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KTSP (School Based Curriculum) is still widely applied in some school in
Indonesia. Every school has given authority to make a syllabus. However, the teacher still
gets difficulty to design syllabus. The teacher cannot identify the indicator from basic
competence well. It meant that the teacher can not understand about the formulation of basic
competence, so they can not identify indicator well. Finally, the can not developing the
syllabus become lesson plan well. Teacher’s syllabus is a scenario when the teacher teaches
their students in class. Teacher writes a syllabus for one semester, it is important for guidance
of the teacher. In syllabus, teacher should interpret basic competence into systematic
indicator. At least, syllabus consists of school identity, basic competence (KD), Sub KD,
Sub-sub KD (it is written when basic competence consists more than one competence),
indicator of competence, material, teaching and learning procedure, assessment, learning
source, and media.
This study related to the syllabus developed by the English teacher. The main data
was a document made by the teacher. It would describe qualitatively. The researcher used the
result of observation guidelines of ideal syllabus and table of operational KD and Indicator.
Based on the result of the study, there are some points that can be known. (1) Most
of the syllabus is not ideal. (2) Most of the syllabus is not used operational verb in KD and
indicator. It means that most of the teachers are still difficult to identify KD and indicator. In
conclusion, most of the teacher can not develop lesson plan well, because they can not
identify indicator from basic competence well. If the teacher can not identify indicator from
KD well, it can not make a systematic indicator. Systematic indicators determine about
material, teaching and learning procedure, allocation of time, assessment, source and media.
It means that an ideal syllabus, it can determine achievement of teaching learning in the class.

Key word: School Based Curriculum, Syllabus, Basic Competence, Indicator

1. INTRODUCTION their situation and student’s condition.

Every school can arrange syllabus based
The government had arranged the on point of view at that school. Although
syllabus material before the teacher school has power to manage its
teaches the students. The program of curriculum by itself, however it must refer
curriculum aims to encourage the to Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan
student’s knowledge, more creative, (BNSP). Syllabus consists of subject
attractive, and compete by others. identity, standard of competence, basic
Recently, Indonesian government had competence (KD), indicators, material,
design a curriculum that has name teaching process, assessment, timing,
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan media and sources. Susanto (2008:15)
(KTSP) or Shool Based Competence. The stated that school that concern with
school can make modification and develop school-based curriculum has authority to
their variation of education suitable with arranged formulation of SKL,

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competence, standard competence and KD Carey, 2009:25) suggest the formulation
based on vision of school. At least, school of basic competence; (1) it consists of
has authority to arrange SK and KD. clear statement of learner performance
Nevertheless, it is impossible because outcome expectations, (2) it describes
most of the school in this country must be what are going to be mastered by the
concern in national standard. Every students, (3) it able to be reached through
teacher has authority to make syllabus. In teaching process and learning process in a
the fact, the teachers have the difficulties short time or not consuming a long time
to arrange the syllabus. They have period in one semester, (4) it does not
difficulties to make formulation of sub- consist of two or more objective which is
basic competence from basic of relevant or not.
competence. The basic of competence Those are the reasons why the researcher
(KD) is not too specific, so they have to is interested in observing English
make sub KD to make it clearer. The Teacher’s syllabus especially the
teacher’s also have difficult to identify formulation of speaking skill The
indicators from basic competence or sub researcher will describe about Basic of
basic competence. Finally, they cannot Competence and indicator formulation
make lesson plan well. Their lesson plan that made by the teacher in the syllabus.
does not appropriate with the syllabus, The researcher chooses eleventh grade as
whereas, lesson plan is a part of syllabus. the subject because the syllabus will be
Teacher should think about how the see more significantly.
material can receive by the students well.
The processing of making syllabus and 2.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF KTSP
lesson plan is one of the major parts of KTSP (School Based Curriculum) is
teaching and learning because it is use as the operational curriculum developed and
guidance. implemented by each educational unit.
In reality, the process of making Preparation of KTSP conducted by
syllabus it not easy like what the educational units with respect to and in
government, school and teacher said. The accordance with standards of competence
arrangement of it is become something and basic competencies developed by the
new for teachers. They will find any National Education Standards Agency
difficulties, because Most of the teachers (BSNP).
design the syllabus without KTSP conceived and developed
comprehending first what they should do based on the law number 20 of 2003 on
with the basic competence. According National Education System of article 36,
Susanto (2010:14) the problem that is verse 1), and 2) as follows:
faced in syllabus and lesson plan design 1. Curriculum development follows the
besides teacher has ill qualification but national standard of education to
also the basic competence is difficult to be achieve national education goals.
interpreted. This happens because the 2. The curriculum at all levels and
statement of basic competences is not types of education developed by the
specific, over general, or it contains one principle of diversification in
more competence, the indicator will be accordance with educational unit,
difficult to be analyzed or impossible to be the potential of the region, and
identified. Indeed as we know basic learners.
competence which has been issued by According to Mulyasa (2008) said
BSNP is too complex. It is consist of two that KTSP is a curriculum development
or more objective in other word not strategy to achieve effective school,
focusing on one competence. (Dick and productive, and achieve. KTSP is a new

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paradigm of curriculum development, a students need to learn in language
wide autonomy in each unit of education, classroom depends on organizing a global
community education and involvement in order of presentation. In other word,
order to streamline the process of teaching regardless of the approach a teacher
and learning in schools. KTSP is an idea adopts, she or he must plan and organize,
about developing a curriculum that is put and make decisions about what should be
in the position closest to the learning, the taught first, second, third and so on. The
school and education units. Empowering statement above means that the teacher
schools and the unit of education by must create a planning as guidance in
providing greater autonomy, in addition to teaching and learning process. Moreover,
showing the attitude of the government this guidance is called syllabus.
response to the guidance of the Occasionally syllabus might also include
community are also a means of improving learning objectives, learning activities and
quality, and equity of education. KTSP is study questions. Thus, the syllabus
one form of education reform that gives represents the plan for a course, elements
autonomy to schools and education units of both ends and the means of the course.
to develop curriculum in accordance with All above ate the nature theory of
the potential, guidance, and individual syllabus. And here is the theory of
needs. Autonomy in curriculum syllabus based on curriculum KTSP.
development and learning is a potential Susanto (2007:48) stated that syllabus is a
for schools to improve teacher group lesson plans on certain subjects
performance and school staff, offering which include standard competence, basic
direct participation of relevant groups, and competent, material, the activity of
raise public awareness of education, teaching and learning, indicator,
especially curriculum. In the KTSP assessment, time, and the source or media.
system, the school has "full authority and Syllabus is as a formulation of standard
responsibility" in setting the curriculum competence and basic competence into the
and learning in accordance with the subject matter, teaching activity, and the
vision, mission and objectives, the school indicator to get the competence for the
is required to develop strategies, set assessment. It is in lined with the
priorities, manage the empowerment of statement from Mulyasa (2006). He said
various potential at school and the that syllabus of KTSP is the describing of
environment, as well as responsibility to SK and KD in materials of study, class
the public and government. activity planning, and indicators to reach
the aims of Indonesia educational.
2.2 SYLLABUS Syllabus is one of rule in teaching and
Syllabus is one of the parts of learning process. If the syllabus is well,
curriculum. It is a tool to help teacher the teaching and learning process will
when teaches the students in the walk well too. According the statement
classroom. Richards (2001) describes the above, the government create the basic of
history of curriculum development in making syllabus. it is hoped that every
language teaching starts with the nation of school and teacher have a basic and guide
syllabus design. Syllabus design is one to create it. So, the syllabus can create
aspect of curriculum development but is well. The basic of making syllabus in
not identical with it. A syllabus is a Indonesian government rule No.19 Tahun
specification of the content of course 2005 about National Standard of
instruction and list what will material be Educational clause 17 verse (2) and article
taught and tested. Brown (1995: 10-11) 20.
stated that each belief system about what Article 17

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(2) School and committee of school, Universal Components of syllabus consist
or madrasah and committee of madrasah of three components such as (cognitive,
develop curriculum of KTSP and syllabus affective, and psychomotor). The first
based on the basic of curriculum outline thing that the teacher should do in making
and standard graduation competency. All syllabus are, write the identity of syllabus
above is done not only by surveying the included, identity of school, education
one who has reasonability in education unit, class, semester, program, lesson or
world in each of area or town for theme, competence and basic competence.
elementary school, junior high school, and Mulyasa (2008:212) stated that the major
senior high school but also department job of teacher in curriculum KTSP is
who concern in religious of school in each describing the syllabus into lesson plan by
level of that school. clearly and details. It is use as the
guidelines and role in teaching and
Article 20 learning activity. Therefore, after
The processing of planning implement the curriculum KTSP in
studying consist of syllabus and lesson syllabus, next job of the teacher is
plan that is covered at least the objectives implement or describes the syllabus in
of studying, materials, method of teaching lesson plan.
and learning process, sources of material
an devaluation. 2.3 FORMAT OF SYLLABUS
Susanto (2008: 64-65) states that
2.3 PRINCIPLES IN DEVELOPING there are two formats of syllabus, syllabus
OF SYLLABUS concern with operational KD and non-
Based on Module of English or operational KD. Syllabus concern with
Pendidikan and Pelatihan Profesi Guru operational KD is syllabus that has
(PLPG) Quota 2009.All of the material operational KD. It means that KD consists
and activity in syllabus must be right, and of one competence. Moreover, syllabus
it can be responsible in scientific. concern with non-operational KD is
Profundity, level of difficulty, and chart of syllabus which has non-operational KD.
explanation about material in syllabus are Non-operational KD is KD that has more
suitable or relevant with physical than one competence. It must separate into
development level, intellectual, social, sub KD. If these sub KD, consist of more
emotional, spiritual of students. than one competence. It also separate into
Component of syllabus connects sub-sub competence.
functionally to get competence. Basic
competence, indicator, material, teaching 2.4 BASIC OF COMPETENCE (KD)
learning process, sources, and assessment Basic competence is the ability to
must be consistent. Satisfy Indicators, master a number of participant students in
material, teaching learning process, certain subjects as a reference the
sources, assessment must be satisfied to development of indicators competence in
achieve basic competence. Indicator, a lesson.
material, teaching and learning process In formulation of KD appearance
and assessment are concerned with the problem, because is not too specific,
developing of science, technology and art clearly, and consist only in one
in real life. All of components in syllabus competence. Susanto (2010:14-15) states
can accommodate students, education, and that KD is the lasts aims in a teaching
something that change at school also learning process. An ideal KD is
claim of society. The material must formulating for a aims. Furthermore, there
concern with culture in each region.

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are many KD in Standart Isi that not fulfill 3. Potential and necessity of learner,
the criteria of being good KD. society and environment.
There are important things that in There are two points to develop
formulating of KD into sub KD. teaching learning and assessment, likes:
According to Susanto (2010: 33-34) the 1. Indicator to achieve competence,
important things that related to the which is called indicator.
formulation of KD SMA/MA in sub KD 2. Assessment of indicator that is used
and sub-sub KD, are: to arrange “ kisi- kisi” and to write
a. The formulation is not change the question, that is called question
SK and KD. indicator.
b. The aims of formulation are to Indicator is concluded in sentence,
making the teaching learning it use operational verb. Indicators
process focus in only one theme. conclude minimum two aspects, for
Therefore, it is make it easier to example competence and material as a
indentify the indicator, arrange the media to achieve competence.
syllabus, and developing lesson
c. The making of sub KD and sub-sub INDICATORS BASED ON THE
KD is for example. Therefore, the GUIDANCE OF DEVELOPING
example is can to added, reduce or INDICATORS BY DEPDIKNAS
changing as a needed. 2008.
d. Many formulations of KD and sub Formulation of indicator
KD are same. In process of teaching concern in several points, they are
and learning, it should be different developing KD or sub KD at least into
based on class and semester. three indicators. Whole indicators
have to fulfill the demand of the
2.5 DEFINITION OF INDICATORS competencies that decanted in the
BASED ON THE GUIDANCE OF operational verb that used in standard
DEVELOPING INDICATORS BY of competence (SK) and basic of
DEPDIKNAS 2008. competence (KD). The indicators
Indicator is a sign to achieve basic have to reach the level of
competence, it is described by changes of competencies at least basic of
behavior that can be measured in attitude, competence and can be develop up to
knowledge, and skill. Indicator is the competencies at least suitable with
developing suitable with characteristics of the potency and needs of students.
learners, lesson, education unit, area Developing indicators have to
potential that is concluding operational describe hierarchy of competence.
verb that can be observed. Developing of The formulation of indicators at least
indicators is strategic to improve the included two aspects, there are;
quality in teaching learning in the class competence level and teaching
and it is done to achieve competence of materials. The indicator has to
learner. There are many points that must accommodate the characteristic the
be considered to develop indicator, such subject so that using these operational
as: verbs. The formulation of indicators
1. Claim of competence that can be can to develop into some indicator of
show through verbs in basic assessment, which included cognitive,
competence. effective and / or psychomotor.
2. Characteristic of lesson, learner and

Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol.4 No.2 Juli 2016 | 47

2.7 MECHANISM OF INDICATORS developed by the teacher of eleventh grade
BASED ON THE GUIDANCE OF of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri. The subject
DEVELOPING INDICATORS BY of the study was the English teacher’s
DEPDIKNAS 2008. syllabus of eleventh grade at MAN
First step to develop indicator Pasuruan. Other reason is that the syllabus
is analyze competence level in of eleventh grade seen significantly than
standard competence and basic others. The subjects are choosing under
competence. It is done to achieve consideration that it is a favorite school in
competence minimal in national that area.
standard. The school can develop The data in this study was taken
indicator more than standard. from the contents of syllabus, in words,
Competence level can be show sentence, and phrases. The source of the
through operational verb in standard data was taken from document of syllabus
competence and basic competence. developed by the English teacher in
Level competence can be classified in eleventh grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri
three parts, likes; knowledge level, (MAN) in first semester. The writer
process level, and application level chooses it because he wants to know about
verb in knowledge level is the lowest the syllabus developed by the teacher.
level. Application level is the highest Furthermore, the supporting data are the
competence. result of observation guidelines and table
concerning the certain guideline of
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY designing complete syllabus. It is relevant
Dealing with research question in with the complete syllabus or not.
the previous chapter, this study is intended Moreover, formulation of KD and
to describe the syllabus that has been indicator, it is operational or not.
made by the English teacher. Since the The data were collected from the
study deals with the written document in English teachers of Senior high school
form of syllabus, the writer as the who wanted to give me her/his syllabus
researcher used a descriptive qualitative for my research. To avoid the
study. According to Bog.R and Biklen subjectivities, the research has done with
(1992:30) state, that qualitative research is somebody who knows about syllabus.
descriptive. It means that the data are They would be support by the result of the
collecting in from of words or picture observation guidelines and tables in order
rather than numbers. This study is to answer the research questions. After the
designed to describe the syllabus data has been collected, the researcher
developed by the teacher, it concerns with explains the data in the descriptive and in
component of syllabus, and those are: qualitative approach. It was described,
subject identity, standard of competence, reflected and got the conclusions in order
basic competence (KD), sub KD, sub-sub to know the syllabus who taken from the
KD, indicators, material, teaching process, English teachers are like, including the
assessment, timing, media and complete syllabus or not, then how they
sources.This study is designing to describe formulated the basic competence and the
the observed phenomenon in content of formulation of indicator in line with the
syllabus. The researcher saw the basic of competence or not.
phenomenon that many teachers used non-
operational KD and it would affect the 4. RESEARCH FINDINGS
successfulness of teaching learning Basic Competence is final objective
process. Therefore, the researcher wanted for every unit of a teaching learning
to describe and analyze the syllabus process. There are two kinds of KD,

Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol.4 No.2 Juli 2016 | 48

operational and non-operational KD. stated and specific. The indicator in
Operational KD is KD that only consists of lspeaking skill was not specific indicator.
one competence. Non-operational KD is Too many speak act in the indicator, so
KD that consists of more than one the teacher should be write the speak act
competence. In syllabus made by teacher one by one or specifically.
consists more than one competence. In this
study, most of KD is not separated to sub 5 RESEARCH DISSCUSSION
KD. If sub KD consists of more than one According to Mulyasa (2006)
competence, it must be separated into sub- stated that syllabus of KTSP is the
sub KD. describing of SK and KD in materials of
Based on the teacher’s syllabus, study, class activity planning, and
most of the teacher writes UN operational indicators to reach the aims of Indonesia
KD and their basic competencies are not educational. Syllabus is one of rule in
appropriate with Standart Isi 2006 or the teaching and learning process. Based on
basic competencies that made by the the teacher’s who made the lesson plan or
government. In this syllabus, the teacher not was expected to apply the teaching
writes more than one competence. And learning as programmed. So that syllabus
operational KD can clarify into systematic had a high of power applied. Teacher’s
indicator. And systematic indicator syllabus was the one that receives more
determines of material, teaching and attention. Teacher asked to make written
learning procedures, allocation of time, syllabus for planning of teaching based on
assessment, source and media of learning. the BSNP and Standard of content. While
It means that operational KD is essential the forms for lesson plans could vary, but
point in syllabus. in general each syllabus must be clearly.
Not specific indicators (Speaking) : The competencies that would gain by the
Indicator: students on what they would to do reach
Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam the competence, and how the teacher
wacana lisan knows that the students mastered those
interpersonal/transaksional: certain competences.
menyatakan perasaan terkejut When the teacher had made a
(surprise), peringatan, written a syllabus, it was not something
memberi/meminta saran, menyatakan that must followed slavishly; but it was
permintaan (permission), menyatakan proposal for future action of teaching
perasaan takut (scared), because classroom was a dynamic
mengungkapkan meminta pendapat, situation. That was why a teacher ought to
menyatakan kepuasaan/ modify, refresh and edit the syllabus
ketidakpuasaan. which method or technique for example
The appropriate indicators should be: that successful in teaching and learning
-Identify speech act asking and giving which one that must be dynamic and
opinion. deleted.
-Express speech act asking and giving Here were the minimum elements
opinion in simple dialogue of the syllabus based on the KTSP, at
-Create dialogue suitable with speech least, a syllabus should had school
act. identity, standard of competence, basic
-Find or collect information competence, indicator of competence,
-Present dialogue in front of the class. instructional objectives, method, teaching
The choosing verb “DO” was not learning procedure, evaluation. Time
operational verb for speaking. The Stating allocation, learning source, and media,
indicators of competence might be clearly syllabus made was using Indonesian.

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Syllabus made written to used Indonesian concludes that syllabus as guidance when
instead of English because it had been the the teachers teach in the class. The teacher
principle of the school, colleagues, or make syllabus as a tool to help them when
even the supervisors. teaches the students. Syllabus is
School identity usually consists of implementation in lesson plan. Syllabus
name school, class / semester, subject. An consists of school identity, KD, sub KD
ideal syllabus should consist of that and sub-sub KD (it is written of KD
element of school identity. The subject is consists more than one competence),
English, which included of four skill; indicator, material, teaching and learning
listening, reading, writing, and speaking. procedure, assessment, sources and media.
According to government rule No.22/06, Most of them are not ideal syllabus,
Standard of content was a minimum target because there is not school identity, sub
of materials that had be mastered by the KD and sub-sub KD. The teacher can not
students to reach the Standard graduation clarify KD into systematic indicator well.
competence. It would be used as reference The basic competence consists more than
to construct KTSP (School Based one competence. In this case, basic
Curriculum). Standard of content consist competence must be separated into sub
of scope of materials and competence KD and Sub-sub KD. Based on the
level, which were broken down into observation guideline of appendix 3,
standard of competence (SK) and basic almost the syllabus does not write about
competence (KD), in English subject, the sub KD and sub-sub KD. The indicator
material was focused on the kind of text also does not used operational verb,
and genre. whereas the indicator will influence
Standard competence and basic another component of syllabus.
competence were goal of course in each Operational KD is very important point in
stage of learning. Logically, basic syllabus. Operational KD should consist
competence was more operational than of one competence. Actually, the
Standard competence. The basic formulation of basic competence in
competence formula operational showed English subject is not operational. It
the expected result that should be reached caused basic competence consists more
by students in the end of each learning than one competence, it should be
unit. The indicator had been created by the separated into sub KD, sub-sub KD.
teacher in constructing syllabus. Indicators Based on appendix 1, almost the syllabus
of competence have to be formulated in does not write sub KD, and sub-sub KD.
the form of operational verb of indicators The operational indicators should used
that were able to measured or observed operational verbs and it was line with
accurately so that even the outside basic of competence or sub-basic of
observer know and understand it clearly competence. From the result, the
and developed indicators at least three researcher found that most of indicators
indicators. Stating indicators of made by the teacher were not in line with
competence that did not used operational basic competence. The indicator also did
verbs or not specific enough made not relevant with Panduan Pengembangan
difficulty in formulating the test / Indicator Depdiknas 2008.
questions because they were used as
direction to make the test or question. REFERENCES

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