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Josiane Simonin

As a teenager I read a science fiction story that described a person walking on a narrow path
along a steep mountain and who all of a sudden disappeared into an invisible space. I do not
remember what happened next, I'm not even sure I finished the book or if I even read another
science fiction story. But the experience seemed to be carved in my soul. Why ? It was a riddle !

One day a book came my way. The title was: “The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From
Now On Is Our Reality”. It was written by a certain Grigori Grabovoï, whom I had never heard of. I
told myself that someone who announced in such a clear manner what normally is the conclusion
of a book, wanted to convey an urgent and important message.

My experience with the words resurrection and eternal life mostly came to me through people
who were preaching and since preaching was not my way of walking through life I did not take
much notice.

Like many, I read the book, I tried to understand it and I decided just to dip into it, adding the daily
experience with another book by Grigori Grabovoï : "Concentration Exercises”. Looking back, I
can see that the method was adequate, as I could read in my life surprising consequences that
seemed to have fallen from the sky ! Progressively I realised that resurrection and eternal life had
always been a certainty for me, even if I had not been able to see it. Nevertheless, there was still
something that was unsolved.

One day, I realised that the exercises I had developed, before meeting Grigori Grabovoï, were
actually a way of practicing concentration and broadening of our consciousness using the
precious information contained in the events of our life. It could be linked with enigmas,
obstacles, magic moments or our life compasses. I had developed this approach with a friend and
together we applied it. Each time it was a wonder : it worked !

On my way, I then discovered Grigori Grabovoï’s controls exercises as well as the 2 volumes of
"Number series for psychological normalisation”. Gradually, I added these tools to our approach
to create what I now call a “A personalised set of tools". The purpose is to build it up in order to
consciously transform the obstacles that come our way into opportunities. This is one of my way
of spreading the impulse of Grigori Grabovoï so that each person can experience it from within.

It is now time to return to my riddle. In the "Concentration Exercises” Grigori Grabovoï always
puts a special light on “Eternity”, but on this 22nd day there was something special in store for
me. The word eternity was sitting in the middle of a stage. On the left, out of the blue, my science
fiction experience jumped in and simultaneously a more recent experience with a control exercise
appeared on the right. Both of them were waving at me and gradually plenty more experiences
joined in.

I now know that there is nothing new to look for behind the word eternity. It was there all along, it
always showed me the way, it actually was my guide. The difference is that now it is a conscious
experience. What will I make out of it ? The story has yet to be written. I will go on walking along
the steep mountain, this time on a wide path. Someday I will write the story of what happened on
my way towards eternity.

Could it be what our riddles are waiting for ? They calmly remain behind the scene until the
conditions are right for them to reveal their light.

Cernier, August 30, 2018 - js

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