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Why Russia Did Not Put a Man on the Moon - The Secret Soviet Moon
Curious Droid
Published on Aug 18, 2016

It’s probably the most well known peacetime battle between the USA and the Soviet Union, in
both technological and ideological terms of the 20th century.

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Although the USA won the race to the moon, if you’d been a betting person from the mid 1950’s
to 1960’s, the chances are that you would have thought the Soviet Union had a very good
chance of getting there first.

So why didn’t Russia put a man on the moon?

At the time the soviets were leading the space race, they had already started with the launch of
Sputnik, then launched several probes to the moon, including one in 1959 that orbited and taken
photos of the far side and By 1961 they were the first to put a man in to space.

So when Kennedy made his now famous “We choose to go to the moon” speech in 1962 to rally
public support, Khrushchev’s response was silence, neither confirming nor denying that they had
a plan for a manned moon mission.

But at the time Khrushchev wasn’t really interested in competing with the US over the moon, he
was more interested ICBM’s the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles for the strategic rocket forces.
But there were others that had harboured plans for manned mission for a long time, these
included the man whose name was a state secret and the most powerful man outside the
Kremlin when it came to space.
He was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, outside the inner circle of the top space scientists he was
known only as the “Chief Designer” or by his first 2 initials SP, because the Soviet leadership
feared that the western powers would send agents to assassinate him........

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18,117 Comments Around 1.000-1.200

2 years ago
I made the mistake of reading the comments.
Joseph Radzip
Joseph Radzip
2 years ago
yeah, I still can't believe that they say the moon landing was fake, how could it be fake, we sent a
f*cking rover to f*cking mars! These redneck idiots acting like they know something really pissed
me off....
2 years ago
Bunch of ignorant retards who doubt the landing. Lol some conspiracies are just ridiculous.
Flip per
Flip per
2 years ago
Al, let them be ignorant. I've heard that the Russians and Chinese actually pay people to spew
nonsense. I'm good with the truth. History is what has happened. The idiots on Social Media
sites can't take that away.

Save your sanity. Let them spout their gibberish. Now that I know what is driving them, I laugh
every time.
Stuart Hancock
Stuart Hancock
2 years ago
Half of these trolls are troll pretenders. They probably do believe in the moon landing. They
need something else to float their boat.
Xyz Abc
Xyz Abc
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thanks for the heads up YourPalAL, I'll be sure not to make the same mistake :p
peace love
peace love
2 years ago
Really? The tin-foil hat commenters keep me comin' back again & again & again for days! My
nose smells like cheese.
Universal solution
Universal solution
2 years ago
Right, sent a rover to mars 6 years after Russia. And besides, what year was that?

Lets be honest, USA never was close to Russia, in therms of space technologies. They still use
Russian engines today.
2 years ago
Where did you hear that apart from western biased news sites? Did you also hear that Obama
was the one that supplied Isis with weapons?
John Lenard Walson Flipping Telescopes restoration
John Lenard Walson Flipping Telescopes restoration
2 years ago
thank you
Mana Retimana
Mana Retimana
2 years ago
+Vladislav lol your rather stupid if you didn't no that about Obama either that or a troll either
way a total idiot
2 years ago
Your sentence didn't make sense. if you're going to insult me at least put some effort into being
coherent in what you're trying to say. You are the troll in this case and I don't know why you got
so upset over what I said.
2 years ago
Mana Retimana What ? Say that again !
John Sikes
John Sikes
2 years ago
AW ... Good troll ;-)
Marcel Weißer
Marcel Weißer
2 years ago
yeah its ridiculus sometimes i think this can´t be their real opinion
Gilbert Smet
Gilbert Smet
2 years ago
Marcel Weißer
Apple Cultists!
Apple Cultists!
2 years ago
communists... what else?
don wilson
don wilson
2 years ago
Tis the US that lost all the races....they just do not understand it....the sick comment tell the
world what the US really ...very very sick!
Harry Andruschak
Harry Andruschak
2 years ago
I see far fewer anti-NASA conspiraturds then you do, as I troll-block them every chance I get.
ash wednesday
ash wednesday
2 years ago
I know ,all those who believe we landed on the Moon!Yeah right!!!
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
Know how ya feel buddy, I feel like I have wasted valuable minutes of my life that I will never get
Michael Incognito
Michael Incognito
2 years ago
Yup, reading the comment section...can sometimes do that. ;-)
Jeroen Haan
Jeroen Haan
2 years ago
Let me guess, you believe in the global hoax...
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
absolutely......the earth if flat!!
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
you got it!!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
Since at $600 a visit I'm sure you can't go except once a year. Last week was the day Shlibber?
Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma
2 years ago
Flip per lol no one has got time/money to pay stupids, they are just dumb
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
Ross Elliot
Ross Elliot
2 years ago
You'd think YouTube would have developed an automatic bullshit detector by now.
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
How is that possible with the US Political system?
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
They's called American Congress!
Scott Grimshaw
Scott Grimshaw
2 years ago
haha.. of course it was faked.. there is NO WAY the numptys at NASA went to the moon.. do you
believe in the tooth fairy aswell ??
joseph meredith
joseph meredith
2 years ago
Moneytwat Awwwboo hoo
2 years ago
+Scott Grimshaw= Grade 'A' Cretin talking garbage.
Scott Grimshaw
Scott Grimshaw
2 years ago
Haha.. you sound a bit incomplete !! you sheep get all so sensistive.. no need to get all
personall.. just keep beleiving all the bull sh#t they tell you.. dont start thinking for yourself at all
costs.. I do agree all the excellent technologies we had back in the 60's and 70's were all so super
advanced.. All that tin foil, sticky tape and super glue must have been really good sh%t !!!! Dont
worry Mr Incomplete just keep doing as you are told like a good little boy..
Project NEMESI5
Project NEMESI5
2 years ago
I am more interested in the fact that the commentators on here seem to be locked in the cold
war era and continue to spread myths about Russia. How about that? Oh wait, myths,
misconceptions, and conspiracy theories are ok when they are against Russia....
Gavin Sherlock
Gavin Sherlock
2 years ago
Retroreflectors on the moon, aliens didn't put them there, shut up dumb conspiracy theorists.
Fred Jaminson
Fred Jaminson
2 years ago (edited)
Fake gizmos in fake photos of fake things on the fake moon photoshop prove it is all fake and you
are gullible. When I went to Mars in my Star Trek Falcon Jet, I also littered the surface with laser
retro reflector gizmotic thingys and I have the photos to prove it.
2 years ago
What's so great about going to the moon anyway - there's. nothing there, what a waste of
money if they did go there at all? It's not like they are ever going back there again. How's that
for trolling?
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
2 years ago
get a life the lot of you, who gives a flying fuck anyway. am actually sick and tired of replies to
this page appearing in my news feed so please STOP NOW......for my sanity
1 year ago
YourPalAL fuck u niggah
frank Kayy
frank Kayy
1 year ago
YourPalAL asstrolnuts 2 da moon HA�
David Hill
David Hill
1 year ago
Careful man reading the comments can damage your IQ
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
1 year ago
Too late! - anyone reading or postings comments already has damaged IQ lol
1 year ago
Yourpalal: Second mistake you post the comment. Now get trolled.
Firstpo jkh
Firstpo jkh
1 year ago
Your parents mistake was not using a condom
All round the fields
All round the fields
1 year ago
All these losers speaking bull about how it was fake, the same drop outs who believe the earth is
flat, 9/11 was an inside job, Paul McCartney is dead and the queens is a reptile, sad bastards, get
off welfare, get a job or finally finish school and move out of ya' mumma' basement. The world
isn't a massive conspiracy trying to keep you down, your life is shit because you're sad little thick
twats who think everything you see on you tube is real.
Don't bother with the sheep bull shit, or any other shite you single dead beats spew, I won't be
bothering coming back to read what you fat, greasy, B/O failures have to type out while drinking
your red bull, I'm off to spend it winning �
Fred Jaminson
Fred Jaminson
1 year ago
Jon, that includes you.
Jon Cambleton
Jon Cambleton
1 year ago
You too can earn $600 a month by sticking your arse out the car window on the freeway whilst
hells angels ride pass giving you a right good spanking!.....oh forgot you already do!!!
1 year ago (edited)
Iam too, i read your stupid comment.
Zani Puppyrhino
Zani Puppyrhino
1 year ago
YourPalAL humans are idiots i tell ya.m.theres a reason why government hides shit from us �
idiots cant accept it
1 year ago (edited)
Zani Puppyrhino they should hide blacks like you from us, because we cant accept it.
1 year ago
The truth about life and death is here ---> google truth contest and read "The Present" . It is life-
changing from the start, and it is all what the evidence supports.
The Puzzler
The Puzzler
1 year ago
Next you should do video on how we never landed on the either
Cortez Hill
Cortez Hill
1 year ago
Tesla debated the moon issue here:
prophet-science-looks-future At the time I talked to Dr. Tesla the newspapers were discussing
the possibility of the flight of a rocket to the moon. “No rocket,” he insisted, “will reach the
moon save by a miraculous discovery of an explosive far more energetic than any known. And
even if the requisite fuel were produced, it would still have to be shown that the rocket machine
would operate at four hundred and fifty-nine degrees below zero — the temperature of
interplanetary space.
1 year ago
Aaah.. the finest concentrated form of byte sized cancer seen outside 4chan
john anton
john anton
1 year ago
Well I guess the U.S. did that little thing.
david goddard
david goddard
1 year ago
I had to see what you meant and that was five minutes truly wasted
1 year ago
DJSbros tell us one conspiracy that is not true.
Rex Rickker
Rex Rickker
1 year ago
+ Joseph Radzip Don't be that upset. If you ever notice the reporters who claim that the
Americans never went to the moon are British. It's true, just listen to that annoying accent of
theirs. The Brits have always been jealous of the Americans, because we kicked their asses in the
war, in the Olympic games, just about in every thing we do the Americans always come out on
top. We have the number 1 Military. Oh heck I could go on and on. British are a very jealous race
of people. Bottom line is they never got over the war. I can't say every reporter has that
annoying, mumble jumble, accent but the majority of the ones reporting about the moon
mission are British. So just let them cry babies cry, get it out,, and then, maybe they can ask their
Mom for a new toy. Or should I say MUM.
1 year ago (edited)
+ Your PalAL : But it is often the most interesting part! Sure there are a lot of mongolians, but
also some intelligent and interesting people. And this is the only worldwide debate place
opened to every man in the world, so important for freedom and democracy that dictatorships
always try to control or to close it. Political powers prefer the medias to which no one has the
possibility to answer for their massive brainwashings.
1 year ago
Thanks +YourPalAL, I shall not scroll any further :)
Tommy Barton
Tommy Barton
1 year ago
Um. None of you watch NASA videos. They are fake as hell. Use your eyes ;). You all were born
with them you know
derek smiley
derek smiley
1 year ago
o gosh lol you will be telling me next the cow didnt jump over the moon :} belief is in the eyes of
the beholder and i just cant get me head around that the russians and chinese have never made
large over the so called fake. In the uk we dont believe people landed in the states 500 years ago,
so you are really just another big cover up lol x
1 year ago
I made the mistake of only reading yours
dean beck
dean beck
1 year ago
hahaha mars you on crack like the people tht told u thy sent it to mars the goverments of the
world are mass murderers you are just a sheep in there game
dean beck
dean beck
1 year ago
you are a conspiacie
1 year ago (edited)
+ Joseph Radzip : Not ridiculous. It is propaganda war aiming the manipulation of young ignorant
people in the world. And it works rather well. The same with revisionnism .
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
the earth is flat!!! i know because i'm assigned to guarding the giant ice wall that keeps the
ocean in.
Chris Lantos
Chris Lantos
1 year ago
I used to think that way. Until I found out that NASA is telling us that both lunar module and
space suits were powered by batteries. Without chargers. Keeping both cool despite
temperatures of 225°F. In 1969.
1 year ago (edited)
+ netsuj yenrav : Do not drink too much! Beware falling into space!
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
netsuj is dead he said too much !!!!!!
1 year ago
+ YourPalAL
LOL, great comment.
1 year ago (edited)
The fake theory starting from USA movie :) Nobody in Russian rocket industry did not speak
about it, but answer fake or not is simple, when Russians go to the Moon, in future Russians can
do that - You are not, Russians, I think, take back your flag and your rover, if Russian cosmonauts
can find that things there, if not U BE SHAME MOROONS to the end of world :)
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
ummm.. it's moron not moroon, moron.
Edgar G.
Edgar G.
1 year ago
+Joseph Radzip Do research on movie director, Stanley Kubrick, the globalists, new world order
hired him to do the NASA fraud or lie. NASA in Hebrew means to deceive...
William K
William K
1 year ago
1 year ago
YourPalAL Your mom made the mistake of not Swollowing. Earth is flat.
1 year ago (edited)
Less flat than your mind.
Santoj Ghosh
Santoj Ghosh
1 year ago
Stop and consider this: According to NASA, both lunar modules and space suits were powered by
storage batteries. Without chargers. Keeping both cool despite temperatures of 225°F. In
1 year ago
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
source for that please
1 year ago
No .
Eli S
Eli S
1 year ago
Yeah man, any sort of moon landing video, it's best to just not scroll down. It's like falling into a
thick brush of thistle bushes.
1 year ago
Eli S Yeah anyone who believes they actually landed on the moon is an idiot. Fuckin sheep!
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
we actually landed on the secret moon,. the one behind the normal moon. it's where scientist
store and manufacture dinosaur fossils. and we have good evidence that they have jesus in the
space jail to.
1 year ago
netsuj yenrav Too not to
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
fucking not fuckin ,Swallowing not swollowing. good try though.
1 year ago
netsuj yenrav
netsuj yenrav
1 year ago
alex trebek
1 year ago
only armchair scientists believe moon landing was fake
1 year ago
proevolution4 All it takes is a guy in an arm chair to see the moon landings were fake. Lol
1 year ago
YourPalAL Your mother made the mistake of not getting an abortion
Mick Carson
Mick Carson
1 year ago
You're talking shit. A rover on Mars? How many years is that, from the Moon supposed landing
and Mars? 50.
BornAgain Pagan
BornAgain Pagan
1 year ago
Our advancements in tech should allows us to return no problem then. Maybe we can take up
some 4K cameras, livestream the whole event, visit previous landing sites and old gear.
Mick Carson
Mick Carson
1 year ago
Joseph Radzip
How are you not to know thr difference between 1969 and 2010? Are you aware that sending
what you describe a fucking rover to Mars and sending a human to the Moon? Ok, big fucking
difference, in technology and in who we sent, a robot, not a fucking human. Robots are made of
metals, not flesh and bones. Robits aren't affected by the Van Allen's radiation belt. A big
'fucking' difference if you want me to keep swearing to a big mouthed know-all, you.
10 months ago
I'll bet jou make a ton of mistakes.
Fone Zombie
Fone Zombie
10 months ago
you denied yourself an education in truth then
Terry Waters
Terry Waters
9 months ago
Like an episode of Welcome Back Cotter.
Terry Waters
Terry Waters
9 months ago
Americans also pay people to spew jibberish. You can watch it on C-SPAN.
Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor
9 months ago
yes its cringe.
9 months ago
I made the mistake of reading YOUR comment.
Michael Wirkung
Michael Wirkung
8 months ago
Great :-))))))
c ankhovich
c ankhovich
7 months ago
used kubricks version of moon landing to show public because could not show the E.T. craft
around the crater on moon
c ankhovich
c ankhovich
7 months ago, in essence it was fake but the truth is something "they" figured public was not ready to see
Billy Bradley
Billy Bradley
7 months ago
Shocking isn't it.
Freedom Of Speech
Freedom Of Speech
6 months ago
These comments are gold. I sense sarcasm in your comment
6 months ago
no one went to the moon we still lack the technology but we have hollywood
Den Harrow
Den Harrow
6 months ago
You've made the mistake to be born alive.
its legend 1
its legend 1
6 months ago
Why whats wrong
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith
5 months ago
Tin (Sn) hats would be impressive! Were you trying to say aluminum instead of tin?
Mister Methuselah
Mister Methuselah
5 months ago
They found something on the Dark Side which is why they (US, Russia, China) have kept any
subsequent Moon missions top secret. The question you have to ask yourself, a mission to Mars
would be so much easier if we had set up Moon bases. Why haven't we? Occams Razor
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith
5 months ago
I know that current things can seem frustrating or difficult, but please know that most people in
the United States of America are good people. The narrator of this video is not American, and his
words are only valid in the United Kingdom and its territories.
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith
5 months ago
@Mister Methuselah Japan sent a mission to Earth's moon also. See if you wish.
Mark McDermott
Mark McDermott
5 months ago
Yes sir! I made the same mistake! I always try to encourage our young citizens to express
themselves. True, I am a cold war baby, and an American. I have worked for the American Efforts
to promote technology. I guess no matter what I say or do, it fails to inspire others to reach for
the impossible, the stuff that is hard or out of reach. I believe it is a matter of how one thinks:
either I believe in myself, or I do not. I choose to believe sir.
Chay Stevenson
Chay Stevenson
5 months ago
Fake ! Moon landings were a movie nothing more !
T.J. Cunningham
T.J. Cunningham
2 months ago
Chay Stevenson Who worked on the movie? I’m sure there are plenty of whistleblowers. Can you
name one?
Phil Healey
Phil Healey
1 month ago
@Santoj Ghosh Surely NASA state they used primary batteries not 'storage' ie rechargeable plus
fuel cells?
Phil Healey
Phil Healey
1 month ago
@Mick Carson 20+ years of scrutiny of all aspects of Apollo fakery claims , mainly from an
engineering perspective , give me approximately 70% confidence that something fishy was going
Patch McPatch
Patch McPatch
1 month ago
Rookie error...
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
1 month ago
I knew I shouldn't have read the comments as well. Got the moon landing deniers here, probably
some flat earthers as well.
Trending Library
Trending Library
1 month ago
please support my channel...i am a newbie.
Killingsley Johnsok
Killingsley Johnsok
1 month ago
@Joseph Radzip The moon landings were definitely faked and there's an insurmountable
amount of evidence to prove it. Even NASA admits that there is no available technology to travel
to the moon and there is footage of astronauts confirming that no one ever went to the moon.
Too bad you're an indoctrinated slave incapable of researching anything outside of what you're
told by the establishment.
Et Cogito Ergo Sum
Et Cogito Ergo Sum
1 month ago
the footage of the moon landing is staged and many stuff NASA puts out is tampered or fake
with you fucking idiots
Debbie O'Donnell
Debbie O'Donnell
3 weeks ago
I feel your pain.
karthikeyan M.V
karthikeyan M.V
2 weeks ago
we should send man to moon before the last man went to moon dies.
2 weeks ago
@Flip per Russia acknowledged the moon landing, they never said or had people say it was fake
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
Tanishk Tomar
Tanishk Tomar
1 week ago
Thank you for warning us
1 week ago
Universal solution you don’t know much about history do you? There has never been a Russian
Mars Rover.
Hentai Commander
Hentai Commander
6 days ago
Retards and trumpanzees. Part of the era we live.
Ann Other
Ann Other
5 days ago
Because the ship was made of more or less tin foil and had the computing power of a zx80. Oh,
and the van Allen belt radiation would have killed them
5 days ago
Ann Other false, true but not a programmable computer, false. You should actually look up
the facts on the Van Allen belts. One is very dangerous but you don’t have to fly through it to
get to the moon. The other two can be shielded with very little material. That and the fact that
the Apollo astronauts flew through them at thousands of miles per hour meant that their
exposure was less than a chest X-ray. You should also remember that the lunar module did not
have to be strong. The astronauts were weightless most of the time and weighed about 30
pounds each on the moon.
Unchosen Zombie
Unchosen Zombie
5 days ago
@Joseph Radzip They sent a toy rc car to the desert. Nimrod
Victor Hulbert
Victor Hulbert
3 days ago
@Universal solution if so America made it better and it didnt blowup all the time so you could
say we invented the working rocket engine
Victor Hulbert
Victor Hulbert
3 days ago
@Jon Cambleton yep and the moon is made of cheese you know that to don't you. Can you tell
us what tupe of cheese?
denis donbas
denis donbas
2 days ago
@Joseph Radzip ,how did people went through "Van Allen belt" without being baked inside?
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
2 days ago
derek smiley Thank you! Made my day!
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
2 days ago
RORSCHACH You weren't even born yet in 1969
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
2 days ago
denis donbas Do your own frickin research! Ask Google how we got through the VABs.
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
2 days ago
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
1 day ago
Chris Lantos Read the link that I posted for you.
Suzanne Bodette
Suzanne Bodette
1 day ago
Santoj Ghosh Read the link that I posted for you.
devin carson
devin carson
21 hours ago
@Universal solution Yeah their space shuttle ran on therms so it gotted there betterer than a
fake one, right ?
4 days ago
This is the best documentary I have seen on the subject of the Russian lunar program. Very
nicely done!
3 weeks ago
This is Armenian Radio; our listeners asked us: “Why was Soviet government not in a hurry to
land Communist men on the moon?”
We’re answering: “What if they refuse to return?”
David Cooper
David Cooper
3 weeks ago
Steve K
Steve K
1 week ago
Best comment on this vid--and probably true.
The Chopping Block
The Chopping Block
5 days ago
lol. Most underrated comment ever.
Max TheRedDinosaur
Max TheRedDinosaur
5 days ago
@The Chopping Block What does underrated means with people who use lol at the start of a
The Chopping Block
The Chopping Block
5 days ago
@Max TheRedDinosaur lol = laughing out loud
Underrated means that this comment isn't up voted as much as it deserves. That is, the
comment is funny and more people should see it.
2 days ago
@oilvinergar: The Soviets WERE in a hurry. For reasons well-covered here, they did not get there
first, then the "race" was over. The last Apollo mission should have gathered up all the moon
landing hoaxers, deposited them on the lunar surface, then left them to fake their own return.
Furthermore, not all, maybe not even most, Soviet cosmonauts were Communist party
members, which leaves your comment rest somewhere between humorless and ignorant.
Philosophy BA
Philosophy BA
2 hours ago
Why would they stay in a dumpster?
3 months ago
Funny, how the history of NASA is so well-known, but the history of the Soviet space program is
so overlooked even after the Cold War.
Allan David
Allan David
2 months ago
Part of that is due to the Soviets themselves. They rarely publicized anything about their space
program (especially if it could/did go wrong). A few of their more spectacular successes, like
Sputnik, were made much of, but most were not. They could not risk the political ramifications
of seeming to have failed. They hid much more from their own civilians than they did the
outside world. They could never be seen as having failed at anything. They were terrified that
admitting failure could jeopardize their hold on power. Everything must put them in the best
light possible, or else it did not seem to exist (officially).
elmer cook
elmer cook
1 month ago
Soturian they lost
mike brabant
mike brabant
2 weeks ago
Now the USA has to hitch a ride to the space station with their arch enemies? imagine that!! Talk
about sheepish after all the American bashing of the Russians on a daily basis?
Sarah Haugh
Sarah Haugh
2 weeks ago
No, Mike-- the shuttle was an embarrassment and the space station is totally boring! Nobody
cares how many times they've orbited this planet! Besides, tons of people now believe the earth
is flat, so whatever!! See how science has lost to stupidity?
Allan David
Allan David
2 weeks ago
We have to hitch a ride because we screwed up. The shuttle's design had been compromised
with changes and compromises that is had no chance of ever reaching its potential. The final
form it took was not anywhere near what was originally intended, except that it could go into
space and land. With all the flaws, it was almost obsolete by the time if first flew, and it was
guaranteed to kill somebody along the way. The shuttle ended up showing how bad a design can
get when politics gets in the way.
We can thank Kennedy for the screw up in the space program for the most part. While going to
the moon was impressive, it was nothing more than a political maneuver on Kennedy's part.
Because of him, our entire program ended up out of order. The original intentions of NASA was
to build an orbiting station from which people could live and other ships could be built. Then
we'd go to the moon and build a base there and then, finally go out and explore the solar
system. They were logical steps that would have built upon the successes of the previous ones.
But politics got in the way and we are still paying for it.
Two Eye
Two Eye
1 week ago
@Allan David The space shuttle failed at lowering the cost of travel to space, but it was able to
do things that no other vessel before or since could. It had an air lock and a robot crane arm,
people always forget about the robot crane arm which was really important to building the
space station. Without it every part of the space station would have had to have been built with
an onboard propulsion and navigation system and be flown into place for docking. The benefits
of the space station are often understated by people as well.
Allan David
Allan David
1 week ago
Two Eye
I don't disagree with your statement, however it never fulfilled the promises made about it. The
station could have been built without it, just not quite as easily. No, most of the station could
have been built without having to resort to built-in propulsion for each segment. Strap on rocket
packs could have done the same job via remote control.

I'll admit, I was impressed by the Shuttle's accomplishments, at first, but after some research, I
realized it was doomed from the get go. It never achieved it's promised goals nor could it have
done so in its final form. There were too many cutbacks and compromises made to make it
ultimately successful. Its final form was guaranteed to fail.
Two Eye
Two Eye
1 week ago
@Allan David
Sorry long response I know but I actually have a lot to say about this topic... Trust me It's not just
rambling there's some content to what I am saying

Although I agree with you that the shuttle didn't reach all of it's goals and was a disappointment
as a whole I do think we could have done much worse. There's this retrospective belief that I
keep seeing pop up everywhere that the space shuttle program was just horrible. I don't fully
believe that because it was expensive but not that expensive (about $18,000 per kg to LEO)
Compare that to ULA's Delta heavy which is about 13,893 to LEO. Yes it's a lot more but the Delta
IV doesn't include the spaceship as part of it's rocket. If you count the 77,564 kg orbiter as part
of the capacity of the shuttle. The space shuttle was lifting 105,064 kg for $450 million per
launch. That is about $4,283 per kg which is a number that's even lower than spacex's $4640 per

That's not to say it's cheap because although you could consider the orbiter part of the payload
it's also part of the rocket, so the space shuttle has it's own weird category. A Delta IV can launch
people to space with an Orion capsule or something similar for cheaper than the shuttle could
$400 vs $450 million per launch. But if you were trying to be fair and subtract the weight of the
spaceship Orion from the payload to orbit the Delta IV you would come up with about 2,942 kg
to LEO. That's a whopping $135,962 per kg for a delta IV launch!

So the space shuttle occupies this niche where if you need to launch something and have
astronauts work on it in the same mission the space shuttle is very affordable when compared to
conventional rockets. However conventional rockets are cheaper for missions that don't require
people (large payloads), or for simply putting people into space without a large payload.
Considering the limited ability to control things from earth reliably due to how heavy computers
were in the 70's putting people onboard for the missions was somewhat important. However the
safety concerns with the space shuttle lacking a launch abort system to me are the real thing to
be disturbed by though.

And then Spacex just destroys all other options as far as cost goes, but they posses technology
which would have been hard to create in the 70's with the heavy and very limited computers
available at the time. Not to mention they function based on profit, NASA functions based on
how much money they can pour into specific state economies and all money ends up going back
to uncle Sam in the end.
Speaking of shuttles and spacex I don't like the Starship's design, it lacks a launch abort system. I
am almost certain that if it flies without one it will kill people like the space shuttle did. I much
prefer the idea of a small detachable capsule (with a LAS) for landing people and the starship
lands supplies at least in the case of LEO missions. Missions for mars offer a much bigger
risk/reward value so I don't mind starship for things like that.
Allan David
Allan David
1 week ago
It isn't that I thought the program was horrible (forgive me for leaving that impression)but I
don't think it was worth the cost, given that it didn't really achieve many of its goals, and that
more people died as a result of compromises in design and the careless attitudes NASA began
having. In some ways I agree with you.

In any event, thank you for the interesting, intelligent and respectful conversation. I appreciate it
very much.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid
1 week ago
@Soturian . . . . "Overlooked" by who?
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
They went to great lengths to keep there's a secret, unless they had a chance for a big publicity
Max TheRedDinosaur
Max TheRedDinosaur
5 days ago
@elmer cook They didn't, they took pictures of it
Mandalore the Stoic
Mandalore the Stoic
1 day ago
@mike brabant I don't know what circles your associate with, but its been my experience that
virtually all the bashing online is against Americans and is more or less unprovoked.
Philosophy BA
Philosophy BA
2 hours ago
@Allan David go to Area 51. See what US government will tell you.
3 months ago
These really are some of the most knowledgeable and intriguing YouTube videos that I've ever
stumbled upon. Thank you so, so very much Curious Droid!
Mike Myr
Mike Myr
2 weeks ago
Negev Mester
Negev Mester
2 weeks ago
@Mike Myr go back to your echochamber retard,

don't forget your tinfoil hat on the way out

Addie Hernandez
Addie Hernandez
7 months ago
Does that mean Michael Jackson faked the moonwalk?
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
7 months ago
His Moonwalk was probably the ONLY-REAL-MOON-WALK!
Boycott the Sultan of Brunei's hotels.
Boycott the Sultan of Brunei's hotels.
7 months ago
the moonwalk was actually called the backslide and the moonwalk was a forward moving dance
that looked like floating.
LIT-BONE Official
LIT-BONE Official
6 months ago

John Sinclair
John Sinclair
6 months ago
Well he faked being white so why not?
James Ryan
James Ryan
6 months ago
Actually he did cheat. He had special souls on his shoes that caught on counter-sunk "holds" in
the stage.
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
6 months ago
@John Sinclair NOT SO: Youtube: (vitiligo michael jackson)
Vitiligo is a permanent loss of skin-pigmentation, which people have falsely labeled "WHITE-
SKIN", as opposed to colorless skin, and as against "Black Skin" which is just "Tinted Skin", similar
to the various tint-shades in car-glass-windows, from NO-tint, to very tinted! "White" is an actual
pigment, such as in white-paint (Titanium-Dioxide-particles), or as in milk (Calcium-Carbonate-
particles), both of which are white-particles! There is NO white-particles, or white pigments in
humans (even in albinos), or in animals (such as in colorless pigs & mice)! I hope that made
6 months ago
He is part of the conspiration to entertain boring people.
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
6 months ago
@Bobbel888 CONSPIRATION?? Did you mean CONSPIRACY??
6 months ago
But the mookwalk was BACKWARD.......Going backward meaning you are not going to reach
anywhere when moving backward. Truths hidden is codes. No one can land on the moon...... If
you don't know then you still live in the 60's when they could lie to the masses when they could
verify things themselves. Go to the moon now when it can be streamed live, but they can not
because it can't be landed upon. So they will say: We have lost the technology to do that. LIES
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
6 months ago
@YOU WERE BORN TO SING “A lie is NOT a lie” said Rudy-Giuliani (Roody-Jooliany), the infamous
9/11-inside-job-accomplice, who destroyed 2 million tons of crime-scene evidence in record
time, then repeatedly proclaimed: “OH, Sorry, we LOST all the 9/11 evidence”! Youtube: (Giuliani
truth is not truth)
Hod D
Hod D
6 months ago
No he faked not molesting children and his death though
Petroleumalley O.O
Petroleumalley O.O
5 months ago
Didn't you see the wires?
Hod D
Hod D
5 months ago
@Petroleumalley O.O nope just liars
Addie Hernandez
Addie Hernandez
5 months ago
@Petroleumalley O.O not only that, he's not even wearing a space suit!
Che Martin
Che Martin
5 months ago
5 months ago
Michael Jackson's Moonwalk was real, what was faked was the orgasm.
5 months ago
@YOU WERE BORN TO SING ..... can you sit in your new car and listen to an old music cassette
from the 1960s?
David Earea
David Earea
5 months ago
YOU WERE BORN TO BE A DUMBASS - 'Not going to reach anywhere when moving backward'?
Well, if you've moonwalked from your original position in any direction (even backward), you're
still going to reach somewhere, aren't you?
No wonder why you don't believe the moon landing...
David Earea
David Earea
5 months ago
@Taiwan92Abarth Just like all your girlfriends'...Ha ha haaaaaa.....
5 months ago
@David Earea ......hahahaha.....of course.
Andreas XXL
Andreas XXL
5 months ago
@RaDDx1993 u got proof of that? LOL
R.D Bergman
R.D Bergman
5 months ago
Addie Hernandez He came closer than any astronut..
5 months ago
He set his hair of fire to sell Pepsi, and he didn't fake it.
Brian O'Brien
Brian O'Brien
5 months ago
no. it means michael was just abusing kids wherever and whenever he could .... ajust another
very SICK american
Furor Frisii
Furor Frisii
5 months ago
No...he just took it from veaudeville artists using that move about 50 years earlier. As he did with
most his moves (see on youtube also: origin of M.J's dancing).
5 months ago
Well it was done by many others before him including a guy he admired namely Gene Kelly.
5 months ago
@Kareem Salessi A 'CONSPIRATION' is a joint effort. Look it up.
Roger Baker
Roger Baker
5 months ago
That "Moonwalk" was contrived to show the people that walking on the moon is an illusion .
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
Michael Jackson was a screaming pedophile
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
4 months ago
@pigsbishop99 Thanks. But, where did you come across this? Although "Conspiration" appears
to be an archaic equivalent of today's "Conspiracy", I could NOT find a single sentence in Google,
containing the word "Conspiration", which is why I am curious as to where you encountered it!
4 months ago
@Kareem Salessi I found it on
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
4 months ago (edited)
@pigsbishop99 That figures! There are thousands of archaic (ancient), and outdated, words
which have gone out of circulation, and have NOT been used for over a century. "Conspiration" is
one of them!
3 months ago
Lots of people over the years did variations of the moon walk. In more modern types MJ revived
Claire boden
Claire boden
2 months ago
No..just Buzz and Neil
Scott Brooklyn
Scott Brooklyn
1 month ago
CanadaCommunity Org
CanadaCommunity Org
1 month ago
Addie Hernandez
"Does that "
Not at all it's entertainment as far as we know!
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
1 month ago
Michael Jackson wasn't Russian, as you could probably guess by his complexion. In those days
Trending Library
Trending Library
1 month ago
please support my channel...i am a newbie.
1 week ago
Aye but never faked touching kids
James Smith
James Smith
1 week ago
Nah he just faked the "anti gravity lean" by using shoes with parts to connect to pins in the floor.
Well, that and not bumming kids... XD
Chris Bova
Chris Bova
5 days ago
@Kareem Salessi conspiration is a conspiracy that can't get out.
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
5 days ago
@Chris Bova Its just a vintage version of "Conspiracy", that's all. But thanks anyway.
Chris Bova
Chris Bova
5 days ago
@Kareem Salessi conspiration sounds like constipation, I was trying to make a joke, ( ;
Kareem Salessi
Kareem Salessi
5 days ago
@Chris Bova OK!!! In fact the similarity may be the reason the word was outdated long ago!!!
Rufus Chucklebutty
Rufus Chucklebutty
1 day ago
Jackson did go to the moon but he inappropriately touched the child sized aliens living there .
barry fowles
barry fowles
51 minutes ago
Everyone knows Jeffery Daniels was the very first man to walk on the Moon.
Arda Karaduman
Arda Karaduman
1 day ago
Great documentary. It's great to know all that hard work by Soviet engineers come to good use
to develop our current systems.
Philip Andrew
Philip Andrew
1 day ago
Interestingly according to Chinese text books, the CCP claim that the Soviet Union landed on the
moon first. Even the Russians don't claim this. Lol.
Bulging Battery
Bulging Battery
16 hours ago
The USSR built the LK Proton lunar lander
Arda Karaduman
Arda Karaduman
1 day ago
Because in Soviet Russia, you put a moon on the man.
2 years ago (edited)
In Soviet Russia moon lands on you.
2 years ago
haha best comment :D
2 years ago
Гениально! Как оригинально, просто брависсимо!
Randy Watson
Randy Watson
1 year ago

1 year ago
"Top Comment Award Nominee" LOL!
1 year ago
liquidbraino You made my day ��
Isaiah Schwartz
Isaiah Schwartz
1 year ago
(Moon crashes into Russia and all hell breaks loose)
1 year ago
in Soviet Russia Real Men drink Vodka not play children's game on Moon LOL
1 year ago
In Soviet Russia, motherfuckers built an escalator to the moon
1 year ago
@liquidbraino Is good Soviet era joke. Where learn you to tell such humor?
The Joker
The Joker
1 year ago
+chrisbayridge1 yeah that's what we do
Ass Kickin' Gryphon
Ass Kickin' Gryphon
1 year ago
Majora's Mask is soviet propoganda confirmed
1 year ago
+Ass Kickin' Gryphon lmao
Firsthgyhgyhuy Lastujhujhuj
Firsthgyhgyhuy Lastujhujhuj
3 months ago
3 months ago
Well we fucked.
oh no
oh no
1 month ago (edited)
liquidbraino Why did this get so many likes? It doesnt even make sense...
The Risitas
The Risitas
1 month ago
Max H
Max H
1 month ago
Awesome comment.
Shinja Okinawa
Shinja Okinawa
1 month ago
@Linderberg рад, что вы так думаете
1 month ago
Yeah, that and the moon 'landing' was faked for the TV-worshippers, under a deceptive spell.
M Tokichaw
M Tokichaw
1 month ago
In USA moon lading in your dream.
Rani Shrividya
Rani Shrividya
3 weeks ago
Lol... Awesome comment.
Sarah Haugh
Sarah Haugh
2 weeks ago
Cody, the only spell was cast upon you to believe such drivel! LOL!!
Mohammed Tajuddin
Mohammed Tajuddin
2 weeks ago
what u mean that russia did not put a man on the moon,,, no country ever put a man till now,,,
dont say that US did it,,, it was a Hollywood real movie done in Area 51......
Rani Shrividya
Rani Shrividya
2 weeks ago
@Mohammed Tajuddin how do you guys manage to live under rock? Voluntarily?
3 days ago
It's very expensive and nobody will remember the 2nd place.
marc carter
marc carter
1 day ago
There was never a first
18 hours ago
13:15 ;-)
Soviet Red
Soviet Red
13 hours ago (edited)
USSR:First to launch spacecraft
First to orbit the earth
First lifeform in space
First man in space
First woman in space
First to do a spacewalk
First to orbit the moon
Basically first in anything in space
USA: puts two men on moon, "we win"
USSR:"am I a joke to you"
Lee M
Lee M
10 hours ago
You have absolutely NO Idea if anyone of Russian decent has set foot on the Moon
3 days ago
Watching CD reruns and enjoying each episode just as much as the first time around if not more.
So good.
Lee M
Lee M
9 hours ago (edited)
Chris Hadfield : No astronaut launches through space with their fingers crossed !
however the NASA Managers had more than their fingers crossed when they allowed
the challenger to launch on Jan 28 1986 knowing Full Well there was a Major issue
with the sealing rings on the rocket boosters
so don't give us that bull about crossing fingers
they literally Murdered those people on Challenger by taking too much risk !
and here you are Mr Hadfield talking absolute shit .....or lies...take your pick !
Marcus Tulius Cicero
Marcus Tulius Cicero
22 hours ago
We'll be back......count on it, tovarisch! ☭
Pyrus Rex
Pyrus Rex
3 months ago
Every time I think of a Kuznetsov engine, I think how it would sound in English. A Smith engine.
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
Of the smith.
Pyrus Rex
Pyrus Rex
2 months ago
@Baruch Ben-David Yes, I realize the "ov" suffix means "of the".Otherwise it would just be
Kuznets. Ya paneemayu, as they say. Cheers
Sound Sunshine 2019
Sound Sunshine 2019
3 months ago
I am desperately want to know this answer thank you so much for sharing this video That Give
Me Another video about this topic to thank you so much love from everyone
Hugh Weeks
Hugh Weeks
1 year ago
when you lose the space race so you move the finish line to the moon
Marothi Kalushi
Marothi Kalushi
1 year ago
Hugh Weeks ���������
Bombardier a l'eau
Bombardier a l'eau
1 year ago
Damnnnnn that is gold �
Colin Thorneycroft
Colin Thorneycroft
1 year ago
if its stupid but it works

then it ain't stupid

Nafay Shaikh
Nafay Shaikh
1 year ago
Classic America
Daiviet Nguyen
Daiviet Nguyen
1 year ago
and faked the so called "moon landing" !!! :)))
Hedel Torres
Hedel Torres
1 year ago

1 year ago
most people dont even know why they lied about round earth, and keep lying about bilions
galaxys and fantasy things like that, everything has 1 porpose, and believe me, the main one is
not the money.
Colin Thorneycroft
Colin Thorneycroft
1 year ago
we'll move the finish line again!
Colin Thorneycroft
Colin Thorneycroft
1 year ago
SO do you ALWAYS talk like THIS? the GOAL was to get a MAN on the MOON, not a ROVER.
that's where AMERICA (not "the american") wins. GET it?
Hu Dini
Hu Dini
1 year ago
Haters gonna hate. How’s the Soviet Union doing now? Got any excuses for that?
Imya Familia
Imya Familia
1 year ago
Hu Dini Soviet Union elected trump
james lujack
james lujack
1 year ago
Nah..I dontget///
1 year ago
Putting a man on a moon was just a single one thing, in this whole space race. In everything else
Russia had won by far.
Deus Ex
Deus Ex
1 year ago
1 year ago
Hugh Weeks
And then you have Stanley Kubrick film it.

If only Russia had Stanley Kubrick.........They would have been there first.
Redfish Incorporated
Redfish Incorporated
1 year ago
...and Mars... and Jupiter... and Saturn... and Uranus and ....
1 year ago
JPVegh haha! You said "ur anus" LOl NERD!
Redfish Incorporated
Redfish Incorporated
1 year ago
mackhomie6 I did! Lol!
Caesar Vespasian
Caesar Vespasian
1 year ago
LOL Americans weren't trying to put anything in space. Kennedy thought it would be better to
use resources to desalinate sea water. Russians made up pointless "space race" waste of money
project for vanity purposes and propaganda. But just like Japan, they only awakened a sleeping
giant and got embarrassed as a result when Americans showed how much they could
outperform by LOL Russia always loses in the end, they should not start what they cannot finish
Caesar Vespasian
Caesar Vespasian
1 year ago
In any case it's like saying You won the 100m race because you got to 60m line first, even though
you collapsed straight afterwards #LOLRussia
1 year ago
seriously, such an awesome observation, you are absolutely right, Americans wanted some
Hollywood showbusiness in order to convince the people that they are ahead and a propaganda
to scare Russia but seems that the Russians knew it was worthless to go to the moon and waste
time, money and effort on something that has no benefit...
1 year ago
"...seems that the Russians knew it was worthless to go to the moon and waste time, money and

Yes, that was their propaganda at the time.

Or in other words:

If you lose the space race pretend you were never in it.
Brittany McCall
Brittany McCall
1 year ago
what is it please tell me
Theo Van Loon
Theo Van Loon
1 year ago
Hugh Weeks q
Simon O.W.
Simon O.W.
1 year ago
dunno what you are talking about but there are big points where russia and other countries are
better with. Please, stop being an american douche, this is why the world hates america. (next to
Alessandro do Carmo Silva
Alessandro do Carmo Silva
1 year ago
And then you discover the first moon landing was Luna 9 so you move it even further to only
count manned moon landings.
Skelotor Two
Skelotor Two
1 year ago
stay mad commie
Be Free
Be Free
5 months ago
The earth is flat nobody went to the moon
David Earea
David Earea
5 months ago
@Redfish Incorporated I assume there's reason you stopped at Uranus...?
Redfish Incorporated
Redfish Incorporated
5 months ago
@David Earea but I didn't...
Sub-urban Art-ist
Sub-urban Art-ist
5 months ago
You are simply typical American stupuid shit.
joonatan luoto
joonatan luoto
5 months ago
why is this comment so low when its the only one speaking the truth
joonatan luoto
joonatan luoto
5 months ago
@Caesar Vespasian only people who think usa won the space race are from usa even we, the
former enemies of ussr think they won the space race. Only thing you did first was manned
moon mission and what did you find? moon rocks
5 months ago
Hugh Weeks....brilliant post
General Esdeath
General Esdeath
5 months ago
huss1205 Russia didn’t have the money to spare on the moon landing. The USA had plenty of
funding for all of its welfare programs, the space program, the moon landings, and a
military/nuclear arsenal several times the size of the USSR’s. The USSR, despite “saving money”
was evidently not “smarter” enough to keep itself afloat economically. Marx was not an
economist. As it turns out, his pseudoeconomic policies result in disaster everywhere they are
implemented, like modern Venezuela.
General Esdeath
General Esdeath
5 months ago
Alessandro do Carmo Silva The soviets achieved some remarkable things, to be sure. As an
American, I’ll give them that.

But their economic policies were not among their genius achievements, and this stunted their
growth and reach. While it might be said that the USA did only win by moving the goalposts, it is
important to note and concede that the United States ultimately did move the goal posts so far
that they landed in a place so distant that only the USA was capable of reaching them.

In other words, perhaps a foot race is not as good of a metaphor as the Javelin.
5 months ago
Ryan Gonzalez
Ryan Gonzalez
5 months ago
@Be Free You're an idiot.
4 months ago
Soviet Union didn't just won space race.

They put first satellite,Man, spacewalk,etc

I can go on and on. Soviet weren't even planning to go to moon but America did out if shame.
Dawn of Svarog
Dawn of Svarog
4 months ago
@Caesar Vespasian Well, i heard that it was actually a 60m race.. But USA moved line to 100
because they lost at 60m :) And now, they cant even finish 30m and Russia has to drag them
there :))
Traiano Welcome
Traiano Welcome
3 months ago
@Hu Dini - Apparently they run a taxi route for American astronaughts to get to space. With a
little business on the side selling rocket engines to NASA (who apparently can't build a better
DSimonov Aviation
DSimonov Aviation
1 month ago
And America sent the first man made object to interstellar space, and so on...
Robert Webber
Robert Webber
1 month ago
yeah right the Russians are being replaced space x. the soviet union does not exist anymore
Albert Gérard
Albert Gérard
1 month ago
Hugh Weeks Americans made more efficient nuclear bombs, which led to smaller rockets. So
yeah, soviets fired some random crap into space first.
The Honkening
The Honkening
1 month ago
@Imya Familia Trump doing more for america than that half and half did in 8 years
Dick Johnson
Dick Johnson
1 month ago
America did make it to space though. Silver medal. It's been 50 years and Russia still hasn't put a
man on the moon. lol
Dick Johnson
Dick Johnson
1 month ago
@Inversion Yeah, like the Russian Voyager probes... oh wait.
Von Faustien
Von Faustien
3 weeks ago
The Americans may have actually beat Sputnik into orbit by a few month during an underground
nuclear test which flung a steel plate into the air at 5 times escape velocity so asuming it didnt
burn up its flying out of the solar system as we speak. Sure they didnt mean to do it and no one
knows it actually survived its trip through the air but they might have won. The germans also
beat both the usa and russia with a vertically launched v2 breaking the commonly accepted
threshold for space.
Tom Dick
Tom Dick
2 weeks ago
@Hu Dini They're doing better than you in space. You need their rockets to get to ISS.
(Apologies if I got your comment arse over titski)
Pauline Wiebelhaus
Pauline Wiebelhaus
2 weeks ago
When your Russia and just suck at everything you ever have done save cause note problems...
Even designing a rocket.. comunisim fucks that up too... Comunisim destroys everything and
every one it toutches
Pauline Wiebelhaus
Pauline Wiebelhaus
2 weeks ago
It's like I'm watich communist pay Kerbal space program..
Pauline Wiebelhaus
Pauline Wiebelhaus
2 weeks ago
@Daiviet Nguyen your last name tells me your an idot... Never mind what leaves your mouth
Pauline Wiebelhaus
Pauline Wiebelhaus
2 weeks ago
I'll make this simple.. notice it wasn't one preticular thing.. it was an entire engineering disaster
that continued to disaster.. like everything communist toutches.. the Soviets didn't go to the
Moon because they couldn't... Period!
2 weeks ago
@5aral Yeah thats why. We should've quit and never put a man on the moon because thats what
true victory is all about.
Please don't even try because you're going to embarrass yourself. You already made people
laugh at you. Russia made it first but it was overshadowed by who did it better. US not only did it
better and won but stood winning till this day cause we don't quit like the Russians do after
being humiliated. They lost a race they were winning by a good margin of at least 5 years. That's
shameful. Russia could've shared the glory of walking on the moon with the Americans. I
thought Russia put a man on the moon. Instead they want to discredit our achievements after
they discredited theirs in disgrace by quitting. America isn't like that. I salute the Russian
cosmonauts and the people for the role they played on making the United States what it is
today. A competitor that kept us at the drawing board and forcing us to improve. Progress
would've been slow without that push and motivation from a tough competitor.
2 weeks ago
Where was the line before? Don't say space because the nazis made it out of our atmosphere
first with the v2. Russia lost because they quit and never figured out how to do it. Besides it
takes intelligence snd balls putting russians out of luck. Sorry its true.
2 weeks ago
@Inversion like what.
Mark Magoo
Mark Magoo
2 days ago
@Alessandro do Carmo Silva stupid comment and dumber man. I can wad up a piece of lead and
throw it at and hit a target but I will never be able to throw it hard enough to travel at hundreds
of feet a second or penetrate a man's chest and kill him. I know you won't understand but what
do you expect from a Dunning & Krueger university graduate.
Mark Magoo
Mark Magoo
2 days ago
A round-trip moon � trip was the goal for roughly a decade or two so I'm not sure what you're
alluding too other than attempting to rewrite history.
1 day ago
@Mark Magoo I dont know why I always thought they put a man on the moon after we did.
China wants to do it within the next decade. I do appreciate the colored pictures in high def. of
the lunar surface China's rover provided. Better than the black and white we're used too.
Mark Magoo
Mark Magoo
1 day ago
@TheJudge01 nope no wadka on the moon and I'm not looking to see a chop suey stand either.
You have to have big brass balls to strap on that rocket and ride it out without panicking and
pulling abort handle. I like B&W more contrast and if you got raw pics from then its super huge
def. Sorry gotta run.
5 months ago
The narrator sounds like Michael Cane
[ Bravo-Alpha•7•3•2•]
[ Bravo-Alpha•7•3•2•]
1 week ago
There wouldn't be anything that couldn't be accomplished with cooperation between America
and Russia
Diva Hair
Diva Hair
6 days ago
But are you promoting Russian collusion?
Veloci Raptor
Veloci Raptor
6 days ago
@Diva Hair what collusion
2 days ago
Good job. Concise information. Well done....
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
The guy doing the narration for this sounds remarkably like Michael Caine, and my brother in
Stephen Hartford
Stephen Hartford
1 week ago
Odysseus Rex a younger Michael
david Bordelon
david Bordelon
4 days ago
Odysseus Rex He really does sound like Caine.
Severity One
Severity One
4 days ago
Oh, is your sister married to Michael Caine? ;)
Lics Norgi
Lics Norgi
2 weeks ago
why land on the moon when you can go to mars and paint it red
Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 weeks ago
We will be on Mars within 10 years
Vision 2020
2 weeks ago
Mars is already red, donkey filth.
Illegal Aliens
Illegal Aliens
2 weeks ago
@Cal I know the joke isn't to relevant in these fields, but the joke was referring to the soviet
colour being red.
5 days ago
@Lee Johnson :)))))))) We like the Klingons?
Robert H
Robert H
2 days ago
If there's a door on Mars, I want to paint it black.
Ork Eng
Ork Eng
15 hours ago
Basically the USSR had could not developed reliable engines.
5 months ago
My grandmother doesn't believe a man went to the moon. Me Ganny! And she watched it on
the idiot-box!
She sits in her chair looking out at the moon and says "there's no way in hell they sent a man to
the moon ...the lying bastards". Her words not mine.
It surprised the hell out of me when she first said it a couple of years back.
Roger Baker
Roger Baker
5 months ago
Your Gran is right.
Bob Dillahunty
Bob Dillahunty
5 months ago
@PuzzlePlayer What a dumb bitch.
Bob Dillahunty
Bob Dillahunty
5 months ago
@Roger Baker Your mother was wrong for not spitting you out of her mouth when she hooked
up with her brother.
Roger Baker
Roger Baker
5 months ago
@Bob Dillahunty We're not "jew", you fucking MORON. ��
Darrin Nunyah
Darrin Nunyah
2 months ago
@Bob Dillahunty Classic!
Bob Dillahunty
Bob Dillahunty
2 months ago
@Roger Baker <---- this twat is going nuts because he found out he has some Jewish ancestry
and he's afraid that the local chapter of his white supremacist club might find out. Guys, let's
help find him some shelter in the event that they burn his house down. Thumbs up if you want
to help Roger.
Den A
Den A
2 months ago
May be the hell around of us.
Trainfreak 1218
Trainfreak 1218
2 months ago
Bob Dillahunty I’d have to agree.
chris bleau
chris bleau
1 month ago (edited)
China has spent 20 years trying to land a man on the moon and they say it isn't possible to do so
until 2034. The moon landing is the only example in human history of an achievement becoming
more difficult and more expensive to repeat. That don't make no sense.
paul Parker
paul Parker
1 month ago
Well she’s right!!!!
Darrin Nunyah
Darrin Nunyah
1 month ago
@paul Parker Yes she is. Twelve men have been on the moon.
Darrin Nunyah
Darrin Nunyah
1 month ago
@chris bleau Of course they haven't been to the moon. 3/4 of China is still peddling bikes to get
around. Speaking of; Maybe you can ride a bike to the local library and educate yourself instead
of regurgitating spew within YouTube videos created by inbred rednecks.
1 month ago
@chris bleau noone has ever landed on the moon. i watcbed the fake show on tv. the radiation
belt between earth and the moon would fry a human
your lastday
your lastday
1 month ago
@mrfedupableThe density of the Van Allen belts is well known (from sending uncrewed probes
through them), and there are hotspots you can definitely avoid. In particular, the innermost belt
is a rather tightly defined region, and it was possible to stay out of it for the trip to the Moon.
The second belt is much larger, and harder to avoid, but there are still denser regions to avoid.
For the Apollo trips, we wanted to send the astronauts through a sparse region of the belts, and
to try and get through them quickly
Dennis Pfeifer
Dennis Pfeifer
1 month ago
NASA agrees with her today. Here you go:
1 month ago
I met a German girl old enough to know better that agreed with Granny. Space flight is physics,
not magic. It is real as are the countless space snapped digital photographs of distant planets
and celestial objects.
Adam Kowalski
Adam Kowalski
1 month ago
@Roger Baker absolutely yes. Who could know better?
Roger Baker
Roger Baker
1 month ago
@Steven Hahaha!! CGI. There are not, nor have there ever been, any photos taken from this
imaginary "space".
Gregory Parkins
Gregory Parkins
1 month ago
Your Grandmother was right my friend. No man has been or ever will be. The whole world is
deceived on a lot of things, and this is one of those deceptions!!!
Cliff Yablonski
Cliff Yablonski
1 month ago
@chris bleau China never said any such goddamn thing where do you moontards get this shit?
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
1 month ago
Your grandma is a loon.
1 month ago
My Grandma said we never made it past the Van Allen radiation belts
Big Bertha
Big Bertha
1 month ago
Wise woman...
Edward Mclaughlin
Edward Mclaughlin
1 month ago
Your Granny, is one smart droid.
Ryu Prox
Ryu Prox
1 month ago
Very smart woman. It really only takes looking at the moon and thinking about flying up there
and back. Than think that it was supposedly done 5 times in 1969-1972 without any problem.
Now we have extremely technologically advanced countries with massive computing abilities
unable to land an unmanned lander today. My guess is we're about 10-20 years away from a
landing by Space X or something else.
Rev_80 M
Rev_80 M
1 month ago
@Bob Dillahunty only someone from such a fucked up family would think of some sick shitt like
that!! Do you have an uncle dad? �� or maybe grandpa dad!!! � � � hahah is this the first
thing that came to your mind? You must have lived thru it!!!
Francis Fake
Francis Fake
1 month ago
@Steven The Muslims sent a man to the moon long before Americana.
Robbert-Jan merk
Robbert-Jan merk
1 month ago (edited)
Ask her why she thinks the Soviets never made a single protest that the U.S. was lying about the
Moon landings. Or does she believe the U.S.S.R and U.S.A worked together during the height of
the Cold War to spread a lie purely for the U.S.A.'s benefit and U.S.S.R' detriment?
Et Cogito Ergo Sum
Et Cogito Ergo Sum
1 month ago
the footage of the moon landing is staged and many stuff NASA puts out is tampered with
Erin Lorca
Erin Lorca
4 weeks ago
Your grandmother was correct.
Erin Lorca
Erin Lorca
4 weeks ago
@your lastday Umm, you're an idiot if you believe that lol
4 weeks ago
Ryu Prox The Soviet Union performed several unmanned landings during their Luna program.
China successfully landed rovers in 2013 and 2018. The technology is there, the incentive is not.
Though apparently we’re going back in 2024 to prepare for future missions to Mars.

Apollo wasn’t without problems, just look at Apollo 1 and 13. If you take a deep dive into the
technology you’ll see it works in perfect accordance with the laws of physics. It makes no sense
to fake missions that, when performed as detailed, would work in reality.
3 weeks ago
@Gregory Parkins My God, people like you are ridiculous. Wish you and all the other conspiracy
theory idiots would go away.......
A fucking Chinese weeb
A fucking Chinese weeb
2 weeks ago
This is the most hilarious and horrifying comment section I've ever seen. Humanity's indeed
WealthyCat Projects
WealthyCat Projects
2 weeks ago
A fucking Chinese weeb, lol
WealthyCat Projects
WealthyCat Projects
2 weeks ago
Roger Baker, that’s funny lol
WealthyCat Projects
WealthyCat Projects
2 weeks ago
mrfedupable, Article on Van Allen Radiation belts
2 weeks ago
Considering the US/Soviet relations at the time. it's a GUARANTEE that if the moon landings
were fake, the Soviets WOULD HAVE EXPOSED IT AS SUCH.
michael murratti
michael murratti
2 weeks ago
She is RIGHT! I saw it too! Fake then,,Fake now!
2 weeks ago
This is how Emeryka landed on the moon
Anti bogus
Anti bogus
1 week ago
@Bob Dillahumpty-dumpty "Your mother was wrong for not spitting you out of her mouth when
she hooked up with her brother." That's not how woman get pregnant you dummy!
1 week ago
Your granny is a moron.
JoJo Bar
JoJo Bar
1 week ago
Does your granny have a degree in rocket science? Astrophysics? Aerospace engineer maybe?
BSEE? Because all those people know we landed on the moon. Maybe she should STFU and bake
you a pie.
Eric Prolsdorfer
Eric Prolsdorfer
1 week ago
Tell your grandmother she's a uneducated idiot. Go ahead, you can tell her that verbatim.
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid
1 week ago
@PuzzlePlayer . . . and Granny was right. There is no way we sent men to the moon and safely
returned them to earth. Back in the 1960 they certainly did not have the technology, and they
still don't have the technology.
JoJo Bar
JoJo Bar
1 week ago
Kaptain Kid I’ll bite. What tech do you think we did not have and still don’t have to land men on
the moon? I disagree completely. There’s massive direct, indirect, and circumstantial evidence
we landed on the moon 6 times. There’s no doubt in the Worldwide scientific community
xc5647321 xc5647321
xc5647321 xc5647321
1 week ago
Orbiting modern lunar probes can even see the sites the hardware and the tracks they left:
david Bordelon
david Bordelon
1 week ago
PuzzlePlayer Well, tell her there is a new growing world of Flat Earther and Moon hoaxer jackass
communities since the invention of social media.
david stewart
david stewart
4 days ago
I agree, the Russians sent a dog and found out what happens to a living thing in Van Allen's
radiation belt , USA had Hollywood directors that could defeat non believers , lol
Emily Bishop
Emily Bishop
4 days ago
Old people aren't scared of ridicule, they no longer have anything to prove or bosses and peers
to please, so they say it like it is.
zachary jackson
zachary jackson
3 days ago
Just cause your old, doesnt mean you can't be wrong. Most can't belive it, because it's such a
huge accomplishment. Alot of people thought that Concorde was impossible, because they
thought the plane would denigrate at those speeds.
Val R
Val R
3 days ago
Eric Prolsdorfer *an uneducated idiot, genius�
Val R
Val R
3 days ago
It doesn’t occur to people that they can respectfully disagree. All these keyboard thugs who
probably can’t even make eye contact in person� How sad
alan sullivan
alan sullivan
2 days ago
Puzzle-I hope ganny is still alive-tell her she is right
1 day ago
No surprise people called tv a zombie box for so long. I am observing Russian tv propaganda and
what it does to poor Russians for a long time. But I am happy it is changing as the true info is
gettign easier to get with the expansion of the internet. Younger people are not get fooled with
propaganda so easily. It it is true for any other info or news. I wish tv in its state to die. All hail
internet, netflix and spotify!
Louwrens de Kock
Louwrens de Kock
1 day ago
She's right
Stefan Trajkovic
Stefan Trajkovic
5 days ago
Moon: doesn't exist
Soviets: try to land on it
Ken Bailey
Ken Bailey
2 years ago
All I can say is the past few generations have massively degraded.Some of these comments
belong in a black hole.
Warren Van Niekerk
Warren Van Niekerk
2 years ago
Degrading is natural. Put a apple on your couch and come back in 6 life......yet as
people, we see rotting apples. If we only understood natural life and stopped listening to guys in
white coats.
Bob John
Bob John
2 years ago
Warren Van Niekerk eat a tomato and poop outside. the seeds will grow
Kelly Jackson
Kelly Jackson
2 years ago
once you go black..
Bob John
Bob John
2 years ago
Kelly Jackson once you go black your a single mom.
Mike Gibbons
Mike Gibbons
2 years ago
Bob John Now thats funny!
dario HC
dario HC
1 year ago
some generations believe a huge hoax, thats so F sad lol
Zani Puppyrhino
Zani Puppyrhino
1 year ago
Ken Bailey some?
John Gray
John Gray
1 year ago
Ken Bailey black holes are a theory.
Kristin Gallo
Kristin Gallo
11 months ago
Maybe people are just waking up to the bullshit. Everything is as fake as Kim Kardashians ass.
1 month ago
I have over a thousand inventions to my name. You can see me of Showtime - 7 Deadly Sins, TLC
- Life of the Living Doll, Discovery - Forbidden, Channel 4(UK) - Men in Masks (Also on Netflix
sometimes) and you can see one of my inventions on CBS's CSI in the final season. Point is, I did
my part.
4 weeks ago
John Gray And now they aren’t
Mark Magoo
Mark Magoo
2 days ago
@Warren Van Niekerk I think that the word you're looking for is entropy.
Rufus Chucklebutty
Rufus Chucklebutty
1 day ago
Russians did put men on the moon but they timed it wrong at half moon , the Russians landed
on the missing half and fell off.
Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
3 days ago
The shuttle kept is in the game , practice , experience , experiments and endurence tests , we
learned alot , next will be better for it. We are not freshmen ..we are sophisticated morons ..
..!. Oh man !
9 hours ago
Because Vlad doesn't care about Putin' a man on the moon
Marina Capri
Marina Capri
1 month ago
I made the mistake of reading the comments of, “I made the mistake of reading the comments”.
Hank Bridges
Hank Bridges
1 month ago
I'd like to make a comment here. I made a comment here.
darryl potter
darryl potter
1 week ago
I made the mistake, of reading your comment "I made a mistake, reading the comment, I made a
mistake reading the comments
Dan enarc
Dan enarc
6 days ago
@darryl potter I made the mistake of reading your comment "I made a mistake, reading the
comment, I made a mistake reading the comments
Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
3 days ago
It's not the comments , it's the ...I lost my train of thought's lupus!
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
6 months ago
There is a joke about it: the USA's German scientists were better than the USSR's ones! :)
olivia tg
olivia tg
6 months ago
Marius Teodorescu, thank you it's no joke. point is Elon Musks genious is from South
Africa , not the U S .
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
6 months ago
@olivia tg Oh, thank YOU! I didn't know that.
David Viner
David Viner
5 months ago
Elon musk is a joke, Tesla has simply led the car industry down the wrong path, batteries are not
the answer
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
5 months ago
@David VinerOk, but what is the answer in your opinion? Because oil is going to disappear soon
and it also creates pollution.
warrcc c
warrcc c
5 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu That is one of the biggest lies ever. Oil is the most bundant fluid on earth,
except of water.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
5 months ago
@warrcc c So why the wars for oil and what about the pollution?
warrcc c
warrcc c
5 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu Because the oil is too valuable to sell it cheap. I didn´t say anything about
the pollution.
5 months ago
Marius Teodorescu - a lot to be said about project paper clip, German engineering people given
two options at end of ww2, work for us govt or death. A lot of them took option 1. People need
to do there history research before jumping into fire and making a joke of them self. Research
would show with out the help of the German engineering they would have cost them a lot more
time to develop.
warrcc c
warrcc c
5 months ago
@notathome13 The Americans never threat Germans Scientists to death. Actually, Von Braun
and all his team willingly surrender them selfs to the USA, because they know for sure that
Soviets murders were killing every man with Nazi bonds.
The End
The End
5 months ago
olivia tg

The South Africans were originally from Germany. Pity these peoples were distroyed.
Mark Read
Mark Read
5 months ago
@The End What?? South Africans were already Africans, and the settlers were Dutch
5 months ago
@warrcc c Ah, sure. Wars are fought over oil and it is so expensive (in comparison to the equally
if not more valuable water) because there is so much of it.... Law of the market: if there is
abundance of a product, it stays expensive...aeh no.
If you mean there are estimates that there is oil left for many more than 50 years then yes, those
exist but also state it is unknown if we will be able to extract it economically, technologically, get
geological and political access to it and none of that says anything about it's use being feasible
regarding environmental factors. Even without looking at climate change, look at the pollution
fracking causes.
warrcc c
warrcc c
5 months ago
@Sebastian again, i´m not saying anything against the pollution. The are only a few Companies
that holds the oil bussiness, thats why it is very expensive. The same happens with diamonds.
There are a lot of them, but yet, diamonds are expensive because only a few companies owns
that bussiness.
5 months ago
Leave it to a Romanian to bring up an unfunny joke The Germans didn't do everything, despite
your inculcation.
Russ Davis
Russ Davis
5 months ago
This of course is asinine obliviousness to the vile, inhuman, fascist nature of the German and
Soviet socialist systems the German scientists defecting to the west perceptively sought to
escape. How vilely hypocritical are the depraved, corrupt westerners praising socialism and
condemning western capitalism while living there. Were they to walk the talk they'd move to
live under the socialism they stupidly claim to adore while with lying deceit refusing to live under
it, proof that the real issue is deranged, anti-capitalist bigotry in the vein of Orwell's 1984, like
Islam, religious bigotry happily willing suicidally to destroy itself along with the system so long as
that system is destroyed. In PM Thatcher's delicious takedown of socialist Labour she
perceptively exposed their vile perfidy in not truly caring about the poor so long as the rich were
less rich.
5 months ago
@Russ Davis Um, WHAT?
DD devere
DD devere
5 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu You still need to burn fossil fuels to create the electricty for recharging the
batteries. You just swap one form of pollution for another. The answer is Hydrogen power cells.
Far more efficient than any battery will ever be, and ZERO pollution.
Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw
5 months ago
Yep, the ones that surrendered to Soviet soldiers instead of American soldiers were playing it
pretty dumb there.
5 months ago
Yes and they were actually NAZI engineers and scientists on top of it. Isnt that just so fantastic.
American tax payers paying NAZIs big money to send Americans to the moon.
Chestler CT
Chestler CT
5 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu ahah, who created moon motorway in cosmos? Right scientists russian
empire. Okey after, you know Ciolkovskiy? No? Hi first in world knowded first cosmos speed and
second cosmos speed. Sergey Corolev, the great russian ussr engineer. I can go and go
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
5 months ago
@Chestler CT Hmm... interesting, thank you!
Chestler CT
Chestler CT
5 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu no problem
Mark Horton
Mark Horton
5 months ago
Actually the U.S. got the scientists and Russia got the technicians. When both armies were close
to Phenamunda(probably misspelled) Dr. Van Braun and most of his team chose the Americans
and went to meet them. The Soviet army captured the factory including the technicians and V2s
in various stages of construction This is from Von Braun's autobiography and is not the whole
story. The theory of rockets was formalized by a Russian (his long name starts with "T"). Robert
Goddard built on that to make experimental rockets that actually flew. Von Braun took that as a
start for rockets of practical size .
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
5 months ago
@Mark Horton Aha, interesting... maybe we will know the whole story one day...
5 months ago
We got all the good one.
5 months ago
@olivia tg Elon Musk is a money man with a few ideas, and not by any definition of the word "a
genius" - in fact, if you listen to and read some of the things he's said, he's actually a bit nuts.
SpaceX is successful purely because he's employed hundreds of very intelligent and capable
people that can make the rockets work. He does not have any direct influence on the work done
whatsoever, but he does ensure it can keep going. The Tesla Roadster was invented before Elon
got involved. All he did was put money into it, to turn Tesla into an actual car maker. It's his
MONEY that drive those companies, not his brains.
Paul Boccuti
Paul Boccuti
5 months ago
@Sebastian Climate change has been happening ever since Earth first had a climate and it will
continue to change as long as Earth has a climate.
Robert Ratskywatsky
Robert Ratskywatsky
5 months ago
Only it's not a joke.
5 months ago
Nono the USA Germans scientist were better than the USSR Germans scientist! :-)
5 months ago
@David VinerStill, it's better than any answer you have come up with...
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
The Germans are actually smarter due to the fact is they invented the bomb under our
command a German scientist deflected from Germany and came to the United States our
government got him to build the bomb
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@rock star if you live in Russia I understand why you say that . Cause I know Russia is still
communist country because of Putin . But when it comes to making rocket engines yes why she
doesn't know what they're doing on that because we get the rocket engines from Russia but the
thing is United States are the inventors of the inventions we started all the inventions that led
up to today but we sold off our knowledge because of dumb government we have
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@rock star I did proof read the last one before I sent it but I take it this app doesn't like people
speaking the truth they trying to mess with people's words
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@rock star but it was the German scientist that invented your stuff over there it wasn't Russian
Russia didn't exist it was United Soviet socialist republic not Russian
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@rock star Putin is just a leftover of an evil dictatorship that wants that evil dictatorship back the
only thing he's going to get and has already gotten is Trump dump on the receiving end bent
over with his pants down + Putin has his pants down cuz they had nothing but closet buddies
I find this to be interesting Jarp, jurp jup jup
I find this to be interesting Jarp, jurp jup jup
4 months ago
@olivia tg The government should hire some foreign English teachers for your high schools as
Strizhi Mir
Strizhi Mir
4 months ago (edited)
@Timothy Petitpas what? Russian rockets were not copied from america. The russian have few
sectors where they are superior, but to say America invented all of it is a stretch, america is
obvious number 1 in jet engines, but not number 1 in rocket engines yet, but Russia will
eventually lose out on there position because America will continue to develop better engines,
as far as your trump comment, you made yourself look retarded, dont try to think you know
geopolitics and foreign affairs. your comment makes it obvious you dont. Putin already answered
the question of who he preferred as a candidate, his answer was it doesn't matter, Its the same
result, that was paraphrasing, but putin may not be a saint but hes smarter than trump haha,
which trump just embarrasses himself way too often. And do you know anything about the
Soviet union or communism? Soviet union had Russia as it's own "state", with similar borders as
it has currently, within the union... Russia resembles more fascism today than communism, I
dont know why I chose to school you, but you need to get educated. So you're welcome
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@Strizhi Mir I was saying we are the inventors of inventions we started the inventions new
automobile the train the plane then it exploded from there but we actually buy rocket engines
from Russia we used to last time I knew
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@Strizhi Mir we also discovered electricity we didn't invent it we found a way to harness it we
also invented the telegraph most of the inventions come from the United States
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@Strizhi Mir I know enough about politics Trump is colluding with Russia we all know this here in
the United States why do you think that so many people getting arrested and going to jail
because of Russia knows people that are going to jail I'm in politics with Trump and his Scag bag
family but I think there's a reason why that's happening good ol Ivanka Trump and Melania
Trump are getting it on with Putin
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@Strizhi Mir plus your little five pointed star icon you realize that is a satanic symbol
Timothy Petitpas
Timothy Petitpas
4 months ago
@Strizhi Mir furthermore Putin said in the meeting on public TV he wanted Trump to win so
don't even go there
Anthony Sach
Anthony Sach
4 months ago
@warrcc c Yes, but getting the oil out of the ground is becoming more difficult which is why they
are fracking for it. You can make hydrogen from water to run hydrogen powered cars that have
the same performance as petrol and just give off steam and water in the exhaust. Unlike electric
cars you can refuel them quickly like a petrol car and don't have a load of lithium to dispose of
when the battery dies.
warrcc c
warrcc c
4 months ago
@Anthony Sach nobody is able to do that yet. Mr Meyer engine was a fraud.
Henning Kallweit
Henning Kallweit
4 months ago
I believe it's just the other way around; that's why the Soviets were way ahead of the Americans.
Nixon was desperate and was offered a genius alternative to fool the world. It worked. BTW,
Marius. the US is still buying rocket engines from the Russians because their own are not good
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
4 months ago
@Henning Kallweit Hmmmm, that's very interesting! Thank you!
Fern Bitcoins
Fern Bitcoins
4 months ago
BS, 50 years after ""moon landing"" and US still use Russian designed rocket engines in
American Rockets!!
Wolfgang Schmidt
Wolfgang Schmidt
4 months ago
Ravings of a madman
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
4 months ago
@Fern Bitcoins Wow! I didn't know that...
4 months ago
The is a joke country in Europe called Romania
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
4 months ago
@DJEDz TV Romania had, in the 70's, the biggest economical growth in the world, in all human
history and in '89 Romania was the only country in the world without a national dept. Romania
gave the world: the insulin, the jet engine, the founder of bio speleology, the first 10 in
gymnastics... shall I continue?
3 months ago
@olivia tg There would be no SpaceX if is wasnt for NASA'S decades of experience in space
travel. This Elon fucker is just continuing what the United States already started.
3 months ago
Marius Teodorescu yeah. That’s why America uses Russian rockets. Learn some history.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
3 months ago
@B H Yeah, there were some other people telling me that, too. The future will reveal all the
truth one day...
3 months ago
@Timothy Petitpas funny but Einstein had a swiss pass so ya not really German german
3 months ago
@Strizhi Mir thank u Comrade for free education
3 months ago
Sebastian oil is not really a renewable resource and it is extremely selfish if we continue to burn
the resource that will disappear after several decades, dooming our children. oil is also needed
for plastics, paints etc etc, other alternatives are more expensive. By burning oil today we rob
our grandchildren. In addition to leaving them with pollution and global warming.
David Horn
David Horn
3 months ago
@David Viner so are you still calling him a joke
Matt Peacock
Matt Peacock
2 months ago
Yeah, the smarter nazi scientists got snatched up by the OSS, the KGB got the dumber nazi
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
Not so much better quality, as better funded. The US had plenty of money and the industrial
capacity to pull it off.
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu How do you charge batteries? With electricity. How do you generate
electricity? Often using generators run on fossil fuels.
Electric cars probably are the future, but that isn't enough.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
2 months ago
@Baruch Ben-David Can't we use alternative energy to recharge those batteries?
Anirudh Palombella
Anirudh Palombella
2 months ago
� now they invented a new word for Chinese: “stolen technologies”
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
2 months ago
@Baruch Ben-David Can't we use green energy to recharge those batteries?
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
2 months ago
@Anirudh Palombella When most of the biggest companies in the world have factories in China
and use Chinese workers... and the products are, of course, bad! And that's the companies fault,
you know... profit!
2 months ago
@Marius Teodorescu hydrogen
marc coffey
marc coffey
1 month ago
@Marius Teodorescu actually the jet engine was invented by the British scientist sir Francis
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@marc coffey Yes, the turbojet engine was invented by Sir Francis Whittle, but when I said the
jet engine I was referring to the jet engine that used the Coanda effect, a Romanian discovery
that belongs to Henry Coanda.
1 month ago
Marius Teodorescu They were Soviet at the time. The Soviet Union was made up of many
nationalities. Everyone in America is even more so made up of people from everywhere, but
mostly Europe. There's even Russian Americans, I'm actually one myself. Say whatever you want,
but the "Americans" accomplished manned flight and went to the moon.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
I am referring to the fact that both the USA and the USSR took the German scientists that Hitler
used to work for them.
1 month ago
What happened to hydrogen engines fueling our cars?
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@ModeratelyTrumpet I really don't know, I didn't study this subject, I'm sorry! But that's a great
question! Hmmm...
Death Locker
Death Locker
1 month ago
vauhn invented the rocket to put us into space and he was german
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@Death Locker Oh, I didn't know that, thank you!
Taм0dе SwaG
Taм0dе SwaG
1 month ago
@David Viner
Then what's the answer, genius?
If you make a statement like that but don't offer a solution you might as well not have said
anything at all. You're simply trolling.
martin joseph
martin joseph
1 month ago
Russia made murica look like idiots
Alexander Gray
Alexander Gray
1 month ago
DD devere Hydrogen is not a power source, it is a storage medium. You have to expend energy to
create it.
1 month ago
@The End what are they teaching you in school these days?
1 month ago
@Nick Griffin I see, no valid response, so you resort to insults? Why am i not surprised?
Сербiи Волк
Сербiи Волк
1 month ago
Nikola Tesla
1 month ago
@Nick Griffin Are you admitting to being too stupid to know what a question is, or are you
obfuscating to distract from the fact that you tried to mislead with an insult? Inquiring minds
and all that.
1 month ago
@Сербiи Волк So the USA's Serbian scientists were better than the USSR's too?
1 month ago
@Nick Griffin Damn, you have blacks on the brain. Do you even sleep at night, worried that
they're coming to get you? Can you even communicate without a racial context? Black
supremacist. white supremacist, you're all the same. You can only communicate with people
who look the same. You're too stupid to deal with the think the same paradigm.
Kevin Jung
Kevin Jung
1 month ago
Rich Germans crossed the sea to US while poor but skilled engineers just walked over to USSR
Сербiи Волк
Сербiи Волк
1 month ago
@qya050 You did not understand the point.
1 month ago
@Сербiи Волк Which was?
Filip Rybárik
Filip Rybárik
1 month ago
David Viner
David Viner
1 month ago
@Marius Teodorescu Hydrogen fuel cells
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones
1 month ago
@Timothy Petitpas I think you'll find most inventions come from the UK. Jet Engines and the
Internet being just two of many.
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones
1 month ago
@Marius Teodorescu No, the Jet Engine was invented by an Englishman, Frank Whittle.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@warrcc c Actually this is not quite accurate. I mean, yes for the people to see it, but no for
another reason.a hidden one. You should read Ratlines and watch Hunting Hitler on the Hystory
Channel or Yotube. KGB was one of the institutions that helped a lot of nazis to flee to South
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@Russ Davis Those systems didn't represent the real comunism, not even the real socialism. And
there's logic and proof to that: for example, the letters that Marx sent to Engels where he told
him how they will falsifie socialism and comunism, by creating anorher filozophy, that was called
the dialectic materialism, a form of atheism.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@Timothy Petitpas Your goverment is evil, not dumb!
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@Baruch Ben-David That's interesting how the Americans financed a lot of things on the people
expenses, while their national debt is so huge and growing. If you gather all the money in the
world, it won't be enough to pay it back.
Marius Teodorescu
Marius Teodorescu
1 month ago
@Stephen Jones If the Weekipedia says that, it probably be right. But I was reffering to the
Coanda effect jet engine, created by the Romanian inventor, Henry Coanda. He worked in France
and the UK and the returned to Romania.
Louis Victor
Louis Victor
1 month ago
@olivia tg Elon musk is no genius, he is a marketeer. He does own shares in companies that do
employ some smart people though. Not him, of course, he just takes the credit as a good
Benjamin Wilson
Benjamin Wilson
1 month ago
cosmonauts have never traveled more than 400 miles from earth. American astronauts 290,000
miles many, many times.
Louis Victor
Louis Victor
1 month ago
@Benjamin Wilson Not many many times, but a dozen. Also, all you're saying is "look at my
numbers in retarded units", without understanding their meaning, so there is not even a point of
trying to have a discussion with you. Typical 'Murican.
Francisco Barros
Francisco Barros
4 weeks ago
he meant during this era they invented the first closed system ( engine) on their rocktes while
the USA scientists deemed impossible to do , they tought they wouldnt be able to create
something to sustain all the heat that a closed system can create , they created a new alloy and a
design to solve that a few decades before
Euphoria Nostalgia
Euphoria Nostalgia
3 weeks ago
The Internet is a purely American invention way before the WWW by Berners Lee, the Americans
invented with ARPANet during the early 1950s 1960s in cold war against soviets for defense
military purposes by thr government and USA was the 1st country to have internet and internet
connected nationwide, s9 it makes sensr for the country who invented to have internet 1st, UK
merely added the world wide web onto the already existing larger more important thing called
internet which without WWW would not exist
Francisco Barros
Francisco Barros
3 weeks ago
@Euphoria Nostalgia if they spent more in research instead of war we would have had internet
way sooner , not even a month ago trump goes on about dumping 790 billion more into the us
military then comes out talking hes investing 1.6 billion into nasa like its a big thing , all this to
please to the majoritys
2 weeks ago (edited)
@David Viner fuel cell replenished by hygrogen derived from solar power
Darth Maul
Darth Maul
2 weeks ago
Lmaoo both the USA AND USSR had GERMAN ROCKET SCIENTISTS sesrch it bud;)))
2 weeks ago
The joke is.
Because Russia didn't have a Hollywood
David Jones
David Jones
2 weeks ago
Did any one else find this debate/argument more entertaining than the video?
Lara Issy
Lara Issy
2 weeks ago
if that is your opinion, then you are foolish! RUSSIA are more advanced than of that US of you,
rather united sanction of america lol!!!
Lara Issy
Lara Issy
2 weeks ago
You are a foolish! RUSSIAN/USSR/Soviet Union technology, ideology, and might rich first the
moon!! And win space race in history!!! your united sanction of america is just a frustrated
competitors, lol
2 weeks ago
olivia tg isn’t that the point, though? America somehow keeps attracting all these “super
Tom Dick
Tom Dick
2 weeks ago
Obviously, They had the best techs and still have. That's why we need Russian rockets to get to
the ISS.
Sarah Haugh
Sarah Haugh
2 weeks ago
Marius, carbon dioxide is not pollution-- you've been brainwashed by the likes of Maurice Strong
who used the UN to foist "Global Warming" on humanity, the creep!
2 weeks ago
ussr got germans but usa got jews
Rene Reifen
Rene Reifen
1 week ago
Mark Read the african Language has its roots in the german language
Rene Reifen
Rene Reifen
1 week ago
DD devere Thats Why tesla batterypacks are Charged with Solar Panels mate
Rene Reifen
Rene Reifen
1 week ago
SteelRodent you should read the Book written about him and his companies before you say
someone has done nothing
2 days ago
@warrcc c strange statement, in the Soviet Union the death sentence was imposed only on
those Nazis who made the greatest contribution to the destruction of the USSR directly, to the
organizers of mass deaths and guards of concentration camps, the designers did not kill
warrcc c
warrcc c
2 days ago
@DimaFromRussia1 Soviets killed a lot more inocent people than Nazis, even their own people.
Besides, a lot of German Generals who made the greatest contribution to the destruction of red
army weren´t murderers, just brilliant Generals like Von Bock, Von Rundstedt, Guderian, Hoth,
Model, Von Manstein and Heinrici.
2 days ago
@warrcc c lol another sofa histirian
warrcc c
warrcc c
2 days ago
@DimaFromRussia1 must be talking about yourself
1 day ago
@warrcc c hehehe I know that the USSR was not a country of unicorns and elves like the United
States, but it was not the hell that was represented in Western propaganda.
1 day ago
Very insightful. I dont know how true this could be, but as we know, Russia wanted tech and all
the things germans have created, while USA always looked for a real treasure--people. So I feel
like this could be a real difference regarding how Russia's and USA's space programs developed.
1 day ago
@olivia tg Although, after watching his interview, I realized he doesn't like his country or at least
neighborhood. His college he doesnt have precious memories regarding asked for donation and
he agreed on a term that they never contact him again :D But hey, mister Musk is just like me--I
dont remember much good of the country I migrated from ;)
warrcc c
warrcc c
1 day ago
@DimaFromRussia1 well, Russian propaganda is even worse. By the way, you can talk shit of USA
thanks to this invention USA made... you know, internet.
1 day ago
@warrcc c this is a very stupid controversy on your part
I condemned the USA somewhere for their scientific achievements?
I somewhere said that the United States is worse?
I remembered, I didn’t start this topic, you started the topic about the bloody USSR eating
children. You're just a banal dumb internet warrior whose weapon is a mouse and keyboard
diluted with superficial knowledge from the headers of the yellow press.
barry fowles
barry fowles
39 minutes ago
Everyone knows America's German rocket scientist was better than Russia's German scientists.
a guy on an adventure
a guy on an adventure
4 months ago
This just shows the masterpiece Saturn V really was...
Dewy Bradford
Dewy Bradford
1 month ago
Which are history lost thanks to the cash give away to the MIC known as the Space Shuttle.
Joe Vignolo
Joe Vignolo
1 week ago (edited)
@Dewy Bradford Unfortunately you are right. The space shuttle was actually pork that
congressman sent home to their districts in exchange for votes. It was just a big political
boondoggle. The space program would have been better off and further ahead if we had
continued to use expendable rockets like the Saturn V until newer commercial rockets like the
Falcon Heavy came along.
devin carson
devin carson
19 hours ago
@Joe Vignolo yeah right, so they could just hang out up there jammed in a tiny capsule getting
nothing done and then landing in the ocean instead of a on runway like an aeroplaneous flying
machine. I''ll get on the phone to NASA right away and tell them you said you could set them
straight about rockets and whatnot.
Joe Vignolo
Joe Vignolo
16 hours ago
@devin carson Considering that NASA has already set themselves straight and is currently
developing the SLS rocket, which is expendable and carries a capsule similar to the Saturn V, I
don't think you need to call them. The shuttle was expensive, inefficient and dangerous to fly,
primarily because it had no launch escape system and because of the venerability of the thermal
protection system. It was supposed to fly about once every two weeks and often it only flew
once every three to six months. They also had two very long delays after the two accidents. The
shuttle orbiter itself was often much heavier than its payload and it couldn't go above low earth
orbit. These are just a few of the reasons it was retired back in 2011. Get your facts straight and
don't be such a smart-ass.
Scott McIntosh
Scott McIntosh
1 month ago
This is fascinating. I've always wanted to know more about the N-1. This is the first time I've seen
actual N-1 footage ��
Michael Red Sox
Michael Red Sox
1 month ago
"one man version of NASA" a well deserved compliment.
Avdhoot Mohite
Avdhoot Mohite
1 month ago
Michael Red Sox it's not deserving of praise you fool. One man missions almost never succeed.
Team work is important
Michael Red Sox
Michael Red Sox
1 month ago (edited)
@Avdhoot Mohite You idiot didn't even understand what I said.
2 years ago
The rockets we bought from the Russians were the biggest bargain since the Alaska purchase.
Superb engineering.
Get Trumped
Get Trumped
2 years ago
fail. we didn't buy rockets from there. where do u idiots get this shit from lmfao
2 years ago
Google is your
Get Trumped
Get Trumped
2 years ago
+TheCabledawg1 fail again lmfao. no its not. google this ill prove it, " what does T equal in G = 8
times pi times T". the most famous equation ever. u get random shit like "did you mean Y = 8
times pi times T" or weird web pages that dont have clear cut answer to this... google is a fail.
but a n00b wouldn't know that
2 years ago
Did you mean to say that you like donuts?
Top Notch
Top Notch
2 years ago
+Paul Tracey Shhhhh!! Go drive your F1 into the concrete median!
Get Trumped
Get Trumped
2 years ago
+Top Notch USA NEVER bought no rockets feom russians u refuck
Ben Jefferson
Ben Jefferson
2 years ago
+Paul Tracey the Antares series of rockets utilises engines from Russia. Modified slightly but they
are Russian.
xxmobstrxx 853
xxmobstrxx 853
2 years ago
+Paul Tracey lmao the US relies on Russian rockets to get its satellites in to space and it relies on
Russian space capsules to get on to the ISS. Stop denying facts.
Daniel Vidal
Daniel Vidal
2 years ago
Russia didn't want Alaska, so they asked Canada and they didn't want it, so the US stepped in
and claimed it. So.. there really was no hassle.
Ben Jefferson
Ben Jefferson
2 years ago
+Lachlan Bird hey fella, that sounds like a great job and career. Thanks for sharing this and the bit
of knowledge below about the motors. I'm not in a derisive mode about any space agencies
using tech from elsewhere at all. Not that you could call those 1970's motors tech. Quite the
contrary. I find it interesting that business is business and if you can buy a few things on the
cheap then that's what happens. The fact that a couple blew up as a result is a problem though.
Do they really know why that happened? I'm not sure they do.
Ben Jefferson
Ben Jefferson
2 years ago
+TheusZeusDeus ha ha, well I wouldn't know about that but I get your point. I'm fairly sure firing
rockets about the place is dangerous whether or not you have moles in your garden. They blow
up when something goes wrong, simple as that. And it's expensive so cost cutting happens.
Ари Фёдорович
Ари Фёдорович
2 years ago
+Lachlan Bird .....why are you screaming?
Ари Фёдорович
Ари Фёдорович
2 years ago
+TheusZeusDeus....ok, sorry.
Ben Jefferson
Ben Jefferson
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing your insights the bird! I can't respond directly as the youtube has decided so.
Thanks anyway bud and happy retirement. :-)
Jeoshua Collins
Jeoshua Collins
2 years ago
With the amount of great deals that the Russians have given us, I think we have to consider
them our allies, and must always have been so. We are at war with Southwest Asia. We have
always been at war with Southwest Asia.
Jeoshua Collins
Jeoshua Collins
2 years ago
@Lachlan Bird Christ, have you never read 1984? You are seriously warped, dude, and you didn't
even get my joke.
Jeoshua Collins
Jeoshua Collins
2 years ago (edited)
*block* Not interested.
Nikos Guf
Nikos Guf
1 year ago
Get Trumped no they bought rockets from russia beacause us had always problem with their
chocombo gaming
chocombo gaming
1 year ago
Get Trumped stupid kid even SpaceX bought rockets from Russia idiot shit head
1 year ago
Sanji Kun nope they didn't
1 year ago
TANKER GOLD bad joke
1 year ago
Get Trumped keep living in your dilusional capitalist world, yallnwouldnt have any of your f series
fighter jets if it weren't for the soviets mig31
Jovin Gallentine
Jovin Gallentine
10 months ago
Siward Beorn lol agree i think e=mc2 Trump's that
1 month ago
i believe the cosmonaut on independance day "Russian,American,all made in Taiwan!
Proud Titanic Denier
Proud Titanic Denier
1 month ago
@Get Trumped Nasa uses Korelev rockets.
zack grumet
zack grumet
1 month ago
It is an amazing story how the Soviets did "More with Less".Thank goodness the whole cold war
is over, but we can learn so much from that failed empire. The Soviets produced some of the
most brilliant scientists and engineers in history. Just something worth keeping in mind.
1 month ago (edited)
That they did. But there are brilliant minds around the world regardless of race, culture, religion,
and what not. To a degree it's kinda just hit or miss on who figures something out first. Having a
strong economy or power is a huge factor for it though. But the US and the Soviets captured a
lot of German tech and gained a lot of German knowledge and scientists at the end of the war.
Propelling them up by a few leaps and bounds which kicked off the space race. Of which the US
economy could afford and support while the Soviets stagnated and couldn't, even though they
have so much more resources, land, and people. The war pushed the Soviets into a nationalistic
overdrive for survival and gave it a focal point regardless of cost to life or resources. In all
honesty just like many of the turning points in the war it was down to a few bad calls and luck
that the Soviets didn't lose in the early stages. Once the war was over the US became the focus
but without the drive. So the giant that the war had created slowly fell apart again. Which was
accelerated by economic strain from military spending, the space race, and a few others.
For all it's critical faults and failings. Capitalism is at least far more sustainable and profitable in
general than Socialism with enough checks and balances to regulate and sustain itself with the
proper guidelines. The problem that's facing the US now is that lobbying and politics have
distorted and made those guidelines convoluted and improper that its showing cracks. Now with
a shift in societal culture for things such as identity politics, hyper politics, and feeling like we
have it bad even though we have it great compared to most of the world, it's starting to cripple
and harm things more.

.....The wall of text has started to appear. Don't slip down the hole. Time to stop lol.
Necro Orcen
Necro Orcen
4 weeks ago
The fear of death or professional disgrace can push men to create great things
Roman Fields
Roman Fields
2 weeks ago
Thank Germany for that.
Nick Nack
Nick Nack
5 days ago
They did more with less....but they couldn't produce a decent supply of fridges and toasters for
the civilian market.
zack grumet
zack grumet
5 days ago
@Nick Nack You are correct. Food rot in the fields and millions starved. Just grateful have been
Blessed to be born in USA.
Rob Andrews
Rob Andrews
1 month ago
OK. Here is another joke.
Why didn't the Soviet Union ever put a man on the moon?

Because they were afraid the people might not want to come back.
Marko Le Rosso
Marko Le Rosso
1 month ago
это было бы смешно, если бы не было так грустно
david Bordelon
david Bordelon
1 week ago (edited)
Rob Andrews. That was good.
"An American explains to a Russian that the United States is a truly free country because he can
stand in front of the White House and shout “To hell with Ronald Reagan!” The Russian says that
this is nonsense because he can easily stand in Red Square and shout “To hell with Ronald
6 days ago
Yes America is truly free except from their prisoners and USA imprisons more people per capita
than any other country on earth. @david Bordelon
david Bordelon
david Bordelon
5 days ago
3Vimages Um...prisoners are in prison for committing crimes. When you murder, rape, steal, and
embezzle funds, you lost your freedom. Thats how that works.
Al Mandi
Al Mandi
2 hours ago
david Bordelon r u sure? It’s not about being black??
Imgonnagogetthepapers getthepapers
Imgonnagogetthepapers getthepapers
1 month ago
3:36 James Gandolfini
2 months ago
Wow! Tremendously informative. Scary, but informative.
1 week ago
I really enjoy your videos, but here you took some sentences verbatim from other videos and
documentaries about the N1 and NK-33 engines, which I think it is unfortunate because you
always have add so much value in your videos.
Also, the images of the recent proton rocket going like crazy look a bit out of context.
E erisen
E erisen
2 days ago
They not put on, they Put in.
Kite Kiter
Kite Kiter
2 days ago
Because no one else did.
Robin Newbrough
Robin Newbrough
1 week ago
Loved the music for this one
Grant Macpherson
Grant Macpherson
2 years ago
it's amazing what humans can accomplish with dedication, funding, support and smart
individuals. Both Russia and the US are equally deserving of respect
1 year ago
Muslims are actually really nice. But uhh some just want to blow people up.
1 year ago
Woah, a reasonable comment
gil riv
gil riv
1 year ago
yea i didnt see a comment like this coming
Grant Macpherson thanks for being one of the only reasonable people to comment here
trans am
trans am
1 year ago
Why did nasa not go back to the moon.They just wasted decades orbiting the earth makes no
1 year ago
trans am - Why go back? And who would pay for it? There is no economic or scientific payoff
great enough to make it even close to cost effective. I'd love to see us go back, but the American
taxpayer doesn't want to foot the bill. You may be too young to remember, but general interest
in manned Moon missions declined so quickly after Apollo 11 that the last three Apollo missions
were cancelled. Sad, I know there are millions of us who would have gladly suffered higher taxes
to see a continued manned presence on the Moon.
Tom F
Tom F
1 year ago
Ameerah, yup, we owe them astronomy, mathematic and medecine far beyond what european
dark age could invent in the 15th century. But as always, no matter the religion,
extremism/integrism was always there. What was the point of the crusades, really ?
Joao Coelho
Joao Coelho
1 year ago
So... why the fuck go in the first place then?
1 year ago
Grant Macpherson smart individual would understand it is not possible to get out into vacuum in
some glass and light material costume and not to get squished like cockroach
This is fact open your eyes �
Shane OG
Shane OG
1 year ago
sukhumskie explain the ISS then
1 year ago (edited)
sukhumskie - Squished? In a vacuum? I think a "smart individual" would understand it is not
possible to get "squished" by a vacuum.
1 year ago
Ameerah,, there is nothing "unholy" about eating "swine" /pigs or being a sodomite.. People
are just brainwashed/programmed by religion or culture to think certain things like these are
somehow wrong..
This planet will always be in turmoil until people start using their intelligence.. Use logic.. etc.
What I mainly see is Muslims and Christians throwing stones back and forth.. But in reality
what you all believe is just made up BS.. People only see what they want to see and never want
to admit they are wrong or wasted their lives believing in BS, or viewing what their parents
believed in or taught them is utter crap..
The middle east was very progressive before, cant say that about recent times,, but were
advanced builders, healers, astronomers and so on,, the east/asia contributed things , and the
west has contributed as well..
Many people seem to be so against a one global community,, but if we want to progress and
even survive,, we must come together as humans. Not remain separated by countries / politics,
and religion..
Ive been around the middle east and there is not much religious tolerance.. That needs to
change.. It shouldn't and it really doesn't matter what your neighbor thinks or believes in. People
should worry about themselves only..
My people have problems with America,, the world police,, trying to assert dominance across
the globe,, which I think needs to change as well..
Your comment,, just demonstrates the ,, We are better than you,, attitude. Which is a
common theme around the world, its human nature.. Which human nature is the reason for all
the world's ills..
Objectively, I see it as a human nature problem and I don't see human nature ever changing..
So human civilization will continue to circle the toilet and eventually disappear down the drain..
Will the universe notice or even care,, No..
1 year ago
+Ameerah Mohmood Ye and while we filthy "swine eaters" sit here and have an argument, a
part of your kind is blowing up shit, this very moment. Maybe try pig for once, that might heal
the sickness a few of your kin is suffering from. Shouldn't you be spending every free time you
have with god? What the fuck are you doing here then?
1 year ago
Chris,, agree ,, man is working towards extinction very quickly..
1 year ago
I would certainly tend to agree with you on that one. The real Big Bang can't be that far away
1 year ago
The advances in Science were made DESPITE of religion. Computing, aircraft,technology and
moon missions have as little connection with Christianity as medicine and Algerbra had to do
with Islam. And the Crusades would not have happened if Islam had stayed in Arabia and
Constantine had not made Christianity an arm of the state.
The problem is religion. All religions.
1 year ago (edited)
+ Ameerah Mohmood
"learn how to wipe your arse"
The Quran tell you how to wipe your arse :-)
Actually, Muslims are in general nice people, it's just the religion that sucks.
I can't respect a religion that give you order to kill me if I don't surrender to your fictions. That
also apply to Christianity even if they have learned to ignore what the bible say.
Science stopped, was banned almost 1000 years ago since knowledge was in conflict with the
Quran, one example is the knowledge that the Sun can't set in muddy spring as Muhammed
Since Muhammad can't be wrong (death penalty for claiming that) , science must be wrong and
was banned.
But the progress before it ended was amazing.
1 year ago
Trans am,.....Two US pilot-astronauts flying a Lunar Module on each of six NASA missions across a
41-month period starting in July 1969 with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11, (the
first) followed by 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 after which the Apollo programme was cancelled. So the
number of mission to the moon in the Apollo programme was 9 missions, six of which made a
landing, meaning that 12 astronauts in total have walked on the moon's surface to date.
1 year ago
Now lets hope they get there respected heads out of there asses, and quit doctoring and
covering up stuff.
1 year ago
BarelyStupid - Like what?
1 year ago
because there's not much to do there lol
Chris Lantos
Chris Lantos
1 year ago
Except that... NASA tells us that both lunar module and space suits were powered by batteries.
Without chargers. Keeping both cool despite temperatures of 225°F. In 1969.
Niklas Theelder
Niklas Theelder
1 year ago
Not at all... They did what they did via the power of fear, pressure, and the desire to prove once
and for all who's dick was biggest. There was no other point, and remains no other point.
Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder
1 year ago
Why are you people so obsessed with Muslims? Bringing up Islam when talking about unrelated
things like space travel? Secret fetish going on?
1 year ago
They both lied. No "space program" is worthy of respect, it's a scam through and through.
1 year ago (edited)
It has changed how everyone thinks of religion. All religions. It is the best example of why people
need to think about what sort of world we are taking with us.
During Apollo the downside was, at worst, that the American flag would be everywhere,
something easily debated against, by hundreds of other nations.
However some religions just don't do debate. We didn't have to include this problem in the
planning stages back then. Today, unfortunately , we do.
1 year ago (edited)
OMG, if only you knew how many technologies and health cure that we lost by what you said.
For each technology we have now, at least 10 others have been hidden, destroyed or forgotten.
We spend 60% of the raw ressources of the Earth, just for the competition between us.
Each american waste 8 planets by year to hold his lifestyle. (Green grass, washed cars, each
swimming pools, ...)
Shame on you.

Today, we have more feet/square of DUMP YARD in 30 years, that we have feet/square of
graveyard in 2,000 years !!!!
1 year ago (edited)
MrNolimitech- "Each american waste 8 planets by year"... What?!
1 year ago
If they are hidden, destroyed or forgotten how come you know of them? But I agree the amount
of waste is terrible.
But everywhere is like that. Look at Cairo, the whole place is a dump They don't even care about
the pyramids.Just build round them.
Russians let Nuclear Subs rust away. And the French build mountains of butter. Brazilians destroy
China makes mostly throw away consumer crap, for everybody. How can you blame just the
We are all to blame, including you.
1 year ago
Each Canadian waste 5.1 planets by year. Each American is 7.9 planets by year. Check the survey
from August .
1 year ago
MrNolimitech - What quantity is represented by a "planet"? What survey are you referring to?
1 year ago (edited)
Including me? Ok, so your excuse is that you keep doing it because the others do it? Is it better?
I live in the same sick society as yours. Do I have a choice?
Me at least, I know it's not correct and I do not sell my success to others, on the pretext that I
am better.
The question is not who does it, but WHEN are we going to stop?

Tomorrow he would have a war and the only thing the world would want would be to start over
and take back what they lost, without even thinking two seconds that it was their own desires
that led them to their losses.

But who am I to tell you this? Should we wait for the President, for God, or for the Pope to tell
Would you have to wait for him to impose a regulation on our Drinking Water?
Do you think to the future generation, sometimes? Why do you lives?
1 year ago (edited)
The biggest waste is the waste of minds by religion. But I am sure you believe otherwise.I do
think of future generations. I don't have any kids. Lol. They might turn out like you.
1 year ago
Each American, uh no, I actually have a very low carbon footprint thank you very much, I either
carpool or Uber any were I need to go, so like once a week I'll go to town, I work from home, and
have a very large garden that supplies a good half of my fruits and vegetable intake, I have a cow
butchered every year for meat, and half my power comes from solar panels, so speak for
yourselves, you all could be cutting back to save the planet.
Richard Provost
Richard Provost
1 year ago
Grant Macpherson , get out of here......
Nicolaj Nielsen
Nicolaj Nielsen
1 year ago
You're very ignorant on the subject of the moonlanding so perhaps not talk about it with such
"respect" as you call it.

But yeah sure. A country wich slaughtered the indiginous people (And still are) and a country
wich is scamming its citizens of their "hard earned currency" is defintly deserving respect simply
because they "landed on the moon" wich is physically impossible unless you're not (like me and
all other humans) made of a majority of water.

The surface temperature of the moon is above the boiling point of water. Do i need say more?
You arrogant cunt
1 year ago
Nicolaj Nielsen - "A country wich slaughtered the indiginous people"...Hmm, like what happened
to the Sami? Hypocrite much?
1 year ago
+nolimit. I have to tell you I agree with you completely. When are we going to stop wasting
Never. I am sad that this is almost certainly true.
I must sound like a stuck record when I keep repeating that the only problem is there are too
many people. And all want stuff.
Every person from Africa to Sweden, ie everywhere, seems to want a car, a telly, a house,
everything that people everywhere desire.
The real problem is the number of humans. Less humans, less damage to the planet.That means
less Americans as well as less Chinese, Europeans, Africans, whatever.
But everywhere culture or religion demands you get married and breed. THAT is the problem.
Phrases like go forth and multiply.Or send me your unwanted multitudes...what a stupid idea.
Send your problem here instead of sorting it out.
I don't know the solution, without being a totalitarian bastard. I wish someone else has the guts
to be that person, because he/she is what we need.
We are all between a rock and a hard place right now..But the next generation are fucked. That
includes the next generation of every living thing, jellyfish to elephants, not just humans.
1 year ago
1 year ago
That's good. We need more cannibals. We taste similar, apparently. Bon Appetit.
1 year ago
Grant Macpherson... it's amazing what they can accomplish with a movie studio and retarded
gullible people � �� �� � �
1 year ago
BUZZTROLL Inc. - Yeah, that Bart Sibrel guy really convinced a ton of mentally challenged sheep.
Luke Harvey
Luke Harvey
1 year ago (edited)
HicaptainWorld The ones that are coming to Europe are not nice.
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago
@Grant Macpherson
"it's amazing what humans can accomplish with dedication, funding, support and smart
individuals. Both Russia and the US are equally deserving of respect".
Don't be so amazed, and don't give respect for ANYONE deceiving its people! Use your head.
Colin Thorneycroft
Colin Thorneycroft
1 year ago
Nicolaj Nielsen
what do you think those suits were for? made of materials that could withstand the heat of the
moon? you say "do i need to say more" as if what you said made some sort of sense, or was a
valid point.
1 year ago
Someone pay you to say that nonsense?
Eve Evelin
Eve Evelin
1 year ago
Grant Macpherson not Russia, we was USSR, I respect our brothers .
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago (edited)
When new to film shooting ~30 years ago, we left film in the car that would get about 140+F and
ruin some frames. not much more and the roll would be ruined. Another question for you...
The earth is supposed to be 24,901 miles round. We see on some night a beautiful large moon
rise after sunset. Even after it rises, we can see a nice size of the moon. The moon is 6784miles
round. How in the space can the earth size be so small when on the moon when you using
normal 70mm lenses? The earth being SO MANY times larger, should have been taking up a
good chunk of the frame *VS the small dot we see. This is something you can do mathematically
with the distance and sizes, and repeat the proportions to a Hasselblad frame, or the video. So
that is also something people don't consider.
1 year ago (edited)
Phil Indeblanc - The diameter of the Earth is 7,917 miles and is 238,900 miles from the Moon.
Basic trigonometry shows that from the Moon, the Earth would only be 1.899 degrees wide. So,
not such a "good chunk" of the frame. Conversely, the Moon, from the horizon to it's zenith,
always appears to be approx. 1/2 degree.
1 year ago (edited)
Phil Indeblanc - As far as the temperature of the film goes: remember, the cameras were in a
vacuum, convection doesn't work in a vacuum. Heat can only be transferred by conduction and
radiation and much of this can be mitigated by simply coating an object with a light colored
insulator. For example, fill a vacuum thermos with room temperature water, paint the thermos
white and sit it a car in direct sunlight for a few hours. Do you think the water will be 140
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago
Are you just going to spew numbers or are you going to put some of them in a comparison and
say, "Yes they had it right! I looks like a MF frame with a 70mm lens would get you the size of X
off the horizon of a 6785 circumference moon of a 24,901 circumference earth". Or say "Thats
weird, it doesn't make sense how they got X size of earth on the frame when we compare it to
what we see of the moon".
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago (edited)
Again, Are you just going to point out that things are not the same on earth vs a vacuum, or are
you going to consider a METAL body that contacts the film plane as well as the metal reels that
the film rolls on that is connected to the body, and see what that would do at 240+F as a
CONDUCTING RADIATOR(I'm not sure how convection would have anything to do with it).
Have you watched the documentary with the actual person of Hasselbad that made the camera
and its workings?
1 year ago
Um, I didn't "just spew numbers", I gave you facts which refuted your (admittedly vague)
assertions made without facts. Do you still maintain that an arc angle of 1.899 would "have been
taking up a good chunk of the frame"?
1 year ago
Again, have you considered the analogy of the thermos? Efficient conduction depends on the
area of the conductor and how efficiently that conductor is heated. A paint scheme with a
sufficiently high albedo (silver or white) would very effectively limit the heat absorbed by the
case and, by extension, the components inside. Convection would make a huge difference.
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago
You can get your panties in a bunch all you want. If you didn't spend some solid time looking into
alternate information, you just validated the existant programing.
You have NASA themselves admit (after trying to pass it off as real) that 6 of the 8 images of
earth are composites.Regadless of the claims of thousands of images, there are 8 of the entirety
of the earth in one frame.
_That should be a bit shocking, to say the least. If we got a snapshot 50 years ago, you'd think we
have a live stream video of earth from the moon., Anyway...
_Then you compare the imags, and a bit more wonder should cross your mind why they were so
sloppy about it.
___Then you have NASA admit and claim that they cannot go to the moon as they destroyed
that technology. And it would be too hard to rebuild it (Don Petit, look it up!).
_Then you have 3 others or more say that there is no way to pass the Van Allen Belts that are
deadly. So at this point, if you are not in WTF mode, and you think that there is NOTHING wrong
and none of this can mean anything ..then YES, you are at a cognitive dissonance stage.
_Then you have a number of physicists and even a number of rocket scientists say that the moon
landing was not real, as NASA has been confirming!
_Then you look over the images and then understand some of the physics that make video and
images look HIGHLY suspect.
_Then if you know photography from film and the 70mm Hassy body and lens, and have some
physics understanding explained to you..
_Then you maybe in the camp of not only believing, but KNOWING that the moon landings were
a hoax. If you watch the doc umentary "A Funny thing happened on the way to the moon by Bart
Sibrel, and the other doc by David Percy, and the lecture by Marcus Allen. There is footage that
was not released years later, and this footage has the LEM with the camera across the window
where Armstrong blatantly lies to the audio, and you see a mask over the window of them faking
or altering what the window image is to be of the earth.
_Then even if you DONT know the Hasselblad camera or any physics, you would be scratching
your head, and wondering why he lied. So now you have ZERO images of earth.
Are you with me so far? And if at this point you still deny that this can be faked...NOW you are in
delusional mode. Congratulations!

So, after that you have all the really ODD and very questionable ISS space footage with some
CLEAR evidence of either a harness used, or some image manipulation, UNTIL you see one of the
footages of their editing station. This you see a astronaut in front of a chromakey

OK, then you watch the Apollo 11 astronauts give a public talk after they came back. And you
don't need to be a psychologist or something to see in all 3 of these guys the guilt, and the
confusion and the deceit. Now if you cannot see this in their voice, face and expressions, when
the journalist asks them about the moon floor, and stars, then you are not in and dissonance,
but at this point you are beyond delusional, and trying to protect something at all cost, no
matter the truth.
REGARDLESS of how much counter evidence you can have in trying to explain it away with "all
the people involved", "Russia would say something", or "That cant happen on the moon", or "All
the companies who made all the parts".
What about them? So what! You cannot change the above information given already.

So, if you can say the earth is NOT a globe, then you can have people come up with alternate
shapes rather easily.
You can also choose to deny these above, which I only listed a small, maybe ~25% of the points
made that support the moon missions being a hoax.
Even if you don't want to think of the shape of earth, you have to rationally deny that the shape
is a globe. Oh, and you would need to deny that it spins, as proven by physics numerous times.
The one thing that supports the shape of the earth being more linear OR much larger than
24,901 miles around, would be the fact that boats do NOT get covered bottom up by the horizon
due to curve. Other than that, I don't know what the shape is, I couldn't tell you a think about
the patterns in the sky and the BS that they are billions of miles away. I am not religious and I
don't have a understand of the shape of the earth, so I don't know it.
But having attained the above with over 2 years of looking into this at the start of my retirement,
and still experimenting and reading and watching the TRUTHER flat earth people, not the
believers....its not too far fetched at all to think it can be to at least some extent flat. But its not a
sphere spinning at 1000mph, and orbiting exponentially faster speeds.
1 year ago
Wow, all I did was point out the fallacy of your assertions. You sound just a bit defensive. I notice
you didn't address any of my refutations. Ad hominem attacks and redirection are a pretty good
sign you don't have a rebuttal and don't want to admit it. Either way, after having read your last
post, it's apparent you have no idea what the Earth IS but are adamant about what it ISN'T. I
can't argue against a lack of data. Get back to me when you think you know what the world IS.
Phil Indeblanc
Phil Indeblanc
1 year ago
I didn't mean to be defensive or offensive. Just that we are discussing a tiny detail when the big
picture is screaming at ...well, at who ever is really looking with a possibility that we are well the big picture is screaming at those that the errors are HUGE. Then you think
how in your face lie 911 was. And not that I know much about JFK, but there are many highly
respectable people, AND now with newly released files that it was a setup. So, this to a rational
mind says how easily people can be fooled over time. Then you look at the education system. If
we KNEW it was a globe all this time, we would not be teaching it to kindergarten and
throughout for indoctrinating, it would just be so and when science needs to address things OUT
of the earth it would. BUT that is NOT how it works, from day 1 they learn about the planets with
each class having a globe. They study the planets as if they will use that info in 1st grade.

I honestly cant expect many people to see what is unlocked in my mind. I have been digging and
digging about 911 and the moon, and when they came together, the fakery, and blatant in your
face lie became more obvious to me and I started listening to the evidence, and watching the
images and video closely. There are some pieces that you cannot shake off and say that it could
be X or Y. One of the parts on the moon, of Apollo17 I think, he has the other stronaut push him
in the head so he can get up as his wire is caught. Then they deleted the golf swing footage, as
you can see the ball clearly arc to the side....MANY bits and pieces. But seeing the video of inside
the LEM and the window is the smoking gun for anyone to realize.

Anyway. I think I bump into more people that have not looked into it as the opposite
perspective, and then I realize they have not even bothered watching any they are not
even aware of the complexity. SO it get frustrating. My apologies.
Bob Jones
Bob Jones
5 days ago
HicaptainWorld, isn’t that the same for most religions and humans?
Den A
Den A
4 days ago
Thank you from Russia.
Den A
Den A
4 days ago
However, the government in Russia now - damn fuckin shit. They rob their country all the time.
2 days ago
I agree, but I think that confrontation in space is the only option for its rapid development,
because if there is no competition in this area, any serious achievement in space exploration can
be expected for a very long time
4 months ago
Your videos are excellent - well written with great archive footage
Nightmare Fredbear_SovieunionRussia1
Nightmare Fredbear_SovieunionRussia1
4 months ago
Ozzy Kulinski
Ozzy Kulinski
1 month ago
I wish Russia did not gave up on the Moon. It would keep the space race running for more than 2
decades. We would land on Mars in 1981 and have a permanent space station around the moon
as well.
Dana William
Dana William
1 month ago
There would probably be about two hundred million fewer people on the planet as the Soviets
really put the screws on!
Eudald Guell
Eudald Guell
2 weeks ago (edited)
Yes, in June 1968 in a zond vehicle
Bill Green
Bill Green
7 months ago
It's good to hear that Michael Caine is staying busy doing voice-over work.
Mr. 13
Mr. 13
3 months ago
My cocaine?
Miguel Lee
Miguel Lee
2 months ago

Bruce C
Bruce C
2 months ago
Sounds nothing like Michael Caine .
2 months ago
@Bruce C Some bits do. I must admit I scrolled down to the comments to check for others that
thought the same.
Mathy Don
Mathy Don
1 month ago
the size of a tangerine...
Lindsay Wheatcroft
Lindsay Wheatcroft
1 month ago
9:44 You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
Martti Suomivuori
Martti Suomivuori
2 weeks ago
Microsoft Voices.
angelo harrison
angelo harrison
2 weeks ago
Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw
5 months ago
Short answer: their N1 rocket was a no-go.
blowback boucher
blowback boucher
5 months ago
People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.
felix mendez
felix mendez
5 months ago (edited)
Speak for yourself. Trained engineers and technicians can't live by that motto or they would be
provoking disasters every day. They have to be constantly putting their own assumptions to the
test of reality. An engineer inspecting a bridge can't say to the Director of Public Works, "boss, I
believed this bridge was strong enough to be kept working and despite the fact that I see it now
losing all its concrete and its steel I still have the conviction it will last for many years". That
won't be a very good engineer. .
InSlay IonStorm
InSlay IonStorm
1 week ago
Not "MishKin", but Mishin (Мишин)!
dylan unwin
dylan unwin
1 week ago
isnt it pronounced kore-a-lev?
Peter Hladky
Peter Hladky
2 years ago
Another great video, thanks for publishing
2 years ago
Xyz Abc
Xyz Abc
2 years ago
+TONYPARAMOTOR Excuse me. but I feel it is BS
1 week ago
They were not prepared
Bad call on choosing the engine, lack of infrastructure, lack of scientists, lack of everything
1 week ago
Bad call of the engine... ooo booy oo boyy, how misinformed. Who was making all the engines of
Atlass five after that? The Russians, because the American one was just one big firecracker, you
light it, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
@zeOne Well, not exactly.
John Gross
John Gross
1 month ago
I’m always amazed at your wonderful presentation thank you
mikeyb byekim
mikeyb byekim
6 hours ago
0:20 in left rocket what is that, smoke or water vapor
2 months ago (edited)
Imagine drinking vodka on the moon very kul
2 years ago
At the end of this very expensive competition the USA depends in Russian rocket engines.
Cooperation is better than conflict anyway.
2 years ago
Yes and that soon will be changed.
Johnny bizaro
Johnny bizaro
2 years ago (edited)
@Mad Rhino
i have books writing garbage about the Soviet Era and now Russia era space history and I was not
happy when I found out the book I have is just propaganda rubbish. I thought it was real. I didn't
think it would have so many lies.
2 years ago
Jfc you can stop being a triggered little 'Merican that proudly says hes beat Russia, if you look
closely this is a video is about Cold-war NASA and Russia, not about your 2k16 private space
programs, you even insult the commenter being a Comunist. 1 for good reason communism
does not exist anymore, and 2 all advanced rocket engines today have came from Chinese
Fireworks and not from you Americans thinking you've invented everything in the world.
Please, if you've came to the internet to discuss then make sure you atleast have an argument
2 years ago
@Mad Rhino Meant that Chinese invented rockets and Germany, USA and Russia only improved
the rockets by using engines, none of the 3 are the real MVPs of rocket science
Johnny bizaro
Johnny bizaro
2 years ago
@Mad Rhino
US private companies based on tech that is being handed over by the Government. The only
contract is with the government. You are a fool. The US is a third world country. Just look at all
the homeless.
olivia-J Trans
olivia-J Trans
2 years ago
exorientelux, thank you ! the US badmouths Russia to cover up their impotence. Nobody ever
landed on the moon .
Patrick Ilmoni
Patrick Ilmoni
2 years ago
Johnny bizaro

Which book is that ? I have seen some books from the Soviet era, which are printed in the USSR
and altough they are often full of propaganda, they do provide a damn good look at what the
leadership in the Kremlin wanted the world to believe in.

I prefer reading publications of that time, and ofcourse while I believe there may have been US &
Western publications that have portrayed the Soviet space programme
in general in a rather dim light,
it is worth remembering that it was The Soviets who began by publicly making fun of early US
space-programme and its setbacks.
And I would also like to point out that Yuri Gagarins "Survival in space" was freely read by many
people in the West for reasons that had nothing to do with politics.

Scientists and especially all those who ventured out to space do respect the achievements and
sacrifices made by both sides.
However, for historical reasons I would like to take a closer look at this book you mentioned,
could you please
tell me the title of those book/s ?
2 years ago
The USA does not need eussian rockets , it's a matter of convience , why not use cheap russian
rockets ?
2 years ago
Patrick , if thd soviet space program was superior to the USA , why then haven't the russians
been able to land a man on the moon ?
simply bullshit
Nemanja P
Nemanja P
2 years ago
@ctguy591 dude , don't embarrass yourself, you are asking obvious and stupid questions
Cesar Galvez
Cesar Galvez
2 years ago
josef-olivia Transit L
Shweaty Palms
Shweaty Palms
2 years ago
Mad Rhino how small is your penis
2 years ago
Mad Rhino They use Russian rockets to reach the ISS because the US rockets exploded when
they tried to use them last lol
Shweaty Palms
Shweaty Palms
2 years ago
Mad Rhino he didn't say anything about that
Shweaty Palms
Shweaty Palms
2 years ago
Mad Rhino look around man your the only one going mental here its making you look like a joke
Shweaty Palms
Shweaty Palms
2 years ago
I agree with you
Kiyoshi Kirishima
Kiyoshi Kirishima
2 years ago
But competition breeds innovation and speeds progress.
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Mad Rhino Nothing I know everything I need to know mandem... What I was saying is you are
boasting about knowing facts and never mentioned one apart from SpaceX taking "stuff" up to
the international space station
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Mad Rhino lmao it's called cockyness! and I already told you I know everything about this shit.
well what's written in the books and on the Internet and on YouTube. I don't think you could
impress me with much bud lol
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Mad Rhino got a question for you... how can you read them?
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Mad Rhino meant to say them
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Mad Rhino Молодец! Хахаха Если по Русский общаешься, что ты тогда на Россию гадиж? Из
Украины приехал что-ли Хахаха И если ты знаешь Русский, читать и писать умеешь, не
значит что ты сам не дебил... На себя в зеркало глянь, толко смотри чтоб не треснуло!
Пидофил хренов
Andres Guerrero
Andres Guerrero
2 years ago
i dunno if they have certifications right now but till 2014 usa uses soyuz rockets
Oscar Lechuga
Oscar Lechuga
2 years ago
Andres Guerrero
Mr. Guerrero, that is a truthful and sad fact. Russian-German scientists (for intel) vs American-
German scientists (rocketry/funding), ... allowing Germany to continue with their work!
Cooperation? The U.N. at its best!
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Oscar Lechuga Americans snatched all the German scientists before Russia got to them... do your
research lmao because if Russia took German scientists and America took German scientists,
who were working on the same project, how did Russian rockets went to space first and
Americas rockets were blowing up.... And if you do research, you'll find out that Stalin took all
Russias best scientists and locked them up to have no destruction from work on the space
Raffaele Irlanda
Raffaele Irlanda
2 years ago (edited)
@shalol actually no real communism took place. What we call "communism" was just a minority
of people of leading class with full privileges tricking masses they lived in a communist society...
Yes, the space race was only USA Vs Russia not democracy versus communism. In a certain sense
it could be considered Captalism and private mass industrial production of market, Vs. Socialism
and state planned industrial production obtained thru forced steps to be developed in
quinquennial plans decided by bureaucrats. This is why russian failed.
P.S. I heard voices Russians got to the Moon first but rocket failed to restart so all russian crew
got doomed and there are still there somewhere 2 or 3 russian corpses waiting to be discovered
on the moon! This could explain why JFK in his Moon speech he addressed to the nation in 1962
explicitly added these words "...landing a man on the Moon and RETURNING HIM SAFELY to the
Earth...". Was this an urban legend? Time will see, and sure I am curious about it.
The King
The King
2 years ago
Raffaele Irlanda "real communism never took place" yeah, that's a good thing
Raffaele Irlanda
Raffaele Irlanda
2 years ago
I agree. Sure it is better for us... Democracy has beaten up Nazi-Fascism, it has disrupted false
Socialism that collapsed. Now it is the turn for Democracy to destroy Fundamentalism and
Capitalism too...
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Raffaele Irlanda lol when the fuck did US beat up Nazis? lmao
Raffaele Irlanda
Raffaele Irlanda
2 years ago
I said "democracy" not "USA". As long as USA is actually a democracy the two terms don't
exaclty are interchangeable, dude... ^_^
2 years ago
ctguy591 It was superior in builiding ICBRs and orbital vehicles.
roman bowie
roman bowie
2 years ago
Raffaele Irlanda basically are lol and democracy never beaten Nazi... it was communism if you
read the history books like I said previously, all democracy did was supply shit to both sides and
watch the outcome lol
Eng Mun Ong
Eng Mun Ong
2 years ago
French foreign legion
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
All faked,Capitalism will go into Space with with farts from Trumpy Pumpy!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
Well its in plenty of minds. Waiting for the inevitable Capie Callapse!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
Why not give the citizens of "Flint " Michigan decent drinkable water and a free Medical
Service,first. And stop killing and maiming poor countries for oil. Just buy it and help people?
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
Because they can't,nobody can. And the Soviet Union has been gone since 1991. They're all
happy clappy Capies and Christians like Coca Cola land!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
Mt Chinese Whaunuo Scooter is great coming on for 8 years now. The US just makes bad films!
And can't even give "Flint " good water a coo ee from the great lakes.! Good at killing people
though and mass executions with a needle!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
The UN is a bandits layer controlled by the USA!
Michael Fay
Michael Fay
2 years ago
The USA lies and lies." Oh what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive!"
2 years ago
The Russian STS is far more advanced than the US STS, the Enegia rocket system nix'd the issues
NASA struggled with the propellant + booster set they had been using, especially in the recovery
stage. It also allowed their shuttle (Buran) to be taken to space without the heavy rocket engine
found on the US shuttle. Which meant more payload. This coupled with the fact that the Buran
was automated, the first (and only) flight was unmanned.

If people didn't constantly have their heads up their asses, imagine how far along cooperation
would've taken us. An unmanned Russian Buran could've been sent into space on rescue, and
Columbia wouldn't have been a tragedy.
2 years ago
Hmm, looks like this comments section is a sort of battlefield for russian and ukrainian proxy
trolls. Can't you guys move your quarrel somewhere else? Behave yourself at least. Shame on
2 years ago
06Dragonhunter "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving
Putin approaches 1"
Raffaele Irlanda
Raffaele Irlanda
2 years ago (edited)
@Think For Yourself: Wha's the point of copying Russian rockets technology in USA? Russian
Rockets will still cost lesser than USA counterparts as US labour force of technician, engineers
and workers is being paid more than any Russian labour employees and even electronic parts are
Shag Wellington
Shag Wellington
3 months ago
Not for long pal. That ends this year. We have two private companies that will be sending
astronauts to the ISS this year.
1 month ago
American engines sent Apollo to the Moon, Russian engines are used today.
The Chopping Block
The Chopping Block
5 days ago
Conflict is better at spurring development.
Deus Vult
Deus Vult
5 days ago
@shalol funny since the internet is an american invention
Tom Fuller
Tom Fuller
4 days ago
@shalol The Chinese will tell you that they did not invent rockets but were shown/given the
technology by others.
dean hepple
dean hepple
4 days ago
Stance only NASA been . Lol
1 month ago (edited)
what's the music playing in the background starting at 9:30?
Matt Turner
Matt Turner
19 hours ago
I'd love to see Hollywood get into the Soviet Space Program, i think it would be fascinating to see
a Western take on it. Got into it a little with the fiction fantasy 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
Jannik Heidemann
Jannik Heidemann
2 days ago
0:43 You forgot the flag on the suit.
1 year ago
So in a way it really was a competition between the systems as opposed to the technology. The
Soviet system tended to be more autocratic at all levels, vesting power in a single individual, and
their power was often related to their political connections. If a single key link breaks, the entire
system shifts. Much less stable than the American approach which distributed power throughout
the agency, allowing the overall plan to survive the changing of most any individual within the
Michael Minor
Michael Minor
4 months ago
Smarty pants.
Eric Dizzy
Eric Dizzy
1 month ago (edited)
Uhh peace time battle between US and USSR? Cuban Missle Crisis and Proxy war in Vietnam
supported by USSR.
Fanda Kláda
Fanda Kláda
1 month ago
Or war for petroleum and mineral resources in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lybie, Syria by USA.
Then massive muslim migration to Europe supported by USA to weakening Europe countries,
building base's and Rockets in Turkey, so they can be close to Russia..
Usa just playing with fire... and one time when they really piss of Russia and China, they will burn
in hell :)
Stargate traveler
Stargate traveler
1 hour ago
Indian space agency (ISRO) will be soon launching 2nd mission to the moon.. hopefully a maned
mission. Hope they confirm if Americans actually went to the moon.. if their satellite can see the
American flag and moon buggie at the site they claimed they landed.
Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen
39 minutes ago
Just because Russia had trouble sending man to the moon doesn't mean America went. Come
on guys. Our on damn president said we cant get any further than low earth orbit. NASA even
said it. If we cant now, then how the hell do you think we did back then?
permadi fauza
permadi fauza
1 month ago
� so the kosmonot not astronout "the first man in the moon"
☺ no return...alibi... as real matter
1 year ago
I was about to make a joke about having a drinking game where you scroll through the
comments on this guy's videos and take a shot every time you see a comment saying the moon
landings were faked but I don't want to be held responsible for anyone dying from alcohol
Cuzeg Spiked
Cuzeg Spiked
1 year ago
Epsilon lol ikr.
Cuzeg Spiked
Cuzeg Spiked
1 year ago
Epsilon how about water poisoning instead? Take a shot of drinkable water every time and get to
a point where you can't drink more water . Water poisoning would suck though but at least you
won't easily get it , unlike alcohol poisoning taking a shot at each idiotic comment.
Santoj Ghosh
Santoj Ghosh
1 year ago
Consider this: According to NASA, both lunar modules and space suits were powered by storage
batteries. Without chargers. Keeping both cool despite temperatures of 225°F. In 1969. A storage
battery is exactly the same battery that starts your car. The same battery that no car
manufacturer has ever enabled to run an air conditioner without generator support.
1 year ago
What does this have to do with anything?
West Houston
West Houston
1 year ago
Bada Bing!
Fromage Frizzbizz
Fromage Frizzbizz
1 year ago
+Santoj Ghosh Consider this: cooling in the lunar modules and space suits WAS NOT DONE by
storage batteries. In the suits, it was done by water evaporation from a water reservoir of a
couple litres, powered by the evaporation _itself_. In other words, the astronaut's space suits
were effectively good 'ol Texas swamp coolers without needing pumps. Not much more than a
rubber "hot water bottle" (tm Rubbermaid ;-) feeding a mesh of tubing in the suit, and an exit
valve to dump water slowly. Trivially simple old fashioned technology your grandmother would
recognise used in a unusual way. Hell, they were using rubber hot water bottles since the middle
1800s, and metal ones at least 200 years earlier.

On the moon, the lunar modules didn't need to be cooled much, because the equilibrium
temperature of the capsules (balance of heat intake versus heat reflection/IR emission off the
designed coatings and wraps) kept it at a reasonable temperature WITHOUT any active cooling

As for "no car manufacturer has ever enabled to run an air conditioner without generator
support". Well, NASA ain't exactly a car manufacturer is it? You've obviously never seen a
massive datacenter with inverter support either.
Matthew Schulze
Matthew Schulze
1 year ago
Pariah by that, he doesn't mean they don't know how, but all of the technology was purpose
built. It's not like we can just take Apollo hardware and cram modern tech into it. All of it would
require securing manufacturing contracts, tool and die, software, etc. At that point, you might as
well design a completely new launch system and capsule.

And they are.

1 year ago
Someone give this man an award for best argument in the history of arguments
10 Jellys
10 Jellys
1 year ago (edited)
Bulgarian Fascist
So with that logic I should refute anything and everything I have not witnessed with my own
eyes as some sort of elaborate conspiracy because...someone told you so? Do you not see the
hypocrisy in that? "If I do not understand something and do not have any experience in a certain
field then it must be somebody trying to get me" is basically what you are saying � either stay
in school or keep your silly opinions to yourself because you're in the same category as those
clowns that claim to be neither male or female! Decades of scientific study being pushed to the
side and biologists being labeled as satanic in the media � the universe does not revolve around
you or them and will carry on fine while you all stay in your little circle of delusions ���
1 year ago
Hello there, old chum!
I seem to be a bit late to answer your argument but here goes! I know that the planets exist due
to the fact that I own a telescope and have some of them with my own eyes.
1 year ago
Because I wasn't alone and everyone else involved also remembers seeing the planets. So for it
to have been a dream three or four people would have to have had the same exact dream at the
same exact time.
dario HC
dario HC
1 year ago
Epsilon the great american hoax
1 year ago
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic
dario HC
dario HC
1 year ago
1 year ago
The battery in your car is a wet cell with zinc plates. The batteries for Apollo were not. Nice try.
Also, please try not to lose your mind next time you're staring at a battery aisle and realize
there's half a dozen different types of batteries that operate on different chemistries, too.
1 year ago
Ha! And all those who believed the lies and deceit of the farcical moon-landings would be all
dead from poison in the "Kool-Ade" they just unquestioningly drank up.
1 year ago
Could you clarify?

I don't mean to be rude but I legitimately do not understand what you just said
john anton
john anton
1 year ago
Bulgarian Fascist.
May hap you should stop using such
horrid, undignified, and uneducated language to make a point.
I was there so I can tell you our Moon Landing is as real and true as the morning sun rise.
john anton
john anton
1 year ago
I have been THERE, you fuck, and had I known I would one day be beating and verbally throttling
you ....I would have stayed there.
john anton
john anton
1 year ago
I know all the planets and the one planetoid are there because of over two thousand years of
recorded astral observation from ancient Egypt, Greece, Babylon, Rome and others ancient
Anybody with a junior high education would know this.
Gent Bar
Gent Bar
1 year ago
Epsilon who knows
one thing x sure. the idiot drivin around senseless in that joke of a atv one seater shit pole
antenna sticking in the back
is fake ass footage
where is the whole dang video footage ??? UH !!!
Alexander Brain
Alexander Brain
1 year ago (edited)
Colleagues, for all of you questions. Why does an international space station not fly to a height
of more than 600 km above the ground? Why did multicellular animals and humans not fly to a
height of more than 600 km above the earth? Read about cosmic radiation. Read it. How do
satellites disperse to fly between planets? Read about the magnetic fields of the earth, moon,
Mars. Read something about space! All countries in all languages have written everything! Stop
dreaming. Take a look at the truth. The flight to Mars will not be in the next 100 years. Read
about ionizing radiation in space.
1 year ago (edited)
Cuzeg Spiked You have any clue how much water you'd have to drink for that to happen? Gallons
and gallons of water and it could be just as bad. It can be very fatal too. Stupid comment lol.
1 year ago
however, us' moon photos and videos were faked...
StarrShine Preston
StarrShine Preston
1 year ago (edited)
Are you talking about the Van Allen Belt, Alexander Brain ? I just googled it & 326,000 results
popped. The 1st of many in the same vein, is titled, "How NASA Got Apollo thru the Dangerous
Van Allen Radiation Belts." Judging from the comments I've read here, ur wasting ur time, friend.
But, I get it. Peace be with us all, whatever our beliefs, I say.

p.s. I just read the article. It's 3 very short paragraphs & despite its title, it doesn't explain how
they made it thru safely, it simply says they did. I'm a brand new convert, after watching
numerous documentaries, astronaut interviews & pouring over the few available pics. But hey,
conquering cognitive dissonance isn't 4 everyone.
Hammer 001
Hammer 001
1 year ago
Конникъ Science explains this by Einstein’s theory of relativity, or have you not heard of this. The
time going faster in space proves Einstein’s theory was correct by the way. Lol. Still a round
Hammer 001
Hammer 001
1 year ago
Конникъ but if our reality is a dream, then to us it’s real, unlike flat earth. Simple stuff for simple
folks, you need to try harder.
Hammer 001
Hammer 001
1 year ago
dario HC Please provide actual evidence for your assertion.
Hammer 001
Hammer 001
1 year ago
SuperEagle421 Lol. The comedian in the classroom, just looking for attention.
1 year ago
Hammer 001
Hammer 001
1 year ago
Jonathan.HDK.O'Toole Your point being? It’s just a comedy sketch on English tv, not real life!!!
Lonnie Cavenee
Lonnie Cavenee
11 months ago
It's a good thing I stopped drinking.
Pea Stone
Pea Stone
11 months ago
Santoj Ghosh The lunar modules were powered by two 28–32 volt, 296 ampere -hour silver-
zinc batteries; 125 lb (57 kg) each, not lead–acid battery. The batteries had very good energy
densities, but he downside was recharging as well as potential fires. The batteries were never

"but how do you know that it's real? How do you know that you aren't in a dream? You've had
dreams which look realistic and then when you wake up you would've never thought that it was
a dream."
So everyone, including astronomers are dreaming when looking either through a telescope or
litany of the space telescopes in LEO. If you are having trouble distinguishing between reality and
a dream then you are suffering from a borderline personality disorder.
Heather Flynn
Heather Flynn
11 months ago
I did it I'm so freaking drunk
Omen Dragon
Omen Dragon
10 months ago
How did American win the space race? Easy we cheated. Life ain't fair.
Nunya Business
Nunya Business
10 months ago
Shame u dont research. Makes u look like the dumb one.
Baron von Limbourgh
Baron von Limbourgh
10 months ago
Epsilon don't forget the flat earth idiots lol.
TheDr IsZen
TheDr IsZen
7 months ago
I'd be OK if all the fakers had such a fate. It scares me that they occasionally/accidentally find the
right hole and reproduce.
Gen Li
Gen Li
1 month ago
The alien conspiracy theorists are bonus...
Erin Lorca
Erin Lorca
4 weeks ago
@john anton You mean you saw the nasa controlled broadcast lol. You've been had
Poor thing.
Anti bogus
Anti bogus
1 week ago
@Santoj Ghosh Magic...
Anders Vinther
Anders Vinther
2 days ago
How can someone turn their thumb down for such an exciting and informative broadcast, it goes
beyond my comprehension
Unknown Temptations
Unknown Temptations
2 hours ago
Knen Da
Knen Da
2 weeks ago
Because Russians didn't have Chuck Norris :)
Kaptain Kid
Kaptain Kid
1 week ago
Knen Da . . . but they do have Superman. Vladimir Putin.
6 days ago
Or Walk Disney.
Des Kodur
Des Kodur
1 month ago
FFS switch off the musak.
Wonder Sleep
Wonder Sleep
3 months ago
Great content. I have a video up asking 'what if the Soviets put a man on the Moon first?'
Serg S
Serg S
1 year ago
We probably already were at Mars if two counties work together...
cooo1 hi
cooo1 hi
1 year ago (edited)
Serg S the us would have been at mars 10 years ago with us defense budget
H¥pΣr N¤vα
H¥pΣr N¤vα
1 year ago
Fuck, with NASA getting that kind of money, the average joe could afford a vacation in an oneil
cylinder by now, especially if us and russia and china all cooperated.
1 year ago
tell the terrorist to stop terrorizing 61 countries across the globe all the fucking time. otherwise
its more cost efficient if none of the military died or atleast, minimalizing u.s. casualties.
11 months ago
It was peaceful competition that got the US to the Moon...would be nice if peaceful cooperation
got us to Mars.

Keep in mind that the Space Race was a way for two rivals to wave their dicks at each other
without actually going to war. It actually was pretty revolutionary. Mutually Assured
Destruction...maybe not so mad in retrospect.
11 months ago
Two counties? Don't you mean two countries
11 months ago (edited)
countries work together all the time, the former strongest telescope was a joint effort between
17 countries, with America included, but NASA is currently trying to make a more powerful
telescope than that... not to mention the ISS international space station (where there are also
Russian astronauts even tho they might be an enemy) AND also the Hadron collider a nuclear
research program by CERN involving a lot of countries on top.

there are plenty of science projects that have multiple countries working in cooperation with
each other.
11 months ago
Majime : wake up, I was making a joke on the misspelling COUNTIES (There are many counties in
11 months ago
yea but the OP thinks its a cooperation problem since we never get along, tho im trying to point
out that there are a lot of team effort and cooperation that already amounted to progress.
Eugene Miyelis
Eugene Miyelis
11 months ago
Trump says Earth is flat. So he's going to scrap NASAs budget.
11 months ago (edited)
Trump doesn't think that and he gave the ok for the mars mission. good thing that the lying libs
did not get their pick or we would have been in big trouble
Eugene Miyelis
Eugene Miyelis
11 months ago (edited)
"Liberals", "rightist", "leftist" are the terms used by "victims" who's trying to prove they're
entitled to turn the time back. That was the policy of Hitler, Mussolini etc. Guess what:
Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims, Jews are much more productive and appreciative of life than you are.
So, objectively, they much more belong in America than you are.
11 months ago
oh you making up all your own words now, because obviously the fact that you are liberal is
suppose to make me a "victim" on some grandiose quest to turn the time back right... have you
considered checking yourself into a looney bin?

also the only thing that Mexicans blacks and muslims are excelling it is trying to sneak into our
land. but the blacks not so much.

also the muslims have not yet caught up to the 21st century republicans and their 1st world free
world, world super power that has achieved 371 Nobel Laureates, (which is more than 30 times
what ALL of the communist countries put together have achieved)

and islam is behind almost every 3rd world shithole in the world. and they are behind terrorism
in 61 countries across the globe.

America needs to maintain their science and society advancements, they must never go
backwards into Islamic and communist policies that are really dumb in science and only excel in
killing lots of people in their own land.

also liberals are not behind all of the science advancements. actually Christians have achieved
65.4% of Nobel Laureates. they also built the vast majority of 1st world and free world countries.
atheist have achieved only 10.5%

so if people want to make a progress it will be good to adopt Christianity.

if people want to devolve and turn the time back and NOT make science advancements, they
should be anti Trump, pro islam pro communist, anti American Liberals, they are exceedingly
good at devolving civilized cultures and promoting cultures that excel in destroying themselves
and offenses against humanity.
Eugene Miyelis
Eugene Miyelis
11 months ago
I'm no "liberal" or whatever, but I guess I'm Christian. I fully acknowledge that the must horrible
crimes in human history were conducted by Muslims (Muslim invasion of India). But it's just the
future is coming, and no you or me are the prodigy to stop it (and obviously Trump is a joke). I'm
just an engineer and I hope you'll find who you are.
10 months ago
� you really believe we can land on Mars�
10 months ago (edited)
we will land on mars one day. but its very risky and very costly. it can take anywhere from 150 to
300 days which means it will take 2 months shy from a year to get there at most and about 5
months in the best case scenario and they will send food and supplies to mars in advance, ahead
of the astronauts. those will be emergency rations, but they will produce their own water and
food. also qualified astronauts that NASA uses are all Ace mechanics, which means they know
how to fix anything in the world. they are also scientist who are trained in the field of science so
that they can discover things.

also they have did their homework on this and had astronauts stay in space for long periods of
times, to snuff out any possible complications or side affects of being in outer space for that
long, they will most likely have a 3D printer to make any tools that they need or make a
replacement for tools that they might have lost or broke. or to repair equipment that needs

the longest someone has stayed in outerspace is about 878 days. that is longer than two years,
so it is possible to atleast land on mars and then make it back.

planet earth is orbiting the sun as mars is, so the distance between them can be anywhere
between 34,000,000 to 250,000,000 miles away. with current technology it will take about 4
years for round trip, to and from they can make their own oxygen by separating the water
components with a machine.

Venus is a lot closer but we don't have the technology to survive the harsh weather tho.

if we have fusion rocket technology in theory it can take astronauts 30 days to get to mars
Charles Dunfield
Charles Dunfield
10 months ago
@sergu " We " already have been to mars and beyond but NOT By ROCKET

NO ONE HAS GONE anywhere by rocket .........research research and you will find out how and
what space really is

See Through all the crap

OPEN our mind mate

Not what you think

Move to the next level of awareness rather than me tell you what that is

If you really want the answers you say then look within and all will be revealed when you are
ready for them

keep up the good work but take the big step when you are ready


bo william
bo william
10 months ago
+Majime America is the biggest terrorist on Earth
10 months ago (edited)
they only terrorize the terrorist and their supporters, but they help the needy and the poor,
today they are in Africa. they are helping the africans to build a wall to prevent the Islamic boko
haram from kidnapping daughters.

islam was terrorizing 61 countries across the globe, they were exploding people in france, killing
people in Germany, stabbing random women and children at the malls, plowing vans into open
crowds on the streets in London, bombing people in Thailand, in Moscow, kidnapping and
beheading people in the streets of the philipines, they were prostituting under age girls in child
sex grooming gangs, they were exploding themselves and more than a dozen of Americas allies.
they bombed embassies, killed students in their own land burning female teachers alive, they
terrorize coffee shops, music concerts, Olympic sporting events

even just recently a muslim killed a 3 year old child in a "exorcism" and was arrested for such a
thing as training the children to shoot a school. it happened just this week.

most of the other countries liberals were supporting their heinous crimes against humanity, all
the while America was fighting against the terrorism.

when liberals were obeying and submitting to their muslim slave masters even at the expense of
their own women and children being prostituted, and trying to cover over their crimes, the
Americans were sending them to their maker

so that is why the world is very grateful for America who had been beating back the wicked and
vile muslim god and the terrorist who war in his name.
Baron von Limbourgh
Baron von Limbourgh
10 months ago
Majime yeah. If the usa stopped terrorising 61 countries around the world they could use that
money to serve people instead of destroying them.
Great point.
10 months ago
the only people who terrorize 61 countries across the globe is islam, America is defending the
world from that trash.
Lo Ki
Lo Ki
9 months ago
Yeah, the last thing we need is a space race between a lot of counties! Or maybe I am wrong...
An Ngo
An Ngo
9 months ago
with no competition, there will be no push my dear.
Med dy
Med dy
9 months ago
Military industrial complex has developed anti gravity propulsion technology since oct.1953 and
'we' already have bases on mars for decades. Make no mistake: we have the tech to take ET
home and are 50y more advanced than we can comprehend. Sadly it takes an act of god to make
that tech available to all of mankind.
barmalinito barmalini
barmalinito barmalini
9 months ago
Yep, it's flat, but you still can dig through it. That's why Musk started the Boring company
Levy Nagy
Levy Nagy
9 months ago
If "counties" worked together, you wouldn't have even gone to the toilet.
Wesley Smith
Wesley Smith
5 months ago
Fascinating Cold War story
Frater .Genus
Frater .Genus
2 weeks ago
Jacob Davis
Jacob Davis
1 week ago
All righty.
poppy smith
poppy smith
1 hour ago
Ivon Afucalot......................Top Guy................
david garrad
david garrad
5 days ago
Ivan- " Boris tell me comrade is there cheap vodka on moon?"
"No comrade"
" Ah f...k that then".
John Armenta
John Armenta
5 months ago
The true winner here is science. The Soviet Union developed better engines than USA did. So
USA purchased them. This is in its own right a science success story because science is universal.
It doesn't care about about politics. When applied correctly, judiciously, science wins. Then
everybody benefits.
5 months ago
And what benefits have we got from moon landings ?
John Armenta
John Armenta
5 months ago
@birdandthe Benefits from the moon landings include: Rocketry, improved refrigeration, food
preservatives, a host of new materials and new ways of developing them, quartz clocks, better
communications leading to digital communications, computer development. . . That thing you
are typing on? Yeah, that was made possible by NASA developing the materials necessary to
send man to the moon. Here is more answer to your question:
5 months ago
@John Armenta A spurious correlation, improved rocketry ? so because they made rockets to
go to the moon rocketry was improved ? and so what is the benefit of improved rocketry ? oh
yeah it makes it easier to go to the moon, what is the benefit of going to the moon ? oh yeah,
improved rocketry to get to the moon, what is the benefit of going to the moon ? oh yeah
improved rocketry......
John Armenta
John Armenta
5 months ago
@birdandthe okay. This is how it is. The US needed to develop rocketry to send nuclear
warheads around the world. The Soviet Union was headed that way, and we needed to meet,
preferably exceed their capabilities. There was NO WAY our government could convince the
public to find such an effort. So they put a massive spin on it. " We are going to send a man to
the moon", and stir up some national pride. That enabled us to develop ICBM's. As horrible as
that is, it had to be done. But if the Soviets developed it and WE DIDN'T, we would be speaking
Russian right now. The Space Program has kept the peace by keeping the aggressors in check.

Other than that, improved rocketry has allowed us to explore the Solar System. The more we do
that, the more we understand our planet and our place in the Cosmos.
5 months ago
@John Armenta you are in to conspiracy theory ha ha
Bitwise Magick
Bitwise Magick
5 months ago
OMG , you bought soviet engines to fake the moon landing ?
John Armenta
John Armenta
5 months ago
@birdandthe Well this is going nowhere. Good day to you, sir.
General Esdeath
General Esdeath
5 months ago
John Armenta That includes Economics. Capitalism won over communism. And a freer market in
which the USA and Russia share technologies to the benefit of both prevailed decisively over
military embargoes and the “Command Economy.”

For now. But people always seem to want to try again...

5 months ago
@birdandthe Improved rocketry that allows us to launch heavy satellites into high geo-stationary
orbits, bringing global communications, GPS etc.
"rockets" prior to the space race were missiles to deliver nuclear warheads. The first men rode
on the top of them.
The reason for going to the moon was as a political stunt to showcase to the world that
democratic capitalism is a better system than communism, and the goal needed to be far
enough away from what the Soviet Union was already doing to give the Americans time to catch
up and exceed them.
If they'd set their goals as just orbiting it, or landing a probe on it, they'd likely have been
Apollo was a promotion of the Western way of life to the world, and its multiple spin offs in
technology, *including improved rocketry*, have benefited us all.
I noticed how you ignored most of what John said in his far from exhausted list, and moved the
goalposts to mock something you don't understand the benefits of.
5 months ago
@Tradition Try thinking for yourself, don't just repeat what you hear on youtube, as for " the first
men rode on top of them" !!!! (nuclear warheads) either you have watched doctor strangelove
or ypu are insane. p.s if they had never gone to the moon rockets for satellites would still have
5 months ago
@birdandthe I'm not repeating what I heard on YouTube, but what I've learned and discovered
from various reputable sources. I also didn't say men rode on nuclear warheads, I said they rode
atop missiles designed to lift nuclear warheads. Your reading comprehension is poor if you think
that's what was being said, and it's probably why you struggle to understand some things you're
clearly confused about.
The space race was a political stunt with a war budget and accelerated rocketry required for
heavy lift operations. It brought forward the larger payloads in orbit that we now benefit from by
5 months ago
@General Esdeath Although it was a political stunt to demonstrate the power of capitalism over
communism, it required centralised government control and public funding to achieve, which
kind of makes the opposite point in some ways. Companies like SpaceX however really do fit the
bill, although they're standing on the shoulders of giants, and have had a lot of technical help
from NASA, who've done the ground work that a private company couldn't have afforded to do
as far as "basic" R&D goes.
5 months ago
@Tradition You are just repeating what this guy is saying.
5 months ago
birdandthe Funny how that happens when talking about facts and history. Your point was
bullshit and I’m bored of interacting with a man child that thinks debate is about moving goal
posts just to get some kind of reply in. Go be weird to someone else.
5 months ago
you dont know where the goalposts are, you do not know their purpose, , your avitar of a car
shows you to be a chav car bore, go to car bore videos
Wade French
Wade French
5 months ago
They were purchased because they were cheap after the Soviet Union collapsed. NASA
Contractors made more money using Soviet rockets. It had zero to do with them being better
and everything to do with them being dirt cheap, butt still reliable. They were actually behind in
rocket tech and still are. The falcon heavy is the most powerful rocket being used today and it
can reland the boosters. Russia can't do that, yet. You have misunderstood why the Americans
used Russian rockets.
5 months ago
birdandthe Changing the subject like this is moving the goalposts. Trying to attack someone’s
perceived character instead of the argument is also the cheapest of the moved goalposts.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, and it shows.

5 months ago
Wade French Merlin engines aren’t as powerful as the Space Race stuff. Americans used to ex-
soviet rockets to keep the engineers employed and not poached by other states wanting to
develop ICBM’s.
It’s no secret any more.
Soviets were running closed cycle staged combustion at a time the Americans thought it
impossible. They were good engines also.
General Esdeath
General Esdeath
5 months ago
Tradition I’ll grant that the government was instrumental in getting to the moon; sure. But I
never said I was a total free market purist or anything like that;
I’m just saying that it’s obvious which fundamental paradigm proved to create the most
prosperity and the most potential for scientific advance - the one that allowed private individuals
to pursue their maximum potential and their own dreams and goals.
5 months ago
General Esdeath Agreed �� � SpaceX and other US companies like it are proof of that. The Space
Race was ahead of its time. The US is about the only place these private rocket companies are
going to be cropping up any time soon.
Mundy Morning Report
Mundy Morning Report
5 months ago
Wow. Science doesn't care about politics? Seriously, science since 1900 has only been about

Electrical theory is just a tool to justify the economic theory of the three lies of thermodynamics,
they do not reflect reality. Astrophysics, or whatever you want to call the science of space travel
is so off the mark that continuing to send people into space is obviously a death sentence with
the "science" of NASA. And the politics are not about capitalism vs. communism, its about
exploitation and consumption economics. Once Russia figured that out, and came on board, they
demonstrated their totalitarian politics which match that of every major corporation, are better
at exploitation than the US is. The cold war battle with the Soviet Union was a victory for the US,
And Russia has turned the tables and now is winning the battle with the US. All the wars they
have continued to engage in are economically more rewarding than the small conflicts we
engage in. And they take better care of their people and infrastructure than the US does.

Take a real look at science and it becomes obvious that every time someone makes a
breakthrough that would free us from this economic slavery model of exploitive consumption
science it is suppressed.

So, today with a collapse of the geomagnetic field and the start of a glacial age that will kill
billions, we are told by scientists who know nothing about truth and using data to formulate
working theories based on cause and effect that mankind is burning up the planet with CO2

Look at the crap that NASA keeps publishing. They slowly are admitting that electrical theory
works in space, but still that isn't enough. Constantly the theories that they stick to, like gravity,
relativity, vacuum of space, nuclear furnace models of the sun, rotating spinning molten metal
generating planetary magnetic fields, starlight that cannot be photographed because the
exposures can't be set right on the cameras, yet every picture taken by an astronaut using
cameras that do not have automatic exposure settings or any through the lens metering
equipment come out perfectly exposed after being in an environment that the people in that
environment have so much radiation blasting through their bodies that they see light even when
their eyes are closed... but the film isn't fogged.

Don't get me wrong. There is science that explains all this, even the fact that you can't see stars
in space... its totally black. However, it all leads to invalidating the need to consume stuff for
energy. And that frees us from having to work ever harder to survive. Then we actually have to
trust each other to care for one another which isn't all that hard because we no longer have to
compete with each other for resources.

So, sure thing! Science could benefit everybody, but it cannot and does not do it because
politics, or business goals of profiteering through exploitation are in charge.

Real science would give us abundance for all, but destroy the value of wealth and the need to
exploit each other. Whatever the space race is, its not a victory for science. Sorry, facts don't lie.
Reality bites. And science from NASA doesn't offer us a future, its a death sentence for us all. The
fake science setting our limitations in business politics today has no future.
The breakthrough in science we need to have a future was made in 1900 and several times
since... the last significant breakthrough, the GEET reactor was taken out in 2015 by a black ops
group in Kentucky with the local police quietly watching it happen and three months later the
inventor was dead. Since the 1980's his battle to keep it alive and bring it to the public came to
an end, only his tell-all ebook remains and the hundreds of people who paid his licensing fees to
learn his secrets of course, if they too haven't been taken out. (Many were.)

That device emulated both the Earth with its ability to make clean air and water as well as
generate the van allen belts and its own gravity (which was about 1/2 the Earth's) and also the
true nature of the sun by radiating natural electricity to such a degree that it became invisible,
just like stars.

Definitely bad for business and politics. What would happen if we could use that technology,
that is made of common plumbing parts, to reinforce the failing geomagnetic shield of the Earth
and stop the effects of increased cosmic rays, and antigravity, and turning toxic waste into clean
air and water? We'd have a shot at a future, but also the power of the sun would be in the hands
of everyone. With the politics of fear and exploitation ruling our lives, you can't trust everyone
with hand weapons, what do you suppose they would do with a self-contained plasma reactor
that can run a 1/4 hp engine fueled with polluted water while broadcasting enough natural
electricity to power a house or car?

No, the final frontier for mankind isn't space, its working together in peace and being honest
with each other. And its about to lead us into a series of extinction events by mother nature
from which we will not move on; because we've been lying to ourselves for so long that we don't
even know this is our real challenge.

Reality bites, and we're about to be eaten cold. Peace, B

5 months ago
Mundy Morning Report Schizophrenia?
Mundy Morning Report
Mundy Morning Report
5 months ago (edited)
@Tradition Its easier to fool the world than convince one person they have been fooled.
5 months ago
@Mundy Morning Report Exactly right. And you've been had good and proper if you genuinely
believe that word salad resembles reality.
Mundy Morning Report
Mundy Morning Report
5 months ago
Mundy Morning Report
Mundy Morning Report
5 months ago
JoeBob Jenkins
JoeBob Jenkins
5 months ago
That's not science, its engineering
JoeBob Jenkins
JoeBob Jenkins
5 months ago
We found some really nice petrified wood.
5 months ago
Actually it is a capitalism success story. When all was said and done, and after all the dust
settled, it was capitalism that won. On both sides.
Dal Buffo Buio
Dal Buffo Buio
4 months ago
@birdandthe The fact that you can write these kind of bullshit on-line for example, even though
I'm not sure it's a benefit.
michael hill
michael hill
4 months ago
John Armenta the only thing Russians excel at is drinking vodka
Ga Me
Ga Me
3 months ago
They developed better engines that all blew up. Meanwhile the Americans landed on the moon
6 times. In what way were the Soviet engines "better"?
3 months ago
Just purchases surplus engines made in a country with cheap labor, no big deal
3 months ago (edited)
John Armenta actually, USSR started first and developing ballistic missiles was their main aim,
humans in their spaceships were never in control, just a part of payload.
3 months ago (edited)
General Esdeath free market means that countries that employ slave labor and sell their natural
resources abroad without sharing any with people, can buy plenty of western tech and use that
tech to build WMD.
Darrin Nunyah
Darrin Nunyah
2 months ago
@birdandthe We definitively determined that it wasn't made of cheese.
Darrin Nunyah
Darrin Nunyah
2 months ago
@Levi Eastwood Yep! Like talking to a wall.
Help me
Help me
2 months ago
@birdandthe you're a fucking IDIOT
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
It's a technology benefit, not so much science.
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
@birdandthe Computers, cell phones, GPS, materials, medical discoveries... Miniaturization in
The technology developed for the space program spilled over into general life.
2 months ago
@Baruch Ben-David And what did we learn by actually being on the moon ?
Baruch Ben-David
Baruch Ben-David
2 months ago
@birdandthe Not so much a conspiracy theory. A leader of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev, once
shouted, "We will bury you." The avowed goal of the USSR was to bring the blessings of
Communism to the whole world, even if it meant there would have to be war. Comintern, that
sort of thing.
The US and the USSR had missiles aimed at one another, ready to launch within minutes.
Everyone knew that if a single missile was launched by either side, all the missiles on both sides
would be launched. This would be untidy.
The Space Program was a way to procure funds and research to foster the development of
military equipment.
This isn't conspiracy theory. It's history.
1 month ago
John Armenta your naive belief in a rigged scam called rocket science is so funny next to what
experts call Big Bang - well theory is not reality and that goes for the man on the moon too -
funny how all astronauts were free masons just by accident
1 month ago
@John Armenta The US ICBMs (Minuteman) developed solid rocket motors in the 1950's and
were deployed in 1962. Your argument is totally invalid.
1 month ago (edited)
@birdandthe you ever try google? your a dummy must be young. like half of the technologies of
the 21st century were from space program or spinoff's and/or working with private business's.
when you try to do something the first time you invent alota new stuff to make it happen.

theres too much to list really. all the lists i just googled were top 10 or 20 lists but they didnt
even have velcro and that was one of nasa's first big things because it saved hundreds of pounds
of zippers on maned craft and probably some unmanned. there was a time when you actually
had to read things or watch documentaries(which there wasnt many of) or learn to interpret the
news to actually know information.
1 month ago
@GreensOplenty you are missing my point, putting people in space did not produce new
technologies, velcro was made so it was easier and better than zips for space flight, this does
not mean velcro was invented because of knowledge gained in space (virtually nothing). you
are a moron.
Steve P
Steve P
1 month ago
Really? Fritz Haber discovered the nitrogen cycle and won an award in 1919. The previous 4
years he spent supervising, producing, and commanding the German chemical weapons
program. So we got fertilizer, insecticides, chemical weapons and the precursor of Zyclon B for
which he was celebrated. Always amazes me how scientists are all in when adulation and awards
are on the line and have no responsibility for the consequences if there bad!
1 month ago
@birdandthe Science is built upon the layers of what proceeded it. You repeated the improved
rocketry to go to the moon, that helps launch satellites reliability which helped give you your
modern life/society. The biggest shame is we're not on the moon now due to people like you.
1 month ago (edited)
@birdandthe well theres another list for that dummy. actually it kinda was since they knew to go
into space you need light weight objects not hunks of steel. how did we learn that? by flying and
going up high and seeing what it took to get there. launching rockets and seeing what it takes to
get out of the atmosphere.
your basically saying we should wait until someone falls out of the sky and invents a airplane on
the way down to survive and thats how we should invent new technologies.
you just a religious nut or a trump supporter thinking about some conspiracy theory? or a kid
thats bad at asking questions respectfully.
think you need to google basic science or how science is integrated into societies/technology.
theres actually a profession for people to invent things and also another for people who take
inventions and find new uses for them in other industries/areas.
when archimedes invented the screw he didnt automatically know "ok this will be used on cars
and airplanes and submarines some day thats why ill invent this."
1 month ago
@GreensOplenty Thinking is not your strong point, i repeat, what new technologies were
created by putting HUMANS in to space, we did not LEARN that we need light objects not steel
to go into space, scientists WORKED IT OUT before launch day !!! and even that is not quite
correct because we STILL need heavy steel for the rocket strength AND you may not know this
(you wont) that in space rockets are weightless, so you are still the biggest dumbo on youtube.
barkybark bark turd
barkybark bark turd
1 month ago
@John Armenta So the benefits of going to the moon was an improved rocket to get to the
moon ? so whats the point of that ? and computers were around BEFORE space flight so you
are talking bollocks.
1 month ago
@birdandthe lmfao. You know rockets are used to go other places besides the moon right? Lol...
you've studied the solar system right?? Lmao
1 month ago
@thricefan89 What on earth are you talking about dick head, make a point.
tzar 1917
tzar 1917
1 month ago
Idiot. Do another china line/
Trending Library
Trending Library
1 month ago
please support my channel...i am a newbie.
1 month ago (edited)
@birdandthe well first off you need to make a craft thats light enough to get out of the
atmosphere or you never will get into space. some fantasy designs would take all the fuel on
earth to get up into orbit.
heres a good answer. if you'd like to see what gravity does you must go to space. gravity effects
EVERYTHING on earth if you didnt know.
if you see some virus or disease acting different you can then go to a lab on the ground and try
to figure out if you can use that somehow.
think theres a couple drugs that can only be made in zero gravity. or some theorized drugs or
something forget what it was. or maybe drugs and bio weapons.
sounds like you just dont understand cost effective research. every company doesnt wanna have
a factory in space unless its worth it and you cant do it on the ground.
im sure if you wanna go read a few sozen pages of some research papers you can learn but takes
long time to read complicated stuff if you dont like the simple answers.
martin joseph
martin joseph
1 month ago
The Russians won the space war. who cares about murica going on the moon.
1 month ago
1 month ago
Too bad the Russians are still too stupid to build a 5th generation stealth aircraft.
martin joseph
martin joseph
1 month ago
@krosny says an uneducated clueless la la land muricun hoolywood cowboy. moron
1 month ago (edited)
@birdandthe you got an assignment and asking people on the internet to do your work for you?
im not gonna write letters and search patent's for you. i assumed you were stupid but if your
going to school i guess your just still stupid...
what do you think should be invented in space? that cant be invented on earth and simply tested
in space so you dont waste million or billions on pointlessly floating around in zero gravity
brainstorming about products for google or something.

sounds like a good commercial but most humans arent that dumb and wasteful.
sounds like thats not your real question or your just trying to get people to do your assignment
for you.
ive heard watching documentaries that industrial parts and maybe optical devices, are tested in
space. why would you want to wait till your in space to start thinking what you could do in
1 month ago
@GreensOplenty Patents sandwiches ? all the rest of the stuff you typed is finally agreeing with
me, the only problem is you are still too dumb to understand these words or even your own.
1 month ago
@birdandthe you got nothing to understand.

they say the ocean is less explored than space, could probably invent a whole lotta high strength
technology's if we explored the oceans more to. whats your point or do you know what your
point is?
have a problem with how technology's are invented/tested/perfected/so on?
1 month ago
@GreensOplenty So now you want to go to the bottom of the ocean, so we can invent
technology to take us to the bottom of the ocean ?... so we could walk around in suits that
withstood massive pressure, usefull when visiting the bottom of the ocean.
1 month ago
@birdandthe yuor a funny troll. no points just bitching about nothing lol
1 month ago
@GreensOplenty Or maybe you just are incapable of understanding the points i was making.
1 month ago
@birdandthe which is?
Mick von Bornemann
Mick von Bornemann
1 month ago
@birdandthe velcro flys on board shorts?
1 month ago
@Mick von Bornemann Yeah, well worth the million trillion dollars, good investment !!!
sloppy toppy
sloppy toppy
1 month ago
Mick von Bornemann
Mick von Bornemann
3 weeks ago
@birdandthe Velcro zips on board shorts. A fortune spent on a pen that works in zero gravity like
a pencil
3 weeks ago
@Mick von Bornemann What is your point ?
Master Chief 00117
Master Chief 00117
3 weeks ago
@birdandthe Listen idiot. The Space Program developed Cordless power tools. That damn near
every house has at least one today. The Semiconductor to transistor.. Which spurred on
Handheld Electronics. Radios. Arcade machines. The Personal Computer that fits on your desk.
Digital devices. Medical Devices. etc... The list goes on. As it created whole new industries that
had never existed. So take your narrow ass mind someplace else. It's these same engineers that
gave you the things today. You take for granted.
This is why today Americans rank 29th in education today. They live off the things others created
60 years ago. So slap your teachers and ask the schools for refund. They failed to educate your
ass. Might be why you Liberals want Socialism. You don't have any skills that make you
productive. You want the easy button. My only bitch is when will Darwinism kick in and weed out
the weak gene pool. As you people consume more then any other Generation on the planet. Yet
have the biggest egos. Perceived Self worth on the planet. And you have not contributed shit to
Human Kind..
Lord Of Onions
Lord Of Onions
3 weeks ago
@birdandthe sadly birdandthe, that conspiracy theory actually makes sense
2 weeks ago
birdandthe Velcro, plastic technology, rubber technology, ceramic/textile manufacturing and
application, compute technology, quartz technology, fabrication practices, etc etc for months. If
you can’t see the implications of science applications like this then there’s no purpose in trying
to explain it to you
Justin Olsen
Justin Olsen
1 week ago
John Armenta really its a capitalism success story.
Jacob Elias
Jacob Elias
1 week ago
So our world is benefiting from science, we are seeing it every day.
Binayak G
Binayak G
5 days ago
@birdandthe a nice place for honeymoon ,isn't it?��
Nick Knight
Nick Knight
5 days ago
@Wade French You are correct. There are other factors as well. We wanted the closed cycle
design which is much more efficient. The problem is reliability. The soviets blew up a lot of
engines to get those things working and even today they have some issues. I see this video
mentions that as well, which is good. But overall we are using soviet stuff because its cheap(er).
I'm not sure if you are trying to correct birdandthe or not but clearly he's a clown and not really
worth trying to talk sense to.
The Chopping Block
The Chopping Block
5 days ago
It's actually a victory of capitalism and the ultimate irony.
Wade French
Wade French
5 days ago
@Nick Knight You'd sooner bring a rock to an understanding of it.
Jason Blaha
Jason Blaha
4 days ago
birdandthe did u not read the many other things he posted that it helped with
Keith Whisman
Keith Whisman
3 days ago
birdandthe you’re forgetting we put a lot of satellites into orbit and the research for the moon
rockets led to better, safer and more efficient designs that made their way into all rocketry. So
what he said was true from a certain point of view.
Scott D
Scott D
2 months ago
I read somewhere that Brezhnev wanted to continue with the Soviet moon missions. His
eyebrows convinced him otherwise...
Martti Suomivuori
Martti Suomivuori
2 weeks ago (edited)
I understood that the USSR put some men on the Moon, only that they went a bit too deep.
There was a movie I saw.
Imagine a genius like Korolyev working for NASA today.
Diversity and pronouns.
A lot of info here. Thanks!
Knedlik MCPE
Knedlik MCPE
6 days ago
They didn’t land on the moon, usa is only country to put man on moon
Doctor Z
Doctor Z
2 months ago (edited)
Finally, an English speaking person says "Sputnik" correctly. It's not "A" after the "S", it's the "oo"
sound, as in "spoon". The name should have been spelled in English "Spootnik".
Den Harrow
Den Harrow
1 month ago
After the "S" it's a "P", which you pronounce like a regular "P" - what "A" after the "S", you
fucking retard???!?
Doctor Z
Doctor Z
1 month ago (edited)
@Den Harrow Well, at least you've noticed it. Most people didn't care, I guess. So we agree that
Sputnik should be spelled Spootink, right? As long as we agree on this, you can call me a fucking
retard and I will still call you my friend ))
4 days ago
"Why Russia Did Not Put a Man on the Moon"
Ummm...Because they did not know how?
3 days ago
They couldn't decide how, actually - there was a big disagreement between constructors about
how the Moon rocket should be made. Chelomey, for instance, wanted it to use hypergolic fuels
and the same parts, used for already-existing cargo rockets, while Korolyov was a proponent of
classic - and much safer! - kerolox, which, however, required designing new parts for a brand-
new rocket.
Twenny Bux
Twenny Bux
2 years ago
when will russia be putin a man on the moon then
The strong
The strong
1 year ago
Twenny Bux ha!
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
1 year ago
Twenny Bux I think they said Vlada-be-mear the end of 2018
Eugene DeVito
Eugene DeVito
1 year ago
Van Allen belt ?? maybe ??? not your pants belt !!
1 year ago
Twenny Bux not for a while. Too much stalin
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
When and if they ever agree to fly there in an American spacecraft.
1 month ago
Baikonur burned down.....
Dennis Tillman
Dennis Tillman
4 months ago
For everyone saying we did go to the moon or didn't .do a gofund to build a big telescope to
search the surface of the moon see if the landing gear is there still there after all it was left
behind on take off. And anything in no atmosphere will not rust or decompose. And the moor
does have some grav so the landing gear should still be on the surface
Dewy Bradford
Dewy Bradford
1 month ago
The moon is too far away to see an object a few meters across.
"no telescope on Earth can see the leftover descent stages of the Apollo Lunar Modules or
anything else Apollo-related. Not even the Hubble Space Telescope can discern evidence of the
Apollo landings. The laws of optics define its limits."
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones
1 month ago
@Dewy Bradford The Japanese moon orbiter SELENE has managed to photograph them,
because of being in the Moons' orbit.
2 weeks ago
Considering the poor US/Soviet relations at the time. it's a GUARANTEE that if the moon
landings were fake, the Soviets WOULD HAVE EXPOSED IT AS SUCH.
1 week ago
Those pictures have already been taken from lunar orbit many years after the Apollo program.
They show the lander base, astronauts footprints, lunar rover, rover tracks, etc.
5 days ago
Dennis Tillman Or you could shine a freakin’ laser at the freakin’ reflector that we left up there,
you ‘tard.
2 days ago
@Stephen Jones BS
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones
2 days ago
@Porcaciocristo Well, you could look it up?
KGB Committee for State Security CCCP
KGB Committee for State Security CCCP
2 months ago
Russia by point basis did win the race
Adam Kowalski
Adam Kowalski
1 month ago
We see where they are.
2 months ago
The Atlas V Rocket is the rocket that put Curiosity on Mars
3 months ago
great video, nice that you mentioned the plot twist with the RD-180 ending up these days being
bought to Russia by the US. two great documentaries on these subjects are "the engines that
came in from the cold" and "the red stuff"
Zappa Woman
Zappa Woman
3 weeks ago
No wonder that Agatha, the hermit in Siberia, found rocket parts! It seems like they must have
rained debris all over Russia!

Imagine having to work with the guy responsible for sending you to a Gulag for 6 horrible
Olgert Fantozzy
Olgert Fantozzy
2 weeks ago (edited)
Her name is Agafya Lykova. She lives under the flight path of all the rockets (due to the rotation
of the earth). It is therefore not surprising that there are a lot of first- stages parts in the taiga.
V.S. Gopalakrishnan
V.S. Gopalakrishnan
5 months ago
Beautifully explained. A great video in every sense.
Matthew Lea
Matthew Lea
2 months ago
I wonder What would have happened if Russia managed to make the transfer to Democracy in
the early 90's , where would we be now?
2 months ago
You mean if it didn't? Because it kind of did transfer. Not very successfully so, but yeah.

I'd say it wouldn't really be significantly different. The country was in dire straits by the end of
the 80s, only barely getting by thanks to the natural resource export, and the planned economy
thing evidently wasn't working out, which was the reason Gorbachyov decided to end it. The
rate of technological advancement had long slowed down to the point where it was impossible
to catch up to some of the more developed countries. Obviously, space program was rather
rapidly being dismantled, so many of the 80s projects—including some promising ones that were
almost ready—were never finished. The USSR as a union would have collapsed one way or
another (thank god it was relatively peaceful), the question is how long would the economic and
political systems hold up. Economically, they would have gone through the same transformation
as either Gorbachyov's USSR or Deng Xiaoping's PRC; i.e. enabling major elements of a capitalist
regime. This was inevitable because the country could not have sustained itself otherwise.

When it comes to political systems, however, things get tricky. The problem is, even the way the
things went in actual history, the institutes of public accountability and bottom-up control hadn't
been developed at all by the time Russia became a presidential republic, and it didn't help that
the new country was plagued with all sorts of problems throughout its first decade. So when
Putin took reigns in late 1999 he immediately started tightening things up and consolidating all
power around himself. This brought some stability, but at the same time set the country back in
terms of political rights and perspectives. The Russia of today is essentially a bizarre one-party
"guided democracy" with a permanent president. So while on paper it does have multiple
parties and both parliamentary and presidential elections, the results are both directly and
indirectly manipulated (such as by preventing promising opposition parties from participation)
so that the president's party has an absolute majority in the parliament (so it can design and
adopt any legislation it wants no matter how infeasible it is to comply with), and everyone and
everything are forced to obey the president who keeps finding ways to extend his rule, showing
less restraint with every cycle and breeding imperialist ambitions that bring the country on the
verge of a new Cold War. How different is it, politically, to certain periods of the USSR history? I'd
say not very much.

The situation seems grim, but there is a fortunate side to the current state of events. Firstly, the
entire government has gone through so many cycles of negative selection that by this time it
almost completely rid itself of competent people, so imploding upon itself is just a matter of
time (it might take quite a while, though!). Secondly, this government isn't as much of a threat to
developed countries as it tries to appear—in large part because every single high-ranking
Russian government official has their personal capital and/or property in said countries. In fact,
many of them have double citizenship. So... yeah, this is a very unstable ship that moves forward
mainly by its own inertia.
2 years ago (edited)
Soviet Union fails is because they spent their money on military and technology and not on
economy. This make them bankrupt.
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
Rubbish. I have all the data on Soviet finance. They had more assets than liability. The reverse is
the case for today's USA, but USA is not collapsing.
Jerry E
Jerry E
2 years ago
Oh, you mean just like us?
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
that's what grobochev did, 10 years after the end of the space race
Antonio Cignozzi
Antonio Cignozzi
2 years ago
+slim shady u saying as muricans did not invest their cash in army for all cold war.. Lmao
2 years ago
Also they didn't enslave people to build their infrastructure and slave entire countries for own
economic benefit.
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@kevinvvn who said that they enslaved anybody? They were a fucking dictatorship of the
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
@slim shady
Dictatorship of the Proletariat means not enslaving anyone but the replacement of the rule of
the aristocracy of the Russian empire of Czar by the poor working people.
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@Dipak Basu the dictatorship of the prolotariate, as described by Lenin, will end all suffering of
the working class and bring down the borguasie. So why would they enslave anyone they
represented them
2 years ago (edited)
Dear it was sarcasm in otherwords USA had its infrastructure built on slavery and does enslave
entire countries for own benefit.
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@kevinvvn if u live in America, that's becuz Obama passed a failed health care act
2 years ago
The candidates we have presently are no different. One guy got salary of 44 Million salary while
the investors were losing money in that company.
+ his rent for his office in NY is now 500% (trump tower office) since he is using donation money
to pay rent to himself...
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@kevinvvn how r our candidates even close to soviet/Russian leaders? Our leaders r athoritarian
capitalists, Stalin, Lenin, mikhail, kruzchov were all athoritarian communist
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
Dictatorship of the Proletariat means replacement of the Rule by the Bankers-Financiers by the
working people.
I have experienced the Soviet system in practice as my wife was born and brought up in the
Soviet Union.
Housing, medical support, education, electricity-water-gas, child care, old age care necessary
transports, holidays, time sharing village home, were all available free.
Priority for admission to the universities was for the children of the workers in the Dictatorship
of the Proletariat. My wife had to work as nursing assistant and my brother in law had to work as
a metal worker for 2 years in order to get admission to the medical faculty and engineering
faculty of Moscow University as both of their parents and grand parents received university
education. This was called Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
2 years ago
You need to take couple of chill pills. just relax. talk to people with respectful tone dear.
2 years ago
Hey Mr. Basu, I did make a statement in favor of russia side. It was said in TONE. Kindly step back
and re-read everything.
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@kevinvvn I, wasn't talking in a harsh tone...
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
@slim shady
Housing, medical support, education, electricity-water-gas, child care, old age care necessary
transports, holidays, time sharing village home, were all available free.
Priority for admission to the universities was for the children of the workers in the Dictatorship
of the Proletariat.
There was no enslavement, at least since 1953.
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@Dipak Basu I know there was no enslavement, that's what I was saying, I supported the ussr
2 years ago
well all three of us were on same side. so lets chill and relax...
slim shady
slim shady
2 years ago
@kevinvvn oh, okay, danm, I thought that I was the only one here
Ronald C Krause Jr
Ronald C Krause Jr
2 years ago
" ...Spent their money on military and technology... "

"...Thais made them bankrupt..."

Reads much like the very near future of america - the only single thing keeping america afloat is
2 years ago (edited)
@Ronald C Krause Jr
!00% agree with you... and I have accepted the fact that worst is coming ...
Ronald C Krause Jr
Ronald C Krause Jr
2 years ago

I genuinely feel sorry for the people who believe what they are being spoonfed.

Well dated before today... There is zero way that people that are not yet retired will ever get the
money back that they put into social security. As a matter of fact, social security does of have
much more than ten years of life in it - at all.

The remained of the budgets simply do not add up. Between government expenditures on the
military, foreign investment, and failing infrastructure - the citizens are doomed into trying to fix
it, when it is too late o fix it.

A full one third of america will never retire, and the numbers keep getting worse. People being
sold on the false truth of GAMBLING their entire retirement on something such as a 401k - worse
than any bet out of Las Vegas
2 years ago (edited)
I agree with you. Everytime someone (especially a white person) says "SLAVE" word, I laugh in
my mind thinking we are the tax slaves and most people don't realize that. When they say
freedom word, we are the most tied up people with possibilities of getting sued over stupidest
thing possible. Average household saves ZERO in end of the year after all the expenses we have.
HillDoggy Dogg
HillDoggy Dogg
2 years ago
It fell apart because that was the plan the whole time, the Bolsheviks decided to destroy the
nation, after sucking it dry for over 70 years, killing 65 million innocent people and enslaving
them, they decided instead of run the West, they control the USA/EU now, following the every
command of the Khazarian Mafia, today only Russia stands against their evil plans, its funny how
things change.
comrade time
comrade time
2 years ago
No my friend, money in the Soviet Union was a lot we fed half of the world, the union fell apart
by the fact that Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy of nation also betrayed us ...
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
@Jerry E
USA has more foreign liability than foreign assets; it is exactly opposite to that of the Soviet
Universal solution
Universal solution
2 years ago
USA didn't landed on moon. They made a cheap ass movie.

Lets be honest, they were years behind USSR in therms of space technologies. LIke now.
2 years ago
I am 99.9% sure US did not land. Neil Armstrong has given enough clues in his speeches about
being puppet.
Jaroslav Záruba
Jaroslav Záruba
2 years ago
"spending money on economy" /facepalm
2 years ago
I am pretty sure it was the soviet union that enslaved whole countries and people for their own
benefit. Clear proof for this would be Labour camps and the reasons why Holodomor happened.
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
@Tarek mig
Labour camps were for the enemies of the state, war criminals, and for people who needed
reeducation. Their numbers were not even 1 percent of the population.
Holodomor propaganda was first created by the British spies like Malcolm Muggeridge and
Gareth Jones; then by Orwell and Conquest, then by the CIA in 1980s with the help of Ujranian
Nationalist Army which was aNazi outfit but were allowed to emigrate to Canada in 1945.
Ordensstaat Burgund
Ordensstaat Burgund
2 years ago
no its beacuse stalin who abolished the NEP and created state capitalism to stabilize the ussr
whice ended killing millions of innoncent russians,ukranians and tatars and it didnt stabilize
anything the ussr basically became a autoritarian capitalist state.
General Pep
General Pep
2 years ago
Dipak Basu
Dipak Basu
2 years ago
@Global Revolution
Soviet Union was authoritarian dictatorship under Stalin, but since 1953, it was neither a
dictatorial nor authoritarian, not at all capitalistic.
It was a socialist state with democratic centralization with one party, but there can be more than
one candidates for each posts.
It was socialist because the difference between the people were minimum and all means of
production, distribution and consumption were controlled by the state, not by any individual.
Ordensstaat Burgund
Ordensstaat Burgund
2 years ago
i agree
2 years ago
That is also what is making the U.S. bankrupt right now. We need to rebuild our infrastructure
($Trillions of dollars worth), and instead some sociopaths got into power (PNAC/Bush
Administration) and were able to facilitate and execute a false flag attack against their own
nation (9/11), so they could spend $Trillions of taxpayer dollars waging wars for profit, in
innocent sovereign nations. America is no longer America until they are brought to justice, and
all reforms and laws made as a result of 9/11 are repealed; And steps are taken to ensure that it
can never happen again.
2 years ago
We just had the largest economic recession in our history, since the great depression. The U.S.
still could collapse though, or the U.S. dollar could collapse as a currency. The one hedge against
collapse is the unique status the U.S. holds in several ways, but arguably the most important
being the U.S. Dollar status, as the "Global Reserve Currency". The BRICS could challenge this
2 years ago (edited)
Not just them but the likes of The Gulf Cooperation Council ie the Saudis, Kuwait other Gulf oil
rich states plans for their own single currency in effect dumping the US dollar to trade oil which
means everything else as well..
Iran, Venezuela already trade oil in other currencies apart from the US dollar. Venezuela is also
moving towards a single currency with other Latin Americian countries in the Union of South
American Nations..
And of course Russia has it own plans including another regiona single currency ike the Euro,
with the Eurasian Union..Which Hilary Clintion once referred to it as the New Soveit Union..
What the actual mess in the Ukraine was actually about..
What you never heard of these before?? Well thats what you from the main stream press try
the more professional and academic journals on econmics and international politics.. lol
Edward JLo
Edward JLo
2 years ago (edited)
They have to import so many products except petrol products which they export and there's
little economy because it's all cornered by the wealthy and Russian insiders. It doesn't make
them bad... it makes them just like our own greedy politicians. SOON I HOPE, THE SWAMP SHALL
2 years ago (edited)
@Edward JLo Don't forget the Americans. They are the ones which can manipulate the price of
oil and and Soviet Union is basically an oil exporting ctry and their idealogy and that's it, The Star
Wars program by Ronald Reagan also made the Russians fall int the military spending trap when
they compete against the super rich Americans.One lesson learnt which several ctries need to
learn is if you are not rich or have alternate plan , don't even try to challenge with the US openly
as most likely, they will be 'destroyed'.
Эмиль Алиев
Эмиль Алиев
2 years ago
漢子 may be , it was a very good
Odysseus Rex
Odysseus Rex
1 week ago
@Dipak Basu Really? All the data? And where did you get access to the Kremlin files?
Michael Tarvin
Michael Tarvin
5 months ago (edited)
Data gathering/research vs a publicity event.... authoritarian vs democracy.... ruble vs dollar...
video is good for the logistical flavoring of the situation... well done
3 months ago
This goes against a very good Russian proverb - семь раз отмерь, один раз отреж (measure
seven times, cut once).
Den A
Den A
2 months ago
Doing seven measure before cut one (Check it more before you make something).
VacumOvale Lookanal
VacumOvale Lookanal
1 month ago
in my country they say NINE times measure, one time cut
1 month ago
@VacumOvale Lookanal where is that?
Gen Li
Gen Li
1 month ago
Well that’s their problem. We only “measure twice, cut once.” All that extra measuring took too
long. ;)
1 month ago
@Gen Li measuring twice is already better than eyeballing it and saying "yeah, that'll do."
Adrian Andro
Adrian Andro
1 week ago
Because when russian learn about space, on other side US learn about moon, when russia send
man to the space, US already have knowlede about moon...
Crystal Dreams
Crystal Dreams
4 days ago
lie... lies.. operation higjump new swabia
10 months ago
It was a mistake to read the comments....I lost at least half of my (probably low to start with) IQ
trying to understand what some of those idiots were saying.
Fone Zombie
Fone Zombie
10 months ago
you denied yourself an education in truth then
10 months ago
Me too - absolutely some of the dumbest shit I have ever read, even for youtube standards.
10 months ago
Hey Ralphie Boy! L0L Edjewcation and truth are oxymorons. Heavy on the MORON part! Kinda
like Gubmint intelligence.
Alloon Studios
Alloon Studios
10 months ago
But there is fish in the sea
10 months ago (edited)
For the record I meant the dismissive things being said about questioning the moon landing, and
the good questions asked that weren't answered. I don't believe or disbelieve the landing, but I
find those so sure of themselves are usually the narrow minded fools that believe anything.
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
I find it humorous to read the comments by the stupid people that can't understand reality.
Otherwise, the dimwitted comments are a waste of time.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Only the intelligent question. The gullible believe what they're told to believe!!!
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@Great King Rat : yes, that's why the gullible believe the hoaxes that you tube told them to
believe - no questioning needed, it just clouds their beliefs.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
@Drew Thompson No... the gullible believed in the moon landings before YouTube even
existed!!! The believers seem to be in the minority now... YouTube can probably be credited with
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@Great King Rat : another idiot! If you do some research, about 6% of Americans are unable to
comprehend the fact of the moon landings. Why? Who knows. Even the Russians(the cold wear
enemy) have no problem with the moon landings. Other countries also followed the moon
missions, and were involved in tracking and communication with the missions. Even the landing
sites have been photographed. Yet there are a small minority that can't, or refuse to understand
reality. Does it make you feel "special" ? Luckily, you people are of no consequence.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago (edited)
@Drew Thompson Answer this one then, Sheldon... The "moon landing" 1969... Why was the
lunar module photographed in various locations, when it would have been stationary on the
moon's surface???
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew Thompson And if you turn around and say the lunar module WASN'T photographed in
different locations "on the moon's surface" then it's you who needs to do some research!!!
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@Great King Rat : 20 years of research, yet you have no answers. That's some very poor
research. Have you noticed some people resort to name calling when they have nothing to back
them up? Keep up your "good work". Have fun with your fantasies and your tin hat. Also, several
moon landing missions might give you a hint as to why the lander was photographed in different
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew Thompson One more thing, wankstain. Because morons like you let them get away with
this farce, the USA decided gullible twats would probably swallow the 9/11 crap too!!! Well
done, dipshit!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
All you wankers ever come out with is tinhat shit!!! I'm NOT a flatearther!!! (Just more crappy
Sheldon Cooper guesswork). I'm an agnostic atheist too...(Google it). I'm a realist!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew is a fucking wanker's name... that's the only proof of anything you've given on this
thread!!! �
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew Thompson I live in the UK, and NOBODY I've ever asked here believes man has been on
the moon!!! NOBODY!!! But Brits don't have any false pride to lose, so we can afford to be
10 months ago
Lol good work Drew! You got this guy worked up into a frothing rage. Got a good chuckle out of
it this morning.
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@flatbg1 : you're welcome. I wonder if his "research" has shown him that the Jodrell Bank radio
telescope, in England, was used to track the Apollo missions.(as well as dishes in Australia and
elsewhere, maybe even Soviet ones). Even radio amateurs listened in to the missions, possibly
even some in England.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
If that's "good work" we're all fucked!!! ���
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
The 1969 "moon landing" showed the "lunar module" photographed in different locations "on
the moon." WHY?????
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
@Drew Thompson Btw, Jodrell Bank is so well-respected in the UK that Queen guitarist Brian
May turned down a job offer there!!! Google it!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@Great King Rat After all your ranting, and your potty mouth, you're still asking for my help?
You should get help for your sexual fantasies before you hurt someone, and learn some
manners. It will help you seem less ignorant. Your mother is probably ashamed of your
behaviour. Both Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landed on the moon in 1969. They landed in different
locations. NASA actually planned the landings this way, to learn as much as possible with only
the few landings permitted by the budget. This would make sense to most people, but obviously
not you. Both landers look similar, perhaps this is the reason for your confusion. Didn't your
exhaustive "research" show you this? Maybe start again, with accredited sources. You could
possibly learn about the Apollo missions in only a few years, if you work hard, but likely you'll
need longer, as you've already wasted 20 years on your "research".
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
@Drew Thompson I don't have "sexual fantasies." Obviously you do, and you're probably getting
moist thinking about flatbg1 right now!!! Your unoriginal mother comment is crap too!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
@Drew Thompson Right, back to the question, which you keep twisting around to suit your
purposes. I'll spell it out properly, so you can't pretend to not understand it...
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago (edited)
@Drew Thompson QUESTION... The 1969 landing (singular) when Armstrong supposedly walked
on the moon... Why was the lunar module photographed in different locations (which it was)
when it would have been stationary?????
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
@Drew Thompson So... are you going to twist the question around with nonsensical crap again,
or admit that you have no answer??!!! Any Sheldon Cooper worth their salt would research it!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
But you're not a proper Sheldon Cooper... you're just a joke!!! �
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago
@Great King Rat : I did not throw the first insult - I just made an accurate observation.. You have
stated that you don't need my help. So I won't offer it again.. Besides, you're too rude,, learn
some manners. Do some research. All the hoaxer questions have been answered, look them up.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
10 months ago
Drew� ��Thompson ���
Drew Thompson
Drew Thompson
10 months ago (edited)
@Great King Rat : Again, your obsessions with male genitals. It's a shame you understand so
little. I'll let you have the last words, not that you have anything of consequence to add.
Philip Croft
Philip Croft
9 months ago
9 months ago
BloodlineMedia - because there is nothing to 'prove'. conspiracy fuckwits are just sad keyboard
warriors who think they have 'discovered' something that the entire international media haven't.
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@MrBipson The "fuckwits" here are the gullible morons who can't answer my question above!!!
Feel free to attempt an answer as soon as you like!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
9 months ago
hoaxers infest the internet with their ignorance disguised as "knowledge" it's funny cause
nobody can tell me why russia, china, japan basically all star communist countries decided not to
expose the so called fake landing, I mean surely they know they're all giants with space programs
and propaganda strong enough to leave the US in a stone of shame for at least 2 decades, but
nah fam, the youtube geniuses are clearly more advanced than the russian KGB and such that
they were able to figure out the truth with childish, ignorant and weak observations lacking
common sense, well okay what about the japanese satellite images? The russian congratulatory
speech? .. Can someone answer me for the love of anything that is holly to you?
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Try to answer my two questions above (since nobody else can) and I won't
hesitate to supply an excellent answer to your question!!!
9 months ago
+Rat I've seen the way you debate, and I have to admit that I have no interest to debate you;
offending, oppressing, and denouncing other people's thoughts to you was well observed and is
only common sense to avoid being subjected to, so no thank you, I do not wish to be dragged in
a meaningless conversation with a radical free thinker, I'm looking for answers from an academic
mindset and a well involved background with social common sense and scientific approach to
the matter, specially sensitive matters like an event so large as this one

On a paralleled note: someone suggested earlier that a secret figurative groups in higher
hierarchy power was the answer to my question, and that all the countries are "in on it", if that is
your excellent answer (not saying that it is, but IF) then I have no interest in that direction either,
neither chemtrail and whether control conspiracies, nor 9/11 linked agendas are welcomed
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx So... In short, another Sheldon Cooper space cadet who can't answer my
questions!!! Well done!!! No wonder normal people don't take you freaks seriously!!! �
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Btw, a very high IQ, and a job title you probably couldn't spell, Sheldon!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx As for the way I debate, most I've read from moon-landing freaks have been
insults and putdowns, merely because others have a different view!!! Pathetic!!!
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx You probably believe in God too, and allow yourself to be controlled by men
in frocks!!! You are THAT gullible!!! �
9 months ago (edited)
Rat I'm not sure which part of "no thank you" did you not comprehend, I don't know under
which stone you live but I heard about the tenacity of a cockroach, and I'm pretty sure what is
considered "normal" to you is certainly a minority to the rest of the world, with your ignorant
disbelieve of a so called hoax that has been orchestrated by "the illuminate", you're the victim of
your own ignorance yet in complete believe that you're right in every sense of false direction
within you, you belong in an institute of mental health, your paranoia could seemingly end up
hurting someone, my contempt to you is not only because you're an ugly debater that can't take
no for an answer, but your arrogance makes it 100% clear to me that anymore words said to your
direction is a waste of good oxygen, now I know you will reply to this with something juvenile
again, most likely arrogant and constructed with poor vocabulary, you're muted, just in case.

But if any other person with (hopefully) of more suitable age to discuss this subject in a civilized
manner, I'd be happy to debate and understand your point of views if you're willing to share the
same understanding to mine, just please don't act like this childish rat, nobody got time for that
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx Firstly, I've never mentioned the Illuminati in any post on YouTube (more
Sheldon guesswork). Secondly, learn to type and spell in English, if you want to be taken
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
9 months ago
It's very telling that most of you Sheldon Cooper space cadet moon freaks are American!!!
Wonder why??!!! Believing only out of a sense of (false) pride!!!
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago (edited)
@Great King Rat king rat... buddy... give it up. Stop the rant. Drew threw the 1st punch. But
YOU... you allowed yourself to get worked up into frenzy. It happens to us all .. but you kept
going and going sometimes without provocation. You made yourself a bigger fool. Quit when
you are ahead and have made your point. Its not worth it.
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx ALL the main countries ARE in on the Antarctica Treaty that suddenly came
out of nowhere in the 50s after Admiral Bird's expedition that revealed shocking findings. This is
a world that just fought 2 world wars and they all AGREED to a treaty over ICE!!!!!!!! Now that
BARREN ICE is militarily protected.
My point is... if the world can agree to a treaty to hide what is beyond the ICE then Im sure they
could have agreed to the mass deception of the fake moon landings.
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@Great King Rat i change my attempt to warn you of embarrassing rants. Clearly you seek the
fight for now you are fighting and name calling a second person. Quit it.
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx im not quite sure of the question you are posing. I can't tell by your
comment if you believe or disbelieve the fake moon landing. Can you clarify.... if my other
comment did not address it.
8 months ago
Ahead in what, being a douche? The dude obviously just learnt the word "gullible" give him a
break.. Someone probably called him that, so naturally he's going to abuse it in every comment
to make himself feel better now
Exhibit A : "@xxCrimsonSpiritxx As for the way I debate, most I've read from moon-landing
freaks have been insults and putdowns, merely because others have a different view!!!

Exhibit B : "@xxCrimsonSpiritxx You probably believe in God too, and allow yourself to be
controlled by men in frocks!!! You are THAT gullible!!! �"

When contradictive hypocrites peak... "merely because other's have a different point of view"
followed by "you probably believe in god too" .. Man I feel sorry for whoever have to live with
8 months ago
@destiny, Just saw your comment my bad, I know the moon landing happened, I have 2 uncles
that work with NASA in multiple projects for the past 20 years, and they made me love space
with facts, hoaxers bring nothing but questionable "facts" to help portray a deformed version of
the truth, what I find is hilarious, is that most of the deniers aren't even american or just simply
hate americans, which makes their testimony even that much questionable
8 months ago
And to answer you on the barren ice thing, I'm not entirely familiar with this incident and I guess
the things we have to research are endless, as for a joint effort to cover up something as big as
the 69 moon landing I believe is an entirely different story, two countries may be able to keep a
secret, 10 countries.. I'd start to doubt it.... The entire world's countries keeping this huge secret
for this many years? ... I'm just saying.. This doesn't sound nor rationalized as being realistic and
we're slowly marching toward a different realm of block buster movies, NASA (400,000) people
keeping a lie for this long is just irrational since people these days can barely have one friend to
keep a secret for 3 or 5 weeks
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
8 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx You're another fucking tosser... go and analyse your own fucking
comments!!! A village idiot would realise I contradicted myself out of necessity, to give back as
good as I got!!! Fucking idiot!!!
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx thank for clarifying. Im Canadian.... certainly dont hate Americans although
we can probably do without the arrogance.
So i have more questions now.
Your uncles worked last 20 yrs. Long time after moon landings. I believe people who worked for
Nasa during the moon landings also thought it was true.
How is it that Nasa has lost the technology to go to the moon?
Buzz Aldred and other astronauts wont swear on bible they went to moon and buzz was
recorded telling a little girl "it never happened" I realize video editing can make someone say
anything... but its interesting.
If weve been to moon then why dont we have any decent pic of earth from moon that isnt CGI ?
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@xxCrimsonSpiritxx the reason I brought up the Antarctic thing is becuase it shows the
possibility of keeping big secrets.
I think majority of history has been secrets altered to protect the world agenda
I agree ... all those employees could not keep such a secret. Secrets like this are not told to
workers. Only the highest of elites know such things. That wouldnt be hard to keep.
In recent years I think more and more is being revealed.
destiny coach
destiny coach
8 months ago
@Great King Rat go away
Great King Rat
Great King Rat
8 months ago
@destiny coach Go away??!!! Erm... you posted me first, you dozy twat!!! Here's a tip... get
educated, then get fucked!!! I hate Canadians!!!
8 months ago
@destiny I agree with you on the arrogance issue lol, as for losing the technology, I wasn't there
to know exactly what happened but my best guess is, it was (as many people from NASA saying)
a very chaotic process were some data was written on cup coasters and napkins because of the
idea of having 400,000 people solving problems on the go for 3 astronauts that are supposed to
stay on the moon for 3 days to complete some missions and bring back safely, and fixing errors in
plans that were drawn previously is quite tricky, but the technology to go to moon itself was not
lost, it is applied in everyday life in ICBMs and other satellite launches, in fact there is simply no
reason to go back to the moon all this time (although trump did sign for space programs for a a
mission return to the moon in 2020, I guess we'll see how this one gets denied as well :p), if I
remember correctly; each hour spent on the moon cost around 7 million US dollars, as for the
swearing on the bible story (again) forgive me I never heard of this, perhaps I need to research it
more, but the interview of buzz and the little girl( I did watch), and it saddens me how many
people deliberately and constantly try to vanish that man's work for mankind by denying it so
aggressively, no wonder why he punched a man after being harassed to "come clean".. I wonder
why buzz would tell a little girl the "truth" on camera but nobody else after that? He certainly
didn't seem drunk nor drugged in the video to me! Come on bro think about it, the interview
was taken out of context in a disgusting way and cheap editing that people don't even bother to
explain what he actually said because humans are just too lazy, he clearly meant the period of
which between 1969 and the time of the interview "we didn't go there" again because there is
no reason, russia was the only reason why we went to the moon, it was more of a political war
than it was "for the love of science and exploration" .. There are so many videos that can tell you
all about it, you just have to make sure you're not being biased towards personal agendas, also
remember that half if not almost the entirety of the moon landing deniers are not even
americans, ofcourse they hate to admit it, ofcourse they'll try their hardest to prove it didn't
happen contrary to the insane amount of evidence in there presented to them even from 3rd
non-governmental parties (AND governments of opposite agendas like the communists), as for
pictures of earth, the first picture of earth taken from the moon ended up being the cover image
of the "Save Our World" campaign movement that stretches to many nations and topics
including global warming, starting from NASA website itself

It's funny how this evil cooperation is trying to raise attention towards saving our planet by
laying off industrialization, when deniers go ahead and sink six pack plastics into the ocean while
fishing and disrupt the echo system in that area for at least a decade, just sayin'
8 months ago
Thank you for bringing my attention to the antartic thing, i'll dig into it in time, as for the
emplyees not knowing about this secret agenda, I want to remind you that we're talking about
people who draw every number on the board that makes a process work coherently, these are
not janitors nor full time taxi drivers, these are people that spent years and years studying space
and math and physics and chemistry and even human behavior, these people would know as
much as the people in the higher ranks, and if any of them knows that space travel is impossible
I'd wager one of them would surely come out and speak out about it, still to this day not a single
officially documented testimony from any one of them, came out and said "okay, the numbers
(the physics, the etc.) didn't make sense to me and I think it was all a lie" ... There is nobody that
disciplined to keep a secret for no reason, specially after nearly 50 years from taking the reward
(money) already .... Hell if I was one of those guys that know it was a lie? I'd write my book and
cash in on the money before I die since I'd probably be around 80 years old now in this scenario
8 months ago
@Rat .... You're so obnoxiously toxic and childish, if this conversation is too much for you, leave,
stop begging for attention by insulting people randomly, take your medication or something ..!

"As for the way I debate, most I've read from moon-landing freaks have been insults and
putdowns, merely because others have a different view!!! Pathetic!!!"

Practice what you preach kid

SRV. 123
SRV. 123
8 months ago
Lost half.? So that means you only have 2 brain cells left.?
8 months ago
your roasting skills are on par with leafy
Mihai Valentino
Mihai Valentino
8 months ago (edited)
@flatbg1: Well, it's your own fault if you don't like - and don't believe - the 100% true, so well
documented and breathtaking conspiracy theories :) ! And I'm talking here about the ones
related to US Space Program, because, obviously, there are many, many others.
Mihai Valentino
Mihai Valentino
8 months ago (edited)
@BloodlineMedia: And I believe exactly the contrary. And, just to help you a little, I'll ask this: (1)
Had the US Space Program and Apollo 11 been faked, don't you think that the Soviets would've
been delighted to expose the scam ?! (2) One of the missions installed a reflector that enabled
the precise measurement of the distance to the moon using a laser beam. AFAIK, the laser is
located in France. (3) Rocks have been brought back from the moon and geologists all over the
world had access to them. (4) Using at least a powerful telescope you can surely see the traces
that have been left behind at the landing sites even today.

I'm sorry, - and I speak now generally - but disbelieving or even having doubts about the Moon
Landing shows that you are either a narrow minded fool or lack any basic education in
elementary science.
umpy Goodness
umpy Goodness
8 months ago
H0W do you explain away that america ADMlTS to lying about 100% of other topics during the
1960s, from Bay of Pigs to Vietnam to Big Tobacco and Big Pharma and How Evil Pot ls (deadly

"Just cuz someone ALWAYS lies doesn't mean they lied in the most extraordinary boast of all
time, where even THEY and other astronauts admtted NASA was very inept and made zillions of
flubs, killing astronauts even in the Space Shuttles! ........ALS0, just because GENERAL
PRESS LlED T0 uS!! "

C00L ST0RY, BR0.

Bepy The Bear
Bepy The Bear
7 months ago
Such smart people....Does it ever occur to any of you....That in all the years nasa has been "in

Never an ant, bee, fly, worm, or any other insect has ever been to space.

Never an amphibian, Never a reptile...and...Never a mammal, Other than nasa actors who can
be trained to lie,

Unlike animals who cannot lie....

Christs Revenge
Christs Revenge
7 months ago
flatbg1. Anti Semite. Now you can not think and are silenced.
7 months ago
@Great King Rat One possible answer to this, (Please bear with me it'll take a while to explain)
If you walk outside you house and take a photo of your car.
Behind your car you can see the white picket fence of your next door neighbor's house.
Now you walk around your car and take another photo (perhaps 3 hours later so that the sun is
at a different angle showing different shadows)
In this photo all you can see as background is the hedge your wife is so proud of growing as your
Now look at the two pictures...
They are obviously of the same vehicle but the backgrounds are completely different & even the
shadows are at different positions...
By the logic in your question the car is not in the same place...
but You Know it is in the same place because you took the photos,
THE CAR didn't move, The photographer did!
By the same explanation the Luna Lander Module didn't move, Aldrin & Armstrong did!
4 weeks ago
Bepy The Bear
4 weeks ago
destiny coach We have pics, you just claim they’re CGI. You’ll claim any picture or evidence in
favor of the moon landings is fake because you start by assuming the moon landings never
happened, so naturally any evidence to the contrary must be fake.
LiPe VoLcOm
LiPe VoLcOm
5 months ago
Everything seems to be falling on the moon, must have too much gravitation force there!
1 month ago
USSR went to explore Venus while the USA went to the moon, only to find Venus was
8K bits
8K bits
1 month ago
The moon is also uninhabitable
1 month ago
@8K bits but won't destroy anything sent to it in a matter of minutes.
2 months ago
Excellent video! So did any of this research and development have a hand in the creation of the
Energia rocket program? I've always been fascinated by the Energia/Buran story.
Jonathan Walther
Jonathan Walther
1 month ago
2:11 Thank you so much for this picture!!!
Will Futrell
Will Futrell
2 years ago
Because they did their flights during day and the moon only comes out at night
Esther D Martinez
Esther D Martinez
2 years ago
Razorcakes �������
2 years ago
I've seen the moon during the day before. Is dependent on angle of sun and moon and if cloudy
or not.
Taurion Martell
Taurion Martell
2 years ago
hydrolito what country. i see the moon during the day very very often
Bobby C.
Bobby C.
2 years ago
lol moon and stars ar always there it's just that we can't always see in the daytime but if you
wake up early sunrise and sometimes late morning you can still see the moon and stars
Tate Amstutz
Tate Amstutz
2 years ago
Day 1203: Today I've truly seen an amazing creature, the Jokeusnotagetus know for there ability
to not understand jokes and there complete ignorance to comedy, truly a magnificent piece of
1 year ago (edited)
No, only the Irish and Polish did that! :D
Ronald Starkey
Ronald Starkey
10 months ago
dylan good one... lol
10 months ago
I admit, I laughed
Philip Croft
Philip Croft
9 months ago
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
9 months ago
dylan I've seen the moon during the day many times.
jesse moir
jesse moir
9 months ago
lmao that is so ridiculously stupid it quite funny
Kamper Ken
Kamper Ken
4 months ago
Thats why they went to the sun... at night of course.
Patrick Donnelly
Patrick Donnelly
1 week ago
Stir yer cryogenics around that......
Glenn Laycock
Glenn Laycock
3 days ago
Really interesting. Well told.
Share Data
Share Data
1 day ago
Because they have been busy to put a man in the White House..
3 months ago
IS every man in russia known as Vladamir?
3 months ago
no, just Purin and lenin...
1 month ago
Vladimir is almost like being called Henry, just one of many names. It means universal ruler,
Henry means, home ruler.
C Harris
C Harris
1 month ago
Vladimir 'Vlad' Vladimirovich.
Can Rüzgar
Can Rüzgar
1 month ago
@Samsara if you meant putin, his name is also Vladimir. Vladimir putin
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
1 month ago (edited)
So you've heard of five people from Russia in your entire life and now you think every Russian
male is named Vladimir...
Can Rüzgar
Can Rüzgar
1 month ago
@Ludwig van Beethoven r/whoosh
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven
1 month ago
@Can Rüzgar Oh "whoosh", how original. I got that it was supposed to be a joke. Just a very poor
and sad joke.
1 Johnrambobo
1 Johnrambobo
1 month ago
Ayushman no I met Boris
Jessie James
Jessie James
1 month ago
yeah like Mohamed
Necro Orcen
4 weeks ago
What's the Russian version of John?? Dimitri??
10 months ago
In USSR moon comes to you with enough vodka
8 months ago
viol8r007 what a country
David Fryer
David Fryer
8 months ago
Yep races are won in the last lap.
Arjan Sahota
Arjan Sahota
7 months ago
And the Sun comes to you in a Cheese burger from Macdonalds
Leonides Castro
Leonides Castro
7 months ago
Nice comments ☺��✌
Freedom Of Speech
Freedom Of Speech
6 months ago
Booze doesnt really take you no where but the toilet and the ditch. If you want to get the moon
and beyond a combination of different phychadelics and a stimulant will do the job
6 months ago
no one went to the moon we still lack the technology but we have hollywood
Jolly Infidel
Jolly Infidel
6 months ago
Reported this comment for raping my eyes with its repetitive unfunnyness.
Working Guy
Working Guy
6 days ago
6:36 - not a torque wrench to be seen. ooh boy.
Bob Bobbertson
Bob Bobbertson
3 days ago
2 days ago
Soviet union would not have fallen apart if they had handheld electric grinders. Torque wrenches
are a meme anyway.
Moze Soje Lim
Moze Soje Lim
2 weeks ago
Maybe they have StalinX
Ryan Fontenot
Ryan Fontenot
1 month ago
Should have used cow farts
Dan Mentzer
Dan Mentzer
2 months ago
The Ruusians said: we don't care the USA made it first, "TOUGH SHITZKIE."
1 week ago
Money, money, moooney...
2 months ago
That's kind of like don't talk about it be about it
1 month ago
This guy sounds like Micheal Cain.
Brave Heart
1 month ago
They realized that it was all fantasy and set down to address reality. Now things are different.
We can install lights, radiation, telecommunication, etc over there, strong and accurate enough
to focus on individual needs.
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