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Change to related topic

Go deeper into topic ( only if it’s not exhausted) Share a personal experience that’s related
to the topic

Ask what their favorite related ___are

Talk about the emotions the topic encores in you

Talk about your nuanced opinion on the topic


Instead of

How are you? What was the highlight of your day/Week

How’s work? Working on any exciting projects recently?

What do you do? Working on any personal passion projects?

How’s the family? Have any vacations coming up?

Where are you from? What’s your story?

How’s it going? What are you up to this weekend?

Been busy? What do you do to unwind?

Having fun? It’s easy to sit next to someone at a table or stand next to someone at the bar and simply ask, “Having a good
time?” Or “Enjoying yourself?” It’s a nicer opener than just “How are you?”


What are you doing this weekend? Ever had that awkward lull in a conversation? This conversation starter is always
welcome. And if it is a Monday or Tuesday, you can modify to ask “Did you do anything fun this past weekend?” Sometimes, I
also try “What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?”

What are your favorite restaurants around here?

1. Tell me about you. This is a great one because it invites the other person to tell you
something that they want to share. If they want to tell you about their job, they can. If they
want to tell you about their kids, they can. And it’s a great way to know what’s at the top of
someone’s mind.

2. Working on anything exciting lately? This is my alternative to “what do you do?” Asking if
someone is working on anything exciting helps the other person talk about something good
in their life as opposed to just giving you a boring update.

3. What’s your story? This is an interesting conversation starter because it invites someone
to tell you a story about them and you never know what exciting thing they might tell you.
Are you very active of do you prefer to just relax in your free time?

4. What personal passion project are you working on right now? This is one of my favorites.
You never know what secret side hustle someone has. I love asking this one to people I
already know in one context – like work, but would love to know more about them personally.

was hast du schon alles gemacht

What are your favorite stories to tell?

What is something you are obsessed with?

What do you do to get rid of stress?

What did you do on your last vacation?

If you opened a business, what kind of business would it be?

Are you a very organized person?

ausgeglichen oder dramaqueen

eigene übung als univ ass

Where is the most beautiful place you have been? - lieblingsort

Where do you spend most of your free time / day?

What is your guilty pleasure?

What do you do to improve your mood when you are in a bad mood?

Where is the best place to take a date?

What are you best at?

What makes you nervous?

What book has influenced you the most?

What sports do you like to watch?

What restaurant do you eat at most?

If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

What is your favorite food?

Do you prefer traveling alone or with a group?

Do you care about fashion?


What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?

What are some goals you have already achieved?

Have your parents influenced what goals you have?

What is the best way to stay motivated and complete goals?

What are some goals you have failed to accomplish?

Where do you get your news?

What’s your claim to fame?

How often do you people watch?

peinliche/lustige geschichte

to spark: compliment

“Man, I’ve tried building both habits — running and waking up early — but I can never keep
them up for more than a few days. How the hell do you stay motivated to keep doing it every
day? Like do you get to a point where you actually start to enjoy it?”

hund Do you teach him tricks?

“Are you hitting on me?”

“Hey, stop thinking those dirty thoughts — we just met.”

hast du den Lippenstift extra wegen mir drauf gemacht ? ( breit grinsen) , steht dir aber gut.

wenn eine Frau genervt guckt oder zickig ist kannst du sagen," sag mal so wie du guckst
willst du die Leute erschrecken? Ein Lächeln würde dir besser stehen."

Mir hat z.B. mal ein Mädel gesagt: "Ich lerne nie Typen kennen, die mir das Wasser reichen
können". Da bietet sich natürlich an, in Richtung Vagina und "feucht" oder als Steigerung
"patschnass" zu teasen. Rund um Kochen kann man mit "heiss", "scharfe Sachen", "dreckig"
teasen. "Mund nicht zu voll nehmen" in Verbindung mit "große Klappe" bietet auch einige
Sachen an. "Verbrenn Dir nicht nicht Finger" ist auch nett.

Dann lass uns am Freitag was kochen. Aber ich meine wirklich kochen. Nicht vorher mit der
Freundin was essen gehen und dann mit Kugelbauch da stehen und sagen "Ich dachte, Du
meintest mit kochen, dass wir die ganze Nacht vögeln. Du hast doch gesagt, es wird scharf
und heiss und wir versauen die ganze Küche."

Und wenn sie dann total irritiert schaut, weil ihr das zu direkt ist, noch hinterher schießen:
"Du kannst Dich gerne rasieren, wenn es für Dich dann spannender wird.".

Ggf. auch noch hinterher schießen: Ist mir super wichtig, dass Mädels wissen, wann sie
Sachen in den Mund nehmen und vor dem Schlucken kauen müssen. Und wann sie das auf
keinen Fall machen dürfen. Generell stehe ich auf clevere Mädels...

Waerst du ein paar Jahre jünger, würdest du dich bestimmt auch bei GNTM anmelden :p

Du bist echt weit für Dein Alter


HB heult sich bei dir aus, möchte dich als "guten Freund" nutzen (will dich betaisieren):

PUA: "Hey Mädel pass mal auf, ich bin nicht der Typ bei dem sich Frauen ausheulen können, ich
hab kein Bock auf sowas!" (ernste Stimme und Miene)

HB: (guckt unschuldig oder beleidigt) "Ich wollte doch nur.../Ich erzähl doch nur wie ich mich

PUA: "Ich bin der Typ bei dem Frauen lachen können/ Spaß haben können" hre Hand nehmen
und Tanzen gehen :).

HB: (strahlende Augen) "Oh, na das ist gut..."

PUA: Weisst du was ich an deinen Augen mag?

HB: Nein was?

PUA: Das ich mich darin spiegle.

PUA: Ich liebe Mädchen mit diesen Augen!!!

HB: Echt???
PUA: Kannst du mir deine Freundin vorstellen

Pua: Hoffentlich sieht mich keiner mit dir!

Hb: Heißt das du schämst dich für mich?

Pua: Nein ich dachte eher daran, dass sie neidisch werden.

PUA:Weisst was ich an dir mag?

HB: ???

PUA:Deine schuhe..

PUA: Ich weiß nicht ob ich dich näher kennenlernen will... :P

Sie: Und warum nicht?

PUA: Weil du eine Überdosis hübsches Mädchen für mich bist ;)

Ich muss dir mal sagen dass ich echt selten so tolle frauen wie dich kennen lernen darf, (ganz
kurze Pause) [falscher Name] und dann lachen, das sollte ja kein ernst sein, aber anfangs so

Die typische Alters Frage:

HB: "Wie alt bist du eigentlich?"

LP: "Uff,.. vieel zu alt für dich!" => einen schritt weggehen. meist lachen sie und kommen auf
einen zu, "ne sag mal!"


süßes Foto, ...

…..????? So weit sind WIR BEIDE garantiert noch nicht *drücke sie weg* (ernster Blick in die
Augen 1 Sekunde, dann den Körper runter und wieder rauf, sodass sie merkt dass ich sie
mustere) *zieh sie wieder her, nehm sie in den arm und leg meine Hand beiläufig auf ihren
Hintern* zumindest NOCH nicht.. (bei dem Satz macht die Tonalität viel aus)

Du tanzt garnichtmal schlecht .. ( = pull)

HB8 (Gogo-Tänzerin): Oh Dank(ich unterbreche sie)

Andi: ..dafür dass du nur so wenig Platz hast, da siehts bei anderen sicher NOCH schlimmer
aus. ( = push)

HB: *wtf?* *lach*

Andi: Aber wenigstens steht dir das Outfit ( =pull)

HB: Sag mal bist du immer so frech?

Andi: Nein nur zu bösen kleinen Mädchen die's verdient haben *Klaps auf den Po*

HB: Du traust dich aber was!

Andi: Ich trau mich noch ganz anderes *KC*

Das Kleid steht dir", nimmt sie an der Hand, lässt sie am besten einmal drehen (nach dem Motto:
zeig mal her) und dann direkt etwas wie "hat dir deine Mami das gekauft?" oder so ähnlich.

1. Sie holt eine Zigarette raus, du "whoa, ich hasse Raucher", dann kurze Pause und du holst
selbst eine heraus bzw. zündest ihre lächelnd an

“Serious. Oh, so is this the part where you’re gonna give me your little opinion. Oh, that's so cute.
Okay, go ahead.”


“Oh, um, okay, so, you’re…from the country. Well, that’s okay. And so, then, you grew up on a
farm or something? Let me hear your accent again”. This is said with a playful face.

Even if she’s not from the country, you can always go back far enough in her family and find
someone that’s from the country. An aunt or an uncle or a grandmother—there’s usually always
some way to go that direction and tease her about it.


When you are in a venue with her, you could say something like, “So, tell me, how many men do
you know here? Let her answer, then say “Come on, you can tell me... How many men have you
been on dates with?

If you are walking with her down the street and holding her hand, you could let go of her hand,
grab her wrist, and make her wave at a man that just passed by.
You’ll definitely get a punch on the arm for that 😊

If her phone goes off during your date, you could say, “Oh, is that a Tinder notification?”

Again, you do this in a playful manner.

If you just met her and she shakes your hand, you could pull her hand toward your crotch and
say… “Whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing?”

You could also bring her attention to your crotch by holding your smartphone with the lights on
next to your crotch. When she looks there, you say, “Did you just look at…?”

When standing somewhere with her, you can also open your zipper and then say something like,
“What did you just do? How did you even do that?”

And you do this (say it with me) in a PLAYFUL way.

If you are at a restaurant with her, you could take some breadcrumbs and put them next to her
plate without her noticing it.

Then when the waiter comes to take away the dishes, you point it out and say “Omg, I’m so
sorry, sir!”

Or if she makes some noise, apologize to the people next to you.

Of course, do it playfully.

Now, remember, you’re not constantly teasing her. You are balancing it by deeply connecting
with her and being a gentleman. For example, you open doors for her, help her put on her coat,

If you mix the teasing with gentlemanly behavior and deeply connecting with her, she’ll become
ADDICTED to you. Women love it THAT much.

Conclusion + Free Teasing Tutorial

Teasing is a way to spice up your conversations and spike emotions of attraction in women.

There’s a difference between negging, cocky-funny humor and teasing.

Negging and cocky-funny don’t work on quality women, but teasing does.

There are two important things to do that will make your teases work even better.

First of all, you need to tease in a playful way.

Second, and this is CRUCIAL, you MUST mix it up with sincerity and connecting with her.

If you only tease her, she’ll see you as immature and she’ll lose interest in you.

Conversation Focused On Her 90% Of The Time

People love to talk about themselves. And women are no different.
People love to talk about themselves. And women are no different.

This is probably the single most effective way to keep a conversation going forever.

Use this technique and she’ll feel like time flies.

The reason for this is simple.

People love to talk about themselves. And women are no different.

By doing this, she’ll keep talking and talking and talking…and she’ll enjoy the hell out of it!

Plus, this also has the added benefit that you’ll find out a lot about her.

And guess what?

As an introvert, this technique is so easy for you. Most introverts love listening to others and
getting to know people on a deeper level.

What “Old Person” Things Do You Do?

Prunes every morning or Matlock marathons: no matter what the answer is it’s sure to lead to a
few half-embarrassed chuckles.
3. What Did You Think Was Cool When You Were Young, But Isn’t Cool Now?
This is an opportunity to indulge in a little nostalgia that’s also a little self-deprecating. Think of all
the trends that seem ridiculous in retrospect: acid-washed jeans, mullets, flannel shirts. There’s
lots to work with.

role playing


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