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So far we've covered the components of a Web service messaging formats and transport protocols,

but in the eye of the developer. The development manager and the IT professional. The real choice
went up making isn't choosing a web service standard. The most common standard, you might hear
about are so rest and over data and you might hear a lot of debate about which one is best it can
turn very quickly into an impassioned argument, but it's best just to understand these terms and
how they work. As I previously described so is strictly speaking a message format and XML -based
markup language with a very specific set of tags, attributes, and supported data types. The
introduction of soap in the late nineteen nineties triggered the broad spread use of web services in
all sorts of applications and led to the new buzz phrase service oriented architecture or SOA,
Microsoft led the charge in late two thousand. With this soap toolkit one. Oh and distinguished so
the message format from the underlying software by giving it a cute name and acronym remote
object proxy engine, meaning that developers were being asked to work with soap on a rope
developers to use soap -based services don't need to deal directly with the underlying XML
messages. Instead, they call functions known as operations that are defined by the service they're
using the resulting code in a client-side application can look almost exactly like a functioning might
call in their local client environment. The translation of outgoing requests and incoming responses is
handled by the underlying soap library implementation typically will have one client and one on the
server. I will dive into the technical details of soap in a later chapter of this course, but it's enough to
say here that in the early two thousand. So with the dominant Web services standard. Both client
and server implementations were delivered for nearly all popular programming languages and
application platforms and web service repositories became commonplace. You could easily look up a
service use it freely or sign up for a web service subscription and use it in your application soaps
major downside is in its verbosity. Its request and response messages are encoded in a plain text
XML with a lot of attributes and annotations and as a result, its messages simply require more text
than slimmer message formats such as Jay's on also the engines that are required to do the creation
and parsing of soap messages are of varying quality and the developer has to trust the libraries to do
the right thing work efficiently and quickly and translate everything from XML to native data types
and back again for developers who like to know exactly what's happening at runtime. This is all a
little too high level and so sometime in the mid to thousands much of the web services world started
moving to what are known as restful web services. The term rest, which stands for representational
State transfer was defined around the same time as so by a fellow named Roy Fielding was also one
of the principal authors of the HTTP specification, but rest took a bit longer to gain traction in the
computing world rest requirements are lighter weight than those of so and only required that such
services. Use simple HTTP request response messaging West is an architecture, not a specific Web
service messaging format and it's wrapped around the concept of HTTP methods or verbs, as I've
previously described in HTTP. Not all requests are equal a get request is different from a post
request and put and delete requests can also have their own meaning, restful services can exploit
these differences translating them into specific server-side actions. All you need is a client that's
capable of forming and sending the requests which are typically in the form of URI 's uniform
resource identifiers. Unlike soap restful services don't all use the same message format. One service
might return data in the next amount based language such as RSS or atom or in a custom XML
language designed for a particular business process or for the sake of speed and efficient use of
bandwidth. It might encoded state in JavaScript object notation de son there are other constraints
and the rest standard restful services are by definition stateless, meaning that each request
response conversation stands on its own. Also, for the sake of improving performance, restful
services can be catchable so that server-side resources don't have to be exercised on each and every
request over the past half decade, as developers have shifted their focus to building applications for
mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets speed and message size have become critical factors
in deciding how to implement or select a web service mobile devices have less storage than desktop
computers and cell phone users paid by the megabyte for the bandwidth they consume due to its
four by the resulting size so isn't well suited to the mobile world. Instead web services using Jace on
message notation are increasingly popular in the mobile development world, but soaps, robust data
typing and web service. Everything 's deep set of standards relating to security, interoperability and
IT management continue to make it appealing for use in large-scale computing environments where
network bandwidth and storage aren't at so high a premium. The third standard. I'll cover in depth
in this course is named over data. All data is based on rest and shares many of its characteristics just
as with any restful architecture you send over data requests in the form of URI 's or uniform
resource identifiers and get data back in a parsable form, but like so of data has a strict set of
formatting and element naming rules. As with soap -based libraries of data enabled software and
libraries hide the nuts and bolts of serializing and deserializing messages from the developer making
it. In many cases easier to code and file the original of data specification said that response
messages would always be in the form of XML known as Adam the more recent versions will data
allows developers to receive case on formatted messages as well. While Adidas started as a
Microsoft proprietary technology is now open source and is supported by many languages and
platforms. There are other standards and buzzwords in the web services world that are worth
knowing about these include XML RPC for XML remote procedure call. This is a standard that
proceeded so which can encode fewer datatypes themselves, but is also little more slender than soap
as well yes, unity, or you DDI Universal description discovery and integration, and WSDL or W STL
Web service description language, which are used to describe soap -based services. UD is used to
make them discoverable and WSDL to make them usable is also wisdom Web services distributed
management standard for managing and monitoring the status of other services and there's the WS*
or web services. Everything group of standards. There are literally dozens of these standards. They
start with .us– and dinner followed by some words to describe what they do. These standards are
managed by an organization named the Web services interoperability organization, available at
www.. WS– RI .org. The Web service standards described XML -based languages for managing
business processes and transactions, security, reliability and management in this course, I focus on
these three major standards so rest and oh data and mentioned some of the other standards along
the way and at the end of the course will offer some resources for further investigation. So you can
learn more about the standards that matter to you

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