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Outage Performance of Cognitive Relay Networks

with Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Zheng Yang, Student Member, IEEE, Zhiguo Ding, Member, IEEE, Pingzhi Fan, Fellow, IEEE,
and George K. Karagiannidis, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we consider an underlay cognitive powered by the energy harvested from natural energy sources,
radio (CR) networks with one primary receiver, one cognitive while the throughput maximization for the secondary user with
transmitter-receiver pair, and one energy harvesting relay. The finite battery capacity has been studied in [6]. Furthermore,
transmission power of the secondary source is determined op-
portunistically by its interference to the primary receiver, and the throughput maximization for secondary users has also
the relay transmission is powered by the energy harvested from been studied in [7], when the secondary users perform radio
the radio frequency observations at the relay. For the considered frequency energy harvesting as well as reuse the spectrum
CR networks with simultaneous wireless information and power of the primary network simultaneously. Very recently, the
transfer (SWIPT), we derive analytical expressions for the outage authors [8] considered energy harvesting in a large scale non-
probability, as well as their high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
approximations in closed-form. The developed analytical results cooperative CR network, which contains multiple cognitive
demonstrate that the use of SWIPT will not cause any loss of transmitter-receiver pairs and one primary transmitter-receiver
diversity gain, but the outage probability achieved by the SWIPT- pair. More specifically, energy harvesting is performed at
CR scheme asymptotically decays as logSN SN R
, whereas a decaying secondary receivers. However, most existing energy harvesting
rate of SN R is achieved by a conventional CR network. Computer solutions rely on natural energy sources, such as wind and so-
simulation results are also provided to demonstrate the accuracy
of the presented analysis.
lar power [9], and the recent developed concept, simultaneous
wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) can realize
Index Terms—Cognitive radio systems, decode-and-forward, energy harvesting in more demanding indoor environments
simultaneous wireless information and power transfer, energy
harvesting. [10]. It has been shown that SWIPT has the potential to reduce
the energy consumption at wireless nodes, particularly at the
relays, [11], [12]. In [13], the authors investigated the robust
I. INTRODUCTION power minimization problem for the multiple input single out-
Cooperative cognitive radio networks is a promising method put (MISO) downlink scenario, with a multi-antenna SWIPT
to improve the spectrum utilization efficiency, and has attract- relay. The performance of an energy harvesting amplify-and-
ed considerable attention during the last years. The outage forward relay with multiple antennas, have been studied in
probability and the asymptotic diversity gain of cooperative [14]. Furthermore, in [15] and [16], the authors studied the
cognitive radio systems, based on the decode-and-forward outage performance of energy harvesting in cooperative CR
(DF) strategy, have been studied in [1], while the performance networks, where the secondary transmitter and the relay are
of cognitive relaying networks with the primary user’s outage powered by the energy harvested from the signals transmitted
constrain has been investigated in [2]. by the primary user.
Recently, energy harvesting has received significant atten- The aim of this paper is to study the performance of
tion, since it is a promising technology to prolong the lifetime the cooperative cognitive radio system, where the cognitive
of energy constrained wireless networks. The application of transmitter communicates with the cognitive receiver via an
energy harvesting to cognitive radio (CR) networks has been energy harvesting relay. In particular, the transmission power
studied in [3]. The performance of a cognitive metro-cellular of the secondary source is determined opportunistically to
network using solar power, was derived in [4]. The throughput ensure that the interference at the primary receiver does not
of an energy harvesting CR system with a slotted mode, exceed a predetermined threshold. On the other hand, the
has been investigated in [5], where the secondary user is relay transmission is powered by the energy harvesting from
the signals sent by the secondary transmitter. Because the
Z. Yang and P. Fan are with the Institute of Mobile Communication- relay transmission power is coupled with the source-relay
s, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, P. R. China. (email: channel condition, the calculation of the outage probability,
Z. Ding is with the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster for the addressed wireless power transfer system is much
University, LA1 4YW, UK. (e-mail: more challenging compared to that in conventional energy
G. K. Karagiannidis is with the ECE Department, Aristotle University of harvesting relaying systems. Specifically, we first obtain an
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece and with the ECE Department, Khalifa
University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (e-mail: exact analytical expression for the outage probability of the
The work of Z. Yang and P. Fan was supported by the 973 Program (No. transmitter-receiver pair in cognitive relay networks, where the
2012CB316100), NSFC Project (No. 61471302), the 111 Project (No. 111- relay is powered by the energy harvested from the cognitive
2-14). The work of Z. Ding was supported by the UK EPSRC under grant
number EP/I037423/1. transmitter. Then, asymptotic studies are carried out to show
that the outage performance decays as logSN SN R
R , if the maxi-

mum interference constraint at the primary user is proportional power obtained at the relay after energy harvesting is given
to the maximum cognitive transmission power, where SNR by
denotes the signal-to-noise ratio. Note that for the cognitive {
radio network under consideration, a much faster decaying rate ′ η(Ps Xsr − ε), if Ps Xsr > ε,
Pr = ηPs Xsr ρo = (4)
of SN1 R can be achieved if the relay uses its own battery to 0, otherwise,
power the relay transmission. Finally, more asymptotic studies
where 0 < η ≤ 1 denotes the energy harvesting efficiency
are carried out by focusing on cases with different choices
for the interference constraint at the primary receiver and the
Similar to the cognitive transmitter, the interference power
secondary transmitter power.
caused by the relay to the primary user cannot exceed I.
Therefore, the relay power should satisfy
′ I
We consider a cooperative CR networks which contains Pr = min{Pr , }. (5)
a primary receiver, a cognitive transmitter-receiver pair and
one energy harvesting relay. It is assumed that all of nodes During the second time slot, the cognitive DF relay for-
are equipped with a single antenna. The cognitive transmitter wards the decoded message to the cognitive receiver with the
communicates with its destination via the secondary relay. All transmission power Pr , if the message is correctly decoded at
the channels are assumed to be subjected independent and the relay in the first time slot.
identically (i.i.d.) Rayleigh fading. The channel gains from
the cognitive transmitter to the primary receiver and the relay III. O UTAGE PERFORMANCE OF THE ENERGY HARVESTING
are denoted by Xsp and Xsr , respectively. While those from SYSTEM
the relay to the primary receiver and the destination as Xrp The end-to-end outage probability with the DF relay is given
and Xrd . It is also assumed that the secondary transmitter by
and relay have the perfect channel state information (CSI).
Furthermore, it is assumed, as in [1], [17] that there is no Pout = Pr{Ps Xsr < ε} + Pr{Ps Xsr > ε, Pr Xrd < ε} . (6)
| {z } | {z }
direct link between the cognitive transmitter and the cognitive Q1 Q2
receiver, and the primary transmitter is located far away from
the secondary relay and the cognitive destination, and thus it An analytical expression for the outage probability can be
does not cause any interference to them. obtained as in the following Theorem.
The interference power at the primary user should not Theorem 1: The outage probability of the energy harvesting
exceed the maximum tolerable level I, and therefore the in CR cooperative networks is given by
cognitive transmitter power should satisfy ( ε − I+ε ε )( ε )
Pout = 1 + e P − e− P g(0) − g(I)
ε+I ε+I
I 2ε ( )
Ps = min{P, }, (1) + g(y, 0) − g(y, I) , (7)
Xsp η(ε + I)
where P is the maximum secondary transmission power. where
During the first time slot, the cognitive transmitter sends a √ √
ε+j ( ε+j)
message, x, to the relay. Note that the energy harvested at the g(j) = 2 K1 2 , (8)
relay will be used only as relay transmission power, and other ηP ηP
energy consumption to support the transmitter/receiver circuits
and the information detection circuits has not been considered ∫ √
∞ ( y(ε + j) ) − I+ε y
in this paper. Therefore, the observation used for information g(y, j) = K0 2 e I dy, (9)
detection is given by I

yr = x Ps (1 − ρ)Xsr + w, (2) j = 0, I and Kn (·) denotes the modified Bessel function of
the second kind [20, eq. (3.324.1)].
where 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1 is the power splitting factor [10], and w is Proof: See Appendix A.
the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), denoted by w ∼ The analytical expressions derived in Theorem 1 can be
CN (0, 1). easily used to evaluate the outage probability numerically, but
Provided that the relay can successfully detect the message it does not provide much insight into the impact of the channel
from the cognitive transmitter, i.e., and system parameters, which motivates the asymptotic study
1 ( ) in the following Corollary. In order to find the diversity gain,
log 1 + Ps (1 − ρ)Xsr ≥ R, (3) we assume that the power P tends to infinity.
Corollary 1: When I is proportional to P , i.e. I = vP , and
the power splitting factor needs to satisfy the following con- P → ∞, the outage probability decays as
straint, ρ ≤ 1 − Ps Xε
, where ε = 22R − 1 and R denotes the [( log P ) ]
targeted data rate. Since all of the left power will be utilized log P 2
Pout = +O . (10)
for energy harvesting [10], [11], the optimal value of the power P P
splitting factor is ρo = 1 − Ps X ε
. Therefore the transmission Proof: See Appendix B.

Note that the condition, I = vP , means that the effect of the A. Cognitive Radio Networks with a Conventional Relay
interference is non-negligible, even if the cognitive transmitter In a conventional cooperative cognitive network, holds that
increases its transmission power to the infinity [1], [17]. The Ps = min{P, XIsp }, and the relay power is not a function of
above Corollary shows that a diversity gain equal to one is still
the source-relay channel condition, i.e., Pr0 = min{P, XIrp }.
achievable, although the relay does not use its own battery
Based on (6), the outage probability of the cognitive relay
for powering relay transmissions. However, as shown at the
network, denoted by P0 , can be expressed as
end of this section, the decaying rate shown in Corollary 1 is
quite small. Therefore an important question to be answered is P0 = Q1 + (1 − Q1 )Pr{Pr0 Xrd < ε}. (15)
what is the reason for such a small decaying rate. Note that the
above analytical results are developed based on the assumption Since all the channels are i.i.d., the outage probability
that there is a constraint for the secondary transmission power. Pr{Pr0 Xrd < ε} is the same as Q1 = Pr{Ps Xsr < ε} in
In the following we will study the performance when the (19). Thus, when I = vP , and P → ∞, the outage probability
cognitive transmitter has unlimited transmission power i.e, P0 can be expressed as
P s = XIsp , which will indicate the impact of the cognitive
( εe− P ) ( εe− P )2
I+ε I+ε

= 2 1 − e− P + − 1 − e− P +
ε ε
transmission constraint. P0
Theorem 2: When the cognitive transmitter has unlimited I +ε I +ε
1 [ 1 ]
transmission power, then the outage probability is given by = +O 2 . (16)
2ε ε2 Iε
Pout = − + When the cognitive transmit power is much higher than XIsp ,
I + ε (I + ε)2 (I + ε)2 η
( ε ( ) ( 1 )) i.e, P s = XIsp , and I → ∞, similarly to (16), the asymptotic
ε 1
× e (I+ε)η E 1 − e η E1 , (11) outage probability, denoted by P 0 , is given by
(I + ε)η η
∫ ∞ −t 1 [1]
where E 1 (x) = x e t dt is the exponential integral [18, eq. P0 = +O 2 . (17)
Comparing Corollary 1 and Corollary 2 to (16) and (17),
Proof: The result can be obtained from (7) straightfor-
one can conclude that the outage probability of the energy
wardly. When the cognitive transmitter has unlimited transmis-
harvesting system has a slower decaying rate, and this is
sion power, this means P → ∞ in Theorem 1. Let t = I+ε I y, mainly due to the fact that the relay does not use its own
g(y, j) in (7) can be rewritten as
battery to power relay transmissions. However, it is worthy
∫ ∞ ( √ ) pointing out that both cognitive systems achieve the same
I ε+j
g(y, j) = K0 2 t e−t dt diversity gain, which can be explained briefly as follows.
I +ε 0 (ε + I)η Because of the use of SWIPT, the relay transmission power is
( ε+j )
1 I ε+j η(Ps Xsr − ε), instead of P as in conventional cooperative
= e (ε+I)η E 1 , (12)
2I +ε (ε + I)η networks. Recall that the diversity order is obtained when
letting P → ∞, and the relaying power difference between
where the last equation follows from [19, eq. (11)]. the cases with and without SWIPT becomes insignificant when
Substituting (12) and P → ∞ into (7), the proof is P → ∞. Therefore, the diversity order achieved by the two
completed. schemes should be the same.
Corollary 2: When the cognitive transmitter has unlimited
transmission power and I → ∞, then the asymptotic outage
probability is given by 10

log I [( log I ) ]
Pout = +O . (13) R=1 b/s/Hz
I I −1
Outage probability

Proof: When x → 0, the exponential integral E 1 (x) can

be approximated as [18, eq. (5.1.11)]
(−1)n xn
E 1 (x) = −γ − ln x − Solid lines: Analytical results
Dashed lines: Simulations
1 [( 1 ) ] R=0.5 b/s/Hz
= ln + O ln , (14) −3
x x 10
Unlimited cognitive transmitter power in traditional CR
Limited cognitive transmitter power in traditional CR
where γ is the Euler’s constant.
Unlimited cognitive transmitter power in SWIPT CR
The Corollary is proved by substituting (14) into Theorem Limited cognitive transmitter power in SWIPT CR
2. 10
10 15 20 25 30 35
From Corollary 1 and Corollary 2, it is interesting to observe SNR (dB)
that the asymptotic expressions of the outage probabilities for Fig. 1. Analytical results vs Monte Carlo simulations, I = P , η =
both cases share the same structure. 0.5.

IV. S IMULATIONS AND D ISCUSSION of the cognitive receiver, and an outage probability floor
In this section, we verify our theoretical results via Monte appears in the figure, which means that no diversity gain
Carlo simulations. Fig. 1 shows that the analytical results is achievable. This can be explained as follows. For a fixed
obtained in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 match well with Monte interference threshold I, increasing P does not necessarily
Carlo simulations, and both of two schemes achieve a diversity increase the cognitive transmitter power, Ps , which is capped
gain of one. This is because when the tolerable interference at min{P, XIsp }. For example, consider an extreme case with
level at the primary receiver, I, is proportional to the maximum P → ∞, and one can find that Ps = XIsp , which is no longer
power level P , then I can be replaced by vP . Furthermore, the a function of SNR.
performance for the case without the cognitive transmission
power constraint is better than that of the case with the V. C ONCLUSIONS
constraint. The reason is that the cognitive transmitter power In this paper, the outage performance of cooperative CR
for the case with the constraint, Ps = min{P, XIsp }, is less networks with an energy harvesting relay has been studied.
than that of the other without the constraint, Ps = XIsp . It can The developed analytical results demonstrate that the use of
also be seen from Fig. 1 that the outage probability of cognitive SWIPT deteriorate outage performance; however, a diversity
relay networks with SWIPT is larger than the conventional gain of one is still achievable in CR networks with SWIPT,
cognitive relay networks, since the relay does not use its the same as conventional CR networks. In this paper, a
own battery to power relaying transmissions. In addition, all scenario with one primary user pair has been considered, and
the outage curves in Fig. 1 are parallel to each other at it is an important future direction to study the scenario with
the high SNR region, which means cognitive relay networks multiple user pairs, where game theory is ideal to be used for
with SWIPT will not lose the diversity gain compared with modelling user interaction. Furthermore, we can conclude that
conventional cognitive relay networks. it is also important to apply multiple input multiple output
to the addressed SWIPT-CR networks for further performance

0.9 R=1 b/s/Hz
Conditioned on Ps = min{P, XIsp }, the outage probability
Outage probability

Q1 = Pr{Ps Xsr < ε} in (6) can be expressed as
0.7 ε I Xsr ε I
R=0.5 b/s/Hz Q1 = Pr{Xsr < , Xsp < }+Pr{ < , Xsp > } . (19)
P P Xsp I P
0.6 | {z }

0.5 It is easy to obtain

ε I ( ε )( I )
0.4 I=15 dB
Pr{Xsr < , Xsp < } = 1 − e− P 1 − e− P , (20)
I=20 dB
while Q11 can be evaluated as
∫ ∞
15 20 25 30 35 40
( εx ) I
1 − e− I e−x dx = e− P − e− P . (21)
I I+ε
SNR (dB) Q11 =
I I +ε
Fig. 2. The impact of the interference power constraint I on the P

outage probability, η = 0.3. Assume that path loss factor α = 2, ′

cognitive transmitter, relay, secondary user, and primary user are

Based on Pr = min{Pr , XIrp } in (5), Q2 in (6) can be
located at coordinates (0, 0), (2, 2), (5, 0), and (3, 3), respectively. expressed as

Fig. 2, shows the impact of the predetermined interference Q2 = Pr{Ps Xsr > ε, Pr Xrd < ε}
threshold at the primary receiver on the performance of the ′ ′ I
= Pr{Ps Xsr > ε, Pr Xrd < ε, Pr < }
cognitive users. As it can be seen from Fig. 2, when the Xrp
interference threshold I is not scaling proportionally to P , the I ′ I
+ Pr{Ps Xsr > ε, Xrd < ε, Pr > }. (22)
interference constraint will significantly affect the performance Xrp Xrp

( )
{ ε ε I } { ε εXrp I } I
Q2 = Pr Xsr> , Xrd< , Xrp< + Pr Xsr> , Xrd< , Xrp> Pr{Xsp< }
P η(P Xsr−ε) η(P Xsr−ε) P I η(P Xsr−ε) P
| {z } | {z }
Q21 Q22
{ Xsr ε I ε I } { Xsr ε I εXrp I }
+Pr > , Xsp> , Xrd< , Xrp< +Pr > , Xsp> , Xrd< , Xrp> . (18)
Xsp I P η( XIsp Xsr−ε) η( XIsp Xsr−ε) Xsp I P I η( XIsp Xsr−ε)
| {z } | {z }
Q23 Q24

Since Pr = η(Ps Xsr − ε), and Ps = min{P, XIsp }, Q2 can be By using partial integration, the integral h1 (y, j) in (25) and
further rewritten in (18), at the bottom of the previous page. (28) can be rewritten as
The four terms Q2i will be evaluated respectively as
Ie− P
2(ε + j)
∫ ∞ h1 (y, j) = g(j) − g(y, j), (31)
( ε ) ( I ) I +ε η(I + ε)
Q21 = FXrd FXrp fXsr (x)dx
ε η(P x − ε) η(P x − ε) where g(j) and g(y, j) are defined in (7), j = 0, I.
ε ∫ ∞

e− P ( ε )( I ) Substituting (20-21), (23-28), (31) and Pr{Xsp < I

} =
1 − e− ηt 1 − e− ηt e− P dt
= I
P 1 − e P into (6), the proof is completed.
√ √
4I ( 4I ) √ 4ε (√ 4ε )
= e 1− K1 − K1
√ √ )
ε+I ( ε+I) By applying the series representation of Bessel function
+2 K1 2 , (23)
ηP ηP K0 (z) [20, eq. (8.447)]
∞ ∞
where the second equation follows from t = P x − ε, and the z ∑ ( z2 )2k ∑ z 2k
K0 (z) = − ln( ) + ψ(k + 1). (32)
last one is obtained by using the definition of Kn (·) in [20, 2 (k!)2 22k (k!)2
k=0 k=0
eq. (3.324.1)]. △
( √ )
Similarly, Q22 can be obtained as Thus, K0 (y, j) = K0 2 y(ε+j)
ηI in
(√ √
( 4I ) ∫ ∞ (

− Pε 4I y(ε+j) ) − I+ε y
Q22 = e K1 g(y, j) = K0 2 e I dy
ηP ηP I ηI
√ √ )

2I ε+I ( ε+I) in (7) can be rewritten as

− K1 2 . (24) ( ε+j )k
ε+I ηP ηP ∞
∑ yk (
K0 (y, j) = ψ(k + 1)
While Q23 can be rewritten as (k!)2
∫ ∞∫ ∞ )
( ε ) ( I ) ε+j 1 1
Q23 = FXrd FXrp − ln( ) 2 − ln y 2 . (33)
I ε η( y x − ε)
η( y x − ε)
I ηI
P Iy

×fXsr (x)dxfXsp (y)dy The expression K0 (y, j) contains two different variable y k and
∫ ∞∫ ∞ y k ln y, which means we need to calculate
y( ε )( I )
∫ ∞
1 − e− ηs 1−e− ηs e− I dse− I y dy
ys I+ε
P 0 I Q3 = y k e− I y dy
I ( ) I

e− P − h1 (y) + h1 (y, 0) − h1 (y, ε) , (25)

ε+I P
ε+I and
∫ ∞
where the second equation follows from s = − ε, and I
yx Q4 = ln(y)y k e−
I y dy (35)
∫ ∞ √ ( √ y ) I+ε
h1 (y) = 2 K1 2 e− I y dy, (26) in g(y, j) in (7). It is easy to obtain Q3 as
I ηI ηI
( I )k+1 I +ε
Q3 = Γ(k + 1, ) ≈ Γ(k + 1, v), (36)
∫ √ √ I +ε P

y(ε+j) ( y(ε + j) ) − I+ε y ∫ ∞ s−1 −t
where Γ(s, x)= x t e dt is an upper incomplete function.
h1 (y, j) = 2 K1 2 e I dy, (27)
I ηI ηI Let t = I+ε
P I y, Q4 can be rewritten as

j = 0, I. I k+1 ∞ △ I k+1
Q4 = ( ) ln(t)tk e−t dt = ( ) Q5 . (37)
Similar to Q23 , the result of Q24 is given by I +ε I+ε I +ε

I ∫ ∑k
Q24 = h1 (y) − h1 (y, ε). (28) Since tk e−t dt = −e−t i=0 (k−i)! k!
tk−i , we can use partial
I +ε integration to calculate Q5 as
( )′
Since the derivation of xv Kv (x) is given by xv Kv (x) = ( I + ε ) − I+ε ∑k
k! ( I + ε )k−i
−xv Kv−1 (x), thus the derivation of Q5 = ln e P
P (k − i)! P
√ √ i=0

△ 4y(ε + j) ( 4y(ε + j) ) ∑
k! I +ε (I + ε)
K1 (y, j) = K1 (29) + Γ(k − i, ) + E1
ηI ηI
(k − i)! P P
in h1 (y, j) can be given as ∑k
k!v k−i ∑ k!Γ(k − i, v)

√ ≈ ln v e−v + + E 1 (v)
( (k − i)! i=0 (k − i)!
′ 4y(ε + j) ) i=0
K1 (y, j) = −2(ε + j)K0 /(ηI). (30) △
ηI = G(i, k). (38)

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√ ( √ ε )
ε ε ε
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ηP ηP ηP ηP
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