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Synapses and Memory Storage

Mark Mayford1, Steven A. Siegelbaum2, and Eric R. Kandel2

The Scripps Research Institute, Department of Cell Biology, La Jolla, California 92037
Columbia University, Kavli Institute for Brain Science, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
Department of Neuroscience, New York, New York 10032

The synapse is the functional unit of the brain. During the last several decades we have
acquired a great deal of information on its structure, molecular components, and physio-
logical function. It is clear that synapses are morphologically and molecularly diverse and
that this diversity is recruited to different functions. One of the most intriguing findings is that
the size of the synaptic response in not invariant, but can be altered by a variety of homo-
and heterosynaptic factors such as past patterns of use or modulatory neurotransmitters.
Perhaps the most difficult challenge in neuroscience is to design experiments that reveal
how these basic building blocks of the brain are put together and how they are regulated to
mediate the information flow through neural circuits that is necessary to produce complex
behaviors and store memories. In this review we will focus on studies that attempt to uncover
the role of synaptic plasticity in the regulation of whole-animal behavior by learning
and memory.

he idea that learning results from changes SYNAPTIC CHANGES WITH LEARNING
T in the strength of the synapse was first sug-
gested by Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1894) based
Procedural Memory in Simple Systems
on insights from his anatomical studies. That The first attempts to identify neuronal changes
modulation of synaptic connectivity is a critical that underlie learning and memory used simple
mechanism of learning was incorporated into forms of procedural memory such as habitua-
more refined models by Hebb in the 1940s and tion, sensitization, and classical conditioning.
1950s. The experimental investigation of these From 1969 to 1979 several useful model sys-
intriguing conjectures required the develop- tems emerged: the flexion reflex of cats (Spencer
ment of behavioral systems in which one could et al. 1966); the eye-blink response of rabbits
examine changes in the neuronal components (Thompson et al. 1983); and a variety of reflex
of a specific behavior during or after the mod- behaviors in invertebrate systems, including
ification of that behavior with learning (Kandel the gill-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia (Kandel
and Spencer 1968). and Tauc 1963), the escape reflex of Tritonia

Editors: Morgan Sheng, Bernardo Sabatini, and Thomas C. Südhof

Additional Perspectives on The Synapse available at
Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a005751
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a005751

M. Mayford et al.

(Willows and Hoyle 1969), and various behav- 1976; Zucker et al. 1971; for early reviews, see
ioral modifications in Hermissenda (Alkon Kandel 1976; Carew and Sahley 1986). The plas-
1974), Pleurobranchaea (Mpitsos and Davis ticity occurred at the sensory neuron inputs
1973), Limax (Gelperin 1975), crayfish (Krasne onto the motor neurons that control the reflex
1969), and honeybees (Menzel and Erber 1978). response and thus directly modulate its magni-
These preparations were chosen for the limited tude. These studies provided the first evidence
number of neurons (or neuronal types) that for the idea that behavioral memory is mediated
participated in the behavior. This reductionist by plasticity in the synaptic connections be-
approach allowed the specific circuitry that con- tween neurons that participate in the behavior.
trolled the behavior to be defined and examined Cell biological studies of the connections
for modification following learning. The studies between the sensory and motor neurons of
were aimed at pinpointing the sites within a the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia revealed a
neural circuit that are modified by learning biochemical mechanism for the short-term in-
and used for memory storage, and for identify- crease in transmitter release produced by sensi-
ing the cellular basis for those changes. tization (Fig. 1) (Kandel 2001). A single noxious
By allowing electrophysiological recording (sensitizing) stimulus to the tail leads to the
from individual neurons that are readily identi- activation of three known classes of modulatory
fiable from animal to animal and that form part neurons. The most important releases seroto-
of a simple behavioral circuit, these systems pro- nin, which acts to increase the level of cAMP
vided the first experimental insight into the cel- in the sensory neurons. This in turn activates
lular mechanisms of memory. One mechanism the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA),
for learning and short-term memory, evident in which enhances synaptic transmission. Inject-
both the gill-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia and in ing cAMP or the catalytic subunit of PKA di-
the tail-flick response of crayfish, is a change in rectly into the sensory neurons is sufficient to
synaptic strength brought about by modulating enhance learning-related transmitter release
the release of transmitter. A decrease in trans- (Brunelli et al. 1976; Castellucci et al. 1976).
mitter release is associated with short-term ha- Studies of the gill-withdrawal reflex also re-
bituation, whereas an increase in transmitter vealed that even elementary forms of learning
release occurs during short-term dishabituation have distinct short- and long-term stages of
and sensitization (Castellucci et al. 1970, 1974, memory storage. Whereas one training trial

Before learning Short-term sensitization Long-term sensitization

Gene activator CRE Gene activator CRE Gene activator CRE

AC Tail Serotonin AC Tail Serotonin AC Growth


cAMP K+ channel cAMP

K+ channel K+ channel
Ca+ channel Ca+ channel
Ca+ channel Enhanced glutamate
Enhanced Enhanced glutamate
release release
glutamate release

Motor neuron

Figure 1. Short-term and long-term sensitization of the gill-withdrawal refex in Aplysia involves posttransla-
tional modifications and alterations in protein synthesis. (Left) The gill-withdrawal circuit. A tactile stimulus to
the siphon causes a sensory neuron to release glutamate to excite a motor neuron. (Center) A shock to the tail
causes serotonin release from interneurons. This activates a stimulatory G protein (G), which activates adenylyl
cyclase (AC), leading to production of cAMP and PKA-dependent phosphorylation of different substrates,
including Kþ and Ca2þ channels, which enhances glutamate release from the sensory neuron terminals. (Right)
Repeated shocks to the tail elicit a persistent increase in cAMP, leading to altered gene transcription and protein
synthesis. This leads to growth of new synapses.

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Synapses and Memory Storage

gives rise to a short-term memory lasting min- among multiple sites. The studies showed fur-
utes, repeated spaced training gives rise to long- ther that a single synaptic connection is capable
term memory lasting days to weeks (Carew et al. of being modified in opposite ways by different
1972; Pinsker et al. 1973). These behavioral forms of learning, and for different periods of
stages have a parallel in the stages of the under- time ranging from minutes to weeks for differ-
lying synaptic plasticity—a short-term form ent stages of memory.
lasting minutes to hours and a long-term Studies of memory in invertebrates also de-
form lasting days to weeks (Carew et al. 1972; lineated a family of psychological concepts (Haw-
Castellucci et al. 1978). In addition to the im- kins and Kandel 1984) paralleling those first
mediate and short-term changes in synaptic described in vertebrates by the classical behav-
function with learning, profound structural iorists (Pavlov and Thorndike) and their mod-
changes accompany the storage of long-term ern counterparts (Kamin, Rescorla, and Wag-
memory in both habituation and sensitization ner). These concepts include the distinction
of the gill-withdrawal reflex. The sensory neu- between various forms of associative and non-
rons from habituated animals retract some of associative learning and the insight that contin-
their presynaptic terminals so that they make gency—that the conditioned stimulus (CS), in
fewer connections with motor neurons and in- associative learning, is predictive of the uncon-
terneurons than do sensory neurons from con- ditional stimulus (US)—is more critical for
trol animals (Bailey and Chen 1983, 1988a). In learning than mere contiguity; this is the CS
contrast, following long-term sensitization the that must precede the US by a short interval of
number of presynaptic terminals of the sensory time (see, for example, Rescorla and Wagner
neurons increases more than twofold (Bailey 1972). Such psychological concepts, which
and Chen 1983, 1988a). This learning-induced had been inferred from purely behavioral stud-
synaptic growth is not limited to sensory neu- ies, could be explained in terms of their under-
rons. The dendrites of the postsynaptic motor lying cellular and molecular mechanisms. For
neurons also grow and remodel to accommo- example, the finding that the same sensory-to-
date the additional sensory input (Bailey and motor neuron synapses that mediate the gill-
Chen 1988b). These results show that clear withdrawal reflex are the cellular substrates of
structural changes in both the pre- and postsyn- learning and memory illustrates that procedural
aptic cells can accompany even elementary memory storage does not depend on special-
forms of learning and memory in Aplysia and ized, superimposed memory neurons whose
serve to increase or decrease the total number of only function is to store rather than process
functional synaptic connections critically in- information. Rather, the capability for simple
volved in the behavioral modification. procedural memory storage is built into the
Together, these early cellular studies of sim- neural architecture of the reflex pathway (Cas-
ple behaviors provided direct evidence support- tellucci and Kandel 1976).
ing Ramon y Cajal’s suggestion that synaptic
connections between neurons are not immuta-
Declarative Memory and the Hippocampus
ble but can be modified by learning, and that
those anatomical modifications serve as ele- In the mammalian brain two major early threads
mentary components of memory storage (Bai- of research were critical in moving the study of
ley and Kandel 1993). In the gill-withdrawal memory forward to the point that the question
reflex, changes in synaptic strength occurred of cellular and synaptic mechanisms could
not only in the connections between sensory begin to be addressed. The first thread was an-
neurons and their motor cells but also in the atomical and revealed a remarkable localiza-
connections between the sensory neurons and tion of memory function in the mammalian
the interneurons (Hawkins et al. 1981; Frost and brain. Studies of patients with damage to the me-
Kandel 1995). Thus, memory storage, even for dial temporal lobes revealed that there are two
elementary procedural memories, is distributed major memory systems in the brain: declarative

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M. Mayford et al.

(explicit) and procedural (implicit or nonde- with several features advantageous for memory
clarative). Declarative memory, a memory for storage (Bliss and Lømo 1973). Stimulation
facts and events—for people, places, and ob- with a high-frequency train of action potentials
jects—requires the medial temporal lobe and was shown to produce a prolonged strengthen-
in particular the hippocampus (Scoville and ing of synaptic transmission in all three of the
Milner 1957; Squire 1992; Schacter and Tulving major hippocampal pathways. This long-term
1994). In contrast, procedural memory, a mem- potentiation (LTP), which is discussed in detail
ory for perceptual and motor skills also evident in the article by Lüscher and Malenka (2012) in
in invertebrate animals, involves a number of this collection, has several forms that differ in
brain systems depending on the specific type molecular mechanism and duration (Fig. 2).
of learning and in the most elementary in- In both the perforant path synapses from ento-
stances uses simple reflex pathways themselves, rhinal cortex to dentate gyrus and Schaffer col-
as discussed above for simple systems. Although lateral synapses from CA3 to CA1 pyramidal
these seminal studies identified important clas- neurons, LTP follows learning rules first postu-
sifications of memory and helped to solidify lated by Hebb. It requires that presynaptic ac-
the notion of functional localization at a broad tivity be closely followed by postsynaptic activ-
anatomical level, they did not provide insight ity. In the mossy fiber pathway, LTP does not
into the mechanisms acting at the finer level follow Hebb’s rules; it requires only presynaptic
of the individual neuron or synapse. This next activity with no coincident postsynaptic activity
step forward was made in rodent studies, in (Bliss and Collingridge 1993).
which the hippocampus plays a similar role in The Hebbian form of LTP has been the focus
declarative types of memory, such as memory of intense interest as it became clear that it pos-
for place. sessed many other features useful for a synaptic
In 1971 recordings of single unit firing in mechanism for certain forms of learning. These
the hippocampus of awake, freely moving rats critical features of LTP are synapse specificity,
revealed that neurons in the hippocampus reg- cooperativity, and associativity. LTP is synapse
ister information not about a single sensory specific in that it is only induced at synapses
modality—sight, sound, touch, or pain—but that are activated by the tetanic stimulation;
about the space surrounding the animal, a feat neighboring synapses that are not active do
that depends on information from several not undergo potentiation. LTP is cooperative
senses (O’Keefe and Dostrovsky 1971). These because multiple inputs must be activated si-
cells, referred to as “place cells,” fire selectively multaneously to produce sufficient postsynap-
when an animal enters a particular area of the tic depolarization to induce LTP. Finally, LTP is
spatial environment. Based on these findings, associative because when a weak input that is
O’Keefe and Nadel (1978) suggested that the normally insufficient to induce LTP is paired
hippocampus contains a cognitive map of the with a strong input, the weak input will now
external environment that the animal uses to become potentiated. These features can largely
navigate. These studies helped to define the be explained by the behavior of the N-methyl-D-
role of the hippocampus in declarative memory aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor,
as a multimodal integrator and mapmaker. Al- whose activation is critical for the induction
though spatial location is a strong component of the Hebbian form of LTP (see Lüscher and
of this hippocampal map, the human lesion Malenka 2012). Unlike most neurotransmitter
studies and work from Howard Eichenbaum receptors that respond simply to the presence or
in rodents suggest that it may be a more general absence of their cognate transmitter in the syn-
integrator of memory-specific associations aptic cleft, the NMDA receptor is also sensitive
(Squire and Stark 2004) to the state of the postsynaptic membrane in
Nearly contemporaneous with the discov- which it resides. Under normal resting condi-
ery of place cells, the synaptic responses in the tions a Mg2þ ion present in the NMDA recep-
hippocampus were found to display plasticity tor pore blocks ion flux. However, this Mg2þ

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Synapses and Memory Storage

One train Four trains

Early LTP Late LTP

100 Hz 200 Hz Protein synth.

ser/thr kinase tyr kinase


Early LTD Late LTD

1 Hz 5 Hz Protein synth.

S/T phosph. p38 MAPK

Figure 2. Multiple forms of long-term synaptic plasticity may contribute to learning and memory. (Top) A single
train of high-frequency tetanic synaptic stimulation can produce forms of long-term potentiation (LTP) of
synaptic transmission lasting 1 –2 h. This early LTP (E-LTP) does not require changes in transcription or
translation. Different patterns of tetanic stimulation can recruit distinct forms of E-LTP that differ in molecular
mechanism and site of expression. Multiple trains of tetanic synaptic stimulation can induce a more persistent
form of synaptic plasticity that can persist for many hours. This late LTP (L-LTP) requires altered gene expres-
sion, activation of PKA, and new protein synthesis. (Bottom) Weaker forms of synaptic activity can lead to a
long-term depression of synaptic transmission (LTD). Different patterns of synaptic stimulation recruit distinct
forms of LTD through differing signaling pathways.

blockade can be relieved by depolarization of induction of LTP (Lynch et al. 1983; Malenka
the postsynaptic membrane, which expels the et al. 1988). In addition to LTP, which is rou-
blocking ion through electrostatic repulsion. tinely induced at hippocampal synapses by brief
Thus, NMDA receptors are only active when high-frequency (100-Hz) stimuli, hippocampal
there is both glutamate present because of pre- synapses also show a form of long-lasting syn-
synaptic activity and the postsynaptic neuron is aptic depression, or LTD, with prolonged low-
substantially depolarized. LTP is therefore pro- frequency stimulation. Surprisingly, this form
duced only at synapses from a given presynaptic of plasticity also requires activation of NMDA
neuron that are active (leading to glutamate re- receptors and postsynaptic Ca2þ. The direction
lease) and impinge on a postsynaptic neuron of the synaptic change likely depends on the
that receives sufficient concurrently active in- magnitude and dynamics of the postsynaptic
puts (associativity and cooperativity) to pro- Ca2þ signal, as well as on the current state of
duce enough depolarization to relieve Mg2þ the synapse, for example, whether it has been
blockade of the NMDA receptor. As a result, recently potentiated.
LTP conforms to the type of learning rule LTP and LTD were identified and have been
Hebb suggested: “When an axon of cell A is studied primarily using artificial electrical stim-
near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or ulation that activates large numbers of fibers in
persistently takes part in firing it, some growth a manner that is unlikely to occur naturally.
process or metabolic change takes place in one The discovery of a spike-time-dependent form
or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of of synaptic plasticity (STDP) (Markram et al.
the cells firing B, is increased.” 1997; Magee and Johnston 1997) was an impor-
Activation of NMDA receptors produces an tant advance in providing a physiologically
influx of postsynaptic Ca2þ that is critical to the plausible manipulation that induced synaptic

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plasticity. In STDP a synapse becomes potenti- stability, and long-term spatial memory. It is
ated if a postsynaptic spike follows presynaptic tempting to think that these effects are linked
release, whereas the synapse becomes depressed by a causal requirement for LTP or LTD in these
if the postsynaptic spike precedes release. The processes; however, a number of caveats should
plasticity occurs within a tight time window be kept in mind. For example, certain genetic
such that release and spike activity offset by manipulations that disrupt hippocampal LTP
more than 40 ms produce no synaptic change. do not impair forms of memory believed to
STDP is also NMDA receptor dependent and require the hippocampus (e.g., Zamanillo et al.
is likely to incorporate some of the molecular 1999). Conversely, manipulations that do not
mechanisms of LTP and LTD studied using less alter hippocampal LTP can disrupt spatial
physiological stimuli, although there are clearly learning (Shimshek et al. 2006).
some important differences, as we shall see below. One of the most difficult problems in link-
Although the properties of NMDA-depen- ing synaptic plasticity mechanisms to behavior
dent synaptic plasticity are intriguing and pro- in declarative memory is the sparse and distrib-
vide a straightforward cellular mechanism for uted nature of the circuits. How the various
forming learned associations, it has been signif- neural representations of the environment are
icantly more difficult to provide direct experi- modified with learning, the location of the crit-
mental links between LTP and behavior. In 1986 ical sites of plasticity, and how these modified
pharmacological studies made the first connec- circuits are recruited to alter motor behavior in
tion of LTP to spatial memory by showing that a memory test are still largely unclear. This
NMDA receptors must be activated to form this makes interpreting the effects of a single type
type of memory in the rat. When NMDA recep- of pharmacological manipulation quite diffi-
tors are blocked pharmacologically, not only is cult. One approach that has been taken in
LTP blocked, but the animal can no longer form both simple and complex models is to apply
spatial memories that are dependent on the hip- molecular and genetic approaches to provide a
pocampus. This was shown using the Morris richer understanding of the underlying mecha-
water maze, in which an animal must integrate nisms of plasticity and to use the tools generated
multiple visual cues to form a spatial memory of to probe the links to behavior.
the location of a platform submerged below the
surface of a water bath (Morris et al. 1986).
Procedural Fear Memory in the Mammalian
Importantly, blockade of the NMDA receptors
does not impair the ability of an animal to learn
to swim to the platform when it is visible, a task Some of the strongest evidence linking learning
that does not require the hippocampus. and memory to LTP comes from experiments
Similarly, the pharmacological blockade of focused on the amygdala, which is essential for
NMDA receptors has been found to alter the both instinctive and learned fear (Davis et al.
stability of the place fields of hippocampal place 1994; LeDoux 1995, 1996). When an animal is
cells (Kentros et al. 1998). When animals are given a shock to the foot paired with a tone—a
placed in the same environment two days in a classical conditioning paradigm—the animal
row, they activate substantially the same ensem- exhibits a learned fear response by freezing in
ble of hippocampal place cells whose place fields response to the tone alone. This form of learn-
are similar in position and size on each day. This ing is known to involve the amygdala, a region
is consistent with the idea that these cells encode of the brain that receives direct auditory infor-
a stable map of the environment. However, if an mation from the thalamus and processed infor-
NMDA blocker is administered during the for- mation from neocortex, and which provides an
mation of this place map, then the place-cell- output to the hypothalamus that regulates au-
firing pattern is not stable over 24 h. tonomic fear responses. Neurons in isolated
These results provide a causal link between slices of amygdala undergo LTP in response to
NMDA receptor function, long-term place cell tetanic stimulation protocols similar to those

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Synapses and Memory Storage

used in the hippocampus. Importantly, behav- Quinn 1982; Drain et al. 1991; for review, see
ioral pairing of a tone and shock, which in- Waddell and Quinn 2001) showed that with
duces fear learning, also potentiates synaptic re- repeated training PKA moves from the synapse
sponses in the amygdala to auditory stimuli in to the nucleus of the cell, where it activates the
vivo (Rogan et al. 1997). Following fear learning transcription factor cAMP response element
the synaptic response to electrical stimulation binding protein-1 (CREB-1). CREB-1 acts on
of auditory inputs in isolated amygdala slices is downstream genes to activate the synthesis of
also enhanced (McKernan and Shinnick-Gal- protein and stimulate the growth of new synap-
lagher 1997). Moreover, this synaptic enhance- tic connections.
ment must be closely related to LTP because Further studies in Aplysia and in the fly re-
behavioral fear conditioning occludes the ability vealed the surprising finding that the switch to
to induce LTP in isolated amygdala slices in long-term synaptic change and the growth
response to high-frequency stimulation (Tvset- of new synaptic connections is constrained by
kov et al. 2002). memory suppressor genes (see Abel et al. 1998).
One important constraint on the growth of
new synaptic connections is CREB-2 (Yin et al.
SYNAPTIC AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS 1994; Bartsch et al. 1995), which when over-
OF PLASTICITY AND LEARNING expressed blocks long-term synaptic facilita-
tion in Aplysia. When CREB-2 is removed, a
Procedural Memory in Invertebrates
single exposure to serotonin, which normally
Molecular biology revealed a remarkable con- produces an increase in synaptic strength lasting
servation of mechanism underlying short-term only minutes, will increase synaptic strength for
memory among different animals. In 1974 Sey- days and induce the growth of new synaptic
mour Benzer and his students discovered that connections.
Drosophila can learn fear and that mutations in
single genes interfere with short-term memory.
Declarative Memory
Flies with such mutations do not respond to
classical conditioning of fear or to sensitization, Molecular and pharmacological studies in hip-
suggesting that the two types of learning have pocampal slice preparations have identified
some genes in common (Quinn et al. 1974; Du- some of the key signaling events that are trig-
dai et al. 1976). Identification of the causal mu- gered by Ca2þ influx through the NMDA recep-
tations in the fly revealed that they represented tors during the induction of LTP (Fig. 3). The
one or another component of the cAMP path- initial Ca2þ signal activates directly or indirectly
way, the same pathway underlying sensitization at least three critical protein kinases in the post-
and classical conditioning in Aplysia (Byers synaptic neuron: (1) calcium calmodulin-de-
et al. 1981). These early studies that pointed to pendent kinase II (CaMKII) (Malenka et al.
the central role of cAMP signaling examined 1989; Malinow et al. 1989); (2) protein kinase
short-term memory lasting only a few minutes. C (PKC) (Routenberg 1986; Malinow et al.
The next step was to ask how the short-term 1988); and (3) the tyrosine kinase Fyn (O’Dell
changes become stabilized to last days or years. et al. 1991; Grant et al. 1992). These findings
The first clue to how short-term memory is provided a catalog of targets for manipulation
switched to long-term memory came when using advances in mouse genetics that allowed
Louis Flexner observed that the formation of for the selective deletion or knockout of indi-
long-term memory requires the synthesis of vidual genes in the whole animal. The general
new proteins (Flexner et al. 1963). Subsequent strategy was to delete a gene critical for LTP and
work in Aplysia (Dash et al. 1990; Bacskai et al. to then examine both synaptic plasticity and
1993; Martin et al. 1997; Alberini et al. 1994; behavioral learning and memory in the same
Hegde et al. 1997; for review, see Kandel 2001) animal to test the idea that LTP is a key molec-
and Drosophila (Dudai et al. 1976; Duerr and ular event important for memory storage.

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M. Mayford et al.



Postsynaptic GluR1

To synapse AC VGCC

Effector Genes PKA cAMP



Long-term Short-term

Figure 3. Molecular mechanisms for induction of LTP and memory. These basic signaling pathways have been
implicated in both NMDAR-dependent LTP and behavioral learning. Short-term plasticity (lasting several
hours) is produced by NMDAR-dependent Ca2þ signaling to protein kinases and the recruitment of new
glutamate receptors to the synapse. Long-term plasticity (lasting days) requires CREB-dependent gene activa-
tion in the nucleus by the action of multiple protein kinases. Long-term plasticity and memory also requires
synthesis of a constitutively active isoform of PKC.

The first set of studies applied these tech- stimulated several important technical refine-
niques to examine the importance of the a sub- ments.
unit of CaMKII and the tyrosine kinase A major question regarding the molecular
Fyn. Genetically altered mice lacking either of mechanism of LTP is whether it is expressed
these kinases were viable and survived to adult- presynaptically, involving an increase in gluta-
hood. However, in each line of mutant mice mate release; postsynaptically, depending on an
hippocampal LTP and spatial memory were im- increase in the postsynaptic response to gluta-
paired. These results extended the link between mate; or through a coordinated change in pre-
hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory, synaptic and postsynaptic properties. A number
first established pharmacologically with NMDA of apparently contradictory results have been
receptor blockers, and outlined a genetic ap- reported in the literature over the past 30 years.
proach for exploring the mechanisms of synap- However, in our view much of the controversy
tic and behavioral plasticity. Genetics is the gold results from the fact that neurons can express
standard for determining molecular function in multiple forms of LTP that may differ in their
modern biology, and its application to complex synaptic locus, molecular mechanisms, time-
questions of neurophysiology and behavior in scale, and role in learning and memory (Fig. 2).
the mammalian brain opened up a myriad of The controversy dates back to some of the
molecular questions that were previously inac- earliest studies of LTP. Measurements of radio-
cessible. However, it soon became clear that the labeled glutamate binding to hippocampal
approach suffered a number of drawbacks for membranes indicated that LTP was postsynap-
the study of circuits and behavior that have tic, caused by an increase in the number of

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Synapses and Memory Storage

postsynaptic glutamate receptors (Lynch et al. aptic. However, when LTP is induced using
1982). At the same time another study conclud- stronger 200-Hz or theta burst stimulation pro-
ed that LTP was presynaptic, based on the find- tocols, there is a marked increase in the rate of
ing of increased levels of extracellular glutamate dye release, suggesting an enhanced presynaptic
following induction of LTP (Dolphin et al. function (Zakharenko et al. 2001) that appears
1982). The interpretation of such early studies to develop more slowly than the enhancement
was complicated by the fact that they did not in AMPA receptor response (Bayazitov et al.
directly assess synaptic function. Rather, it was 2007). The presynaptic and postsynaptic forms
the finding that LTP in the Schaffer collateral of LTP also show a differential dependence on
pathway is associated with a selective increase NMDA receptors. Whereas 50-Hz LTP is fully
in the AMPA-type receptor component of the blocked by the NMDA receptor antagonist APV,
excitatory postsynaptic potential with little 200-Hz and theta burst LTP recruit an NMDA
change in the NMDA-type receptor component receptor– independent form of LTP that re-
that provided the first evidence that LTP at this quires activation of L-type voltage-gated Ca2þ
synapse is both initiated and expressed postsyn- channels (Grover and Teyler 1990; Zahkarenko
aptically (Kauer et al. 1988). Later it was found et al. 2001). Genetic evidence for the existence
that the increase in response of the AMPA re- of distinct presynaptic and postsynaptic loci of
ceptors to glutamate during LTP is attributable LTP has been provided by studies of AMPA re-
to the rapid insertion of new clusters of recep- ceptor– and brain-derived neurotrophic factor
tors in the postsynaptic membrane from a pool (BDNF)-knockout mice.
of intracellular receptors stored in recycling en- The GluR1 (GluRA) AMPA receptor sub-
dosomes (Carroll et al. 1999; Shi et al. 1999; Park unit is important for the activity-dependent
et al. 2004; Nicoll et al. 2006). Other studies, postsynaptic insertion of AMPA receptors with
however, have implicated additional presynap- LTP. Knockout mice carrying a deletion in GluR1
tic changes following induction of Schaffer col- show a severe deficit in “standard” NMDA-de-
lateral LTP (Bolshakov and Siegelbaum 1994; pendent LTP induced by high-frequency stimu-
Zakharenko et al. 2001; Emptage et al. 2003; lation, as might be expected from previous stud-
Enoki et al. 2009). As nearly all studies of ies. Surprisingly, these mice were not impaired
Schaffer collateral LTP indicate that its induc- in long-term spatial memory as seen with pre-
tion requires Ca2þ influx into the postsynaptic vious knockouts or NMDA receptor antagonists
cell, the finding that LTP may involve an increase that blocked LTP (Zamanillo et al. 1999). Sub-
in transmitter release implicates the need for sequent studies showed that not all forms of LTP
one or more retrograde messengers that are re- were impaired in these mice; for example, a com-
leased from the postsynaptic cell to enhance re- ponent of theta burst LTP was spared (Hoffman
lease from the presynaptic cell. As discussed be- et al. 2002). Moreover, not all spatial learning
low, whether LTP is presynaptic or postsynaptic was intact; a short-term form of spatial working
(or both) likely depends on the frequency or memory was impaired in the knockout animals
pattern of stimulation used to induce plasticity. (Reisel et al. 2002).
Changes in presynaptic function associated A line of mice in which the BDNF gene was
with LTP can be assayed selectively by measur- selectively deleted in the forebrain shows rela-
ing the rate of release of a fluorescent dye, FM 1- tively normal LTP in response to a 50-Hz tetan-
43, from synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic ter- ic stimulus (Zakharenko et al. 2003). However,
minals when the vesicles release their contents these mice have a significant reduction in LTP in
by exocytosis in response to presynaptic stimu- response to 200-Hz or theta burst tetanic stim-
lation (Ryan et al. 1996). When LTP is induced ulation. Moreover, the ability of these strong
using a 50-Hz tetanic stimulation, there is no LTP protocols to produce a presynaptic en-
change in the rate of dye release in response to hancement in the rate of FM 1-43 release is
presynaptic action potentials, suggesting that completely blocked in the mutant mice. These
the expression of 50-Hz LTP is purely postsyn- data support the view for separable components

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of presynaptic and postsynaptic LTP that can be gated genetically using mice that express a mu-
differentially recruited by distinct patterns of tant gene that blocks the catalytic subunit of
physiological activity. Interestingly, whereas a PKA, or that carry an inhibitory mutation in
reduction in NMDA receptor– dependent LTP the CREB-1 gene. Both lines of mice have a
is observed as animals age, and is correlated with serious defect in long-term spatial memory
an age-related decline in memory, older animals and both have roughly similar defects in LTP.
show an increase in L-type Ca2þ channel– de- The early phase is normal but the late phase is
pendent LTP (Shankar et al. 1998). Moreover, blocked, providing evidence linking the phases
L-type Ca2þ channel antagonists improve mem- of LTP to the phases of memory storage (Silva
ory in older animals (Deyo et al. 1989). et al. 1992a,b; Bourtchouladze et al. 1994; Huang
Clearly the relationship between LTP and et al. 1995; Abel et al. 1997). Finally, an inter-
memory is more complex than a simple 1:1 cor- mediate phase of LTP that requires PKA but not
respondence. Different forms of LTP have dif- new protein synthesis can be induced by two
ferent underlying molecular mechanisms and trains of stimuli (Winder et al. 1998). Theoret-
different roles in behavior that we are just be- ical studies indicate that these multiple com-
ginning to unravel (e.g., Woodside et al. 2004). ponents of plasticity are necessary to generate
long-lasting memories in the face of ongoing
synaptic plasticity (Fusi et al. 2005).
Long-Term Memory
Procedural and declarative memories differ dra-
Procedural Memory in Vertebrates
matically. They use a different logic (unconscious
vs. conscious recall) and they are stored in differ- We now have a good understanding of the neu-
ent areas of the brain. Nevertheless, these two ral circuit and molecular mechanisms underly-
disparate memory processes share several molec- ing learned fear and of the role of synaptic plas-
ular steps and an overall molecular logic. Both are ticity in fear memory, thanks to the work of
created in at least two stages: one that does not Joseph LeDoux, Michael Davis, Michael Fanse-
require the synthesis of new proteins and one that low, and James McGaugh. Pairing of a tone with
does. In both, short-term memory involves co- a foot shock leads to a conditioned fear response
valent modification of preexisting proteins and to the tone alone, which elicits freezing behavior
changes in the strength of preexisting synaptic in the conditioned animal. This conditioned
connections, whereas long-term memory re- fear response depends on the long-term poten-
quires the synthesis of new proteins and the tiation of the auditory response in neurons of
growth of new connections. Moreover, both the amygdala (Johansen et al. 2011). Both the
forms of memory use PKA, mitogen-activated synaptic changes and the persistence of the
protein kinase (MAPK), CREB-1, and CREB-2 memory for learned fear require PKA, MAPKs,
signaling pathways to convert short-term to long- and the activation of CREB (Won and Silva
term memory. Finally, both forms appear to use 2008). Moreover, similar to mechanisms of
morphological changes at synapses to stabilize NMDA receptor– dependent LTP, learned fear
long-term memory (Bailey et al. 2008). requires the enhanced trafficking of AMPA re-
Long-term potentiation in the hippocam- ceptors to the synapses of amygdala neurons
pus proved to have both early and late phases, (Rumpel et al. 2005). In contrast to learned
much as long-term synaptic facilitation in Aply- fear, when a tone predicts a period of safety
sia does. One train of stimuli produces the early when an animal is protected from the foot
phase (E-LTP), which lasts 1– 3 h and does not shock, there is a long-term depression of the
require protein synthesis. Four or more trains auditory inputs to the amygdala (Rogan et al.
induce the late phase (L-LTP), which lasts at 2005). Thus, learned fear and learned safety in-
least 24 h, requires protein synthesis, and is ac- volve opposing changes in synaptic strength.
tivated by PKA (Frey et al. 1993; Abel et al. Eye-blink conditioning is produced by pair-
1997). The role of this L-LTP has been investi- ing a tone (the CS) with an aversive air puff to

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Synapses and Memory Storage

the eye (the US), resulting in a learned eye blink expression and therefore the nucleus of the
that is appropriately timed to the paired US cell—which is shared by all the synapses of the
(Thompson et al. 1983). Theoretical and exper- neuron—raises the question of how the gene
imental studies have proposed that the condi- products required for long-term memory influ-
tioning involves a relatively simple cerebellar ence the specific synapses that were altered to
circuit. Prior to learning, activation of cerebellar produce the immediate and short-term memo-
Purkinje neurons in response to the CS leads to ry. Studies in both Aplysia (Martin et al. 1997)
an inhibition of neurons in the interpositus nu- and the hippocampus (Frey and Morris 1997)
cleus (one of the deep nuclei of the cerebellum), suggest that the synaptic modifications associ-
thereby inhibiting motor output. With condi- ated with short-term plasticity leave a molecular
tioning there is a decrease in the Purkinje cell mark or “tag” on the synapses that were modi-
activity in response to the CS, resulting in dis- fied. The presence of the synaptic tag allows
inhibition of the neurons of the interpositus those synapses to specifically capture and use
nucleus, leading to eye blink. This model is con- newly synthesized gene products arriving from
sistent with findings that Purkinje cell activity the nucleus to stabilize the initial changes pro-
can be reduced as a result of LTD at the excit- duced with learning.
atory parallel fiber synaptic input onto the Pur- How is a synapse marked? Two distinct
kinje neurons (Ito 2001). This decrease in the components of marking have been identified
strength of the parallel fibers occurs when the in Aplysia, one that requires PKA and initiates
climbing fiber inputs to the cerebellum are ac- long-term synaptic plasticity and growth, and
tivated in appropriate temporal proximity to one that stabilizes long-term functional and
parallel fiber activity. Thus, the Purkinje cells structural changes at the synapse and requires
become less responsive to input, as a result of (in addition to protein synthesis in the cell
a down-regulation of AMPA receptors at the body) local protein synthesis at the synapse
parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapse. (Martin et al. 1997). Because mRNAs are
The similarity between the changes in syn- made in the cell body, the need for the local
aptic function and both procedural and declar- translation of some mRNAs suggests that these
ative learning in the mammalian and inverte- mRNAs may be dormant before they reach the
brate central nervous systems supports the view activated synapse. If that were true, one way of
that alterations in synaptic strength represent an activating protein synthesis at the synapse would
evolutionarily conserved general mechanism of be to recruit a regulator of translation at the
memory formation. Moreover, studies of fear activated synapse that is capable of activating
learning, eye-blink conditioning, and modifica- dormant mRNA. In Xenopus oocytes, maternal
tions of the vestibular– ocular reflex (Lisberger RNA is silent until activated by the cytoplas-
et al. 1987; Boyden et al. 2006), as well as habit- mic polyadenylation element binding protein
uation in Aplysia and crayfish, provide support (CPEB) (Richter 1999). In Aplysia a new iso-
for the role of both synaptic potentiation and form of CPEB (ApCPEB) with novel properties
synaptic depression as parallel mechanisms for was found in neurons. Blocking this isoform at
memory storage. a marked (active) synapse prevented the main-
tenance but not the initiation of long-term syn-
aptic facilitation (Si et al. 2003a,b). Indeed,
Synapse-Specific Local Protein Synthesis
blocking ApCPEB blocks memory days after it
and Learning Networks
is formed. An interesting feature of this isoform
There is now significant evidence from various of Aplysia CPEB is that its amino terminus re-
forms of learning in a number of different spe- sembles the prion domain of yeast prion pro-
cies that the critical changes that store informa- teins and endows it with similar self-sustaining
tion in the brain occur at specific synapses with- properties. But unlike other prions, which are
in a circuit. The finding that long-term memory pathogenic, ApCPEB appears to be a functional
and synaptic plasticity involve changes in gene prion. The active self-perpetuating form of the

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protein does not kill cells but rather has the im- isolated and functionally probed in the same
portant physiological function of maintaining manner as a reflex circuit in a simple system?
long-term synaptic facilitation. Several advances in the optical and molec-
ular toolbox for circuit analysis in mammals are
laying the foundation to answer this type of
THE EMERGENCE OF A SYSTEMS question. Advances in in vivo optical imaging
APPROACH TO MEMORY STORAGE techniques have enabled the visualization of
plastic changes in neuronal properties associat-
The application of molecular and genetic tools
ed with learning and memory (Hübener and
and the use of simple systems have allowed us to
Bonhoeffer 2010). Such changes can involve al-
test some of the foundational theories of Cajal
terations in morphology of preexisting syn-
and Hebb regarding the cellular mechanisms of
apses, including the enlargement of dendritic
learning. There are a number of commonalities
spines (the sites of a pyramidal neuron’s excit-
that have been established across multiple spe-
atory input) during LTP and spine shrinkage
cies, such as:
during LTD (Kasai et al. 2010). Additional
structural changes may involve the growth of
1. Synaptic change is elicited by patterns of
new synaptic connections, implied by the ap-
neuronal activity at critical points within a
pearance of new dendritic spines following in-
behavioral circuit.
duction of synaptic plasticity. That such struc-
2. Both increases and decreases in synaptic tural changes may contribute to learning and
strength can contribute to behavioral plas- memory is supported by a recent study that
ticity. reported the growth of new dendritic spines in
motor cortex neurons following motor learning
3. Synaptic plasticity has similar temporal and
(Xu et al. 2009).
molecular properties to behavioral learning,
One area of rapid progress is in the intro-
e.g., short- and long-term phases dependent
duction of genetically encoded molecules that
on discrete signaling pathways.
allow the selective activation or suppression of
4. Apparently different forms of learning use the neurons in which they are expressed with
similar underlying cellular and molecular light (Zhang et al. 2007a,b; Zhao et al. 2008;
mechanisms. Airan et al. 2009). A great advantage of light-
regulated channelrhodopsin or halorhodopsin
One of the remaining challenges in rigorous- is that they allow precise millisecond temporal
ly testing some ideas in the mammalian nervous control over action potential firing such that a
system is the problem of sparse encoding in dis- genetically tagged group of neurons can be fired
tributed networks and the identification of the in a controlled pattern simply by patterning the
engram, the physical or functional memory trace light pulses. Also effective for turning neurons
present in a neural network posited by Lashley on or off are ligand-gated proteins with custom-
(1950). Although the fine-tuning of the hippo- ized binding sites, such as the G-protein-cou-
campal representation of the world and the sen- pled designer receptor (Alexander et al. 2009)
sitization of the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia and a chimeric ligand-gated ion channel, which
may recruit some of the same underlying molec- are activated by an inert ligand (Magnus et al.
ular mechanisms, the changes in the hippocam- 2011). These systems are allowing sparse but
pus are dispersed throughout a large structure genetically defined neural cell types (e.g., inhib-
with no clear anatomical segregation. And al- itory neurons) to be manipulated selectively
though the hippocampus plays a critical role in within a background of many other functionally
memory, the formation of complex associations distinct cell types.
must involve activity in multiple brain areas. What defines a circuit in the mammalian
How can the dispersed circuits for a given brain? At one level there is a clear, developmen-
specific memory or complex representation be tally controlled pattern of connectivity, for

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Synapses and Memory Storage

example, the hippocampal trisynaptic circuit or sponse to a given experience. In one study the
a cortical column. Although this canonical con- cfos promoter was combined with elements of
nectivity is clearly an important constraint on the TET regulatory system in transgenic mice to
function, what is remarkable is that these cir- allow the introduction of a lacZ marker into
cuits can represent so many different external neurons activated with fear conditioning (Re-
events or encode a wide range of memories. ijmers et al. 2007). The marker provided a long-
Clearly, any individual neuron can participate lasting record of brain activity during learning
in many different representations or memories, that could be compared to activity during recall.
and at a deeper level a neural circuit is defined A partial reactivation of the neurons active dur-
by what it represents. That is, we could define a ing learning occurred, and the strength of the
circuit as all the neurons that are recruited dur- recalled memory was correlated with the degree
ing the recognition of an individual’s home, or of circuit reactivation. More importantly, this
during the recollection of one’s last holiday. approach provides an opportunity to introduce
How many neurons does it take to form a spe- any genetically encoded effector molecule into
cific memory? How predetermined are these neurons based on their recent activity, provid-
circuits? How are they modified during learning ing the potential to study circuits based on the
and differentially recruited during recall? And specific memory they encode.
how can a new memory be formed through Why are there so many forms of synaptic
altered synaptic strength without overwriting a plasticity that differ in their mechanism of in-
preexisting memory encoded in a neuron’s syn- duction, time of persistence, and synaptic locus
apses? Some new genetic techniques are begin- (Fig. 2)? An interesting insight into this ques-
ning to probe these questions. tion was provided by a theoretical study that
Competition between neurons is necessary approached the question of how a memory
for refining neural circuitry, but does it play a can persist in the face of the barrage of synaptic
role in encoding memories in the adult brain? In inputs and synaptic plasticity that a neuron ex-
studies of fear conditioning it was found that periences during an individual’s lifetime. Al-
the introduction of excess or constitutively ac- though it was impossible to encode robust
tive CREB into a sparse subset of amygdala neu- memories with a single form of plasticity, mul-
rons caused those neurons to be specifically re- tiple forms of plasticity with distinct timescales
cruited to encode the memory to which the of induction and persistence were able to yield
animals were subsequently trained (Han et al. persistent memory storage (Fusi et al. 2005). A
2007). Conversely, if such neurons are deleted challenge in the future will be to examine how
after learning, that specific fear memory is the diverse array of plasticity mechanisms may
blocked while other fear associations stay intact indeed cooperate and interact to yield a unified
(Han et al. 2009). This study reveals that there is mechanism of long-lasting yet ongoing memo-
great flexibility in the particular group of neu- ry storage.
rons recruited to any given memory, at least in
the amygdala, and that the resting state of the
neuron governs the probability that it will be
recruited. We now understand in considerable molecular
Long-term memory requires transcription- detail the mechanisms underlying long-term
al activity, and genes such as cfos, zif268, and arc synaptic plasticity and the importance that
are rapidly and transiently induced by high-fre- such plastic changes play in memory storage,
quency neural activity and have been used for across a broad range of species and forms
many years to map brain activity patterns in of memory. One surprising finding is the re-
rodents. By providing a genetic readout of pat- markable degree of conservation of memory
terns of neural activity, these genes provide the mechanisms in different brain regions within
potential to obtain direct molecular control a species and across species widely separated
over ensembles of neurons based on their re- by evolution. However, although it is now clear

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