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Primary 6 Reader (The Merchant of Venice)

Chapter (6)

Read this quotation then answer the questions:

"How could my own daughter do such a thing "

1-Who said this to whom?


2-Why did he say that ?


3-What did his daughter take from him ?


"If I cannot use it for anything else I will use it to catch fish"

1-Who said this to whom?


2-What dose ( it ) refer to ?


3-Why did Shylock want to revenge from Antonio?



1-Shylock didn't like Lorenzo because he was………………………

2-Shylock met …………………,……………….and asked them about his daughter.

Chapter ( 7 )

"There must be very bad news in that letter "

1-Who said this to whom ?


2-What was the bad news?


3-Who sent the letter?


"Doctor Bellario will give you books, papers and clothes "

1-Who said this to whom ?


2-Who is Bellario ?


3-Why do they need the books, papers and the clothes?



1-Bassanio received a ……………from Antonio.

2-Bassanio and ………………….got ready as quickly as they could.

3-Portia and ……………will disguise themselves as ………………….

Chapter ( 8 )

"For three thousands ducats here is six "

1-Who said this to whom?

2-Did Shylock accept this money ? Why ?
3-Where did this take place?
" Now I want Antonio's heart"

1-Who said this to whom?

2-Where did this take place?
3-Did he take Antonio's heart ?Why?

1-Portia disguise herself as a lawyer his name is ………………..

2-Portia said "taking a pound of flesh makes you a ………………"
3-Antonio said "Let Shylock keep half of his…….and give the rest to his
4-Shylock cried "I cannot take his heart without taking his ……………".
Chapter ( 9 )

" Here, please take this bag of gold "

1-Who said this to whom?

2-Where did this take place?
3-What did the man want instead of the gold ?
" lord Gratanio .Do you want to thank me too "

1-Who said this to whom?

2-Where did this take place?
3-Why did Gratanio give his ring to the man ?


1-Bassanio said " But I must pay you for saving………………."

2-Antonio said " Bassanio. My friend let him have the ……………'
3-Portia said " See how easily they have broken their ………………….."
Chapter ( 10 )

"Where is the ring that I gave to you "

1-Who said this to whom ?
2-Where did it take place?
3-Who did Bassanio give his ring to?

"I will never break another promise to you again "

1-Who said this to whom?

2-What promise did he break ?
3-How could Bassanio understand the story of the ring?


1-Bassanio took a …………….from Portia and read it.

2-Bassanio said " We have the cleverest ………. in the world, Gratanio"

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