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Unit - I

Question Bank
1. What are the advantages of having RISC Processor?[APR/MAY 2017]
 This architecture uses less chip space due to reduced instruction set. This makes
to place extra functions like floating point arithmetic units or memory
management units on the same chip.
 The execution of instructions in RISC processors is high due to the use of many
registers for holding and passing the instructions as compared to CISC processors.
2. What is a PIC microcontroller?
 The family of PIC16Cxx is a family of
 Low-cost
 High-performance
 Fully-static
 8-bit microcontrollers
 The family of PIC16Cxx microcontrollers employ an advanced RISC architecture.

 The PIC16Cxx family uses Harvard architecture of separate instruction and data bus.

 The PIC16Cxx family has 14-bit wide instruction bus and 8-bit data bus.

 It has a total of only 35 instructions.

3. What are the range of devices in a PIC family?
 Low range devices (PIC10Cxx, PIC12Cxx,PIC14Cxx)
 Mid range devices(PIC16Cxx, PIC17Cxx)
 High range devices(PIC18Cxx)
4. What are the different types of peripherals supported by PIC?
The Peripheral features include
 Three timers/counters

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 Capture/Compare/PWM module

 One serial port

5. What are the special features of PIC16Cxx family?
 There are four oscillator options in PIC16C6x family
(I) Single pin RC oscillator provides low cost solution
(II) LP Oscillator minimizes power consumption
(III) XT is the standard crystal
(IV) HS is the high speed crystal
 The SLEEP (Power down) mode offers a power saving mode. The user can wake
up the chip from sleep through several internal and external interrupts and resets.
 Watch Dog Timer: A reliable watch dof timer with its on-chip RC oscillator
provides protection against software lock up.
 A UV erasable CERDIP packaged version is ideal for code development, while
the cost-effective One-Time Programmable(OTP) version is suitable for
production in any volume.
6. What are the applications of PIC microcontroller?
The PIC16C6x is used in applications such as
 Automative and appliance control

 Low power remote sensors

 Keyboards

 Telecom sensors
7. What do you mean by Working Register(W) in PIC?
The working register is equivalent to the accumulator in other microcontrollers. The
working register is an eight bit register used for loading temporary variables in an ALU.

8. What is Brown – out RESET?[APR/MAY 2017]

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Brown out refers to the situation of power level going low temporarily. The voltage
levelon the VDD input may fluctuate occasionally. When VDD drops below a trip point say
4.2V for 5.0V supply, the microcontroller may not function correctly. At this point the
CPU should reset itself until the V DD returns to the normal level. The Browm out circuit
provides the reset until the VDD returns to the normal level.
9. What do you mean by Power-on reset?
The Power on pulse reset is generated when the VDD is detected. It is used when the
CPU is power up.
10. What are the different ports available in PIC?
11. What do you mean by oscillator start up timer?
The Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST) provides 1024 oscillator cycle (from OSC1 input)
delay after the PWRT delay is over. This ensures the crystal oscillator or resonator has
started and stabilized.
12. What is meant by power up timer
The Power-up Timer provides a fixed 72 msnominal time-out on power-up only, from
POR. The Power-up Timer operates on an internal RC oscillator. The chip is kept in reset
as long as PWRT is active. The PWRT’s time delay allows VDD to rise to an acceptable
level. A configuration bit is provided to enable/disable the PWRT.
13. What are the bits in a Status register?[NOV/DEC 2016]
D7 D0
C-Carry flag
DC-Digital Carry flag
Z-Zero flag
OV-Overflow flag
N-Negative flag
X-D5,D6 and D7 are not implemented and reserved fror future use

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14. What is meant by Harvard Architecture
 Harvard architecture implies that separate buses are used to access program memory
and data memory
 Harvard Architecture achieves an exceptionally fast execution speed with a given
clock rate.
15. What do you mean by two stage pipelining?
The overlapping of the execute cycle of one instruction with the fetch cycle of the
next instruction, leading to the execution of a new instruction every cycle is called two
stage pipelining.


16. How much amount of memory is accommodated in program memory of PIC?
PIC addresses upto2K(2048) or 4K(4096) addresses of program memory.
17. Which are the addresses in the Program memory are treated in special way by the
 Two addresses in the program memory are treated in a special way by the CPU.
When the CPU starts from its reset value, the program counter is automatically
cleared to zero
 The second special address H’004’ is automatically loaded into the program
counter when the interrupt occurs


18. What are the components of the register file structure?
The register file consists of two components
(i) General Purpose Register file
(ii) Special Purpose Register file.

19. What do you mean by a General Purpose Register.

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In PIC, the general purpose register file means the RAM of microcontroller. Data can be
written to each 8-bit location, updated and retrieved any number of times.
20. What do you mean by special purpose register.
 The special purpose register file contains input and output ports as well as control
 The special purpose register is used to establish each bit of a port as either an
input port or an output port.
 It contains registers that provide data input and data output to a variety of registers
on a chip, such as
i. Timers
ii. Serial Port
iii. Digital to Analog converter
iv. It has registers that contain control bits for selecting the module of
operation of a chip resource as well as enabling or disabling its operation.
v. It has status registers that contain status bits, which denote the state of one
of these chip resources.[e.g., serial data transfer complete].

21. What are the addressing modes of PIC family[NOV/DEC 2016]
There are two types of addressing modes in PIC family:
 Direct addressing mode

 InDirect addressing mode

22. What do you mean by direct addressing mode?
Direct addressing mode is employed by many instructions. It uses only 7 bits of the
instruction to identify the register file address, the eighth bit of the register file address
must come from a separate register bank select bit RP0.

23. What do you mean by indirect addressing mode?

Every instruction that uses direct addressing mode can also employ indirect addressing
mode. In indirect addressing mode, the full 8-bit register file address is first written into
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FSR. FSR is a special purpose register that serves as an address pointer to any address,
throughout the entire register file. A direct access of INDF will actually access the
register file using the content of FSR as a pointer to the desired location of the operand.

24. What are the types of instructions in PIC family
 Byte oriented instructions

 Bit oriented instructions

 Literal instructions
25. What are the single bit manipulation instructions
Bcf PORTB,0 ;clear bit 0 of port B
Bsf STATUS,C ; set the carry bit.
26. What are the clear instructions of PIC?
Clrw ; clear the working register W
Clrf TEMP1 ; clear temporary variable TEMP1
27. What are the mov instructions in PIC
Movlw 5 ;load 5 into W
Movwf TEMP1 ;Move W into TEMP1
Movwf TEMP1,F ; Incorrect syntax
Movf TEMP1,W ;Move TEMP1 into W
28. What are the swap instructions in PIC
Swapf TEMP1,F ;swap 4 nibbles of TEMP1
Swapf TEMP1,W ; move temp1 to W, swapping nibbles and leave TEMP1 unchaged
29. What are the increment/decrement instructions in PIC
incf TEMP1,F ; increment TEMP1

incf TEMP1,W ;W← TEMP1+1; TEMP1 unchanged

decf TEMP1,F ; decrement TEMP1

comf TEMP1,F ; change 0’s to 1’s and 1’s to 0’s

30. What are the multiple bit manipulation instructions in PIC

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Andwf TEMP1,F ; TEMP1← TEMP1 and W
Andwf TEMP1,W ;W← TEMP1 and W
Iorlw B’00000111’ ;Force lower 3 bits of W to 1.
Iorwf TEMP1, F ; TEMP1← TEMP1 or W
31. What are the addition and subtraction instructions in PIC
Addlw 5 ;add 5 to W
Addwf TEMP1,F ; TEMP1← TEMP1 + W
Sublw 5 ;W ← 5-W
Subwf TEMP1,F ; TEMP1← TEMP1 - W

1. Draw and explain the architecture of PIC16 microcontroller
[NOV/DEC 2016][MARKS 10]
(i) Architectural Diagram
(ii) Registers
(iii) Instruction Set
(iv) Brown out Reset
(v) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(vi) Memory Organization
(vii) Register File Structure
(viii) Parallel I/O Ports
(ix) Timer Module
(x) CCP Module
[Ref. Page No:3-11]
2. With neat functional diagram explain the architecture of PIC16C7x microcontroller in
detail [APR/MAY 2017][MARKS 16]
(i) Architectural Diagram
(ii) Registers, Instruction Set, Brown out Reset
(iii) Arithmetic Logic Unit, Memory Organization
(iv) Register File Structure, Parallel I/O Ports
(v) Timer Module, CCP Module
(vi) A/D Converter
[Ref. Page No:13-22]
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3. Discuss in detail about the memory organization of PIC Microcontroller.
[APR/MAY 2017] [MARKS 8]
Explain about the Various Memory Organization of PIC Microcontroller
[NOV/DEC 2016][MARKS 16]
4. Explain about the pipelining structure of PIC family. [MARKS 8]
5. Explain about the various addressing modes in PIC, for accessing data memory
6. Explain about the instruction set of microcontroller. [NOV/DEC 2016][MARKS 6]
7. Explain about simple operations in PIC? [8 Marks]


PIC microcontroller Interrupts

1. Brief about interrupts in PIC.

 The PIC16cxx family has upto 11 sources of interrupt.

 The interrupt control register (INTCON) records individual interrupt requests in flag
 It also has an individual and Global Interrupt Enable bits.

 Global Interrupt Enable bit, GIE(INTCON <7>) enables (set) all unmasked interrupts
and disables (clears) all interrupts.
2. Mention the interrupts available in PIC microcontroller?[NOV/DEC 2016]
The PIC16cxx family has upto 11 sources of interrupt. [Timers 0,1,2, Port B[RB0, RB1,
RB2], USART [TX,RX], Port B-Change Interrupt, ADC, CCP]
3. Write a assembly language program to activate Port –A using PIC[APR/MAY 2017]
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4. What is the purpose of Global Interrupt enable(GIE)

Global Interrupt Enable bit, GIE(INTCON <7>) enables (set) all unmasked interrupts and
disables (clears) all interrupts.
5. How can we set or clear the GIE in INTCON programmatically.

 The GIE bit in the INTCON register can be set and cleared under program control
Bsf INTCON, GIE ; Global Interrupt enable
And bcf INTCON, GIE ; Global Interrupt enable
 GIE is automatically cleared when an interrupt occurs, suspending further interrupts
for the duration if interrupt service routine execution. GIE is automatically set when
Retfie ; return from interrupt service routine
Is executed at the end of interrupt service routine reenabling interrupts at the same
time that program control is returned to the mainline program.
6. What happens in PIC after the occurrence of interrupt

Whenever an interrupt occurs, the CPU automatically pushes the return address in the
Program counter into the stack and clears the GIE(Global Interrupt Enable) bit clearing
further interrupts.
The first job of ISR is set aside the content of W and of status. At the end of ISR, they
were returned to the same state, where the interrupt occurred before i.e., to the location of
main line code.
7. What do you mean by critical region in PIC.
A Critical region is a sequence of instructions in the mainline code, that must be protected
from an intervening interrupt or suffer a possible erroneous result.
8. What is the minimum and maximum clock frequency of PIC16Cxx[NOV/DEC
4 MHz, 16 MHz
9. How is PIC able to secure the data in working register when an interrupt is serviced

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A PIC chip permits this problem to be bypassed with the use of its single cycle read-
modify-write subroutine.
Xorwf PORTD, F
Changes any bits of PORTD that correspond to the bits of W, that contain ones, and
Andwf PORTD, F
Forces any bits of PORTD to zero, that correspond to bits of W that contain zeroes.
10. Which of the pin is used as external interrupt pin. (or) How external interrupts are
handled in PIC.

The PIC microcontroller has one pin RB0/INT , that serves as its primary external
interrupt input. The pin is 0 bit of PortB. Before initializing the interrupt circuitry, PortB
itself should be initialized.

11. What is the purpose of INTEDG pin in OPTION_REG register .

The INTEDG bit provided in OPTION_REG register permits us to set up this input to
generate an interrupt on either a rising edge or falling edge.

12. Brief about timer0 in PIC.

 Timer0 consists of an 8-bit counter, TMR0 where it can be written or read from.

 The counter sets a flag T01F when it overflows

 T01F can cause an Interrupt and also if that Interrupt source can be enabled(T01E=1)

 Timer0 can be assigned an eight bit prescaler that can divide counter inputs by
2,4,8,16……..256. Writing the TMR0 resets the prescaler assigned to it.
 Timer0, or its prescaler(if employed by Timer0) can be connected to either of two
input sources.
(i) OSC/4, the PIC’s internal clock
(ii) RA4/TOCKI, the input connected to bit 4 of PORT A.
13. What is the purpose of timer1 in PIC.
 Timer1 is a 16-bit counter

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 Timer1 is coupled with CCP(Capture/Compare/PWM) module, can drive a pin high
or low at precisely controlled time, independent of the working of CPU.
14. Brief about CCP module in PIC
CCP (Capture-Compare –PWM)
The CCP module(s) can operate in one of three
modes 16-bit capture, 16-bit compare, or up to 10-bit Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Capture mode captures the 16-bit value of TMR1 into the CCPRxH:CCPRxL
register pair. The capture event can be programmed for either the falling edge, rising
edge, fourth rising edge, or sixteenth rising edge of the CCPx pin.
Compare mode compares the TMR1H:TMR1L register pair to the
CCPRxH:CCPRxL register pair. When a match occurs, an interrupt can be generated and
the output pin CCPx can be forced to a given state (High or Low) and Timer1 can be
reset. This depends on control bits CCPxM3:CCPxM0.
PWM mode compares the TMR2 register to a 10-bit duty cycle register
(CCPRxH:CCPRxl<5:4>) as well as to an 8-bit period register (PR2). When the TMR2
register=Duty Cycle register, the CCPx pin will be forced low. When TMR2=PR2, TMR2
is cleared to 00h, an interrupt can be generated, and the CCPx pin (if an output) will be
forced high.
15. What is the purpose of Front Panel I/O Soft keys
Certain instruments and devices require user interactions. These instruments utilizes LCD
alphanumeric display plus either key switches or a Rotary Pulse Generator(RPG) in the
design of a front-panel. The display serves to display measurements and other output. The
display combines with the key switches or the RPG for the entry of set up parameters
16. What is the significance of rotary pulse generator
A Rotary Pulse Generator(RPG) offers the desirable feature of being able to increment or
decrement the value of a setup parameter being displayed on the LCD.
17. What are the issues raised by RPG or key switches when used with a display
The display raises the following issues
 The conversion of a number entered digit by digit from a keypad into its binary

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 The display of fixed and variable strings of characters.
18. Brief about the I/O ports of PIC
The PIC 16F family of microcontrollers have a total of 33 pins arranged into 5 ports.
PortA , Port B, Port C , Port D and Port E. In order to use them as I/O ports, they must
be properly programmed. In addition to acting as I/O ports , they also have certain
additional functions like ADC, Timers ,Interrupts and serial communication pins etc.
19. What is the significance of PortA in PIC.
Port A is a 6-bit wide bi-directional port. Its data direction register is TRISA setting
TRISA bit to 1 will make the corresponding PORT A Pin an input. Clearing a TRIS a bit
will make the corresponding pin as an output.
20. What is the significance of PortB in PIC.
Port B is an 8-bit wide, bi-directional port. Four of the PORT B pins RB 7 – RB4 have an
interrupt-on- change feature. Only the pins configured as inputs can cause this interrupt to
21. What is the significance of PortC in PIC.
Port C is an 8-bit wide, bidirectional port. Bits of the TRISC Register determine the
function of its pins. Similar to other ports, a logic one 1 in the TRISC Register configures
the appropriate port pin as an input.
22. What is the significance of PortD in PIC.
Port D is an 8-bit wide bi-directional port. In addition to I/O port, Port D also works as 8-
bit parallel slave port or microprocessor port. When control bit PSPMODE (TRISE:4) is
23. What is the significance of PortE in PIC
It is a 3-bit bi-directional port. Port E bits are multiplexed with analog inputs of ADC and
they serve as control signals (RD , WR, CS) for parallel slave port mode of operation.
24. How can we configure the ports as an input and output ports. (or) What is the role
of TrisX in PIC16Cxx. [NOV/DEC 2016]
The Ports of PIC controller are made either input or output ports by using the TRISx register
,which is a SFR.To make the Port an output,0 must be written to the TRISx register and to use
the pPort as input ,a 1 must be put in to the TRISx register. For example to make the PortB as
input port , the bits of TRISB are made 1(High).

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25. What is the need of display of variable strings
When the setup parameters are to be displayed with either a keypad or an RPG or when
displaying the results of an measurement and instruments it is necessary to write a string
of ASCII coded characters to the display.
26. What are the characters available in the display of variable string.
There are 12 RAM characters used for the display of variable string. Of thes e 10
characters are used for display, remaining two characters are used for
 Leading Cursor-positioning code and

 Trailing end of string designator

27. What is the need of display of constant strings in PIC.
 The labels associated with softkeys represent one application.

 The units(i.e., kHz) associated with a variable represent another

1. Explain about PIC microcontroller interrupts. [Marks 16]

2. Write a Program to implement toggling of lights using interrupts. [Marks 16]

3. Explain in brief about Loop time Subroutine. [Marks 16]

4. Explain about Timers in PIC [Marks 16]

5. Explain about Front Panel I/O Soft keys [Marks 16]

6. Explain about State machines and Key Switches [Marks 8]

7. Explain about the display of variable strings in PIC. [Marks 8]

8. Explain about display of constant strings in PIC. [Marks 8]


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1. What do you mean by I2C

 I2C means Inter Integrated Circuit. I2C bus provides 2-wire bidirectional interface to a
variety of chips that can provide powerful adjunct(assistant) to PIC
 I2C serves as a means for connecting master PIC to one or more slave PICs using only
two wires for the connection.
 I2C contains three small eight pins and low cost ports.

2. What are the features of I2C

 A dual eight pin analog to digital converter

 A 9-bit temperature sensor.
 A 128-bit serial pin.

3. How is write operation done in I2C

 A peripheral chip address and read/write bit designating the peripheral chip, is to
write successive bytes.
 A peripheral internal register or address byte.
 Data to be written into one or more successive addresses.

4. How is read operation done in I2C

 The PIC sends out a peripheral chip address.

 Sends out a read/write bit, saying that the peripheral byte has to send one or more
successive bytes from a selected internal byte or address.
 Reads back one or more bytes of data.

5. What are the applications of I2C

 Reading temperature from a transducer

 Accessing an additional I2C device

6. What are the pins required by I2C

The I2C requires two open/drain I/O pins. These two pins are
 SCL(Serial Clock)
 SDA(Serial Data)
7. How are byte transfers done in I2C
I2C bus transfers consists of a number of byte transfers between
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 START condition and another START condition.

 START condition and a STOP condition.

When the bus transfers are not taking place, both the SDA and SCL lines are released by
all drivers and float high.
8. What is EEPROM
EEPROM [Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory] technology
supplies non-volatile storage of variables to a PIC controlled device or instrument. That
is, variables stored in EEPROM will remain there, even after power has been turned off
and then on again.
9. What is the significance of (WP) pin in EEPROM.
The WP(write protect) pin permits a manufacturer to program a part with calibration
constants holding the WP low. When WP(write protect) pin is held high, then it only permits
10. What are the features of built in ADC in PIC
 Five to eight input channels

 An analog multiplexers

 A track and hold circuit for the signal on the selected input channel.

 Alternative clock sources for carrying out the conversion

 An adjustable autonomous sampling rate.

 The choice of an internal or external reference voltage

 8-bit conversion

 Interrupt enable response when each conversion has been completed.

11. What are the steps required in initializing ADCON0.
i. The first step selects the ADC clock source from among four choices(OSC/2,
OSC/8,OSC/32 and RC).
ii. The clock rate must be 1.6µs or greater.
iii. If one analog input is to be used, it can select once for all by combining channel
selection with clock period selection.

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iv. If several analog channels are to be used, it is important to wait for sample time.
v. When GO_DONE =0 again, the conversion is complete, read the result from
ADRES H’1E’, the ADC result register.
12. What do you mean by UART
UART –Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter is a module included in PIC16Cxx
13. What is the formula for calculating high Baud rate and low baud rate
For BRGH = 1(high speed baud rate)
Baud rate =

For BRGH = 1(low speed baud rate)

Baud rate =

14. What are the reasons for the popularity of LCDs

LCD is finding widespread use replacing LEDS due to the following reasons:
 Declining prices of LEDs

 The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics in contrast to LEDs.

 LCD is incorporated with refreshing controller. Hence CPU is relieved of the task of
refreshing LCDs.
 LCD is the ease of programming and graphics.
15. What is the significance of Register Select pin used in LCD interfacing.
There are two important registers used inside the LCD.
 If RS=0, the instruction command code register is selected allowing the user to send
the command such as clear display, cursor at home and so on.
 If RS=1, the data register is selected allowing the user to send data to be displayed on
the LCD.
16. What are the two important processes in the programming of keyboard interfacing
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i. Key press detection
ii. Key identification.
17. What are the ways by which the PIC controller can perform key press detection:
There are two ways by which the PIC controller can perform key press detection:
i. Interrupt detection
ii. Scanning method
18. What is the principal of working of a transducer.
A physical quantity is converted to electrical (voltage, current) signals using a device called
transducer. Transducers are otherwise called as Sensors.
19. What are the steps to be taken for programming a A/D converter.
To program the A/D converter of PIC the following steps must be taken:
i. Turn on the ADC module of the PIC, since it is disabled upon power on reset to save
ii. Make a pin for the selected ADC channel an input pin.
iii. Select reference voltage and A/C input channel
iv. Select the conversion speed. The registers ADCON1 and ADCON0 may be used.
v. Wait for the required acquisition time.
vi. Activate the start conversion bit of GO/DONE.
vii. Wait for the conversion to be completed by polling the end of conversion
(GO/DONE) bit.
After the GO/DONE bit has gone LOW, read the ADRESL and ADRESH registers to get the
digital input data high.
20. What are the two methods for converting analog to digital signals
The two methods of creating DAC are
 Binary weighted and

 R/2R method.
21. What do you mean by signal conditioning in PIC.
Signal conditioning is widely used in the world of data acquisition. The most common
transducers produce an output in the form of voltage, current, charge, capacitance and
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resistance. The signals are needed to be converted into voltage in order to send an input to A-
D converter. This conversion is commonly called as Signal conditioning. Signal conditioning
may be current to voltage conversion or signal amplification.
22. How is the temperature sensor interfaced with PIC microcontroller[APR/MAY

Connection of PIC with

temperature sensor

1. Explain about I2C. [Marks 16]
2. Explain about I2C bus subroutines [Marks 8]
3. Explain about Serial EEPROM [Marks 16]
4. Explain about the in-built Analog to digital converter in PIC. [Marks 16]
5. Explain the features of UART peripheral in PIC. [Marks 16]
6. Explain about LCD interfacing [Marks 16]
7. Explain in detail about interfacing of PIC with keyboard interface. [Marks 16]
8. Explain about the interfacing of analog to digital converter with PIC [Marks 16]
9. Explain about the interfacing of digital to analog converter with PIC. [Marks 8]
10. Explain about the interfacing of sensors with PIC microcontrollers. [Marks 16]

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