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By tailoring the electrical properties

of conducting polymers, researchers hope

to render electronics a bit more organic


by Philip Yam, staff writer

PLIABLE LIGHT shines from a polymer

in this alphanumeric display made by UNIAX
Corporation in Santa Barbara, Calif. Organic
light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, should find
applications soon and may form the basis
of future lightweight screens.

Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.

L ike many technological advances, the innovations in the field of
conducting polymers began by accident. While attempting to
make an organic polymer called polyacetylene in the early
1970s, Hideki Shirakawa of the Tokyo Institute of Technology mistakenly
added 1,000 times more catalyst than the recipe called for. What he pro-
duced was a lustrous, silvery film that resembled aluminum foil but
stretched like Saran Wrap—something that sounds more like a new and
improved way to keep leftovers fresh than a potential breakthrough in
materials science.
The substance appeared so unusual that when Alan G. MacDiarmid
spied it, he wondered if it would be a candidate for his goal of making
“synthetic metals”—nonmetallic substances that could transmit electricity.
In 1977 Shirakawa joined MacDiarmid and Alan J. Heeger in their labo-
ratory at the University of Pennsylvania to investigate this form of poly-
acetylene. After mixing in some iodine, the group found that the material’s
conductivity subsequently jumped by a factor of several million.
Durable, cheap, manufacturable and flexible, conducting polymers in-
spired visions of a future of transparent circuits, artificial muscle and elec-
tronic displays that conveniently roll up under the arm. Researchers have
auditioned various demonstration devices, including components that
could be useful for new displays, such as plastic transistors and light-emit-
ting diodes (LEDs). Although such a future is about as dreamy as it gets,
many investigators see broad marketing opportunities possible now—in
antistatic coatings, electromagnetic shielding, lights for toys and micro-
wave ovens, among others. Perhaps mundane, such applications are none-
theless promising enough that universities are collaborating with corpora-
tions, and scientists have initiated start-ups.
Although the pace of technological innovation has been impressively
brisk, whether the materials will have an effect on commerce remains un-
clear. Firms are unlikely to invest in new equipment if the devices perform
only marginally better than existing instruments. Polymer-based batteries,
for instance, have a longer shelf life than do conventional ones, but they
have penetrated the market in only a limited way. Flat-panel displays and
LEDs made of organic substances face entrenched competition from exist-
ing inorganic liquid crystals and semiconductors.
Still, optimism pervades the field. Because plastic and electrical devices
have become integral parts of the modern world, researchers are confident
that at least some profitable uses will emerge. Conducting polymers con-
stitute a radically novel market area, points out Ray H. Baughman of Al-
lied-Signal in Morristown, N.J., who predicts confidently, “Fortunes are
going to be made.”
Polymers, the constituents of familiar plastic materials and synthetic
fibers, are large organic molecules built out of smaller ones linked togeth-
er in a long chain. Generally, they are insulators, because their molecules
have no free electrons for carrying current. To make these substances con-
ductive, workers exploit a technique familiar to the semiconducting indus-
try: doping, or adding atoms with interesting electronic properties. The
added atoms either give up some of their spare electrons to the polymer
bonds or grab some electrons from the bonds (and thereby contribute pos-
itive charges called holes). In either case, the chain becomes electrically un-
stable. Applying a voltage can then send electrons scampering over the
length of the polymer.
Since the Pennsylvania group’s work, several kinds of polymers have
been found to conduct electricity when doped. Besides polyacetylene, there
are polypyrrole, polythiophene and polyaniline, to name just a few of the
most commonly studied. Although scientists do not understand the precise
physical mechanisms that enable polymers to conduct, the purity and par-
ticularly the arrangement of polymer chains seem to be crucial. By stretch-

ing polyacetylene, for instance, workers now routinely make the material
conduct 50,000 amperes per volt per centimeter, up from 60 in the first re-
ports. Some investigators have even managed to make polyacetylene con-

Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American: The Solid-State Century 91
Conducting duct about one quarter as well as copper. ty of Durham in England. Copper con-
Plastics at Work Such developments are “extremely ducts 100,000 times as much current
Displayed are some devices that important for the whole conducting and costs half as much. Still, polyani-
might rely on electrically conducting field,” MacDiarmid says. “They exem- line’s electrical performance is more
organic materials in the near future. plify how dedicated improvement in than adequate for some applications, he
chemical and molecular structure can insists: “The kinds of things we are go-
lead to enormous advances in the phys- ing to replace are those that are compli-
ical and electrical properties.” More- cated to manufacture, like braids on ca-
over, the conductivity is readily adjust- ble.” Braids impart flexibility, permitting
COAXIAL CABLE ed. “You can control the quality of the coaxial cable to wind around your living-
Polyaniline could metallic state by controlling the struc- room end table, for example, to reach the
replace copper in tural order of the polymer,” notes Ar- cable television box. But weaving cop-
braided parts of the thur J. Epstein of Ohio State University. per wire into braids is a slow, laborious
cable. Appropriate Although other polymers are more task, Monkman explains. If workers
manufacturing conductive, polyaniline is emerging as could extrude polymer braids and lay
techniques are now
the material of choice for many appli- the insulation over the cable in a single
being sought.
cations. As one of the oldest of synthet- step, the speed of the manufacturing
ic organic polymers, its properties are would rise 10-fold, and the cost would
well known. The substance—which re- plummet. In 1995 the University of
sembles the plastic used in 35-millimeter Durham agreed to a three-year make-
photographic film—is easily made, it is or-break deal with a cable company.
stable in air and its electronic properties “There will be a product, or there will
are readily customized. Most impor- never be a product,” he says ruefully.
tant, polyaniline is cheap—the most in-
expensive conducting polymer around. That Annoying Static Cling
In terms of geometry, it can also assume
diverse incarnations, including thin
films and patterned surfaces.
Polyaniline, which conducts up to
A lthough conducting organics could
find uses in virtually anything that
relies on electricity, solid-state electron-
about 500 amperes per volt per cen- ics probably offers the greatest number
timeter, will not replace copper wiring, of opportunities. At the moment, ob-
THIN-FILM however. “We won’t be as good as cop- serves Marie Angelopoulos of the IBM
TRANSISTORS per; we won’t be as cheap as copper,” Thomas J. Watson Research Center,
Flexible and admits Andy Monkman of the Universi- “the largest market is electrostatic dissi-
ELECTROMAGNETIC transparent, these
SHIELDING components could
Incorporated into drive existing
computer cases, active-matrix FLEXIBLE DISPLAY
conducting poly- displays or The ultimate goal of organic display technology,
mers can block out all-plastic displays. such screens would combine the flexibility, con-
electromagnetic Demonstration ductivity and light-emitting ability of the materials.
interference in the transistors have Competition from liquid-crystal displays and mar-
megahertz range. been made. ket resistance may make them unlikely.

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4 Water-soluble polyaniline
2001 2002 2003 200
may replace the toxic, lead-
based solder now used, if its
conductivity can be boosted
by four orders of magnitude.
Sales of rechargeable button cells have
thus far been weak, but new all-polymer
batteries producing higher voltages
might renew interest. Other forms of en-
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. ergy storage, such as capacitors, are also
being sought.
pation.” Such charges are well known guard against spurious signals, Epstein

to wreak havoc on digital devices: esti- remarks. Conventional screening mate-
mates of electrostatic damage to elec- rials rely on impregnated bits of carbon
tronic equipment alone exceed $15 bil- or metal, which could harm the me-
lion yearly in the U.S., she notes. chanical properties of the base material CAMOUFLAGE
Contemporary protective packaging, at any points that bend. Although pro- COATINGS
which relies on ionic salts or resins filled posals relying on polymers are still more The U.S. military is
with metals or carbon, has some short- costly than present solutions, conduct- considering coatings
comings. The conductivities of ionic ma- ing polymers could be adulterated with and fabrics that are
terials tend to be low and unstable; metal other substances, such as nylon, to re- blended with con-
is expensive and heavy; and carbon poses duce the expense. BIOLOGICAL ducting polymers
a contamination hazard because bits of it Polymers could also be environmen- SENSORS to spoof radar.
can slough off during shipment. Poly- tally correct. IBM’s PanAquas is soluble Conductivity of
mers should be easier to handle and able in water (ordinarily, the polymer must polymer tags would
to dissipate electrostatic charges more ef- be processed with organic solvents). If change depending
ficiently. As a bonus, polyaniline coatings Angelopoulos and her colleagues could on exposure time
above a threshold
also happen to be highly transparent. In increase the conductivity of the water- temperature and
the summer of 1997 IBM began licensing soluble polyaniline, the material could would be remotely
the production of one such material, replace the lead-based solder used to read by a scanner.
PanAquas. connect electronics parts on a substrate. Sensors for aromas,
The dissipative abilities of polymers MacDiarmid explains that outdated enzymes and
also make them ideal for electromagnet- equipment poses an environmental haz- pesticides are now
ic shielding. Such protection is necessary ard and an economic nuisance: “In being used for
to keep electrical signals among compo- many parts of Europe the manufacturer quality control and
nents from overlapping—the reason air- must remove all lead-containing materi- safety analysis.
lines request that portable electronics be al from discarded printed circuit boards,
turned off during takeoff and landing. which is one hell of a job.”
(The shielding would not benefit those
concerned about the potential health ef- The All-Plastic Transistor
fects of power lines, however, because
the frequencies of the fields are much
lower than these screens can block.) In-
corporated into the plastic cases of elec-
T he ultimate achievement in elec-
tronics application, however, would
be a component fabricated out of poly-
tronic equipment, the polymers can mers. Using ordinary circuit-printing





Simple tweezers, ANTISTATIC
made from strips MATERIALS
of polymers with dif- LIGHT-EMITTING
DIODES Polymers that
ferent conductivities, dissipate electro- IL

have been made; Organic LEDs can

glow in all colors, static charge may
proposals call for be used in floor-
muscle to consist of even white. Such
lights will be usable ing, mouse pads
many strips working and computer-
together. for appliance panels,
watches and toys. chip packaging.
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
techniques, Francis Garnier of the CNRS liquid crystals) are controlled by voltages pie-in-the-sky applications. But as a first
Molecular Materials Laboratory in Thi- applied along all the rows and columns. step researchers are aiming for a more
ais, France, did just that, creating the In active-matrix displays, which offer modest, albeit lucrative, use—light-emit-
first all-polymer circuit element: a transis- greater contrast and resolution, each pix- ting diodes. These little glowing indica-
tor. Constructed around a short-chain el is individually controlled by a thin-film tors decorate innumerable electronic giz-
molecule called sexithiophene, the thin- transistor. mos, and their sales add up to hundreds
film field-effect transistor was fully flex- Therein lies the cost. A 20-inch, full- of millions of dollars a year in the U.S.
ible. Twisting, rolling and bending (even color active-matrix display contains alone, according to the Semiconductor
at right angles) had no effect on the elec- more than two million pixels. Unfortu- Industries Association in Santa Clara,
trical characteristics of the device. nately, a few malfunctioning ones are Calif.
Although widely regarded as an im- sufficiently distracting to the sensitive At present, LEDs are constructed from
pressive bit of engineering, Garnier’s or- human eye to ruin the image. “The per- an inorganic semiconducting material,
ganic transistor would not stand a centage of flat panels rejected is very often gallium arsenide. Two layers, each
chance against silicon. Computers made high,” Garnier states. That failure rate doped to have different electrical char-
from the plastic material would operate drives up the price of the displays that acteristics, are interconnected and act as
at less than one thousandth the speed make it to market. positive and negative electrodes. When
of existing ones crafted of crystalline Organic circuits might ease the strain electricity passes through the materials,
silicon, which permits electrons to move on corporate wallets because they should one electrode gives off electrons, the oth-
faster. be easier to make, especially in large siz- er, positively charged holes (spaces that
But there is an application that does es. The circuitry can be fabricated at low- electrons would normally occupy). The
not need fast electronics: video displays. er temperatures and is less sensitive to negative and positive charges meet at the
Currently amorphous silicon (that is, the presence of impurities during pro- junction of the substances, where they
silicon in its noncrystalline form) is used cessing, which should lower production combine and give off light. The color of
in such circuitry because it is much less costs. Moreover, organics could make it the light depends on the properties of the
expensive to process than crystals are possible to fabricate entirely new types semiconductor and dopant; those pro-
and can be laid on different substrates, of displays. Manufacturers should be ducing red and green light are the easi-
such as glass. Garnier’s transistor runs able to tune the properties of the poly- est to make.
at just about the speed of circuits made mers, controlling their flexibility and Organic LEDs promise to make the
from amorphous silicon, and he feels the even their transparency. See-through manufacture of these lights much cheap-
requisite video-rate performance is eas- electronics would permit a direct-view, er, mostly by reducing the number of
ily within reach. heads-up display on windshields and hel- contacts and interconnections. Conven-
An organic semiconducting transistor mets, obviating the need to reflect imag- tional LEDs must be spliced together to
would be a boon to manufacturers of es onto a viewing glass, as is now done. be used in displays on such devices as
liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), the ap- microwave ovens, alarm clocks and
proach that dominates research into flat- Shines in the Dark videocassette recorders. Each LED can-
panel technology. Existing screens seal not be crafted larger than the gallium
liquid crystals, made from various kinds
of organic substances, between two glass
plates; a fluorescent tube illuminates the
C onducting organics could also be
used as the light sources in displays,
not just in the controlling circuitry. In-
arsenide crystal wafers can be grown,
and modern technology limits the size
to no more than about six inches, mea-
crystals from behind. In so-called passive deed, lightweight, robust displays have sured diagonally. To make a large dis-
displays, the pixels (cells containing the been one of the most widely publicized, play, then, LEDs must be individually
mounted and wired—a difficult task
considering that one reasonably sized
FLEXIBLE LED consists of an organic letter in a typical display takes 35 LEDs.
substance sandwiched between elec- In contrast, organic films can be laid
– + trodes. A voltage applied to the LED over practically unlimited extents. In
sends negative and positive charges from addition, the starting materials for or-
the electrodes to the organic layer, where ganics are more economical than those
they combine and give off light. for conventional LEDs.
Ching W. Tang and his colleagues at
Eastman Kodak are by far leading the
NEGATIVE ELECTRODE way in bringing organic-based LEDs to
– – – – ORGANIC LAYER market. (The rather undescriptive term
– – – for the approach they have adopted—
– + – + – + –+ + POSITIVE ELECTRODE “small molecule”—distinguishes it from
+– + work using polymers, which are much
+ + + +
+ longer.) In 1987 Tang reported that a
small crystalline organic molecule of 8-
hydroxyquinoline aluminum (Alq)
would give off green and orange light.
Since then, workers found they could

elicit all colors of the spectrum by vary-

LIGHT ing the thin-film organic layer. More-

94 Scientific American: The Solid-State Century Plastics Get Wired

Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
over, the organic LEDs can, in lumens
per watt, burn as efficiently as a house-
hold lightbulb and can last 10 times
longer—in other words, more than
10,000 hours.
“The efficiency is extremely attrac-
tive. With [components that have] a
10,000-hour lifetime,” Tang says, “you
can seriously consider display applica-
tions, particularly in portable devices.”
At the moment, small-molecule LEDs
are not ready to replace liquid-crystal
displays in flat screens—their perfor-
mance is still too poor. Yet it is adequate
for dot-matrix displays in electronic or-
ganizers and microwave oven panels,
for instance, and that will do for now.
High-end displays are not complete-
ly out of reach. In the autumn of 1996
Samson A. Jenekhe and his colleagues
at the University of Rochester built a
polymer diode consisting of two organ-
ic plastic layers. By varying the voltage

applied across the two layers, the re-
searchers were able to vary the color of
the emitted light from red through yel-
low to green. POLYMER SHEETS made of polyaniline appear as a lustrous pink (left) until doped
In March 1997 Jenekhe and his col- with iodine, which makes the substance conduct and colors it blue (right). Weigong
leagues were finally able to produce an Zheng of the University of Pennsylvania prepared the material.
organic plastic material that emitted
blue light, and in the summer of 1997
researchers at Princeton University and emerges from only one end, more of it the chemical makeup of PPV, they have
the University of Southern California reaches the viewer, unlike the light from also teased the full range of colors out
created a bright, red-green-blue organic conventional diode structures, which of the devices. In 1996 several research-
LED whose color can be independently leaks wastefully in all directions. es showed that PPV can even lase.
controlled. Before these accomplish- The potentially higher efficiency may So far, however, polymer LEDs have
ments can be developed into a product, also boost the longevity. Current that is plenty of drawbacks. “Lifetime issues
however, several significant issues must not transformed into light becomes are clearly key to making this curiosity
be resolved, including the stability of waste heat, which hastens a diode’s de- into a business,” remarks Heeger, now
these organic materials over long peri- mise. Because a microcavity LED would at the University of California at Santa
ods. In the meantime, researchers are in- require less current for the same amount Barbara. Most polymer LEDs burn for
vestigating other potential uses for the of light, it should in principle last longer. only a few hundred hours, but 2,000 to
plastic light emitters, including back- 10,000 hours is desirable. The main
lights for liquid-crystal displays. Polymer Lights cause is inefficiency. The polymer LEDs
All the devices built so far, though, convert no more than 4 percent of the
have been too dim and inefficient. One
solution for increasing the brightness
and efficiency may be an alternative ar-
O ther investigators are trying to de-
velop LEDs made from polymers
instead of small organic molecules. The
current sent through them into light;
the rest is transformed into waste heat.
Hence, the diode can shine quite bright-
chitecture. An approach that has shown most widely used polymers are poly-p- ly, but the high voltage necessary to
some promise was unveiled recently at phenylenevinylene, or PPV for short, and achieve that intensity comes at the price
Bell Laboratories (now part of Lucent its derivatives. Richard H. Friend of the of faster breakdown.
Technologies), where Ananth Dodabal- Cavendish Laboratory at the University Improved processing might extend
apur and his colleagues constructed elec- of Cambridge and his associates dis- PPV’s life; during manufacturing, un-
troluminescent devices by sandwiching covered the green-yellow glow of PPV wanted reactions can create defects on
layers of Alq and inert material between in 1990. By combining that material the polymer chain, which interfere with
two reflecting surfaces. Structured this with electrodes made from other poly- PPV’s ability to glow. Shelf life is also a
way, the layers conform to the physics mers or from flexible metal backings drawback; at the moment, PPV diodes
of a Fabry-Perot cavity—the basic struc- (like the foil that keeps supermarket na- last only several months in storage be-
ture of most lasers. The emissive Alq chos fresh), researchers have produced cause they are unstable in air, reacting
sends out light that bounces back and flexible LEDs that give off 2.5 lumens with oxygen and water vapor. Better
forth, amplifying until it leaks out one per watt. Driven at 10 volts, the light is packaging might help.
end. (This type of microcavity yielded about as bright as the fluorescent lamp Still, polymer LEDs are close to being
true lasing in 1996.) Because the light in a liquid-crystal display. By varying sufficiently bright and efficient for

Plastics Get Wired Scientific American: The Solid-State Century 95

Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
some limited applications. Cambridge The U.K.-based firm Aromascan, the
Display Technology, which Friend
“The question is whether first to commercialize electronic noses
helped to found, has licensed its tech- these things are in 1994, has posted mounting losses; in
nology to Heeger’s company, UNIAX 1996 it reached $1.8 million as com-
Corporation in Santa Barbara. In con- going to be cheap,” says mercial interest in the noses—for quality
junction with the Dutch giant Philips control and scent analysis, among other
Electronics and the chemical maker Richard H. Friend of the uses—has slipped since the introduction
Hoechst AG, by the end of 1997 UNI- of the devices.
AX plans to make small displays, about University of Cambridge. Even conducting polymers that have
2.5 by five centimeters in size and con- loyal customers may not be financially
taining between 2,000 and 3,000 pix- worthwhile for a big corporation. Be-
els. The polymers might also find use as fore IBM’s PanAquas antistatic spray
lights in toys, watches and promotional coating, Allied-Signal offered an analo-
novelties. corporating conducting polymers were gous product named Versacon—the main
Even if lifetime issues are resolved, actually made a few years ago. In the late difference being that Versacon was a dis-
polymer LEDs may never really see the 1980s the Japanese companies Bridge- persible powder rather than a solution
light of day, not so long as the small- stone and Seiko commercialized a re- and therefore may not have been as effec-
molecule, Alq-based LEDs surpass them chargeable button-cell battery that used tive or as transparent. At the time, several
in performance. Japan has focused vir- polyaniline for one electrode and lithium companies considered Versacon advan-
tually all its attention on the small-mol- for the other. Milliken and Company, a tageous and incorporated it into such
ecule lights. Pioneer Electronics, for in- textile manufacturer based in South Car- products as paints and coatings. Yet Al-
stance, used Kodak’s Alq technology to olina, developed Contex, a fabric that lied has abandoned production; the vol-
demonstrate the LEDs in alphanumeric consists of common synthetics interwo- ume of sales was simply too low. “The
displays containing up to some 16,000 ven with the conducting polymer poly- major problems for wide applications re-
pixels that can burn for 5,000 hours. pyrrole. It just so happened that the main cost and reliability,” says Epstein
What keeps hope alive in the polymer conductivity of the resulting fabric was of Ohio State.
crowd is the potential for cheaper man- perfect for “spoofing” radar—that is, That does not faze the pioneers of
ufacturing. Polymer LEDs extracted interfering with detection by making it conducting polymers, especially because
from solutions of chemicals may be eas- appear that the signals were going right possibilities beyond electronics are con-
ier to make than small-molecule LEDs, through empty space. It has an advan- ceivable. Epstein has a patent on a tech-
which are deposited in a high vacuum tage over the military’s existing radar nique that uses the polymers to form
onto substrates. camouflage nets, which rely on incor- “hidden joints.” Polyaniline in powder
porated carbon fibers, in that it has no form can be sprinkled on two pieces of
Who Wants Wallpaper That Glows? gaps in its signal absorption. plastic that need to be joined. The con-
Yet sales of these early products ducting powder can absorb the energy

W hether any new kind of LED—

small-molecule or polymer—
emerges on a large scale depends on
proved disappointing. Although the
polymer-based battery had a longer shelf
life than did lead-acid or nickel-cadmi-
from ordinary microwave ovens to heat
and fuse the pieces, making them as
strong as one.
manufacturability. “Almost certainly at um cells, the technology never took off. Baughman and MacDiarmid have
a cost, anything can be done,” Friend Heeger explains that the advantage, made plastic electromechanical mech-
notes. “The question is whether these though real, was not substantial enough anisms. Two polymers with different
things are going to be cheap.” More to to convince investors to set up complete- conductivities would change their lin-
the point, existing technology is quite ly new manufacturing plants. (There ear dimensions when current flows
adequate. As indicator lights, conven- might be room for specialized applica- through them, much as the metallic
tional LEDs cost only pennies. As back- tions, though. For instance, workers at strips in thermostats do under varying
lights, standard fluorescent lights are Johns Hopkins University made an all- temperatures. The polymers would un-
excellent sources, comments Lewis J. plastic, rechargeable battery in early dergo more dramatic changes in size
Rothberg, formerly at Bell Labs, now at 1997. Flexible and light, it can produce using much less electricity than con-
the University of Rochester. For poly- up to three volts—sufficient for some ventional piezoelectric or electrostatic
mer products, he says, “the competi- satellite and battlefield equipment, for actuators, Baughman says. More than
tion is going to be harsh.” which weight is a factor.) just high-tech tweezers, several microac-
The color capability of organics could Commercialization of Contex was tuators coupled together could func-
also be irrelevant. Why would you need perhaps even more discouraging. “We tion as artificial muscle.
a rainbow of hues if you just want to were approved as a vendor for the A-12 Certainly there is no shortage of imag-
know if your amplifier is on? More bomber,” remarks Hans H. Kuhn of ination, and such immediate uses as the
broadly, does a market for a large, roll- Milliken, “but the bomber was never dissipation of static charge and the
up display truly exist? That question still built.” Although sobered, Kuhn is hop- shielding of electromagnetic fields are
has no clear answer. “People have a vi- ing that the army’s interest in camouflage clearly viable. But stiff competition from
sion of carrying around a view graph,” nets could revive appeal for the material. present-day devices and marketing con-
Rothberg says. “I don’t know if the pub- Another product that has proved dis- siderations may jeopardize hopes of hav-
lic is going to want that.” appointing is the electronic nose, which ing a portable roll-up display to take on
There is some justification for skepti- works because odor molecules can alter the commute to work. The newspaper
cism. The first commercial products in- the resistance of conducting polymers. may have to do for a while. SA

96 Scientific American: The Solid-State Century Plastics Get Wired

Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.

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