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Order of Mass – June 22nd, 5pm, 4pm call, Corpus Christi – year C

Incense is used today, so expect a longer entrance and offertory.

Prelude: Gather Us Together CBW III 601

Sicut Cervus – Palestrina

Entrance: Christians, Let us Love One Another GP3 657 UHHHHU (we may cut verses or do over)

Gloria: Missa O Quam Gloriosum OR Mass of Christ the Saviour, be prepared for either

Psalm: CBW III 113 “You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.” Cantor Vs 1, 3 Choir
SATB Vs. 2, 4

SEQUENCE: In booklet, to the tune of Pange Lingua

Gospel Acclamation: Cantor

Offertory: GP3 487 Gift of Finest Wheat

Bread of Life from Heaven – In booklet, Verses add harmony ad lib, Refrain harmony 2nd time.

Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, Amen: Mass of Christ the Saviour, in booklet

Agnus Dei: Missa O Quam Gloriosum OR Mass of Christ the Saviour, be prepared for either

Communion: Panis Angelicus – Franck

CBW III 611 Take and Eat – Refrain harmony 2nd time

Concluding: CBW III 426 Alleluia, Sing to Jesus vv. 1, 3, UD

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