 120k a month even if you don't want

- According to Chet Holmes, there are 4% of people in the market who is looking to
actively buy something from you
- The 4% available is enough to lead a complete lifestyle you desire
- There is a belief that you need to have credibility, certification or endorsments
to sell soemthing. However, for the most part people think about themselves first
and if you present your solution to a problem as a jury would to the judge with
evidence & facts, you will sell them
2. How to go from 0-13k in less than 3 weeks
- If this one thing is not there, the rest of your marketing does not matter. That
one thing is people have to give a yes or no to your offer as quickly as possible.
This is extemely important for your sanity, it is extremely important for your
time. Talk to your ideal client and get to know why they said yes and why they say
no. The no is imprtant than the yes is in the very begining because you have to
figure out why they are saying no. You have to hit the $50k a month before you
start optimizing anything in your funnel
- They guy who made 13k did not have a follow up sequence or autoresponder
sequence. He just made the darn offern. Make an offer as soon as possible as
frequently as possible. Collect the data. Figuring out the pitch. Then you can
start dialing in everyting else. Untill you get to 50k a month or roughly a million
dollars a year. Then you start building in segmentation and follow up sequences
- Main goal is to get a yes or a no
- If you are brand new and have only a course to offer at 997 why not offer
coaching and implementation help for 5k
- People try to go with the direct selling webinar too soon(like courses,etc). The
thing is you can start selling that within the next 7 days. You can use the
messanger bots, phone call to close a big ticket offer like 5k-10k range. He has
closed out 10s of thousands of dollars in sales without getting in a phone
- Take a campaign and sell it to companies. Help them impement it

3. HOw to get 100 leads a day on linkedin w/ John Nemo

- meetleonard automation software
- Use automated software to connect with people with something that is targeted i.e
like a college or something
- Be conversational with your marketing.
- Are u interested in getting more clients. If you are interested in getting the
clients, type in YES and I will send you a quick video on it

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