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SGD 1 4 MEI 2015


Step 1
 Secretion : is cellular mechanism that consist of production and releasing
specific product.
 Hormone : chemical compound from protein, chemical substance that
secreted by endocrine glands carried by blood, hormone have a role to
regulated cell activities.
 Glands : organ body can produce substance to be issued.
 Excretion : the compound that cant be used again.
 Pituitary (hypofisis) : located on basale epithelial body that connected
 Hypothalamus : neuro endogen organs that located in front of brain to
regulate homeostatis.
 Metabolism : the process of decomposition, formation of physical chemical
that occured in the body consist of catabolism and anabolism
Step 2
1. What is the definition of endocrine and exocrine ?
2. What the function of endocrine system ?
3. How does the process of control system feedback ?
4. What is the factor of effect hormones ?
5. Why hyphotalamus and pituitary glands have a role of central regulator ?
6. What are the kinds of hormones ? What’re the kinds of glands ? What is the
function of hormone ?
7. What are relation between glands and hormones >
8. How do organ target can effected by hormones ?
9. What is the differences of secretion and excretion ?
10.Where is the location of hormone ?
11.How the transport of hormone ?
12.How does the relation of hyphofisis and hypothalamus ?
13.Why hormone can be secreted ?
14.Menjelaskan kalisifikasi horomon dan radiosaksi (Hifrofibik hidofobik) ?
1. What is the definition of endocrine and exocrine ?
 Endocrine : hormone that through blood vessels (insulin)

SGD 1 4 MEI 2015

 Exocrine : hormone that through ductus (saliva, sebum, urine)

2. What the function of endocrine and exocrine system ?
 Regulated our body : metabolism, growthing, reproduction by
secretion a hormones, homeostasis, body fluid belance, immune
respon, electrolyte balance, etc.
 Exsocrine : temperature exocrine
3. What are the kinds of hormones ? What’re the kinds of glands ? What is the
function of hormone ?
Kinds of Kinds of Function of Target Location
glands hormone hormone Cells
Adrenal protein

4. How does the process of control system feedback ?

Adanya process hypofisis anterior
 Feedback + : hormone increase in one place. Ex : ovarium : LH,
estrogen increase
 Feedback - : hormone increase and decrease in one place. Ex :
Korteks adrenal  aldosterone meningkat, corticosteron menurun.
 Jangan lupa di cari yang menstabilkan.
5. What is the factor of effect hormones ?
 Physic
 Glands Circumference
6. Definition, physiologic of hyphosis/ pituitary and hypothalamus ?
Hipotalamus : kelenjar yang kerjanya merangsang dan mengendalikan/
menghambat pemngeluaran hormone sendiri
Hipofisis : kelenjar yang penting dalam tubuh. Sebagai master of glands,
jadi dia mengatur berbagai hormonal seluruh tubuh.
7. How does the relation of hyphofisis and hypothalamus ?
Hipotalamus menerima sinyal yang mengandul sejumlah neuron dan
memproduksi hormone lalu dibawa ke aliran darah dan dilanjutkan ke
hipofisis dan silanjutkan sekresi
8. Why hypothalamus and pituitary glands have a role of central regulator ?

9. What are relation between glands and hormones ?

SGD 1 4 MEI 2015

Karena kelenjar menghasilkan hormone kelenjar hiposis merangsang enzim


10.How do organ target can effected by hormones ?

11.What is the differences of secretion and excretion ?

 Sekresi : mengeluarkan zat yang masih bermanfaat (hormone)
 Ekskresi : mengeluarkan zat yang tidak bermanfaat (urine, keringat)
12.How the transport of hormone ? through
 Water soluble hormone (peptide, cotecolamines) dissolves n the
plasma and brought the target tissue sintetic. Horomone that diffuse
out of the capillaries into the interstitial fluids and finally to the target
tissue. Through endocrine, autocrine, justacrine, paracrine.
13.Why hormone can be secreted ?
For homeostatic
14.Menjelaskan kalisifikasi horomon dan radiosaksi (Hifrofibik hidofobik) ?

SGD 1 4 MEI 2015






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