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Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

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Evaluating the success of direct seeding for tropical forest restoration over T
ten years
Marina Guimarães Freitasa,b, Silvia Barbosa Rodriguesc,b, Eduardo Malta Campos-Filhod,
Guilherme Henrique Pompiano do Carmod, Junior Micolino da Veigad,
Rodrigo Gravina Prates Junqueirad, Daniel Luis Mascia Vieirab,

Graduate Degree Program in Forest Science, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Parque Estação Biológica, PqEB, Av. W5 Norte (final), Brasília, DF 70770-917, Brazil
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Instituto Socioambiental, SCLN 210, Bloco C, sala 112, Brasília, DF 70862-530, Brazil


Keywords: Direct seeding is considered a feasible alternative for large-scale forest restoration, but little is known about the
Succession successional trajectory of tropical forests restored through direct seeding. To validate this method, we must
Ecological restoration understand how it changes forest structure and species richness and shapes the community trajectory as com-
Chronosequence pared to the standard methods of natural regeneration and seedling planting. We evaluated restoration sites up
Tree density
to 10 years old in the Xingu river basin in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Our objectives were to: (i) describe changes in
vegetation structure and richness in restored forests within the first decade; (ii) compare the outcome of re-
storation by direct seeding (broadcast seeding, sowing in rows, or placing seeds in holes) to seedling planting and
natural regeneration; (iii) evaluate the influence of environmental variables (annual precipitation, soil phos-
phorus content, sand percentage, and soil base saturation) and the direct seeding technique on forest structure.
We assessed species richness, density of individuals per size class, basal area, canopy height, aboveground
biomass, and canopy cover. We sampled 72 direct-seeded sites between 1 and 10 years old, three seedling
planting sites and six natural regeneration sites aged 7 to 9 years old. Community structure attributes changed
over time, with the exception of the density of regenerating individuals. After four years, direct-seeded sites had
formed a multi-layered canopy and were starting to be colonized by non-planted species. In general, direct-
seeded sites had high aboveground biomass, but there was high variability among sites, especially after age six
years. Sites with higher phosphorus content had more tree density, basal area, and biomass compared to the
others. Broadcast seeding sites had higher seedling and sapling densities than sites that received other re-
storation methods. In conclusion, direct seeding was a successful method for the initial phase of forest re-
storation, promoting a structure that was more similar to resilient natural regeneration sites than to non-resilient
natural regeneration sites and seedling planting sites.

1. Introduction the Brazilian Amazon, the restoration of more than 8 Mha is mandated
by law (Soares-Filho et al., 2014). Ecological, social, and cost-effective
Large-scale agriculture and cattle ranching are the main causes of restoration methods are needed to accomplish this massive obligation
Amazon deforestation (Macedo et al., 2013; Neill et al., 2013). The (Campos-Filho et al., 2013; Holl and Aide, 2011; Nunes et al., 2017).
most affected region is the agricultural frontier along the eastern and Highly modified, degraded areas with a long history of use may take a
southern boundaries of the Amazon, known as “Arc of Deforestation” long time to regenerate naturally (Bertacchi et al., 2016; Chazdon and
(Costa and Pires, 2010). Since 2005, different mechanisms have been Guariguata, 2016; Gilman et al., 2016) or may not recover into a sec-
implemented to reduce deforestation and increase forest restoration. In ondary forest (Brancalion et al., 2016). Thus, an active restoration

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (M.G. Freitas), (S.B. Rodrigues), (E.M. Campos-Filho), (G.H.P. do Carmo), (J.M. da Veiga), (R.G.P. Junqueira), (D.L.M. Vieira).
Received 26 November 2018; Received in revised form 15 February 2019; Accepted 17 February 2019
0378-1127/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

approach is needed to accelerate and increase the predictability of the potential for natural regeneration was direct seeding (Campos-Filho
restoration success (Brancalion et al., 2016). et al., 2013). In this study, we sampled 72 of the direct-seeded sites,
The selection of a restoration method should consider both the so- three seedling planting sites and six natural regeneration sites of
cial and environmental characteristics at the local level and the costs 10 years or less. Our objectives were to (i) understand changes in forest
involved (Holl and Aide, 2011). Of the active restoration methods, structure over 10 years in the direct seeded sites; (ii) evaluate the in-
seedling planting and direct seeding are the most frequently used fluence of environmental variables on forest structure in the direct
(Brancalion et al., 2016; Grossnickle and Ivetić, 2017; Palma and seeded sites. (iii) compare the outcome of the direct seeding method
Laurance, 2015). Seedling planting can be an effective method to with seedling planting and natural regeneration. We hypothesized that
quickly establish a canopy cover, but it is expensive (Campos-Filho seedling density would be relatively high in direct-seeded sites for the
et al., 2013; Palma and Laurance, 2015); it requires local nurseries, first few years and that the resulting forest would be well stratified into
seedling transportation, and labor for planting (Rodrigues et al., 2009). seedlings, saplings, and trees (Schneemann and Mcelhinny, 2012). This
Direct seeding is an increasingly used alternative for large-scale re- should be more similar to naturally regenerating resilient sites than to
storation (Campos-Filho et al., 2013; Grossnickle and Ivetić, 2017). seedling planting sites, which have a closed homogeneous canopy and a
Seeds are sown through broadcasting, in rows or in holes (Sampaio shady understory (Corbin et al., 2012). We also expected that the ve-
et al., 2015) and seedlings establish at high densities (Campos-Filho getation structure would be positively influenced by water availability
et al., 2013; Schneemann and McElhinny, 2012). The costs of labor and and soil fertility (Poorter et al., 2016; Moran et al., 2000; Toledo et al.,
transportation are lower, and direct seeding does not require specific 2011).
machinery and nurseries (Balandier et al., 2009; Campos-Filho et al.,
2013; Palma and Laurance, 2015); so costs are only 36% (US$ 2. Material and methods
1845 ha−1) of seedling planting (US$ 5106 ha−1) (Campos-Filho et al.,
2013; Durigan et al., 2013). In the Amazon, the main factors de- 2.1. Study area
termining the selection of a restoration method are the lack of nurseries
and the need to travel long distances on precarious roads, along with a The study sites were located on the right bank the of Xingu River
relatively high availability of seeds. watershed, in northeastern Mato Grosso state, Brazil (Fig. 1). Mean
Direct seeding has been as an alternative to active restoration of annual precipitation varies from 1491 mm in the south to 2290 mm in
tropical forests around the globe (Palma and Laurance, 2015). It was the north (Hijmans et al., 2005). More than 70% of the rainfall is
used to restore 5000 ha in the Xingu River basin, and it will be used in concentrated between December and March (Ivanauskas et al., 2008).
future large-scale restoration projects in the Amazon (Moura, 2018). Mean annual temperature remains above 18 °C throughout the year
Nevertheless, the development of vegetation in this restoration ap- (Ivanauskas et al., 2008). The topography is flat with prevalence of red-
proach have not been assessed in the region. To validate and adapt this yellow latosol (Ivanauskas, 2002). The Xingu River watershed en-
method, it is essential to know how a forest restored through direct compasses the transition zone between the Amazon (79%) and Cerrado
seeding develops and how it differs from forests restored using other (20%) biomes, with different vegetation formations. The riparian for-
methods, weighing its costs and benefits (Shoo et al., 2016). Each re- ests of the Xingu river basin are evergreen seasonal forests (IBGE,
storation method leaves a signature in the restored forest, particularly 2012). This forest formation has an irregular canopy 10–20 m high,
in terms of structure and species and functional composition (Parrotta average basal area of 21 m2 ha−1 and average density of 546 in-
and Knowles, 2001, Zahawi et al., 2013, Shoo et al., 2016). In early dividuals ha−1 (DBH > 5 cm), with 51–66 species ha−1 (Ivanauskas
secondary forests the structure changes rapidly during the first 10 years et al. 2004). The landscape includes large mechanized soy and corn
(Lebrija-trejos et al., 2010; Mesquita et al., 2015). farms, pastures, and forest and savanna fragments. Headwater and ri-
The successional dynamics of tropical forests are quantified by ve- parian forests were cleared during the process of occupation of the
getation attributes, such as stem density, basal area, species richness region in the 1960s, creating large deforested areas (Teixeira and
(Norden et al., 2015), and, aboveground biomass, which is important to Soares-Filho, 2009). Today, the agricultural sector and local govern-
assess forest resilience and carbon sequestration (Johnson et al., 2016; ments, motivated by legal requirements and the need for water con-
Poorter et al., 2016; Rozendaal et al., 2017). The success of forest re- servation, are joining forces to restore riparian forests (ISA, 2011). The
storation can be evaluated through ecological indicators, especially Instituto Socioambiental has been working with partners since 2006 to
structural attributes, such as canopy cover, seedling density, and restore riparian forests in the Xingu basin.
seedling richness (Chaves et al., 2015). These parameters are meant to
indicate that an area at the beginning of restoration process with a 2.2. Restoration methods
closed canopy cover and high seedling density and richness will follow
the successional trajectory, with no further intervention needed The main method used for forest restoration in the studied region
(Chaves et al., 2015). was direct seeding, the focus of our study. The seeds used for direct
Forest growth rate and aboveground biomass accumulation of tro- seeding were a mixture of native trees and annual and sub-perennial
pical secondary forests vary with precipitation, soil fertility, and land green manure legumes. Green manure is used to shade the ground for
use intensity (Chazdon, 2012; Moran et al., 2000; Poorter et al., 2016). the first few months to years and improve soil quality, and it is naturally
Higher annual precipitation and shorter dry seasons extend the growing eliminated by shading (Guerin et al., 2015). Seeding density was 20–40
season, increasing the accumulation of aboveground biomass (Johnson seeds m−2 of native trees, 6 seeds m−2 of Crotalaria spectabilis Roth, 3
et al., 2016; Poorter et al., 2016; Rozendaal et al., 2017). Higher soil seeds m−2 of Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC and 1 seed m−2 of Cajanus
fertility also increases growth rate and accelerates the rate of above- cajan (L.) Millsp (Campos-Filho et al., 2013). Half of the tree seeds
ground biomass accumulation in the forest (Melo and Durigan, 2006; (10–20 seeds m−2) were of 15–20 pioneer species that grow quickly
Moran et al., 2000; Toledo et al., 2011). Thus, the success of a re- and close the canopy; the other half were of 30–60 late successional
storation method is influenced by local factors, such as climate and soil species.
characteristics. Seeding was carried out by broadcasting with a broadcast spreader
The Y Ikatu Xingu restoration initiative is an important experiment (implement used for spreading pasture grass seeds and lime, common in
in tropical forest restoration due to its scale and level of social en- cattle farms) attached to a tractor; sowing in rows separated by 50 cm
gagement (Campos-Filho et al., 2013; Durigan et al., 2013). The method with end-wheel grain drills (common in mechanized agriculture farms),
chosen to restore riparian permanent protection areas in the Xingu in which most of the seeds are put in a fertilizer box mixed with sand; or
basin river, within the Amazon deforestation arc, that had minimal by placing seeds directly into 1 × 1 m holes (Campos-Filho et al.,

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

Fig. 1. Location of the study area. The black line shows the perimeter of the Xingu River basin. Dots indicate sampled plots of direct seeding (in yellow), seedling
planting (in black), and natural regeneration (in green).

2013). Sowing in rows requires. The type of seeding depends on the presumed to have high potential for natural regeneration. In seedling
equipment and level of expertise available at the farm; grain farmers planting sites, seedlings were planted at a 3 × 2 m spacing; 50% of the
have grain drills, while cattle farmers have broadcast spreaders seedlings belonged to fast-growing species for quick canopy closure,
(Campos-Filho et al. 2013). For broadcast seeding, the soil is prepared and 50% corresponded to non-pioneer species, to ensure species di-
by repeated plowing months before planting; if necessary, herbicides versity (Campos-Filho et al., 2013). Natural regeneration sites were
are applied in advance to eliminate invasive grasses (Campos-Filho only fenced to prevent the entrance of cattle.
et al., 2013).
For comparison, we sampled sites with two other common forest
restoration methods, seedling planting and natural regeneration. 2.3. Sampling plots
Seedling planting (as well as direct seeding sites) was conducted by
restoration technicians in sites with low potential for natural re- Out of 375 sites restored by the Y Ikatu Xingu campaign (https://
generation, and natural regeneration was allowed to take place in sites we
sampled 72 direct-seeded sites ranging from 1 to 10 years old (48

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

broadcasting sites, 12 row sites, 12 hole sites). Restoration sites had 0.5 Table 1
to 50 ha and were 30-m wide, around springs and along small rivers. Vegetation, climate, and soil attributes of direct seeded sites in Mato Grosso,
We selected sites across the precipitation and seasonality gradient, and Brazil.
included different soil types and age ranges. We sampled three seedling Mean Range
planting sites and six natural regeneration sites, ranging in age from
seven to nine years. In each site we established a 50 × 10 m (500 m2) Predictors
Age (years) 5.54 1–10
plot parallel to the water course. Plots were arranged parallel to the
Annual precipitation (mm years−1) 1687 1519–1957
watercourses at a distance of 10 m from both the outer and the inner Phosphorus content (mg dm−3) 2.19 0.30–10.80
edges of the sites, since the sites were 30-m wide. We measured height Base saturation (%) 23.3 6.2–58.3
(H) and diameter at breast height (DBH) for trees and saplings and Sand (%) 61 36–82
Forest cover (%) 18 0–65
diameter at ground level for seedlings. Trees (DBH ≥ 10 cm) were
measured in 500 m2 plots; saplings (height ≥ 1.30 m and Response variables
DBH < 10 cm) were measured in 100 m2 (50 × 2 m); and seedlings Aboveground biomass (Mg ha−1) 22.7 0–77.9
Basal area (m2 ha−1) 7.71 0.04–21.28
(0.30 m ≤ H < 1.30 m) in 25 m2 (50 × 0.5 m) subplots, respectively. Canopy cover (%) 66.9 0.0–94.0
Stems of the same species at least 5 cm apart were considered different Canopy height (m) 6.0 0.6–12.5
individuals. All species were identified in the field if possible or col- Tree density (ind ha−1) 172 0–640
lected for identification at the herbarium of Embrapa Genetic Resources Sapling density (ind ha−1) 5069 0–16,400
Seedling density (ind ha−1) 4972 0–24,400
and Biotecnology (CEN). We used the list of planted species obtained
Total species richness* 13 1–32
from the Instituto Socioambiental reports to distinguish between Non-planted species richness* 2 0–15
planted and non-planted species.
Aboveground biomass (AGB) was estimated for saplings and trees * Species richness within 500 m2 for trees, 100 m2 for saplings, and 25 m2 for
(≥1.30 m tall) using the allometric equation described in Chave et al. seedlings.
(2014) for the BIOMASS package in R software (Réjou-Méchain et al.,
2017). This equation is based on the largest secondary tropical forest correlation between precipitation seasonality and annual precipitation
tree database and uses wood density for calculations (Chave et al., (r = 0.85) and water deficit (r = 0.68). As a result, only annual pre-
2014). We used species-specific wood densities (g cm−3) obtained from cipitation was selected to represent water availability (Table 1).
Neotropical wood density databases (Chave et al., 2009; Zanne et al., We fitted generalized linear mixed-models (GLMMs) with type of
2009; ICRAF Database). We prioritized wood density values from direct seeding (rows, broadcasting and holes) as a random factor and
samples collected near our study area. If plants could not be identified assessed the effects of environmental variables (soil, climate, and
to species we used the values for genus or family. We used a local re- landscape forest cover) on vegetation structure over a 10-year chron-
ference for the wood density of the abundant species Tachigali vulgaris osequence. We used the type of direct seeding method as a random
(Farias et al., 2016). For unidentified morphospecies and species with factor because frequently there were not cases of a seeding type in
no information available, we used the average wood density of all certain ages and environmental conditions. The nine vegetation attri-
species in the database (Chave et al., 2009; Zanne et al., 2009). In this butes (Table 1) did not differ between the three seeding types (analyzed
study, 77.0% of the tree morphospecies were identified to species, by One-Way ANOVAs, restricted to the 7–10 y old sites; data not
14.0% to genus, and 4.5% to family; 4.5% of the morphospecies were shown). We included five interactions between soil and climate vari-
not identified. To calculate carbon stock, we assumed that 50% of AGB ables. There was no strong correlation (r ≤ 0.4) between the variables
consisted of carbon (Chave et al., 2005). Canopy height was estimated entered into the global models. We tested for residual overdispersion of
from the average of the ten tallest individuals. the global models; when detected, overdispersion was corrected by the
inclusion of an observation-level random effect (Harrison, 2014). Re-
2.4. Environmental variables sidual spatial autocorrelation in the global models was verified using
Moran’s I test and corrected with a correction factor estimated using the
We collected soil samples to a depth of 20 cm at three points along package SAM 4.0 (Rangel et al., 2010). We found spatial autocorrela-
each plot. Samples were homogenized and transported to the laboratory tion in two of the response variables tested (total and non-planted
for chemical and physical analyses. We assessed soil organic carbon, species richness), and therefore the influence of spatial distance was
available P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Al, pH, base saturation, and texture included in subsequent analyses. Variables were checked for normality
(sand, silt, and clay). We selected three climatic variables that indicate and stem density was square-root transformed prior to analyses to meet
water availability: annual precipitation and precipitation seasonality, model assumptions. All predictors included in the models were stan-
both obtained from the WorldClim database (Hijmans et al., 2005), and dardized to account for differences in magnitude between variables
climatic water deficit, acquired from (Table 2). We identified meaningful predictors based on a model se-
pantropical_allometry. Climatic water deficit is the amount of water lection procedure considering all combinations of the variables and
lost in the dry months (defined as months where evapotranspiration interactions included in the global models and using the Akaike In-
exceeds rain), calculated as the difference between rainfall and eva- formation Criterion corrected for small sample sizes (AICc, Burnham
potranspiration during the dry months. To evaluate the influence of the and Anderson, 2002). To assess model performance, we calculated
surrounding forest cover on vegetation attributes, we quantified the differences in AICc values of candidate models as ΔAIC (difference in
area covered by mature forest within a 500-m radius around each plot. AICc value relative to the best-performing model) and Akaike weight
The land-use cover map was obtained from the MapBiomas initiative (wi), which corresponds to the relative likelihood of a given model
( (Burnham and Anderson, 2002). We assumed that models with
ΔAIC < 2 were plausible explanations for the data. The relative im-
2.5. Data analysis portance of each variable was compared through regression coefficients
and unconditional standard errors were generated by model averaging.
We selected soil variables by removing highly correlated physical To graphically illustrate the trajectories of each vegetation attribute
and chemical soil variables (r > 0.8) in a Pearson correlation matrix over time we fitted linear and logarithmic regressions and chose the
(Rodgers and Nicewander, 1988). We selected base saturation, phos- highest R2. However, when a vegetation attribute was affected by en-
phorus content, and sand percentage as indicators of soil fertility vironmental variables besides age, we incorporated the effects of the
(Table 1). Precipitation variables were also analyzed, revealing a high most important environmental variable (as indicated by the largest

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

Table 2 Table 2 (continued)

Model selected to explain the variation in vegetation structure restored through
direct seeding in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Coefficients are shown with 95% con- Model Coefficient 95% CI P
fidence interval (CI) and P-values were extracted from the mean model. Values
Base saturation −0.57 −0.96–−0.19 < 0.001
in bold indicate that the predictor variable was selected (P ≤ 0.05).
Annual precipitation 0.94 0.58–1.29 < 0.001
Model Coefficient 95% CI P Interaction (age and base saturation) 0.08 −0.16–0.64 0.241
Interaction (age and phosphorus) −0.12 −0.73–0.11 0.149
Basal area (R = 0.58) Interaction (Annual precipitation and −0.06 −0.58–0.18 0.313
Intercept 2.49 2.08–2.91 < 0.001 base saturation)
Age 0.79 0.56–1.02 < 0.001 Forest cover 0.04 −0.19–0.45 0.402
Phosphorus 0.16 0.01–0.42 0.049 Correction factor −0.32 −3.81–1.54 0.407
Base saturation 0.13 0.01–0.36 0.069 Sand 0.06 −0.56–0.19 0.333
Annual precipitation 0.02 −0.17–0.26 0.707
Interaction (age and phosphorus) 0.07 −0.02–0.38 0.087
Interaction (age and annual precip.) −0.08 −0.54–0.02 0.064 coefficient in the predictive model described above; Table 2). We did
Interaction (age and base saturation) −0.05 −0.34–0.05 0.144
that by fitting two regressions of the vegetation attribute in function of
Aboveground biomass (R2 = 0.60) age, one for a high level and one for a low level of the environmental
Intercept 4.08 3.19–4.97 < 0.001
variable. To determine these levels, we tested five class limits by adding
Age 1.80 1.37–2.22 < 0.001
Phosphorus 0.36 0.03–0.83 0.039
20% steps considering the range of values (e.g. for Soil P ranging from
Base Saturation 0.28 0.02–0.75 0.049 0.3 to 10.8 mg dm-3, we tested five class limits at fixed intervals of
Interaction (age and phosphorus) 0.21 0.01–0.75 0.047 2.1 mg dm-3; thus tested limits were 0.3–2.4 and > 2.4, 0.3–4.5
Forest cover −0.06 −0.57–0.19 0.366 and > 4.5, and so on). The best class limits for each variable were se-
Canopy cover (R2 = 0.38) lected by fitting simple linear and logarithmic models of the vegetation
Intercept 7.50 6.62–8.38 < 0.001 attribute in function of age, one for a high level and one for a low level
Age 1.10 0.50–1.69 < 0.001
of the environmental factor, and assessing the best R2 values. These
Phosphorus 0.25 0.06–0.95 0.091
Interaction (age and annual −0.93 −1.71–−0.32 0.004 different trajectories are plotted for each vegetation attribute vs. age in
precip.) Fig. 2. If there was a second most important variable other than age or
Annual precipitation 0.24 0.26–0.77 0.335 an interaction between two variables, the second variable was also
Canopy height (R = 0.53) indicated by different dot sizes in Fig. 2. The high and low level was
Intercept 2.31 2.02–2.60 < 0.001 determined by dividing the values of the variable in two classes of equal
Age 0.47 0.34–0.60 < 0.001 sizes.
Base saturation 0.11 0.01–0.23 0.029
Finally, we compared the vegetation attributes between direct
Sand 0.05 −0.02–0.21 0.129
Interaction (age and base saturation) −0.03 −0.20–0.03 0.148 seeding, natural regeneration, and seedling plantation by means of One-
Annual precipitation 0.02 −0.06–0.16 0.351 Way ANOVAs, restricted to the 7–10 y old sites (the age class with
Tree density (R2 = 0.51) restoration sites using the three restoration methods; Direct
Intercept 10.62 7.27–13.97 < 0.001 seeding = 25 sites; natural regeneration = 6 sites; seedling
Age 5.13 3.58–6.70 < 0.001 planting = 3 sites). Seedling and sapling density were squared-root and
Phosphorus 0.60 −0.61–2.45 0.247 log transformed, respectively, to conform to homoscedasticity and
Interaction (age and phosphorus) 0.90 0.26–3.14 0.020
Annual precipitation 0.34 −0.54–2.28 0.217
Sand −0.27 −2.36–0.75 0.294
Base saturation 0.41 −0.42–2.32 0.287
Forest cover −0.30 −2.25–0.61 0.285
3. Results
Sapling density (R = 0.44)
We recorded 5163 stems in the 72 direct-seeded sites, belonging to
Intercept 58.46 45.87–71.04 < 0.001
Age 12.13 4.91–19.34 < 0.001 155 species, 95 genera, and 42 families. We found 68 species that were
Base saturation 2.29 −2.55–9.34 0.269 absent from the list of planted species. All vegetation attributes, except
Annual precipitation −3.13 −10.00–3.70 0.417 seedling density, increased with site age (Fig. 2). At ten years, sites had
Interaction (age and annual −17.16 −25.69–−8.84 < 0.001
a basal area of 12.5 ± 5.0 m2 ha−1 (mean ± SD), AGB of
Forest cover 2.37 −1.05–10.75 0.097
39.5 ± 16.90 Mg ha−1, canopy cover of 98 ± 10%, and canopy
Sand 11.70 5.29–18.33 < 0.001 height of 7.5 ± 2.5 m. Tree, sapling, and seedling densities were
Interaction (age and base saturation) −1.42 −10.72–1.42 0.159 248 ± 210 ind ha−1, 5640 ± 4160 ind ha−1, and 4880 ± 2356 ind
Interaction (annual precipitation and 1.43 −1.36–10.70 0.146 ha−1, respectively. The total number of species reached 15 ± 5, while
base saturation)
the number of non-planted species was 6 ± 4.
Seedling density (R2 = 0.04) The R2 values of the selected models varied between 0.38 and 0.68,
Intercept 62.89 55.46–70.33 < 0.001
and the direction and magnitude of the contribution of each predictor
Age 1.12 −4.30–11.21 0.381
Phosphorus −2.08 −12.53–2.67 0.202 variable varied for each response variable (Table 2). Higher P content
Base saturation −0.76 −10.22–4.98 0.358 was associated with steeper increases in basal area, AGB and density of
Total species richness (R2 = 0.44)
adult trees (Table 2). At 10 years, sites with P content below 4 mg dm−3
Intercept 2.46 2.27–2.65 < 0.001 had a basal area of 13 m2 ha−1, AGB of 42 Mg ha−1 and 291 trees ha−1,
Age 0.19 0.06–0.32 < 0.001 while sites with P content above 4 mg dm−3 had a basal area of
Annual precipitation 0.19 0.09–0.30 < 0.001 24 m2 ha−1, AGB of 137 Mg ha−1 and 1243 trees ha−1 (Fig. 2). Canopy
Base saturation −0.01 −0.15–0.06 0.381
height increased faster in the early years with soil base saturation
Forest cover 0.02 −0.04–0.17 0.242
Correction factor 2.33 1.36–3.30 < 0.001 (Table 2; Fig. 2). The canopy frequently closed (80%) in the first few
years but this was variable, especially for sites with higher annual
Richness of non-planted species (R2 = 0.65)
Intercept −0.19 −0.62–0.24 0.040 precipitation (> 1628 mm year−1). Annual precipitation above
Age 1.02 0.64–1.40 < 0.001 1660 mm was related to higher sapling density at younger sites, leading
Phosphorus −0.31 −0.71–−0.02 < 0.001 to fast initial growth and higher total and non-planted species richness.
The vegetation attributes of direct-seeded sites were in the same

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

Fig. 2. Structural attributes of the vegetation community in sites restored by direct seeding (blue and red dots), seedling planting (black dots), and natural re-
generation (green dots) in a 10-year chronosequence in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Dots represent the sites sampled. Regression curves describe the trajectories of each
vegetation attribute over time. For the vegetation attributes affected by environmental variables other than age, different regressions are presented for sites with
different levels of these variables (high in blue and low in red). The second most important variable other than age was indicated by the size of the dot (see methods
section). Soil P = Phosphorus Content (mg dm−3); Base Sat. = Base Saturation (%); Precipitation = Annual Precipitation (mm year−1); Sand = Percentage of Sand
(%). *Species richness in 500 m2 for trees, 100 m2 for saplings and 25 m2 for seedlings. Dots representing seedling plantings are not shown in the graph of non-planted
species richness because there was no information on what species were planted. Equations for regressions curves are in Table A.1.

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

range of natural regeneration sites, considering 7–10 y old sites. Both natural regeneration method leads to a varied vegetation structure re-
methods had higher seedling density than seedling plantation (F = 4.0; sulting from heterogeneity within the site, such as patches of different
DF = 31; P = 0.028; Tukey post hoc comparison). Directed seeded sites soil types, varying densities of invasive species, and random timing of
had higher sapling density than seedling planting sites (F = 12.6; species colonization, all of which promote forest stratification. In some
DF = 31; P < 0.001; Tukey post hoc comparison). The other vegetation cases, however, natural regeneration leads to the formation of a
attributes did not differ among the three restoration methods. monodominant canopy that may be transient and densely shaded,
especially in areas with a high potential for natural regeneration
4. Discussion (Chazdon and Uriarte, 2016; Mesquita et al., 2015). Lastly, in the direct
seeding method the seeds are sown in high densities (30 tree seeds
Some studies recommend the use of direct seeding for restoration m−2) and include many species and functional groups, resulting in a
due to its low cost (Campos-Filho et al., 2013; Engel and Parrotta, 2001; stratified forest with a high density of individuals. Trees have a high
Palma and Laurance, 2015) and ecological advantages, especially the height-to-diameter ratio and do not bifurcate in the first years, quickly
high initial seedling density, similar to that of resilient early secondary forming a tall secondary forest. In these areas, the canopy closes rapidly
forests (Campos-Filho et al., 2013; Meli et al., 2017; Sovu et al., 2010). (> 80% in seven years) and the density of seedlings and saplings in-
We confirmed the ecological effectiveness of direct seeding for tropical creases, reaching more than 10,000 seedlings and saplings ha−1 in six
forest restoration based on 72 sites across the spectrum of environ- years due to the high density of seeds planted. Species richness in-
mental variation, including high- and moderate-success sites, within a creases during the first few years as late successional species grow and
period of 10 years. Restored sites formed a stratified forest with a closed enter new sampling classes.
canopy that was starting to be colonized by non-planted species, thus In the present study, non-planted species were able to colonize the
concluding the trigger phase of restoration. Although the values for restored areas. We found no relationship between the surrounding
vegetation attributes were higher in most direct seeded than natural forest cover and the arrival of new species, despite a range in forest
regeneration sites, the means were not significantly different. This is cover proportions of 0 to 65% (mean 18%). Rocha et al. (2016), in a
due in part to the high within-treatment variance and the small number study of natural regeneration of abandoned pastures in southwestern
of natural regeneration sites. Seedling and sapling densities were higher Amazonia, did not find any influence of the surrounding forest within a
in the direct seeding than in seedling planting sites. It should be noted 120 m radius buffer on species arrival. They attributed this result to two
that direct seeding and seedling planting were applied in sites with low possible causes: first, most species in tropical regions have limited seed
potential for natural regeneration while natural regeneration was dispersal, with seeds spreading only a few meters from the edge of the
mostly allowed to take place in sites with high potential for natural forest (Howe et al., 2010); second, the species that were able to colonize
regeneration. regenerating areas were dispersed by bats, which were able to disperse
Direct-seeded sites reached an average of 4200 seedlings ha−1 in seeds for kilometers. Our studied sites were only 10 years old, a rela-
three years, four times the seedling density of seedling planting sites of tively short period to observe the influence of landscape on species
the same age in the seasonal semideciduous forests of São Paulo state colonization (Holl et al., 2017). However, the richness of non-planted
(1042 ind ha−1) (Brancalion et al., 2016). The basal area of 10-year-old species was higher in sites with both higher precipitation and lower
sites with soil P content < 4.5 mg dm−3 (13 m2 ha−1) was similar to fertility. One possibility is that higher soil fertility caused faster canopy
the basal area of secondary succession sites in the Amazon at similar closure and basal area increment, which could result in insufficient
latitudes and with a high potential for natural regeneration (Peña- light for seedling establishment of light-demanding species (Capers
Claros, 2003). Sites with soil P content > 4.5 mg dm−3 had a much et al., 2005; Dupuy & Chazdon, 2006; Dupuy & Chazdon, 2008).
higher estimated basal area (24 m2 ha−1). Thus, direct-seeded sites The vegetation had higher structural development in sites with
stored a significant amount of carbon. Considering sites with low soil P higher soil fertility. Basal area and aboveground biomass were higher in
content, a biomass of 4.92 Mg ha−1 year−1 corresponds to an annual sites that had high soil P content. In addition, both aboveground bio-
net carbon absorption of 2.46 Mg C ha−1 year−1, similar to the ab- mass and tree height increased with soil base saturation. Phosphorus
sorption rate of secondary wet forests ranging in age from 5 to 15 years constrains tree growth in highly degraded and leached tropical soils and
(2.35 Mg C ha−1 year−1; Rozendaal et al., 2017) and of neotropical is correlated with productivity in old-growth Amazon forests (Quesada
forests after 20 years of regeneration since the last farming activity et al., 2012). Soil and leaf phosphorus are important in defining the
(3.05 Mg C ha−1 year−1; Poorter et al., 2016). Furthermore, before photosynthetic capacity of tropical forests (Bahar et al., 2017). More-
restoration the sites investigated in this study had been dominated by over, tropical tree distributions may be limited by soil phosphorus
exotic grasses, with no natural regeneration (Durigan et al. 2013). The content, because many species have pronounced associations with ei-
recognition of direct seeding as a successful method for carbon se- ther high or low phosphorus content (Condit et al., 2013). In our study,
questration could promote its use and advance the achievement of the great variation in phosphorus content is explained by the previous
national forest restoration goals (Holl and Zahawi, 2014; Poorter et al., use of the soil. Sites with higher phosphorus content had been used for
2016). grain production, with the application of limestone and annual fertili-
Aside from knowing if a restoration method works, we must un- zation of the soil, which resulted in higher tree growth rates. Thus,
derstand how this method shapes the trajectory of the developing ve- fertilization could be used before direct seeding to accelerate tree de-
getation community (Shoo et al., 2016). For instance, the objective of velopment. Annual precipitation was less important for forest devel-
planting seedlings that mix rows of pioneer species with rows of high opment than soil fertility, which is not surprising since the annual
diversity of species is to establish a canopy within the first two to four precipitation only ranged from 1519 to 1957 mm.
years, shade out invasive grasses, and improve the conditions for the Our results show a high variability in the rate of vegetation recovery
establishment of late successional species (Rodrigues et al., 2011, following direct seeding, due to the measured, and possibly other not
2009). In some cases, however, tree seedlings and saplings are absent measured, environmental conditions, which is an inherent source of
due to the simultaneous growth of planted seedlings, which form a variation in any study. An advantage of direct seeding is the possibility
dense and homogenous canopy, coupled with continuous grass control of performing a quick evaluation of the initial results; the density of
for the first few years and soil preparation limited to the seedling established seedlings in direct-seeded sites can be assessed a few
planting spots, creating poor establishment conditions for seeds that months after planting (Meli et al., 2017). In sites with low numbers of
disperse into the area. Thus, both enrichment with late successional species, enrichment with seedlings is a possibility, using slow-growing
species and canopy management are needed eventually. In contrast, in species or species that failed to establish through direct seeding. In sites
areas with high potential for natural regeneration, the unassisted where the grass cover is high and tree seedling density is also high,

M.G. Freitas, et al. Forest Ecology and Management 438 (2019) 224–232

exotic grasses must be controlled (Grossnickle and Ivetić, 2017). One Acknowledgements
option for that is selective herbicide use, but the application must be
directed towards the tussocks and must happen only after seeded spe- This work was funded by the Rufford Small Grants Foundation,
cies have established (Campos-Filho et al., 2013). Keeping these re- PROEX/CAPES (Project No. 1789/2015) and the Graduate Program in
commendations in mind, direct seeding is an efficient tropical forest Ecology at University of Brasília, Instituto Socioambiental, Associação
restoration method to attain vegetation attributes that trigger the suc- Rede de Sementes do Xingu, and Embrapa Genetic Resources and
cessional process and promote a structure that is more similar to re- Biotechnology. We are thankful to the Brazilian Ministry of Education
silient natural regeneration sites than to sites where seedlings have for funding MGF and SBC’s M.Sc. fellowship via CAPES and CNPq. We
been planted. heartily thank Cleber Marcelino for fieldwork assistance. Barbara
Zimbres, Leticia Gomes, Catarina Jokovac, Luisa Carvalheiro and André
Coutinho contributed with ideas for this study.

Appendix A

Table A.1
Equations for regressions curves showed in Fig. 2.
Vegetation attributes Equation N R2 P

Basal area (Soil P ≤ 4.5 mg) Y = 1.28x + 0.22 63 0.44 < 0.001
Basal area (Soil P > 4.5 mg) Y = 2.74x − 2.91 9 0.77 0.001
Aboveground biomass (Soil P ≤ 4.5 mg) Y = 4.92x − 6.56 63 0.44 < 0.001
Aboveground biomass (Soil P > 4.5 mg) Y = 10.96x − 16.81 9 0.74 0.002
Canopy cover (Precipitation ≤ 1607 mm) Y = 38.12log(x) + 5.67 29 0.67 < 0.001
Canopy height (Base Saturation ≤ 17%) Y = 3.16log(x) + 0.80 31 0.69 < 0.001
Canopy height (Base Saturation > 17%) Y = 3.10log(x) + 1.27 41 0.15 0.007
Tree density (Soil P ≤ 4.5 mg) Y =37.38x − 48.20 63 0.31 < 0.001
Tree density (Soil P > 4.5 mg) Y = 87.74x − 164.64 9 0.70 0.003
Sapling density (Precipitation ≤ 1694 mm) Y = 3798log(x) – 95 32 0.34 < 0.001
Total species richness (Precipitation ≤ 1694 mm) Y = 5.33log(x) + 6.06 32 0.31 < 0.001
Non-planted species richness (Precipitation ≤ 1694 mm) Y = 0.25x − 0.48 32 0.20 0.006
Non-planted species richness (Precipitation ≤ 1694 mm) Y = 0.54x − 0.57 40 0.09 0.032

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