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In the Christian faith, we are here to defend the gospel. Our fathers have defended our faith, even early church fathers.

Unbelief – mark of intellectual sophistication. They deny the existence of God. They believe that God is improbable and unprovable. These are called skeptic and
agnostic (Exo.5:1, 2).

Deist – in theory, he acknowledge the knowledge of supreme creator but the creator is far from man (Acts 17:28).
Atheist – denies the existence of God. Here are some reasons:
1. They do not respect authority/no respect to the authority
2. Inordinate pride
3. Free-man is free of moral responsibility (I Cor.10:13)
*If there’s no God, there’s no universal law of righteousness.
Does not the word “EVIL” suggest that there is also violation of some standard?
1. Why
2. Arguments connected
 God really loves the world (John 3:16).
 God is love (I John 4:8, 16).
 God allows freedom of choice.

Types of Suffering:
1. Personal wrong choice (I Pet.4:15)
2. Done by someone/others
3. Abuse of our Fathers
4. Violating natural law of gravity
5. Can be beneficial
6. Helps to develop highest quality of men which is capable
7. Never designed to man’s final abode (Heb.11:13; I Pt.2:11; Job 3:7)
8. Not contrary to the goodness of God

Different beliefs that affect Christian Evidences:

1. Atheism
a. “He must believe that God does not exist.”
b. “As an atheist, you must believe that matter is eternal.”
c. Contrary to the Law of Biogenesis, “life comes from life” or “life begets life”
e.g. Doctrine of Evolution
d. Believe that order in design of nature come from “BIGBANG”
e. Believe that non-conscious becomes conscious and/or non-moral becomes moral (I Thess.4:13).
2. Theism – Believe in God
3. Agnostic – Doesn’t know whether there is God or not

Lists of Atheists/Agnostics:
1. Voltaire – Statesman and Philosopher; according to Voltaire, 50 years from now there will be no Bible.
2. Madam Marie Curie – Uranium Deposits
3. Robert Ingersoll – The Mistakes of Moses
4. Bertrand Russell – British Agnostic; according to Bertrand Russell, life of man is long march thru the night surrounded by invisible foes
*Psa.53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.”
*Psa.23; Phil.1:23

Two Types of Creation:

1. Natural Creation – the Universe created itself.
2. Supernatural Creation – The universe was created by a supernatural force.
The Law of Excluded Middle – demands that one of these two creations is truth.
The Law of Energy and Entropy – The earth is not eternal; therefore it had to be created as the beginning.
Three (3) Explanations according to some scientist:
1. Matter is eternal
2. Created itself from nothing
3. It is not eternal

In Science, the world begins in act of creation (Gen.1:1). The fact that the scientist assigns the age of the earth, earth has the beginning. Even a scientist called Dr.
George Davis says, “No material thing created itself.” The universe was created by something existed before it. Even the Middle Godhead Jesus Christ can do
everything. The Creator of the earth is eternal. In Genesis, within six (6) days there was already created. Everything that exists is classified as matter or mind. Thus,
either matter or mind is eternal. Therefore, it is mind that is eternal and that mind is described in the Bible as God.

The Christian and Reason

Power of Reason – responsibility to prove what he believes in

Reason – to defend; give an answer; apologia (to give reason or answer); mental activity used in the search for truth; no philosophical system avoids its use.
According to Harvey S. Everest, it is the whole power for ascertainment of truth.
[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
*I Pet.3:15; II Cor.7:11; Phil.1:7; Acts 19:23; Acts 22:1
*The word “apology” has already evolved.
*Against the Law of Biogenesis
*The faith that is unexamined, it is not worth-believing.

Law of Thermodynamics – Universe is bound to regeneration, eventually it will be gone.

1. 1st Law – energy in matter; that matter will degenerate eventually.
2. 2nd Law – Entropy

Reason and Faith are not against each other (I Cor.11:1).

Reason and Revelation complement each other (Isa.1:18).
According to J.D. Thomas, man cannot think without reason.

Truth and Facts:

Truth – true knowledge derived from the evidences of Christianity.

According to the scientist atheists, fossils are the product of gradual deposits of dead living things.

Reasons Why the Flood is Universal:

1. There is a sudden impact
2. There was a great disturbance on the face of the earth.
Ex. The extinction of the dinosaur, (It may cause) only in Mexico. The extinction of the dinosaur, the brain cannot command the huge body.

According to Alexander Campbell, what is the difference of FACT and TRUTH?

 Fact is something done.
 Truth and Fact are not the same.
 Although, all facts are truth, all truths are not facts.
 A representation of anything as it exists is a truth.
 Anything done is a fact.
*In Christianity, we have big difference between fact and truth.
*Truth: statement + Fact: something that is done=TRUTH.
*All are going to make assumption either fact or truth, it is truth.
All facts, knowledge in the events of Christianity, are truth. Therefore, in the world of reasoning, the specific “truths” worked together to establish the general works
of Christianity. They complement each other as the general truth.

Five (5) steps to do experiments in order to validate each one:

1. Facts
2. Hypothesis
3. Theory
4. Law

Difference of proof and evidence:

 Evidence is the result of proof.
 Evidence consists of those bits of information which completes the validity of the Truth.
 It is to confirm the Christian Truth.

Inductive Reasoning – a form of hypothesis where deduction takes place

Syllogism – one of the most used kinds of reasoning; one way of reasoning to from deductive reasoning.

For example, if a crime is investigated based on a clue, this can be considered Deductive Reasoning, but when evidences are gather together against to the one who
done guilty of a crime, Inductive Reasoning takes place.

Nature of Evidence
1. Internal Evidence – Ex. Bible; Inside Evidence
2. External Evidence – Ex. History of the Bible; Theosinidis: 12 Caesars

Four (4) Major Problems which affect the objectivity of the reasoner: (Things to Consider)
1. Wishful Thinking
2. Personal Prejudices
3. Failure to define terms
4. The Blind Acceptance (Fanaticism)

Theistic Evolution – Belief that there is God; Compromise Belief including the Belief of Evolution
*In Christian Evidences, testimony and facts arrive first and before believe.

Limits of Reasoning:
 Validity of Reasoning
 Warnings
 Dangerous Faculty
[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
 Can be said a part of knowledge by experience
 Not through human wisdom, not possible to understand the reason of God
 Not to be determined by soul criterion or reason
 Unaided by Revelation
 God sees the truth but awaits
 If there is no higher reason and there is not, own reason must be the supreme judge of my life

Christian and Faith

 Faith is a system.
 Foundation of Faith is based on evidence
 Heb.11:1
 Our Christian Faith is filled with proof and evidences.
 Christianity is a systematic faith whereby our faith is to prove.
 Faith goes beyond hope therefore, it is based on evidence.

Christian and Reason

 Faith can be inferred even in the things we cannot experience.
 Facts should be evaluated by reason.
 Christianity demands faith.
 According to Voltaire, faith can be nothing.
 Karl Marx, who became a Bible student in his young age, met Fredrick Angles and they both founded Communism. They still believe in God though they
were communists.
 According to Mao Tze Tung, Religion is a hindrance. Mao Tze Tung states that religion is an opium
 Faith stands upon evidences.
 Christianity is reasonable.
 As to Albert Einstein, he believes on God for somehow.

Arguments for the existence of God

1. Cause/Cosmological (Cause and Effect) – Gen.1:1; Jn.1:1-2; Rom.1:20; Acts 14:17
2. Design (Teleological) – Psa.8:1;Psa.19:1, 2; Psa.50:6; Psa.139:14; Acts 14:7; Job 12:7-9
3. Ontological Argument – The Idea of God
4. Religious Nature – Closely related to Ontological
5. Argument of Morality
6. Appreciation of Beauty (Aesthetic Appreciation)
7. Revelation – Isa.40:12

The argument of the design suggested by two (2) philosophers:

1. Plato
2. Aristotle

Philosophical Thought by Thomas Aquinas – It follows by some providence that the world is governed.
Examples of the Wonders of Creation:
 Your body is composed of hundred trillions.
 It takes about 6,000 cells.
 Nerve cells can live about 100 years.
 White Blood Cells: 13 days
 Red Blood Cells: 130 days
 There must be somebody renewing your blood.
 280 molecules (hemoglobin): RBC
 Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur, Atoms of Iron

Bird Migration
 Arctic Turns
 They have this urge to migrate
 They fly all the way back where they came from.
 They travel with great distance of 22 thousand miles.
 No map, no calendar
 Their journey is being calculated.

Eel World
 American and European eels travel to Bermuda to give birth or lay egg.
 These female eel would die after laying egg.

Archer Fish
 From India to North Western Coast of Australia, the archer fish found food.

[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
 Spend his time as a grub
 Live three (3) weeks
 Living in 17 years

Speed of Light
 299,792, 458 meters per/sec
 1,079,252,848.8 kilometers per/hr.
 Oct.21, 1983: One meter is a distance that light travels in a vacuum.
 1 ft. nano/second
 Red Star: 200 times bigger that the sun
 2 quadrillion miles above the earth

How the heart works?

 Develop in a child 21-25 days after fertilizations
 Average heart of a female: 9 ounces
 Average heart of a male: 10.5 ounces
 Human heart has four chambers.
 The heart has two pumps.
 Thick wall: septum
 Series of the pumping of the valves
 Heart contains cardiac muscle.
 The heart is surrounded by pericardium.
 The heart can cause a stream of blood.
 680,000 gallons a years
 600 metric gallons of blood
 10 miles per/hr. in the blood
 Heart could beat 420 years
 Service of the Heart: The child is placed on the heart of his/her mother.

Bible and Science

Conflict between Bible and Science:

The conflict is widening, source of the true fact comes from Science. There are many so-called “Scientist”/Theological Scientist. It stands for Science. Science against
religion is wrong. Science will over run his fears. Whoever says He lost God studying nature, he never really possesses him. Science has gained the upper hand over
the Christian. They claim to know enough religion to reject it. The problem is not conflict between Science and the Bible, but the Scientific method and the Bible. The
Scientific Method is not the only way to find facts and truth. Science is an unwearyingly process of sustained investigation. Science cannot prove that there is no
supernatural activity. Science stands for a way of study and an attitude of mind to bring an open mind and ask for the truth as indicated by the facts.

*According to USSR Leader Josef Stalin, the party cannot be neutral toward religion.
*In a view of Marxist Doctrine, Religion is a hindrance to economy’s development.
*According F. Bettex, Science and Christianity go against each other.
*Adam Clarke stated that if they argue about religion, he does not need to know about religion.

What about a result?

 False Religion
 False Science
 True Religion
 True Science

Here are the limitations of Scientific Method:

1. To the senses
2. Not capable of determining what is ethical and moral
3. To the present
4. To telling us how a process function but not why a process function
5. By basic assumptions
a. Scientist is limited to his senses.
b. Assumption of Uniformity (Uniformitarianism)
c. Matter has always been constituted
d. Theory of Evolution is true.

Geological Time Scale – represents different period of time. All of these are under the:
1. Paleozoic Era
2. Mesozoic Era
3. Cenozoic Era

Evolution and God’s Word

 Told as fact
[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
 Like digestion
 Like apple falling out of tree
 No further proof needed

Is Evolution a fact of Science?

1. No scientist can prove
2. Guessing games
3. Having a mess

What the Science support? – Evolution or Creation

*Evidence of evolution is overwhelming.
1. Evidence 1: Horse Evolution
2. Evidence 2: Embryology
3. Evidence 3: Archaeopteryx
4. Evidence 4: Natural Selection
5. Evidence 5: Vestigial Structure
6. Evidence 6: Viruses and Bacteria
a. Need of organism
b. May also decrease an organism’s viability
c. No macroevolution but horizontal microevolution

Genealogy of man according to Evolution

1. Neanderthal man
2. Piltdown man
3. Nebraska man
4. Java man
5. Rhodesian man
6. Orce man
7. Flipper man

Lucy – an upright hominid?

1. Armed fingers and ape-like limp proportion
2. Locked wrist
3. Micro-wear of teeth
4. Rib-cage
5. Semi-circular canals
6. Pelvis: large enough to give birth

Where did I come from?

1. By Chance
2. Almighty Creator

Separation of Church and State as a Wall of Separation:

1. Keep God and Bible out of public life. (X)
2. Keep the government from interfering with public practice of Christianity. (O)

*The Christian Religion is not freedom from religion but it is freedom for religion.
In freedom for Christian Religion, there are the lists of Systematic Proposal:
1. Serious Devotion (Matt.5)
2. Diligent dedication of family (Dt.6:24-25)
3. Pray (I Tim.2:1, 2)
4. Political Participation (Mt.13:24-25)
5. Determine to be resolute, steadfast, removable
6. Study more deeply (Mt.5:13-16; II Chro.7:14; Psa.85:6; Mal.3:7)

Big Bang Theory – relies on 96% of the material we have never seen. The 96% of the material composes of dark energy.

Gen.4:16, 17: Cain dwelt in the land of Nod and knew his wife and bared their son Enoch but where did Cain get a wife?

3 Options:
1. His Grand daughter
2. His Niece
3. His Sister

Vestigial Structures:
 Tonsils  Ear Muscle
 Coccyx  Body Hair
 Appendix  Adenoids
 Parathyroid  Thymus
[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
 Little Toe  Pineal Gland
 Wisdom Teeth  Nipple on Males
 Nodes on Ears

Ernst Mayr’s Principles of Systematic Zoology (1980):

Mammals 3,700
Birds 8,600
Reptiles 6,300
Amphibians 2,500
Total 21,000x2=42,200

Where did all the water came from?

 Gen.1:6, 7
 Gen.7:11

What was the draft of the ark?

 Gen.7:19, 20

What is the origin of the race?

 There is only one race which is the Human Race.

What causes the change of skin color?

 Melanin

Four Major Races According to the Society:

1. Caucasoid – 55%
2. Mongoloid – 33%
3. Negroid – 8%
4. Australoid – 4%

Why were people dispersed?

 Gen.11:1-9: Tower of Babel

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

 According to the Bible, the age of the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

If dinosaurs were already extinct after/before the arrival of man, how Job explained the existence of dinosaurs?
 Job 40:15-17 – Behemoth
 Job 41 – Leviathan

Why aren’t dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible?

 The word dinosaur was named in around 1845.
 The Bible was not yet translated into English.

What happened to the dinosaurs?

1. Asteroid hit the earth
2. A nearby supernova flooded the earth by intense radiation
3. Climate became too warm, cold, dry, or wet for the dinosaurs’ wealth
4. Changed in dinosaur’s diet
5. Died of constipation through laxative plant

What is the only creature existing?

 Reptiles

If the origin of living things is based on the Evolution:

 How all living things rise from non-living source?
 How many professors did they have in many classes?
 How many souls have now imported?
 Why young people leave the Church today?
 Proof: It boils down to the inspiration of the Bible.

Scientific Accuracies in the Bible:

1. Astronomy (Isa.40:22; Psa.19:5-6; Job.38:19, 24; Eccl.1:7)
2. Oceanography (Eccl.11:3; Amos 9:16; Job.38:16)
3. Medicine (Gen.17:12; Lev.17:15; Lev.11:17; Dt.23:12-14)
4. Biology (Acts 17:25; Gen.1:11, 12, 21, 24)
5. Physics (Gen.2:1; Isa.51:6; Psa.102:6; Heb.1:11)
[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate
*According to Christopher Columbus the earth was flat but God’s Word told that the earth was round.
*Blood clotting is composed of platelet, protamine, and vitamin K.
*Day 8 is the perfect day and the abundance of Vitamin K is available in the blood of human being.
*Amino Acids serve as building blocks of life.

Sound Biblical Doctrine of Apparent Age:

1. Psalm 19:1
2. Romans 1:20, 21

Popular Gap Theory – the Bible doesn’t support this theory because this would be contrary to Gen.1-2 on which this theory is relevant to the so-called Pre-Adamic
World. This theory is a valiant attempt to squeeze geological ages.

How would we start combatting Evolution?

 It cannot properly called theory.
 It contradicts true Law of Science.
 False Scientist goes inventing everything.
 It boils down in going back to the Bible.
 God gave us the Bible (Heb.1:1).

Mutation – changes, corruptions in the DNA; intentionally or by accident.

*In mechanism of mutation, there was an explanation that a man came from a monkey and there was a supposed claim of evolution. But there is no intelligence
behind mutation.

*If there is accidental mutation, people turned into freak.

*If you attack Gen.1:11, you are attacking the very foundation of the Bible.

Supposed Proofs of Evolution:

1. Anatomy – construction of organism
2. Vestigial Organs
3. Embryology
4. Fossil Records
5. Radiometric Dating

Universality of the Flood

1. Purpose (Gen.6:5; 7:21, 22; 6:13, 17)
2. The Flood’s Depth (Gen.7:19, 20, 24)
3. Duration of the Flood (Gen.7:12)
4. Geology (Gen.7:11; Exo.2:2)
5. Covenant of the Rainbow (Gen.9:10)

[These are some class lectures taken from Christian Evidences during my study at Metro Manila School of Preaching].
Prepared by: A.J. Rodriguez
Metro Manila School of Preaching – 2010 Graduate

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