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Toward a life history of the Hominidae

Article  in  Annual Review of Anthropology · January 1995

DOI: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.24.1.257


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B. Holly Smith
George Washington University


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Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 1995. 24:257-79

Copyright © 1995 by Annual Review.s Inc. All rights reserved


B. Holly Smith and Robert L. Tompkins
Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 and Depart-
ment of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
KEY WORDS; dental development, human growth and development, primates

Two new developments promise to greatly improve our ability to reconstruct
the evolution of the human life cycle: 1. the introduction of the comparative
methodology of life history into anthropology and 2. research on bone and
dental development that reveals a world of life history preserved in the fossil
record. Comparative study suggests that the human strategy depends on rich
energy sources and low mortality and that our general rate of growth and aging
evolved in parallel with brain size. It now appears that the australopithecines
were a substantially primitive grade of hominid with life histories more like
apes than humans. The life cycle of early Homo erectus was probably unlike
any living hominoid: Evidence suggests that it grew up somewhat faster than
living humans, it lacked an adolescent growth spurt, and H. erectus infants
were more helpless than those of chimpanzees (but conceivably of more ma-
ture body proportion and motor advancement than our own). The appearance
of fully modern life histories is still not fully resolved: Early Pleistocene/fomo
probably did not share them, and late Pleistocene hominids probably did, but
life history is still little documented in the intervening million years. Although
many details remain to be uncovered, the combination of advancing method
and theory should soon lead to more robust models of human origins.

Life history might be defined as the allocation of an organism's energy toward
growth, maintenance, reproduction, raising offspring to independence, and
avoiding death. For a mammal, it is the strategy of when to be born, when to be

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weaned, when to stop growing, when to reproduce, and when to die (135). pologists must use to make more realistic models, information that will surely
Organisms on earth have greatly different life plans, and understanding what give new insight into human life.
shapes these histories is one of the most interesting areas in whole-organism New developments hold some promise that models can become more
biology. ecologically sound and more scientific. First, life-history method and theory
As anthropologists, we are interested in explaining the significance of our have made real advances in recent years; second, recent work suggests that we
own life strategy and how it evolved, but it can also be argued that human life have greatly underestimated the amount of life history that is preserved in the
history presents a special challenge for general theory. Humans live on a vastly mammalian fossil record. Many models of human origins depend on a particu-
extended time scale compared to most other mammals. Life-history theory lar order of appearance of developmental, morphological, behavioral, and
needs to explain how humans evolved long gestation and large neonates for technological adaptations. If evidence may lead us to reject some models, or at
body weight, few young, an extended period of offspring dependency, slow least parts of them, models qualify as hypotheses rather than stories. The
growth, delayed reproduction, the maximum life span of the terrestrial mam- combination of a fossil record of human life history and an enlarged under-
mals, helpless young, an unusually high rate of postnatal brain growth, a brief standing of life-history evolution must eventually lead to more robust models
duration of breast feeding, an adolescent growth spurt, intense maternal care, of human origins.
paternal care, concealed ovulation, and menopause. Are life histories a pack-
age or a mosaic? Humans and primates have historical importance when this HISTORY
question is addressed (20, 50, 90,114,130).
Anthropologists have written many essays on the significance of life his- Life History and Human Nature
tory for human origins, especially concerning infancy and mating patterns.
The resulting "origins literature" has been criticized on many fronts: as the Life history holds a place in centuries of literary, philosophical, and scientific
shuffling and reshuffling of a few stereotyped narrative elements (72), as ecologi- explanations of human nature. Philosophers and poets like Locke and Pope
cally unsound (73, 151), as "fossil free" (73), and as a political battle for (78,105) and moralists like Fiske and Spencer (41,142) considered prolonged
the right to define human nature (39, 159). Nevertheless, not even the latter infant dependency and slow maturation as the foundation of our social ties and
charge is likely to stop attempts to model human origins. After all, without family life (48, 79). The importance deeded maturation in anthropological
modeling or theory, human evolution remains a dry list of inexplicable events. theory probably stems most directly from the critical importance of the work
of a series of developmental anatomists to physical anthropology. From Bolk
A specific criticism that could be made of anthropological models of human (12), to Le Gros Clark (74), Dart (27), Keith (63), Montagu (95), and Wash-
origins is that the life-history pattems they envision are often unrealistic. burn (155), anatomists saw the slow pace of human development and altricial-
Consider the following post-1970 reconstructions: ity of our young as by-products of selection for large brains and intelligence.
(a) Small-brained, small-bodied Australopithecus species matured as slowly The human life cycle has been incorporated into nearly all models of human
as modern humans but died by age 35 or 40 (80, 85, 92,157). origins, sometimes as cause, sometimes effect. Before 1970, models often set
(b) Early hominids matured by age 12 but became "feeble" in their mid-twen- up technology, family structure, and residence pattems as causes of life-his-
ties (9). tory evolution. Etkin (37), for example, suggested that helpless young and
(c) Newborn early Homo were as altricial (i.e. as less-developed at birth) as delayed development could only appear after permanent domiciles and mo-
modern infants (143,154). nogamy; Washburn's "man the hunter" (155, 156) promoted hunting as the
The last of these reconstructions may be debatable, but the first two contrast behavior that brought about selection for greater intelligence, which in turn
sharply with what we know about life-history patterns in living mammals.l affected life-history evolution.
The lives of mammals offer an enormous amount of information that anthro- In 1968, Mann (82) interpreted fossil evidence to mean that the human life
cycle was ancient (see below), and this widely discussed work had an impact
Criticisms of a: Rates of maturation are nearly in lock step with brain size (113, 130), and life
on theory. After 1970, with few exceptions, cause and effect switched: Basic
expectancies are much greater than twice the ages of sexual maturity (98); b: species whose parameters of the human life cycle were now taken as given, and life cycle
members are feeble in their twenties mature at age 2 or 3 years, not 12 (50); and c: gestation and
ahriciality may be extremely conservative life-history parameters (91).
shaped behavior. Thus, extreme infant helplessness, short birth spacing, and/or
prolonged juvenile dependency were viewed as pressures that brought about
the evolution of a home base, food sharing, and an elaborate division of labor At the time of Mann's work (in the late 1960s and early 1970s), paleoan-
by sex (58, 70, 80); the evolution of mating patterns and family structure (80, thropologists thought that human ancestry could be traced back to the Mio-
127); or all of the above (127, 159). Thus Lancaster's "carrying and sharing" cene, and if so, it was credible that the human life cycle might characterize
(70) and Tanner & Zihlman's "woman the gatherer" (148, 159) were not Pliocene hominids (83). Simons & Pilbcam (124) were quick to suggest that
simply responses to "man the hunter." Like Lovejoy's "provisioning monoga- Ramapithecus, which also showed steep wear gradients, might have matured
mist" essay (80), they were written at a time when many paleoanthropologists slowly, although they realized that gradients could be formed by heavy wear
had come to think that human life history preceded almost all other aspects of alone.
humanness. Although Mann's work was influential in paleoanthropology (103, 157),
Lovejoy and others encountered intense criticism (39, 59, 127), but they the field was never without dissent. About the same time as Mann's early
opened a dialogue on life-history thinking, altriciality, monogamy, hunting, work, Biggerstaff (8) assembled data on age of tooth eruption in five anthro-
and social organization of early hominids that has greatly improved the quality poid species. He suggested that the small size of australopithecines made
of the discussion (43, 54, 64). Recently our view of the evolutionary grade of likely rapid growth and short maturation times. Although Mann (85) brushed
Australopithecus has changed profoundly (see below) and life history is once aside Biggerstaff's suggestion as one without supporting evidence, outside of
again something to be explained in early hominid evolution (1,55, 71,143). anthropology, zoologists had gathered a great deal of evidence on this very
point. Sacher and colleagues had shown that brain weight is highly related to
Fossil and Skeletal Evidence gestation length and life .span in mammals (113, 115). As early as 1975, both
Cutler (25) and Sacher (114) pointed out that australopithecine brains were too
Almost from the start, teeth were considered the most promising source of small to expect human-like rates of growth and aging.
evidence on the rate at which species mature. When the first real data about By the 1980s, anthropologists were reevaluating australopithecines on all
great apes in captivity became available, Keith (62), Krogman (68), Schultz counts. Molecular analyses and new fossil finds had halved the apparent time
(120), and Zuckerman (160) pursued every anecdote about ape tooth eruption, depth of human origins (19). The advent of firm dating chronologies in Africa
seeking to establish whether humans actually were the slowest maturing pri- (24) together with the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis (60) finally
mate (140). Eventually it was established that humans take about twice as long made it clear that australopithecines appeared millions of years before stone
to erupt teeth, twice as long to reach adulthood, and live about twice as long as tools. Comparative studies (90, 114) were difficult to reconcile with a view
great apes. Clearly, human growth and development had an evolutionary his- that the genus was advanced in grade of evolution (104). In 1984, Trinkaus
tory since the last common ancestor of apes and humans, but when did the (152) revived the question of whether Neanderthals had fully modem life
human pattern appear—in the Miocene, Pliocene, or Pleistocene? Opinions on histories. Soon after, Bromage (13) interpreted bone remodeling on the face of
that question spanned the full range. Bolk (12), for instance, had claimed that the Taung child under an assumption of a short ape-like period of growth and
not even the Pleistocene Neanderthals grew up in the human fashion. Le Gros development. It was only a matter of time before the question of life history
Clark (74) suggested the opposite: that gradients of molar wear observable on would be reexamined in the entire hominid fossil record.
australopithecine cheek teeth indicated slow maturation, an idea Dart (27)
Mann (82, 85) became the first to undertake an organized approach to the LIVE SLOW, DIE OLD: THE HUMAN STRATEGY
time depth of human growth and development. He agreed that wear gradients
might reflect maturation but thought better evidence would be found in the Life History Correlates
pattern of events in tooth crown and root formation. With this idea, he exam-
ined a sample of australopithecines. The fossils were difficult to radiograph, Outside anthropology, comparative studies made great strides in elucidating
however, and in the end, only four juvenile Australopithecus robustus from the correlates of slow maturation and long life in mammals. Both charac-
Swartkrans could be studied. In the four, pattems of development appeared to teristics proved to be linked to enlarged brains, large body size, enhanced
resemble humans rather than chimpanzees, Australopithecines, Mann con- learning and sociality, and increased parental investment (77, 102, 113-115).
cluded, matured slowly and were of an advanced grade of evolution, deserving For primates, Harvey & Clutton-Brock (50) detailed the strong positive rela-
of the term "human" (83, 85). tionships between size (e.g. brain, body, and neonatal weights) and time inter-
vals in life histories (e.g. gestation length, age of weaning, age of sexual Elements of r and K theory continue to be useful, although current theorists
maturity, life span). suggest that there is a more complex relation between environments and
Contemporary life-history studies, already well grounded in empirical data, outcomes (144). Since 1990, a series of studies argues that a better model of
have moved into an exciting era of theoretical advance. Size is understood to ultimate determinants is provided by age-specific mortality—the probability
be strongly associated with life history (17, 50, 117), but as Harvey & Read an individual of a given age has of living to next month, next season, or next
(52) point out, "size" as a causal factor ultimately begs the question. Instead, year (20, 21, 51, 108). A critical spectrum of life history stretches from "live
one might regard time and size as equally important vectors in animal life (51, fast, die young" to "live slow, die old" (much the same as the r and K
135), realizing that change in either alters access to strategies and energetic spectrum, but without suppositions about population density or environmental
costs. stability). High juvenile mortality selects for a strategy of "live fast, die
Large brains can be looked at as an energetic problem (89). Large brains are young." On the other hand, intraspecific competition selects for "live slow, die
costly investments: in humans, about 20% of resting metabolism supports old," because that strategy produces higher quality, more competitive off-
energetic demands of our brains, compared to 9% in a chimpanzee, and about spring. "Slow" life histories, however, entail the constant risk of death before
2% in an average marsupial (56). Moreover, larger brains have lower toler- offspring reach independence and can only be sustained when juvenile mortal-
ances for temperature extremes, maternal blood pressure, and oxygenation (38, ity is low.
131) and may increase obstetric risks or compromise locomotion (155). The Life-history theory is ultimately based on the general principles of thermo-
costs are high, but what is the pay-off? One explanation is that a large brain is dynamics, that energy used for one purpose cannot be used for another, and
an investment that only pays off on a long time scale (131; see also 36). An thus, rates of energy harvest impinge on outcomes (55). Diet is directly rele-
organism recoups its energetic "investment" in a large brain through complex vant to energy harvest. At a given body size, the species that extracts higher
behavior, which is itself the combined product of large brains, slow develop- quality foods from the environment—e.g. fruit or animals instead of
ment, extended parental care, and enhanced learning, among other influences. leaves—has increased life-history options. Body size is also inextricably inter-
Moreover, benefits of large brains probably accrue slowly over a long life. For twined with life history because it is critical to energy budget. Increasing body
primates, much of life history may act in support of a substantial investment in size, for example, requires more total energy, but it also improves heat reten-
tion and lessens energy needed per gram of tissue (17, 66, 91,117). Increasing
brains. body size may also function to decrease mortalhy, because there are always
fewer predators for large mammals than for small ones. We would expect that
Life-History Theory age-specific mortality, energy budget, and intraspecific competition all deter-
We can identify a strategy of larger brains, slow maturation, and complex mine a species' position on the slow-fast continuum of life history.
behavior in primates and hominids, but what controls the evolution of this Human hunter-gatherers have vastly lower infant and juvenile mortality
strategy versus one that features small brains, quick maturation, and a more than do apes and monkeys (55, 71), and one of the first and most crucial
rigid behavioral repertoire? Ultimate determinants must lie elsewhere. The adaptations for early Pleistocene hominids may have been one that lowered
most influential theory about strategies is MacArthur & Wilson's theory of r juvenile mortality—whether brought about by a change in grouping, group
and K selection (81). The theory took its name from equations about popula- transfer, foraging, parenting, or technology. We know that hominid body size,
tion growth in which r is the maximum intrinsic rate of increase and K, the brain size, and dietary quality increased in the Pleistocene, and theory gives us
carrying capacity of the environment. MacArthur & Wilson postulated two every reason to expect that life histories adapted hand in hand.
polar reproductive strategies that emerge from selection in contrasting set-
tings: Unstable environments produced r-selected species, which are oppor- Predictions
tunistic, gaining advantage through their ability to reproduce rapidly; these For a paleontologist, life-history characteristics can seem ephemeral. Smith
species grow up quickly and keep investment in offspring low. Stable environ- (130) turned to something that can be reconstructed from the fossil record
ments produced AT-selected species, on the other hand, which live near the much more easily—age of tooth eruption. Because a juvenile mammal's sur-
carrying capacity of the environment and gain advantage by increasing com- vival depends on a having a working dentition, tooth eruption is also a life-his-
petitive ability; these species grow up slowly, have fewer offspring, and invest tory variable. A correlative study across 21 primate species found age of first
more in each (see 42). molar (Mi) eruption to be highly associated with brain weight (r = 0.98) and a
host of other life-history variables. The strength of the correlations seemed weekly, and daily rhythms, giving rise to incremental lines of growth in tree
best explained by the robusticity of tooth development to environmental per- trunks, shells, and skeletons (97). Other metabolic upsets may also disturb
turbations, especially when compared to such life-history variables as age of growth rhythms. A brief interruption of tissue formation at birth can be recorded
sexual maturation or first birth. The study concluded that the mean age of tooth permanently in tooth crowns by the so-called neonatal line, a striation visible in
eruption is a good overall measure of the maturation rate of a species—a first histological sections of dentin and enamel observed in humans and some other
proxy of a species' position on the fast-slow continuum of life history. For mammals (112, 118, 146). Morbidity after weaning is thought to cause many
example, chimpanzees erupt Mi at about 3.1 years of age, whereas humans do enamel defects observed in humans (47). Use of incremental lines preserved in
not until 5-6 years (see Table 1). teeth to estimate individual age is well established in wildlife biology (57, 65,
Relationships observed in the living can be used to make predictions about 116). Microanatomical research has discovered evidence of birth, age of death,
the past. A regression of eruption on brain size in living anthropoids season of death, and other life events in teeth and tusks of fossil and living
predicts that the mean age of M^ emergence in gracile australopithecines was mammals (40, 65, 67).
somewhere between 3.0 and 3.4 years (133, 141), on par with that of living Microanatomy could lead us to unravel our own life-history evolution, but
chimpanzees. Interestingly, Homo habilis and early H. erectus are predicted to this technique usually requires sectioning a tooth to observe dentin (an internal
resemble nothing alive today—occupying a life-history niche between living tissue), something few curators of fossil hominids allow. Bromage & Dean
great apes and humans. On a gross scale, life histories near those of living (16) were the first to see their way around the problem of destructive research.
humans would be expected to arise as hominid brain size crested 1000 As they explained (16, 29, 30), a series of experiments dating from 1931 to
cc—something that occurred in middle Pleistocene H. erectus (Table 1). As 1959 (44, 93, 99, 119), some in sources obscure to western researchers,
Smith et al (141) point out, if we assume that human life history was fully showed that microscopic bands crossing enamel prisms (cross striations) were
formed in australopithecines, then we must imagine that humans increased best explained as the result of circadian rhythms in enamel-depositing cells.
their brain volume by another 900 ml with no concomitant change in life Groups of seven or eight cross striations, representing approximately one week
history. in time, formed larger-scale bands known as striae of Retzius, and this phe-
nomenon appeared to hold true across Old World monkeys and apes. Bromage
Evidence & Dean pointed out that the majority of striae of Retzius emerge on incisor
surfaces in clearly marked bands known as perikymata. These surface periky-
MICROANATOMY All terrestrial organisms are affected by astronomical cycles. mata could be counted to estimate the number of days involved in tooth crown
Tissue formation, in particular, may wax and wane in seasonal, monthly. formation. Individuals who died while still forming an incisor crown could be
Table 1 Increase in brain size and predicted increase in age of first permanent molar eruption
assigned a fairly accurate age of death by adding in an estimate of time lapsed
in the Hominidae and Pan^ between birth and initiation of crown formation (a few months for mandibular
incisors of great apes and humans).
Taxon Mean cranial capacity Actual or predicted (*) mean Bromage & Dean (16) used perikymata to date events in maturation for a
(ml) age of Mi eruption (yr)
Living H. sapiens, range of lOS-^-lSSl 5,0-6.3?
series of Pliocene hominids that had died as juveniles. Whereas Mann (85) had
means proposed that australopithecines that died about the time Mj erupted were all
"Early modern" H. Sapiens 1567 6.5* about 6 years of age, microanatomical study could only account for 3.3 years,
H. sapiens neanderthalensis 1519 6.4* an age that would be expected in a great ape, not a human (see Table 1).
Asian H. erectus 983 5.0' Bromage & Dean's findings suggested that australopithecines grew up nearly
African H. erectus 826 4.5* twice as fast as modern humans—which agrees with predictions based on
H. habilis 610 3.8* brain size (133).
A. africanus 440 3.1* Use of microanatomy to age fossil hominids has not gone unchallenged.
A. afarensis 404 3.0* Mann and colleagues argue that such techniques are unreliable, offering objec-
P. trof;lodytes 383 3.1
'Data from References: 3, 140, 141,153.
tions at every level: from suggesting that cross striations might be "knife-chat-
*Predicted from regression of In (eruption) on In (cranial capacity) across living anthropoid ter" from sectioning (87), to claiming extreme ranges for human perikymata
primates species (141). numbers and crown formation times (88). Many of these objections, however.
are poorly grounded. Mann and colleagues (69, 86-88) regularly appeal to hominid species that may be used to assign ages of death to other juveniles (4,
Nolla (97a) for tooth formation data, although it is now thought that NoUa's 7,23,110).
"backwards" solution of her equations combined with other statistical oddities Only time will tell whether the studies of surface enamel must be pursued
resulted in notably poor estimates of the timing of events (129, 134). In or whether more curators will allow selected sectioning of fossil teeth, but
addition, the high end of the ranges Mann et al (88) give for perikymata and regardless, microanatomy is here to stay. Despite some initial resistance within
crown formation times are theoretical estimates they have derived from pecu- anthropology, what is at stake—all that we might learn about life history—is
liar extrapolations. Likewise, Dean & Beynon (31) regard some of Mann's far too interesting not to pursue these techniques.
counterclaims for perikymata counts as unlikely to stand up to histological
Since their first studies, additional investigations by Bromage, Dean, PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT Patterns and rates of development are not the
Beynon, and colleagues describe both range (6-10) and mean number same, of course, but the two probably covary in the real world because no life
(7.7-8.2) of cross striations within striae of Retzius in individual humans (6, strategy can work at all scales (135). Schultz (120, 122) originally suggested
30) and the beginning of detailed work on great apes (5). Their newer work that sequence of tooth eruption in primates is adapted to the rapidity of postnatal
(32,145) often provides ranges for age estimates of early hominids rather than growth—that patterns covary with rates. Mann (85) developed the argument at
the single values originally published (16). New studies, however, also offer length, suggesting that patterns of root-crown development were likely to be
strongly linked to rate of development. Although not all agree (125), evidence
evidence of consistent results between teeth in the same individual (5, 31) and supports Schultz's and Mann's theoretical position.
verify periodicity in controlled experiments with higher primates (15). Tech- Smith (135), using techniques of allometry, showed that mammals adapt
niques have been tested on historical skeletal material of known age (145) and several sequences of events in maturation to the time scale at which they
actual number of cross striations within striae of Retzius counted in sectioned occur. It has also been shown (136) that tooth emergence in primates and
and broken australopithecine teeth (7, 32). Even attributing highest reasonable ungulates follows a simple progression: The later that tooth emergence begins,
estimates of time to incisor crown formation in australopithecines does not the earlier anterior teeth (I1-P4) appear in sequence (probably because the
double age estimates—and doubling would be necessary to bring these esti- deciduous teeth they replace wear out). The sequence of mandibular tooth
mates in line with human schedules of maturation. eruption reconstructed for Australopithecus africanus (Ml II 12 M2 P3 P4 C
Study of surface enamel (16) has opened up a new world of research for M3) matches that of the rapidly developing genera Pan and Macaca (139).
paleoanthropology, but the dictates of nondestructive research still produce Modern humans, it appears, adapted to slower development by shifting C, P3,
difficuhies. Calculating age from surface perikymata rather than from a sec- and P4 forward in the sequence to M l II12 C P3 P4 M2 M3 (120, 139).
tion showing actual striae of Retzius adds two layers of estimation (without Patterns of crown-root development are more complex than simple se-
sectioning, the number of cross striations within striae and the number of quences of tooth eruption, but the same hypothesis applies—that rate and
perikymata that do not reach the surface must both be estimated). Without pattern covary. Mann (82) took a descriptive approach to the problem, but by
sectioning, human age estimates are most accurate within a short window of the 1980s, data had become available on great apes (34) and more than a dozen
time during the three or four years after birth, during which time mandibular fossil hominids, and it was time for a numerical approach. Smith (128) as-
incisor crowns form. Older children with complete crowns and forming roots signed two sets of dental ages to 15 fossil hominids under conflicting hypothe-
are problematic. Dean, Beynon, and colleagues are working on ways to esti- ses: (a) that maturation mirrored that of humans or {b) that it mirrored great
mate root extension rates (5, 28, 31, 32). Even restricting work to tooth apes. For many hominids, dental ages of individual teeth were more in syn-
crowns, maxillary central incisors are apparently less reliable in expressing chrony when assigned under the great ape model of development. Interest-
striae of Retzius on their surface than are mandibular incisors and canines (5), ingly, patterns of development seemed similar within species but different
and the complexity of molar and premolar crowns still requires sectioning or between them. At first, the few data available for H. erectus suggested that
study of naturally broken teeth (7, 110). Sectioning of some teeth, especially patterns might have resembled apes (128), but additional data subsequently
from older hominid juveniles, would greatly speed progress. Even so, section- placed it closer to modern humans (133, 138). The few data available on
ing can be kept to a minimum: Knowledge gained from occasional sectioning, Neanderthals suggested nearly modern dental development. Patterns were not,
naturally broken teeth, perikymata counts, and relative stages of crown-root however, easy to understand in robust australopithecines, which appeared to
development can be combined to build a chronology of dental development for share some features of human development. Most importantly, clear evidence
existed for evolution of growth and development within Plio-Pleistocene Pleistocene dental development to be fairly homogeneous. The fossil sample
Hominidae. (Neanderthals plus early modern H. sapiens) differed only slightly from a
Debate soon crystallized over the age of the Taung infant, the type speci- worldwide sampling of modern humans (black Africans, white French-Cana-
men of A. africanus. Tooth development had been ignored in Taung because dians, and Amerindians). The fossils, however, tend toward the more primitive
its face is unbroken (hiding crown-root development) and teeth erupted are pattern of anterior tooth delay relative to molars (149), a tendency associated
nondiagnostic. Conroy & Vannier (22, 23) used CT scanning to observe devel- with a slightly early age of M^ emergence in living humans (139).
oping teeth within the face, and they agreed that patterns of development were Two studies (33, 145) suggested that some juvenile Neanderthals, particu-
more ape- than human-like. Their work renewed the debate over the age of the larly the Gibraltar 2 infant, had large cranial size for their dental age. Trinkaus
Taung infant (86, 135, 158), at issue since Dart's original description (26, & Tompkins (153), however, concluded that such a distinction did not hold
160). As always, the issue was not the age of a single dead child, but the rate of when a sample of five Neanderthal juveniles was compared to modern chil-
maturation in human ancestors. dren of comparable dental age. Other researchers have found only minor
differences in maturation of the Neanderthal cranium compared to modern
Several lines of evidence suggest that australopithecines were substantially humans (94,126).
primitive in growth and development. Mann and colleagues, however, con- We are on less stable ground in predicting precisely how late Pleistocene
tinue to object on all fronts, arguing for faults in evidence of life-history life history differed from that of modern humans. Brain size predicts that
correlation, statistical patterns, developmental sequences, microanatomy, and life-history parameters might be on the high side of modern human values, but
gross anatomy (69, 86-88, 158). They go so far as to reject future approaches interspecific regressions are poor predictors of small sub-specific differences.
that might be devised (69): "biological diversity in pattern and age known to Although evidence is far from complete, most investigators have argued that
characterize modern human dental development are not amenable to simple Neanderthals in particular would have been less able to tolerate risks and the
statistical analytic models" (p. 125). A universe so constructed holds little expense of long, slow maturation than living humans and might have experi-
possibility for rejecting an old hypothesis. Although highly critical of new enced more stresses and matured more quickly (33, 53, 100, 145, 153). If
methodologies, these authors offer no new evidence that australopithecines Neanderthals and living humans differed only subtly in life histories, study of
matured on a human schedule, an argument that was always based on slim large samples will be necessary to show it. We may hope that the richer, more
evidence (14). complete fossil record for late Pleistocene hominids will eventually balance
the difficulties.
WITHIN HOMO It is now fairly certain that the outline of human life history took
shape within the evolution of Homo and not before. Indeed, australopithecines NOVELTIES AND TRADE-OFFS
probably lived at a pace nearly twice as fast as modern humans—fast enough to
be reflected even in gross developmental sequences such as tooth emergence. Not all elements of human life history fit intuitively on a fast-slow continuum.
Little is known of H. habilis, and this may be one of the most interesting species Real life histories seem to contain trade-offs and other novelties that are not
for future studies, but in many ways the most difficult case to interpret involves easily predictable from the simple general theories developed to date (144).
late Pleistocene Homo (Neanderthals and early modern Homo sapiens). Among aspects not readily brushed into the "slow" category are helplessness
Dental microanatomy remains in the exploratory stage for late Pleistocene of human newborns (106), absolutely and relatively early weaning (132),
hominids, but both indirect and direct evidence suggests that developmental absolutely and relatively short birth spacing (80), the adolescent growth spurt
timing is not far from that of modern humans. First, late Pleistocene hominids (137), concealed ovulation (2), and menopause (101). At present, we limit our
are close relatives of living humans, falling within modern limits in brain size discussion to two aspects for which fos.sil evidence has been presented.
(see Table 1). Second, whereas australopithecine dental ages were halved
under microanatomical study, only small discrepancies characterize recent Helplessness of Human Newborns
Homo. For example, stages of tooth formation in the Gibraltar 2 Neanderthal If a single aspect of human life history can be said to be central to reconstruc-
infant approximate those of a 4-year-old human (128), and the I' perikymata tions of early hominid life, it is the helplessness of our infants. Protecting our
count suggests an age of 3.1/-3.9 years (145)—a small difference given that I' infants from insult and death requires vigilance and limits mobility, circum-
perikymata may underestimate age slightly. Patterns of development are like- scribing the lives of parents. It has been estimated that it takes the human
wise close. In study of a substantial sample, Tompkins (149, 150) found late
newborn a year to reach the stage of motor development equivalent to that of a Gestation might be better understood as a trade-off: for a given caloric
newborn great ape (106). investment over a given time period, energy diverted to producing a mature
As Alexander (1) points out in broad perspective, "juvenile life has two offspring that can flee or protect itself at birth means less energy is available
main functions: to get to the adult stage without dying and to become the best for brain growth (1). For example, great apes are roughly comparable to
possible adult" (p. 22). Mammals, like birds, have evolved two major pattems humans in body weight and gestation length (228 days in chimpanzees and
for young. Altricial young are born into a litter after a relatively short gestation 267 in humans), but their newboms are much smaller, with more mature body
and in a less-developed state. Young are typically naked, with eyes and ears proportions and motor coordination than humans (107). The best explanation
sealed, incompletely homeothermic, and are often kept in a nest for some time. for why we are retarded in motor development at birth—and why we remain
Precocial young are usually bom as singletons or twins after a relatively long so for the first year—is that brain growth and development is enhanced,
gestation and are well developed: They have some hair, their eyes and ears are ultimately producing a better adult (1, 35). Of course, such a strategy can only
open, they are able to regulate their own temperature, and they may locomote evolve as parental care increases. The general explanation better accounts for
within a day. Primates clearly are a precocial order, but one with delayed the grade shift we see across primates than does a special argument about
motor development (35, 49, 106, 107). Motor delay is so extreme in human bipedalism. It is less clear why human infants are so large (1, 35), which is
infants that Portmann (106) designated human infants as "secondarily altri- more relevant to obstetrical difficulties than is maturational delay.
cial." But when did human infants evolve to be so helpless? As with any other
Human brains are about one fourth of adult size at birth, a small value aspect of human development, we can find a full spectmm of answers: that
compared to other primates (one half in Pan and two thirds in Macaca) (35). In australopithecines had secondarily altricial infants (61) or, not even Neander-
most mammals, the brain grows at its fastest in utero, with rates falling off thals did (152). Trinkaus (152), using relationships described by Sacher &
precipitously after birth. Thus, altricial mammals like humans must complete a Staffeldt (115) for all mammals, suggested that Neanderthal adult brain weight
large portion of their brain growth at the slower postnatal rate. Human infants, corresponded to a gestation length of 12 months. Although the hypothesis
however, manage to sustain high fetal growth rates for a full year after birth; eventually was rejected, it stimulated much research (111). Martin (90) made a
chimpanzees and macaques may do so only for a month or two (35). Years different prediction, one that assumed that gestation length changed little in
ago, Washbum & Montagu suggested that the helplessness of the first year of hominid evolution. He surmised hominids might have sustained initial in-
newborn life resulted from the channeling of most energy resources to brain creases in brain size through increasing maternal energy input, but after adult
growth and maturation (96,155). cranial capacity reached 850 ml (a value typical of H. erectus), fetal rates of
As primates, our newborns are also unusual in being heavy for maternal brain growth would have to be extended into the postnatal period. Such an
weight, and data show that birth is indeed more difficult in humans than other extension would likely be accompanied by secondary altriciality.
primates (75, 111). In humans, adult female pelvic diameter is nearly equal to We would expect that adult brain size and secondary altriciality probably
offspring head size, whereas apes have comparatively spacious pelvic outlets kept pace during hominid evolution, but this is still a prediction rather than a
(121). Washburn (155) suggested that bipedal adaptations combined with large fact. To date, evidence on what actually happened in the past is confined to
infant brains meant that an "obstetrical dilemma" constrained infants to be studies of adult pelvic diameter and cranial capacity. The adult/newborn ratio
bom at a more altricial state after a shorter gestation. There are at least two of brain weight is an excellent measure of altriciality (107), but in the fossil
problems with bipedalism-short gestation as a cause of human secondary record, newborn cranial size must be estimated from adult pelvic diameters
altriciality. First, human gestation is hardly short: It is both absolutely long and (76). Rosenberg (111) reviews the extensive literature on fossil hominids, and
relatively long for maternal body weight, and energetic investment is about only a few remarks are made here. Although hampered by the necessity for
average for a precocial mammal of our size (91).2 Second, the explanation is extrapolation, we have a rough outline of altriciality at three points in human
not general: It fails to explain why infants are more helpless in apes than evolution. For A. afarensis, Tague & Lovejoy (147) estimated that Lucy's
monkeys, and in monkeys than most prosimians. pelvis was spacious enough to allow birth of an infant with a fan-sized
cranium without any need for secondary altriciality. Although the mechanism
Human gestation is short for adult brain weight, but only by 13 days when compared to other of birth (orientation of fetus during birth) must have changed with bipedalism,
primates (46). It is remarkable that mammals as small as primates can sustain gestation lengths as secondary altriciality was not a necessary accompaniment. At the other ex-
long as they do—most precocial mammals are far larger than primates (123). treme of the time range, the recent find of the Kebara 2 Neanderthal shows a
pelvic inlet diameter much the same as in modern humans (109), suggesdng tage in resembling a younger form is thought to be that it elicits parental
(in combination with adult brain size) that secondary altriciality was well behavior—care rather than competition—from adults (10). The human pattern
established ( H I ) . The most intriguing case belongs to the midpoint, H. erec- of growth suppression-growth spurt should function to prolong human child-
tus. Walker & Ruff (154) suggested that even allowing for a generous portion hood—a period of intense learning and parental care (10, 11). It is also an
of remaining growth, the pelvis of the Nariokotome H. erectus was so narrow evolutionary novelty that prolongs childhood without altering timing of sub-
that secondary altriciality would be necessary for a newborn to develop to the sequent life stages.
cranial size of a typical adult. Conclusions must remain tentative, however: At first glance, the adolescent growth spurt seems a poor candidate for
both Kebara 2 and Nariokotome are likely male and Nariokotome is a juvenile study in the fossil record, but recovery of an adolescent male early H. erectus
male. Presently, few doubt that Neanderthals gave birth to secondarily altricial from Nariokotome (KNM-WT 15000) suggests how this analysis might be
infants, but the continuum between human and ape infants is long, and it done (137). The youth's deciduous upper canines were in place, and he died
remains a puzzle when fully human patterns appeared. not long after erupting second permanent molars, events placing him firmly in
If complete adult female pelvises are so rare in the fossil record, we might early adolescence by comparison with any hominoid. Judged according to
hope for another line of evidence on altriciality. Teeth might be useful here human standards, his dental age (11 years) is in some conflict with bone age
because they, like any other organ, may or may not be mature at birth (140, (13 years) and his stature age (15 years). By chimpanzee standards, however,
146). Neonatal lines preserved in fossil teeth should track the skeletal advance- dental and bone ages are in near perfect agreement (both 7 years of age), and
ment of infants at birth. An evolutionary series of pelvic diameters, brain sizes, his large size is more explicable. What is interesting is less his chronological
and dental status at birth might improve our chance of unraveling the evolu- age than the pattern of age discordance (indeed, his true age was probably
tionary history of altriciality, obstetrics, and parental behavior. neither 7 nor 11, but something in between). Smith (137) suggested that the
reason for the large stature of the Nariokotome youth is that the distinct human
The Adolescent Growth Spurt pattern of growth suppression-growth spurt had not yet evolved in early H.
erectus. Because of this, any early H. erectus youth would seem to us to be too
Humans, especially males, show a spurt in growth at adolescence affecting all large.
body segments and facial dimensions (reviewed in 137). Although many other Although the Nariokotome youth is but a single specimen, his study can
mammals add weight at adolescence, a spurt in linear dimensions is not usual. generate a method and predictions, some of which could be tested on material
Centered at about 14 years of age in males and 12 in females in the West, the already available. If the growth spurt was present in Neanderthals, juveniles of
growth spurt is characteristic of all human populations, although poor nutrition any age will show concordance or random discordance between dental devel-
can delay it or lower its amplitude. We have no theory to predict precisely opment and stature. If not, discordance will be patterned: preadolescents will
when humans evolved the adolescent growth spurt, but we can suggest some- seem tall for dental age (and tall relative to known adult heights), whereas
thing of its function and test for its presence in the fossil record. older adolescents will seem to be of more ordinary size. One day we will know
One might think that a growth spurt is a mechanism for becoming a taller when—and in what hominid species—the adolescent growth spurt evolved.
adult, but merely continuing ordinary growth could achieve size alone; the For the present, we suggest that it functions to increase the length of the period
importance of the growth spurt is more likely as a distinct pattern of achieving of intense parental investment and that it had not evolved in early H. erectus.
adult size. Gavan (45) first compared relative growth curves in chimpanzees
and humans: In childhood, humans fell below the chimpanzee curve, then rose
above it at adolescence, finally to rejoin it. Gavan's work suggested that CONCLUSION
human children might be regarded as growth suppressed, with the spurt repre-
senting catch-up growth. For example, the preadolescent chimpanzee (7 years Why do humans live so long? Why do we take so long to grow up? Why are
of age) has attained 88% of his adult body size, whereas the comparable our babies so helpless? When did we evolve our life cycle? These questions
human boy (11 years) has attained only 81%, a difference that will disappear are inherently interesting to us, but in addition, the evolutionary record of
only after the boy completes his adolescent growth spurt. One might say that human life cycles can be used to test general theories about growth and aging.
an 11-year-old human male well under 5-feet-tall "pretends" to be more child- The benefits of adopting method and theory of life-history studies into anthro-
like than he really is. Why would such a pattern evolve? A marked spurt in pology, however, go both ways: as Cartmill (18) points out, a science of
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