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Height Cloud name Code Remarks


High 45 000 ft Cirrus CI

level to
clouds 16 500 ft Cirrocumulus CC

Cirrostratus CS

There are two sub-types of altocumulus:

- Altocumulus lenticularis, which are

associated with mountain waves.
Medium 23 000 ft - Altocumulus castellanus, which are
level to associated with medium level instability,
clouds 6500 ft Altocumulus AC
e.g. inflow of cold air at medium levels
Altrostratus AS

Cumulus CU The base is usually found in the low level

band, however, the cloud may have a large
vertical extend.

CB The base is usually found in the low level

Low 6500 ft band, however, the cloud will have a large
Cumulonimbus vertical extend.
level to
clouds the surface
Stratus ST

Stratocumulus SC Also called turbulence cloud.

NS The base is usually found in the low level

band, however, the cloud may have a large
Nimbostratus vertical extent.

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