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Drills with Scott:

- Footwork drills:
o The Zoidberg/crab walk
 Lateral stepping
 Move the foot closest to the direction you’re moving in first.
First step – keep your lead foot the same. Second step – switch
your lead foot.
 Helps if you bounce and/or stay spry – should make a noise
pattern in beats of 3
o Shuffle, pass, shuffle, pass
 Several of the drills use this footwork – you should probably learn it
- Axis cuts
o Double cuts – step with the second cut only
 Make sure to land in a sided plow/pflug
 Keep the hands low and tight
 Try to use the wrist as much as possible – the cuts should rotate around
your wrist like an axis
- 12345678 drill
o 1 – right zornhau, 2 – left zornhau, 3 – right unterhau, 4 – left unterhau, 5 –
mittelhau from right to left, 6 – mittelhau from left to right, 7 – unterhau from
alber to left ochs (straight up and down), 8 – straight oberhau
o Remember the 1,1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, etc
o Also just normal
 Also can use as a solo drill
- The many versions of the 1,2,2,1 drill
o Normal – both parties cut simultaneously
o Normal parrying – parry upper cuts with ochs, lower cuts with pflug
 One person parries all cuts then switch
 Or switching who cuts when. A starts the drill with cut 1, B parries
and cuts cut 2 with A parrying.
o Normal (same side as the cut) plow parry
 Same options apply here as above ^
o Normal ochs parry
o Opposite ochs parry (remember, it’s like hanging point)
o Opposite plow parry
 Remember the sword swings underneath (durchwechseln) to land on
top of the sword and brush it away
o Remember the footwork is shuffle, pass, shuffle, pass or pass, shuffle, pass,
- The box, butterfly, and hourglass
o Box: 1, 3, 4, 2 or 2, 1, 3, 4
o Butterfly: 1, 3, 2, 4 or 2, 4, 1, 3
o Hourglass: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 2, 1, 4, 3
o Straight parrying with ochs and pflug
o Parrying with only pflug or only ochs
o Parrying with opposites – parry high cuts with pflug and low cuts with ochs
o Parry with a thrust – either with opposite parrying or regular
 This ensures that your parry/guard is tight as you can’t thrust very well
if your arms are already fully extended.
 Recommended that you wear masks at speed
 Also, watch your footwork
- The infinite infinity drills
o Single descending infinity – long edge
o Single ascending infinity – long edge
o Single descending infinity – short edge
o Single ascending infinity – short edge
 Watch that these don’t start to wing out
o Double infinities – long edge/short edge, ascending/descending
 This is where those axis drills will come in handy
 Keep the cuts close to your body
 Footwork is again shuffle, passing step, shuffle, pass
 You step with the second cut, not the first
- The X drills
o You make Xs on either side of you
 / up with a short edge cut, cross it with \ long edge unterhau. In the
air over your head, change long edge to short and descend / with a
short edge and cross it with a left zornhau \
 Do this same drill but experiment with pivoting your feet as you move
from side to side
 Same with weighting your feet – do the cuts with your weight
forward on both Xs, your weight back, and then do one X with
forward weight and one X with back weight.

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