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Romesor C.

Apolonio 6-20-19

On Tuesday, about 4:00 p.m., in 11-Copper at the 2nd floor of the new senior high school
building, I was getting ready for my next subject which is AutoCAD. We were told to bring a
fully-charged laptop because there is going to be a blackout and that we will it for our next task.
We waited for a few minutes because our teacher, Sir Alvin Guaki is a bit late. When he finally
came in, he greeted us and likewise we greeted him. So as things settled, he began to tell us some
So Sir Guaki instructed us to install the AutoCAD application in our laptop. I didn’t
brought my own laptop so I paired with my friend, Ryan Sahoy. As we started the task, he send us
guide through our USD to follow. The guide, which came our teacher’s laptop, contains all the
procedures and information needed for us students to install the application. The guide is a sort of
text manual much like the ones in electronic appliances. I managed to follow all the procedures
but some parts of it were not very clear to understand so there may had been mistakes and some
procedures were confusing because I had misinterpret the order very well.
Moreover the class was very noisy so I was not able to concentrate very well. Also last
night I have not slept much so I was not very active at the time. I asked some of my classmate how
are they doing and they told me they were not able to install the application properly. Surprisingly,
they told me that some of the instructions are not clear.
With all that. I was able to successfully install the application without further problems. To
be honest, the installing process was pretty easy. All those interruption and commotion did not
really bother me a lot. I just ignored it and focus on the task itself, and also if I had some trouble I
just asked my teacher for help.
At the end of the period, I thought to myself that everything went very well. I listened to
everything our teacher told us and did all the procedures in our guide, I didn’t complain at all while
the teacher is talking, I manage to do the task with my partner and did not bother anyone, and I did
not interrupt my classmates while they were talking so it’s okay to say that I’m being ethical when
I communicate to other as far as I know
I found that things went smoothly between us and our teacher and also to the guide, despite
some difficulties. Overall, I found that the communication between us and our teacher is effective
and that I identified that an Interactive Model is used. Meanwhile, I found that the communication
between me and the guide in the laptop is pretty much fine to say the least and I also identified the
communication as a Linear Model.

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