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start /min notepad

start /max notepad

The /separate switch is used for starting up 16bit programs in a separate memory spa
ce. The
below command will open up a calculator application in a separate memory.
C:\>start /separate calc

The /shared switch is used for starting up 16bit programs in a shared memory space;
hence all the application shares the same memory space. The following command i
s used for opening up a WordPad in a shared memory space.
C:\>start /shared write

The /low switch when used with the start command is used for starting up an applica
tion with the minimal priority (Idle Mode), so that these applications may not b
e given higher preference. The following command is used to open up a Microsoft
office word application with idle mode.
C:\>start /low winword

The / normal switch when used along with the start command is used to start an appl
ication in a normal mode, which is the default mode for any application getting
started. The below command is used to start a new Internet Explorer window with
a normal mode.
C:\>start /normal iexplore.exe

The /high switch, when used with the start command will assign high priority for th
e application
that is specified. In the below example, I want the explorer.exe to be given the h
igh priority.
C:\>start /high explorer.exe

The /realtime switch assigns a specified application with the real time priority, s
o that, if this application requires more space for its successful execution, th
en it will be allocated with the memory space rather than that of the other appl
ications or processes.
C:\>start /realtime ...
The command will open up the My Computer with real priority.
The /abovenormal switch is used to assign a process with the priority which stays in
the normal and high priority. The below command is used to open the Root Drive wit
h the above
normal priority class.
C:\>start /abovenormal ..
The /belownormal switch is used to assign a process with the priority which stays i
n between the normal and idle. The below command is used to open the hearts game w
ith the below normal priority class.
C:\>start /belownormal mshearts.exe
The /wait switch when used with the start command will open up the specified applic
ation and waits until the application terminates. The below command will start t
he tree command and waits until the command list out the complete structure of the
directory and then will terminates.
C:\>start /wait tree
The /b switch is used to open up a new command prompt on the same console, without
up a new command prompt. Once you have entered into the new prompt, then its sim
ilar to have 2
command prompts, so typing exit will terminate the newly opened command prompt a
nd will not close
the entire prompt.
start /b

tasklist /m
tasklist /svc
tasklist /v

The Label command is used to create, modify or delete the volume label of the disk.
The below
command is used to name the Label of C: drive as Root Drive .
C:\>label Root Drive
In case, if you are in the C: drive and want to change the label of the D drive,
then you are supposed to
specify the Drive as D: as below
C:\>label D: Softwares
You can name the Volume label up to 32 Characters Max

shutdown -a (to cancel shutdown)

shutdown -s (to shutdown)

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