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For the past few years, Global warming has shown its

warning signs, people became environmental concern and the word

“Corporate Social Responsibility” became an important matter to

companies. Corporate Social Responsibility became central to the

operations of many of the best companies today. Starbucks is one

of those best companies that conduct Corporate Social

Responsibility. Starbucks is using CSR as a strategy for

sustainable service business.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a corporation's

initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company's

effects on environmental and social well-being. Businesses use

Corporate Social Responsibility as a tool to gain reputation to

the global market and the society. It is a business approach

that contributes to sustainable development by delivering

economic, social and environmental benefits for all

stakeholders. Companies do CSR by helping and giving a positive

impact to the society. They do CSR by giving to charities,

planting trees, helping out in disasters and many more. By that,

a company is helping the society at the same time it advertises

itself. Customers are willing to pay for products and services

from companies that are committed to positive social an

environmental impact.

Investors use Corporate Social Responsibility as a main

reason for them to invest to the company. Corporate Social

Responsibility gives a person a feeling of satisfaction in

knowing that he is helping society which results an improved

productivity. This also attracts employees. Helping others will

give a company a good reputation in a community. This good

reputation will also make it easier for a company to use their

good name to push forward additional good work. Corporate Social

Responsibility can be an opportunity for businesses to

strengthen their bottom line , do good for society , work to

reverse some of the growing problems facing the world today,

retain top talent, increase productivity, build an engaged Board

of Directors and attract customers. CSR has become important

because it help the companies to communicate with society,

consumers, workers and investors.

Many companies do the Corporate Social Responsibility, to

improve society in some way. These efforts can range from

donating money to non-profits to implementing environmental-

friendly policies in the workplace (Richardson, 2012).In

addition to that, Corporate Social Responsibility is

a corporation's initiatives to assess and take responsibility

for the company's effects on environmental and social well-

being. The term generally applies to efforts that go beyond what

may be required by regulators or environmental protection groups

(Miller, 2013).

Therefore, Corporate Social Responsibility is the term

that the companies used when it comes in helping the society to

become better. Corporate Social Responsibility is also

implemented in companies that are in the Philippines. Companies

like SM Mall, do CSR. They made “SM Cares” which helps the

society through planting trees and donating relief goods to

victims of calamities. Institutes and Universities like FEU and

TIP also do CSR activities. The Technological Institute of the

Philippines conducted a CSR-related activity back in December.

As part of their event entitled “Nights of Lights and Carols”,

students were assign to collect bath soaps, 3 in 1 coffee and

chocolate drink sachets to be given to TIP’s beneficiaries.


The purpose of this study is to answer the problem

about the feasibility of implementing Corporate Social

responsibility in T.I.P Q.C and to know the possible

effects in T.I.P and Society. The questions regarding this

research are the following:

1. Is it feasible to have a Corporate Social Responsibility in

T.I.P Q.C?

 What will be the implications in advertising and

reputation in T.I.P Q.C?

 What will be the advantages and disadvantages in terms of

finance of T.I.P Q.C?

2. What kind of CSR Related-Activities they will plan to do?

 What will be the possible effects of it in Philanthropic

approach on the society?

 What will be the possible effects of it in Economic

approach on the society?


In this section, the researchers intend to know the

definition of corporate social responsibility based on different

references and the importance of CSR in the firm of business

sectors especially in TIP. The main objective of this study is

to give some background about Corporate Social Responsibility to

help T.I.P in their Advertising strategies. In addition to that,

this study will talk about the possible effects of it in

advertising and reputation of implementing CSR and the

advantages and disadvantages of it in financial statement of


Corporate Social Responsibility is a tool to develop their

reputation in the market (UK essay, 2012). It is a business

approach that contributes to the sustainable development of

businesses by delivering economic, social and environmental

benefits for all stakeholders.It can be an opportunity for

businesses to strengthen their bottom line, do charitable works

for the society, work to reverse some of the growing problems

facing the world today, retain top talent, build an engaged

Board of Directors and attract customers. Corporate giving is

being used as more than a way to manage reputation and

stockholders, but as a growth driver, platform for innovation

and a way to drive a corporate culture. Companies that are

giving more back to society are outperforming companies than

those that are not. CSR is no longer an obligation that

businesses feel they need to take on but has become central to

the operations of many of the best companies today(Committee

Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP), 2010). When an

organization keeps doing corporate social responsibility as a

focus they achieve sustained value and financial returns (Nooyi,


Companies are applying the same CSR management best

practices to philanthropy as they do in other areas of the

business, and that is translating into more strategically driven

societal investments, increased measurement and evaluation of

the results, and a refinement of goals and partnerships to drive

efficiency. In our country, The House of Representatives

approved the Corporate Social Responsibility Act of 2011,

institutionalizing corporate social responsibility of both

domestic and foreign corporations."All business organizations

established and operating under Philippine laws, whether

domestic or foreign, are encouraged to observe CSR or the

commitment of business to contribute on a voluntary basis, to

sustainable economic development by working with relevant

stakeholders to improve their lives in ways that are good for

business, a sustainable development agenda and society at large"


Since the Technological institute of the Philippines is a

form of business they should commit CSR to the society.



The researcher aims to know the possible effects in advertising

and reputation of Corporate Social responsibility in T.I.P Qc.

Meaning this research wants to determine the kind of CSR-activities

that they can do to improve their reputation and upgrade their

adverting. Also the researchers want to know the implications,

advantages and disadvantages of doing Corporate Social

responsibilities on TIP. Lastly this section wants to know the kind

of CSR Activities that they will like to do weather it is

Philanthropic or Economic approach for society.

First, for society, they will be the beneficiaries of CSR of

T.I.P. the probable benefits to them are they will be train and help

them in their philanthropic systems. Second, this research is

important to the administration (TIP) because it can help them to

improve their advertising also improve their reputation from the

business world. By that, more partnerships, investments, and

students that will study to them.


Stakeholders Theory by Edward Freeman

Stakeholder theory, which has been described by Edward

Freeman and others, is the mirror image of corporate social

responsibility. Instead of starting with a business and looking

out into the world to see what ethical obligations are there,

stakeholder theory starts in the world. It lists and describes

those individuals and groups who will be affected by (or affect)

the company’s actions and asks, “What are their legitimate

claims on the business?” “What rights do they have with respect

to the company’s actions?” and “What kind of responsibilities

and obligations can they justifiably impose on a particular

business?” In a single sentence, stakeholder theory affirms that

those whose lives are touched by a corporation hold a right and

obligation to participate in directing it.

As a simple example, when a factory produces industrial

waste, a CSR perspective attaches a responsibility directly to

factory owners to dispose of the waste safely. By contrast, a

stakeholder theorist begins with those living in the surrounding

community who may find their environment poisoned, and begins to

talk about business ethics by insisting that they have a right

to clean air and water. Therefore, they’re stakeholders in the

company and their voices must contribute to corporate decisions.

It’s true that they may own no stock, but they have a moral

claim to participate in the decision-making process. This is a

very important point. At least in theoretical form, those

affected by a company’s actions actually become something like

shareholders and owners. Because they’re touched by a company’s

actions, they have a right to participate in managing it

This theory may help the problem of the researchers

regarding to their study about Corporate Social Responsibility

of T.I.P, Q.C. this theory helps the researchers to answer the

question “Who will be affected in the company’s actions and


1.4 Scope and Limitations

This study will focus solely on the possible effects

Corporate Social Responsibility in Technological Institute of

the Philippines in Quezon City. This research will discuss the

implications of CSR to their Advertising and Reputation. It will

also focus on the advantage, disadvantages and its impact to the

stakeholders like TIP administration and society. The

respondents will be the Credible and Knowledgeable about

advertising and business inside T.I.P (TIP Marketing officer,

Outreach Program Officer and some Business Professors) It will

not tackle the CSR from other schools/institutes near T.I.P Q.C.

It will not also tackle about the point-of-view of the society

in implementing CSR of T.I.P Q.C.






Fig. 1 Flowchart of effects of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility has an impact in many

aspects, in terms of advertising, reputation, and on how it will

affect and motivate to the society and in economy. The

researchers assume the outcome of implementing Corporate Social

Responsibility to the society in economic and philanthropic

approach. The researchers also assume on what is the possible

flow and outcome of Corporate Social Responsibility if it is

implement. From Corporate Social Responsibility up to the

General effects of CSR, that is the researcher’s assumption

about their research study.


 Corporate social responsibility - is a concept whereby

companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better

society and a cleaner environment. Corporate social

responsibility is represents by the contributions

undertaken by companies to society through its business

activities and its social investment.

 Implication - logical relation between two propositions

that fails to hold only if the first is true and the second

is false see truth table a logical relationship between two

propositions in which if the first is true the second is

true statement exhibiting a relation of implication.

 Innovation - the act of innovating; Introduction of new

things or methods.

 Stakeholder - a party that has an interest in a company,

and can either affect or be affected by the business

 Phenomenal - very remarkable ,historic and unforgettable

 Prominence - state of being important or famous

 Implication - State of being involved or the possible

effects of something.

 Advertising – a way of promoting the company to gain more

profit from the consumers or society.

 Reputation – a common opinion that people have about

something or someone; the way in which people think of to

someone or something.


This chapter aims to justify the choice of research

questions and establish the importance of the topic. In so

doing, this chapter reviews and evaluates the theoretical and

empirical literature that underpins the research theme of this

dissertation. In addition to that, the chapter focuses on three

key areas of interest, which conflate the effects in advertising

of corporate social responsibility of Technological Institute of

the Philippines; advantages and disadvantages of CSR on the

stakeholder of TIP-QC; implementation of its CSR and the

activities related in CSR of TIP.

Since our society is facing societal problems, this

research study wants to recognize if TIP-QC contributes to the

welfare of the society. Hence, this research study is

explanatory and action research, the researchers want to explain

how TIP-QC implements its CSR. However, they know that TIP-QC

lacks transparency in terms of CSR programs and activities. This

research study will give transparency on the CSR of TIP-QC so

that the school will be able to gain more volunteers and donors

for future projects and programs.

The researchers classified the data that they have gathered

into five themes. The first theme explains the connection of CSR

in the economic social response. The second one indicates that

CSR is not just a dole of charity. The third theme talks about

CSR ethics. Fourth theme is all about CSR passed to a law. The

last theme talks about CSR being a motivation to employees.


1. Connection of Corporate Social Responsibility in the

Economic Social Response

Shell Oil, for example, spent 100 million dollars in

1995 alone on Nigeria and more than 20 million dollars on roads,

health clinics, schools, scholarships, water projects and

agriculture, actions that support projects to help the people of

the region, actions that did not seem to have been motivated by

any legal duty to act (Lawrence,2013). On the other hand, in the

aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda, business sectors immediately

responded not only in pulling resources to provide immediate

relief to the survivors but also to organize and synchronize CSR

initiatives to address the multi-faceted and complex challenge

of disaster recovery and reconstruction. With Typhoon Yolanda,

the government estimated a total damage and loss at $12.9

billion. The Super typhoon Yolanda, left the country with 4

million houses displaced and more than 6,000 fatalities. In

response to the government's call for private sectors to play a

major role in the rebuilding establishments in Central Visayas,

the Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF) found as a

structural mechanism that “will facilitate the large,

coordinated and unified effort of the business community to

handle the whole spectrum of disaster management” (Meily, 2015).

"It became clear in the discussions that there is a need

for the private sector to actually invest in an institution like

the PDRF and invest in a big way" (Lopa, 2016). As its partner,

PBSP led a fund raising road show as well as sought direct

investments in business solutions that would provide sustainable

solutions to the rebuilding efforts. According to PDRF, the five

key sectors for early recovery efforts are shelter, livelihood,

education, environment and water, infrastructure, sanitation and

health. "Recent events have highlighted the fact that the

Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the

world. We must become much more adept in dealing with calamities

– both natural and manmade. The private sector has an important

role to play in making our country more resilient,"(Pangilinan,

2016). He also chairs Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co

(PLDT) and Metro Pacific Investments Corp.

As businesses know, CSR is a concept wherein companies must

help the ordinary people especially during unexpected phenomena.

In this case, Shell was able to help Nigerians by increasing

funds to help the region. On the other hand, when super typhoon

Yolanda hit the Philippines, many people were affected. Many

private business organizations did CSR to help the victims.

2. Corporate Social Responsibility is not only in a Dole of


If the public loses trust in a company, the damage to the

market value of the company will be quick and dramatic. For

instance, an oil spill does not hurt because of the direct

financial implications for the clean-up costs. It hurts stock

prices because of the loss of trust. In today’s Twitter and

Facebook world, this loss of trust is very difficult to “manage”

or “spin”. Businesses have strong incentives to think of

corporate social responsibility in a much broader sense. CSR is

not about dole out of charity or hand out to the society. It is

what corporations do to solve social problems that help create a

sustainable society that in turn increases business profits

(Tarayao, 2014).

CSR is not just in charity appearance or hand out to the

society. It said that it is also in solving the social problems

to create a happy society that can give back an increase. In

business, the public trust is the most important tools to gain

profits and to grow the company. The loss of public trust may

cause a big damage in terms of their business reputation and


3. Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility

“Laws regarding product safety and liability involve many

meanings of being responsible” (Hartman & Desjordins, 2015).

“Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that examines

ethical rules, theories and principle in a business context. It

includes that correct understanding of any moral duties and

obligation that apply to person who are engaged in commerce. It

covers a myriad of both practical and moral problems that arise

out of specific functional areas of management” (De George,


“Business ethics knocks on one’s conscience before the

individual makes a business decision, while CSR nags the moral

accountability of a group of individuals. Before CSR is

practiced correctly, it is assumed that all practitioners are

ethical” (Rothman & Scott 2014).

There are different meanings of “responsible” – reliable,

trustworthy, involves attributing something as a cause for an

event, attributing liability or accountability for some event or

action. There are laws regarding product safety and this is one

concept of CSR. Companies also take notice for the safety of

their products. In addition to the fact, ethical management

(business ethics) is the foundation of corporate social

responsibility in the workplace, Which covers those ethical

issues arising from business to society relationship, such as

the rights and obligations justly owed between them. Before

doing corporate social responsibility, it should first practice

business ethics to be good in doing CSR. In addition to that, a

company that does not know how to execute business ethics will

not be able to do CSR. It also means that business leaders,

entrepreneurs and other members of the organization have

business ethics before doing corporate citizenship (other term

for CSR).

4. Corporate Social Responsibility as a Law

In 2011, The House of Representatives approved the Corporate

Social Responsibility Act of 2011, institutionalizing corporate

social responsibility of both domestic and foreign corporations.

Rep. Diosdado Arroyo (2nd District, Camarines Sur) authored the

law that aimed to foster sustainable economic development and

environment protection by encouraging corporate social

responsibility (CSR) of business organizations, whether single

proprietorship, partnership or corporation."All business

organizations established and operating under Philippine laws,

whether domestic or foreign, are encouraged to observe CSR or

the commitment of business to contribute on a voluntary basis,

to sustainable economic development by working with relevant

stakeholders to improve their lives in ways that are good for

business, a sustainable development agenda and society at large"

(Arroyo, 2011).

Arroyo further explained that CSR-related activities shall

include, but not be limited to charitable programs and projects;

scientific research; youth and sports development; cultural and

educational promotion; services to veterans and senior citizens;

social welfare; environmental sustainability; health

development; disaster relief assistance and employee and

employer related CSR activities.

“All contributions or gifts actually paid or made to

accredited done by institutions by the corporation shall be

fully deducted in the computation of their taxable income”

(Arroyo, 2011).

According to PDRF, the five key sectors for early recovery

efforts are shelter, livelihood, education, environment and

water, infrastructure, sanitation and health (Philippine

Disaster Response Foundation, 2010).

"Recent events have highlighted the fact that the Philippines

is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. We

must become much more adept at dealing with calamities – both

natural and manmade. The private sector has an important role to

play in making our country more resilient" (Pangilinan, 2010).

In the Philippines, CSR implementation in companies is now

a law. 2ndDistrict Camarines-Sur Rep. Diosdado Arroyo proposed a

bill regarding CSR to be passes as a law for businesses o

contribute more for the welfare of the society. The law says,

"All business organizations established and operating under

Philippine laws, whether domestic or foreign, are encouraged

commit to observe CSR. It also states that companies that will

implement CSR will have tax-free dues.

5. CSR as a Motivation to Employees

“Employees who are well-treated in their work environments may

prove more loyal and more effective and productive in their

work” (Caroll, 2013).

Employees are the ones making a company’s products and

services. They must be treated fairly and equally for them to

stay longer and be more effective thus, make more products and

services with high standards.


In the first theme, the researchers showed some examples

of corporate social responsibility of different business

organizations. First, the Shell Corp. in Nigeria helped the

government in building bridges and roads. Secondly, business

organizations in the Philippines helped the victims of super

typhoon Yolanda. The reason why they came up to this theme is,

because corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business

approach that contributes to sustainable development by

delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all

stakeholders. Researchers know the connection of CSR in

economic development of corporation. The Corporate Social

Responsibility activities have an impact in economy of


In the second theme, it says that CSR is an easy

strategy in improving businesses or companies. Before a business

can implement CSR, its members need to know the right way of

doing it by following the business ethics. If they did not the

business ethics, they cannot execute CSR. Practicing business

ethics helps them to improve and to be good in doing CSR. It

also means that business leaders or company owners and other

members of organizations should implement business ethics to

themselves. The researchers came up with this theme because

business ethics has a relation to the topic of their research

and that is corporate social responsibility. Business ethics

helps businesses to know what is the right thing and good way of

doing it so when they make their csr it will not be hard to


The third theme says moral principles that govern a

person's behavior in conducting activities was called ethics.

The researchers came up with this theme because every action has

an effect, whether good or bad. Incorporate social

responsibility, it is an approach in helping the society in a

way companies benefit. They also came up with this because they

want to know how ethics influence CSR.

In the fourth theme, the researchers found out that in

the Philippines there is a law that was proposed by Rep.

Diosdado Arroyo and it is the “Corporate Social Responsibility

Act of 2011”. It says that business organizations in the

Philippines, whether managed by foreign and local owners and

investors, should commit CSR to the society. This law wants to

improve and help the society in its problems. Arroyo also

explained that CSR-related activities shall include, but not be

limited to charitable programs and projects; scientific

research; youth and sports development; cultural and educational

promotion; services to veterans and senior citizens; social

welfare; environmental sustainability; health development;

disaster relief assistance and employee and employer related CSR

activities. Based on PDRF there are five keys to early recovery

of the victims of disasters: shelter, livelihood, education,

water and foods, and health. These five sectors will help the

victims of calamities. They made this theme because TIP-QC is a

business organization and based on the law, TIP-QC should commit

and do corporate social responsibility, like other business


In the last theme, the CEOs of CECP’s 2014 event

identified that employees are the most important stakeholders

influencing decisions to expand community investments. Doing

social responsibility gives a person a feeling of satisfaction.

It will also give an individual confidence in striving to

achieve more and put forward his or her ideas rather than only

answering requests of others. This will improve the productivity

of employees and will cause positive impact not only to the

business but also to the business community. A company that has

all these requirements will attract qualified staff and

employees and build an engaged board of directors. The reason

why they came up with this theme is the researchers want to

prove that corporate social responsibility can be a motivation

for employees.


This chapter gives an outline of the research methods that

were followed in the study. It will also describe the research
design that was chose for the purpose of this study and the
reasons for this choice. The researchers will also discuss the
methods used to analyze the data.

I. Method

a. Research Design


The research study employs a qualitative research that is

based upon a qualitative means. In the handbook of qualitative
research Denzin and Lincoln (2005) describe qualitative research
as involving“… an interpretive naturalistic approach to the
world. This means that qualitative researchers will study things
in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or
interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to
them”. When applying qualitative research methods, the emphasis
is put on the natural setting and the points of views of the
research participants.

In a qualitative research, it includes interview and

observation, the researchers are going to do interview to the
ABM professors because they are the one chosen to ask question
about the study itself.



“A case study is relevant the more your research questions

seek to explain some present circumstances: how and why some
social phenomenon works or if your research questions require an
“in-depth” description of some social phenomenon. The focus is
non-understanding these social phenomena,” (Yin, 2009).

The researchers will use Case study as research design

because Case study was use to investigate an individual, group
and organization. This method was use to identify if TIP has CSR
or none.

C. Research approach


According to Ferreance (2000), “Action research is a

collaborative activity among colleagues searching for solutions
to everyday, real problems experienced in schools, or looking
for ways to improve instruction and increase student
achievement. Rather than dealing with the theoretical, action
research allows practitioners to address those concerns that are
closest to them, ones over which they can exhibit some influence
and make change.”

In this research study, the researchers are going to

explain or elaborate what is the phenomenon happening at
Technological Institute of the Philippines, referring to the ABM
students among their ABM Professors. The researchers are going
to explain what will be the results or outcome if T.I.P Q.C
implements corporate social responsibility. Also using
interviews, the researchers will get some information to the

respondent about the possible effects and benefits of corporate
social responsibility. Also, they are conducting this research
for the T.I.P administration to already start doing CSR-related

II. Data

a. Primary Data

According to Carter (2015), he described the primary data

as more costly to obtain than secondary data, which was obtained
through published sources, but it is also more current and more
relevant to the research project. Primary data will be collect
through interviewing respondents, specifically ABM Professors.
In addition to that, Denscombe (2010) said that the main data
collections are interviews, questionnaire, observations and
written sources. These methods can be use separately or
together. However, it was recommended to use more than one
method in order to gain a better standing of the research area.

This kind of data was collected for a specific purpose.

Furthermore, primary data are also known as data observed or
collected directly from first-hand experience.

Primary data were collected through interviews, surveys,

and direct observations. These data should not have been
collected by another investigator in the past studies in order
to be primary data. Therefore, before collecting the primary
data, it is crucial to investigate if there is any other source
available with the information interested by the researcher.

i. Respondents

For this research study, the researchers identified the

T.I.P. Quezon City’s ABM Professors and T.I.P-QC Coordinators
who are knowledgeable and expert in terms of business as their
respondents. The respondents should be professors and
coordinator of school that are knowledgeable about Corporate
Social Responsibility. Each should have a different role in
school, each are truly qualified to answer the question that are
related to research study, and should be encountered by the
researchers as their professors. These classifications will help
the researchers acquire different data for additional
information in the study and in order to know the possible
effects of CSR in TIP-QC. The names of those professor are Mrs.
Beth Clavite, an ABM Professor for senior high school and
experts in terms of business administration, we chose her
because she is credible in giving information about the
researchers topic. The researchers would like to interview Mr.
Fritz Mark Cortes of Technological Institute of the Philippines,
Quezon City, administration and the school’s outreach program
coordinator. He is also knowledgeable about corporate social
responsibility of Technological Institute of the Philippines,
Quezon City. The researchers would like to interview Mr. Arturo
O. Sudlon Jr. of Technological Institute of the Philippines,
Quezon City, administration on what is the connection of
Corporate Social Responsibility in Advertising, and how it helps
in the advertising strategy of T.I.P. Q.C.

b. Secondary Data

The secondary data will be obtain in online searches,

articles and scholarly books. On the other hand, secondary data
will be collected by someone other than the user including

dissertations, conference proceedings. According to Roopesh
(2013) “it is data collected by someone else for some other
purpose (but being utilized by the investigator for another
purpose).” The researchers will use the literature search which
is theoretical basis for the research and guide to come up with
the ideas base from the answers of respondents.

The secondary data to be utilized in this research will

come from online data gathered like internet searches about the
past research of local and foreign articles, and schools’
organizational studies.

The researchers will be basing their secondary information

in foreign and local literature. They gathered information
through reliable websites, books from the T.I.P SHS library and
the National Library.

III. Procedure

a. Data Gathering

The following procedures will be employed in the research:

interview and literature search. Through the interviews, primary
sources will be acquired; secondary sources shall be gathered in
literature search.

i. Primary Sources

Direct-data survey aims on collecting pertinent data about

technical analysis. Accordingly, direct-data survey is used to
reveal the status of some phenomenon within an identified class
of people, organizations, or regions at a particular time
through questionnaire and interview to directly collect
information (Brubaker & Thomas, 2000).

A primary source is the raw material or first-hand
information of the researchers. Primary sources include
historical and legal documents, eye-witness accounts, and all
analytical papers. Primary is typically found in scholarly
articles so those articles and papers that present the original
results are considered as the primary sources.

The aim of the interview is to obtain respondent’s point of

view to achieve the research objective. In this research study,
the main goal of the researchers is to get the interviewees
opinion especially the ABM Teachers. The responses, observation
and approval of the respondents towards these questions were

In this study and in order to conduct this sampling

strategy, the researcher defined the ABM Teachers and listed
down all the members of this Strand, and then selects teachers
to make the sample. For this purpose, a self-administered survey
questionnaire of T.I.P researcher's format was given to the
respondents to answer.

On the other hand, primary sources help students develop

knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities. When dealing
directly with primary sources, students engage in asking
questions, thinking critically, making intelligent inferences,
and developing reasoned explanations and interpretations in the
past and present. In analyzing primary sources, researchers move
from observations and facts to make inferences about the
materials. Interviewees Point of view is one of the most
important inferences that can be drawn.

II. Secondary Sources

Journals, scholarly articles and online book will help

provide additional information and data to justify and improve
the study of the researchers. The literature search will help in
coming up and connecting ideas to the answers of the respondents
which will be the primary source of this study.

The materials to be review will come from reliable sources

such as Philippine Journals, case studies from foreign secondary
schools, teacher education institutions, etc.

b. Locale of study:

The researchers will conduct the study inside the T.I.P

Quezon city. It is located in 938, Aurora Boulevard,Cubao,
Quezon City. Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.)
is a private, non-sectarian higher education institution. it was
founded in 1962 by Engr. Demetrio A. Quirino Jr. and his wife
Dr. Teresita U. Quirino. The school has two campuses, T.I.P.
Manila and T.I.P. Quezon City, and is headed by its third
president, Dr. Elizabeth Quirino-Lahoz. T.I.P. Quezon City is
located at 938 Aurora Boulevard, Cubao, Quezon City, Metro
Manila, Philippines.

Data Interpretation/ Analytical treatment of data:

i. Interview

Gibbs (2007) stated about coding analysis that, “coding is

the process of organizing and sorting your data. Codes serve as

a way to label, compile and organize your data. They also allow

you to summarize and synthesize what is happening in your data.

In linking data collection and interpreting the data, coding

becomes the basis for developing the analysis. It is generally

understood, then, that “coding is analysis.” Data analysis or

coding will be use by the researchers to know the quality of the

interview process and to organize and sort the respondent’s

statement into different categories. That may help the

researchers to recognize what the respondent’s opinions about

the researchers’ study.

Ethical Consideration:

The researchers will make and give a consent form as a sign

of respect and formality to their respondents. This is to inform

the respondents about the interview regarding with the

researchers study. The researchers only state the whole truth &

honesty about the study to their respondents. The researchers

guarantee that their respondents' statement about the study and

the respondents itself will make no harm or risk during and

after the interview. The respondents will voluntarily

participate and will not force by the researchers to answer the

questions given that related to the researchers' study.

Chapter IV

Findings and Analysis

In this chapter, the researchers categorized and analyzed

the point-of-view of their respondents. They conducted an

interview with Mr. Fritz Mark Cortez, the social outreach

program officer of Technological Institute of the Philippines,

Mr. Arturo Sudlon, the marketing and advertising officer of

T.I.P and Mrs. Beth Clavite, a senior high school professor for

ABM students. The respondents were asked about their point of

view about the implications of Corporate Social Responsibility

in T.I.P. In this chapter, the researchers categorized the

respondents’ point of view to make a theme and help them to

interpret their answers easily.

The researchers asked the respondents about the benefits of

CSR to the society and T.I.P and if it will be implement in

T.I.P. They also asked sub-questions about the effects of CSR on

the advertising and reputation of T.I.P and a question under

society about the possible CSR activities of T.I.P and the

effects of it to the society if CSR will be implement for them.

Based on the data that the researchers gathered from the

interview, the answers of the respondents were categorized into

six themes. The first theme talks about the implications of

corporate social responsibility to the advertising of T.I.P.,

the second tells about the implications in reputation of T.I.P.

The third one is about the effects of CSR to the society with a

sub theme that tells the possible CSR activities that they are

planning to do if CSR will be implements in T.I.P. The fourth

theme talks about the feasibility of implementing CSR and the

last theme answers the advantages and disadvantages of CSR

implementation in T.I.P.


1. The implications of CSR to the advertising of TIP

Alparo: What will be the possible effects in advertising of

implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in

Technological Institute of the Philippines?

 CSR as a way to promote T.I.P

Mr. Cortes: Actually, in terms of CSR or responsibility, of

course from the promotion of T.I.P that will be there factor or

let’s start there. So T.I.P’s student or their future children,

they will enroll their child here because they can feel TIP

cares for them, right? So there is promotion or what. Then our

other thing is for us in T.I.P. is the one who will be adopting

barangays. So, we will have security that we want to have.

Mr. Fritz Mark T. Cortes is the coordinator of Social

Orientation and Community Involvement Program or SOCIP in the

Technological Institute of the Philippines.

Mr. Cortes said that if T.I.P will implement Corporate

Social Responsibility, the future children of the society that

they helped will enroll their children in T.I.P and by that, it

will help in the promotion of the school. The barangays they are

helping will also have security.

“CSR will improve the advertising of a company by helping

the society. One of the best advertising strategies is CSR. If a

company helps the people the society will trust and respect the

company that helps them” (Miller, 2013).

“Helping the society by doing CSR may boost the Advertising

and it may lift the profit of the company” (Villanueva, 2015).

Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility will help

T.I.P improve its advertising strategies. It is a good way to

earn the trust of students and their parents to enroll in T.I.P.

This is to protect and give the security that the people want.

T.I.P adopted barangays to watch over students of T.I.P. Parents

will enroll their children in T.I.P because they feel that the

school cares for them. By this, T.I.P will get a promotion which

will also cause for the school to gain profit.

2. CSR will improve the reputation of TIP

Vinluan: What will be the possible effects in terms of

reputation of implementing Corporate Social Responsibility

in T.I.P-Q.C?

 CSR as a way of gaining good reputation:

Mr. Sudlon: Of course, when the public know about helping the

society, it will be a great impact for our reputation, more

investors and partnership we will have and they will trust us


Mr. Arturo Sudlon is the coordinator of CWTS and Admission

and Marketing officer of the Technological Institute of the


Mr. Sudlon stated that one of the outcomes of CSR in T.I.P

is that it will gain reputation for T.I.P. It will be a great

impact to them and it will lead to the increase of investors and


“One of the biggest advantages of having social

responsibility is that it gives a person a feeling of

satisfaction in knowing that he is helping society” (Villanueva,


Doing Corporate Social Responsibility will help the

school to gain more reputation and trust from their investors

and partnerships, and Technological Institute of the Philippines

will gain more trust from the society.

 CSR as a way of being recognized:

Mrs. Clavite: If the people will know that the management of

T.I.P is doing charitable works to the society, of course many

people will recognize T.I.P so that people will trust us. By

that, T.I.P has something good to offer to you and T.I.P can be

promoted too.

Mrs. Beth Clavite is a teacher of Senior High School in

Technological Institute of the Philippines-Quezon City and she

graduated with four courses including logistics and supply chain


Mrs. Clavite states that if society will recognize the

good doings of T.I.P for the society, it may catch the people’s

trust. In this way, the school will be promotes also because it

is doing works for the people’s welfare.

“Helping others will give a person a good reputation in

a community. This good reputation will also make it easier for

an individual to use her good name to push forward additional

good work” (Jones, 2012).

Corporate Social Responsibility helps the company to

gain more trust from the society, because corporate social

responsibility is all about helping and improving the society

and by that the people will have a more trust in Technological

Institute of the Philippines, if they will recognize that TIP do

a things that helps the society.

3. The implications of CSR to the society

Vinluan: what will be the possible effects of CSR in economic

approach on the society?

 CSR as way of having livelihood:

Mr. Sudlon: About society, if T.I.P will help the society, they

might be an adopted community or barangays. We will help them to

have their own work and learn to be dependent, independent

rather. They can stand for their own and they can raise their

family and that is for society. It makes change for sure if they

will have work. It leads to stop what they are doing like hold-

ups and other crimes.

Mr. sudlon states that Corporate Social Responsibility

helps the people to stand by its own means of living. Because of

this, it helps the people to be productive and help the

country’s economy. They will also not do crimes.

The company should have aligned that goal with three pillars of

their CSR strategy, Prescription for Better World: “building

healthier communities, protecting the planet; and creating

economic opportunities” (Stroik, 2013).

Based on what Mr.sudlon’s opinion and based on Stroik statement

they said that corporate social responsibility will be help the

people to be more productive so that they will be a big impact

on the economy’s progress.

 CSR as way of training people:

Mr. Cortes: Because of the community outreach programs that we

will do, we can train them to be skilled and we can guide them

for their living. It will be really a big help in the programs

that we will do for them.

By doing corporate social responsibility, people will be

trained and guided to have a source of living. Doing CSR may

help people enhance their skills. This will help people to have

a good living.

A corporate social responsibility can be "a source of

opportunity, innovation, and competitive advantage" rather than

just "a cost, a constraint, or charitable deed". Along with the

comprehensive the renovation of the country, the success in

accelerating economic growth rate are posing the country for

many social and environmental problems the urgent. The main

issues that are demanding economic entities, including

businesses, are responsible for contributing to; if not itself

economic growth will not be sustainable and will pay the price

too expensive environmental and social issues (Miller, 2015).

Corporate social responsibility will help the people to improve

their skill and be guided them in to have a better living, it

can also give an opportunities to others and innovates something

that will help in societies’ progress.

 CSR as way of gaining knowledge

Mrs. Clavite: For the society, they will gain knowledge, right?

Once we conduct programs for them, it will help them to be

skilled and in some ways, their way of living will become

better. Instead of them having a “squatter” attitude, of course

if we will help them, they can be professionals.

Conducting seminars will help people gain knowledge and

enhance their skills. These seminars will teach people have a

better way of living. In this way, they will be also trained to

become professionals in the future..

“Companies are applying the same management best practices to

philanthropy as they do in other areas of the business, and that

is translating into more strategically driven societal

investments, increased measurement and evaluation of the

results, and a refinement of goals and partnerships to drive

efficiency,” (Stroik, 2013).

Corporate social responsibility is not also in giving a

charitable goods, it also gives a knowledge and trainings to

become more professionals and skilled.

4. Kind of CSR activities that they are planning to do if CSR

will implement in T.I.P

Vinluan: what Corporate Social Responsibility will plan to do

when CSR will implement in T.I.P?

 Outreach programs

Mr. Cortez: In terms of that, we will have what you call

outreach services and programs. All departments will be

responsible for this. An example of this is computer

engineering. We will train about computer tutorials. The

architecture department they will be responsible for house

building and mural painting tutorials in some barangays. We can

also build houses for Gawad Kalinga. All of these should be free

for them (society).

If Corporate Social Responsibility will be implemented in

T.I.P, Mr. Cortez said that each department will voluntarily

conduct a program for the society. For example, the computer

engineering department will host a program about computer

tutorials. On the other hand, the architecture department will

be able to teach about mural painting making in a certain


“Companies conducting community projects are those

companies that play a significant role or provided substantial

support for. These include civic and cultural programs, youth

activities, student and social activities and local earth

programs” (Caroll, 2013).

The Technological institute of the Philippines may help the

society by conducting a skills improvement programs, Mr. Cortez

said that if CSR will implement in T.I.P they will sure that

each department will voluntarily conduct a programs that will

help the society to be more skilled and productive.

 Employment to beneficiaries

Mr. Sudlon: In society, as I have said, it is helping people. Of

course, we will be having adopted barangays. We will help them

to have their own work and shifts. With that, they will become

dependent. Independent, rather.

Mr. Arturo Sudlon also states that they will conduct a

skill trainings programs and donation projects. By this, people

will be having their own work for them to buy their daily needs.

It will also teach them to be independent and productive.

“Contributions also include those made to federated drives,

education program, skills training, urban/civic affairs and

cultural activities” (Boone et. al., 2011).

In case T.I.P will do CSR projects such as outreach

programs, they will be playing a vital role in the society. It

will be able to help people to help the people to be skillful

thus, making them productive. In doing this, each department

should participate. The school will also give employment to its

beneficiaries for them to be productive individuals.

5. Feasibility of implementing CSR in T.I.P

Alparo: Does Corporate social responsibility is feasible to

implement in T.I.P

 Enough funds

Mr. Cortez: When you say CSR, it could mean a lot of things, for

example this company is only floating line, so it’s just “social

responsibility”. It will possible to implement if TIP itself or

President itself will share money or funds an outreach program.

Based on his statement, corporate social responsibility

is possible to implement if the president or higher officials

like executives will share a donations(money or everything) or

fund a program to help the society and that’s will be called

Corporate social responsibility.

ethical management (business ethics) is the foundation of

corporate social responsibility in the workplace, which covers

those ethical issues arising from business to society

relationship, such as the rights and obligations justly owed

between them (tarayao,2014).In addition to that, a company that

does not know how to execute business ethics will not be able to

do CSR. (De George, 2013)

Based on the statement of Mr. Fritz cortez and the

related literature, Corporate social responsibility will

feasible to implement in TIP if TIP know how to execute the

business ethics and the business leaders of TIP will donate or

share a money in programs that will help the society.

6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Social

responsibility to T.I.P

Vinluan: what will be the advantages and disadvantages of

CSR to the financial statement of T.I.P?

Mr. Cortes: The advantage of it is, it can advertise and the

school can be promoted to the society, many students will enroll

to TIP and the school can gain a respect from them and the

school will be known for being kind and talented company. The

only disadvantage to that is the fund that is the expenses that

the school will spend to help them.

Based on what Mr. Fritz Cortez says about the Corporate Social

Responsibility in T.I.P that when it has a Corporate Social

Responsibility the advantage of this is to promote the school to

the students around them, and respect that the school gets by

helping the society and showing to them that we care for us. The

disadvantage of this is the by helping, we spend a lot of money

to do the program that are related to Corporate Social


“Advantages of Corporate social responsibilities are it will

improve the reputation of one company, it will advertise, and it

will boost the profit of a company.”(Personen et.,al 2015)

The advantage that we will get besides helping the

society is the people will have trust to the school, also the

school can be promoted to other people and the most important is

we will be ahead from our competitive schools. Besides for the

cost of the program and the effort that will be exerted but it’s

not an issue because it’s for the society and more than that we

will be advertise.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

I. Summary

This thesis paper aims to know the possible effects of

implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in advertising and

reputation of Technological Institute of the Philippines. The

researcher’s also wanted know the advantages and disadvantages

of CSR in the financial statement of T.I.P. They also wanted to

know the implications of CSR in economic and philanthropic

approach on the society. The researchers assumed that

Technological institute of the Philippines had no Corporate

Social Responsibility but only Social responsibility. Therefore,

this study talks about the possible effects (advertising and

reputation), advantages and disadvantages of CSR if it will

implement in Technological Institute of the Philippines.

The research design that was used in this study is

Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research is done by interview

so that the researchers had conducted an interview to ABM

professors because they are assured that these professors know

this topic well. The researchers are asked the interviewees

questions regarding to Corporate Social Responsibility. The

Qualitative research design that is utilized in this study is

Case Study. Case Study is used to observe an organization. The

researchers used this design to find out how Corporate Social

responsibility will affect TIP and its stakeholders. In this

study, the researchers utilized action research as their

research approach. They used it because T.I.P had no CSR so that

they want to implement it to help in advertising strategies of


Coding analysis were the tool used by the researchers to

organize, sort, and identify easily the respondent’s statement

about the research study’s problem. By coding analysis the

interview answer came from the respondents are been organize,

and group into different category that the researchers see in

the different answers of their respondents.

The researchers gathered data from conducting an interview

to a senior high school ABM professor, Mrs. Beth Clavite, the

social outreach program officer of T.I.P, Mr. Fritz Mark Cortez

and the marketing and advertising officer of TIP Mr. Arturo

Sudlon. The researchers are well-assured that these individuals

will help them answer the questions regarding to CSR. The

respondents were asked about their opinion about the

implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility.

II. Summary of findings

After interpreting the data the researchers found the following:

1.) Is it feasible to have a Corporate Social Responsibility in

T.I.P Q.C?

 Corporate social responsibility will feasible to

implement in TIP if TIP know how to execute the business

ethics and the business leaders of TIP will donate or share

a money in programs that will help the society.

a.) What will be the implications in advertising and

reputation in T.I.P Q.C?

 Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility will

help T.I.P improve its advertising strategies. It is a good

way to earn the trust of students and their parents to

enroll in T.I.P. By this, T.I.P will get a promotion which

will also cause for the school to gain profit.

 Doing Corporate Social Responsibility will help the

school to gain more trust from their investors and partners

in the business. in addition to that, Corporate Social

Responsibility helps the company to gain more trust from

the society, because corporate social responsibility is all

about helping and improving the society and by that the

people will have a more trust in Technological Institute of

the Philippines, if they will recognize that TIP do a

things that helps the society.

b.) What will be the advantages and disadvantages in

terms of finance of T.I.P-Q.C?

 The advantage that they will be get are the people

will have trust the T.I.P, also the school can be promoted

in business world and the most important is they will be

ahead from their competitive schools. The disadvantages of

it are for the costs of the programs and the too much

effort that will be exerted, but it’s not an issue because

it’s for the society and more than that we will be


2.) What kind of CSR Related-Activities they will plan to do?

 Two of their plans that they want to execute when CSR

will implement to them are outreach programs and skills

trainings, outreach programs because they want to help the

society in philanthropic way. They want also to execute a

skill training to give more knowledge about skills and to

improve their skill also, and so by that, they will have a

better employment or work towards the future.

a.)What will be the possible effects of it in

Philanthropic approach on the society?

 Corporate social responsibility will help the people

to improve their skill and be guided them in to have a

better living. It can also give opportunities to others and

innovates something that will help in societies’ progress.

In addition to that, Corporate social responsibility is not

also in giving a charitable goods, it also gives a

knowledge and trainings to become more professionals and


b.) What will be the possible effects of it in Economic

approach on the society?

 Corporate social responsibility will helped the people

to be more productive so that they will be a big impact on

the economy’s progress.

III. Conclusions

1. Corporate Social Responsibility is an important matter to

companies because it helps companies to communicate with

society, consumers, employees and investors. A lot of the best

companies that is known today use CSR as a strategy to gain

reputation to the global market. Implementing CSR is a step to

success of a company.

2. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility will help T.I.P

improve their advertising. It will help T.I.P to earn people’s

trust and gain a good reputation. This will help T.I.P attract

customers, employees and potential investors/ creditors because

people are willing to pay to any company that is willing to give

a good impact to the environment and society.

IV. Recommendations

1. The researchers recommend to Technological institute of the

Philippines to improve their social responsibility into

“Corporate Social Responsibility” to help more people and to

advertise their company.

2. The second recommendation of the researchers is for the

executives of T.I.P, they must create a department that is

focuses in Corporate Social Responsibility only.

3. They must add more communities that they adopt to gain more

popularity from the society.


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