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6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..

Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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Norway Waking up..Norway Deports

Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31%
Posted on May 10, 2015 by Jan Sobieski III | 38 Comments

Oslo, Norway: “The world’s largest gang of thugs,

murderers, and rapists is masquerading as a religion of
peace,” says Adrian Stavig, a resident of Oslo.

Beginning this past January,

the new Norwegian Prime
Minister, Erna Solberg began
a program which targets and
deports Muslims who have
ties to radical groups.

Something stunning occurred: the country’s violent crimes

are down more than 31% in less than a year since Muslim
deportations began!

Liberals everywhere are crying “Racism!” Al Jazeera has

blasted Solberg relentlessly for her so-called “Islamophobia”, 1/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

but she has pressed

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by deporting
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belong to radical mosques or threaten violence against “non-

believers” — and sent their entire families home too.

While many in America would say this is racist, it’s worked in

dramatic fashion. Violent crimes are down more than 31% in

What a shocker.

Perhaps the rest of Europe and the United States could

learn a lesson or two about radical Islam here. Deport the
radicals, keep the moderates, and everybody wins.

From Oslo local news:

A record number of people were deported by Norwegian

authorities in October, said government sources.

The National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets

Utlendingsenhet – PU) deported 824 people in October,
which is a new record.

The previous record was set in September, the month prior,

when 763 people were deported, reported Dagsavisen.

PU believe some of the reasons for the rise in figures are

more resources, more staff and a change of “portfolio
priorities”. It has also become easier for Norwegian

authorities to deport people back to Afghanistan and Nigeria. 2/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

Kristin Kvigne, head of PU,

Home Aboutsaid
Us to Dagsavisen:
Library “This
Videos monthJokes
helps us reach our goal for this year.”

Norway’s government has ruled that 7,100 people will be

deported in 2014. At the end of October, PU had deported
5,876 people so far this year.

A percentage of those deported in 2014 were asylum

seekers who had their application for continued asylum
rejected. They were then deported along with their families.
The majority of deportees, however, had committed crimes,
or had returned illegally to Norway after being deported.

Kvigne said it was important to view the high number of

deportations made by PU in the context of falling crime rates
across the country.

Not everybody in Norway is happy with the increased

deportations. One academic slammed the new policies:

“Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that

Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And
since these men believe women are responsible for rape,
the women must adapt to the multicultural society around
them.” – Dr. Unni Wikan, Professor of Social Anthropology at
the University of Oslo

So, Dr Wikan, using your logic, it is the victim’s fault they

have been raped? Not in this universe. You sir may have  3/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

book smarts,Home
but you sure don’t
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any common sense.
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And there you have it! Kicking out radical Muslims makes a
nation safer and peaceable. Women can walk around
without fear of being raped, people just get along a lot better.

Rating: 9.2/10 (105 votes cast)

Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate

Drops 31%, 9.2 out of 10 based on 105 ratings

Related posts:

1. Here’s What Happened When One Nation

Started Deporting Muslims
2. Islamic Terrorist Recruiting in Europe’s
Asylum Centers
3. Norway Vows to Seal Border When Sweden
4. Police Union Blames Occupy D.C. for City’s
Rising Crime Rate
5. Norway Loses $713,000 on Every Muslim

Posted in Terrorism and tagged Crime, Europe, Muslims, Norway, Terrorism.

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6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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stan lee
May 12, 2015 at 10:38 am Reply

Norway’s education re: Muslims came to that country the “hard way.” It’s never been quantified just how
many Norwegian girls and women suffered through raping. I may add that rape is not a characteristic of
Nordic males.
What is baffling has been the Norwegian national tolerance for Muslim immigrants who’ve run amok in
Norway. The same is happening in Sweden, another patient, neutral-type people who seemingly allow
much tolerance to Muslims who also prey upon Nordic females there. The Danes came down hard on the
Muslim offenders, the Finns are stalwart, scrappy, people who would react to such violence very harshly as
should be done.
It remains to be seen if and when the Swedish government says “enough” and starts processing Muslim
offenders their return to their former societies where rape offenses are all to difficult to prove if victims
complain to the local Islamic authorities. Such foreign to Scandinavian environments are where the Muslim
rapists originate. It was a clash of cultures to begin with. The liberal Scandinavian governments could not
possibly have believed any mass Muslim incursions would have contributed to their national integrities.

Rating: +27 (from 31 votes)

May 13, 2015 at 5:55 pm Reply

Putin knows how to deal with these 7th century worshipers of the moon god. The Chinese
just arrange for them to meet Allah rather than spending money to deport them.

Rating: +38 (from 40 votes)

May 16, 2015 at 2:27 pm Reply

we need to follow norway.

Rating: +36 (from 36 votes)

mike grunewald
June 16, 2019 at 1:00 pm Reply

it’s time we learn send the bastard politicians to hell that vote for
this shit each of them take 10 home see how they like it

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

Stan Lee
December 7, 2015 at 8:45 am Reply

The countries where the Muslim criminals have had “their way” are all 
indoctrinated with one of the most damaging government policies ever wished
upon any democratic nation, and that is “political correctness.” 5/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

It’s doubtful that Muslim vandals would chance attempts at crossing the
Home About
Russian UsI believe the Russians
borders. Librarywould have a “hot
reception” for them.Jokes
Rather, Muslims seek soft countries which are so indoctrinated with political
correctness that they are their own worst enemies. Consider the quick
transformation that Hollande of France initiated after French Socialist policies
erupted to the very precarious French lifestyle.
It had to erupt, France just accommodated the Muslim minority in the hope that
they remain peaceful through government concessions. One had to be totally
ignorant to believe that appeasement would be the answer. Now the French
political party favoring appeasement over law enforcement has swung itself to
the right.
But, the French are now favoring LePen, Sarkozy (again) over the give-away
French leftist politicians. The total EU would do well to stop appeasing and
evict the criminals who’ve come to ruin their various democracies.

Rating: +26 (from 26 votes)

Mehmood Ali
June 18, 2019 at 10:52 am Reply

Mehmood Ali

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

May 13, 2015 at 5:43 pm Reply

Why is the logic behind this commonsense action so difficult for leftists to understand? … Screw PC.

Rating: +23 (from 25 votes)

Sid Bream
June 16, 2019 at 9:44 pm Reply

Commonsense and leftists is a contradiction in terms.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

stan lee
May 14, 2015 at 2:57 pm Reply

Apart from the fact that V.Putin can make a phone call and anyone whose existence annoys Vladimir can
go missing forever after that man’s phone order is made, yes he keeps a tight lid on Russia. He has the
Chechens more or less under control. the Muslim leader of Chechnya is a “cooperator” of Putin’s and lives
a very wealthy life as a result. He rules a tough police force in his jurisdiction. There’s approx. 15% of
Russia’s population who’re Muslims of assorted degrees of religious devotion. The major portion of those
Muslims are Tatars who’re very “Russified.” Most of them are as assimilated to Russian life as any other
Russian citizen. Those Tatars who do worship are Sunni-Muslims,but not of the murderous type. The two
Boston bomber young Muslims were Islamists hailing from the Caucusus region and Russia did have to
fight those Caucusus Muslims in a guerilla-type war a few years ago. They’re centered in the Chechnya
area or adjacent to it in states like Dagestan. They are not Tatars, the Tatars I mentioned are people who’ve
been settled from central Volga and southward of there for centuries.(not to be confused with the Crimean

Tatars living along the Black Sea in the now independent Crimea.) The Volga Tatars are hard-working, not
militant,there’s been intermarriage between them and Christian Russians as time has passed. Putin is 6/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

supposedly divorced from wife #1, and has fathered a child with a beautiful Russian Tatar woman who was
an OlympicHome About
gymnastic medalist for Russia Us
some years back.Library Videos
She is stunning and she’s Putin’s paramour. Jokes
The country has all the traces of a democracy, it’s own “Senate” they call “the Duma.” Since most Russian
people have never experienced living in a true republic (like we used to have before Obama)they at least
give off signs of contentment about their central government. Most avoid comment or conversation about
Russian politics, they feel much safer talking about American politics or what they think it’s like.

Rating: +6 (from 8 votes)

gilbert mussat
May 19, 2015 at 2:55 pm Reply

when France will do the same ???

Rating: +9 (from 9 votes)

stan lee
May 19, 2015 at 6:53 pm Reply

Gilbert Mussat:
I think your reply was a question….yes? …no?
If it was a question, there is no way I can answer what France will do. Factually, France has a
Muslim population which has not recently arrived there. They could be 3rd generation or more
by now.
Also, if I have guessed at your response as a question, I think the Muslim population in
France is close to 20% of the French population, most of it has never assimilated , it lives
apart from pure Euro-French population, and has erupted into rioting destructiveness any
number of times. Muslims in France are highly unemployed, which forces government
dependency on them, which I suppose they resent while receiving government assistance. It
could be a case of people wanting to start at the job of President and work down from there.
They do see Euro-French citizens leading productive lives, earning their livings. It may be that
most Muslims in France just don’t fit in, a large part of that is failure to assimilate to western

Rating: +6 (from 10 votes)

Llewellyn Tripp
June 25, 2015 at 10:37 pm Reply





Rating: +17 (from 17 votes)

stan lee 
June 26, 2015 at 9:21 am Reply 7/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

Muslim immigrants are a dilemma unto themselves. Apart from rare cases of western assimilation and
Home of tolerance for
developed attitudes About Us
other religious Library
faiths, most Muslims detest any Videos
non-Muslim faith, in factJokes
they detest one another, depending upon what Muslim religious sect they belong to. “Dilemma” may be too
mild an expression, but it’s practically impossible to humanize them into modernity.
That would mean a leap of more than fourteen centuries. The first step for them would be to bring about the
changes in their own homelands, along the lines of what Egypt’s courageous President Al Sisi recommends
to his subjects. Notice that other Islamic nations would bitterly resist the remedies President Al Sisi has
recommended for Egypt.
As long as Islam believes in its own version of government-religion (Sharia) Muslims will accept for
themselves being remaining lost in time, and the paranoia of rejection by others who cannot, will not, accept
Islamic dogma.

Rating: +7 (from 7 votes)

July 2, 2015 at 11:56 pm Reply

I agree that any Holy Book or religion that do not spread peace, happiness and above all NOT
respect and honour their women has to be destroyed . FULL STOP!!!

Rating: +8 (from 8 votes)

stan lee
July 7, 2015 at 7:18 am Reply

Concerning any Holy Book “spreading peace,” such a bible will be valuable to people disposed to peaceful
existence via established peaceful societal values, whether the people are devoted to a bible or not. Many
Swedes or Norwegians are not ardent religionists, yet they pursue a peaceful existence. True, a bible as
Christians and Jews know it is a great steering mechanism for one’s conscience and peacefulness. But, the
Muslim “bible” supposedly guides Muslims in their religious devotion, yet Muslim principles encourage lying
by Muslims to non-Muslims if the Muslim seeks advantage by lying. The Judeo-Christian bible qualifies
“lying” as a sin. The same applies to killing, Muslims are directed to slay non-Muslims even to the point of
how to slay (murder) by a ritual decapitation. I cite the word “murder” or “slay” as a opposed to killing in
warfare. The Judeo-Christian bible makes the difference between killing in war and “murdering” or “slaying,”
which would be sinful in Judeo-Christianity, but permissible via the Koran (shariah) For offenses such as a
Muslim being “dishonored”, a Muslim can murder an “offender,” (slaying) or anyone refusing to embrace
Islam becomes a murder candidate, except if the Muslim society permits the victim to pay a special tax. In
that case a victim may be allowed to live as a non-Muslim special tax payer in a Muslim society.

Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)

December 5, 2015 at 4:47 pm Reply

I simply say when any Faith puts doctrine before humanity it’s not from the Creator of life, I
believe the devil is in us if we allow it, and evil never creates it takes. We lower ourselves
when we kill or destroy.

Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)

June 15, 2016 at 5:14 am Reply

Minor correction; 8/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

The article addresses Unni Wikan as “sir”, this is incorrect as Wikan is a woman.
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Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)

Deon van Zyl

June 16, 2016 at 4:37 pm Reply

To Dr. Unni Wikan, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo – FUCK YOU.

Rating: +1 (from 7 votes)

June 25, 2016 at 1:13 pm Reply

Islam is 2000 years behind the times. They are stoning people to death or beheading them they should be
stopped. there is no place in this world for barbarism

Rating: +9 (from 9 votes)

June 28, 2016 at 6:54 am Reply

All of the EU (former) independent nations should follow the UK’s example and salvage what’s left of their
independence and unique cultures. Dump the destructive leftist concept of PC that robs you of free thought
and free speech.

Angela Merkel is a one-worlder loon where Marxists in Brussels tell every one else how thy must think,
behave, and live their lives. This didn’t work in the USSR, Cuba, or anywhere else.

Get out of the EU as fast as you can, send the Muslim death cultists home, and retrieve your traditional
ways of life. America is also waking up and hopefully we will save our nation in six months. Texas is also
considering reverting back to full independence as a Republic if Washington DC doesn’t straighten out.

Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)

August 6, 2016 at 7:33 pm Reply


Rating: +1 (from 1 vote)

John Mernone
August 7, 2016 at 6:54 am Reply

Of course they are correct, especially with the crime of rape. These people have come begging for a place
to live and this is how they repay their host. My only question is why didn’t the Norwegian men act on this
problem a long time ago, and why it took the government so long to get rid of them. The entire western
world is behind their action to kick them out of the country. Personally I’d put a ban on allowing any of them
in the country…even for a vacation! They breed trouble wherever they go.

Rating: +7 (from 7 votes) 9/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

August 7, 2016
Home at 11:30 am Reply Us
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Damn right and proud to say I am an American born full blooded Norwegian proud of both countries, and
hope the Berserkers rise again. The Norwegians are storing food ,seeds,etcetera for their people. Obama
and Fema are stealing and hoarding food for themselves’

Rating: +2 (from 2 votes)

Anthony H Popp
August 9, 2016 at 11:10 am Reply

I think Norway is perfectly right to deport these refugees immigrants if they’re the ones that are committing
crimes simple as that you’re in that country you abidetheir laws this is what Norway wants to do fine the
United States should follow suit

Rating: +4 (from 4 votes)

Stan Lee
August 9, 2016 at 7:09 pm Reply

First of all, Norwegian justice is slow and liberal. It’s so forgiving that the Muslim criminals have no thought
nor fear of consequences for their stone-age brutalities..
I see the problems of Norway and keep telling myself, “These people are descended from Vikings, who
were never a fainthearted people”. I would think that descendants of such great sailors who actually settled
Odessa, Ukraine and that city grew from the Viking explorations of Europe. Even in Russia, they were the
people in the longboats who found their way to the Black Sea via Russian rivers. The very name “Russia”
comes from the Viking tribe, the “Rus.” Even today, over the centuries, many Russians can be identified as
Nordic. The Norwegians have never had a large standing army, but when the Germans invaded Norway,
WW2, they were given a very rough reception by Norwegians who were not “regular” army, but more in line
with what we call in USA, “National Guard,” citizen soldiers. It was out of absolute necessity that Hitler was
forced to divert more divisions than planned to occupy Norway. Norwegians never gave-up fighting the
NAZI invaders in WW2.
I’m not sure if Viking history is being taught to Norwegian youngsters, it certainly should be, it’s a great
legacy and Norwegian should be very proud of it.

Rating: +5 (from 5 votes)

Pingback: Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31?– The Conservative Papers –

June 16, 2019 at 12:00 pm Reply

it is totally not racist to rid the country of radical terrorists….good job norway!…..if they want to do all of this
nonsense, then they need a one way ticket home, this way they could do whatever they want in their own
country…i thought that the reason that they left their country was because of all of the violence….so, why
bring it with you….go home!…God bless you norway….again i say good job!…now, other countries need to
close their boarders and deport them all!

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

June 16, 2019 at 2:35 pm Reply 10/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

Commiting violent crimes is how they vote. Islam is a political movement for world domination
masquerading About
as a religion. It is the Us of intimidation.
movement Library Videos
Peace? You’re joking. Jokes
Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

June 16, 2019 at 6:14 pm Reply

Japan has a great program for muslims.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

June 16, 2019 at 6:22 pm Reply

Throw them all out. Quickly.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

Kirti Pandey
June 16, 2019 at 6:58 pm Reply

In India, the colonial British rulers, before leaving, split our country into three parts, two given to Muslims as
Pakistan (East and West). But the Muslims want special Personal laws and the stupid Nehru government
gave them that. The Pakistani’s also occupied half of Kashmir and with the help of radical Muslims inside
India, they carry out terror attacks inside India. This religion began on a plagiarised version of the Old
Testament and though the world moved ahead and progressed, these junglees are stuck in a 1400-year-old
time warp. In India, the right-leaning pro-Hindu Modi government is carrying out the tough task of making
human beings out of this pampered nuisance of a lot.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

Sid Bream
June 16, 2019 at 9:47 pm Reply

It is amazing in this world why so many Muslims want to live in the ‘infidel’ countries amongst the ‘non
believers’, ‘kaffirs’, etc. If Islam is such a good religion/cult why don’t they stay in their own Islamic countries
or flee to other Islamic destinations. No, it’s all about the money.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

June 17, 2019 at 7:28 am Reply

That’s good news from Norway! In Germany we miserably fail deporting muslims back to their countries of
origin. Believe it or not: Here it is “normal” to inform the deportees that they be ready for deportation in the
following days – and: surprise! – they day the police comes arount to collect them, they disappear or
mysteriously feel sooo sick, they faint, or try to hurt themselves. And it works! The chartered plane that
costs a quarter of a million euros then typicalle departs with only a handful of people and 20 policemen.
Here, people that will be deported are not in special closed facilities. The other problem is, that lefties show
up on the airport and do protest against deportations, even of rapists or murderers :-/  11/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

The german government main excuse against deporting more is, that some countries refuse taking their
people back, About
or that deportation was Us because Afghanistan,
not possible Library Syria or halfVideos
of Africa was not safeJokes
enough for them. (“human rights situtation”), or that they threw away their papers and their identity cannot
be resolved.. Also we have new laws, that really make it easy for illegals to stay here forever and ever –
they just have to lie continuously to the authorities. After several years of lying they have the right to apply
for a permit to stay, and they all make use of any rights they have because of a network of leftist lawyers
and helpers, that do the paperwork. The german state is a complete failure when it comes administering the
migrants. We regularly have cases where some fakefugee has 20 identities in parallel and draws huge
amounts of money out of it. Also every few days we have migrants raping, stealing or hurting Germany that
are already known to the police for douzends of similar offenses – they are not put in jail, but right after
seing the cout, the judge lets them loose again, which is also frustrating to the police. In Germany we have
lots of big privately owned social service companies that run the asylum centres and do the servicing,
ripping off the german tax payer. An single underage fakefugee costs the german taxpayer around 4-10K
EUR a month. At the same time you can see old german pensioners begging and diving for bottle deposits,
because of very small pensions..

So: How is Norway handling the problem to collect and deport the people in huge masses? Are they locked
in deportation facilities before being brought to the airport. How does Norway handle situtations where to
destination country refuses to take their people back? Do you also have this huge pro-immigration left and
newspapers who defend the rights of foreign rapists in Norway?

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

June 17, 2019 at 10:19 am Reply

When someone made a comment similar to the Professor’s to Golda Meir, the former prime minister of
Israel said that in Israel, they put curfews on the MEN who do the rapes, not the women.

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

Keerti Khadgawat
June 17, 2019 at 1:05 pm Reply

A strong and sensible decision by Norwegian govt…should be followed by others too…the statistics itself is
an eye-opener…

Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)

Dr.Yogesh Sharma
June 18, 2019 at 7:22 am Reply

Killers as innocent victims

Recently, former CM of Jammu and Kashmir asked the centre to declare ceasefire during Ramjan. Good
joke if the centre or security forces are interested in war or security exercises. Instead of asking the co-
religionists terrorists, stone pelter criminals and fanatics to shun violence and anti-national activities, she is
asking the centre to stop the security operations to protect the citizens and give a free hand to terrorists.
Visualize this scene: A group of villagers in UP beat up cattle thieves, resulting in the death of a thief who
happens to be a Muslim. Or this: A mob went wild and threw stones at Dalits in a Gujarat village, causing
injuries to several people. What would the reaction of the media? Would it demand the rioters and mob to
be treated as criminals and sternly punished? The answer will be loud yes.
Now read another news: Some rioters hit stones at a CRPF convoy in Kashmir, resulting in the driver to

lose control, which caused the deaths of two innocent soldiers. Or this: Another group of Kashmiri men pelt
stones, resulting in the death of an innocent tourist from Chennai. Both these events happened a few 12/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

months back. What would the reaction of the media and politicians to these stone criminals? Punish them
sternly or treat them kindly? About Us Library Videos Jokes
Unfortunately, criminals are treating differently for the same crime. This is the difference between a Muslim
criminal and a Hindu criminal. In late 2017, before resigning from the Chief Ministership, the BJP-PDP
government led by Mehabooba Mufti withdrew criminal cases against some 10, 000 stone pelters, in
Kashmir as the PDP-BJP government granted them official pardon. It was given some long used
terminology like ‘misguided youth’, ‘to bring back in the mainstream’, ‘healing touch’, ‘dialogue’,
‘counselling’, ‘ rehabilitation’ etc. Even some of them were given some economic packages too for their
great acts. What a cruel joke with the nation and people? Sounds compassionate, doesn’t it?
If it is very good logic, why don’t apply the same to any other rioters and killers in the country? After all,
someone hurting Muslims or Dalits is also clearly ‘misguided’, ‘innocent’ isn’t it? They also need
‘counselling’, ‘healing touch’, etc. So withdraw all the cases against rioters involved in Gujarat and 1984
anti-Sikh riots. They were badly upset due to the burning of Hindu ‘karsewaks’ and the assassination of a
tall leader ‘Mrs Indiara Gandgi’ by Sikh bodyguards. Why not counsel the rapists and molesters instead of
punishing them? Since all are equal in the eye of law. So all deserve amnesty.
But, in Kashmir amnesty failed and all the stone pelters are again on the street with double vigour. Attacks
have been increased on school buses, tourists, pilgrims, and security personnel. Why is the nation so
helpless against this persistent violent problem in the Kashmir Valley?
Stone pelting started by Palestinian Islamic rioters against what they termed as the Israeli occupation
known as Intifada (literally meaning ‘to shake off’). The Human Right Groups, media, Islamists and activists
described this as an act of brave resistance. Most of these elements are said to be on the payrolls of the
Islamic nations. This was an almost literal David vs. Goliath tale being played out in actual life.
Stone pelters are also criminals. They hurl a stone, bricks, rocks and whatever they can find on the
innocent targets. A stone hitting the head at high pace will kill anybody, just as a knife or a bullet targeted
on anyone. Would anybody brand a person who stabbed an innocent person with a knife as an innocent or
a criminal? Here there is no difference between a stone and a knife.
This kindness to stone pelters made things shoddier for stone pelters in Palestine. Stone pelting can be
fatal and in fact cause deaths. So Israeli forces were given powers to use arms and shoot at stone pelters
they are in danger. But due to vote bank politics and influence of foreign-funded NGOs and activists, a hard,
strong reaction is not possible in the Valley.
In response to Palestinians violence with more stones and deadly Molotov cocktails, Israeli forces used
more arms. Now, nobody is with Palestinians due to this. This is not the way to bring attention or solve the
Soft methods have failed to tackle the problem of violence in Kashmir. In all the quarters in the Valley, and
with many left-liberal senior journalists, stone pelting is still seen as a ‘romantic’, ‘Braveheart’ act, by
‘misguided’, ‘innocent’ and ‘victims of the system’ youths, betokening helplessness and deserving
sympathy. For them the rioters are ‘Just a bunch of offended children, nation and system should soothe
their anger.’ Well, Gujarat rioters, 1984 anti-Sikh rioters and all other criminals are upset about something.
So we should soothe their anger and depression and should not punish them. The reality is this that stone
pelters are influential Muslim and they can make the politics complicated too.
However, this is high time; we must stop looking at this issue through the lens of religion, or so-called liberal
ethos reserved only for Muslims. Nation has to see it for what it is – a murderous assault on innocent
civilians and security personnel, means they are terrorists. We must be tough like Israel, else we will not get
anywhere on this trouble. Result of this benevolence is thousands injured, thousands of lives lost,
destruction of Kashmir tourism and terror in the minds of billions.
For now, the latest incidents point to the call for a far ruthless policy on stone pelters. We must shun the
fear of blackmailing tactics of the right’s groups. We should not have any sympathy for the so-called
misguided youth. The system is highly fair to them. We are not writing books, making movies, songs and
articles about their fake narratives but we are running a government where we have to protect the law-
abiding citizens. The moment anyone picks up a stone and hit it, he is a criminal and involved in a criminal
act. Moreover, as a nation with constitutions and laws, a criminal must be punished. Stone pelting is a
serious crime, not a protest, a lethal form that can kill innocent citizen or security personnel and destroy an
economy. The moment the person chooses violence, he is a criminal. Nobody can take the law of the 
country in hand hands, be it in the form of a-bomb, gun, knife or stone. Mehabooba Mufti should ask the
terrorists and the stone pelters to ceasefire instead of asking the central government to the ceasefire. 13/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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Mohammad Is A Pedophile
June 18, 2019 at 3:55 pm Reply

[quote]Deport the radicals, keep the moderates, and everybody wins.[/quote]


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barbara james
June 19, 2019 at 2:09 pm Reply


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No power on earth has a right to take our property from us without our consent. John Jay 14/18
6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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6/25/2019 Norway Waking up..Norway Deports Muslims; Crime Rate Drops 31% – The Conservative Papers

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