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1. Soil is a medium for plant growth because plant depends on soil to supply four needs
Such as , except one :
a. Anchorage b. Carbon dioxide c. Nutrients and water d. Oxygen

2. Soil is made of solid particles , between these solid particles are pore spaces that contain gases
and / or water . This arrangement of solid particles and pore spaces is called
a. Soil texture b. Soil pitting c. Soil amendment d. Soil classification
e. Soil matrix
3. Agricultural uses of soil are as follows , except one :
a. Recreation b. Grazing land c. Forestry d. Cropland

4. Plant leaves collect sunlight to use the sun’s energy in the process known as
a. Transpiration b. Respiration c. Photosynthesis d. Metabolism

5.The roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil solution . Water reaches roots in two
ways either
a. Water flows toward the root
b. Through the root hairs
c. Roots grows into moist soil
d. A & B
e. A & C
6. Eighteen nutrients are required by the plant , how much nutrients obtain by plant in the
soil a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 e. 13

7. A vertical section through the soil extending well into the unweathered parent material and
exposing all the horizons is called
a. Soil horizon b. Soil profile c. Soil structure d. Soil sampling e. Soil pitting

8. A section of soil extending from the surface to the depth of root penetration of the deepest
rooted plants
a. Pedon b. Soil profile c. Parent material d. Mottling e. Plow pan

9. The thin layer of soil and is defined as the surface mineral horizon with an organic
matter accumulation is called
a. Horizon C b. Horizon E c. Horizon A d. Horizon K e. Horizon B

10.The basic material of the earth’s crust is called

a. Igneous rock b. Sedimentary rock c. Metamorphic rock d. Shale e. Marble

11.A soils whose parent materials were carried and deposited in moving fresh water to
form sediments is called
a. Residual soil b. Transported soil c. Soil surface d. Alluvial soil e. Sub-soil

12. Five factors govern the soil development process are , except one :
a. Parent material b. Weathering c. Climate d. Topography e. Life and time

13. Parent material deposited more simply by sliding or rolling down a slope . This material is
scattered in hilly or mountainous areas and is called
a. Lacustrine b. Colluvium c. Eolian d. Alluvian e. Residual

14. An organic layer made of wholly or partially decayed plant and animal debris . This
horizon generally occurs in a virgin soil is called
a. A horizon b. O horizon c. B horizon d. R horizon e. C horizon
15. The ease with which air and water and roots pass more through the soil is called
a. Permeability b. Porosity c. Structure d. Percolation e. Density

16. A factor govern the soil development process which affects soil formation by
changing water movement and soil temperature which result in low area have a deep
, rich soil that drain slowly while causes erosion in slopes thin soil is
a. Parent material b. Weathering c. Topography d. Time/life e. Climate

17.This part of the soil profile is where most plant roots grow and it is consist of A. E
and B horizons together is called
a. Sodic b. Pedon c. Solum d. Alluvial e. Outwash

18. Most mineral soils come from parent materials moved from one area to another by ,
except one :
a. Ice b. Water c. Temperature d. Wind e. Gravity

19. A term that refers to the size of the mineral particles in the soil. The size of soil
particles , in turn , affects such as soil traits as water holding capacity and aeration is
a. Soil structure b. Hydraulic conductivity c. Infiltration
d. Permeability e. Soil texture

20. A term refers to the behavior of soil when the pressure is applied . It relates to the
degree that soil particles stick to one another and mostly results from certain types of
clay is called
a. Soil structure b. Soil texture c. Soil porosity d. Soil consistence e. Soil separates

21. Plasticity is how easily soil can molded between the fingers while to determine
stickiness, some soil is pressed between thumb and forefinger , and the amount that
sticks to the fingers is noted . This stickiness and plasticity is describe in what soil ?
a. Wet soil b. Moist soil c. Acid soil d. Dry soil e. Alluvial soil
22. Clumps of soil caused by tillage is called
a. Clods b. Peds c. Friable d. Mottling e. Caliche

23. The physical condition of the soil for growing plants results from the interaction of
consistence , texture, structure and permeability which is called
a. Soil tilth b. Soil porosity c. Soil triangle d. Bulk density e. Gleying

24. Governs the way water behaves in the soil and influences how easily a soil can be
worked is a physical property of the soil called
a. Soil consistence b. Soil structure c. Soil texture
d. Soil porosity e. Soil aggregates

25. Soil consistence measure traits such as

a. Stickiness b. Plasticity c. Friability d. A & B only e. A ,B & C only

26. Improving tilth is largely a matter of improving structure and avoiding compaction .
The following practices can help improve tilth , except one :
a. Increase the number of tillage operations
b. Add lime where needed
c. Never work wet soil , and avoid quite dry ones as well
d. Avoid unnecessary traffic over the soil
e. Wherever possible keep the soil covered by the vegetation or mulch
27. Nutrients plants get from air and water are , except one :
a. Hydrogen b. Carbon c. Oxygen d. Nitrogen
28. A soil color which suggest that the soil is waterlogged for part but not all of the year
a. Brown to black b. White to light gray c. Yellow to red
d. Bluish- gray e. Mottle color
29. The arrangement of soils into classes of several levels
a. Soil amendment b. Soil classification c. Soil fertility
d. Soil conservation e. Soil pitting

30. Soil water moves upward in the soil as the surface layer dry moving from areas of
high potential to areas of low potential . This upward movement is called
a. Capillary flow b. Capillary c. Capillary rise
d. Capillary water e. Capillary fringe

31. That part of soil water that can be absorbed by plant roots is called
a. Hydroscopic water b. Cohesion water c. Gravitational water
d. Available water e. None of the choices
32. A soil which held loosely and can be absorbed by plants is called sometimes as
capillary water is known as
a. Adhesion water b. Gravitational water c. Available water
d. Cohesion water e. None of the above
33. The lack of oxygen results from water-logging so bluish – gray color indicates poor
soil drainage . The occurrence of this color is called
a. Mottling b. Chroma c. Hue d. Talus e. Gleying

34. The absorption of water by plants roots is also govern by the

a. Soil moisture tension b. Field capacity c. Soil –water potential
d. Hydraulic conductivity e. Adhesion
35. Breaking of plant stems because of stem , weakness , often caused by excess nitrogen
and/on potassium is called
a. Mulching b. Pudding c. Bleeding d. Chiseling e. Lodging

36. Fungi that form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots . The fungi help the plant
absorb water and nutrients while they receive food from the plant is called
a. Actinomycetes b. Heterotroph c. Mycorrhizae
d. Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria e. Mycelium

37. Many actinomycete species produce chemicals that stop the growth of other
microorganism is a phenomenon called
a. Protagonism b. Antagonism c. Symbiotic d. Autotroph e. Fixation

38. A process by which certain soil microbes convert organic nitrogen to ammonia is
a. Nitrogen fixation b. Denitrification c. Mineralization
d. Ammonification e. Immobilization

39. A certain bacteria blue-green algae , and actinomycetes can use it . They are absorb
the gas and convert it to ammonia that plants can use . This process is called
a. Nitrogen fixation b. Non –symbiotic nitrogen fixation
c. Symbiotic nitrogen d. Mineralization e. Denitrification
40. Fruiting bodies grow from the mycelium . These bodies release spores that may be
considered the seeds of what ?
a. Nematodes b. Algae c. Fungi d. Bacteria e. Amoeba
41. That portion of the soil that includes animal and plant remains at various stages of
decay is called
a. Organic matter b. Solid phase c. Liquid phase d. Gas phase e. None of the above
42. A type of soil water which is too tightly held by adhesion to be used by plants is
a. Gravitational water b. Capillary water c. Hygroscopic water
d. Ground water e. None of the above
43. Rainfall that cannot be absorbed into soil fast enough runs into streams or lakes . This
water is called
a. Ground water b. Gravitational water c. Surface water d. Run off e. Soil water
44.Some crop are planted to be turned into the soil rather than for harvest . This practice
is called
a. Compost making b. Humus making c. Green manuring
d. Cover crop e. None of the above
45. These nutrients are held in the soil because they are attracted to clay and humus
a. Soil mineral b. Organic matter c. Adsorbed mineral
d. A & B only e. None of the above
46. Dissolved ions are the most readily available form of nutrients . The mixture of ions
soil water is termed
a. Soil colloids b. Micelle c. Hydroponic d. Sesquioxides e. Soil solution
47. Applies to the loss of nitrogen in ammonium fertilizers and urea as soil reactions
convert it to ammonia which is lost to the atmosphere is called
a. Mineralization b. Immobilization c. Volatilization
d. Denitrification e. Nitrification
48. A material spread on the soil surface , like straw , leaves , plastic or stones to protect
soil from rain impact , evaporation and heaving is called
a. Levee b . Talus c. Mulch d. Aquifer e. Loess

49. The soil is storehouse of plant nutrients . The nutrients are stored in many forms ,
some very available to plants , some less so. . How do you called the ability of the
soil to supply nutrients for plant growth
a. Fertilization b. Soil conservation c . Soil fertility
d. Soil colloids e. None of the above

50. The primary macronutrients , sometimes called fertilizer elements , are not usually
available in large enough amount for best growth , most like they are added to soil
by fertilization . The three primary macronutrients are as follows , except one :

a. Phosphorus b. Calcium c. Potassium d. Nitrogen e. None of the above

51. Plants with too much nitrogen will responds the following ways , except one :
a. Soft , weak , easily injured is encourage
b. Soft growth is more prone to diseases
c. Overly rapid growth slows maturity of many crops
d. Too rapid growth also hasten the hardening process that protects many plant
winter colds

52. Functions of soils in our ecosystem , are as follows except one :

a. Soil supports the growth of higher plants
b. Soil properties are the principal factor controlling the fate of water in the
hydrologic system
c. The soil functions as nature’s cycling system
d. Soil provide habitat for a myriad of living organisms
e. In human –built ecosystems, soil plays an important role as an engineering

53. Plant roots depend on the process of respiration to obtain energy . Which is the true
about root respiration.

a. Produces oxygen (O2)

b. Produces carbon dioxide (CO2)
c. Uses oxygen (O2)
d. A&B
e. B&C

54. These are three general classes of alluvial deposits of parent material , they are as follows ,
except one :
a. Floodplains b. Eolian c. Alluvial fans d. Deltas

55. Organic material accumulates in wet places where plant growth exceeds the rate of residue
decomposition . These residues sink into the water , where their decomposition is limited by
lack of oxygen . As a result organic deposits often accumulate up to several meters in depth .
Collectively , theses organic deposits is called
a. Loess b. Solum c. Mull d. Kame e. Peat

56. Physical disturbance and mixing of soil horizons by animals is called

a. Humification b. Aeration c. Concretion d. Pedoturbation

57.Factor in wind erosion which relates mainly to texture and structure

a. Soil erodability b. Soil roughness c. Climatic condition d. length of field

58.The most common method of applying starter is called

a. Broadcasting b. Banding c. Topdressing d. Side dressing

59. Any material applied to soil or plants to supply essential elements is called
a. Lime b. Green manure c., Fertilizer d. Garden soil

60. Complete fertilizer contain how many nutrient ?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
61. A processes that fixes nitrogen from the air to make ammonia
a. Manufacturing process b. Industrial process c. Haber process d. None of
62.The first commercial nitrogen fertilizer was actually organic called
a. Urea b. Guano c. Cattle manure d. Green manure
63. Mineral fertilizer is dissolve very slowly , and so their usefulness as fertilizer is
a. Chicken dung b. Urea c. Ammonium phosphate d. Lime

64. This fertilizer considered “slow-release” fertilizer because they do not act quickly ,
contain low amounts of nutrient and nutrients are released slowly over the growing
season . This fertilizer become the expensive nutrient sources
a. Organic fertilizer b. Mineral fertilizer
c. Inorganic fertilizer d. Chemical fertilizer

65. This fertilizer contain high nutrient in which the nutrient dissolve quickly in the soil
for fast growth response . Most modern growers main use this fertilizer
a. Organic fertilizer b. Mineral fertilizer
c. Inorganic fertilizer d. Chemical fertilizer
66.The most common fluid fertilizer is in the form of what ?
a. Suspension b. Solution c. Solum d. Spodosol
67. The sum total of all tillage operations , cropping practices , fertilizer , lime and other
treatments conducted on or applied to a soil for the production of plants
a. Soil conservation b. Soil management
c. Soil physics d. Soil chemistry

68. Indicates the primary nutrient content of the fertilizer is

a. Fertilizer ratio b. Fertilizer grade
c. Fertilizer analysis d. Fertilizer filler

69. Factors govern the soil development includes the following , except :
a. Parent material b. Climate / time c. Life / topography d. Topography/water

70. Most mineral soils come from parent materials moved from one area to another by the
following , except :
a. Ice b. Water c. Wind d. Man

71. Soil particles which have the best holding ability for nutrient is called
a. Silt b. Sand c. Clay d. Sand /loam

72. A plant nutrient which stimulates the growth of plant tissues particularly of the leaves
, making them large and dark green in abundance
a. Potassium b. Phosphorus c. Nitrogen d. Calcium

73. An ideal soil characteristics for plant growth which facilitate the penetration through
the soil mass of plant roots seeking plant food is called
a. Depth b. Fertility c. Porosity d. Moisture

74. This element exceedingly important to plants for two chief reasons ; 1) its presence in
the soil neutralizes acids and increases the numbers and vigor of the nitrogen-fixing
bacteria and ( 2) essential to the carbohydrates and protein metabolism of the plant .
What is this mineral element ?
a. Calcium b. Magnesium c. Iron d. Sulfur

75. Describes the ability of the soil to “bounce back “ to functional health after a severe
disturbance has disrupted normal processes
a. Stability b. Resilience c. Duration d. Sustainability

76. The most important macroanimals in the soils. They are egg-laying hermaphrodites
that eat detritus , soil organic matter and microorganism
a. Termites b. Earthworms c. Ants d. Crickets

77.Land slope , rainfall , vegetative cover and management practices are important
consideration in minimizing what fate of nutrient loss in the soil ?
a. Losses through leaching
b. Losses through volatilization
c. Losses through run off and erosion
d. Crop removal
78. Which is not true statement on fertilizer application ?
a. There is the right amount of fertilizer to apply to the soil for plant to get
maximum profit.
b. The right amount of fertilizer will depend on the price of fertilizer in relation to
increase in yield
c. The profit from fertilizer applied is high during the rainy season than in dry
d. The right amount of fertilizer for high yield will vary with the variety of the
79. Which among the fertilizer enumerated is not a single element fertilizer ?
a. Ammonium sulfate b. Muriate of potash
c. Ammonium chloride d. Ammophos

80. Which among the statement is not true to organic fertilizer ?

a. Promotes growth of earthworms
b. Results in better soil structure / soil aeration
c. Contain very large amount of mineral nutrient
d. Increase water holding capacity

81. These nutrient losses of the soil is due to the biological and chemical reaction in the
soils that change the nutrients into gaseous forms.

a. Loss through volatilization

b. Losses through leaching
c. Losses through run-off and erosion
d. Evaporation
82.Ammonium sulfate is
a. 0 – 0 – 60 b. 25 – 0 – 0 c. 45 - 0 – 0 d. 21 – 0 – 0

83. Plant gets its nutrient through

a. Air / water b. Soil c. Fertilizer d. All of the above

84. Too much nitrogen fertilizer in the soil results in

a. Too much reproductive growth
b. Too much vegetative growth
c. Too much senescence growth
d. None of the above

85. Measure the volume of the soil that holds air and water and usually expressed in
percentage of soil volume not occupied by solid materials is called
a. Soil permeability b. Soil consistency c. Soil porosity d. Soil texture

86. Ammonium chloride is

a. 21 – 0 – 0 b. 0 – 0 – 60 c. 25 – 0 – 0 d. 45 – 0 - 0

87. A commercial fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer are most to give best results under the following
conditions ;except :
a. Where little or no farm manure has been applied
b. Where legumes and other deep-rooted legumes have not been grown for 6 months
c. Where soil is well supplied with phosphorus and other mineral nutrients
d. Where topsoil has been removed by land leveling or erosion

88. Yellowing start at margin of leaves and extends toward center . In advanced stages ,
yellow area turn brown , and leaves appears scorched around margins . Older leaves
drop , what nutrient deficiency does a plant has ?

a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c Potassium d. Sulfur

89. Phosphorus fertilizer are mostly to give best results under the following conditions ;, except :

a. Where the soil is low in organic matter

b. Where soil is low in available nitrogen
c. Where soil has high lime content
d. Where appreciable quantities of phosphate fertilizer have not been applied in recent year

90. A factor that affects the growth of plants . This factor affects the solubility of plant
food and microbial activities in the soil is called

a. Soil pH b. Soil porosity c. Soil Texture d. Soil consistency

91. The portion of the soil that includes animal and plant remains at various stages of

a. Soil water b. Soil mineral c. Soil organic matter d. Soil pore

92.The important foods for soil microflora , which rapidly break them down to carbon
dioxide and water

a. Protein b. Carbohydrate c. Fats d. Vitamins

93. Humus not only stores nutrients , but it also makes several nutrients more available
for plant use . As organic matter decays it release mild acid which dissolve soil minerals ,
freeing them for plant use . This acid is called

a. Sulfuric acid b. Acid soil c. Humic acid d. Acetic acids

94. Organic matter causes soil particles to clump together to form what ?

a. Soil consistency b. Soil texture c. Soil aggregate d. Soil porosity

95. A way in maintaining soil organic matter which preserves organic matter in the soil
primary because less of the top soil which is high in organic matter , is lost to erosion

a. Crop residue application b. Green manuring

c. Conservation tillage d. Gravitational water

96. The science that deals with the influence of soil on living things , particularly plants ,
including human use of land for plant growth is called

a. Pedology b. Edaphology c. Soil Science d. Soil management

97. Parent materials comprise what of a typical soil profile

a. A b. A 1 c. B d. C

98. A deposit of rock and soil resulting from materials sliding down a slope under the force of
a. Colluvial deposits b. Loess deposits c. Glacial deposits d. Eolian deposits

99. The application of animal manure results to , except :

a. Retain more water for plant use
b. High pH
c. High yield
d. High profit

100.The squeezing together of soil particular by the weight of farm and construction
equipments, vehicles and animal and foot traffic reduces the average pore size and
total air space which results to what of soil ?

a. Soil consociation b. Soil monolith c. Soil compaction d. Soil reaction

to GOD be the glory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. D 26 . A 51. D 76. B

2. E 27. D 52. C 77. C

3. A 28. E 53. E 78. C

4. C 29. B 54. B 79. D.

5. E 30. C 55. E 80. C

6. E 31. D 56. D 81. A

7. B 32. D 57. A 82. D

8.A 33. E 58. B 83. D

9. C 34. C 59. C 84. B

10. A 35. E 60. C 85. C

11. D 36. C 61. C 86. C

12. B 37. B 62. B 87. B

13. B 38. D 63. A 88. C

14. B 39. A 64. A 89. B

15. A 40. C 65. C 90. A

16. C 41. E 66. B 91. C

17. C 42. C 67. B 92. B

18. C 43. D 68. B 93. C

19.E 44. C 69. D 94. C

20. D 45. D 70. D 95. C

21. A 46. D 71. C 96. B

22. A 47. C 72 . C 97. D

23. A 48. C 73. C 98. A

24. C 49. C 74. A 99. B

25. E 50. D 75. B 100. C

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