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Hydrotherapy is currently being given importance, which allows a wide range of treatment

techniques to help improve the stage of pregnancy and childbirth, because it reduces back

pain, improves postural hygiene and breathing. Hydrotherapy is currently being given

importance, which allows a wide range of treatment techniques to help improve the stage of

pregnancy and childbirth, since it reduces back pain, improves postural hygiene and its

benefits. Because it helps reduce back pain due to the growth of the uterus and the

hormonal changes you are experiencing. But it also helps to strengthen muscle tone,

endurance and coordination, as well as pelvic muscles. As soon as the improvement of the

postural hygiene is one of the basic measures in the prevention in the pregnancy. Because

you should avoid sedentary lifestyle, avoid as much as possible the performance of stressful

work, avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy, it is advisable to use maternity strips

between weeks 25 and 36 of gestation, which have later bands that they hold the lower

back. It should be noted that breathing occurs naturally when in the water, and there is an

increase in respiratory capacity, which is an advantage to oxygenate the lungs of the mother

and baby. Also the breathing work done in each session becomes an important element

during childbirth.

In conclusion, during pregnancy we should know that there are a number of physical

changes related to development. Some of these changes or adaptations of the body to the

new situation can cause discomfort. Hydrotherapy is the most suitable activity for pregnant

women that helps to perform exercises working the whole body and without risk of injury.

Not only will it bring benefits for the mother but also for the development of the fetus.

Good afternoon my Sandra Veloz, master Carlos Del Pozo, teacher and Class. My
name is Mileilly Briones, Today I'm going to talk about HYDROTHERAPY IN
PREGNANT WOMEN, I have chosen to speak about this because Nowadays
pregnant women demand a more personalized and participative care throughout
pregnancy, childbirth and post-operative. I will speak for 15 minutes, have you ever

Hydrotherapy, derived from the Greek words hydro and therapies, which means "water"
and "healing", and is the application of water, either internally or externally. Physical
exercise in pregnancy is healthy and beneficial for both the mother and the fetus. Water is a
natural element that degrades the body. Hydrotherapy is currently being given importance,
which allows a wide range of treatment to help improve the stage of pregnancy and
childbirth such as: back pain, improves postural hygiene and breathing.

There are three things we have to consider about hydrotherapy in pregnant women, such
as: Back pain, improves postural hygiene and breathing.

Now let us look at the first aspect which is the pain of the back. It is very likely that your
back pain is due to the growing uterus and the hormonal changes you are experiencing. The
expanding uterus displaces the center of gravity and stretches and weakens the abdominal
muscles, which causes your posture to change and your back to be put under additional
pressure. First of all, The extra weight you are carrying means more work for your muscles
and more stress for your joints and this explains why you might feel that the back pain gets
worse at the end of the day. In addition, the uterus can also put pressure on a nerve.

That´s all I would like to say about back pain since it will always be one of the main
factors in the stage of pregnancy, and now let us turn to move on to improve postural
hygiene, the growing abdomen causes the woman to change her center of gravity to a
posture always aimed at balance. It is advisable to work this position to minimize the
tension that is going to accumulate, especially in the lower back. For this, there are working
facilitating positions to make the delivery more comfortable. There is a whole postural
hygiene that can be facilitating to minimize discomfort and also to facilitate the good
positioning of the baby.
Now that we´ve seen postural hygiene, we turn to what is the breath in pregnancy. Because
it is done naturally, there is also an increase in respiratory capacity, which is an advantage
to oxygenate the lungs of the mother and baby. In the breathing, the diaphragmatic activity
is reinforced, which suffers an alteration as a result of pregnancy breathing is worked
naturally when in the water, in addition there is an increase in respiratory capacity being an
advantage to oxygenate the lungs of the mother and the baby the work of breathing
performed in each session becomes an important element during childbirth.

On the plus side we can add; we can add that hydrotherapy helps increase the affective
bond mother-child. It improves physical discomfort. And there is greater control of
breathing and relaxation.

In conclusion I would like to say that during pregnancy there are a series of physical
changes that are related to development. Some of these changes or adaptations of the body
to the new situation can cause discomfort. Water is considered as the ideal means for the
pregnant woman to move. It is a medium where the exercises do not reflect impact, because
it reduces the severity. It makes the woman not feel so much the weight of her belly is
easier to move with greater ease and without risk of falls. Hydrotherapy is the most suitable
activities for pregnant women helps to perform exercises working their entire body and
without risk of injury. Not only will it bring benefits to the mother but also to the
development of the fetus. Thank you very much for your attention. If there are any
questions please feel free to ask.

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