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Minimum Bid

Problem Description
Consider people calling out bids in different number bases at an auction. Find the
minimum bid assuming the following:

1. The bid numbers are in bases that make their respective values minimum.

2. There is only one minimum value among all the bids.

1. N <= 10

2. Maximum base = 36

3. Symbols used for digits: Base 2: 0, 1

Base 3: 0, 1, 2
Base 11: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A

Base 36: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

4. Face values for symbols: Symbol => Value 0 => 0

1 => 1
2 => 2
9 => 9
A => 10
B => 11
Z => 35

Input Format
N different numbers in various bases, with numbers delimited by space

The value in base 10 of the minimum bid.

Test Case

Example 1


11 12



The value of number represented by 11 is least in base 2 and that least value in
base 10 is 3. The least value of the representation 12 is in base 3 and is equal to
5. Since 3 < 5, 3 is the lowest bid and is the output.
Example 2


1Z A L0 17




The least values are:

1Z in base 36: 1*36+35 = 71
A in base 11: 10
L0 in base 22: 21*22+0 = 462
17 in base 8: 1*8+7 = 15
Hence the least bid is 10.


Prime Fibonnaci
Problem Description
Given two numbers n1 and n2

1. Find prime numbers between n1 and n2, then

2. Make all possible unique combinations of numbers from the prime numbers list you
found in step 1.

3. From this new list, again find all prime numbers.

4. Find smallest (a) and largest (b) number from the 2nd generated list, also count
of this list.

5. Consider smallest and largest number as the 1st and 2nd number to generate
Fibonacci series respectively till the count (number of primes in the 2nd list).

6. Print the last number of a Fibonacci series as an output

2 <= n1, n2 <= 100

n2 - n1 >= 35

Input Format
One line containing two space separated integers n1 and n2.

Last number of a generated Fibonacci series.

Test Case

Example 1


2 40



1st prime list = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]

Combination of all the primes = [23, 25, 27, 211, 213, 217, 219, 223, 229, 231,
237, 32, 35, 37, 311, 313, 317, 319, 323, 329, 331, 337, 52, 53, 57, 511, 513, 517,
519, 523, 529, 531, 537, 72, 73, 75, 711, 713, 717, 719, 723, 729, 731, 737, 112,
113, 115, 117, 1113, 1117, 1119, 1123, 1129, 1131, 1137, 132, 133, 135, 137, 1311,
1317, 1319, 1323, 1329, 1331, 1337, 172, 173, 175, 177, 1711, 1713, 1719, 1723,
1729, 1731, 1737, 192, 193, 195, 197, 1911, 1913, 1917, 1923, 1929, 1931, 1937,
232, 233, 235, 237, 2311, 2313, 2317, 2319, 2329, 2331, 2337, 292, 293, 295, 297,
2911, 2913, 2917, 2919, 2923, 2931, 2937, 312, 315, 317, 3111, 3113, 3117, 3119,
3123, 3129, 3137, 372, 373, 375, 377, 3711, 3713, 3717, 3719, 3723, 3729, 3731]

2nd prime list=[193, 3137, 197, 2311, 3719, 73, 137, 331, 523, 1931, 719, 337, 211,
23, 1117, 223, 1123, 229, 37, 293, 2917, 1319, 1129, 233, 173, 3119, 113, 53, 373,
311, 313, 1913, 1723, 317]

smallest (a) = 23

largest (b) = 3719

Therefore, the last number of a Fibonacci series i.e. 34th Fibonacci number in the
series that has 23 and 3719 as the first 2 numbers is 13158006689

Example 2


30 70




1st prime list=[31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67]

2nd prime list generated form combination of 1st prime list = [3137, 5953, 5347,
6761, 3761, 4337, 6737, 6131, 3767, 4759, 4153, 3167, 4159, 6143]

smallest prime in 2nd list=3137

largest prime in 2nd list=6761

Therefore, the last number of a Fibonacci series i.e. 14th Fibonacci number in the
series that has 3137 and 6761 as the first 2 numbers is 2027041


Balancing Stars
Problem Description
CODU loves to play with string of brackets.

He considers string as a good string if it is balanced with stars. A string is

considered as balanced with stars if string contains balanced brackets and between
every pair of bracket i.e. between opening and closing brackets, there are at least
2 stars(*) present. CODU knows how to check whether a string is balanced or not but
this time he needs to keep a track of stars too. He decided to write a program to
check whether a string is good or not. But CODU is not as good in programming as
you are, so he decided to take help from you. Will you help him for this task? You
need to print Yes and number of balanced pair if string satisfies following
conditions(string is good if it satisfies following 2 conditions):

1. The string is balanced with respect to all brackets.

2. Between every pair of bracket there is at least two stars.

However if string doesn't satisfies above conditions then print No and number of
balanced pair in string as an output.

4 <= String length <= 1000

Input Format
The first and only line of input contains a string of characters(a-z,A-Z),
numbers(0-9), brackets( '{', '[', '(', ')', ']', '}' ) and stars(*).

Print space separated "Yes" (without quotes) and number of balanced pair if string
is good. Else print "No" (without quotes) and number of balanced pair.

Test Case

Example 1




Yes 1


Here string contains one balanced pair {} and between this pair of bracket there
are 2 stars present so the output is Yes with the count of balanced pair as 1.

Example 2




Yes 4

String has balanced brackets and also satisfies 2nd condition. So the output is Yes
with count of balanced pair which is 4.

Example 3




No 1


In this case string is not balanced. So the output is No with the count of balanced
pair as 1.


King Placement
Problem Description
This is a typical chess game where your opponent first places random number of
Knights, Rooks, Bishop and Queens on an N*N chess board and then you have to place
your king safely on chess board such that it should not be under attack by any

Note: if you don't know how to play chess and how chess pieces moves, please refer
below link (you can concentrate only on how the above mentioned pieces moves).

Given an N*N chessboard with K number of Knights, R number of Rooks, B number of

Bishops and Q number of queens. Your task is to find out number of squares on the
chess board such that your King is not checked by any of your opponents pieces.


0<=K+R+B+Q <=N*N

0<=i, j <=N-1

Input Format
First line provides an integer N

Next line contains K, no. of Knights. Next K lines provide 2 space separated
integers denoting the rank and the file of the Knights (i,j)

Next line contains R, no. of Rooks. Next R lines provide 2 space separated integers
denoting the rank and the file of the Rooks (i,j)

Next line contains B, no. of Bishops. Next B lines provide 2 space separated
integers denoting the rank and the file of the Bishops (i,j)

Next line contains Q, no. of Queens. Next Q lines provide 2 space separated
integers denoting the rank and the file of the Queens (i,j)
Number of squares where King can be placed safely.

Test Case

Example 1


0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3



The image shows the arrangement of the pieces. After the placement of all the
Pieces as per the input chess board looks like the image above,

You can place King in 2 places safely. i.e., (0,1) and (1,0)

Example 2


2 6

3 2

5 6

7 7

2 2

4 6

6 4

7 5

0 4

1 1

1 6

5 1

3 5

6 0




All Party Meet

Problem Description
There have been unprecedented natural calamities in several parts of India and the
Prime Minister�s office has called for an all party meeting to discuss how the
Government can handle such calamities with a coordinated effort. It is well known
that leaders of different political parties indulge in mud slinging at each other,
some times these going beyond the lines of decency, so that the leaders of two such
parties would not want to sit next to each other in any meeting. The Prime
Minister�s Office has a tough time in planning the seating arrangements in the
round table. Some one suggested that one can use the IT expertise of TCS to find a
feasible solution to the seating arrangement problem.

The PMO hands over the list of political parties invited to the meeting. To
simplify things, let us assume that the parties are numbered 1,2,�N. The PMO also
hands over which of the pairs of parties that are friendly, and must be seated next
to each other and the parties that are inimical, who must not be seated adjacent to
each other. Given this information, find a seating arrangement for the meeting in
the circular table.

As the table is circular, we may assume that position 1 is occupied by party 1. The
output is a sequence of N party numbers starting from 1, which meets the criteria.
If there are multiple sequences that meet the criteria, the sequence that is the
lowest in lexicographic sequence is to be printed. If a possible seating
arrangement does not exist, the output must be -1.
N <= 100

Input Format
First line contains N, the number of political parties

The next line contains a pair of space separated integers a b indicating the number
of pairs of friendly parties and number of pairs of inimical parties

Each of the next a lines contains a pair space separated integers u v where party u
is friendly with party v

Each of the next b lines contains a pair of space separated numbers x y where party
x is inimical with party y.

If the seating arrangement is possible, the lexicographically smallest sequence of
N integers in order of the seating arrangement, starting with 1. These should be
space separated

If not possible, -1

Test Case

Example 1


3 2

1 5

3 4

1 6

2 3

2 4


1 5 2 7 3 4 6


There are 7 political parties. There are 3 pairs of friendly political parties.
Party2 and Party 3 can not be seated together and Party 2 and 4 can not be seated
together. The above arrangement satisfies all the given constraints.

Example 2


2 2

5 1

2 4

2 3

4 2




The conditions are inconsistent: 2, 4 should be seated together but 4, 2 should not
be. Hence no seating arrangement is possible.


Hermoine Number
Problem Description
Voldemort is finally dead. Hermoine is bored and has now developed some interest in
mathematics, so she keeps challenging her friends. Harry is now one of the victims
to those hard problems and needs your help to solve this puzzle.

She calls the result to be Hermoine Number H.

Since H can be large, you need to print the result modulo MOD = 1000000007

N <= 10^5

A[i] <= 10^5

Input Format
First line provides an integer N denoting number of elements in Array A

Second line provides N space separated values for the array A,

Third Line provides an integer denoting Query (q) corresponding the problem

Next q lines contain two numbers l, r denoting the values mentioned above in the

q lines containing the value of H mod 1000000007

Test Case

Example 1


1 2 3 4 5

2 2

2 4



Example 2



77883 48760 68269 31574 57351 20528 45398 54148 37399 31382


5 9

2 8

2 9

6 6

1 3

1 9

7 8

6 10

2 7

1 2











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