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Abstract. The quantum statistical theory of an ideal gas led with Emden-
Fowler equations to the study of degenerate stellar configurations and the
theory of white dwarf. We derive a rigorous mathematical renormalization of
Emden-Fowler equations using a cutoff technique to study Newtonian poten-
tials in the context of distributions and we succeed to develop a mathematical
treatment of nonlinear interactions in the theory of quantum fields posed by
K. O. Friedrichs in 1954. Astronomical data supporting our mathematical
treatment is also provided.


1. Introduction: a cutoff procedure to renormalize Emden-Fowler

In this paper we are concerned with a mathematical nonlinear method of renor-
malization in gravity theory. Mathematical aspects in quantum field theory has a
long history [1, 21, 35, 38, 60, 74]:
Five papers on the mathematical aspects of the quantum theory of
fields previously printed in Communications on Pure and Applied
Mathematics are republished in the present volume. As stated in
the introduction to these papers, they represent an attempt towards
a mathematically consistent treatment of basic notions and simple
problems in the quantum theory of fields. Specifically, we shall deal
with problems in which the forces acting on the field depend linearly
on the field quantity and in which, therefore, this quantity satisfies
a linear equation; these linear problems are treated rather exhaus-
tively. Many more or less straightforward conclusions, which in the
physical literature are implied but not always explicitly stated, are
here developed in great detail. It is true that nonlinear interactions
occupy at present the center of interest in the quantum theory of
fields. A mathematically satisfactory treatment of such nonlinear
problems could not, however, be given. It may be doubted whether
nonlinear interaction in the form so far assumed admits such a

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J25, 35J60, 35J75.

Key words and phrases. Black hole, spacetime singularity, quantum field theory, Newtonian
potentials, elliptic equations, compact imbedding, Sobolevs spaces, degree theory.

treatment; in fact it has frequently been suggested that fundamen-

tally different laws of nonlinear interaction should be adopted. K.
O. Friedrichs 1954.
Also mathematics play a central role in General Relativity Theory [26, 29, 31, 52,
65, 63]. Emden-Fowler [32] equations are used in several applications: modelling
the heat generation in electrical circuits [39], magnetic fields [53], diffusion in con-
tained plasma [54], quantum fluids [40], chemical catalysis [13, 66], fluid dynamics
[22, 23, 55], boundary layer theory of viscous fluids [77], super-diffusivity for long
range Van der Waal interactions in thin films spreading on solid surfaces [41], laser
beam propagation in gas vapors [71, 72] and plasmas [73], exothermic reactions
[20, 76], cellular automata and interacting particles systems with self-organized
criticality [24], quantum field theory [10] etc. We also quote doctoral dissertations
involving nonlinear singular partial differential equations [14, 64, 59].

In a previous work the authors inferred a rigorous renormalization of Newtonian

potentials using techniques of nonlinear functional analysis [7],[8],[10] giving a ele-
mentary equation for supermassive black holes. Moreover the most important fact
of this trains of thoughts is that we have astronomical data sets given a concrete
physical significance to our new equation [10]. We use maximum principles in the
theory of elliptic operators [37] to infer a double approximative scheme [2, 3, 4, 5]
and we obtain a new kind of ill posed problem [10] in the context of the generalized
functions theory. The study of densely defined maps or unbounded operators is
of central importance in topological degree theory (page 30 [67]) and in quantum
mechanics [43].

In [7, 8, 10] we obtain the existence of a sequence {Pj }∞ 2

j=1 ∈ C (Ω) for any Ω
bounded domain in R , N ≥ 3, such that − limj→∞ ∆Pj = ∞ uniformly on Ω
and 0 < Pj (x) ≤ Pj+1 (x) ≤ Cte for all x ∈ Ω. This sequence provides a treatment
of divergence to infinite in the frame of Newtonian potentials extending rigorous
quantum field theories on large scale. We follow a classical paper of E. Schrödinger
[61] where he support equations with a extensive data set:
The discovery of an extremely distant supermassive black hole,
with a mass some 800 million times that of our Sun is causing
astronomers to re-think our understanding of the early cosmos.
Researchers report that this is the most distant giant black hole
ever detected, and at this distance, our Universe was only about
five percent of its current age, or about 690 million years after the
Big Bang. Gathering all this mass in under 690 million years is an
enormous challenge for theories of supermassive black hole growth,
explains Eduardo Bañados, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institu-
tion for Science who led the international team of scientists [15].
We take advantage of a series of elementary nonlinear approximative schemes. This
allow us to derive easily topological degree calculations on the frame of a new kind
of ill posed problems motivated by quantum field theory applications [9, 10, 11, 12].

We introduce now the equation:

(1.1) − ∆u = g(u), in Ω, u = 0 on Ω,

where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in RN , N ≥ 3, and g : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is

non-increasing locally Hölder continuous function singular at the origin. We have
the nonlinear compact solution operator:
Theorem 1 (Aranda-Godoy [3]). Let P be the positive cone in L∞ (Ω). Let S :
P → P be the solution operator for the problem
(1.2) − ∆u = g(u) + w in Ω, u =  on ∂Ω,
gives S (w) = u where  ≥ 0. Then S : P → P is a continuous, non decreasing
and compact map with S0 (w) ≤ S1 (w) for 0 < 1 .
We set
α,g,+ α
Cloc (Ω) = {f ∈ Cloc (Ω)|0 ≤ f ≤ g(u) where u solves 1.1}
Our main result follows.
Theorem 2 ([7]). Let Ω be a bounded smooth domain in RN , N ≥ 3. Then the
(1.3) − ∆v = f in Ω, v = 0 on ∂Ω,
α,g,+ α
where f ∈ Cloc (Ω) has a unique solution v ∈ Cloc (Ω) ∩ C 0 (Ω) ∩ C 2 (Ω) with
0 ≤ v ≤ u in Ω and u solves equation 1.1.
Our imbedding theorem is as follows.
Theorem 3 ([7]). Let P be the cone of positive functions in C 0 (Ω). Let S :
Cloc (Ω) → P the solution operator of problem 1.3 gives S(f ) = v. Then S is
α,gm ,+ α,g ,+
continuous and compact. Moreover gm ≤ gm+j implies Cloc (Ω) ⊂ Cloc m+j (Ω).
Finally our last result is the infinite tower property.
Theorem 4 ([7]). Let us consider the equation
(1.4) − ∆um = gm (um ) in BR (0), u,m =  on ∂BR (0),
where gm : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is non increasing locally Hölder continuous func-
tion singular at the origin with the properties gm (s) = g(s) for all s ≥ 1 and
limm→∞ gm (s) = ∞ for all s ∈ (0, 1), m = 1, . . . , ∞. Then there exists δ > 0 and
u∞ such that limm→∞ um = u∞ where −∆u∞ = limm→∞ gm (um ) = ∞ on the
annulus A(R − δ, R). Therefore the tower
α,g1 ,+ α,gm ,+ α,g ,+
Cloc (Ω) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Cloc (Ω) ⊂ · · · ⊂ Cloc m+j (Ω) ⊂ · · ·
actually goes to infinite on the annulus A(R − δ, R).
We remark that the topological structure stated at Theorems 2, 3 and 4 it is
new in the context of convex spaces and linear partial differential equations [75].

1.1. The cutoff procedure. The quantum statistical theory of an ideal gas led
to Emden-Fowler equations to study degenerate stellar configurations and the the-
ory of white dwarf [25]. We use our mathematical instruments to realize a cutoff
procedute in order to renormalize Newtonian potentials:

Lemma 5 ([2, 3]). Let B(0, R) be a ball of radius R > 0 in RN , N > 2. Consider
the singular nonlinear elliptic equation
−∆Pj, = Hj (Pj, ) in B(0, R)
Pj, = >0 on ∂B(0, R).
where Hj : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is the locally Hölder continuous function
s if 0 < s < 1,
(1.6) Hj (s) =
s−1 if s ≥ 1.
Then there exists a unique solution Pj, ∈ C 2 (B(0, R)) such that 0 < 1 < 2
implies Pj,1 ≤ Pj,2 .
Lemma 6 ([7, 8, 10]). Let B(0, R) be a ball of radius R > 0 in RN , N > 2.
Consider the singular nonlinear elliptic equation
−∆Pj = Hj (Pj ) in B(0, R)
Pj = 0 on ∂B(0, R).
where Hj : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is the locally Hölder continuous function
s if 0 < s < 1,
(1.8) Hj (s) =
s−1 if s ≥ 1.
Then the next properties holds:
(i) The sequence {Pj }∞ 2
j=1 ∈ C (B(0, R)) ∩ C(B(0, R)) are radial functions with
∂r < 0 in (0, R).
(ii) The sequence {Pj }∞j=1 satisfies Pj ≤ Pj+1 .
(iii) The sequence {Hj (Pj )}∞
j=1 satisfies Hj (Pj ) ≤ Hj+1 (Pj+1 ).
(iv) The sequence {Pj }∞j=1 satisfies w ≤ Pj ≤ e, −∆e = e
in B(0, R), e = 1 on
∂B(0, R) and −∆w = e in B(0, R), w = 0 on ∂B(0, R).

Theorem 7 ([3]). Let B(0, R) ⊂ RN , a ball of radius R, with N ≥ 3. Then

there exists a sequence of radial, nonnegative and bounded functions {Pj }∞
j=1 and
0 ≤ R0 < R such that
(1.9) − lim ∆Pj = ∞ on A(R0 , R),

where A(R0 , R) is the annulus of external radius R and internal radius R0 . More-
over Pj ∈ C ∞ (A(R0 , R)) and Pj ≤ Pj+1 .
Our first result has also astronomical data [33]:
Lemma 8 (Lemma 1 page 277 [28]). Let Ω be an open set of RN , f ∈ D0 (Ω)
and u a solution (in the sense of distribution) of Poisson’s equation ∆u = f on Ω.
Then for every bounded open set Ω1 with Ω1 ⊂ Ω there exists f1 ∈ E 0 the space of
distributions on RN with compact support, such that
(1.10) f1 = f on Ω, u = the Newtonian potential of f1 on Ω1 .
For Ω1 ⊂ Ω and our sequence {Pj }∞ j=1 there exists a sequence {f1,j }j=1 ∈ E
∞ 0

the space of distributions on RN with compact support, such that

(1.11) f1,j = ∆Pj on Ω, Pj = the Newtonian potential of f1,j on Ω1 .
Now we can use Poincare’s balayage:

Theorem 9 (Theorem 4.14 page 257 [51]). Suppose that the support of the dis-
tribution T is contained in a region G with compact boundary ∂G. Then on ∂G
there exists a signed measure v whose potential coincides with the potential of T at
all points outside G except possibly ar irregular points of ∂G Moreover the signed
measure is unique is we also require that vanish on the set I of irregular points of
We infer that for all Gj bounded open containing suppf1,j there exists a unique
signed measure vj solving the Poincare’s balayage problem.

The Newtonian potential U of mass distribution ρ on the volume Ω ⊂ R3

(1.12) U (x) = dy,
Ω k x −y k
provides the force gradient field in all R3 . We have associated to each pair {Pj , Ω1 }
a gravitational Newtonian potential defined on all RN . We also have Dyson’s series
(page 15 [70]): from (pag. 297 [47])
∞ ˜n 
n ∂ 1
(1.13) U (x) = ρ(y)x3 n dy,
n! Ω
∂x kx−y k
n=0 3

∂˜ ∂
where x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and the origin of R3 belongs to Ω, ˜ 3
= ∂x3 for x3 > 0,
∂˜ ∂
˜ 3
= − ∂x 3
for x3 < 0. We infer our formal series
∞ ˜n 
n ∂ 1
(1.14) Pj (x) = ∆Pj (y)x3 n dy.
n! Ω
∂x kx−y k
n=0 3

We remark that according Stokes theorem (pag. 358 [47]) our model of gravita-
tional singularity include the rotational momentum like Kerr black hole solution to
Einstein equations, because the potential weight is W = κU + ω(x21 + x22 ) if the
axis of rotation of the celestial body is x3 where κ is the gravitational constant and
x1 ω 2 , x2 ω 2 , 0 are the components of the centrifugal force of inertia acting on one
unit of mass.

The total energy of a distributions of mass (U, Ω) is given by

(1.15) W =− κ ρ(y)U (y)dy,
2 Ω
therefore the we have the divergence
(1.16) lim Wj = lim κ Pj (y)∆Pj (y)dy = −∞.
J→∞ j→∞ 2 Ω
Our approach relies heavily on the symmetry properties of solutions of nonlinear
elliptic equations on balls. Our mathematical procedures originated research on
philosophical foundations of physics [9]. Approximations methods is a classical tool
in topological degree theory [50, 57, 62, 67] also the study of gradient of potential
is classical topic (page 40, [46]), therefore we have a strong motivation to derive
elementary topological degree calculations.
In [27, 58, 56] we have general explanations on topological degree. First at all we
do a brief remembering of the actual state of the art on topological degree theory:

2. Degree Theory for Set Contractive Maps.

Measures of non-compactness, Hausdorff, Kuratowski are the central tool of an
approximative scheme for built a topological degree theory for condensing and k-set
contractive maps useful to study ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces
(page 185 [46], page 55, [57]).
2.1. Generalized Degree Theory For A-Proper Maps. The approximative
scheme is simple enough to be transcripted here
Definition 10 (page 75 [57]). Let X and Y be real separable Banach spaces.

(i) If there is a sequence of finite dimensional subspaces Xn ⊂ X and a sequence

{Pn } of linear projections Pn : X → Xn such that Pn x → x for all x ∈ X, then we
say that X has a projection scheme {Xn , Pn }.
(ii) If X and Y have projection schemes {Xn , Pn } and {YQ n , Qn }, respectively, and
dim Xn = dim Y n for all positive integers n, then we call = {Xn , Pn ; Yn , Qn } an
operator projection scheme. Q
(iii) Let X, Y be real Banach spaces and = {Xn , Pn ; Yn , Qn } be an operator
projection scheme. Then a mapping T :QD ⊂ X → Y is called A-proper (respec-
tively, pseudo A-proper) with respect to if, for any bounded xm ∈ D ∩ Xm and
Qm T xm → y, there exists a subsequence {xmk } such that xmk ∈ x ∈ D and T x = y,
(respectively, there exists x ∈ D(T ), such that T x = y). We denote by AQ (D, Y )
the class of all A-proper mappings F : D → Y .
2.2. Coincidence Degree. The properties of Fredholm linear operators allows to
built a degree theory where it is used an approximation scheme, for more details
and applications to nonlinear diferential equations, see [42] and page 105 [57].
2.3. Degree Theory For Monotone Type Maps. Galerkin approximatives
schemes are used to proof the existence of several topological degrees with im-
portants applications to PDE and evolution equations ([50], page 127 [57], [62],
[67]). We recall
Definition 11 (page 3 [62]). Let X be a Banach space, D a subset of X, and A a
mapping of D into X ∗ . Then:
i) A is called a monotone mapping, if the inequality
(2.1) hAu − Av, u − vi ≥ 0,
holds for arbitrary u, v ∈ D.
ii) A belongs to the class (S)+ if for any sequence un ∈ D, un * u0 and
(2.2) lim suphAun , un u0 i ≤ 0
imply un → u0 .
iii) A is called a pseudomonotone mapping if for any sequence un ∈ D, from
un * u0 and lim suphAun , un − u0 i ≤ 0 it follows that limn→∞ hAun , un − u0 i = 0.
Moreover, if u0 ∈ D, then Aun * Au0 .
iv) A is called a mapping of semibounded variation, if the inequality hAu − Av, u −
vi ≥ −C(R, k u − v k0 ) holds for any u, v ∈ X such that k u k, k v k< R, where
k · k0 is a norm compact with respect to k · k, and C(R, t) is a continuous function
of t such that limt→0+ C(R,t)
t = 0.

2.4. Equivariant Degree Theory. The use of the radial symmetry is a central
tool in our nonlinear scheme, this a particular use of equivariant general tools [30],
page 282 [49].
2.5. Properties of degree of Sobolev functions. The study of topological de-
gree of Sobolev functions is central topic in [36], our approximative scheme is ill
a posed sequence in the sense that the trace operator is not continuous on the se-
quence [10] and consequently our new setting even from a pure mathematical point
of view has interest. Brezis et al. [16] pointed that J. Rubinstein and P. Stern-
berg established the following result if Ω is a solid 3-dimensional torus, (Ω = S 1 Λ
where Γ is the unit disc in R2 ). Let u ∈ H 1 (Ω, S 1 ). Then a.e. λ ∈ Λ the map
x ∈ S 1 → u(x, λ) ∈ S 1 belongs to H 1 (S 1 , S 1 ), thus it is continuous and has a
degree and they derive deg(u(·, λ)) is independent of λ. Because a H 1 function in
3-d need not be continuous, and not even in VMO they claim that this result is
somewhat surprising. Similarly we are dealing with a function P that need not be
continuous. Again we obtain direct consequences.
Theorem 12 (Page 121 [36]). Let N − 1 < p ≤ N and let f ∈ W 1,p B(∂B(x0 , r))
be a continuous function on the sphere B(x0 , r). Then,
(2.3) p
(diam(f (∂B(x0 , r)))) < C(N, p)r p+1−N
| ∇f (x) |p2 dH N −1 ,
∂B(x0 .r)

where C(N, p) is a constant depending only on N and p.

 simple layer potential a f1,j ∈ E associated to Pj satisfies limj→∞ hf1,j , 1i =

R ∂P
1 − ∂nj dγ = ∞ ([10]), we have a lack of information relative to the values
of the our limiting potential on the boundary of balls.
Theorem 13 (Marcus and Misel page 141, [36]). let D ⊂ RN be an open, bounded
set, let p > N and let φ ∈ W 1,p (D)N be equal to its continuous representative. If
v ∈ L∞ (RN ), then, for every open set G ⊂ D, such that LN (∂G) = 0, we have
(2.4) v ◦ φ(x)Jφ (x)dx = v(y)d(y, φ, G)dy.

2.6. Degree Theory for Functions in VMO. [[17], [18],[68]] A integrable func-
tion f : S 1 → R belongs to BMO if
R f
| f − |B| |

(2.5) k f kBMO = sup < ∞,

N B⊂S |B|
where the sup is taken over all the geodesic balls B on S N . It is well known
L∞ ⊂ BMO ⊂ Lp for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. Because C 0 (S N ) is not dense in BMO
it is defined VMO(S N ) = the closure of C 0 (S N ) in BMO(S N ) and any map u ∈
VMO(S N , S N ) has a well defined degree in Z.

3. The index of a nonsingular potential.

Let us consider U ∈ C 1 (Ω) where Ω is a smooth bounded domain, thus ∇u is
the gradient field of the potential U .
3.1. Odd and even potentials. We remember several classical statements (page
40, [46]).

3.1.1. The index of a nonsingular potential. Let U (x) = U (x1 , . . . , xN ) let be a

continuously differentiable function on an open set Ω ⊂ RN . The vector field
arising in this way
∂ ∂
(3.1) ∇U = U (x), . . . , U (x) ,
∂x1 ∂xN
is called a gradient field. The function U is called the potential of 3.1. If the
function U is defined and continuously differentiable for k x k and the field ∇U is
nonzero on this values, then the potential V is called nonsingular. It follows that
deg(∇U, Br (x1 )) = deg(∇U, BR (x1 )) for a all R ≥ r > 0. This common value is
called the index of the nonsingular potential.
Theorem 14. A nonsingular even potential, U (−x) = U (x) has an odd field and
therefore an odd index. A nonsingular odd potential U (−x) = −U (x) has an even
field and therefore an even index.

4. A nonlinear singular parabolic equation and steady states.

We remember the results in [39]. We define
ΩT = Ω ⊗ (0, T ], T < ∞,
Ω∞ = Ω ⊗ (0, ∞],
The lower boundary: ∂ΩT = {∂Ω ⊗ [0, T ]} ∪ {Ω ⊗ (0)} , 0 ≤ T ≤ ∞.
Under the hypothesis:
(i) For no t0 > 0 is F (x, t, u) ≡ 0 for 0 < t < t0 .
(ii) F (x, t, u) ≥ 0 for all (x, t) ∈ ΩT and u > 0.
(iii) F (x, t, u) is locally Hölder continuous for (x, t) ∈ ΩT , u > 0. In the case
T = ∞ local Hólder continuity means what it says for finite t and that F (x, u) is
locally continuous for x ∈ Ω, u > 0.
(iv) For each c > 0, there is an M (c) for which:
F (x, t, u) − F (x, t, v)
−M (c) ≤ for all u ≥ c, v ≥ c.
(v) For each c > 0,  > 0 there are two positive numbers δ(, c), T (.c) so that
| F (x, t, u) − F (x, t, v) <  if | u − v |< δ, t > T, u ≥ c, v ≥ c.
We have no restrictions on the rate of the growth of F in u near to zero. For
F (x, t, u) = ζ(x, t)u−α , α > 0.
F (x, t, u) = ζ(x, t) exp ,
where ζ enforces the hypothesis. Let f (x, t) be a continuous function on the lower
boundary ΩT :

 φ(x) if x ∈ Ω, t = 0,
f (x, t) = ψ(x, t) if x ∈ ∂Ω, 0 ≤ t ≤ ∞,
φ(x) = ψ(x, 0) if x ∈ ∂Ω,


where f (x, t) converges uniformly to f (x) on ∂Ω as t → ∞. A solution of the

ut − ∆u = F (x, t, u) (x, t) in Ω∞
u = f (x, t) on ∂Ω∞ .
means also the solution u(x, t) converges uniformly as t → ∞ to the solution u(x)
of the problem
−∆u = F (x, u) in Ω
u = f on ∂Ω
Theorem 15 ([39]). If Ω is a bounded smooth domain and F (x, t, u) satisfies our
hypothesis then problem 4.1 has a unique solution for every non-negative data func-
tion f given on ΩT for all 0 < T ≤ ∞.

5. Main results and proof.

Now with this scheme we derive a new global index. We observe that we no
claim the existence of a degree theory for this gradient field, instead we derive a
global index.
Theorem 16. Let us to consider the sequences {Pj }∞ ∞
j=1 , {Pj,k }k=1 where limk→∞ k =
0 and Pj = limk→∞ Pj,k Then we have;
(5.1) deg(0, ∇Pj,k , A(R0 , R)) = 0.
Therefore we can define and stablish the index calculation
(5.2) i(0, ∇Pj , A(R0 , R)) = 0,
and similarly
(5.3) i(0, ∇P, A(R0 , R)) = 0.
(5.4) deg(0, ∇Pj,k , B(0, R)) = Cte 6= 0,
where the constant Cte (an odd number) is independent of j, k . We derive
(5.5) i(0, ∇P, B(0, R)) = Cte 6= 0.
Proof. According to Theorem 8.8 page 27 [46] the nonsingular continuous field
∇Pj, on S = ∂B(0, R) satisfies that at each pair of antipodal points the vectors of
∇Pj, do no point in the same direction because Pj, is even, so deg(0, Pj, , B(0, R))
is odd ( a fortieri, it is not zero). It is follows 5.1 because 0 is the only zero of ∇Pj,
in B(0, R). We consider the map A(α, ) = Pα,
−∆Pα, = Hα (Pα, ) in B(0, R)
Pα, = >0 on ∂B(0, R).
where Hα (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) is the locally Hölder continuous function
s if 0 < s < 1,
(5.7) Hα (s) =
s−1 if s ≥ 1.
Then there exists a unique solution Pα, ∈ C 2 (B(0, R)). A standard bootstrap
argument show that our map A is a continuous application from (0, ∞) × (0, ∞) in
C(B(0, R)) and this finish our proof because ∇Pα, is nonzero on ∂B(0, R). 

Theorem 17. Let us to consider the sequences {Pj }∞ ∞

j=1 , {Pj,k }k=1 where limk→∞ k =
0 and Pj = limk→∞ Pj,k Then we have for all k > 0 there exist a ball B(0, δk ) ⊂
RN with center at 0 and radius δ > 0 such that
(5.8) v(y) deg(y, ∇Pj,k , A(R0 , R)))dy = 0,
∞ N
for all v ∈ L (R ) with support spt v ⊂ B(0, δk ) and therefore
(5.9) v ◦ ∇Pj,k (x)J∇Pj,k (x)dx = 0.
A(R0 ,R)

Proof. The proof is a direct application of 13. 

Astronomical data [48] motivates our next theorem:
Theorem 18. There exists a rigorous mathematical renormalization of the heat
equation. Let us consider Tj the unique solution of the equation
∂t Tj − ∆Tj = ζ(x, t)Hj (Tj ) (x, t) in B(0, R)∞
Tj = f (x, t) on ∂B(0, R)∞ .
Where f (x, t) is non-negative converging to zero on ∂Ω and ζ(x, t) converges uni-
formly to one as t → ∞. Then the sequence {Tj }∞ j=1 provides a finite rigorous
renormalization for the heat equation on the domain A(R0 , R).
Proof. It is a direct consequence of our developments. 
Theorem 19. If we set x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and the origin of R3 belongs to Ω, ˜ 3
∂ ∂˜ ∂
∂x3 for x3 > 0, = − ∂x
˜ 3
∂x 3
for x3 < 0. We derive Dyson’s series:

(−1)n+1 ∂˜n
X 1
(5.11) Pj (x) = ∆Pj (y)xn3 n dy.
n! Ω
∂x kx−y k
n=0 3

Proof. It is a direct consequence of our developments. 

Our last theorem is motivated by high energies protons [44] and neutrino [45]
emited by supermassive black holes:
Theorem 20. Let Gj open bounded set cointaining the associated distributions
of compact support fj,1 then there exist an associated signed measure vj on ∂Gj
solving the Poincare’s Balayage problem. Moreover we have the energy divergence:
(5.12) lim Wj = lim κ Pj (y)∆Pj (y)dy = −∞.
J→∞ j→∞ 2 Ω
Proof. It is a direct consequence of our developments. 

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Carlos Cesar Aranda

Blue Angel Navire research laboratory, Rue Eddy 113 Gatineau, QC, Canada
E-mail address:

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