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J Appl Phycol

DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-9982-x

Evaluation of microalgal consortia for treatment of primary

treated sewage effluent and biomass production
Nirmal Renuka & Anjuli Sood & Sachitra K. Ratha &
Radha Prasanna & Amrik S. Ahluwalia

Received: 26 August 2012 / Revised and accepted: 7 January 2013

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract The present investigation was aimed towards an- Introduction

alyzing the potential of consortia of native filamentous
microalgal strains (MC2), native unicellular microalgal The increasing scarcity of water in the world, along with
strains (MC3), and selected microalgae from germplasm rapid population increase in urban areas, and improper
(MC1) in terms of nutrient removal, water quality improve- dumping of wastes into aquatic bodies are areas of seri-
ment, and biomass production using primary treated sewage ous concern, which emphasize the need for suitable and
water. Highest NO3-N (90 %) and PO4-P (97.8 %) removal effective treatment options. According to a WHO report
was obtained with MC2-inoculated sewage water. Highest (2000), only 35 % of total sewage wastewater actually
decrease in total dissolved solids to 806 from 1,120 mg L−1 undergoes treatment to secondary level in Asia, while in
and highest increase in dissolved oxygen of 9.0 from African countries, no technique is being employed for
0.4 mg L−1 were obtained using MC2-inoculated sewage the treatment of sewage wastewater (Singh et al. 2012).
water on the sixth day. The biomass production was also In India, a survey of Central Pollution Control Board
highest in MC2 (1.07 g L−1) followed by MC1 and MC3 stated that out of the total sewage generated from urban
(0.90 and 0.94 g L−1, respectively) on the sixth day. The areas, only 35 % is being treated, with a capacity gap of
consortium of filamentous strains from native environment 65 % (CPCB 2009). Apart from the lack of sufficient
not only proved promising in nutrient removal efficiency means to treat sewage water, another problem associated
but also led to enhanced biomass. The present study is the presence of excess of nutrients, especially N and
highlighted the utility of such a consortium for sewage P. This, in turn, leads to ecological problems such as
wastewater treatment and the promise of sewage water as eutrophication, algal blooms, uncontrolled spread of cer-
a growth medium for biomass production. tain aquatic macrophytes, oxygen depletion, and loss of
key species, and degradation of fresh water ecosystems
Keywords Biomass . Consortium . Filamentous (Wang et al. 2010; Doria et al. 2012). Traditional treatment
microalgae . Nutrient removal . Sewage water systems such as aerobic and anaerobic reactors are costly,
involve complex operation, generate a great volume of waste
sludge, and require a high-energy input. Therefore, there is a
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article need to develop a cost-effective, eco-friendly technology that
(doi:10.1007/s10811-013-9982-x) contains supplementary material, utilizes economically viable inputs, for its acceptability at
which is available to authorized users. commercial level.
N. Renuka : A. S. Ahluwalia Phytoremediation or the use of plants or algae for treat-
Department of Botany, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, ment of wastewater is a suitable option (Sood et al. 2011).
Microalgae, a broad category comprising of eukaryotic
A. Sood microalgae and cyanobacteria, has recently been exploited
Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India for the removal of nutrients from wastewater, because of
their high requirement of N and P for their growth (Mata et
S. K. Ratha : R. Prasanna (*)
al. 2012). Wastewaters also provide a suitable medium,
Division of Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110012, India supplying most of the necessary nutrients for algae growth,
e-mail: thereby, significantly reducing the cost associated with
J Appl Phycol

credits for wastewater treatment, as well as mitigation of the for water and wastewater (APHA 2005), and the observa-
greenhouse gas emissions (Pittman et al. 2011). Another tions are tabulated in Table 1.
advantage of this system is that the microalgal biomass
generated from wastewater treatment plant can be utilized Isolation of microalgal strains
for the production of bioenergy, food, animal feed, pharma-
ceuticals, and fertilizers (Rawat et al. 2011). The native microalgae in wastewater were isolated and puri-
Recently, a number of reports employing mainly uni- fied after enrichment with modified Bold’s Basal Medium
cellular microalgae have revealed that wastewater can be (BBM) (Starr and Zeikus 1993) supplemented with or without
effectively used as growth medium for the cultivation nitrogen. The composition of the enrichment medium is given
and biomass production (Cho et al. 2011; Sydney et al. in Supplementary Table 1. For enrichment, medium and
2011; Zhou et al. 2012a, b; Renuka et al. 2013). How- wastewater were taken in 1:1 ratio in 250-mL flasks. Flasks
ever, a serious drawback associated with the application were incubated at 25±2 °C and 75 μmol photons m−2 s−1 for
of unicellular microalgae in sewage treatment is their 3 weeks. Serial dilution technique and streaking method on
microscopic dimensions (0.5–30 μm), which makes bio- BBM agar plates were used for isolation of microalgae from
mass harvesting not economically viable, besides being wastewater, followed by their purification, by picking up
a time-consuming process (Molina Grima et al. 2003). single colonies. The purity of the isolated strains was con-
In this context, filamentous microalgae, with dimensions firmed microscopically. The isolated microalgae were identi-
of approximately 200 μm (harvested easily by filtra- fied by using standard keys: Cyanobacteria (Komárek and
tion), or those forming aggregates/mats, can be a viable Anagnostidis 2005), Chlorococcales (Komárek and Fott
option, as they help to significantly reduce the harvest- 1983), and Bacillariophyta (Round et al. 1990).
ing cost (Chen et al. 2011; Hori et al. 2002). Another
alternative is the use of a mixture of microalgal consortia Development of consortia
having both unicellular and filamentous strains (Chinnasamy
et al. 2010). Equal amounts of different microalgal strains in terms of
The importance of consortia, as against single organ- chlorophyll content (0.1–0.2 μgmL−1) were mixed and
isms, has been illustrated by various workers in terms of allowed to acclimatize under outdoor conditions in modified
survival, biomass production, as well as nutrient removal Bold’s Basal Medium for consortia development. Three types
(Bhatnagar et al. 2010; Silva-Benavides and Torzillo of algal consortia, i.e., consortia of native filamentous micro-
2012). Algal consortia can better grow in wastewaters algal strains (MC2), native unicellular microalgal strains
because the loss of one alga from the consortia may be (MC3), and selected microalgae from germplasm (MC1), were
compensated by the other algae (Chinnasamy et al. used in the present investigation. The details of the microalgal
2010). Hence, there is urgent need to screen the promis- strains in the various consortia are given in Table 2.
ing native microalgae from sewage wastewater that not
only have the potential to sequester excessive nutrients Growth kinetics of consortia and acclimatization
but also can form consortia having wider biomass appli-
cations after harvesting from the contaminated sites. Growth kinetics of consortia was studied in Bold’s Basal
Therefore, the present study was carried out to screen medium in outdoor environment (ex situ) for acclimatiza-
and evaluate the potential of microalgal consortia from tion. Chlorophyll content was determined spectrophotomet-
native environment and available germplasm (filamentous rically using methanolic extracts, using the standard
and unicellular) in terms of nutrient removal, improvement of equation of Lichtenthaler (1987). Initial concentration of
water quality and biomass production in wastewater under all the consortia was kept constant (0.14–0.20 μgmL−1).
outdoor conditions.
Experimental design

Materials and methods Twenty-day-old consortia were centrifuged, repeatedly washed

with distilled water to remove nutrients, and used as inoculum.
Wastewater collection and analyses Initial chlorophyll concentration was kept constant for all con-
sortia (1.8–2 μg mL−1). Raw sewage water without any inoc-
Wastewater was collected in clean plastic jars from the ulum was kept as control. The experiment was conducted
channel at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New under outdoor conditions in a net house, using beakers
Delhi. They were transported to laboratory, stored at 4 °C, (1,000 mL) containing 800 mL of sewage wastewater. They
and used for further study. Quantification of physicochem- were covered with a transparent film with pores for aeration
ical parameters was carried out using the standard methods and kept at atmospheric night/day temperature and light
J Appl Phycol

intensity (ranged between 17±2–36±3 °C and 420±100– Table 1 Physicochemi-

cal characteristics of Parameter Characteristics
1,760±400 μmol photons m−2 s−1, respectively). The inoculat-
raw sewage water
ed microalgal consortia were harvested at 6 h and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, pH 8.2
and 14 day time intervals for biomass analysis, and cell-free Salinity 804±2.0
filtrate was taken for the analyses of various physiochemical EC 1,576±5.0
parameters. The experiment was performed twice in triplicates. TDS 1,120±4.0
DO 0.38±0.029
Analytical procedures BOD 2.4±0.001
COD 2,150±50
All the physicochemical parameters, viz, alkalinity, acidity, Alkalinity 223.33±2.89
chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, calcium, hardness, free Free CO2 13.20±0.29
CO2, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand The units of all the Chloride 273.59±2.96
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), NO3-N, NO2-N, parameters are in Total hardness 396.67±5.77
NH4-N, and PO4-P, were analyzed using standard methods mg L−1 except pH, bi- Bicarbonate 0.95±0.05
for water and wastewater (APHA 2005). Percent removal was carbonate (meq L−1), Ca Ca and Mg 9.25±0.05
and Mg (meq L−1) and
calculated by the following formula: EC (μS cm−1). Values NO3-N 83.714±0.862
are given as mean of NH4-N 21.067±0.189
ððC0  C Þ=C0 Þ  100 ð1Þ n samples ± SD, PO4-P 3.147±0.015
where n=6
where C0 is the initial concentration of nutrient in wastewater;
C, concentration of nutrient left in wastewater after treatment.
For dry cell weight (DCW) estimation, 10 mL of homog-
day in all the consortia, and thereafter, a plateau or drop
enized culture was filtered through pre-weighed Whatman
was observed, all the three consortia were analyzed period-
no. 41 (ashless) and dried at 60 °C until constant weight was
ically and harvested at the 20th day for analyses.
achieved. DCW was calculated by subtracting the initial
filter paper weight from the final weight of filter paper
containing dried microalgae and was expressed as g L−1. Nutrient removal in wastewater treatment

The NO3-N removal efficiency of different microalgal con-

Statistical analyses sortia from sewage water has been illustrated in Fig. 2a. On
the second day, consortium MC2 was able to remove 63.4 %
The statistical analyses were performed using the software of NO3-N, while MC1 and MC2 were able to remove only
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 10.0). One- 30.7 and 27.1 % of NO3-N (Fig. 2a). Highest NO3-N removal
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the of 90 % was observed in MC2-inoculated sewage water on the
differences among the treatments. The triplicate sets of data tenth day, followed by MC3 and MC1 (82 and 80 %, respec-
were evaluated in accordance with the experimental design tively). In terms of NH4-N, MC2 was able to remove 73 % of
(completely randomized design) with ANOVA. The com- NH4-N from sewage water as compared to 18 and 25 % by
parisons between the different means were made using post MC1 and MC3 at 6 h (Supplementary Table 2). However,
hoc least significant differences calculated at P level of 0.05 there was 100 % removal of NH4-N in all the consortia-
(5 %) and represented as critical differences values in tables. inoculated sewage wastewater on the tenth day (Fig. 2b).
SD values are depicted in the graphs as bars. DMRT analysis The present investigation revealed that MC2 (native fil-
was depicted as alphabets (upper/lower case) in tables, with amentous consortia) removed 63 % of NO3-N on the second
a/A representing highest values. Similar alphabets indicate day, as compared to two other consortia. This consortium
nonsignificantly (p<0.05) different mean values. was also able to remove 100 % of NH4-N and 90 % of NO3-
N from the sewage wastewater on the tenth day. This can be
attributed to the presence of more microalgal strains belong-
Results and discussion ing to the Cyanophyta in MC2 consortia, which are known
to be efficient scavengers of ammoniacal N. The order of
Development and optimization of consortia utilization of nitrogen sources by cyanobacteria is, in gen-
eral, NH4+ >NO−3 >N2, and when NH4+ is available, cyano-
All the consortia showed S-shaped growth curve, and mi- bacteria do not utilize other nitrogen sources, until ammonia
croscopic analyses revealed harmonious growth of the part- is depleted. It is well known that the uptake of nitrate is a
ners in consortia (Supplementary Fig. 1; Fig. 1). Since light energy-dependent process involving nitrate reductase,
maximum chlorophyll content was recorded on the 20th an inducible enzyme; cyanobacteria prefer to utilize already
J Appl Phycol

Table 2 Taxonomic description

of the microalgal consortia Consortia Origin Group Genera Morphotype

MC1 Non-native Cyanophyta Calothrix sp. Filamentous

Cyanophyta Lyngbya sp. Filamentous
Chlorophyta Ulothrix sp. Filamentous
Chlorophyta Chlorella sp. Unicellular
MC2 Native Cyanophyta Phormidium sp. Filamentous
Cyanophyta Limnothrix sp. Filamentous
Cyanophyta Anabaena sp. Filamentous
Cyanophyta Westiellopsis sp. Filamentous
Cyanophyta Fischerella sp. Filamentous
Chlorophyta Spirogyra sp. Filamentous
MC3 Native Chlorophyta Chlorella sp. Unicellular
Chlorophyta Scenedesmus sp. Unicellular
Chlorophyta Chlorococcum sp. Unicellular
Cyanophyta Chroococcus sp. Unicellular

reduced nitrogen sources such as ammonium and exhibit (Supplementary Table 2). On the secondday, MC2 was able
higher biomass productivity (Paerl 1986; Markou and to remove 90 % of PO4-P, while MC1 and MC2 were able to
Georgakakis 2011). Cyanobacteria also store nitrogen in the remove only 88 and 87 % of PO4-P, respectively. On the
form of cyanophycean granules in their cell. This ability can fourth day onwards, no significant differences in the PO4-P
provide a competitive edge to the MC2 consortium in remov- removal potential of the consortia was recorded (Fig. 2c).
ing 90 % of NO3-N from the sewage wastewater, as compared The investigation showed that MC2 was more efficient
to the other consortia. Among the microalgae employed for than MC1 and MC3 in sequestration of phosphorus from the
nutrient removal, Chlorella, Scenedesmus and Spirulina are sewage wastewater, which can be attributed to the presence
most commonly observed algae in wastewaters, but Spirogyra of more cyanobacteria, which can store excess of P in the
has also been reported (Aslan and Kapdan 2006). form of polyphosphate bodies (Markou and Georgakakis
The comparative PO4-P removal efficiency (percent re- 2011). Hence, mixtures/consortia of filamentous and unicel-
moval) of different microalgal consortia in sewage water is lular strains are commonly used to combine the advantages
illustrated in Fig. 2c. At 6 h, MC1, MC2, and MC3 were of high biomass and proliferation of unicellular forms with
able to remove 83, 67, and 53 % of PO4-P, respectively gas vacuole containing filamentous, providing buoyancy
Fig. 1 Microphotographs
illustrating the microalgal a Ly b
diversity in the consortia on the
20th day. a MC1 comprising Ly U Chl
Lyngbya sp., Chl Chlorella sp., Chl
Ca Calothrix sp., U Ulothrix sp.
b MC3 comprising Chl Chr Sc
Chlorella sp., Chr Chroococcus
sp., Sc Scenedesmus sp. c, d
MC2 comprising L Limnothrix Ch
sp., Ph Phormidium sp., An 20 µm
20 µm

Anabaena sp., S Spirogyra sp.,

F Fischerella sp., W
Westiellopsis sp c d
Ph W
S An

20 µm 20 µm
J Appl Phycol

a In our investigation, pH of raw sewage was 8.2 which

100 increased to pH 8.5±0.2 at 6 h and, then on the second day,
Percent Removal of NO3-N

to pH10.2. The observed increase in pH is due to the photo-
synthetic activity of microalgae which plays an important role
60 in wastewater treatment, as a result of cycling of different
forms of N and P present in wastewater (Silva-Benavides
and Torzillo 2012) At higher pH (≥9), free ammonia begins
20 to dominate over ammonium ion, and PO4− is known to
precipitate as insoluble salts (Markou and Georgakakis
0 2011; Silva-Benavides and Torzillo 2012). However, in the
0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
present investigation, 83.3, 67.4, and 53.9 % of available P
Time (d)
were removed by MC1, MC2, and MC3, respectively, from
b the sewage wastewater at 6 h when pH was more or less the
120 same as that of initial (0 day). The uptake of available P is an
Percent Removal of NH4-N

100 active process which operates gradually over time. In our

study, by the second day, up to 80 % removal was achieved,
after which a plateau was reached. Hence, the observed higher
60 pH (10.2) on the second day did not have any significant effect
40 on removal of P by algae. Similarly, 80–85 % NH4-N was
removed by different consortia by the second day, and any
volatilization of ammonia due to high pH may be the reason
0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
for any further N losses.
Time (d)

120 a
Percent Removal of PO4-P

Percent reduction in BOD

0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d 0
Time (d) 0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
Time (d)
Fig. 2 Percent removal of a NO3-N, b NH4-N, and c PO4-P from sewage
wastewater by various microalgal consortia at different time intervals.
Raw sewage wastewater (──○──), MC1 (—▲—), MC2 (– –□– –), and
MC3 (—◊—) are shown. Error bars indicate standard deviation
Percent reduction in COD


mechanism and a matrix or the unicellular forms. Such 40

consortia have shown to perform better in phytoremediation
experiments. Chinnasamy et al. (2010) reported that micro- 20
algal consortia comprising both native unicellular and fila-
mentous strains were able to remove 99.8 % of NO3-N and 0
96.6 % of PO4-P within 72 h when grown in sterilized carpet 0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
industry effluent under elevated CO2 levels (6 %) and at 25 °C. Time (d)
In an another study, 80 % nitrogen removal was recorded
Fig. 3 Percent reduction in a BOD and b COD of sewage wastewater by
from municipal wastewater in which co-culturing of Plank- various microalgal consortia at different time intervals. Raw sewage waste-
tothrix isothrix and Chlorella vulgaris was undertaken (Silva- water (──○──), MC1 (—▲—), MC2 (– –□– –), and MC3 (—◊—) are
Benavides and Torzillo 2012). shown. Error bars indicate standard deviation
J Appl Phycol

Values given are mean of n samples ± SD, where n=6. Letters in lower case (a, b …) denote rankings in respective column, and letters in upper case (A, B …) denote rankings in respective rows
CD (5 %)
BOD and COD removal


A gradual decrease in BOD was observed in all the consor-
tia studied (Fig. 3a). On the second day, highest removal of

4.467±0.115 b, B
4.467±0.115 b, B
3.500±0.100 c, B
5.340±0.020 a, B
81 % of BOD was observed in MC3, followed by MC2
(77 %). While on the sixth day, highest reduction in BOD
(88 %) was found to be in MC2-inoculated sewage water. At

14th day
the end of experiment (14 days), all the consortia showed

the same efficiency (99 %) for BOD removal (Supplemen-
tary Table 2). COD removal also showed a similar trend as
that of BOD. On the sixth day of study, there was a 65 %

4.173±0.300 b, A

4.413±0.012 b, B
4.067±0.115 b, C
5.193±0.012 a, B
reduction in COD in MC1 and MC3 and 61 % reduction in
MC2-inoculated sewage water (Fig. 3b). Highest reduction

10th day
in COD up to 88 % was observed in MC1, while MC2 and

MC3 were able to reduce 87 % of COD in sewage water on
the 14th day of study (Supplementary Table 2). Riano et al.
(2011) demonstrated that consortia of microalgae isolated

8.000±0.400 b, A
8.000±0.400 b, A
9.000±0.200 a, A
3.633±0.153 c, B
from aerobically treated swine slurry can remove 70 % of
COD from wastewater from fish processing unit after 5 days.

Table 3 Influence of different microalgal consortia on dissolved oxygen (mg L−1) of wastewater at different time intervals
In another report, maximum reduction (89.29 %) and COD

6th day
(73.68 %) were recorded using Anabaena variabilis and Ana-

baena oryzae, respectively from mixed industrial wastewater
after 7 days of incubation. El-Bestawy (2008), who also found
that the use of single microalga Tolypothrix ceylonica led to a

3.920±0.106 ab, C
3.800±0.200 b, C
0.399±0.001 c, C

4.067±0.115 a, C
decrease in total dissolved solids (TDS) to 13.76 % in mixed
domestic industrial wastewater in 7 days.
4th day

Water quality improvement 0.177

All the three consortia were able to improve water quality,

1.327±0.110 b, D
1.617±0.029 a, D
1.527±0.110 a, D
0.413±0.023 c, C

but to different extents. There was a significant (p<0.05)

increase in DO levels in all the treatments (Table 3). Max-
imum increase in DO levels was observed on the sixth day
of study in MC1 as 9 from 0.38 mg L−1, followed by MC2
2nd day


and MC3 (Table 3). On the sixth day of study, MC1, MC2,
and MC3 were able to reduce total hardness to 223, 258, and
243 mg L−1, respectively, from 396.67 mg L−1 (Table 4).
0.393±0.012 b, C
0.460±0.104 b, E
0.420±0.035 b, E
0.827±0.046 a, E

Maximum reduction in hardness was observed in MC1, i.e.,

149.33 mg L−1 on the 14th day (Table 4). In all the treat-
ments, free CO2 was completely removed on the secondday

(data not shown). Alkalinity was reduced to 81, 131.67, and


82.50 mg L−1 from 223.33 mg L−1 by MC1, MC2, and

MC3, respectively, on the second day. Highest reduction in
alkalinity to 44 mg L−1 was observed in MC3-inoculated
0.38±0.01 C
0.38±0.01 E
0.38±0.01 E
0.38±0.01 F

sewage water followed by MC1 and MC2 to 45 and

58.33 mg L−1, respectively, on the 14th day of study
0 day

(Table 5). In the present study, a similar trend was ob-

served in TDS, electrical conductivity (EC), and salinity
Type of consortia

(Fig. 4a–c). Maximum decrease in TDS level was

achieved on second day in MC1 (29.1 %) followed by
CD (5 %)

MC2 and MC3 (Fig. 4a). However, MC2 was able to


decrease TDS (28 %) to 806 mg L−1 on the sixth day

(Fig. 4a). Highest reduction in EC to 1,119 μScm−1 and
Table 4 Influence of different microalgal consortia on total hardness (mg L−1) of wastewater at different time intervals

Type of consortia 0 day 6h 2nd day 4th day 6th day 10th day 14th day CD (5 %)
J Appl Phycol

Control 396.67±5.77 A 398.67±0.58 a, A 399.67±0.58 a, A 338.00±1.00 a, B 303.67±1.53 a, C 237.67±1.53 a, D 217.67±1.53 a, E 2.53

SW MC1 396.67±5.77 A 372.33±0.58 b, B 317.00±2.00 c, C 233.00±1.00 b, D 223.00±1.00 d, E 175.00±1.00 c, F 149.33±2.31 d, G 2.56
SW MC2 396.67±5.77 A 359.67±0.58 d, B 317.00±1.00 c, C 209.67±0.58 c, D 258.00±1.00 b, E 167.33±1.15 d, F 165.67±2.08 c, F 2.44
SW MC3 396.67±5.77 A 364.33±3.79 c, B 326.33±2.08 b, C 231.67±2.08 b, D 243.00±1.00 c, E 190.33±0.58 b, F 170.67±1.15 b, G 2.95
CD (5 %) – 2.60 1.90 1.80 1.83 0.76 2.58 –

Values given are mean of n samples ± SD, where n=6. Letters in lower case (a, b …) denote rankings in respective column, and letters in upper case (A, B …) denote rankings in respective rows

Table 5 Influence of different microalgal consortia on alkalinity (mg L−1) of wastewater at different time intervals

Type of consortia 0 day 6h 2nd day 4th day 6th day 10th day 14th day CD (5 %)

Control 223.33±2.89 B 223.30±3.99 ab, B 231.67±2.89 a, A 228.33±2.89 a, A 228.33±2.89 a, A 163.83±0.29 a, C 158.33±2.89 a, D 4.57
SW MC1 223.33±2.89 A 223.33±7.64 ab, A 81.00±1.00 d, B 64.83±0.29 c, C 65.17±0.29 c, C 62.17±2.02 c, C 45.00±5.00 b, D 5.47
SW MC2 223.33±2.89 A 227.67±2.52 a, A 132.67±6.43 b, B 72.67±2.52 b, C 71.83±2.275 b, C 58.67±0.29 d, D 58.33±2.89 a, D 5.43
SW MC3 223.33±2.89 A 221.33±5.51 b, A 89.50±0.50 c, B 65.17±0.29 c, C 73.50±1.50 b, C 70.17±0.29 b, D 44.00±1.00 b, E 3.35
CD (5 %) – 4.05 6.18 3.46 3.38 1.71 2.97 –

Values given are mean of n samples ± SD, where n=6. Letters in lower case (a, b …) denote rankings in respective column, and letters in upper case (A, B …) denote rankings in respective rows
J Appl Phycol

a 1.2

DCW (g L-1)
TDS (mg L-1)

1000 0.6

900 0.4

700 0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d
Time (d) Time (d)

b Fig. 5 Biomass production (DCW) of the microalgal consortia grown

on sewage wastewater at different time intervals. Raw sewage waste-
water (──○──), MC1 (—▲—), MC2 (– –□– –), and MC3 (—◊—)
1600 are presented. Error bars indicate standard deviation
EC (µS cm-1)

1400 Biomass production

All the three consortia were able to proliferate in sewage
water. Highest biomass (1.07 gL−1) was obtained from MC2
1100 on the sixth day. However, MC1 and MC3 were able to
1000 produce biomass of 0.90 and 0.94 g L−1, respectively
0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d (Fig. 5). After sixth day, a decrease in biomass was observed
Time (d)
in all the consortia. A decrease in biomass after 6 days in all
c the consortia revealed the end of exponential phase. The
900 observed differences in biomass generated using different
microalgal consortia might be because of their differential
800 response under outdoor environmental conditions, viz. light,
Salinity (mg L-1)

temperature etc. However, an increase in biomass was ob-

700 served with increase in incubation time in sewage wastewater,
which indicated that the sewage water was a conducive
600 growth medium for all the microalgal consortia employed in
the present investigation.
500 The present study showed that native filamentous con-
0d 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d sortium was able to produce the highest biomass of 1.07 g
Time (d) L−1 on sixth day. There are a few reports which demonstrate
Fig. 4 Comparative evaluation of a TDS, b EC, and c salinity levels in that native microalgal strains adapt better to the local envi-
various microalgal consortia-inoculated sewage wastewater at different ronment and exhibit faster growth rate compared with those
time intervals. Raw sewage wastewater (──○──), MC1 (—▲—), introduced (Zhou et al. 2012b). Native microalgae are
MC2 (– –□– –), and MC3 (—◊—) are presented. Error bars indicate
known to possess better potential to grow in wastewaters
standard deviation
having high carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content and
tend to aggregate and exhibit self-sedimentation without
salinity to 569 mg L−1 on second day were observed using addition of any flocculants (Zhou et al. 2012a). Chinnasamy
MC1. However, a significant (p<0.05) increase in EC and et al. (2010) studied that consortia of native microalgal
salinity was observed in MC1- and MC3-inoculated sewage strains can produce biomass of 1.47 gL−1 on the ninth day
wastewater on fourth day, which, however, decreased there- when grown in sterilized carpet mill wastewater with in-
after. The maximum reduction in EC and salinity (Fig. 4b–c) creased CO2 level (6 %) and at 25 °C. Riano et al. (2011)
was observed on the sixth day in MC2-inoculated sewage found that microalgae consortium isolated from swine slurry
water (1,130 μScm−1 and 582 mg L−1, respectively). In the can produce 0.555 g L−1 of biomass in 5 days, when culti-
present investigation, the highest increase in DO and highest vated in fish processing wastewater in a photobioreactor. In
reduction in TDS, EC and salinity were observed on sixth our study, the consortia developed using microalgae belong-
day, when MC2 consortium of native filamentous strains was ing to available germplasm (MC1) was able to maintain its
employed. biomass up to 14 days, after attaining maxima on sixth day,
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Acknowledgments The first author is thankful to University Grants phycoremediation of domestic wastewater and biomass production
Commission, New Delhi, for her fellowship. All the authors are thankful for sustainable biofuels production. Appl Energy 88:3411–3424
to the Department of Botany, Panjab University, Chandigarh; Division of Renuka N, Sood A, Ratha SK, Prasanna R, Ahluwalia AS (2013) Nutrient
Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi; and sequestration, biomass production by microalgae and phytoreme-
University of Delhi, Delhi, for providing the budget and research facilities diation of sewage water. Int J Phytoremed 15:789–800
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