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1. Read and find. Find the verbs in the past simple and write them in the boxes.

Yesterday I went to the playground near my house. I had a lot of fun. I played on the swings and
the slide but I didn’t go on the roundabout. I saw my best friend there. We talked about her birthday
and she invited me to her party. Afterwards I didn’t want to go home!

We can use the past simple to talk about things we did in the past. The past simple ending is -ed for
regular verbs: play – played, watch – watched, want – wanted
Irregular verbs have a special form: eat – ate, write – wrote, go – went

For the negative, don’t change the main verb. Use ‘didn’t’ instead: play – didn’t play, eat – didn’t eat

2. Fill it in! Write the past simple of the verb in (brackets) to complete the sentences.

a. Yesterday I ________ to the park. (go)

b. My grandparents _______________ us last week. (Visit)

c. Last weekend I _______________ an email to my friend. (Write)

d. My brother _______________ any computer games last night. (Not play)

e. We _______________ cereal and _______________ juice for breakfast. (Eat, drink)

f. I _______________ my favorite TV programmer yesterday. (not watch)

g. My friend _______________ me a new pencil case for my birthday. (give)

h. Yesterday I _______________ to school, I _______________ by car. (walk, not go)

3. Write When did you last go somewhere fun? Where you went and what you did!

4-Complete these sentences with the “past simple” of the verbs in brackets

-I …............... (Study) French yesterday.

-We …............... (Watch) an interesting program last night.

-Mark …............... (stop) the car in front of the post-office.

My parents …............... (arrive) at half past six.

Alison …............... (walk) to school.

Charles and Wendy …............... (dance) at the party.

I .............................. (arrive) in London at 10 o’clock in the morning.

I was hungry so I ....................... (decide) to have a pizza in a

fast food restaurant

In the afternoon I ................................ (visit) the city centre and I ........................... (love) it a lot!

My friend George ............................. (invite) me to a musical.

They ....................... (play) the Lion king

I ................................... (enjoy) it very much.

5-Copy and complete these sentences with the “past simple” of the verbs in brackets.

I (listen) ….................. to the radio this morning.

My sister (pass) ….................. her exam.

My mother (study)................... biology at university.

I (watch) ….................. TV last night.

We (play) ….................. football yesterday.

Simona (stop) …........... for petrol on the way here.

-Now, write the sentences in the “negative form”. )

6-Listen to Mattie Smith talk about her life.


7-Write three sentences with the past simple forms.



Last Summer Holiday

Last Summer I went to Nice. It's a great place to have a holiday. People are very friendly and
hospitable. Especially, the port of Nice is a fantastic place to visit.

On the first day, we went to a restaurant with a terrace. It had a wonderful view of the sea.
Also the dishes were absolutely delicious. On the second day, we went to two museums. First
we went to an art museum. There weren't many pictures, but there were many
contemporary art productions. I didn't like them a lot. Second we went to a very unusual
museum of bric-à-brac. There was a lot of old bric-à-brac from different places of the World.
It was really interesting to see. After visiting the museums, we returned to our hotel room as
we were really tired.

At last, we spent a whole day at the great beaches of Nice. We swam, sunbathed and had
great time on the beach of Nice.

It was a short but very entertaining and relaxing holiday. I definitely want to go to Nice again.

Are they true or false according to the text?

1. The author liked the food in the restaurant

2. 2. He went to an art museum after the bric-à-brac’s museum.

3. He had a long holiday there.

4. He spent the last day at the beach.

5. He only went to two museums on the second day.…….

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