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Domains B & E Artifacts Martinez 1

Domains B and E Artifacts

Taylor Martinez

TED 690

National University

June 2019
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The following paper will go over the final two domains in my PDQP. I will be explains the focus

of the two domains as well as presenting three artifacts for each domain that help me fulfill its

expectations. One artifact for each domain will be supported by literature that I will give a short

review on.
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Domain B: Assessing Student Learning

Domain B is a very important component to becoming a successful teacher. Its focus is

on monitoring a students learning based on the use of assessments. We have to be able to gage if

our students are taking in the information that we are teaching and assessments is one of the

ways that we do that. There are many forms of assessment that can help us decide as teachers

what we need to change and adjust to make our lessons better.

My first artifact is a paper I wrote early in the year about pre-assessment and why it is so

important. Pre-assessing our students allows us to make sure that we are getting the most out of

our classroom time. If we pre-assess we can see if there are certain things we don’t need to cover

and spend time on and what things we do. It also allows us to keep the attention of our students

because we aren’t teaching them something they already know. Pre-assessment is also good for

the students because it allows them to see what they are going to be learning about. If they feel

uncomfortable with the pre-assessment it gives them a good indication that they will need to

study harder for this unit then they maybe did for a unit that they knew more about.

My second artifact is student reflection worksheet that I created. The students completed

this reflection at the end of a unit. I asked specific questions about their learning and

understanding to assess my own teaching. Looking for patterns in student assessments is

important. If you have a majority of students missing a question then it means that it wasn’t

covered well in a lesson and you as the teacher need to make an adjustment. Assessments are just

as much for teachers as they are students.

My last artifact started with a reflective conversation with my district supervisor that lead

me to read a piece of literature that has helped guide me through student assessment. The
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literature review that I read was written by Kristen DiCarlo and Lori Cooper. The article was

called Classroom Assessment Techniques. In the article DiCarlo and Cooper talks about the

importance of making sure that your assessments are linked to your learning goals. They

continued to talk about how using a variety of assessments is equally important. They touched on

studies and how they were able to conclude that in order to understand a students true depth of

knowledge that you must use both summative and formative assessments. They continued to

look at the effectiveness of online assessments over assessments that are given inside a

classroom face to face. When presenting their findings they said that as long as a teacher was

“involved and active” with the students that online formative assessments could still in fact be

successful. I believe this study is important because we are using technology more and more. We

need to know that we can still assess our students online and get valuable information on if the

students are understanding the lessons that are being taught to them.

Domain E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

The environment what you create in your classroom is extremely important. You need

your students to feel like they are safe and that they matter. Expectations and classroom

procedures need to be very clear in order to create an effective environment in your classroom.

My first artifact was a conversation that had with my class at the beginning of the year. It

was a guided circle conversation. In the conversation we talked about the ways we were going to

respect our peers and how we were going to value everyones opinion even if it didn’t match our

own. I had gone to a training last summer about restorative circles and how they can be used to

open chains of communication and allow students to express their feelings in an expressive

way.These circles were great because a lot of times students don’t share how they are feeling
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about their environment or they don’t express it in the right way. Together as a class I guided us

through a conversation about respect and expectations for our classroom.

My second artifact is a workshop I went to about inclusivity. Being a health teacher it is

extremely important to create an effective learning environment. We talk about sensitive subjects

when it comes to family life, sexuality, and reproductive health. When talking about topics like

these it is important that students feel like they are in a safe environment and that they can be

heard. This workshop talked about the language that we should be using and how we can redirect

students when they begin to use language that will make other students feel offended or as if they

are not being represented.

My last artifact is my unit plan for our unit on STD’s. Planning out the progression of

learning is important in order for students to have an effective learning environment. If I am not

organized as the teacher and am not maximizing our classroom time then my students don’t have

the opportunity to reach their highest level of success. Having a clear plan for a day and all the

way through the unit allows you to place high expectations for the students to strive for. The flow

of learning created in the classroom is connected to how effective students are working and



I have now had the opportunity to look at each teaching expectation and the domains that

are in them. Having a chance to create a PDQP has allowed me to examine myself as a teacher

and see what areas I need to explore in order to better myself as a teacher. I will continue to add

to this portfolio and continue to create a valuable resource for myself.

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DiCarlo, K. Cooper, L. (2014) Classroom Assessment Techniques: A literautre Review. Journal

of Instructional Research.

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