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Sr. No. Names Reg. No.

1. Muhammad Imran Akbar Cs171136

For Lab. Instructor

Marks Signature _________________________

Course: Object Oriented Programming

Dated: 10/07/2018

Lab Instructor: Ms. Sameen Fatima

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Khawja Fareed University of Engineering

& Information Technology,
Abu Dhabi Road,
Rahim Yar Khan


Every company or organization want to keep data of his/her employee and salary information that can be
accessed in the future. They make rules. Like if an employee is absent for a day than cut the Rs.100 from
salary or if a person got medical insurance than cut some of rupees from salary or if an employee do some
overtime beyond his duty time than add some percentage of his total salary as bonus in his original salary
etc. To manage this whole work, they make a system called payroll system. Payroll system is defined as:

It is a system in which we calculate the net pay. Regular deduction such as tax, medical and other dues are
categories and subtracted. Remaining balance is checked and converted into employee’s net pay for that
time period.

Or we can also say that:

A Payroll system involves everything that has to do with the payment of employee. Deduction of taxes,
vacation days, health insurance etc. are included in this system.


1. Manual system:
In old system companies keep their data in hard copy or in the registers. Which is more time consuming
and more expensive system. Many registers and files are used to keep the employee records. Separate files
are created for each employee profile. By doing this a lot of time consumption, a lot of paper work and
many mistakes occurs.

2. To make change in the records:

For searching employee details a lot of hurdles occurs. In hard form company or user cannot modify or
delete data of an employee. To do this they have to make a new copy or file.

3. Calculations:
Company cannot calculate taxes and other dues accurately on registers. To calculate one employee’s net
pay step by step calculation is to be performed on paper and calculator, which also leads to time
consumption and paper wasting method.

4. Special employees:
To control the whole payroll system like Entering data, making pay slips or calculating net pay, special
employees are to be hired which is very big disadvantage of this old payroll system.

Moreover, any unnatural cause (such as fire) can destroy all data of the organization. Existing system
requires lot of paper work and even a small transaction require many papers fill.

We found a solution named “PMS” software. PMS stand for payroll management system. It is a
computerized system, which solves Paper wasting and time consuming problem very well.

Payroll management system is a software in which a company keeps all data of his/her employee in soft
form.It Can easily access data and mange records without having any difficulty. All records in this software
can be held in a proper order.


Following are the features of PMS.

1. Addition of new employee data:

In this step company/user can add the new data of an employee for example Name, Address, Age and
phone number etc. This is also called profile creating utility.

2. List of employees:
In this step company/user can see all of his employee’s information in an ordered list at a time. They can
search his/her employee easily. List will be according to their employee code.

3. Modify data:
This feature allows the user/company to edit and change information of his/her employee. Incorrect data
can be corrected in this option.

4. Delete data:
This will help the user/company to remove the record of suspended employee. Or to delete the profile of
an employee.

5. Deduction from pay:

Deduction feature allows the user/company to set the percentage from which net pay can be calculated.
It’s like to add formula to calculate net pay. For example subtract 1% tax from salary.

6. Pay slips:
Pay slips is a receipt, which is given to the employee for insuring that they have got their pay with
deduction of dues. This also insure the employee that the deductions are whether correct or not. This is
most efficient feature for a company.


Programming techniques that would be utilized in development of project.

1. if else statements
2. Switch Statements
3. Loops
4. Arrays
5. Methods
6. Classes
7. Any Other

Improvements Suggested by Instructor:

Remarks by Instructor:

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