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Charged particle motion in a time-dependent flux-driven ring:

an exactly solvable model

Pi-Gang Luan1 and Chi-Shung Tang2
Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Chung-Li 32054, Taiwan
arXiv:cond-mat/0703361v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 12 Apr 2007

Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
We consider a charged particle driven by a time-dependent flux threading a quantum ring. The
dynamics of the charged particle is investigated using classical treatment, Fourier expansion tech-
nique, time-evolution method, and Lewis-Riesenfeld approach. We have shown that, by properly
managing the boundary conditions, a time-dependent wave function can be obtained using a general
non-Hermitian time-dependent invariant, which is a specific linear combination of initial angular-
momentum and azimuthal-angle operators. It is shown that the linear invariant eigenfunction can
be realized as a Gaussian-type wave packet with a peak moving along the classical angular trajec-
tory, while the distribution of the wave packet is determined by the ratio of the coefficient of the
initial angle to that of the initial canonical angular momentum. From the topologically nontrivial
nature as well as the classical trajectory and angular momentum, one can determine the dynamical
motion of the wave packet. It should be noted that the peak position is no longer an expectation
value of the angle operator, and hence the Ehrenfest theorem is not directly applicable in such a
topologically nontrivial system.

I. INTRODUCTION time-dependent vector potential A(t), given by

1 h i2
A charged particle driven by a time-dependent pertur- Ĥ(t) = P̂ − qA(t)
bation in a quantum system is a nontrivial fundamental 2m
1 h i2
issue [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. One can access the charged = L̂ − qRA(t) . (2)
particle wave function by placing it in a quantum ring 2I
threaded by a time-dependent magnetic flux. The vector Here P̂ = eθ P̂θ is the canonical momentum operator with
potential A(t) associated with the time-dependent flux eθ being the unit vector along the azimuthal angle θ;
Φ(t) times the charge q leading to a phase shift propor- L̂ = L̂z = (r̂ × P̂)z is the canonical angular momentum
tional to the number of flux quanta penetrating the ring, operator in the z direction; I = mR2 is the moment of
this is known as Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect [9, 10, 11]. inertia of the particle; A(t) = A(t)eθ is the vector poten-
In adiabatic cyclic evolution, Berry [12] first discovered tial; and R is the radius of the circular ring. This time-
that there exists a geometric phase. Later on, Aharonov dependent dynamical problem can be solved by taking
and Anandan (AA) removed the adiabatic restriction to into account the Fourier expansion, time evolution oper-
explore the geometric phase for any cyclic evolution [13]. ator, and Lewis-Riesenfeld (LR) method [25, 26].
Time-dependent fields are also used to deal with field
driven Zener tunneling, in which nonadiabaticity plays a
crucial role [14, 15, 16]. II. A CLASSICAL TREATMENT
In mesoscopic systems, a number of manifestations of
the AB effect have been predicted and verified [17, 18, 19,
We first analyze the time-dependent problem in a clas-
20, 21, 22]. On the other hand, Stern demonstrated that
sical manner. The time-varying magnetic flux induces
the Berry phase affects the particle motion in the ring
an electric field E = Eeθ such that E = −∂A/∂t. The
similar to the AB effect, and a time-dependent Berry
charged particle thus obtain a kinematic momentum in-
phase induces a motive force [24]. It was found experi-
crement during the time interval from 0 to t, namely
mentally [23] that a quantum ring threaded by a static
magnetic field displays persistent currents oscillating in ∆pc = ∆(mv) = m[v(t) − v(0)] = −q [A(t) − A(0)] , (3)
period of Φ0 = h/q, the ratio of Planck constant and
charge of a particle. where pc = mv is the kinematic momentum. It should
In the present work, we consider a noninteracting spin- be noted that both pc and qA are not conservative quan-
less charged particle moving cyclically in a quantum ring tities, while from Eq. (3) we see that the canonical mo-
in the presence of a time-dependent vector potential. mentum Pc is a constant of motion:
Such a particle motion can be described by the time-
dependent Schrödinger equation Pc (t) = mv(t) + qA(t) = mv(0) + qA(0) = Pc (0). (4)

∂ψ Comparing the two identities in Eq. (2), we see that

ih̄ = Ĥ(t)ψ , (1) the result of Eq. (3) is equivalent to
where the Hamiltonian Ĥ(t) is induced by an external ∆lc = I [ω(t) − ω(0)] = − [Φ(t) − Φ(0)] , (5)


where lc = (r×pc )z = Iω indicates the kinematic angular where the cn ’s are appropriate coefficients to be deter-
momentum, ω is the angular velocity, Φ is the magnetic mined by the initial and the boundary conditions.
flux threading the ring, and the fact Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (1), we can find the
Φ(t) = 2π RA(t) (6)

ih̄ cn f˙n (t)einθ
has been used. Also, Eq.(4) lead us to obtain the follow-
ing relations n=−∞

q q X (nh̄ − qRA(t))2 inθ
Lc (t) = lc (t) + Φ(t) = lc (0) + Φ(0) = Lc (0). (7) = cn fn (t) e . (14)
2π 2π n=−∞
These identities imply that the canonical angular mo-
mentum Lc , defined by (r × Pc )z , is also a constant of Solving Eq.(14), after some procedures we obtain
motion.  Z t 
Now we define the writhing number as i 2
fn (t) = exp − [nh̄ − qRA(t)] dt , (15)
2Ih̄ 0
nΦ (t) ≡ , (8) and thus

ih̄ t
where Φ0 = h/q is a flux quantum. We also define X 2
ψ(θ, t) = cn exp − [n − nΦ (τ )] dτ + inθ .
2I 0
Lc ≡ n0 h̄, lc (t) ≡ nc (t)h̄, (9)
then we have As a simple example, let us choose

cn = N exp −σ 2 (n − n0 )2 − iθ0 (n − n0 ) ,
nc (t) = n0 − nΦ (t). (10) (17)

All of these n’s are real numbers. where N indicates an appropriate normalization con-
Now the angular position of the driven particle is given stant; σ, θ0 and n0 are real numbers, and n is an integer.
by Substituting Eq.(17) into Eq.(16), we get
Z t
nc (τ )h̄ i t lc2 (τ )
θc (t) = θ0 + dτ ψ(θ, t) = N exp − dτ + in0 θc (t) (18)
0 I h̄ 0 2I
Z t
nΦ (τ )h̄ ∞  
= θ0 + ω 0 t − dτ. (11)
2 2
I × exp −σ 1 + (n − n0 ) + in [θ − θc (t)] ,
Here θ0 indicates the initial azimuthal angle; and ω0 =
ω(0) = n0 h̄/I stands for the initial angular velocity. Be- where T = 2Iσ 2 /h̄. Applying the Poisson summation
low we denote the initial kinematic angular momentum formula
l0 ≡ lc (0) for simplicity. X∞ X∞ Z ∞ 
Hereafter we solve the quantum version of the problem, f (n) = f (x)ei2πnx dx (19)
i.e., Eq. (1), using three different methods. The classical n=−∞ n=−∞ −∞
quantities lc (t) and θc (t) will also appear in the expres-
sions of the wave function. Their roles in the quantum on the function
problem will be further explored.    
2 it 2
f (x) = exp −σ 1 + (x − n0 ) + i (θ − θc (t)) x ,

The simplest method for solving the time-dependent we can obtain an alternative expression
flux-driven problem is the Fourier expansion method. r

i t lc2 (τ )
The first thing about the system we discuss is that the ψ(θ, t) = N exp − dτ (21)
wave function satisfies the periodic boundary condition: σ 2 (1 + Tit ) h̄ 0 2I

" #
X (θ − θc (t) + 2nπ)2
ψ(θ, t) = ψ(θ + 2π, t). (12) × exp − + in0 (θ + 2nπ) .
4σ 2 1 + Tit

The most general form of ψ for the present problem is
thus written as We note that Eq. (16) is the general solution of the

X problem, whereas Eq.(18) and Eq.(21) are two different
ψ(θ, t) = cn fn (t)einθ , (13) expressions for a special solution defined by the cn co-
n=−∞ efficients of Eq. (17). When σ 2 t/T < 1, it should be

noted that Eq.(18) converges slowly while Eq.(21) con- From the above results we have
verges quickly. This means that in the short time limit
t < T /σ 2 , the wave function is better described by a [Ĥ(t), Ĥ(t′ )] = 0 (29)
circulating wave packet. However, for the case of long
for any two times t and t′ . Hence the time evolution
time limit t ≫ T /σ 2 , Eq. (18) has fast convergency this
operator is simply given by
is because, in this expression, only the n ≈ n0 terms are
important. If we further assume n0 being an integer, then 
i t
at large t the wave function approaches to a circulating Û(t) = exp − Ĥ(τ )dτ
h̄ 0
plane wave that characterized by n0 , namely  !2 
Z t
ih̄ L̂(0)
i t lc2 (τ )
= exp − − nΦ (τ ) dτ  . (30)
ψ(θ, t) ≈ N exp − dτ + in0 θ . 2I 0 h̄
h̄ 0 2I

From these findings we conclude that Eq.(21) describes To proceed further, we define |ni as the eigenket of
the short time behavior and Eq.(18) describes the long L̂(0) obeying
time behavior of the ring system when the wave function
is defined by Eq.(17). L̂(0)|ni = nh̄|ni. (31)

Then we assume that |θi is an eigenket of eiθ̂(0) obeying

eiθ̂(0) |θi = eiθ |θi. (32)
In this section, we shall present how to get the general
solution shown in the previous section in terms of the The orthogonal conditions of the two eigenkets can thus
time evolution operator Û (t). The state |ψ(t)i is con- be expressed by
nected with the initial state |ψ(0)i through 1
Z 2π
hm|ni = ei(m−n)θ dθ = δmn (33)
|ψ(t)i = Û (t)|ψ(0)i. (22) 2π 0
and the wave function ψ(θ, t) is given by

1 X in(θ−θ′ )
ψ(θ, t) = hθ|Û (t)|ψ(0)i, (23) hθ|θ′ i = e = δ(θ − θ′ ). (34)
2π n=−∞
where |θi is the θ-eigenket in the Schrödinger picture that
will be explained later. These two orthogonal conditions can be derived from the
To begin with, we introduce the canonical commutator closure relations

X Z 2π
[θ̂(0), L̂(0)] = ih̄. (24) |nihn| = 1, dθ |θihθ| = 1 (35)
n=−∞ 0
From this identity, we have
and taking into account the definition
[θ̂(t), L̂(t)] = Û † (t)[θ̂(0), L̂(0)]Û (t) = ih̄. (25)
hθ|ni = √ einθ = hn|θi∗ . (36)
Utilizing Eq.(25) we can derive 2π
dL̂(t) [L̂(t), Ĥ(t)] It should be noted that both θ and θ′ are defined in
= = 0, (26) the interval [0, 2π). In the coordinate representation, the
dt ih̄
einθ is an eigenfunction of L̂rep = −ih̄∂/∂θ with corre-
we thus obtain the identity L̂(t) = L̂(0). Following similar sponding eigenvalue nh̄. This result can be expressed
procedure it is easy to obtain as
dθ̂(t) [θ̂(t), Ĥ(t)] L̂(0) − nΦ (t)h̄ hθ|L̂(0)|ni = L̂rephθ|ni = nh̄hθ|ni. (37)
= = , (27)
dt ih̄ I
The wave function ψ now can be calculated:
which gives us
ψ(θ, t)
L̂(0)t nΦ (τ )h̄

θ̂(t) = θ̂(0) + − dτ. (28) X
I 0 I = hθ|Û (t)|nihn|ψ(0)i
Here we see that the canonical angular momentum is a ∞
constant of motion. This is consistent with the classical
X hn|ψ(0)i − ih̄ R t [n−nΦ (τ )]2 dτ +inθ
= √ e 2I 0 . (38)
results discussed in Sec. II. n=−∞ 2π

nΦ (τ )h̄
If we define
c(t) = c0 + b0 dτ, (47)
0 I
cn = √ , (39) where a0 , b0 , and c0 are arbitrary complex con-

stants. Furthermore, substituting Eqs. (46) and (47) into
then the result of Eq.(38) becomes that of Eq.(16). Eq.(45), we find
Using the time evolution operator Û (t), we have in- Q̂(t) = a0 L̂(0) + b0 θ̂(0) + c0 = Q̂(0). (48)
deed found the general solution of Eq.(16). Based on the
commutativity of the Hamiltonian operator at different In other words, the invariant Q̂ in the Heisenberg picture
times (Eq.(29)), the Û (t) operator can be constructed is precisely the linear combination of the initial canonical
straightforwardly by simple integration. angular momentum L̂(0) and the initial azimuthal angle
θ̂(0) with an arbitrary constant c0 . Note that in our
system the L̂ operator is also an invariant.
V. THE LEWIS-RIESENFELD METHOD It is interesting to ask how the eigenvalue λ evolves
in time. Multiplying the factor eiα(t) on both sides of
In this section, we briefly review the LR method and Eq.(41), we get
then apply it to solve the present problem. We shall show
that LR method is not directly applicable, however, a Q̂(t) ψλ (θ, t) = λ ψλ (θ, t). (49)
simple modification concerning about the boundary con- Partially differentiating the both sides of Eq.(49) with
dition makes it applicable to solving the problems with respect to time and using Eq. (40), we find
periodic boundary condition.
Traditionally, to utilize the LR method [26] solving a λ(t) = λ(0), (50)
time-dependent system, we have to find an operator Q̂(t) thus λ is a constant.
such that To find a solution of Eq.(1), we have to solve Eq.(41)
first. By solving Eq.(41), we get
dQ̂ ∂ Q̂
ih̄ = ih̄ + [Q̂, Ĥ] = 0, , (40)  
i 1

dt ∂t ϕλ (θ, t) = exp µ(t)θ − ν(t)θ2 , (51)
h̄ 2
and then find its eigenfunction ϕλ (θ, t) satisfying
Q̂(t) ϕλ (θ, t) = λ ϕλ (θ, t), (41) λ − c(t) b0
µ(t) = , ν(t) = . (52)
a(t) a(t)
with λ being the corresponding eigenvalue. A wave func-
tion ψλ (θ, t) satisfying Eq.(1) is then obtained via the Substituting Eq. (51) into Eq. (43), we obtain
relation Z t 2 
η (τ ) + ih̄ν(τ )
αλ (t) = αλ (0) − dτ, (53)
iαλ (t) 0 2Ih̄
ψλ (θ, t) = e ϕλ (θ, t), (42)
where α(t) is a function of time only, satisfying
η(τ ) ≡ µ(τ ) − nΦ (τ )h̄. (54)
α̇λ = ϕ−1
λ (i∂/∂t − Ĥ/h̄)ϕλ . (43) In the derivation of Eq.(53), we have used the following
two identities:
A general solution ψ of Eq.(1) is then given by
ν (µ − nΦ h̄) ν2
µ̇ = , ν̇ = . (55)
ψ(θ, t) = g(λ)ψλ (θ, t), (44)
λ Here we see that in general αλ (t) is a complex function.
Although the form of ψλ (θ, t) = eiαλ (t) φλ (θ, t) is in-
where g(λ) is a weight function for λ. deed a solution of Eq.(1), however, it does not satisfy the
To proceed let us assume the time-dependent invariant periodic boundary condition [see Eq.(12)]. This problem
operator Q̂(t) takes the linear form [5, 6] can be resolved by defining the total wave function ψ(θ, t)
as the summation of all ψλ (θ + 2nπ, t) terms:
Q̂(t) = a(t)L̂ + b(t)θ̂ + c(t) , (45) ∞
ψ(θ, t) = ψλ (θ + 2nπ, t)
in which a(t), b(t), and c(t) are time-dependent c-number n=−∞
functions to be determined. ∞ 
Substituting Eq.(45) into Eq.(40) and solving these op-
X i
= exp iαλ (t) + µ(t)(θ + 2nπ)
erator equations, we get n=−∞

b0 t i 2
a(t) = a0 − , b(t) = b0 , (46) − ν(t)(θ + 2nπ) . (56)
I 2h̄

It can also be transformed to the equivalent form below and

using the Poisson summation formula:

ψ(θ, t) iI ih̄
ν0 ≡ − = − 2, (66)
T 2σ
h̄ ν(t) 2
= exp iαλ (t) + i θ (t) + in0 θc (t)
2πiν(t) 2h̄ c
ih̄(n − n0 )2
 we can see clearly that Eqs. (56) and (57) become exactly
× exp + in (θ − θc (t)) . (57) the same as Eqs. (21) and (18). Hence, we have verified
n=−∞ that the Fourier transform method, the time evolution
method, and the Lewis-Riesenfeld method are equiva-
From these derivations it should be noted that when us- lent when we choose the coefficients cn as Eq.(17). This
ing the LR method, the boundary conditions have to be restriction is not necessary to find the two equivalent
carefully managed, otherwise one may get an incorrect general solutions Eq.(16) and Eq.(38) obtained by using
result. Fourier expansion and time evolution methods, respec-
tively. It turns out that the Lewis-Riesenfeld method
seemed to be more restrictive.
APPROACHES It is now interesting to discuss the physical meanings
of lc (t) and θc (t) we have obtained. Although they are
In this section we shall show that Eq. (56) and (57) can originated from the classical treatment, however, in what
be cast into the forms of Eq.(21) and Eq. (18), respec- sense do they play a role of dynamic variables in the
tively. To proceed further, let us first borrow the param- corresponding classical system should be further clarified.
eters n0 and θc (t) from Sec. II in combination with the We would like to bring attention that in the Schrödinger
results obtained in Sec. V, we have the simple identity picture within coordinate representation, the lc (t) is the
expectation value of L̂ − qRA(t) = −ih̄∂/∂θ − qRA(t).
a(t)n0 h̄ + b(t)θc (t) + c(t) = a0 n0 h̄ + b0 θ0 + c0 . (58) However, θc (t) is not the expectation value of θ̂ = θ with
respect to the wave function obtained in Eq.(18), instead,
Comparing this result with Eq. (50), we find that they it is merely the peak position of the wave packet [see
are very similar. For simplicity, we define Eq.(21)].

λ ≡ a(t)n0 h̄ + b(t)θc (t) + c(t), (59) In other words, the conventional Ehrenfest Theorem
is not directly applicable in this topologically nontrivial
in combination with Eq.(59), it is easy to obtain system. This consequence is due to the fact that we are
not able to distinguish the phase between the angle θ and
µ(t) = n0 h̄ + ν(t)θc (t), (60) θ+2nπ. Hence the θ̂ operator is not well-defined, only the
eiθ̂ is a well-defined operator, as has been demonstrated
η(t) = lc (t) + ν(t)θc (t). (61) in Sec. IV. These facts cause the λ losing its meaning as
an expectation value of the Q̂ operator.
Further, using the identity We finally point out the relationship between the prob-
lem we have considered here and that we studied in the
dθc2 (t) 2
= lc (t)θc (t) (62) previous work [8]. In that work we studied the motion of
dt I a charged particle in a one-dimensional space subject to
and the identity of ν̇ in Eq. (55), we have a time-varying linear potential. By doing a gauge trans-
formation as that mentioned in Ref. 27, the Hamilto-
d nian in Ref. 8 can be cast into the form of Eq.(1), hence
η 2 = lc2 + I (νθc2 ). (63) the two problems are equivalent if we ignore the differ-
ence of their topologies. Therefore, by ignoring the factor
Substituting Eq.(63) into Eq.(53), we get caused by the gauge transformation (which contains only
 a function of time), the circulating wave packet solution,
R t l2 (τ ) iνθ 2

eiαλ (0) exp − h̄i 0 c2I dτ − 2h̄c Eq.(21), can be viewed as the wave packet solution in a
eiαλ (t) = q . (64) one-dimensional system (see Eqs.(24) and (40) in Ref. 8)
1 − νI0 t being folded into a ring. That is why in Eq.(56) the total
wave function ψ(θ, t) can be written as the sum of all the
In addition, by defining eiαλ (0) and ν0 as ψλ (θ + 2nπ, t) terms. This folding nature of wave packet
leads to interferences between different ψλ (θ + 2nπ, t)

N π terms. As a result, the expectation value of θ̂ operator is
eiαλ (0) ≡ (65) different from the peak position θc of the wave packet.

VII. CONCLUDING REMARKS although the classical trajectory and angular momentum
can determine the motion of the wave packet; however,
In this article, we have studied the problem of a the peak position is no longer an expectation value of
charged particle moving in a ring subject to a time- the angle operator, and the Ehrenfest theorem can not
dependent flux threading it. After analyzing the prob- be directly applicable.
lem in a classical manner, various approaches includ- Recently, possible schemes of the experimental setup
ing Fourier expansion method, time-evolution method, to explore the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic ring
and Lewis-Riesenfeld method are considered and com- threaded by a time-dependent magnetic flux have been
pared. In the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach, by appropri- proposed by either capacitively coupling the ring to a
ately managing the periodic boundary condition of the electronic reservoir [28] or applying two shaped time-
system, a time-dependent wave function can be obtained delayed pulses [29]. The quantum dynamics in a time-
by using a non-Hermitian time-dependent linear invari- dependent flux-driven ring should be achievable within
ant. The eigenfunction of the invariant can be realized as recent fabrication capability.
a Gaussian-type wave packet with the peak moving along Acknowledgment.—The authors are grateful to D. H.
the classical angular trajectory, while the distribution of Lin, Y. M. Kao, and M. Moskalets for discussion of the
the wave packet is determined by the ratio of the coeffi- results. This work was supported by the National Sci-
cient of the initial angle to that of the initial canonical ence Council, the National Central University, and the
angular momentum. In this circular system, we find that National Center for Theoretical Sciences in Taiwan.

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