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Week 9 Visualisation Focus Student Anecdotal Notes

Makenzie - Can differentiate between the four senses we discussed to show me

how each helps her visualise the scene/line from the text.
- Draws related pictures to the sense reaction which shows me how she
sees it in her mind.
Cathy - Really great descriptions using her senses from the first lesson e.g. “It
sounds like a bucket or water getting poured into a pool of water! It
also sounds like someone jumping in the sea and making a sound
- Uses inference to help her make images in her mind e.g. “A whale is
going to crash because of a giant wave” inferred from the line
“Imagine if we were crossing an ice cap where killer whales crash”
- Always pushing the boundaries and challenging/extending herself. In
the “Cloud with a chance of meatballs” activity, she did her drawing
from a close up perspective with orange rain up close and the food in
the background. I am so impressed by Cathy.
Kingdom - Is trying so much harder this week to meet his full potential when
doing given tasks.
- Can visualise using his senses to consider different sounds, smells and
feelings he would have.
- I would be interested to see him respond to a story by explaining what
he sees in his mind.
Mira - Can differentiate between each sense to respond to a line
- Relates the given line from the text to what she knows e.g. the line:
“Imagine if we were crossing an ice cap where killer whales crash”
responded with the smelling sense: “It smells like fish”. This tells me
she can compare and make inferences about what she knows about
an icy area to help her visualise
- Is thinking deeper to help her visualise. E.g. In response to the same
line above she said, “It feels like I’m starting in a race and people are
cheering” to tell me that she feels nervous and excited.
- Drew a very innovative picture in response to the “Cloudy with a
chance of meatballs” passage.

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