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Multiple Choice:

1. An Aspects of CSR that related to the activities of the company with regard to services and

A. Market
B. Work
C. Vision and Mission
D. Stakeholders
E. Environment
Answer: A
2. An Aspects of CSR that related to the sphere of work and the quality of its organization and

A. Stakeholders
B. Accountability
C. Market
D. Work
E. Vision and Mission
Answer: D
3. He developed the 9-approach taken in CSR

A. Darwin
B. Confucius
C. Maslow

D. Moore

E. Aristotle
Answer: D
4. Leadership and Conviction, what is the another needed in order to have CSR?

A. competence
B. conscience
C. commitment
D. compassion
E. open minded
Answer: C
5. Economic _____ is possible with the cultivation of set of fundamental values by various social

A. disability
B. ability
C. probability
D. viability
E. feasibility
Answer: d.) viability
6. A vision that converted into words is intended to inspire people by appealing to the ____ as
well as appealing to the ____.

A. economy and politics

B. heart and soul
C. soul and mind
D. company and nation
E. heart and mind
Answer: e.) heart and mind
7. GCSR has made an impressive entry on EXCEPT:
A. Economic
B. Business
C. Political
D. Institutional
E. Social Scene Answer: D.

8. What is the variety of practices, measures and proposal that come under the term CSR?
- Understanding
- Agenda
- Mission
- Vision
- Objectives Answer: B.

9. An aspect related to the development of the concept of CSR and how they are integrated into
the strategy and governance of the organization.

A. Environment
B. Stakeholders
C. Vision and Mission

D. Market
Accountability Answer: C
10. An aspect related to all the people affected by the company's actions.

A. Stakeholders
B. Vision and Mission
C. Work
D. Environment
E. Market Answer: A.

1. The following are the countries included in the Partnership Model EXCEPT:
a. Denmark
b. Sweden
c. Finland
d. France
e. The Netherlands

2. The countries on this model seek to solve social problems such as unemployment and social
exclusion through CSR policies that involves business.
a. Partnership Model
b. Business in the Community Model
c. Agora Model
d. Citizenship Model
e. Sustainability Model
3. Which is not included in the 3 main approaches in the analysis of government action to CSR?
a. Theme and Instrument
b. Business and Government
c. Rational and strategic aspect
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
4. This approach analyze models for action on the basis of the conception and development of
the discourse on CSR and the design of strategic visions.
a. Theme
b. Players
c. Rational and Strategic Aspect
d. Instrument
e. Contexts
5. It is the set for the forth idea that only if responsibilities are shared in the areas of common
a. Relational Model
b. Internationalization
c. Globalization
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
6. Who is the source in Areas of Responsibility in the Relational State?
a. Ysa
b. Albareda
c. Mendoza
d. Lozano
e. Aquino, Rosemarie

7. There is a pattern for analysis that accounts for how CSR policy is inserted into the
government structure and the framework of public policies. This enabled us to analyze the
following except:
a. The profiles and models of action adopted by governments.
b. Actions and public policies.
c. The incorporation of CSR into the governmental structure.
d. None of the above
e. All of the above.
8. These stages that we have gone through in our analysis enable us to identity clearly the
fundamental aspects of the political debate on the development of CSR:
a. The debate on the themes and instruments inherent in a CSR policy.
b. The debate on which players should participate in the design of CSR policy, how they should
be involved in their process and the interest of each of them in the process.
c. The debate on how CSR should be understood (and the policy that matches it best),
considering the economic, social and cultural context of each country.
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
9. It refers to companies taking responsibility for their impact on society.
a. Corporate Social Reality
b. Corporate Society Responsibility
c. Corporate Social Responsibility
d. Cooperative Social Responsibility
e. Cooperative Social Reality
10. The European Commission believes that CSR is important for:
a. Competitiveness
b. Sustainability
c. Innovation
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter that corresponds to the BEST answer.
1. It replaced those men or even companies in response of the increasing tempo of marketing.
a. Products
b. Competing products
c. Brand names
d. Super-corporations
e. Manufacturer
2. According to him, corporate management regarded labour as a commodity.
a. McGraw-Hill
b. Richard Lester
c. Peter Ducker
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
3. Below are the tangible benefits that may be derived from securing favourable investor
recognition EXCEPT for one. What is it?
a. Improved public acceptance of newly issued securities.
b. Prestige in trade, industry, and customer relations through an improved standing in the
financial community.

c. A fair and accurate market appraisal of a company’s business, industry position and
d. Strengthening of the SEC’s proposal rule.
e. Continuing stockholder support for management’s long-range plan and policies.
4. What is the second most important factor in selling according to McGraw-Hill’s research?
a. Seller’s integrity and reputation
b. High standards of quality
c. Believable advertising
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
5. What is the strong evidence that a favourable image affects corporate finances?
a. Improved public acceptance of newly issued securities
b. It creates a favourable climate for acquisitions.
c. It strengthens the SEC’s proposal rule.
d. There’s a pre-emptive rights to purchase new stock.
e. None of the above
6. Where did Berle conceded that Prof. Dodd won their argument?
a. “20th Century Capitalist Revolution”
b. “21st Century Capitalist Revolution”
c. “The 21st Century Capitalist Revolution”
d. “The 20th Century Revolution of the Capitalist”
e. “The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution”
7. It is often used for improving communication, professionalizing the organization / processes
or for budgetary reasons.
a. Benchmark
b. Corporate image
c. Building harmonious relationship
d. All of the above
e. Both A & B
8. The standard image profile developed by ORC was put to a nationwide test in the early part
of ____.
a. 1979
b. 1969
c. 1959

d. 1989
e. 1939
9. _____ compiled an extensive list of statements concerning large companies from the depth
interview phase of their early study.
a. Statistics
b. Opinion Research Cooperatives
c. Operation Research Cooperatives
d. Opinion Research Corporation
e. Operation Research Corporation
10. The following are list of statements were people were guided by touching the companies'
possible image as employer, citizen, investment, and producer of goods and services except for
a. Keeps public informed
b. Outstanding on new managerial skills
c. Dedicated to progress
d. Seeks better living for all
e. Good record for steady work


1. It includes knowing what is important to the organization, how people are treating
each other; and how they conduct business.
a. Mission
b. Visioning
c. Implementation
d. Values
e. Scanning


2. It is the core purpose for which a person, team or organization is created. It states
the purpose of the individual’s, business’s, or group’s uniqueness.
a. Mission
b. Visioning
c. Implementation
d. Values
e. Scanning


3. It is picturing excellence—what the person, team or organization wants to create

in its best possible future. Creating this image of the future requires the ability to
expand one’s sense of possibilities and then focus on what new initiatives can lead
to success.
a. Mission
b. Visioning
c. Implementation
d. Values
e. Scanning


4. Visioning requires _______.

a. Involvement

b. Encouragement

c. Reinforcement

d. Advertisement

e. Establishment

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Involvement

5. The _________ uses different steps to provide clarify of focus.

a. Visionary Leadership

b. Visionary Process

c. Visioning Leadership

d. Visioning Process

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Visioning Process

6. Unclear or unknown values that can produce conflicts and contradictions that can
make people feel except:

a. Confused

b. Blocked

c. Frustrated

d. None of the above

e. All of the above


7. the principles, standards, and actions that people in the organizations represent:
something which they consider inherently worthwhile and of the outmost importance

a. Mission

b. Scanning

c. Values

d. Vision

e. All of the above


8. The following were ranked highest value in 1968 EXCEPT for one:
a. Honesty

b. Courage

c. Broadmindedness

d. Independence

e. Responsibility

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Independence

9. In most organizations, values are undestood but are _____ discussed.

a. Seldom

b. Frequent

c. Often

d. Sometimes

e. Always

10. The strategy, plans, precedures, and key actions:

a. Vision

b. Values

c. Scanning

d. Mission

E. All of the above


Multiple Choice
1.___________________________ must be expressed in such a way that they became an
integral part of day-to-day life in the organization
a. Transparency
b. Commitment
c. Leadership

d. Mission and Vision

e. Communication
2. The leadership team also must exercise __________________________ until they
themselves are clear about the direction before they communicate it throughout the
a. Camaraderie
b. Kindness
c. Patience
d. Loyalty
e. Effectiveness

3. What is the organization’s core?

a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Core-values
d. Objectives
e. Goals

4. One of the possible outcomes when vision,mission and values implemented that increases
the sense of purpose and an overall congruence with the organizational goals.
a. Alignment
b. b.Cooperation
c. c.Empowerment
d. d.Commitment
e. e.Determination

5. A sense of belonging gives them a feeling of ______.

a. satisfaction
b. pressure
c. happiness
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
6. According to ________, there are guidelines to consider in order to gain the commitment of
your people.
a. Karl Marx
b. Anthony D' Souza
c. Ritzer
d. Manuel Castell
e. none of the above
7. Which of the following is not included in four qualities of leadership?

a. Vision
b. Genuinity
c. Consistency
d. Empathy
e. Integrity
8. He argues that “Truly involved people can do anything” and admits to the “frustated to the
point of rage” about the failures of managers of corporations to understand the importance of
employee obtain their commitment.
a. Tom Peats
b. Tom Peters
c. Tom Peaters
d. D. Tom Paters
e. none of the above

9. There are 3 Major Pillars for Building Commitment in the Workplace, which is the incorrect?
a. Confidence
b. Sense of belonging
c. Sense of pride and excitement
d. Sense of enthusiasm and excitement
e. None of the above
10. These two person provides Four Qualities of Leadership
a. Warren Bennis & Joan Goldsmith
b. Warren Barreth & Joan Goldsmith
c. Wally Berries & Joan Goldsmith
d. Wally Bonnis & Joan Goldsmith
e. None of the above
Multiple Choice
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. E
10. A

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