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PRESIDER: Our Lord Jesus Christ challenges us to be pure in our actions and intentions. With
a heart full of humility and trust, let us offer to him our prayers. In every petition
we say:


1. For our Pope, our Bishop and all those who exercise pastoral ministry, that they
may carry out their task with fidelity to Christ, the Pastor and Redeemer.
Let us pray to the Lord.

2. For our world leaders, especially the leaders of our country, that they may prepare
the way for the coming of the Lord by fostering harmony, authentic dialogue, and
sincere concern for their people.
Let us pray to the Lord.

3. For all the member of this big Maryknollian Family, the Administrations,
Faculty and staff, that they will continue to be generous in their service and be
authentic instruments of knowledge and good will to the community.
Let us pray to the Lord.

4. For all of us here, that we may we be able to work together as a community to

accomplish all the goals set before us this school year.
Let us pray to the Lord.

5. For all the sick and suffering, that they may experience healing and a full
recovery with God's grace…
Let us pray to the Lord

6. For all those connected to our school community who have recently passed away,
may they feel the grace of the Spirit as they enter the heavenly reign of God...
Let us pray to the Lord

In silence, let us now pray for our particular intention.

PRESIDER: Hear our prayer, Gracious Father, the source of wisdom and goodness; make us
firm in our commitment to walk in newness of life with Christ. We fully trust in
your providential guidance and love, for you know our needs more than we do. All
these we ask in the name of Jesus your Son, our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

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