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Danah Universal School of Kuwait (DUSK) offers challenging and caring educational environment, in which
students are active participants in the learning process.

DUSK fosters critical thinking and problem solving skills, to ensure its students achieve their full potential as individuals and
as members of the global community.

“To educate each individual to reach his/her full potential in a sustainable and caring community that fosters
excellence and responsibility”

2. OUR MOTTO: “Education for Tomorrow’s World”

To ensure students in DUSK are provided with every opportunity for a quality education in a safe environment, it is
essential that all teachers are aware of and comply with their professional responsibilities.
As DUSK teacher, you have a responsibility to ensure that students gain the knowledge and skills they require to
become effective learners and ultimately effective and responsible citizens and to understand and appreciate the
values and beliefs supported by not only Kuwaiti society but those of all who attend.
You also have a responsibility to meet the high standards of professional and ethical behavior required by the
Ministries, the public, parents and the profession itself.
Teachers undertake this responsibility within the framework of the law and lawful instructions from the employer.
The responsibilities listed below provide guidance for teachers as members of the teaching profession and will assist
in giving direction to your interaction with teaching colleagues. They will also guide you in meeting the needs of
students, in working with parents or caregivers and other staff, in liaising with the public and in being responsible and
committed employees of the Department.
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The following statement of professional responsibilities must be adhered to by all teachers. In carrying out your duties
and responsibilities you must:
 Be conscious of your special duty of care to the students of DUSK in all educational activities in and out of
 Demonstrate the highest standards of professional behavior, exercise professional judgment and act in a courteous
and sensitive manner when interacting with students, parents or caregivers, staff and the public.
 Collaborate in the development of school plans, policies, and programs.
 Devise and document teaching and learning programs and develop and implement appropriate evaluation
 Be conscious of the need for equitable treatment of all students, including those with disabilities or other special
needs; meet the individual learning needs of students and assist each student to maximize his or her learning
 Effectively manage and implement programs for child protection and student welfare.
 Undertake appropriate ongoing professional development to promote competence in curriculum development,
delivery and evaluation, classroom management and teaching skills.
 Comply with ministry and accreditation requirements and the Department's Code of Conduct, policies and
 Be familiar with the provisions of legislation relevant to your official responsibilities.
 Comply with reasonable directions given by a senior and adhere to the official guidelines concerning the
performance of your duties.
 Implement the priorities of the Department and the school and ensure your professional actions reflect
Government policies and departmental procedures and guidelines.
 Be fair in exercising delegated responsibility and promote personal and professional development of staff.
 Perform your duties efficiently and effectively and with honesty, integrity and fairness at all times.
 Ensure that decisions are made fairly and conveyed promptly both within the Department and to those students
and members of the public who have a right to know.
 Use information gained in the course of employment only for proper and appropriate purpose.
 Use public resources economically.
 Behave in such a manner as to protect and enhance the esteem and standing of education.
In particular:
1) You must not, under any circumstances, have inappropriate or foster inappropriate relationships with students.
It is irrelevant whether the relationship is condoned by parents or caregivers. The age of the students or staff
member involved is also irrelevant;
2) You must not, under any circumstances, engage in conduct of a sexual nature with a student. Improper
conduct of a sexual nature by a teacher against a student includes sexual intercourse and any other form of
child sexual abuse (which must be notified) as well as but not limited to: inappropriate conversations; obscene
language of an inappropriate nature; suggestive remarks or actions; jokes of an inappropriate nature; obscene
gestures; unwarranted and inappropriate touching; exhibitionism; personal inappropriate behavior of others,
other than in the case of prescribed curriculum material in which themes are contextual;
 Prescribed medications and non-prescribed medications (such as analgesics) should only be administered in
accordance with school guidelines.
 Teachers must not, under any circumstances, use any form of discipline that includes any threat of physical
violence or harm, corporal punishment or engage in any form of behavior which could cause physical, emotional
or psychological harm of any kind to students.

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The profession of teaching necessarily brings teachers into close contact with children and young people. Effective
teaching is based on warm, mutually respectful relationships between teachers and students.
With a growing awareness that abuse of children can occur in all areas of the lives of children and young people,
parents and caregivers are increasingly vigilant. Having their behavior under increased scrutiny is a professional
challenge for teachers. It is important to remember that the privilege and many benefits associated with employment
in a role that involves work with children also carries with it expectations of the highest standards of care and
protection for them. Processes are also in place to ensure that the rights of staff are protected and that procedures are
fair in the investigation of any concerns raised about staff behavior. There have been occasions, for example, when
teachers' actions have been misinterpreted.
Child protection legislation and school policies provide a framework for professional relationships of teachers with
students (refer to child protection policies). Appropriate teacher behavior needs to be responsive to the age of the
student and the particular teaching context. The principal of your department will advise you of school guidelines and
you should not hesitate to raise any concerns with your senior.


The following information will help teachers identify appropriate professional practice in their conduct with students.
The material below is not exhaustive but is provided as a guide to common situations.

Acceptable practice
All of us, particularly students, respond to praise. Particularly praise from their Parents. AT DUSK teachers are
always encouraged to praise students when they deserve it. This may take the form of
 Verbal praise - well done
 Class points or stickers to go in their homework diary or class chart.
 Comments in the Homework Diary
 Merits
 Awards
 Mention in assemblies.
 Certificates presented by the Class Teacher or Principal.
We all know that sometimes students need to be corrected. More important than the actual correction is the talk and
counseling that accompanies it. Normal forms of correction are
 Verbal although teachers are forbidden to insult or humiliate children
 Movement of class position
 Time out if necessary
 Detention at break/PE
 Detention after school (24 hours‟ notice needed).
 Written report to the Principal
 Case conference (parents will be informed)
 Conference with Parents
 In very extreme circumstances the School reserves the right to Suspend or Expel a student according to the
rules mentioned in the student handbook.

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Develop school and classroom routines or structures that have clear boundaries of acceptable and professional
student/teacher interaction:
 Implement Department and school guidelines that help prepare and plan such educational activities as
excursions. Professional behavior and supervision levels need to respond to the age of students and the
educational context.
 Know the school's student welfare and discipline policies and use behavior reinforcement strategies that
follow these policies
 Develop a non-confrontational behavior management style
 Respond to provocative behavior by students, parents or members of the school community in a non-
confrontational, calm manner to help defuse difficult situations. Seek support from colleagues or supervisors
where needed. In extreme situations the principal can be called upon to protect staff and students.
 Report and document incidents involving physical restraint of students or violence involving students. This
provides important information if an allegation is made about the related conduct of a staff member.
 Actively supervise students when on playground duty.
 Clearly instruct and carefully supervise students operating equipment
 Provide correctional feedback on student work in a constructive way.
 When confiscating personal items, such as mobile phones or hats, ask students to hand them to you. Only take
items directly from students in circumstances where concern exists for the safety of the student or others and
your own safety is not jeopardized by this action.
 When playing physical sport with children, consider the physiques of students, along with the relative ages
and stages of development of all participants.

 Participate in social contact with a student only after obtaining informed consent of the student and the parent
(and principal where appropriate); such contact includes meetings, sporting events, phone calls or electronic
communications, e.g., emails and text messages.
 When acting as a student's mentor, develop a relationship with clear professional boundaries that cannot be
misinterpreted as a personal, rather than a professional, interest in the student.
 If a student develops a „crush' on you, inform a supervisor, so independent, sensitive advice and support are
 Praise and recognize all students when appropriate, so they all feel fairly treated.
 Physically contact students in a way that makes them comfortable, e.g., shaking hands, a congratulatory pat
on the back, or with very young students by gently guiding them or holding their hand for reassurance or
 When students, particularly very young children, are hurt and seek comfort, it is appropriate to provide
reassurance by putting an arm around them.
 Be alert to cues from students about how comfortable they are in your proximity and respect individual needs
for personal space. If teachers physically contact students in class demonstrations, such as PE or drama
lessons, explain the activity involved and what you will do.
 Be aware of cultural norms that may influence interpretation of your behavior towards students.

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Be especially sensitive interacting with students who may have poor „boundaries' for appropriate behavior after being
traumatized by physical, emotional or abuse, because they may misinterpret your actions.


 Excluding students from a lesson or activity, then leaving them unsupervised in corridors, classrooms.
 Leaving a class unattended or dismissing students early from a lesson so that they are unsupervised.
 Not reporting concerns about risk of harm to a child or misconduct of a staff member towards a student.
 Attempting to physically prevent a student from entering or leaving a classroom, unless there is a concern for
the safety of the student, other students or staff.
 Closing doors or windows to rooms without checking students are safely out of the way.
 Pursuing a student who is attempting to run away unless that student is in immediate danger or is likely to
harm another person.
 Shouting angrily at students to intimidate them.
 Commenting to or about students on the basis of disability, gender, sexuality, cultural or racial stereotypes.


 Public disciplining or humiliating a student as punishment or as an example to other students.
 Throwing an object, such as a duster, chalk, ball or book, at a student to get their attention.
 Threatening students with physical punishment.
 Corporal punishment, such as hitting, smacking or caning, of students is prohibited.
 Providing inadequate supervision for students while on duty during excursions.
 Not appropriately responding to or referring clear requests from students for medical or first aid attention.
 Arranging activities or meetings alone with a student that are not within school guidelines or that are without
the informed approval of a supervisor and, if appropriate, the parent or caregiver.
 Targeting students unfairly for criticism or prejudging complaints from other staff or students about their
behavior based on past conduct.

Teachers should not be:
 Teasing students or unfairly withholding praise from them.
 Putting arms around students while instructing them on the computer.
 Developing a practice of cheek kissing as a greeting or for congratulating students.
 Repeatedly and unnecessarily touching students on the back, shoulders, arms or legs.
 Allowing a student to sit on your lap.
 Undressing in front of a student, e.g., in PE or Activity Centre changing rooms.
 Giving gifts or money to students as a reward or incentive for good behavior or as a gesture of friendship.
 Conversing about sexual matters unrelated to a syllabus.
 Telling jokes of a religious, racial or sexual nature.
 Making sexually suggestive remarks or actions, obscene gestures or showing inappropriate videos.
 Deliberately exposing a student to the sexual behavior of others, including access to pornography.

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Practices in the following three bullet points are prohibited (and may also be criminal acts):
 Teachers must not have physical relationships with students.
 It is irrelevant whether the relationship, consensual or non-consensual or condoned by parents or caregivers
(the ages of the students or staff members involved are also irrelevant).



Staff should not be:
 Using unnecessary force to make physical contact with a student as a prompt for a verbal instruction or to
force compliance.
 Failing to implement strategies negotiated and outlined in individual student management programs.
 Using physical contact to contain confrontational behavior of students of all ages (particularly those with
identified behavior or conduct disorders) unless there is a concern for the safety of the student, other students
or staff.

Administration working hours are from 7:00 am to 2.30 pm. Administration & teaching staff is supposed to come on
Saturdays if requested by the Direct Manager or Principals. Wednesdays are PD days and staff stays till 3:30pm.
Employees are not permitted entry onto school property during non-working hours unless granted permission by the
school management.
Period Time Duration(Min)
From To
Home Room 07:00 07:35 35 mins
First 07:35 08:15 40 mins
Second 08:15 08:55 40 mins
Break 08:55 09:35 40 mins
Third 09:35 10:15 40 mins
Fourth 10:15 10:55 40 mins
Fifth 10:55 11:30 40 mins
Prayer Break 11:30 12:05 35 mins
Sixth 12:05 12:45 40 mins

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Period Time Duration(Min)
From To
Morning Assembly 07:10 07:25 15 mins
First 07:30 08:15 45 mins
Second 08:15 09:00 45 mins
Break 09:00 09:20 20 mins
Third 09:20 10:05 45 mins
Fourth 10:05 10:50 45 mins
Fifth 10:50 11:35 45 mins
Sixth 11:35 12:20 45 mins
Prayer Break 12:20 12:40 20 mins
Seventh 12:40 13:25 45 mins
Eighth 13:25 14:10 45 mins


Period Time Duration(Min)
From To
Morning Assembly 07:10 07:25 15 mins
First 07:30 08:00 30 mins
Second 08:00 08:30 30 mins
Break 08:30 08:50 20 mins
Third 08:50 09:20 30 mins
Fourth 09:20 09:50 30 mins
Fifth 09:50 10:20 30 mins
Sixth 10:20 10:50 30 mins
Prayer Break 10:50 11:10 20 mins
Seventh 11:10 11:40 30 mins
Eighth 11:40 12:10 30 mins

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There is a morning assembly (Alternate for ES/MS/HS) each day before school. All students and teachers are
requested to attend by The Ministry of Private Education. During this assembly there will be a flag ceremony and we
will sing the National Anthem, this is a legal requirement and all teachers are requested to stand at the front of their
lines, modeling good behavior. All staff needs to be present in the morning assembly. During assembly teachers
should not be talking to each other.
7:30am The first lesson starts
Teachers have to remain in the class until the teacher who has the next lesson arrives
At no time must children be left unsupervised.
Teachers MUST be on time for lessons.
No classes should be dismissed before 2:10 pm (Elementary, Middle and High School)
Do not detain students after school, unless you have notified parents and the Principal in advance (at least 24 hours
Whilst lining up, and whilst on the buses, DUSK rules still apply and the highest standards of behavior are expected.


All teachers are expected to be on duty wherever their name appears on the Duty Rota.
Teachers should not sit down, talk on the phone, or stand still if they are on duty. They should be patrolling the
grounds at all time. On the day a teacher is on duty, he/she should try to be the first into the play area. If other classes
get out before the duty teacher, teachers must remain in the yard until the duty teacher arrives.
All children must go outside at break-times. Teachers must ensure that all children have left their classrooms.
Garbage must be cleared throughout break-time - the duty teacher must organize and insist on this.


Duties involve before school, during breaks, after school – posted on notice boards/email
Early morning duty from 6:45 am
Break Times (Check the bell schedule)
If it is raining at playtime children remain in class rooms with the class teachers who are responsible for the children.

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Staff must contact their relevant HR/ VP/ Principal if they are going to be late or absent from school. Short leave
cannot be taken same day. Please keep the contact telephone number of the Vice-Principal and Principal on hand.
Teachers should be in school by 6:45am in the morning;
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GRACE TIME IS TILL 7:00AM, if teachers are late:
 A verbal warning will be given for first time offenders.
 A written warning will follow after the verbal warning.
 Salary deductions will be applied as per Labor Law.
 Teachers are not allowed to leave the school during non-contact time for any reason without the permission of
the Principal.
 If you wish to leave the school for any personal reason, a permission form has to be completed and approved
by the direct supervisor before 24 hours.


Professional Development includes local conferences and workshops as well as any university coursework undertaken
by staff (summer, online, local etc.). DUSK encourages and supports each of these. The Principal works to manage
the professional development budget in the greatest interest of the total school, as well as to inspire DUSK teachers to
continue to grow professionally.
We aim to make great use of local expertise. We have also held successful INSET sessions on teaching techniques
(where members of staff have shared good practice with their colleagues). Staff is invited to inform their Principal
early in the year of their willingness to conduct training or workshops for their colleagues.
Staff is sent to attend Professional Development‟s/ workshops outside school
Any professional development training and workshop attended outside the school should be presented by the attendee
himself/herself internally to the school staff
Payment for any kind of professional development trainings will be deducted from the indemnity incase of non
renewal of contract.
It is important for every staff to attend any Pd‟s that school has arranged for them regardless of timings. Also school
has the right to ask staff to invest on self professional development. If staff fails to follow the PD policy then it affects
his/her evaluation.


DUSK aims to maintain a grievance and disciplinary procedure that protects the rights of all employees. However, the
Principal retain the right to eliminate any step of the following procedure and proceed to the stage of suspension for
an act of gross misconduct.
The repetition of a failure to meet standards or continuous misconduct will justify a formal written warning from the
VP / Principal. A copy of this warning will be signed by the staff member and placed in their file.
Verbal warning from the Principal.
First written warning.

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Second written warning:
Final warning: If, despite these warnings, the employee continues in the misconduct or failure to meet standards, the
Principal will give the employee a final written warning. This written warning will state the consequences of
continued misconduct, or failure to meet the standards, e.g. suspension, dismissal. The warning will be signed by the
staff member and will be placed in his/her file.
Suspension: Only the Principal can issue a formal suspension.

The employer shall have the right to terminate the employee without notice and indemnity in the following cases:
 If he has been absent from duty for more than seven consecutive days without legal reason and without
notifying the school.
 If he/she has been convicted of a crime affecting honor, honesty or morality.
 If he/she commits any assault (physical, verbal abuse, emotional abuse) to a staff member or to students.
 If the employee leaves the work place of his own accord prior to the expiry date of the contract.
 If the employee engages in any activity which may seriously damage the reputation of the school.
 If the employee commits a fault resulting in a serious loss to the employer.
 If the employee repeatedly disobeys the instructions of the employer.
 If the employee commits a breach of, or fails to carry out any of the obligations imposed on him/her under the
terms of the relevant contract and the provision of this law.
 If the employee is intoxicated or impaired by illegal drugs.
 If an employee gives private tuitions to DUSK students without administrations approval.


Payroll is submitted electronically to Bank on 1st of every month.
All staff members are required to open a bank account for the transfer of salary and are required to submit the
following at time of signing the contract:
 Direct deposit agreement form ( DUSK will not deposit funds into an account that is not in employee name.
 Photocopy of bank card
 IBAN number
Should we fail to receive the items listed above prior to the 20th of the month a cheque will be issued. Please note a
maximum of 2 cheques will be issued in lieu of an electronic transfer to allow for all staff to open an account. WE DO
We bank with KIB (KUWAIT INTERNATIONAL BANK). If your account is not with KIB then it will take 2 to 3
days for the bank to transfer your salary to your bank. This will happen automatically: there is no need to contact us as
there is no action we can take once we have sent your salary. Please note that employee having an account other than
KIB needs to pay a fee of KD 1/- per month for their salary transfer. If you want your salary to be deposited same day
then you should open an account with KIB.
Request for any account number changes will not be accepted after 21st 9.00 am of any month. After that time, the
payroll is finalized, and any change requests will not come into effect until the next month‟s payroll, without
NEW OVERSEAS EMPLOYEES: you will be assisted in opening account in KIB. ATM cards might take up to 4
weeks to receive. In most cases you will need to go to the bank in person to collect it. Your passport will be needed to
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provide identification.
Allowances will be paid till their last working day and indemnity will be calculated ONLY on the basic salary
Summer pay is transferred monthly as normal procedure. August salary is withheld until employee returns to work in
August and is transferred after a week of returning back in August.


In order to present a positive image, employees are to maintain a clean, neat appearance and wear work-place
appropriate attire. Staff who show up for work in inappropriate attire will be sent home to change clothing and a
verbal warning is given.
Members of staff at DUSK are expected to dress according to the expectations of a professional organization as well
as ensuring that the local customs and culture are accommodated. This relates to ALL staff.
 Dresses and skirts must be mid-calf or ankle length and modest fitting.
 Blouses must cover the upper arms and hips. See-through materials, thin /spaghetti straps, low or plunging
necklines are not permitted.
 Pants must be ankle length and modest fitting and worn with suitable tops as above. They must be loose
fitting. Jeans and leggings are NOT acceptable in any color.
 Jewelry and make-up must be kept professional.
 NO PE trainers or flip-flops.

 Shirts may be long or short sleeved. Ties are mandatory. JEANS are not acceptable.
 Shoes not sandals must be worn.
 Jackets or suits are to be worn for school functions and calendared meetings.

PE Staff:
Teachers may wear knee length shorts and short-sleeved T-shirts during lessons.
On entering and leaving the school premises track-suit bottoms must be worn with PE shirts.
Non-uniform Days – It is acceptable for staff to come to school in casual wear providing that authorization is given by
admin on special occasion days.
Modesty is the key.


For admin staff music may be listened to with discreet headphones when working in an area with other staff members.

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Shaded parking is provided to senior management. In front of school and at back side parking is available for staff.
The operator of a vehicle found to be improperly parked may be fined up to KD 20/- for the first offense and KD 40/-
for the second offense (to be deducted from payroll for the current month). If the operator is found to be in violation
for the third time, his/her parking privilege will be revoked indefinitely.

Id cards are provided one week after the date that employee starts working with DUSK. ID badges must be worn by
all employees during working hours on campus. Lost badges can be replaced upon payment of KD 2/-.


All DUSK employees may borrow books from the library for personal use.


DUSK follows the following discount policy for its employees:
 Senior Management receives 1st child (eldest) free of tuition fee. Other supplies are to be paid by parents. 2nd
child onwards they receive a 50% discount on tuition fee ONLY.
 Coordinators, HOD‟s and Teachers receive a 50% discount on tuition fee for all their children studying at
 DUSK staff applying for admission for their children must complete the following requirements‟:
 They are not allowed to baby sit their child or to keep them with themselves during school hours, prior to or
after school hours.
 A parent employee of DUSK is on professional duty during all working hours which naturally prevents the
employee from either dropping off or picking up their own child from school.
 In case an employee receives more than 2 warnings about any of the above mentioned issues they may subject
to the following:
 Not invited to return next year.
 Required to pay full tuition fee for the current year.
 Other consequences.
Bringing visitor/children to work:
Both teaching and admin staff are not permitted to bring their children to work. All employees are expected to
maintain professional working standards in this regard. In case of emergencies; it should be approved by the direct

All staff members must represent themselves to be in good health at the time of accepting their contract. Staff
misrepresenting their fitness for duty may have their employee contract annulled.

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Public Holidays are paid in accordance with those approved by the Ministry of Private Education. Teachers should not
take any days off before or after vacations. Full vacation salary is deducted using 1&1/3rd for each day.
If any day is taken off without excuse, one day and one third is deducted for each absent day.

Summer Salary is prorated per the number of working days for teachers who do not start by the beginning of
the school year. Anyone who has taken unexcused absences during the year, their indemnity is prorated based
on number of working days.
Admin staff is entitled to receive 30 days paid holidays as per Kuwait labor law. Also other holidays like New Year‟s
Eve, Islamic New Year, National and Liberation Day, Prophets Birthday, Ascension of Prophet, Eid Al Adha and Eid
Al Fitr are to be taken by admin as per Kuwait labor law.

Sick Leave:
An employee has to prove illness by providing the school with a medical certificate. If the staff member is ill or has
an accident, a certificate should be obtained from the HR department at school before going to a clinic or a hospital.
Sick leave will not be given to anyone else except for staff or their Husband / Father / Sibling.
Certificates should be signed and stamped by a Medical Officer from a Government Health Clinic or a private hospital
with doctor‟s stamp.
 Teachers should send an email to HR/VP one day prior at least in case if they plan to be absent next day and
the sick leave form should be pick up the same day.
 Sick leaves are not issued/accepted for elective procedures.
 Maternity Leave: DUSK provides one month maternity leave starting from date of delivery.
 Family Member Death Leave: (Compassionate Leave)
In the event of a family member (such as a parent, brother, sister) the employee shall be entitled to 1 day or 3
days leave based on Kuwait Labor Law.
 Leave added to vacation periods is not allowed. If it does occur the following will apply:
Teachers who leave a day before the school closes and/or returns to school after the school has reopened.
 Salary will be deducted for the whole holiday period.
 Sick certificates from out of Kuwait will not be accepted unless validated by the Kuwait Embassy in
the appropriate country.
 Any permission for leave will have to be granted by the Principal in writing. However approval does not
mean it will be a paid leave.
 No extra leaves (For example: or graduation etc) will be approved.
 3 days off will be given if any staff member is going to perform Omrah
 20 days off will be given if any staff member is going to perform Hajj
 Leaving early or coming late for personal business.
 New staff is not allowed to take any sick leave during their probation period.
 Staff is allocated with 16 hours Personal Leave per school year. These hours cannot be used for an entire days
leave or on days before or directly after holidays. Additional information is provided on the Personal Leave
 If an email has been sent during exams for no Sick leaves and short leaves and if any staff member takes it, it

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will not be considered as sick or short leave (Plus this day will be deducted)


Teachers should be aware that students may only use the telephones in the Reception area of the school, and only with
the permission of the Principal. Students are not permitted to use any other phone. Students are not allowed to use
mobile phones in school, and any student found using one in school hours will have the phone confiscated and will be
sent to the Principal‟s office. Consequences mentioned in the student handbook will be applied.

By Staff:
Teachers are not allowed to use the phone during class time or while being on duty and are required to turn their
mobile phone off and to have it put out-of-sight while teaching. If there is a need to use the mobile phones during
school hours, this must be done in the staff room or one of the offices, and during non-contact times. Teachers using
mobile phones in classrooms will result in disciplinary action.


As well as being a place where you can gain information we hope that the Staffroom is somewhere when we can all
relax and unwind. We have put together a few basic 'ground rules' for a happy staffroom life:
 Everybody is welcome, teaching, non-teaching and administrative staff.
 There are no special chairs or tables.
Please help us by:
Doing your share of 'chores'. Housekeeping staff is NOT allowed to wash or clean up after you.
Not letting students be in the Staffroom.


All residency transfer ( iqama‟s) requests and employment visas are handled by DUSK HR department. To determine
the status of your residency with DUSK, please forward all queries to this department either in person or via email.
Please understand that the residency procedures in Kuwait are sometimes unpredictable and can take up to 3 to 4
months to finalize. This timeframe can increase when it occurs within the holy month of Ramadan or other extended
public holidays.
- Residency will be cancelled once the contract has been ended for any OVERSEAS staff.
- Residency should be transferred within three months of time period if any LOCAL staff member will end the
contract with DUSK
Required Documents – New employees should have their passports, original visa ( if applicable ), work permit ( if
applicable ), original diplomas/ certificates/degrees duly attested and translated in Arabic by appropriate authorities,
10 photographs blue background and 1 with white background for Badge, ready to be submitted to the HR upon
signing of contract. This allows us to begin the residency process immediately.
Residency Fee – Note that DUSK does not pay for direct or indirect ( e.g degree translation, authentication )
residency fees. These will be deducted against your salary during the pay period that these fees are incurred. Overseas
employees with a two year contract are reimbursed for all the residency fee after completing your first academic year
and 3 months of your second academic year. Please note that DUSK shall not pay the government health insurance of
Residency for Dependents – DUSK is not responsible for obtaining residency for any dependent family member.

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Length of time to receive residency, and travel restrictions:
1) If your Kuwaiti residency or visa expires within 4 months or less DUSK will not be held responsible for any
resulting fines for overstaying the period of your residency or visa.
2) DUSK HR department requires 4 months for residency transfers/new residencies. You must complete
probation period before school begins the residency process.
3) Do not travel prior to receiving DUSK residency as any complication or consequence due to it will not be
school‟s problem.


A form should be filled in with HR in order to request salary or any other certificate at least 2 days before. Once
ready, email is sent to concerned person to collect it from accounts department. A fee of KD 2/- is charged from
employees for any kinds of certificates requested.
No letters/certificates are issued to any staff starting from March till end of year.


A written request should be filled with HR. Employment reference requests should be submitted 2 weeks prior to
when the reference is needed by the employee. Employees who have overall unsatisfactory performance according to
their evaluation reports are ineligible for an employee reference.


All staff members are expected to attend meetings unless they have prior approval from their direct supervisor for not
attending. Staff meetings are held on a weekly basis. Some urgent meetings might be called in case of emergencies.


Local requisition forms are to be filled by staff in the inventory department in case staff wants to order any materials.
This should be approved by Principal and then by accountant. 3 quotes are submitted to accountant in order to finalize
from which company materials are to be ordered.
Books, uniforms and supplies for new year are to be finalized by current year March for next year. Numbers to be
ordered depends on the stock available in stores.


A criminal background check will be conducted on all employees to ensure safety of our students. In addition to
hiring and pre-employment screening process used in hiring new employees, there will be an ongoing evaluation of all
employees who are in a position to be in contact with children. Persons are deemed to be at risk with children will not
be offered any position at DUSK.

A written report is sent out to parents four times a year by the end of each term.
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All reports cover the Ministry of Education of Kuwait‟s stipulations
A parent teacher meeting is always scheduled with the reports so the parents have a chance for a detailed discussion
with the class teacher.
Parents may arrange appointments to see teachers during the teachers‟ non-contact time during the course of the year.
Staff can directly arrange meeting with parents for discussions about their child.

When writing reports please consider the following:
1) In this part of the world school reports are very much an official document. They are used as proof of school
attendance which may be necessary for another school, college or university entrance. You will find that
parents always keep them year after year. Consequently, there can be no visible changes of grade or crossing
out. White-out (or Tipex) should not be used.
2) The student's name should be according to passport.
3) Class can be year and initial, e.g. Grade One A is 1A.
4) Please check spelling.
5) Student improvement plan should be discussed with parents. Please tell the truth but be tactful. Suggest areas
where the parents may help - no reference to private tuition should ever be made.
6) Do not suggest that a child is doing well if he quite clearly is not. The parents have every right to know
if their child is not doing very well and should be told at the earliest opportunity.
7) Remember that the person reading the report will probably not have English as their first language. Please
avoid using jargon.
8) Reports should never be written in the presence of students.
Grading Policy:
i. Teachers will be responsible to enter the grades in their personal excel sheets and submit them to
ii. After thoroughly checking the grade books HOD‟s will submit these to their concerned VP‟s and then
VP‟s will submit the same to Principal.
iii. Once approved by principal, these grades will be entered in school‟s system to make sure that report
cards will be out without any mistake.
9) When compiled or completed, the reports should be passed on to the Principal for signature and stamp. They
should be returned as soon as possible. The original copy should then be sealed in an envelope. Computer
name labels will be issued for the envelope. Please place them in the top right-hand comer.


In the light of experience, please take into account the following when completing reports:
 Write for the parent - not the student. A comment for the student at the end of "recommendations" is
 Use simple print and font. Parents do not tend to use context clues, but read word for word.
 Avoid colloquialisms or too much educational jargon.
 Avoid difficult constructions, e.g. "as has his reading."
 Comments should be a full as possible and should not merely repeat the grade indication.
 Standard English should be used.
 Do not mention "tuition".
 Do not mention percentages.
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 Try not to repeat the same comment several times. There is a guide for teacher‟s comments in the media
resources center.
Please check all reports through before sending to Coordinators/Principals.


These are set up to formulate policies, for planning, organize resources etc. Members of staff are invited to join these
groups by the Principal and HODs.


All field trips are to be directly tied to the current grade level Unit of Inquiry.
A request of required field trip should be added in all concerned people Google calendar at least a minimum of 3
weeks in advance of the intended trip. The Principal keeps track of the entire process while HR office staff acquires
the necessary Ministry of Education approval and makes the transportation arrangements.
Once this is done; trip coordinator is informed about the expected money to be collected from students (depending on
place where they are going).
Money collected is handed over to Accounts Department and on the day of trip the coordinator receives from accounts
the requested sum of money required for field trip.
End of trip invoices are to be submitted in Accounts Department next day of the trip.
Once the field trip is over, teachers should provide a report of how it went.They should provide positive input and/or
helpful suggestions for future reference. This information is used by the SLT team in their meetings to formulate or
amend their current policies and procedures.
All teachers are considered on duty during the trip. No staff member is allowed to bring their children on the trip.


Care should be taken while uploading any sort of information on social media. All pictures and videos are sent to the
IT personnel and after the approval from Administration, its uploaded on the social media. If inappropriate
information is discovered, disciplinary action will be taken against the person.


DUSK strives to provide a healthy and safe and smoke free environment. Violation of this policy is considered a
serious offence and may involve as a possible consequence. Teachers are not allowed to smoke in or out of school


DUSK considers any form of theft (physical or intellectual property) a very serious infraction of school policy.
Investigations will be conducted in case if anyone is found or caught stealing and are immediately referred to their
senior or direct supervisor for further investigations. In case person is found guilty; they will be terminated and in
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most cases will be referred to the local authorities.


Borrowing money from colleagues and or school is not allowed in DUSK. Contravention of this policy will not be
tolerated. Violations will lead to disciplinary action which may include termination of employment.


DUSK computers and other appliances are only for official use. No personal use is permitted. All PC‟s Laptops and
tabs should be password protected.


Internet access is available on all tabs and computers of school. For any other service an email should be sent to
administration for approval. All internet activities leading to virus contamination and threat from internet are strictly

Each student will be required to rent a school locker for (KD 5). Once payment has been made, the student will be
issued a specific locker by the supervisors (supervisors please go through the lockers policy for further reference). The
school administration respects a student„s right to privacy. However, all students should understand that school
authorities have the right and responsibility to inspect lockers in order to ensure the safety and welfare of all students.
As a precaution against loss of materials from lockers, students are urged to keep lockers locked at all times and to not
give their key to other students. The school will not assume responsibility for articles that are lost or stolen from
student lockers or left outside of the lockers.


School email is provided to all employees once they join DUSK. This can be used to communicate with staff,
students, and parents. It is NOT for personal use. Any employee found misusing DUSK email facility will be dealt


The user must change the temporary password on their first log in given to them first day of school. In case if anyone
forgets their password they can refer to IT department and it will be reset.


All printers are monitored and users will be automatically prohibited from printing without notice in case if printers
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are misused. Printers should not be used as copy machine. Photocopies from school machines are allowed up to 10
copies with the approval of concerned HEAD. Any copies required to be made more than 10 needs to be submitted at
least 2 days prior to Inventory department with the photocopy form ( available at reception and inventory department
) duly filled and signed by Principals or Head. In turn the photocopies done will be sent to the respective staff or
Teacher on the 3rd day before 12.00 noon by the Inventory Dept.

All users are required to fill in a helpdesk form to report any IT related problems or inform Inventory incharge.
Reporting via phone or contacting the tech person directly would not be attended to.


The IT department is not permitted to offer personal repair for teachers and staff. If found so action will be taken
against IT and that staff member.

All the users are bound to follow these policies and if any employee is found to have violated this policy may be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


The school telephones are to be used only for following:
 To facilitate communication between parents/teachers.
 To facilitate intra-campus communication.
 For reporting emergencies inside the classroom.
 Telephones or mobile phonesare not allowed during classes or lessons. Employees found to be violating the
Telephone Use policy will be reprimanded in the following manner:
 1st offense : KD 20/- fine to be deducted from payroll of current month
 2nd offense: KD 40/- fine to be deducted from payroll of current month
 3rd offense: Referral to disciplinary committee and employee review


Maintaining accurate information regarding employee is essential to the successful operation of any business. Any
change or update in address, marital status, telephone/mobile numbers etc. should be informed immediately to HR
department via email. For any amendments in the documents, it should be scanned and emailed to HR.


The school's procedures for fire and emergency evacuation are posted in every room and displayed around all areas of
in the school. They are also posted in the school entrance hall. These procedures will be updated as appropriate. The
log book for the recording and evaluation of practice and evacuation drills is available. Emergency evacuation policy
also needs to be kept in teachers‟ binders.

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Stationery and supplies are provided to every staff member twice a year. Additional stuff can be obtained by filling
request form available at Inventory department.


Every Day

 Check the staff room Bulletin Board/emails for daily notices (am and also pm of the previous day).
 Complete the registers.
 Check Communication books for messages from parents. Parent communication should be updated in
 Insert grades at least once a week into the gradebooks.
 A smart device may be with you in each lesson.
 Your weekly and daily plans should be updated regularly.

 Complete the attendance register.
 Send letters, homework, weekly agenda etc. home.( email or via Homework diary)
 Leave the classroom tidy.

 To look through the School Development Plan and Student Improvement Plan.

 A child is absent for more than one day. Send email to the counselor and cc principal.

 A child /adult has an accident. Assist, report, record.

 I want to organize a trip. See information on school trips.

 I wish to purchase a small item of equipment. Check if it is not available in school

Obtain permission to buy from line manager.
Get a receipt.
Fill in a Petty Cash Slip and receive money from
the Accounts Department.

Digital Cameras are available with admin

 I want to photograph some work/activity.

 I think a student in my class has a medical Consult Principal/Counselor/Nurse.

Complete Medical Return Form.
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 I suspect a student in my class is being Consult Principal/Counselor. Send email to the
abused. Principal.

 A parent has offered to help. Check with HOD/ VP / Principal.

 I want to organize an after school activity. Check with the Vice Principal.
Check that the evening is free and the hall.
Write to parents, including a slip for parental
Give plenty of notice if the activity is cancelled.


 Where should I park? There are three parking areas for staff: one directly
outside the building which is used by the Senior
Management Team, one directly ahead and to the
right, and one to the left of the building on the
opposite side of the street (these will be shown to all
staff during induction week).

 Mosque (Prayer Room) Ensure that you are dressed appropriately and
shoes are removed.


Teachers create a positive working environment which reflects ownership by the students. The teachers should see
that the classroom and corridors are:
 Inviting and stimulating.
 Well organized and user friendly for students.
 Planned to encourage independence.
 Well managed and maintained.
 Safe.
 Made attractive by displays of student‟s work and regularly updated.


DUSK provides and utilizes an Assessment System based on Professional Teaching Standards. A copy along with
rubrics and the assessment and evaluation system is provided to every staff member.

Rota‟s for duties will be made and there will be meetings to discuss procedures.
Because of bussing, it is necessary that all children be let out of classes promptly at the end of the day - the buses do
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not wait! It is the responsibility of the supervisor to hand over the bus students to the bus incharge.


DUSK runs a system whereby students who are identified as particularly weak and need improvement". Parents,
teachers, and the counselor work together to help the students to understand and to set realistic targets. There is a great
deal of probing into background and case history. Regular follow up should be properly documented.

The care of classrooms and equipment is the responsibility of the class leaders and subject teachers as well.
Teachers must not allow the defacement of the desks and equipment and should notify the supervisors of any such
Teachers should encourage students to take a pride in the classrooms. Classrooms should be clean and tidy, with
display of student's work to create a pleasant and educational atmosphere.
Teachers should set an example in this by keeping their desks, book shelves, etc., tidy and by making sure the
display boards in these rooms are tastefully filled with interesting material.
Teachers are not permitted to leave any classroom unless another teacher supervises the children. Classes must
NEVER be left with a maid supervising them.

These are issued by the school for all subjects.
Notebooks should have the name, class and subject written neatly in the school handwriting by the teacher and then be
sent home to be covered with clear plastic - no stickers, no colors.


All teaching staff is expected to take at least one club for one hour each week during the school year. There are no
clubs during Ramadan.
The Principal organizes the clubs and will be posting a list at the beginning of the year for staff to list their preferred
club. This will then be organized and staff will be updated at regular intervals.

When the clubs are finished, it is the responsibility of the member of staff taking the club to look after any student
who may not be collected on time. If parents/drivers are persistently late with picking up children, the school
administrator should be notified in order to follow up.


Students' files are kept in the Social counselor‟s office and are available for inspection; they must not be removed
from the office. Counselor holds full responsibility of those files and documents in it.
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Arrangements are made to regularly monitor the condition of all fire prevention equipment. This would include the
regular visual inspection of fire extinguishers and the fire alarm system.

There will be a minimum of two fire drills per academic year. Parents and children and often teachers are not pre
warned about the timing.


When the fire bell rings please observe the following procedures:
 Leave the classroom or work area by the assigned exit.
 Encourage the students to move quietly and without panic.
 Assemble the students in class lines in the playground.
 Check that all students and helpers are out of the building.
 Take the emergency folder. You should have this with you.
 The Principal will check that all students and helpers exit the building.
Talk to the students about the procedures and stress that they must leave by the nearest exit and do not need to return
to the classroom to put on outdoor shoes/coats etc.


Students are allowed to wear stud type earrings and watches only, for which they are responsible. Teachers should
discourage any other kind of jewelry.


1st, 2nd and 3 Time Tardy:
Lateness slip will be issued to the student.

4thTime Tardy:
The student signs a pledge and parents are informed.

5thTime Tardy:
Parents will be called for a meeting. They sign the final warning and they will be informed that the student
is registered as absent without excuse.

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Note: When parents are to be contacted, the receptionist calls via phone and the social worker through
Teachers will not accept students in class without a tardy pass from the VP or social worker.
Attendance is essential for student success. When students miss school, they miss educational opportunities.
If HS students miss the required number of periods for a credit fulfillment his/her grades will be affected.


Any written communication with parents must be approved by the VP / HOD.


The school has several housekeepers in full-time employment during school hours.
They are not meant to be general servants for staff - fetching newspapers, sandwiches, washing cups, etc. They
have a prescribed list of duties.




Please do not encourage parents to come into the teaching areas during the school day. If it is necessary to see a
parent, make an appointment before or after school. The Principal‟s office or the Meeting Room may be used for
these appointments.


The students Code of Behavior aims to encourage positive social Behavior which will in turn have effect on their


 Be on time for school and lessons
 Be polite and respect EVERY ONE. Be able to say sorry
 Be kind & helpful and use only nice words.
 Work hard, without disrupting others in class.

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 Move around school quietly. Walk, Don‟t Run!
 Be ATTENTIVE, listen to teachers and carry out their instructions.
At the beginning of the year every teacher should discuss and explain the Code of Behaviour/ classroom rules
to their students. It should be interpreted in an appropriate manner for the particular age group, and illustrated in
each student‟s behavior contract. Each class should design a display of their particular classroom rules.

The policy also aims to encourage the development of appropriate learning behavior. At DUSK the objective is to
produce "independent learners". From an early age children are encouraged to be responsible not only for their own
possessions but also the school resources. They are taught to be able to work cooperatively in groups, use a variety of
media sources for information and to develop excellent listening and speaking skills. Opportunities are provided for
children to assume additional responsibilities such as participating in the school flag raising ceremony, or simple
monitoring duties in the classroom.


Last years' report copies and a simple record sheet are kept in students‟ portfolio.


All items of uniform are available at the school shop. Warning letters are available from the VPs if students continue
to come to school incorrectly dressed after verbal warnings.

Homework is considered to be very important by the parents in Kuwait. They tend to make judgments about their
child's progress, the teacher and the school from what they see of homework. Therefore, it is very important that the
homework which does go out is appropriate for the student, and that the work to be done is clearly stated, that
previous work is marked and that the student knows when his work must be completed.
A regular pattern of homework is important.

A register of students' attendance is to be kept and maintained daily.


Teacher identifies student with educational or behavioral problems which are likely to lead to difficulty in
passing the year.

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The Academic Referral Process

This document illustrates and guide through the different phases of the academic referral process, from
when it is recognized that a student may need additional assistance and continue through all the
possible steps. It should be noted that there are areas where the process can halt depending on the
student‟s needs.

1. Identifying / Observe Problem:

Every student has a unique need that may not be within the expertise of a general classroom
teacher. It is during this time that the teacher (or parent, or administrator or counselor)
recognizes a consistent need or problem exhibited by the student.
This recognition of a discrepancy in the student‟s academic ability and his/her age may signal
the need for additional academic support.

2. Anecdotal Classroom Notes:

Teacher must document examples of the student‟s work and anecdotal classroom notes
regarding the student‟s needs.

3. Parent / Teacher Communication:

Teacher will inform (email/phone/in person) and meet the parent/guardian to explore the issue
and have insight to the student‟s needs. Teacher will provide dated documents and information
about the concern skill deficit exhibited by the student.
Parent will also be given guidelines and various methods of goal attainment from the student
improvement plan.
Student will also be offered in school support classes to help is overall learning outcome.
It is possible that the problem is solved with careful execution of a cooperative plan of action
between the teacher and the parent. The teacher would document their plan, strategies and
programs. The teacher would continue to collect student work samples and keep data relevant
to student needs. The student‟s parents/guardian will be kept informed on the student‟s

4. Referral Report:
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If teacher, after a period of time, determines the problem cannot be addressed with simple
classroom/ teaching interventions then the teacher notifies the parent/guardian that they will be
referred to the School‟s Vice -Principal.

5. Academic Evaluation:
Vice-Principal will then request for the student‟s complete academic evaluation across all
subjects, emphasizing on the academic strengths and weakness of the student in each subject
that he/she takes.

6. Parent / Vice-Principal Meeting:

Parent will be provided with the student‟s portfolio/profile.
This will include strengths, weaknesses, information regarding performance in the classroom,
formal assessments and the reasons the student will be signing a written academic warning
letter in presence of the parents.
Parents will again be provided with guideline and steps that can be taken to improve the
learning outcome of the student.

After signing the academic warning letter, if student shows improvement and School has
appropriate documentation to display student academic improvement,student will be removed
from the warning status. However, teacher will continue to collect data relevant to the student‟s
need and academic improvement.

7. Academic Contract / Probation:

If after signing the academic warning letter, student still do not exhibits improvement in the
required academic skills he/she will be given an Academic Probation Contract to be signed.
This contract will verify that the student will not be registered for the coming academic year
with our school.
However, he/she will complete the current academic year with regular classes.

The Discipline Referral Process

This document illustrates and guide through the different phases of the discipline referral process, from
when it is recognized that a student may need additional assistance and continue through all the
possible steps. It should be noted that there are areas where the process can halt depending on the
student‟s needs.

Identifying / Observe Problem:

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Establishing effective discipline practices is critical to ensure academic success and to provide a safe
learning environment. Some critical elements are developing school-wide rules and expectations,
actively teaching all students these rules and expectations, ensuring adequate teacher supervision,
recognizing when students follow the rules, and correcting and re-teaching the rules. Progressive
discipline practices include the following:
 Minor Referrals – Classroom managed
 Major Referrals – Office managed

Minor Referrals

Anecdotal Classroom Notes:

Teacher must document anecdotal classroom notes regarding the student‟s discipline needs.
Teacher / Student conference after class, verbal feedback and re-teach and clarify
It is possible that the problem will be solved with careful execution of a cooperative plan of
action between the teacher and the student.

If not, teacher will keep the dated document about the incident and consequences are taken
according to the behavior guidelines in the student handbook.

If the behavior is still the same and student exhibits no improvement then, teacher will inform
(email/phone/in person) and meet the parent/guardian to explore the issue and have insight to
the student‟s social/ emotional or behavioral needs. Dated documents and information is
provided about the concern behavior exhibited by the student.
Parent will also be given guidelines and various methods of goal attainment.

Behavior Evaluation:
Student will then be checked and evaluated on daily and then weekly bases. Teachers will
provide continuous feedback and dated documentation to the office for behavior patterns.
Parents will also be kept well informed about the students discipline progress.
Complete Referral Report will be written and sent to office.

Major Referrals

Referral Report:
If there is a major problem that cannot be addressed with simple classroom/ teaching
interventions then the teacher will write a referral report and notifies the office. Counselor
requests for a behavior report across all subjects.

Student / Counselor Meeting:

Counselor then reviews the data and written report and sets a meeting with the student to
recognize the social and emotional needs of the student for behavioral support. Counseling will
be done.

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Parent / Counselor Meeting:
Parent will be provided with dated documents and referrals indicating student‟s unacceptable
behavior. Student will be signing the behavior warning letter.
Parents will be provided with guideline and steps that can be taken to improve the social and
emotional needs of the student.

They will also be informed of the possible consequences that can be taken as per the Ministry
of Education – Kuwait.

After signing the behavior warning letter, if student shows improvement and school has
appropriate documentation to display student academic improvement, student will be removed
from the warning status. However, counselor will continue to collect data relevant to the
student‟s need and behavior improvement and continue to counsel the student.

Parent / Principal – Vice Principal Meeting:

If over the period of time student exhibits the same behavior patterns then parents will be
called in for a meeting with the Principal and will sign Behavior Probation Contract as the
student is not complying with the school rules.
Counselor will continue to collect data relevant to the student‟s need and behavior
improvement and continue to counsel the student.

Parent Administration Meeting:

If after signing the Probation contract, the student shows no improvement then parents will be
called in to meet the administration in presence of the school lawyer. Parents will sign the
breeching of behavior contract, that the student who is on behavior probation contract failed to
comply and meet requirements and therefore will be unable to register for the coming academic

DUSK handbook acknowledgment page

I, ____________________________________________(Full Name) have

received, read, understood and hereby agree to abide by and follow the

DUSK Staff Handbook.


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To: Teachers, and Administration

Emergency Evacuation Instructions

Please follow the following notes and instructions whenever you hear the fire alarm.

The meeting point is the school main gate.

Teachers’ Notes:

1. When leaving the class, switch off the lights, computers and LCD projector.
2. Take the students’ name list folder that shows *color code for your class and instruct your students to go to the person
bearing that color at the meeting point.
3. Close the doors.
4. Follow the exit directions.
5. If you are in any other room, turn off the lights if you are the last to leave.
6. Don’t panic and don’t run.
7. Take it seriously.
8. Check your students at the meeting point, if you have them all lift up the green card otherwise lift up the red card.

Your instructions to the students should be as follow:

1. Leave everything you are doing immediately.

2. Listen to the instructions of your teacher.
3. Keep right of the hallway or the staircase.
4. Follow the exit signs.
5. Be quiet.
6. Don’t panic and don’t run.
7. Take it seriously.

Outdoor emergency committee Notes:

1. Close drawers with valuable things.
2. Take your color flag and go to the meeting point.

Indoor emergency committee Notes:

1. Open the exit doors in the place you are responsible for.
2. Guide teachers with students to evacuate in the assigned directions according to the map you received.
3. Make sure no one in the classrooms, washrooms, Labs, and all teachers took the student lists’ folders from the classes.
4. Make sure all lights and appliances are switched off, close the doors and go to the meeting points.

Social workers’ Notes: should take the parents’ list with the telephone numbers.

Nurses’ Notes: should take first aid bags with them with their mobiles.

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Guards’ Notes: Workers:

1. Open the doors. 1. Switch off all appliances you are using.
2. Block the street. 2. Go to the meeting point.
3. Get loud speakers and whistles.

In case of actual fire:

The first person to notice a fire should start the alarm by breaking the glass of the fire alarm.

Fire Alarms

There are fire alarms in different places:

KG/ES building: MS/HS building:

Upper hallways (3) Lower hallways (3)

Lower hallways(2) Upper hallways (1)
New boys building (1)

Color Code and Card Holder:

No. Class/ Grade Color

1 KG Yellow
2 First grade Red
3 Second grade Purple
4 Third grade Orange
5 Fourth and Fifth grades Green
6 Sixth and Seventh grades Pink
7 Eight and Ninth grades Blue
8 Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth grades White

Thank you for your cooperation.

School Administration

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Evaluation Process

Section 1: Introduction & Steps

The purpose of the evaluation shall be to serve as a basis for the improvement of instruction, to enhance the
implementation of programs of curriculum to serve as a measurement of the professional growth and development of
personnel, and to evaluate the level of performance of personnel.
The primary purpose of evaluation in DUSK is to foster the growth and development of the professional educator,
while maintaining compliance with ministry rules. Evaluation is intended to promote excellent professional practices
that enhance student achievement and wellbeing. The steps of the professional educator evaluation system are;
1. Student improvement plan/ Professional practice - smart goals setting
2. Spot observation
3. Eleots
4. Formal evaluations
5. Improvement plan
6. Evaluation of improvement plan
7. Remediation Plan
8. Evaluation of remediation plan
During the entire comprehensive evaluation process, there are many opportunities of the professional educator to have
input into their professional development and to facilitate a conversation with the professional educator‟s supervisor
concerning expectations and accomplishments.
Student achievement data for all educators will be recorded annually. These data will be assessed and used during an
employee‟s formal evaluation process.
All written evaluations must be completed no later than 1st May of each school year signed and filed with the HOD‟s,
VP‟s, Principal and DUSK‟s HR department.

Section 2: Evaluation Process Components:

STEP ONE: Official Presentation & informal Meeting:

An official presentation will be provided to all the staff members during the induction week about the policies,
procedures and full information about the evaluation process and steps. Question and Answer session will be there
too. In case of any doubts, an informal meeting can be held to explain the evaluation process and forms to be used.

STEP TWO: Student improvement plan/ Professional practice:

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The purpose of this step is to improve instruction as evidenced through increased student achievement and to improve
professional teaching practices.

STEP THREE: Spot Observations:

Spot observations are brief (usually 10 to 15 minutes), regular classroom visits that provide valuable data to guide
instruction, initiate reflection and improve learning. A spot observation checklist is provided to all leaders in order to
do the spot observations. Verbal feedback is given after every spot observation.

STEP FOUR: Eleots:

Eleot stands for “Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool”. Three Eleots will be done per year (One by
the HOD and 2 by the VP’s)

The Eleot focuses on seven key learning environments that promote effective learning and student success:

 Equitable learning
 High expectations
 Supportive learning
 Active learning
 Progress monitoring and feedback
 Well-managed learning
 Digital learning

Eleot empowers you to,

 Evaluate classroom environments by focusing on students

 Reveal strengths and weaknesses using measurable data
 Analyze formative trends by comparing observations across subjects, grade levels and other filters
 Ensure quality and reliability in an intuitive and easy-to-use tool
 Implement a powerful tool for professional development, peer learning and ongoing improvement

STEP FIVE: Formal Observations:

Formal observations are part of the performance management process in a learning centre. It may have a
developmental and/or an evaluative function. Formal observations are opportunities to observe teacher performance
and provide information for the preparation of the evaluation. Formal observations will be conducted with the prior
knowledge of the teacher. A written observation report must be prepared for each formal observation and is discussed
with the staff member. There are overall two formal observations done throughout the school year (One by the
Principal and One by the HR).

STEP SIX: Informal Observations:

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Informal observations provide an opportunity to observe activities and instruction. The purpose of informal
observations is to provide the qualified observer with current, ongoing information about the teacher's and the
students' performance. Informal observations give the qualified observer important information about the
implementation of the curriculum, delivery of instruction, and student performance. These observations can also
provide guidance for the design of a teacher's professional development and feedback regarding the teacher's
effectiveness. Informal observations do not require written reports or follow-up conferences. The observer, however,
should provide the teacher with verbal feedback. Please find the attached information about when the improvement &
Remedian plan should be placed for a staff member on page 44 &47

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Student Improvement Plan /Professional Practice SMART Goal-Setting

Educator Name/Title: School:

HOD- Name/Title: Circle one: Individual or Team
Vice Principal- Name/Title /Role in evaluation:
Check all that apply: Proposed Goals Final Goals Date:

Specific/Strategic Measurable Action-oriented Rigorous, Timed and Describe Possible

Realistic & Tracked Evidence
What do you want to How are you going to How will you Is this a realistic goal When will you reach How will you know
measure? measure it? accomplish the goal? that you can your goal? your goal has been
reasonably reached, and
accomplish? whether or not it has
impacted student
learning? (This is
what will be included
in the teacher’s final
reflection at the
year’s end.)

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Specific/Strategic Measurable Action-oriented Rigorous, Timed and Describe Possible
Realistic & Tracked Evidence
Student Learning Goal

Professional Practice Goal

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Eleot Observation Report
Teacher’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: Subject:

Evaluator’s Name: School:

Quarter Date of Eleot Observation Date of Post-Observation Conference

Eleot – Effective Learning Environments


1. Equitable Learning
2. High Expectations
3. Supportive Learning
4. Active Learning
5. Progress Monitoring and Feedback
6. Well-managed Learning
7. Digital Learning

Evaluator’s Comments


Areas of Improvement:

Teacher’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________

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Teacher Formal Evaluation
Teacher’s Name:______________________________________ Date: ___________

Grade/Year Group: ___________________________________ Subject: ___________

Evaluator’s Name: ___________________________________ School: ___________

Date of Evaluation: ______________________________________

Previous Year’s Record: Returning Staff

Number of Days Absent: __________________ Number of Short Leaves: ____________

Current Year’s Record

Number of Absences till date:________________ Number of Short Leaves till

Overall Performance Rating

Performance Standards Rating

1. Preparation for Instruction Exceeds Meets Needs
Expectations Expectations Emerging Improvement
1a. Clear, Logic Lesson Plans, Yearly Plans

1b. Establish a culture of high expectations for

learning and achievements.

1c. Use school adopted curriculum maps and content

knowledge for design coherent lessons.

1d. Post aligned lesson objectives and plan for

demonstrations of learning.

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2. Use of Data to Inform Instruction Exceeds Meets Needs
Expectations Expectations Emerging Improvement
2a. Focus on improving instruction using data

2b. Use a variety of assessment methods when

designing classroom assessments

2c. Involve students in assessing their own learning

Exceeds Meets Needs

Expectations Expectations Emerging Improvement
3. Delivers quality instruction
3a. Instruct bell to bell

3b. Use a variety of instructional strategies to focus

3c. Engage students in learning

3d. Continually check for understanding

3e. Deliver rigorous and relevant content

3f. Integrate 21st Century skills in instruction

3g. Provide feedback about student proficiency

3h. Creativity

3i. Oral English Communication Skills

3j. Active learning

Exceeds Meets Needs

4. Interventions to Meet Diverse Needs Emerging
Expectations Expectations Improvement
4a. Differentiate instruction based on student needs and
4b. Implement interventions with fidelity and adjust
instruction based on results
4c. Adapt and modify instruction for the unique needs
of learners

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Exceeds Meets Needs
5. Learning Environment Emerging
Expectations Expectations Improvement
5a. Contribute to a safe and orderly learning environment

5b. Use effective classroom management procedures

5c. Effectively manage student behavior

5d. Foster collaboration and self-regulation in students

5e. Promote positive and respectful rapport

5f. Climate trust and mutual respect

Exceeds Meets Needs

Expectations Expectations Emerging Improvement
6. Professionalism
6a. Adhere to ministry laws, statues and regulations
pertaining to education, the Ministry of Education
(MOE) policies, the DUSK Policies and Procedures, and
school rules.
6b. Demonstrate professionalism

6c. Attendance

6d. Punctuality

6e. Dress Code

6f. Work Ethics

6g. Quality of Work

6h. Leadership Abilities

6i. Serves on Committes

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For Admin Use Only

Evaluator’s Comments:



Feedback / Recommendations:


Contract Renewal Recommendations:

 Recommended for re-employment

 Not recommended for re-employment (2 or more unsatisfactory ratings, 3 or more Needs Improvement

Teacher’s Reflection/Comments:

Teacher __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Evaluator’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

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Evaluation of Teaching Assistant
Assistant’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: School:

Evaluator’s Name: Date of Evaluation:

Teacher Appraisal Exceeds Meets Needs
Expectations Expectations Improvement

1. Has a good rapport with students

2. Assists with the daily preparation of the classroom

3. Is able to work independently with a small group of


4. Assists the teacher in the maintenance of positive

student behaviours and relationships

5. Follows the established policies and procedures of the

class and the school

6. Prepares student work for display; assists with bulletin

boards, photocopying of worksheets etc.

7. Responds appropriately to parents, not violating the

teacher/student/parent relationship, respects
confidentiality with regard to student issues

8. Is able to take, understand and follow teacher


9. Is able to work on own initiative if required to do so

10. Demonstrates patience with students and is sensitive

to different ability levels and cultural backgrounds

11. Has a good relationship with teacher(s) –English and


Vice Principal Appraisal Exceeds Meets Needs

Expectations Expectations Improvement

12. Maintains a positive attitude

13. Self-Motivated

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14. Works well with specialist teachers

15. Has a good relationship with other staff

16. Is willing to work as part of a team

17. Actively participates in extracurricular activities (i.e.

committees, PEAK conference)

18. Is punctual to class and to school

19. Effectively manages department duties (Gate

supervision, auditorium, etc.)

20. Can effectively take over the class in the event of

teacher absence

21. Is supportive of required school functions (i.e.

parent/teacher conferences, accreditation process,
Back to school night, etc.)

22. Attendance

23. Maintains professionalism at all times

24. Oral English Communication Skills

25. ICT Skills

Evaluator’s Comments


Areas of Improvement:

Note: Unsatisfactory ratings must always be supported with a written explanation.

Feedback / Recommendations:

Assistant’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Page | 43
DUSK Improvement Plan

Improvement Plans are considered to be a signal to the staff that a problem or concern exists and that additional effort,
guidance and support may be needed in achieving the Professional Educator Performance Standards. A planof
improvement may be initiated at any time by the evaluator based on problems or concerns in performance from spot,
Eleot, or formal observations or lack of progress on professional growth goals. When an improvement plan is initiated
by the evaluator, it is the responsibility of the administrator to:
1. Identify the specific problem to be addressed in relationship to the Professional Educator Performance
Standards (strength and weakness).
2. Specify the desired level of performance improvement in relationship to the Professional Educator
3. Develop and implement a plan for the improvement within a specific period of time.
4. Determine additional education or professional development needed to improve the specific problem.
5. Gather evidence of improvement plan effectiveness.

Throughout the improvement plan process the administrator makes a commitment to the staff to support the
improvement plan and allow a specific amount of time for learning new patterns of behavior. The early development
of the improvement plan is viewed as positive support for staff who may find themselves with difficult in their
teaching or work.

Checklist for writing an Improvement Plan

 The supervising administrator will collaboratively develop the improvement plan with the teacher.
 Write the statement of the problem in relationship to the AS Performance Standards specifically identifying
the level of performance (strength and weakness).
 Articulate a statement of the desired behavior in relationship to the Performance Standards.
 Target date when the improvement plan is to be re-evaluated.
 Specify recommendations and assistance that will be given to the teacher.

After the improvement plan is implemented, follow up observations and conferences between the educator and the
supervising administrator take place with continued documentation.

Evaluation of the Improvement Plan

The improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan and will result in one of the
following action:

 Continue with the “Improvement Plan” for a specific amount of time.

 Place on a “Remediation Plan”.
 Problem resolved and Professional Standards met at satisfactory level of performance, return to current
evaluation cycle.

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Improvement Plan
Teacher’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: Subject:

Evaluator’s Name: School:

Date of Improvement Plan Conference:



Strategy for achieving outcomes


Date for this Improvement Plan to be Evaluated:

Educator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Principal’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

The Principal‟s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper procedure appears
to have been followed.

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Evaluation of Improvement Plan
Teacher’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: Subject:

Evaluator’s Name: School:

Date of Evaluation:

The improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan and will result in
One of the following actions:

Continue with the “Improvement Plan” for a specific amount of time.

Place on “Remediation Plan”.

Problem resolved and Professional Standards met at satisfactory level of performance.


Educator’s Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _____________________

Principal’s Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________________

The Principal‟s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper procedure
appears to have been followed.

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DUSK Remediation Plan

Written Remediation Plans are to be developed when performance is deemed to be “unsatisfactory” on the written
summative evaluation report or following an “unsatisfactory” evaluation of an improvement plan. The following
procedure will be followed when initiating a plan of remediation.

1. A remediation plan to correct weaknesses will be developed by the evaluator and the professional educator,
to be initiated immediately.
2. The professional educator will be given a written notice of weaknesses.
3. The professional educator will be given a statement of resources and assistance available to improve
performance and a reasonable period of time to correct the weaknesses.
4. A reassessment of the professional educator‟s performance shall be completed in accordance with the written
remediation plan.
5. Upon reassessment of the remediation plan, if the professional educator has improved the identified weakness
or weaknesses to the satisfactory (progressing I or II, proficient I, II or III, and/or exemplary I or II)
performance level, the regular evaluation cycle will resume.
6. Upon re-evaluation of the remediation plan, if the professional educator‟s performance continues to remain at
the unsatisfactory level of performance, the supervising administrator may either reinstate the remediation
plan with additional recommendations for improvement or take the necessary steps to recommend dismissal.

Checklist for writing Remediation Plan

 Follow the Professional Educator Performance Standards Guidelines with regard to the informational
meeting, developing the professional growth plan with goal setting conference and required number of spot
and formal observations.
 Document and review teacher data on student achievement.
 Document and review any other informal or incidental information gathered for parents, students and peers.
 Document “unsatisfactory” progress from the improvement plan or unsatisfactory overall rating on the written
summative evaluation report.
 If either evaluation is unsatisfactory, evaluator informs the Principal and Human Resource Department about
initiating a written remediation plan.
 Write the remediation plan using the remediation plan form, providing a copy for the Principal and Human
Resource Department.
 Follow the remediation plan, adhering to specific timelines.
 Continue to observe and assess instruction and provide assistance specified in the remediation plan.

Evaluation of the Written Remediation Plan

The evaluator conducts a conference with the educator at the end of the time specified in the remediation plan
resulting in one of the following action:

 Continue with the “Remediation Plan” for a specified amount of time.

 Problem resolved and professional standards met at satisfactory level of performance, return to current
evaluation cycle.
 Recommend for dismissal.

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Remediation Plan
Teacher’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: Subject:

Evaluator’s Name: School:

Date of Remediation Plan Conference:

Purpose: Written remediation plans are to be developed when a professional educator receives an
“unsatisfactory” overall rating on the summative evaluation report, or when unsatisfactory progress was made on an
improvement plan. Additionally the purpose of the remediation plan is to identify specific deficiencies and foster growth
through professional development. If corrective actions are not made within the time specified in this remediation plan, a
recommendation may be made for dismissal or to continue on a remediation plan.



Strategy for achieving outcomes


Date for this Improvement Plan to be Evaluated:

Educator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

Principal’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________

The Principal‟s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper procedure appears
to have been followed.

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Evaluation of Remediation Plan
Teacher’s Name: School Year:

Grade Level: Subject:

Evaluator’s Name: School:

Date of Evaluation:

The improvement plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan and will result in
One of the following actions:

Problem resolved and Professional Standards met at satisfactory level of performance.

Continue with the “Remediation Plan” for a specific amount of time.

Recommend Dismissal.


Educator’s Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________

Evaluator’s Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________________

Principal’s Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________________

The Principal‟s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper procedure
appears to have been followed.

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