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Journal of Abnormal Psychology Copyright 2004 by the American Psychological Association

2004, Vol. 113, No. 2, 302–314 0021-843X/04/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.113.2.302

Neuropsychological Executive Functioning in Children at Elevated Risk for

Alcoholism: Findings in Early Adolescence

Joel T. Nigg Jennifer M. Glass and Maria M. Wong

Michigan State University University of Michigan

Edwin Poon Jennifer M. Jester

Michigan State University University of Michigan
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Hiram E. Fitzgerald Leon I. Puttler, Kenneth M. Adams, and

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Michigan State University Robert A. Zucker

University of Michigan

One component of individual risk for alcoholism may involve cognitive vulnerabilities prodromal to
alcoholism onset. This prospective study of 198 boys followed between 3 and 14 years of age evaluated
neurocognitive functioning across three groups who varied in familial risk for future alcoholism.
Measures of intelligence, reward–response, and a battery of neuropsychological executive and cognitive
inhibitory measures were used. Executive functioning weaknesses were greater in families with alco-
holism but no antisocial comorbidity. IQ and reward–response weaknesses were associated with familial
antisocial alcoholism. Executive function effects were clearest for response inhibition, response speed,
and symbol-digit modalities. Results suggest that executive deficits are not part of the highest risk,
antisocial pathway to alcoholism but that some executive function weaknesses may contribute to a
secondary risk pathway.

Alcohol use disorders represent a major public health problem Tarter, 1991; Tarter et al., 1999). This is a crucial question for
that afflicts adults as well as nearly a quarter of youths in late understanding etiology. Developmental models of alcoholism
adolescence (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 1996; Tarter, point to an activating environment impinging on within-individual
Kirisci, & Mezzich, 1997). Neuropsychological problems are as- vulnerabilities (Loukas, Krull, Chassin, & Carle, 2000; Tarter &
sociated with severe and chronic alcoholism (Giancola & Moss, Vanyukov, 1997), of which neuropsychological vulnerabilities
1998; Tarter, 1975; Victor, Adams, & Collins, 1971), even in the may be a portion.
absence of neurological findings (Parsons & Leber, 1981; Tuck & To answer this question effectively, it is necessary to examine
Jackson, 1991). However, beyond the known neuropsychological children at risk (West & Prinz, 1987) prior to onset of problem
effects of alcoholism, a persisting question over the last decade has alcohol use. The most common and practical high risk group has
been whether subtle neuropsychological problems precede prob- been children of alcoholic parents, who are two to five times as
lem alcohol use and contribute to its onset (Corral, Holguin, & likely to develop alcoholism in adulthood (Goodwin, 1979; Russel,
Cadaveira, 1999; Deckel, Bauer, & Hesselbrock, 1995; Finn, Ma- 1990). However, most studies using this sampling strategy have
zas, Justus, & Steinmetz, 2002; Peterson, Finn, & Pihl, 1992; examined adults or late adolescents who may have already begun
problem alcohol use, often with mixed results, leaving open the
question of whether executive function weakness preceded prob-
Joel T. Nigg, Edwin Poon, and Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Department of
lem alcohol use (Deckel et al., 1995; Drejer, Theilgaard, Teasdale,
Psychology, Michigan State University; Jennifer M. Glass, Maria M. Schulsinger, & Goodwin, 1985; Gillen & Hesselbrock, 1992). Finn
Wong, Jennifer M. Jester, Leon I. Puttler, Kenneth M. Adams, and Robert et al. (2002) found that young adults with early-onset alcoholism
A. Zucker, Psychiatry and Addiction Research Center, University of had behavioral inhibition weakness compared with those without
Michigan. early-onset alcoholism. Other studies looked at nonalcoholic adults
This work was supported by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and with and without a family history of alcoholism (e.g., Alterman,
Alcoholism grants RO1 AA12217 to Robert A. Zucker and Joel T. Nigg, Bridges, & Tarter, 1986; Peterson et al., 1992; Shuckit, Butters,
and R37 AA07065 to Robert A. Zucker and Hiram E. Fitzgerald. We are Lyn, & Irwin, 1987; for a review, see Nixon & Tivis, 1997). Yet
also deeply indebted to Susan Refior, Family Study Director of Field many studies again have had negative results and/or had small
Operations, for her commitment and skill in maintaining this study’s
samples. Moreover, it is not clear that cognitive risk should be
viability over such a long time. We are likewise grateful to participating
families for their willingness to engage with us in what is an essentially
transmitted to nonalcoholic children of alcoholics. Thus, exami-
altruistic activity over so many years. nation of children at risk prior to alcohol use onset is needed.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Joel T. Various cognitive problems may precede alcohol use (Giancola
Nigg, Department of Psychology, 153 Snyder Hall, Michigan State Uni- & Tarter, 1999; Pihl, Peterson, & Finn, 1990) including verbal
versity, East Lansing, MI 48824. E-mail: ability (Sher, Walitzer, Wood, & Brent, 1991), lower IQ (observed


in our own sample at earlier time points; Noll, Zucker, Fitzgerald, that cover multiple domains and constructs related to executive
& Curtis, 1992; Poon, Ellis, Fitzgerald, & Zucker, 2000; Puttler, control.
Zucker, Fitzgerald, & Bingham, 1998), and possibly spatial abil- Few studies of nonadult children of alcoholics have examined
ities (e.g., the ability to mentally rotate shapes; Schandler, Thomas, executive measures. Tarter, Jacob, and Bremer (1989) found weak-
& Cohen, 1995). However, perhaps the domain most discussed as nesses in children of alcoholic fathers (ages 8 –17) on visual
a potential precursor is executive functions, which refers to the attention. Ozkaragoz and Noble (1995) found that 10- to 14-year-
ability to regulate cognition or response in relation to goals rather old sons of familial alcoholics were weak on verbal, motor, and
than immediate stimuli and to temporally organize behavior; it attentional components of the Halstead-Reitan (Reitan & Wolfson,
includes such abilities as working memory and response 1992) battery but did not probe executive functions per se. Corrall
suppression. et al. (1999) found no differences on the Wisconsin Card Sort Test
Clarification of the role of executive functioning in the risk between children aged 7–15 years from families of high- and
pathway is needed for several reasons. Executive function prob- low-density alcoholism and control individuals. In a follow up on
lems have been suggested as one core element in child risk a small subgroup, Corrall, Holguin, and Cadaveira (2003) found
(Giancola & Tarter, 1999), are pertinent to the externalizing be- differences between children in high-density families and controls
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

havioral risk for alcoholism (Barkley, 1997; Nigg, 2001), and are on the WCST at ages 11–17 years, but 30% of that sample had
readily linked conceptually to behaviors that involve self- started drinking. Bauer and Hesselbrock (1999) found no differ-
regulation, including alcohol use problems. Thus, one expects poor ences on a Stroop test between 15- to 20-year-old children of
executive functions to be correlated with impulsive or stimulus- fathers with alcohol or substance dependence and controls, but the
driven behavior, inability to resist short-term gratification or re- age range implies that drinking had already started in a substantial
ward, and weakened ability to make planned decisions that keep a percentage.
long-term goal in mind. To the extent that alcoholism is influenced Harden and Pihl (1995) administered an extensive battery to a
by impulsive responding, failure to override immediate but risky small sample (N ⫽ 28), comparing 10- to 14-year-old boys from
incentives, and poor organization of one’s life activities, executive multigenerational families with alcoholism to controls. Harden and
functioning might then be expected to influence this pathway. Pihl found weaker performance in the high-risk group on the
However, this is an empirical question. In short, whereas risk in the Wisconsin Card Sort Test, written word fluency, self-ordered
domain of intelligence (IQ) is well established (Poon et al., 2000), pointing, and spatial conditioned–associative learning tests but not
the role of executive functions as a risk factor remains debatable on paired associate learning, matching familiar figures, or abstract
because of a dearth of studies of suitable child samples. self-ordered pointing. Giancola, Martin, Tarter, Pelham, and Moss
(1996) and Giancola and Parker (2001) created a composite exec-
Executive Functions utive function score (Porteus Mazes, a continuous performance
task, a delay of gratification task, and block design). It was not
Executive functions still suffer from conceptual underspecifica- correlated with drug use in their longitudinal study of boys at risk
tion (Lyon & Krasnegor, 1996; Pennington, 1997), but tractable for drug use (Giancola & Parker, 2001; r ⫽ .02) or with family
models are emerging (Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996; Posner & history status in 10- to 12-year-old boys (Giancola et al., 1996).
DiGirolamo, 1998). Executive function tasks represent multiple- Overall, very mixed results across the few studies of children have
component operations (Miyake, Friedman, Emerson, Witzki, & led to uncertainty about the status of executive functioning in
Howerter, 2000) that may be related to distinct parallel thalamo– alcoholism risk (Harden & Pihl, 1995), with most studies using
cortical– basal ganglia neural loops (Fuster, 1997; Middleton & either small sample size or a narrow battery of executive measures
Strick, 2001; Nigg, 2000; Stuss & Knight, 2002). Component and many involving substantial age variation in their samples.
processes identified in traditional, clinical neuropsychological
tasks include set shifting, interference control, inhibition, planning, Executive Functions and Risk for Alcoholism in Early
and working memory (Pennington, 1997; Pennington & Ozonoff, Adolescence
1996). Traditional or molar clinical executive function tasks (e.g.,
the Wisconsin Card Sort [Heaton, et al., 1993], Stroop [MacLeod, From a developmental perspective, if executive functions con-
1991], Trailmaking [Reitan & Wolfson, 1992], and Word Fluency tribute to alcoholism, studying executive processes in early ado-
[Thurstone & Thurstone, 1949]) were developed for their ability to lescents (rather than younger children) at risk for alcoholism
identify brain damage in adults (Lezak, 1995) rather than to isolate makes sense for several reasons. First, executive control continues
component operations, though they differ meaningfully in the to mature throughout adolescence (Haung-Pollock, Carr, & Nigg,
functions they emphasize (Pennington, 1997). 2002), consistent with the ongoing development of frontal cortex
Chronometric tasks borrowed from cognitive psychology are into adolescence (Krasnegor, Lyon, & Goldman-Rakic, 1997).
often designed to try to isolate specific component operations and Thus, early adolescence is a sensitive period for the evaluation of
so may be referred to as molecular tasks (Nigg, 2000, 2001). This individual differences in processes related to anterior cortical–
literature suggests a related set of components such as conflict subcortical networks development. Second, early adolescents are
detection, sustaining working memory via control of mental inter- on the threshold of risk for beginning problematic alcohol use
ference, inhibition of competing responses, and regulation of re- (Grunbaum et al., 2002; Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, 1996).
sponse via alertness or allocation of effort (Botvinick, Braver, As a result, within the context of an ongoing developmental study
Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001; E. K. Miller, 2000; Posner & of the epigenesis of risk, late childhood– early adolescence is a
DiGirolamo, 1998). Efforts to evaluate performance on such cog- period where children are old enough to have a strong probability
nitive tasks can increase the interpretive and functional reach of an of highlighting risk variations but young enough so that any
executive battery. In all, it is important to examine a range of tasks detected differences could not be attributed to prolonged alcohol

use. Crucially, this age span thus enables relatively short-term families would be at elevated risk for later AUD outcome. Men were
longitudinal evaluation of the predictive use of any cognitive initially identified through a network covering all courts in a four county-
vulnerability identified. At a practical level, children at this age are wide area. All men with drunk-driving convictions involving a blood
able to tolerate the relatively lengthy and difficult battery required alcohol concentration of at least 0.15% (if first conviction; or at least
0.12% if a previous drinking-related legal problem had occurred) were
to evaluate a full range of executive function measures.
potential study candidates. In addition, the men were required (a) to make
a Feighner diagnosis for probable or definite alcoholism (Feighner et al.,
Risk Subtypes 1972), (b) to have at least one son between 3 and 5 years of age, and (c)
to be living with the child and his biological mother at the time of
It has become increasingly apparent that the alcoholism pheno- enrollment. Mother’s AUD status was free to vary. Last, (d) presence of
type is heterogeneous (Babor & Dolinsky, 1988; Zucker, 1994), child fetal alcohol syndrome was exclusionary (n ⫽ 146 court-referred
which may be one reason that results in studies to date have been fathers).
mixed. If risk is concentrated more in one subtype than another, A contrast/control group of families who resided in the same neighbor-
the sampling frame of the study would weight the odds more or hoods as the alcoholic families but who had no substance abuse history was
less toward the detection of differences to the extent that it favored also recruited using door-to-door canvassing (n ⫽ 95). In addition, an
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

intermediate risk group (n ⫽ 61) was provided by recruiting all families

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

or excluded the relevant risk subtype. Furthermore, Zucker and

with an alcohol abuse– dependence diagnosis who were found during the
colleagues, in a series of reviews (Fitzgerald, Mun, Zucker, Puttler,
community canvass. Although original recruitment used the Feighner et al.
& Wong, 2002; Zucker, Chermack, & Curran, 2000; Zucker, (1972) criteria, in later years all parents were rediagnosed using the alcohol
Fitzgerald, & Moses, 1995) and empirical papers (Poon et al., abuse– dependence criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
2000; Puttler et al., 1998; Zucker, Ellis, Bingham, Fitzgerald, & Mental Disorders (fourth edition; DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Associ-
Sanford, 1996), have assembled a large body of evidence indicat- ation, 1994), which occasionally produced reclassification of risk-group
ing that virtually all of the potentially confounding factors de- membership. In addition, at later data waves, all siblings within ⫹/– 8 years
scribed above may be subsumed under a very powerful subtyping of the primary male target child were also recruited, but not all of these
schema that has been dominant within the adult alcoholism liter- participants have yet gone through the neurocognitive assessment protocol.
ature for a generation: the distinction between alcoholism comor- In the literature, some experts advocate separating data by gender because
of potentially different precursors, determinants, and outcomes in relation
bid with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and alcoholism
to alcoholism risk (Pihl et al., 1990). Because the study design provided
without this comorbidity (Babor, 1996; Hesselbrock et al., 1984;
initial data on substantially more boys than girls, this report focuses only
Zucker et al., 1994). The power of this differentiating framework on the boys who completed the neuropsychological protocol. To preserve
is that it discriminates among families with and without an assort- independence of observations, this study only involves 1 boy per family.
ment of alcoholism among the parents, denser versus lesser family- We plan to report on girl siblings when that sample is large enough to
history-positive, greater versus lesser family conflict, lower versus warrant it. A more detailed description of study procedures, recruitment
higher family socioeconomic status (SES), as well as differences in strategies, and eligibility criteria can be found in Zucker et al. (1996;
IQ and achievement, with the antisocial subtype consistently Zucker et al., 2000). Full family assessments involving both parents and
showing poorer functioning in these areas (Jansen, Fitzgerald, participating children occurred at 3-year intervals, starting at baseline
Ham, & Zucker, 1995; Jester, Zucker, Wong, & Fitzgerald, 2000; (Wave 1). Figure 1 summarizes the recruitment flow into the study,
showing the process by which the participants in the current report were
Puttler et al., 1998; Zucker et al., 1996). Equally important, ASPD
has the strongest comorbid association to alcohol use disorders of
all the psychiatric disorders (12:1 among men and 30:1 among
women; Helzer, Burnam, & McEvoy, 1991; Helzer & Pryzbeck,
1988; Kessler et al., 1997; Morganstern, Langenbucher, Labouvie,
& Miller, l997). Therefore, in the present study we rely on this
framework as the basis of a core hypothesis: namely, that neuro-
cognitive risk among children of alcoholics (COAs) versus con-
trols will be distinct among those with and without parental anti-
sociality. Virtually no prior studies of young children at risk have
used the antisocial versus nonantisocial alcoholism-family-risk
designation, so it remains unclear whether executive function risk,
if any, will covary with antisociality and IQ risk, or represent a
potentially distinct cognitive risk pathway.

Participants were boys from 198 families who had completed the Wave
4 executive function battery as part of an ongoing, prospective, multiwave
study that is tracking a community sample of families with high levels of
alcohol use disorder (AUD), along with a community contrast sample of
families drawn from the same neighborhoods who do not have the high
substance abuse profile (Zucker & Fitzgerald, 1991; Zucker et al., 2000).
In the initial sample, of which these boys were a part, parental alcoholism,
ascertained through the father, assured that offspring in the high-risk Figure 1. Summary of the study recruitment flow.

In this study we report on cognitive data from preschool (Wave 1 IQ and Noll, Ham, Fitzgerald, & Sullivan, 1994; Zucker et al., 1996). Information
self-control), middle childhood (Waves 2 and 3 IQ and achievement), and on the ASB was used to supplement the DIS data in establishing a
early adolescence (Wave 4 IQ, achievement, and executive measures; child diagnosis. The ASB is a 46-item questionnaire that assesses the frequency
ages ⫽ 12–15 years). This restricted the original sample of 302 to 198 of aggressive and antisocial activities in both childhood (e.g., lying to
families, for whom executive measures at Wave 4 (when the first compre- parents, being suspended from school for fighting) and adulthood (e.g.,
hensive neuropsychological assessment was done) were available. This being fired for absenteeism, defaulting on a debt, resisting arrest). ASPD is
subsample included 91 (62% of Wave 1) children from court-recruited an Axis II personality disorder that requires a long course over childhood
alcoholic families, 38 (62% of Wave 1) from community-recruited fami- and adulthood to meet criteria. It is always a lifetime diagnosis and was
lies, and 69 (73% of Wave 1) from control families, who were then treated that way here in light of evidence for the long-term stability of this
stratified according to AUD–antisocial risk type as described below. syndrome (Caspi, Elder, & Bem, 1987; Krueger, Caspi, Moffitt, & Silva,
Note that the percentage recruited at the Wave 4 way point steadily 1998).
increases from court alcoholic to community alcoholic to controls. This Alcoholism subtype groups. AUD and ASPD diagnoses were used to
might initially appear to be a differential across-wave retention bias; establish the three risk groups. The primary classification was based on the
however the phenomenon is directly attributable to the Wave 1 recruitment father’s diagnosis, although in no case was a nonantisocial alcoholic father
process and the fact that the neurocognitive protocol was started after the coupled to an antisocial alcoholic mother. The three families where the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

regular Wave 4 assessment protocol had started. At Wave 1, court alco- father was antisocial but not alcoholic were excluded from these analyses.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

holics were recruited first. Community alcoholic and control families This association has been elsewhere documented to be an antitype, that is,
followed because the design specified an age and neighborhood match an association whose frequency is significantly rarer than would be ex-
between court alcoholics and their contrast families. This required the pected from base rate (von Eye, 1990; Zucker et al., 1996). The three
recruitment team to recruit until a suitable control family was located, such groups were therefore community control (n ⫽ 74; these were the 69
that court alcoholic families were always recruited and seen prior to control controls noted earlier, plus 5 of the community-recruited alcoholic families
families at each wave. At Wave 4, the neurocognitive protocol was started that had moved to control on rediagnosis when DSM-IV criteria were
after the regular Wave 4 assessment process had started. Therefore, a lesser applied later), alcoholism only (AUD, n ⫽ 89), and AUD ⫹ ASPD (n ⫽
proportion of the first recruited group (the court alcoholic families) was 35). A child was put in the alcoholism-only risk group if either parent had
available, followed by increasing proportions of the latter two groups. ever had a DSM-IV diagnosis of dependence or if both parents had current
Even so, to evaluate quantitatively the degree to which the subsample diagnoses of abuse. A child was put in the AUD ⫹ ASPD group if they met
available at Wave 4 could be generalized to the original sample, we the alcoholism-group criteria and the father or both father and mother had
compared those participants included and excluded on available cognitive ASPD.
and behavioral measures. The two groups did not differ in composite child Child behavioral adjustment. We obtained measures of child behav-
IQ (averaged over the first 3 waves, p ⫽ .90) or composite total behavior ioral adjustment to evaluate their possible contribution to any findings.
problems as rated by mothers ( p ⫽ .90) or teachers ( p ⫽ .83). They also Among the primary domains thought to be associated with long-term risk
did not differ in SES (p ⫽ .66) even though a higher proportion of are inattention, hyperactivity, conduct problems, and aggression (Zucker et
nonalcoholic controls was involved in the Wave 4 than in the Wave 1 data al., 1995). At Wave 4, mothers and teachers rated children’s adjustment
( p ⫽ .04). Among the alcoholic families (father lifetime alcoholism at using the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991a) and the Teacher
Time 1), SES also did not differ between those included and those not Report Form (Achenbach, 1991b). These scales provide standardized
included in the present report ( p ⫽ .86); the same was true among the scores that can be related to a representative normative database on
nonalcoholic families ( p ⫽ 90). empirically derived problem scales with adequate psychometric properties.
Child academic impairment. Academic functioning was assessed with
Measures the Wide Range Achievement Test—Revised (WRAT–R; Jastak &
Wilkinson, 1984) Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic subtests in elementary
Health history. Developed by the Rutgers Longitudinal Study (Car- and early adolescent years, for descriptive purposes.
penter & Lester, 1980), this self-administered questionnaire assessed per- Child drinking and drug use. Twenty children reported alcohol use in
sonal health and illness in 15 areas. The mother’s form contained questions the last 6 months; of those, only 5 reported more than four drinks in the past
about prenatal health and early development that were used to obtain month (all in the higher risk, alcoholic family groups). An additional 26
information on mother’s drinking during pregnancy for use in covariance reported ever trying marijuana or other drugs, primarily children from the
analysis. risk groups ( p ⬍ .01). A composite risk score of drug and alcohol use was
Parental AUD. Parental AUD at Wave 1 and Wave 4 was assessed by unrelated to executive function measures. We opted not to covary these
the Diagnostic Interview Schedule, Version III (DIS; Robins, Helzer, experimental uses because of the overall light amount of use, viewed as not
Croughan, & Ratcliff, 1980), the Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test interpretable as an influence on results.
(SMAST; Selzer, Vinokur, & van Rooijen, 1975), and the Drinking and
Drug History Questionnaire (DDHQ; Zucker, Fitzgerald, & Noll, 1990). Early Cognitive Functioning
On the basis of information collected by all three instruments, a diagnosis
of AUD (lifetime as well as past 3 years) was made at Wave 1 and Wave Our group previously reported on IQ differences in preschool (Fitzgerald
4 by a trained clinician using DSM-IV criteria. The availability of three et al., 1993; Noll et al., 1992) and elementary school (Poon et al., 2000;
sources of information collected over three different sessions separated in Puttler et al., 1998) children. Those data along with Wave 4 IQ scores are
some instances by as much as several months served as an across-method included here to compare and contrast patterns of effect versus executive
corroboration/validity check on respondent replies. Given the volume of functions in the two risk groups. Because all Wave 1 families had not yet
material collected as well as the spacing between sessions, it is unlikely been recruited when those earlier analyses were conducted, the present
respondents would recall their specific replies. In cases of discrepant report also includes more children on the Wave 1 and Wave 2–3 measures
information, the data represented by the majority of information sources than in the prior reports.
were used in establishing the diagnosis. Interrater reliability for diagnosis Wave 1 (preschool). At Wave 1, children completed two cognitive
was excellent (␬ ⫽ .81). We also separately coded DSM-III-R (third tasks that are included in the current article. Intellectual development was
edition, revised; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) level of severity, assessed with the Stanford-Binet (Terman & Merrill, 1973), Form L–M,
with interrater r ⫽ .85. which provided an estimated full-scale IQ. To assess regulatory control in
Parent ASPD. Parent ASPD was assessed by the Wave 1 Diagnostic relation to management of reward incentive, children completed the Delay
Interview Schedule and the Antisocial Behavior Inventory (ASB; Zucker, of Gratification Task (Funder, Block, & Block, 1983; for a prior report on

this task on a subset of the present sample, see Fitzgerald et al., 1993). Response regulation. Response regulation can involve alertness, acti-
Subsequent to the IQ testing, the child was thanked for participating and vation, or effort. Weakness is indexed as relating to slower and more
told she or he could have a present. As the gift-wrapped present is being variable output speed on fast, effortful tasks (Posner & Peterson, 1990;
shown, the examiner apologizes and says there is one more task to be Sergeant, van der Meere, & Oosterlaan, 1999). In the Symbol-Digit Mo-
completed. The toy is set aside but within view and reach of the child. The dalities Test (Smith, 1991), several symbols are associated with digits. The
child is then shown a complex task (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for participant was shown the symbols and required to give the correct digit
Children—Revised [WISC–R] block design, Problem 11; Wechsler, 1974) associated with that symbol. The participant was to respond as rapidly as
and told that the design must be completed prior to opening the present. possible. Thus, the task required rapid cognitive processing of routine
The task involves a maximum of 5.5 min of delay (4 min for task information paired with a rapid response. Both an oral measure and a
completion and an additional 90 s of delay). The session is ended prior to written measure were obtained. For the current analyses, the sum of the
the maximum period when the child takes the gift. The score is the number oral and written scores was the dependent measure. On the stopping task,
of seconds the child waits before taking the present, after the task is go RT (response speed on trials with no stop tone) and variability of go RT
assigned. Higher scores reflect more well-developed delay of gratification. were viewed as indexes of alertness or effort. Symbol digit and go RT–
Waves 2–3 (elementary school). At Wave 2, cognitive assessment data variability may be distinct, because whereas symbol digit requires rapid
were missing for approximately a third of the sample because of funding motor output but little computational effort, go RT and variability require
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

restrictions. Those missing-by-design data were obtained at the Wave 3 little motor control but rapid decision making.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

assessment for those cases. We therefore combined Wave 2 and Wave 3 Verbal fluency. Fluency was defined as the ability to rapidly generate
data into an elementary school-age assessment. Measures completed were verbal associations to a particular concept. This paradigm was operation-
as follows. To assess intellectual development, the WISC–R (Wechsler, alized with verbal production by Thurstone and Thurstone (1949). It
1974) Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQ subscales were derived from appears to activate a range of language areas neurally, but left dorsolateral
the full 12 subtests (Poon et al., 2000). We focus on the Full Scale IQ in prefrontal cortex appears to be especially important to controlling the word
the present analyses because it is the most reliable score and is a composite search (Frith, Friston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991; Perret, 1974). In this
of verbal IQ (VIQ) and performance IQ (PIQ). task, the Controlled Oral Word Association Task (COWAT), participants
Wave 4 (early adolescence). The WISC–R was readministered were to generate as many words beginning with various letters as they
at Wave 4. could in 1 min (Benton & Hamsher, 1978). Three letters were given (C, F,
and L). The dependent measure was the total number of valid words
Wave 4 Executive Neuropsychological Function generated.
Interference control. Interference control refers to the ability to mon-
At Wave 4, executive functions were assessed with eight tests chosen to itor response conflict and suppress a competing response to carry out a
focus on different aspects of executive control during visits in the family’s primary response. It entails activation of anterior cingulate and dorsolateral
home or on campus. The rationale for each measure was as follows. prefrontal cortex (Cabeza & Nyberg, 1997). Interference control was
Set shifting and working memory. To obtain a complex measure of operationalized with the Stroop Color–Word Interference Test (Golden,
executive functioning that required both working memory and set shifting, 1978). The Stroop test is a widely used clinical and cognitive measure
we administered a computerized version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting (MacLeod, 1991). The paper-and-pencil version of the task was adminis-
Test (Heaton et al., 1993). The test is associated with activation in dorso- tered, with 45 s per trial. Interference control was calculated by subtracting
lateral prefrontal cortex (Weinberger, Berman, Gold, & Goldberg, 1994) color–word naming total from color-naming total.
perhaps because of its requirement to protect working memory (Botvinick Visual working memory–planning. The term planning is used here to
et al., 2001) and is impaired in patients with prefrontal brain injury describe the ability to manipulate complex visual information in working
(reviewed by Lezak, 1995). After 10 correct decisions, the rule was memory. It was operationalized with the Tower of Hanoi procedure
changed without the participant’s knowledge. The number of perseveration (Lezak, 1995). Performance on tasks of this nature is associated with
errors (i.e., decisions that were based on a previous category) and the frontal neural injury (Goel & Grafman, 1995) and we speculate that the
number of categories completed were correlated at r ⫽ –.70 and were task activates spatial working memory modules in right prefrontal cortex as
therefore viewed as redundant. Following prior reports (e.g., Harden & described in the cognitive neuroscience literature (Courtney, Petit, Maisog,
Pihl, 1995) we report on the perseverative errors score herein. Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1998). In this test, participants were to move
Response suppression. Executive behavioral inhibition requires the different-sized rings on a three-peg board from one peg to another, fol-
suppression of a prepotent motor response (Logan, 1994; Nigg, 2001). This lowing specific rules, including not placing a smaller ring on top of a larger
function entails activation of areas in prefrontal cortex, particularly the one, and moving only one ring at a time. Three rings were used. The
right inferior frontal gyrus (Aron et al., 2003) and associated regions in the outcome variable was number of moves before correctly solving the
striatum, particularly the caudate (Casey et al., 1997). It was evaluated with problem.
the Stopping Task (Logan & Cowan, 1984), which is drawn from the
cognitive science literature. During this two-alternative choice reaction- Data Reduction
time (RT) task, participants saw an “X” or an “O” on a computer screen
and responded rapidly with one of two keys. On some trials a tone sounded Interrelations among the neuropsychological variables. From the neu-
shortly after the X or O was displayed, indicating that participants were to ropsychological tests we obtained eight scores to examine. Although the
withhold their response. After two practice blocks of 32 trials each, four preceding provides the conceptual logic for obtaining these measures, their
blocks of 64 trials were administered. We averaged the final three blocks intercorrelations, displayed in Table 1, reflect imperfect fidelity to such
unless data quality checks suggested otherwise (see Nigg, 2000, and conceptual organization, and subsequent exploratory and confirmatory
comment on outliers below). The most reliable estimates of stop signal RT factor analyses did not clarify the picture further. We therefore opted to
are obtained with a response-RT tracking methodology (Band, van der report variables individually in light of their unclear factor structure and to
Molen, & Logan, 2003). In this procedure, the delay between the visual maximize comparability with other past and future studies.
stimulus and the warning tone is varied to maintain 50% success rate at Missing data. As with all longitudinal data sets, data were sometimes
withholding the response. A quantitative model of RT processes enables missing because of changes in study procedure (addition of more measures
calculation of each participant’s speed of stopping or inhibiting a response when funding was obtained), participants missing a data-collection wave,
(the stop RT) by subtracting average stop signal delay from average RT participant fatigue, or computer malfunction. No correlations were signif-
(Logan & Cowan, 1984; Logan, Schachar, & Tannock, 1997). This stop icant between amount of missingness and any dependent measure (ranging
signal RT estimate serves as the index of executive inhibitory control. in absolute value from r ⫽.02 to r ⫽ .10). We therefore imputed missing

Table 1
Correlations Among Executive Function Measures in Early Adolescence

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Go reaction time (RT) —

2. Response variability .53** —
3. Stop signal RT ⫺.03 .43** —
4. Symbol digit ⫺.10 ⫺.27** ⫺.27** —
5. Verbal fluency ⫺.03 ⫺.16* ⫺.25** .26** —
6. WCST perseverations ⫺.07 ⫺.01 ⫺.01 ⫺.28** ⫺.20** —
7. Tower of Hanoi .01 .04 ⫺.04 ⫺.07 .08 .08 —
8. Stroop interference .05 ⫺.06 ⫺.16* .35** .13* ⫺.11 ⫺.05 —

Note. WCST ⫽ Wisonsin Card Sort Test (Heaton et al., 1993).

* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. All significance values are two-tailed; all significant correlations are in expected
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

data using the estimation maximization (EM) algorithm, which is one form Results
of maximum likelihood estimation. These methods preserve similar pa-
rameter estimates to the raw data and are viewed as superior to alternatives Overview of Samples
such as listwise deletion of cases or estimating missing data points via
regression (Shafer & Graham, 2002). Missing data were estimated for all Although families came from similar neighborhoods and census
behavioral rating scales, the IQ measures, and the eight executive function tracts, as expected the groups differed in SES, F(2, 195) ⫽ 9.11,
scores. Overall, we estimated of a total of 9.7% of data points (10.6% of the p ⬍ .001, because of lower SES in the AUD ⫹ ASPD group than
cognitive variables, and 12.7 % of the executive neuropsychological data) either the control ( p ⬍ .001) or the AUD group ( p ⫽ .005). Boys’
for the participant number of 198 reported earlier. As expected, the change age did not differ across groups (control, AUD, and ADU ⫹ ASP
in equation parameters for analysis of variance (ANOVA) models after mean years ⫽ 13.68, 13.63, and 13.62, respectively, p ⫽ ns).
imputation was minimal, with a median change of F ⫽ – 0.12. Compared with the community control group, by one-tailed test,
Outliers. Following recent recommendations in the methodological boys in the AUD group exhibited slightly worse teacher-rated
literature (Wilcox, Keselman, & Kowalchuk, 1998), one extreme outlier attention problems (␩2 ⫽ .027, p ⫽ .047) and aggression (␩2 ⫽
score (z ⬎ 4.0) was truncated to 0.5 SD beyond the next most extreme
.022, p ⫽ .05), whereas boys in the AUD ⫹ ASPD group had
score (only needed for WCST perseverative errors, n ⫽ 1; ⬍ 1%). For the
stopping task, data were excluded if accuracy of response was less than
markedly worse teacher-rated attention problems (␩2 ⫽ .074, p ⫽
70% or probability of stopping was outside the range of .20 –.80 (indicating .006), and aggression (␩2 ⫽ .065, p ⫽ .009). These effects were
failure to comply with the task or use of other strategies not intended in the replicated in maternal report for the boys in the antisocial families
task). This resulted in exclusion of 11% of scores for the stopping task but not for the boys in the alcoholic families. Thus, clear exter-
(absent scores were then imputed and included in the total missing amount nalizing behavioral problems were more characteristic of the
given above). AUD ⫹ ASPD group than the AUD group. Groups generally did
Covariates. If executive weaknesses are observed, alternate explana- not differ significantly on academic performance, except that boys
tions should be considered. We sought by sampling method (above) to rule in the AUD ⫹ ASPD group had weaker math scores than the
out direct neurological injury that was due to maternal drinking during control group in early adolescence ( p ⬍ .01).
pregnancy; a covariance check revealed no effect of maternal drinking
To evaluate whether our two-domain, pairwise comparison ap-
during pregnancy on results. We report correlations of executive measures
proach was justified, we conducted a preliminary three-group
with children’s conduct problems and hyperactivity (Giancola & Mezzich,
2000; Finn et al., 2002) as a context for interpreting effects. In addition, we
MANOVA with all hypothesized cognitive measures (Full Scale
examined whether any cognitive risk was associated with early parental IQ at all time points, Delay of Gratification, and the executive
alcoholism independently of recent parent alcohol problems. The latter functions scores). This omnibus test revealed meaningful variation
would suggest that cognitive vulnerability is a familial marker of risk in the among the groups, justifying further decomposition, F(24, 368) ⫽
child. On the other hand, an association primarily with current parental 1.85, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .796, ␩2 ⫽ .108, p ⫽ .01. Following our
drinking could be regarded as either a more persistent form of alcoholism conceptual logic, we therefore analyzed IQ and Delay of Gratifi-
(and simultaneously a marker of child cognitive risk) or simply as an cation as one risk domain and executive functions as another risk
indication that cognitive findings reflect current disruption in parental domain, in a pairwise, two-group analytic strategy, anticipating
functioning. Because lower SES is very much a part of the antisocial risk different results in the two risk domains.
subgroup profile (as described), partialing SES was deemed inappropriate
(G. M. Miller & Chapman, 2001; Zucker et al., 1996). Child age did not
correlate significantly with group status or any executive scores and so was IQ and Delay of Gratification
not covaried. We checked independence of executive and IQ effects in
Two-group MANOVA models (Full Scale IQ at all time points,
multivariate logistic regression models.
Delay of Gratification at Time 1) served to evaluate patterns of
Analysis. We emphasize patterns of effect using multivariate analysis
of variance (MANOVA), with univariate effects described. For each model effect for (a) control versus AUD and (b) control versus AUD ⫹
we report the effect-size statistic partial eta-squared (␩2), interpreted like r2 ASPD. For the first model, no omnibus group effects were ob-
(Cohen, 1988). According to Cohen, a small effect size is ␩2 ⫽ .01 served, F(4, 158) ⫽ 1.16, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .971, ␩2 ⫽ .029, p ⫽ .33.
(roughly d ⫽ .20), medium is ␩2 ⫽ .06 (⬃d ⫽ .50), and large is ␩2 ⫽ .14 The second model, however, revealed an effect three times as large
(⬃d ⫽ .80). and significant, F(4, 104) ⫽ 3.15, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .892, ␩2 ⫽ .108,

p ⫽ .017. Thus, risk effects were detectable for the AUD ⫹ ASPD and paternal parent alcoholism status did not alter results for the
group but not the AUD group versus controls, consistent with boys in AUD families (two-group effect with covariates: stop
expectations in the literature. However, when the two risk groups signal RT, p ⫽ .032; go RT, p ⫽ .013; RT variability, p ⫽ .025;
were compared with one another in a MANOVA, they did not symbol digit, p ⫽ .012), but weakened the effect of go RT in the
differ, F(4, 119) ⫽ 1.12, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .964, ␩2 ⫽ .036, p ⫽ .35. AUD ⫹ ASPD boys ( p ⫽ .12). To provide interpretive context,
Table 2 gives the univariate effects from the first two models, Table 4 provides key correlates of the cognitive scores. As can be
showing the differential results. Boys in AUD ⫹ ASPD families seen, several measures were related to both SES and behavioral
had consistent cognitive risk versus controls, with lower Full Scale adjustment. With only one time point of executive measures, we
IQ at all time points and weaker delay of gratification (also worse did not evaluate directional effects. Behavioral problems may
in the AUD ⫹ ASPD group than the AUD group, p ⫽ .048). mediate cognitive effects on risk, or vice versa.
Table 4 also shows the correlations among early IQ and Delay
Executive Functioning in Early Adolescence and later executive measures. We sought a further analysis to
determine whether the IQ, Delay, and executive function effects
Again following our pairwise strategy, we conducted omnibus
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

we had observed might be unique versus overlapping in explaining

two-group MANOVAs of executive measures, with univariate data
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

risk group effects and to further evaluate whether it was plausible

summarized in Table 3. The first model revealed large differences
to argue that there might be some distinction in cognitive risk
between the control and AUD groups, F(8, 154) ⫽ 2.81, ␩2 ⫽ ⫽
pathways for children coming from these two types of risk fami-
.127, p ⫽ .006. Univariate effects were apparent on four of eight
lies. We therefore constructed three multivariate binary logistic
measures (all related to output speed, control, or response suppres-
regression models, comparing (a) control with AUD, (b) control
sion). In contrast, the second model did not reveal overall differ-
with AUD ⫹ ASPD, and (c) AUD with AUD ⫹ ASPD.
ences between the control and AUD ⫹ ASPD groups, F(8, 100) ⫽
We constructed models following logic recommended by Hos-
1.45, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .896, ␩2 ⫽ .104, p ⫽ .185, although the effect
size was only a little less than for the first model (.127 vs. .104). mer and Lemeshow (2000). Cognitive predictors were included in
Only one of the univariate effects was significant. However, when the model if they met the inclusion criteria of being related to one
the two risk groups were compared directly by MANOVA, group of the group effects at p ⬍ .10 in the univariate comparisons. The
differences were present, F(8, 115) ⫽ 2.17, Wilks’s ␭ ⫽ .869, variables thus selected were the four significant executive mea-
␩2 ⫽ .131, p ⫽ .035. The two risk groups (comparisons not sures (Table 2; we excluded Stroop interference because its effect
shown) differed in stop signal RT ( p ⫽ .027; worse in the AUD was in the wrong direction, so that it did not add to risk charac-
group) and in Stroop interference (worse in the AUD ⫹ ASPD terization), Time 1 Delay of Gratification, and IQ. To minimize
group) but neither group differed from controls on the latter collinearity, we created a composite Full Scale IQ score across all
measure, rendering it less notable. time points. These six variables were entered in each model.
Backward elimination (based on chi-square, or Wald, with p ⫽ .10
for entry and p ⫽ .15 for removal) was then applied to arrive at the
Correlates, Covariates, and Cross-Domain Multivariate
most parsimonious model.
Checks on Results
Final results for each model are displayed in Table 5. These
To provide context for further interpreting the effects observed, models, all of which provided acceptable fit and significant om-
we checked correlates and covariates. Covarying Wave 4 maternal nibus chi-square effects, indicated some distinction in cognitive

Table 2
Preschool Delay of Gratification and Preschool, Childhood, and Early Adolescent IQ Scores in
Control and Risk Groups and Pairwise Effect Sizes

comparisons’ effect
size (partial ␩2)

Variable Control: A AUD: B AUD ⫹ ASPD: C B vs. A C vs. A

Delay of gratification (s) 71.4 (32.7) 66.4 (36.5) 51.8 (37.2) .005 .068**
Full-scale IQ 106.2 (14.1) 102.4 (13.5) 99.3 (11.7) .019 .056*
Full-scale IQ 108.6 (14.4) 104.9 (12.3) 102.9 (11.6) .022 .051*
Early adolescence
Full-scale IQ 108.8 (13.4) 104.8 (13.3) 102.8 (9.0) .019 .037*

Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. Data are derived from the multivariate analysis of variance
models reported in the text. The final two columns present the effect size statistic partial eta-squared (␩2). It is
interpreted similarly to R2. According to Cohen (1988), a small effect is ␩2 ⫽ .01 (roughly equal to d ⫽ .20);
a medium effect is ␩2 ⫽ .06 (equivalent to d ⫽ .50), and a large effect is ␩2 ⫽ .14 (equivalent to d ⫽ .80). All
comparisons are two-tailed. B vs. A ⫽ AUD vs. control; C vs. A ⫽ AUD ⫹ ASPD vs. control; AUD ⫽ alcohol
use disorder; ASPD ⫽ antisocial personality disorder.
* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01.

Table 3
Executive Function Scores in Control and Risk Groups in Early Adolescence and Pairwise Effect

comparisons’ effect
size (partial ␩2)

Variable Control: A AUD: B AUD ⫹ ASPD: C B vs. A C vs. A

Stop task: Go RT 729.4 (129.7) 797.6 (137.9) 791.9 (147.6) .061** .045*
Stop task variability 223.3 (62.9) 249.9 (61.7) 239.1 (75.8) .044** .012
Stop task: Stop RT 296.2 (93.9) 331.8 (106.1) 287.7 (75.8) .030* .002
Symbol digit 57.0 (11.1) 53.5 (11.2) 52.6 (10.3) .025* .035†
Verbal fluency 27.7 (8.7) 26.8 (7.7) 28.4 (8.1) .004 .001
WCST perseverations 13.0 (8.1) 11.6 (6.3) 12.8 (7.1) .009 .000
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Tower of Hanoi 11.9 (6.1) 11.3 (5.2) 13.6 (8.2) .003 .014
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Stroop Interference 28.0 (9.6) 25.0 (10.6) 29.5 (9.9) ⫺.021† .006

Note. Standard deviations are in parentheses. Data are derived from the multivariate analyses of variance
models reported in the text. The final two columns present the effect size statistic partial eta-squared (␩2); see
note to Table 2 for more explanation. RT ⫽ reaction time; B vs. A ⫽ AUD vs. control; C vs. A ⫽ AUD ⫹ ASPD
vs. control. Note that for Stroop Interference (color minus color word), higher scores indicate worse perfor-
* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. † p ⬍ .10 (all two-tailed).

risk pathways for the two groups versus controls. For control holic parents, known to be at elevated risk for alcoholism later
versus AUD, the final model included stop signal RT (response in life (Dawson, Harford, & Grant, 1992), exhibit executive func-
suppression) and go RT (output speed). For control versus AUD ⫹ tion vulnerabilities prior to onset of problem drinking behavior.
ASPD, the final model included Full Scale IQ composite as the Efforts to associate risk status with neuropsychological perfor-
only significant covariate. These models yielded different solu- mance in adults have been inconclusive or negative (Nixon &
tions relative to the control group, yet did not tell us whether the Tivis, 1997). The few studies of executive functioning in chil-
two risk groups differed from one another. The final model there- dren or early adolescents (prior to substantive problem drinking
fore compared AUD with AUD ⫹ ASPD; they were differentiated, onset) also yielded inconsistent results, perhaps because of small
with the final model including Delay of Gratification ( p ⫽ .019) sample sizes, varying definitions of risk, and varying selection
and stop signal RT ( p ⫽ .015). For help in interpreting the odds
of measures. The present article provides one of the most com-
ratios, because the variables are on different scales from one
prehensive executive function batteries reported to date on a high-
another, see the note to Table 5.
risk sample of children and includes the first application to alcohol
risk samples of componential measures from the cognitive lit-
Discussion erature in an effort to further characterize any vulnerabilities. The
Understanding endogenous precursors to alcoholism is one adolescent age of the children at the time of their neurocogni-
crucial component to developing more effective prevention and tive assessment was sufficiently young that drinking had barely
treatment. A key question has been whether children of alco- emerged (only 10% of children reported any alcohol use in the last

Table 4
Correlations of Early Adolescent Executive Function and IQ Scores With SES and Behavioral Ratings

Preschool Teacher-rated behaviors Maternal-rated behaviors

DOG IQ-1 IQ-2 SES Inatt Ner/OA Aggress Inatt Delinq Aggress

Stop task: Go RT ⫺.14* ⫺.08 ⫺.09 ⫺.27** .17* .14* .16* ⫺.07 ⫺.07 ⫺.10
Stop task variability .21** ⫺.11 ⫺.11 ⫺.20** .19* .16* .19* .02 ⫺.06 .01
Stop task: Stop RT ⫺.15* ⫺.05 ⫺.14 ⫺.06 .14* .06 .14* .11 .04 ⫺.05
Symbol digit ⫺.29** .17** .37** .41** ⫺.34** ⫺.22** ⫺.18* ⫺.14* ⫺.21** ⫺.25**
COWAT .25** ⫺.04 .32** .11 ⫺.10 ⫺.0 .03 ⫺.14* ⫺.10 ⫺.15*
WCST perseverations ⫺.16* ⫺.16* ⫺.27** ⫺.12 .12 .02 .02 .08 .17** .06
Tower of Hanoi ⫺.05 ⫺.04 ⫺.07 ⫺.10 .04 .00 ⫺.04 .10 .03 .06
Stroop Interference ⫺.08 ⫺.22** ⫺.06 .07 ⫺.05 .05 .12 ⫺.09 ⫺.05 ⫺.10
FSIQ Time 4 .59** .19** .78** .35** ⫺.31** ⫺.20** ⫺.22** ⫺.30** ⫺.20** ⫺.13

Note. DOG ⫽ Delay of Gratification Task; IQ-1 ⫽ preschool Full-Scale IQ; IQ-2 ⫽ childhood Full-Scale IQ; COWAT ⫽ controlled Oral Word
Association Task; WCST ⫽ Wisconsin Card Sort Test; FSIQ ⫽ Full-Scale IQ. Inatt ⫽ inattention (includes items tapping activity level and impulsivity);
Ner/OA ⫽ nervous/overactive; Aggress ⫽ aggressive; SES ⫽ socioeconomic status; RT ⫽ reaction time.
* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01, one-tailed correlations.

Table 5
Binary Logistic Regression Models of Risk Group Effects: Results at Final Step

Variable Wald ␹2 df OR (Exp. B) 95% CI p

Model 1: Control vs. AUD 16.6 2 ⬍.001

Stop signal RT (SSRT) 5.57 1 1.004 1.001–1.008 .018
Go RT 10.06 1 1.004 1.002–1.007 .002
Hosmer–Lemeshow fit index ⫽
11.6 (df ⫽ 8), p ⫽ .17
Model 2: Control vs. AUD ⫹ ASPD 15.2 3 .002
Full-scale IQ 4.37 1 0.958 0.921–0.997 .037
Go RT 3.80 1 1.003 1.000–1.007 .051
Delay of gratification 2.99 1 0.989 0.977–1.001 .083
Hosmer–Lemeshow fit index ⫽
3.7 (df ⫽ 8), p ⫽ .88
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Model 3: AUD vs. AUD ⫹ ASPD 11.1 2 .004

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

SSRT 5.90 1 0.993 0.988–0.999 .015

Delay of gratification 5.46 1 0.987 0.976–0.988 .019
Hosmer–Lemeshow fit index ⫽
13.8 (df ⫽ 8), p ⫽ .09

Note. The omnibus model chi-square is the first line of each model. The individual chi-squares are the result
of backward elimination procedure ( p ⫽ .10, entry; p ⫽ .15, removal). A nonsignificant Hosmer–Lemeshow
(2000) fit index indicates a good model fit. The variables are on different scales; odds ratios (OR) can be restated
as follows to make comparison easier. In Model 1, for every 100 ms of slower SSRT or go RT, the OR of being
in the AUD versus control group was 1.49. For Model 2, for every 10 points of lower IQ, the OR of being in
the AUD ⫹ ASPD versus control group was 1.54. For Model 3, for every 100-ms slower on SSRT, the OR of
being in the AUD ⫹ ASPD versus AUD group was 2.01. A minute of earlier response on delay of gratification
conferred an OR for the AUD ⫹ ASPD versus the AUD group of 2.18. CI ⫽ confidence interval; AUD ⫽
alcohol use disorder; ASPD ⫽ antisocial personality disorder.

year, and only 2.5% drank at even a moderate level of four or more Indeed, an important possibility is that the risk factors in this group
drinks in a month). are associated with risk for antisociality rather than alcoholism, a
Overall, we conceptualized the relevant domains of cognitive conclusion also suggested by other recent work (McGue, Slutske,
risk broadly in terms of intellectual ability (intelligence or IQ) and & Iacono, 1999).
executive functioning. These two meta-constructs each have ex- In contrast, the boys from nonantisocial AUD families had
tensive empirical and theoretical connections to risk for child and relative weakness in executive functioning, an aggregate effect that
adolescent behavior problems (Barkley, 1997; Nigg, 2000, 2001; again was large in magnitude. The weakness in the children from
Sergeant et al., 1999) that are themselves elevated in children of the AUD families was due to problems in response regulation and
alcoholic parents (Kuperman, Schlosser, Lidrai, & Reich, 1999). suppression. Those domains were uniquely predictive of their risk
Yet the two domains are dissociable (Nigg & Huang-Pollock, status versus controls whereas IQ was not. The two risk groups
2003; Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996). The literature on child hy- were able to be partially distinguished in a MANOVA of executive
peractivity and child conduct problems points to possible difficul- functions and in our focused multivariate logistic regression model
ties in the domain of behavioral inhibition (Pennington & Ozonoff, by significant differences in both Delay of Gratification (worse in
1996) as well as poor output regulation (a classic pattern of slow the AUD ⫹ ASPD group) and response suppression (worse in the
and variable response to fast tasks; Sergeant et al., 1999), but these AUD group). At the same time, they did not differ on most
effects are clearest in relation to ADHD. In contrast, conduct measures at the univariate level, and the effect size of their exec-
problems are related to lower IQ (Nigg & Huang-Pollock, 2003) utive differences from controls were relatively similar in absolute
and so those effects might be expected in relation to an antisocial magnitude, so their cognitive risk status clearly overlaps substan-
risk pathway. Whether these domains would serve as two distinct tially as well. In all, these findings are largely consistent with the
risk indicators (rather than being lumped together into a single, few positive findings on at-risk children in the literature and help
cognitive vulnerability construct) was therefore of interest. to clarify previous findings.
Consistent with that possibility, our results indicated that chil- First, results call into question the theory that the most at-risk
dren from families with AUD ⫹ ASPD in parents—the group at children (those with alcoholic plus antisocial parents) are charac-
highest risk of future alcoholism— generally did not differ from terized by executive function weakness, although confirming that
community controls on executive functioning. Instead, that group they are characterized by relative weakness in IQ and possibly
was characterized by relative weakness in intelligence and in reward functions or ability to delay gratification (Gillen & Hes-
reward response, an effect that in aggregate was quite large. selbrock, 1992). Instead, results raise the interesting possibility
Logistic regression models indicated that IQ was uniquely predic- that a second cognitive risk pathway involving specific relative
tive of their risk status versus controls. These results are consistent weakness in a subset of executive functions may exist but that this
with established findings in terms of IQ in relation to antisociality pathway involves a nonantisocial risk pathway. Presumably, this
and alcoholism risk but challenge the notion that executive func- second risk pathway is less severe than the antisocial risk pathway.
tion risk is an important contributor in this most severe risk group. Of course, the lack of main effects for executive functions in

antisocial alcoholism risk does not rule out the possibility of that could influence child neuropsychological performance. One
important moderator effects of executive functioning on other risk can also ask whether test motivation would affect results on the
variables, a possibility we will investigate in our longitudinal challenging executive tests. Although such effects cannot be ruled
follow-up of this sample (see Finn et al., 1999). Second, compar- out (especially in light of slow RT findings), it seems unlikely that
ison of our results with the few prior executive function studies of motivation effects would lead to one group showing an executive
children at risk is important. Like us, Harden and Pihl (1995) weakness and the other group an IQ weakness. It will be important
found executive weakness on only a subset of measures in a in future work to examine potential behavioral moderators of these
sample of at-risk children that probably did not include the highest cognitive effects, which were correlated with behavior problems.
risk antisocial alcoholic families. However, they found group In conclusion, our data failed to support the hypothesis that the
differences on two tasks for which we failed to find effects: WCST highest risk youngsters (those from antisocial alcoholic families)
and Verbal Fluency. Their Verbal Fluency task was written and carry executive function risk for future alcoholism as a main effect.
thus demanded motor speed and skill; it may therefore be compa- Instead, results confirmed that the primary cognitive risk in that
rable with our finding on symbol-digit rather than our findings on group appears to lie in the verbal and intelligence domains and
the COWAT. Several studies of adults have identified weakness on possibly in reward–response dysfunction. The data also raise a new
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the Porteus Mazes, a task that requires motor control and output possibility, which is that a second, probably less severe risk
speed. The younger age of Harden and Pihl’s sample or differences pathway in children of alcoholic parents involves primarily exec-
in control or risk-group definition may explain differences on the utive function risk but not verbal, intelligence, or reward–response
WCST. Like us, Corral et al. (1999) failed to find group differ- dysfunction. The possibility of this dual-risk pathway will be a key
ences in children on the WCST. However, on follow up, the focus of follow-up efforts with this sample, to determine whether
high-risk group was weaker than controls on WCST (Corral et al., both cognitive profiles lead to AUD.
2003), which was attributed to late-appearing executive difficul-
ties. If so, we should see WCST effects when we follow up our References
sample at an older age. Such differences suggest that further
attention to age, sampling, and specific executive domains will be Achenbach, T. (1991a). Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist /4-18 and
1991 profile. Burlington: University of Vermont, Department of
Demonstration of consistent effects may require sizeable sam- Achenbach, T. (1991b). Manual for the Teacher’s Report Form and 1991
ples or multivariate strategies. Our multivariate effects were large, profile. Burlington: University of Vermont, Department of Psychiatry.
but univariate effect sizes in at-risk samples are qualitatively Alterman, A. I., Bridges, K. R., & Tarter, R. E. (1986). The influence of
smaller than those in strictly psychopathological samples (our both drinking and familial risk statuses on cognitive functioning of
largest univariate effect sizes were only medium in magnitude, social drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 10,
equal to d ⫽ .50, whereas d ⫽ .65–.80 is typical in externalizing 448 – 451.
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