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February 2003
Bancassurance across the globe
Meets with very mixed response

SCOR technical Newsletters

"Bancassurance" is a term which first appeared in France after 1980 to define the sale
of insurance products through banks’ distribution channels. But this term does not just
refer specifically to distribution. Other features, such as legal, fiscal, cultural and/or
behavioural aspects form an integral part of the concept of bancassurance. In fact, all
these characteristics combined can explain the marked differences in bancassurance
across the globe. Although it is clearly a predominant feature on some markets,
representing over two thirds of the premium income in Life Insurance, other markets
do not appear to have chosen it as their model.
In this issue, Sara Fenelon who is in charge of bancassurance on the French market,
compared notes with two other market managers to provide you with a global picture
of bancassurance, the objective being to pinpoint success factors.
Your correspondent at SCOR will be pleased to provide you with any additional
information you may require.
I Romain Durand, Life Division General Manager

Bancassurance enjoys
the most success in Europe
This type of distribution is predominant in markets In terms of premium income, it ranks first in
such as France, Spain and Portugal, followed by bancassurance.
Italy and Belgium. Spain, like France, is among the most
Bancassurance represents over 65% of the developed markets in bancassurance. Today,
premium income in Life Insurance in Spain, it represents over 65% of life insurance
60% in France, 50% in Belgium and Italy. premium income (approximately € 17 billion
In these countries, in only ten years, in 2001), compared with 43% in 1992.
bancassurance has become widely recogni- However, this high growth rate is not specifi-
sed as a successful model. cally due to bancassurance, rather the whole
In France, in the 1970s, banks had to contend of the life insurance market which has sustai-
with a mature and highly competitive market ned a 30% increase per annum on average in
in banking. By making use of existing the past fifteen years. In the last decade, many
legislation in insurance, bancassurance has international, often European, alliances have
provided them with a new source of profit, been made between banks and insurance
which served to diversify their banking activity groups. This has concentrated the bancassu-
and optimise their choice of products, thereby rance market which was originally highly
increasing customer loyalty. Consumers were fragmented.
provided with simple solutions from a
On the Spanish market, bancassurance
“one-stop shop” addressing all their financial
developed more quickly because of the
concerns: short-term liquidity, estate and
retirement planning, property purchase, well-established network of regional building
protection against any unforeseen events in societies which today account for 50% of Life
everyday life. insurance premiums in the bancassurance
In 2000, bancassurance accounted for 35% sector.
of Life Insurance premiums; 60% of savings Portugal has recorded the highest penetration
premiums; 7% for Property Insurance and 69% rate in bancassurance, with 82% of the market
of new premium income in individual savings. share, but it only represents approximately
This success has made France the leading € 4 billion in premiums on a limited Life
individual savings insurance market in Europe. insurance market.
... continued
Bancassurance enjoys
the most success in Europe

Bancassurance in Italy has been characteri- largely dominated by the sale of products by
sed by its rapid growth. The Amato Law of brokers, even if there are a variety of distribu-
1990, authorizing banks to own shares in tion methods available. It has been supported
insurance companies, launched bancassu- by investments made by foreign companies,
rance. This, coupled with the favourable tax mainly in Luxembourg. It also took advantage
environment which prevailed between 1995 of a rapidly expanding Life insurance market.
and 1998 further promoted Life insurance
Lastly, the fact that many mergers, acquisitions
products. Lastly, a substantial, well-established
and company restructures have taken place
banking network, combined with the Italian
has brought banks and insurers closer
public’s trust in banks contributed to the
development of this product. As a result, together. The five market leaders are members
bancassurers’ share of the market increased of bank groups or insurance groups. With 56%
from 8% in 1992 to 50% in 2002, representing of the market share in Life insurance products,
over 60% of new life insurance business, bancassurance has become the leading
including more than 70% of savings products, distribution network. It is characterised by a
either “Unit Linked” or “Index Linked”. large percentage of individual products
In Belgium, bancassurance has enjoyed rapid (35% excluding Unit linked products) and
growth in recent years. This trend has not a balance between savings products and
been hampered by a Life insurance market protection products.

Market share per distribution network

6 7 9 6
32 28

86 77

62 72 63 56

12 17

France Spain Italy Belgium United Germany


Banking networks Traditional networks Direct selling network

Source: The Insurance Argus – n°6781 of 12th April 2002

Bancassurance has not met with

the same success all over Europe
Although it enjoys a penetration rate in excess to penetrate the market: their share reached a
of 50% in France, Spain, Italy and Belgium, other ceiling of 15% in the early 1990s, and is
countries have opted for more traditional around 9% today. Although partnerships are
networks. formed between banks and insurers, and
reforms in the distribution of Life insurance
The Life insurance market in the UK is largely products are expected, it is still difficult to
in the hands of the brokers. Their market forecast growth in bancassurance.
share has increased from 40% in 1992 to 54%
in 1999. Sales agents also play an important In Germany, the market continues to be
role on a market entirely regulated by the dominated by general sales agents, even if
Financial Services & Markets Act (FSMA) their market share has declined from 85%
which imposes very strict marketing condi- in 1992 to 54% in 1999. This decline has
tions. As a result, the banks have not managed benefited both brokers and bancassurers,
2 Bancassurance across the globe
... continued
Bancassurance has not met with
the same success all over Europe
whose market shares increased respectively In the Netherlands, a concentrated and
from 2% to 20% and 1% to 18% between 1992 competitive market, where all the distribution
and 1999. The fact that bancassurance has channels are represented, bancassurance
met with little success can be explained by appears to be recognised as offering compe-
existing regulatory constraints linked to titive prices and a complete service from a
insurance products. Lastly, although the single sales outlet. Although brokers continue
bancassurers’ market share increased during to dominate the market, bancassurance has
the 1990s, the numerous partnerships and gained significant market shares in recent
cross shareholdings made between banks years, representing 18% of the market today,
and insurers have also tended to act as a and it should consolidate this position in the
barrier to new players on the market. future.

On other continents too, such as

America and Asia, bancassurance
meets with mixed response
In the United States, bancassurance is either In Asia, markets have often been or will be
in the early stages of development or subject to deregulation, thereby authorizing a
non-existent. There are very few partnerships wide variety of distribution methods.
between bankers and insurers, apart from In Thaïland, until quite recently, insurance
creditor insurance, and the fact that they do companies were not allowed to pay commis-
not share the same information system does sions to banks. Today, any insurance product
not facilitate development. Today, the only pro- can be distributed through the bank. Also,
ducts distributed by banks are savings pro- many shareholding links between banks and
ducts (fixed and variable annuities). Marketing insurance companies are encouraging the
of a few protection products such as Long development of this distribution channel.
Term Care or term insurance has only just In Japan, the authorities have been gradually
begun. deregulating the financial sector since the
1990s. Bancassurance was prohibited until
In several countries in Latin America, banks then. Today banks are distributing their
have benefited from recent reforms – first authorized products: mainly creditor
financial deregulation, among others – by insurance. They also have the right to
selling insurance products across the distribute life annuities since October 2002.
counter. An example is the Brazilian market Faced with endemic deflation, coupled with
where private pension products are marketed. insurers having guaranteed higher rates than
Bancassurance also took advantage of the the return on their assets, many players are
large number of national and especially inter- expecting a huge increase in bancassurance.
national partnerships which took place in the In South Korea, bancassurance should get
1990s. For example, in Argentina and Mexico, the green light by August 2003 due to
foreign insurers formed partnerships with local deregulation of the financial sector. This will
banks which had well-established networks. probably alter the structure of a highly
Today, bancassurance is well represented in concentrated market: joint ventures with
Argentina, and it continues to develop in foreign counterparts have already been
Mexico, Chile and Brazil. concluded.

What are the success factors

in bancassurance?
In countries where The most crucial success factor is undoub- encouraging personal savings: in France this
bancassurance tedly the legal and fiscal environment of the was one of the crucial factors of success.
has met with little country concerned. National regulations play Lastly, cultural and behavioural factors: the
success, visiting
the bank often a major role here which was illustrated in Italy good image of banks, their privileged
does not come with the Amato Law authorizing banks to invest relationship with customers and the proximity
naturally to in insurance companies. Conversely, the Glass of banking networks as in France, Spain,
customers. Steagall Act slowed down the phenomenon in Italy and Belgium. In countries where
the United States. Secondly, tax advantages bancassurance has met with little success,
3 Bancassurance across the globe
... continued
What are the success factors
in bancassurance?

such as the United Kingdom or the United network often begins with products that are
States, visiting the bank often does not come linked to the banking activity such as individual
naturally to customers. life insurance, credit and banking transactions
insurance (mortgages, consumer loans,
A low penetration rate in life insurance, overdraft insurance, credit card cover…). By
encouraging foreign insurers to invest in distributing life insurance products the bank
bancassurance can also have an important
increases its share of long term savings. By
impact. In fact these insurers often choose
distributing credit and banking transactions
alliances with local banks which have
well-established networks and are customer insurance, it offers an additional service to its
oriented in terms of their proximity, such as customers. It provides them with easy access
Spain and certain countries in Latin America. to insurance, a simple method of payment and
advantageous financial cover due to group
The bancassurance model also has its rates. Even when bankers widen their range of
inherent success factors: its organisation, insurance products, the contracts on offer are
The characteristics
of products sold
information system, training and remuneration easy for the customer and salesman to
are essential. of its salesmen, sales methods, as well as the understand since they provide simple, low
actual insurance products sold. premium coverage with very few options,
An information system which fully integrates which afford a simplified underwriting
insurance practices into the bank’s culture is approach.
essential. It enables players to decentralise the
underwriting process as much as possible in
The ability to market insurance products
the bank, and centralise policy and claims
successfully through the banking networks
management in the insurance company.
Also, a successful marketing strategy neces- necessarily implies that the bank enjoys a
sarily entails training and motivating banking good reputation with a large base of regular
staff to sell insurance products by informing customers, and the marketing process is fully
them of the financial benefits. integrated into the bank’s daily routine. It is
Lastly, the characteristics of products sold are also absolutely essential that these products
essential. The insurance activity of a banking be adapted to the banking network.
Sara Fenelon, in charge of Bancassurance on the French market,
Marjorie Chevalier, in charge of the International Division market,
Ollivier Goualou, in charge of North Asia,

SCOR and bancassurance:

the ability to design simple products
Insurance products sold across the counter must be customers and coherent underwriting terms and
simple. SCOR is able to share its product develop- conditions. SCOR has the experience to assume
ment skills with its customers. the difficult task of designing this type of product
The main features of this simple product are its in close co-operation with its customers. Lastly,
limited number of options in terms of cover, its SCOR commits itself to the latter by reinsuring
low premium coverage, its easy access for the risk.

Editor Editing committee

Romain Durand Christian Mounis Division Vie
Life President Pierre-Yves Le Corre I, avenue du Général de Gaulle
Sub-editors René Lemaire 92074 Paris La Défense cedex
Tel: 33 (0) 1 46 98 77 65 Alain Chevreau France
Béatrice Julienne Miguel Alferieff Dietmar Zietsch
Sébastien Bergeron ISSN 1638-4024

4 Bancassurance across the globe

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