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The Visual (Spatial) Learning Style

If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to
organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects,
plans and outcomes in your mind's eye. You also have a good spatial sense, which
gives you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps,
and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know
which way to turn.
The whiteboard is a best friend (or would be if you had access to one). You love
drawing, scribbling and doodling, especially with colors. You typically have a good
dress sense and color balance (although not always!).
f you are a visual learner, you learn by reading or seeing pictures. You understand and remember things
by sight. You can picture what you are learning in your head, and you learn best by using methods that
are primarily visual. You like to see what you are learning.

As a visual learner, you are usually neat and clean. You often close your eyes to visualize or remember
something, and you will find something to watch if you become bored. You may have difficulty with
spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds. You are attracted to color and to spoken
language (like stories) that is rich in imagery.

Here are some things that visual learners like you can do to learn better:

 Sit near the front of the classroom. (It won't mean you're the teacher's pet!)
 Have your eyesight checked on a regular basis.
 Use flashcards to learn new words.
 Try to visualize things that you hear or things that are read to you.
 Write down key words, ideas, or instructions.
 Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures.
 Color code things.
 Avoid distractions during study times.
Remember that you need to see things, not just hear things, to learn well.
Characteristics of a Visual Learner:

 Reader/observer
 Scans everything; wants to see things, enjoys visual stimulation
 Enjoys maps, pictures, diagrams, and color
 Needs to see the teacher’s body language/facial expression to fully understand
 Not pleased with lectures
 Daydreams; a word, sound or smell causes recall and mental wandering
 Usually takes detailed notes
 May think in pictures and learn best from visual displays
Visual Learners learn through images and/or printed words. They learn best through books,
graphs, sight reading and visual presentations such as Flashcards.
A Visual “Picture” Learner benefits from the images they see on the Flashcards.
AVisual “Print” Learner benefits from the words they see on the Flashcards.

The aural learning style is a style in which individuals learn best through hearing directions and
speaking answers. It is common for aural learners to be proficient at speaking and acting.
Typically, aural learners prefer to listen to lectures rather than take notes

As the name suggests, Auditory learners learn best while they are actively listening. Auditory
learners find conventional study practices, such as making notes directly from a textbook, not
terribly effective. They much prefer to ingest information through audio or video clips, or by
discussing a topic

Strengths & Weaknesses as an Auditory Learner. Auditory learners make up approximately 30

percent of students. Their learning style is characterized by the ability to learn by listening,
rather than through being shown, as is the case with visual learners.

ou often learn by reading out loud because you have to hear it or speak it in order to know it.
As an auditory learner, you probably hum or talk to yourself or others if you become bored. ...
Have your hearing checked on a regular basis. Use flashcards to learn new words; read them
out loud.

Tip s fo r St udyi ng fo r A udit o r y L ea r ner s

 Work in quiet areas to reduce distractions, avoiding areas with conversation, music, and
 Sit away from doors or windows where noises may enter the classroom.
 Attend lectures and tutorials regularly
 Use mnemonics, rhymes, jingles, and auditory repetition through tape recording to
improve memory.
 Practice verbal interaction to improve motivation and self-monitoring.
 Use recorders to document lectures and for reading materials.
 Remember to examine illustrations in textbooks and convert them into verbal descriptions.
 Read the directions for tests or assignments aloud, or have someone read them to you,
especially if the directions are long and complicated.
 Remind yourself to review details.
 Use verbal brainstorming and tape recording writing and proofing.
 Leave spaces in your lecture notes for later recall and 'filing'. Expand your notes by talking
with others and collecting notes from the textbook.
 Read your notes aloud.
 Practice writing your answers using old exams and speak your answers.

The verbal style involves both the written and spoken word. If you use this style, you
find it easy to express yourself, both in writing and verbally. You love reading and
writing. You like playing on the meaning or sound of words, such as in tongue twisters,
rhymes, limericks and the like.

Verbal learning is the process of acquiring, retaining and recalling of verbalmaterial. At its
most elementary level, it can be defined as a process of building associations between a
stimulus and a response, with both of them being verbal.

People with verbal-linguistic learning styles learn best when taught using spoken or written
materials. They prefer activities that are based on language reasoning rather than abstract
visual information. Math word problems are more appealing to verbal-linguistic learners than
solving equations.

Verbal learners will be able to express themselves, their problems, and solutions to problems
through words. ... Verbal learners often learn numerous other languagesin an effort to
increase their knowledge, their wisdom, and their ability to use words to communicate with a
larger audience during their lifetime.

Verbal Descriptions: a verbal description of a set uses an English sentence to state a rule that
allows us to determine the class of objects being discussed and to determine for any particular
object whether or not it is in the set. The three sets in the examples above are all given using
a verbal description.

Physical learners (also known as "tactual-kinesthetic learners" – "tactual" for touch,

"kinesthetic" for movement) discover the world best when they're using their hands or bodies. In
some ways, all children are natural physical learners. As babies, they rely on their sense of
touch to grasp new ideas and concepts.

Learning Through Physical Hand and Body Movement. ... Bodily kinestheticlearning style or
intelligence refers to a person's ability to process information physically through hand and body
movement, control, and expression. It is also known as the physical learning style or tactile-
kinesthetic learning style.

Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners. They try things out, touch, feel and manipulate
objects. Body tension is a good indication of their emotions. They gesture when speaking, are
poor listeners, stand very close when speaking or listening, and quickly lose interest in long

Logical-mathematical learning style refers to your ability to reason, solve problems, and learn
using numbers, abstract visual information, and analysis of cause and effect
relationships. Logical-mathematical learners are typically methodical and think in logical or
linear order.

n other words, they are skilled at deductive reasoning, detecting patterns, andlogical thinking.
People with logical/mathematical intelligence are good at scientific investigations and
identifying relationships between different things. They are also good at understanding complex
and abstract ideas
Characteristics of the Logical-Mathematical Learning Style. ... Logical-mathematical
learners prefer logical order in instruction and often work best in structured, organized
environments. They have strong visual analysis, memory, and problem-solving skills

Social learning (social pedagogy) is learning that takes place at a wider scale than individual
or group learning, up to a societal scale, through social interaction between peers. It may or
may not lead to a change in attitudes and behaviour.

How do social learners learn best?

The Social (Interpersonal) Learning Style. If you have a strong social style, you
communicate well with people, both verbally and non-verbally. People listen to you or
come to you for advice, and you are sensitive to their motivations, feelings or moods. ...
You prefer social activities, rather than doing your own thing.
The Solitary (Intrapersonal) Learning Style. If you have asolitary style, you are more private,
introspective and independent. You can concentrate well, focusing your thoughts and feelings
on your current topic. You are aware of your own thinking, and you may analyze the different
ways you think and feel.

About Solitary Learners

As someone who leans toward the solitary style, you are probably quite independent with a
preference for having a great deal of quiet time for private introspection. You enjoy taking the
opportunity to reflect on a topic and to analyze various aspects of it. This reflection likely applies to
yourself, as well as outside situations and information. Solitary people tend to be quite aware of
themselves and their inner workings. You may keep a diary or journal as a method of collecting your
thoughts. Alone time means a great deal to you. If you have a problem, you retreat to a quiet space
to reflect upon it by yourself, rather than hash it out with others. You are probably a planner,
someone who likes to set goals and follow a map. It’s probably upsetting to you if you are feeling
unsure about something in your life or the direction in which you should go.
Careers for Solitary Learners

Solitary learners tend to pursue certain careers. While this is not always the case, those with an
intrapersonal style may be best suited for professions such as an author or researcher. Both of these
are careers that thrive on the collection of and reflection on ideas. There are numerous jobs in the
allied health field that may appeal to more solitary folks. Medical billers, coders and transcriptionists
are all positions that work primarily behind the scenes to obtain information and input it into
computer systems, then sending it along to the appropriate recipients like insurance companies,
medical providers, laboratories and patients. Frequently, these types of professionals can even work
from home. There are countless other kinds of careers that work well for those who enjoy a more
introverted lifestyle such as archivists, court reporters and security guards.

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