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Lifetime Responsibility


Sustainability Report

2 GRI Content Index

4 Sustainability Review
6 Report Scope
7 Report Profile
8 Products and the Environment
10 Products and Environmental Aspects
20 Ship Power Solutions
28 Power Plants Solutions
38 Boiler Plants
41 Imatra Steel Products
45 Wärtsilä and Sustainable Development
46 Economic Performance
48 Environmental Performance – Power Businesses
52 Environmental Performance – Imatra Steel
58 Social Performance
62 Summary of Key Figures
63 Assurance Statement

1 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
GRI content index
GRI content Status/Report/Page Note
BR= Business Review, FR= Financial Review
Vision and strategy BR FR SR
1.1 Vision and strategy 8-11
1.2 CEO’s statement 12-13 4-5 See also the Sustainability Review.
2.1 Name of reporting organization Cover
2.2 Major products and services Cover
2.3 Operational structure 2-3
2.4 Description of major businesses 2-3
2.5 Locations of operations 50-52
2.6 Nature of ownership 2-7 33
2.7 Nature of markets served 2-3
2.8 Scale of reporting organization 2-3
2.9 List of stakeholders 40-43
Report Scope
2.10 Contact persons for the report 7
2.11 Reporting period 6
2.12 Recent reports 7
2.13, 2.15 Boundaries of the report 6
2.14 Significant changes 6
No restatements. The comparision year for the
indexes describing development trends and the
2.16 Restatements method of defining the Power Businesses Index
have been changed to give a more compre-
hensive view of the current scope of reporting.
Report profile
Wärtsilä is familiar with current GRI protocols
2.17 GRI principles and protocols 7 but has not adapted the protocols because of
their experimental status.
2.18 Criteria and definitions used 7
2.19 Significant changes in methods 7
2.20 Policies and practices on data reporting 7
2.21 Policy for independent assurance 7
2.22 Obtaining additional information 7
Governance Structure and Management Systems
3.1-3.2 Governance structure, independence 34-38
3.3 Process for determining expertise 34-38
3.4 Identification and management of risks 44-46
3.5 Executive compensation and achievements of goals 34-38
3.6 Organizational structure and key individuals 34-38,
for implementation and audit 40-41
3.7 Mission and values statements 8-11
3.8 Mechanism for shareholder consultation and its use 34-38
3.9 Identification and selection of major shareholders 40-43
3.10 Stakeholder consultation 40-43
3.11-3.12 Information on stakeholder consultation and
its use
3.13 The precautionary principle 41, 44-46
3.14 Voluntary charters and other initiatives 40
3.15 Industry and business associations memberships 43
3.16 Policies and systems for managing indirect impacts 40-41
3.17 Approach to managing indirect impacts 40-41 8-61
3.18 Major decisions on operational changes 2, 12-13 5-13 58
3.19 Programmes and procedures 40-41
3.20 Certification of management systems 40-41
EC1 Net sales 2 5 46-47
EC2 Geographic breakdown of markets 3 22 46-47
EC3 Costs of materials, goods purchased 46-47
Information is not available at the corporate
level. Wärtsilä is introducing a new system
EC4 Percentage of contracts paid by agreed items
and is currently assessing the feasibility of
reporting the system’s key indicators.
EC5 Total payroll and benefits 46-47
EC6 Distributions to providers of capital 46-47
EC7 Change in retained earnings 46-47
EC8 Total sum of taxes 46-47
EC9 Subsidies received 46-47
EC10 Community donations 46-47

2 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
GRI content Status/Report/Page Note
BR= Business Review, FR= Financial Review
and SR= Sustainability Review
Information is not available at the corporate
EN1 Total material use 48-57
level. Only the fuel consumption is reported.
Information is not available at the corporate
EN2 Percentage of waste material used 52-54 level. Recycled materials are used in engine
and propeller manufacturing.
EN3-EN4 Direct and indirect energy use 48-57
EN22 Total recycling and reuse of water. See
EN5 Total water use 48-57
page 54.
EN6-EN7 Biodiversity-rich habitats, impacts on biodi-
EN8 Greenhouse gas emissions 48-57
EN9 Ozone-depleting substances 48-57 Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
EN10 NOx, SOx and other emissions to the air 48-57
EN11 Total amount of waste 48-57
EN12 Significant discharges to water 48-57
EN13 Significant spills 48-57
EN14 Environmental impacts of products and services 8-43
EN15 Reclaimable product after useful life 11
EN16 Incidents and fines 48-57
EN35 Environmental expenditure (additional) 48-57
LA1 Workforce breakdown 58-61
LA2 Net employment creation 58-61
LA3 Employees represented by trade unions 58-61
LA4 Policy and procedure relating to consultation
with employees
LA5 Notification of occupational accidents/diseases 58-61
LA6 Joint health and safety committees 58-61
LA7 Injury, lost-time injury, absence rates 58-61
No separate policy or programme. Part of
LA8 Policies and programmes on HIV/AIDS 58-61
occupational health case of employees.
LA9 Average training hours 58-61
LA10 Equal opportunities and programmes 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
LA11 Composition of senior management and
corporate governance bodies
HR1 Policies and guidelines (human rights) 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
Reportable evidence not available. Wärtsilä
assesses its suppliers as described in the
HR2 Considerations of human rights in investment
Business Review, page 40-41, and companies
in connection with mergers and acquisitions.
HR3 Policies and procedures to evaluate human rights 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
HR4 Global policy preventing discrimination 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
HR5 Freedom of association policies 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
HR6 Policy excluding child labour 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
HR7 Policy to prevent forced and compulsory labour 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
No separate procedure or monitoring system
SO1 Impacts on communities 40-43 58-61
available. See the social targets on page 58.
SO2 Bribery and corruption prevention 58-61 See the social targets on page 58.
SO3 Managing political lobbying and contributions 58-61
PR1 Policy for preserving customer health and safety 11, 41
PR2 Policy relating to product information and labelling 41 Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
PR3 Policy relating to consumer privacy Not applicable to Wärtsilä.
PR8 Policy relating to customer satisfaction 42 61

• Covered • Partly covered • Not covered

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 4 3
Wärtsilä’s Sustainability Review
Economic performance as prime movers in LNG carriers.
Economic performance means In addition to developing existing
creating added value for Wärtsilä’s technologies, Wärtsilä is working
shareholders and promoting the on new technologies for the ener-
wellbeing of the local communi- gy-producing solutions of the fu-
ties in which the company oper- ture, which will enable us to offer
ates. This requires that the compa- our customers competitive and en-
ny’s operations are profitable, com- vironmentally sound solutions well
petitive and efficient. The results of into the future as well. In this re-
Wärtsilä’s continuous improvement gard, Wärtsilä’s fuel cell project is
programme and recent restructur- progressing on schedule and testing
ing are reflected in the company’s of the first trial equipment has been
improving profitability. Good eco- successfully completed.
nomic performance establishes a Environmental legislation has
platform for the other aspects of increased at an accelerating pace in
sustainability – environmental and recent years, with the focus shifting
social performance. from regulating operations to the
regulation of products. Measures
Environmental performance aimed at reducing environmental
Environmental issues have long impacts and improving perform-
played a central role in the com- ance must address the overall im-
pany’s business environment. The pact on the environment instead of
Wärtsilä has enhanced its sustain- results of Wärtsilä’s systematic ap- individual components. A good ex-
able development reporting. First- proach to environmental issues can ample is the propulsion system de-
ly, the Sustainability Report is now be seen in both the improved effi- veloped in the Environpax project,
a part of the company’s Annual Re- ciency and lower emissions of our in which 10% higher efficiency has
port, which improves stakeholder products. Our sustainable develop- been achieved by simultaneous op-
communications by reducing the ment strategy and its goals guide timization of the hull shape, en-
sustainability reporting period to the development of our products gines and propulsion system.
one year. Secondly, the report’s cov- and processes. More detailed ob-
erage is wider than previously. jectives are defined for each Wärt- Social performance
Wärtsilä continues to work to- silä business and Wärtsilä compa- Wärtsilä’s aim is to create and main-
wards achieving its objectives for ny. The environmental manage- tain a pleasant and safe working en-
sustainable development. Improv- ment systems applied by Wärtsilä vironment for its employees. Wärt-
ing product environmental per- companies cover all the activities, silä needs skilled and motivated
formance is a central goal in Wärt- such as product design, manufac- personnel to reach its objectives.
silä’s business. The combination of turing, sales and service, as well as Employee training and skills en-
rapid change in the operating envi- support functions. This provides a hancement are a central part of the
ronment, the Kyoto Protocol and solid framework for comprehen- Group’s HR policy. Restructuring
rising fuel prices require equipment sive improvement in the compa- over the past few years has under-
and systems suppliers to focus on nies’ performance and for network- standably affected the working at-
solutions offering high efficien- ing within the Group. mosphere, especially in the units
cy, low emissions and low lifecycle The environmental require- that were re-organized. In this proc-
costs. These aspects have top prior- ments of energy production and ess Wärtsilä has placed high empha-
ity in Wärtsilä’s product develop- the challenges of sustainable de- sis on frank dialogue between man-
ment programme. The selective ap- velopment have steered our cus- agement and employees to ensure
plication of new technology to new tomers towards adopting increas- that the reasons for implementing
and existing products improves the ingly environmentally sound so- these changes are understood.
competitiveness of Wärtsilä’s prod- lutions, a good example being the
ucts both on land and at sea. success of Wärtsilä’s DF engines

4 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
The job satisfaction study conduct- Active dialogue is one element of the
ed in 2004 indicated that most company’s responsibility towards
Wärtsilä employees are motivated its various stakeholders. Wärtsilä
and highly competent. However, encourages open and transparent
the study also showed that employ- communication with its stakehold-
ees did not have sufficient know- ers, and has introduced tools to
ledge about Wärtsilä’s business support its everyday dealings with
strategy. Rectifying this situation them. Customer satisfaction, for
will need more open and effective instance, is now measured for sepa-
communication by management rate projects, which helps us to deal
and supervisors. with any discrepancies quickly.
At the end of 2004 Wärtsilä ap- I hope our Sustainability Re-
proved its internal Code of Con- port meets the expectations of our
duct, which provides the founda- stakeholders. All feedback is wel-
tion for responsible operation by come, and indeed is essential to the
the company. The code’s principles further development and improve-
did not result in any major chang- ment of our reporting procedures.
es in the way we work, but they do
help to communicate – both inter-
nally and globally – the actions re-
quired to ensure we operate as a re-
sponsible corporate citizen.
Wärtsilä’s occupational health
and safety practices are based on the
company’s Occupational Health
and Safety Policy and Directive. Matti Kleimola
Wärtsilä’s subsidiaries are required Prof., CTO,
to apply a management system Group Vice President
that conforms to OHSAS 18001 Technology and Environment

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 4 5
Report Scope
Wärtsilä’s Sustainability Report • Wärtsilä-CME Zhenjiang Pro-
2004 is prepared according to the peller Company,
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) • Ciserv Netherlands, Ciserv
Sustainability Reporting Guide- Europoort, Ciserv Denmark,
lines 2002. Wärtsilä reports those Ciserv Korea, Ciserv CGL,
core indicators which are of most Ciserv USA and Ciserv
relevance to its operations, prod- Singapore.
ucts and stakeholders. The product
performance section describes the These companies will be included
environmental aspects and impacts in Wärtsilä’s sustainable develop-
of Wärtsilä’s products, the measures ment reporting in 2005 and 2006.
taken by Wärtsilä to reduce these The environmental performance
impacts, and the environmental- data on the Power Businesses and
ly advanced solutions that Wärtsilä on Imatra Steel is presented sepa-
has developed. The Wärtsilä and rately due to the different nature of
Sustainable Development section these businesses.
examines the company’s econom- Wärtsilä’s Sustainability Report
ic, environmental and social per- is part of its Annual Report and
formance. The core indicators cho- therefore from 2005 Wärtsilä will
sen are of importance at the corpo- publish a Sustainability Report an-
rate level. nually.

Coverage of the report Significant changes in Group

This report covers Wärtsilä’s Power structure
Businesses and Imatra Steel. It does The structural changes in Wärt-
not cover Wärtsilä’s holding com- silä’s Power Businesses relate main-
panies, associated companies or ly to restructuring of the compa-
supply chain companies. ny’s manufacturing operations in
Wärtsilä’s Power Businesses France and in Finland, and are de-
comprise the Group’s Ship Power, scribed in the Social Performance
Power Plants and Service business- section.
es and its Engine division. The first In Imatra Steel a significant
three of these generate external net structural change was the sale of the
sales while the fourth is an internal Billnäs Spring Works to the Styria
function. group’s owner, Frauenthal Hold-
The economic performance da- ing AG, in June 2003. The Spring
ta covers all Wärtsilä companies. Works has reported its sustainable
The data on environmental and so- development data until July 2003.
cial performance covers all Wärtsilä
companies except the following:
• Wärtsilä Peru, Wärtsilä
Dominicana, Wärtsilä Chile,
Wärtsilä Venezuela and Wärtsilä
West Africa.

Coverage of operational data

Operational data % of Wärtsilä companies % of personnel % of product manufacturing

00-01 02 03-04 00-01 02 03-04 00-01 02 03-04
Economic 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Environmental 14 35 79 64 75 92 100 100 100
Social 12 45 79 53 85 92 100 100 100

6 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Report Profile
Data collection Additional sources of informa-
The data on product environmen- tion
tal performance is based on meas- Wärtsilä has previously published
ured test results. Performance da- the following reports:
ta on the environmental and social • Environmental Report 2000
aspects of sustainability has been • Sustainability Report 2002
collected from the Wärtsilä com- • Imatra Steel Environmental
panies using a detailed question- Report 1999
naire. Economic performance data • Imatra Steel Environmental
is based mainly on audited finan- Report 2002.
cial accounts.
The sustainability data is col- These reports and their sustainabil-
lected and reported according to ity data are available on Wärtsilä’s
Wärtsilä’s specific internal report- website:
ing guidelines that include all the
definitions and instructions neces- Sustainability Report Project
sary for this purpose. Environmen- Team
tal expenditure and investments are Matti Kleimola, Group Vice
reported applying the Eurostat in- President, Technology and
structions. Environment
Each company has a nominat-
ed individual responsible for collec- Eeva Kainulainen, Vice President,
tion and consolidation of the data, Corporate Communications
and for its quality and reliability.
The management of each company Göran Hellén, Head of Emission
approves the data before it is con- Control & Combustion, Engine
solidated at Group level. The com- Division
panies report their sustainability
data using Wärtsilä’s CR Profile re- Ari Suominen, General Manager,
porting system. The reported data Environment, Power Plants
is checked at both local and Group Business
levels before its consolidation.
The content of this Sustaina- Peter Hanstén, Quality Manager,
bility Report was reviewed and ap- Ship Power business
proved by Wärtsilä’s Board of Man-
agement on 11 February 2005. Börje Smeds, Quality Manager,
KPMG Oy Ab has independ- Service business
ently assessed the completeness, ac-
curacy and consistency of the data Tuija Lindroos, Publications
in the report. Site audits were car- Manager
ried out in Rubbestadneset, Nor-
way, and in Khopoli, India. Marko Vainikka, Development
Manager, Environment
(Contact person:

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 4 7
Products and the Environment
Investing in operations and technolo- tomers an environmentally advanced and corporate partners in fields that are
gies that are environmentally sustain- product portfolio by the end of 2003. of crucial importance to the wellbeing
able ensures a solid framework for a Wärtsilä did not succeed in meeting its of society and conservation of the en-
company’s future efficiency and via- first target owing to unfavourable de- vironment. A substantial proportion
bility. A central objective in Wärtsilä’s velopment of the power plant market, of the company’s investments in prod-
strategy for sustainable development is changes to the company’s power plant uct development is targeted at reducing
reducing the environmental impacts of portfolio, and the price and availabili- environmental impacts. R&D expenses
its products. For the company to meet ty of natural gas. The second target was are shown in the Financial Review sec-
customers’ needs, be prepared for fu- reached; Wärtsilä’s product range now tion of the Annual Report 2004.
ture requirements and remain a front- offers environmentally sound solutions
runner in the industry, Wärtsilä’s prod- for both ship power and power plant Lifecycle approach and using re-
uct development must be continuously applications. sults
innovative, determined and willing to In 2002 Wärtsilä’s Board of Man- Since Wärtsilä’s products have such a
explore new technologies. agement set new Group-wide targets long operational life, identifying the
Wärtsilä’s product development is for Wärtsilä’s product development lifecycle impacts of the products is es-
aimed at increasing the service life of programme. The new targets are even sential to understanding their total en-
products, improving their reliability more challenging while also being more vironmental impact. Wärtsilä has long
and making the products more envi- tangible in content. The table below focused the thrust of its R&D activities
ronmentally sound. Investing in prod- summarizes the targets to be achieved on minimizing environmental impacts.
uct development benefits Wärtsilä’s by the end of 2005 and reviews their R&D results have also been utilized in
customers as well as the environment, current status. existing products by, for instance, up-
both in the short-term and over a long- grading engines. Most of the environ-
er time span. Growth in the world’s en- Product development mental impacts of Wärtsilä’s products
ergy needs combined with increasing- Wärtsilä applies new technologies that arise during the operation of the prod-
ly stricter environmental requirements cross traditional scientific disciplines ucts. However, Wärtsilä’s strategic ob-
creates a challenging operating climate and conventional industrial boundaries jective is to ascertain in greater detail
for companies in Wärtsilä’s line of busi- to solve product development tasks, the environmental impacts of the com-
ness. Wärtsilä has responded to these thus producing added value for its cus- pany’s products during the different
challenges by improving the energy ef- tomers. Wärtsilä’s R&D organization stages of their lifecycles by performing
ficiency of its products while simulta- creates the basic elements that make lifecycle assessments. The results of the
neously reducing their emissions. a product both desirable and compet- first assessments will enable us to target
Wärtsilä first published its Group- itive. Wärtsilä’s R&D activities focus improvements more precisely on those
wide environmental targets in its Envi- on products and applications that are stages that produce the most significant
ronmental Report for 2000. The first reliable, self-diagnostic, inexpensive to environmental impacts.
target was to raise sales of gas power operate and produce minimal environ- Wärtsilä manages the lifecycle of
plants to one-half of the total volume mental impacts throughout their life- its products through product design,
of Wärtsilä’s power plant sales. The sec- cycles. Wärtsilä’s research organization the selection of suppliers, produc-
ond target was to offer Wärtsilä’s cus- collaborates with research institutes tion methods, optimizing transpor-

Target Environmental benefits Status at the end of 2004

Raise the volume of gas and biopower Lower emissions from gas and
Sales in 2004 totalled 759 MW.
plant sales to 1,000 MW a year. biofuels compared to oil.

The volume of O&M agreements in 2004

Raise the volume of O&M agreements Efficient and planned operation
covered 30% of new power plant orders
to cover 20% of new installations. of power plants.
and 14% of all engine deliveries.
Provide a comprehensive gas engine Replace use of steam in LNG carriers. Use First engines supplied for LNG and
portfolio for various engine room of boil-off gas. High efficiency and lower offshore
installations. emissions. supply vessels.
Be able to offer propulsion systems with The Enviropax project is complete. Its
Improvement of overall efficiency of ships.
10% higher total efficiency than is results are described in more detail under
Lower fuel consumption and emissions.
standard today. Ship Power in this report.
The test equipment for the first fuel
Develop a fuel cell solution prototype with
Development of alternative environmentally cell prototype has been successfully
ultra-low emissions and provide the first
sound solutions. completed. The first bio-oil engines are in
engines able to run on bio-oils.

8 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
tation, maintenance and repair dur- since much of the residual heat from plants and as an auxiliary power source
ing the products’ operational lifetime, the combustion process is also recov- in ships.
and by training and advising custom- ered and used, for instance in district Markets for demonstration and pre-
ers. Product design is an important ele- heating and cooling (DHC), steam pro- commercial purposes will develop dur-
ment in lifecycle management because duction or as heat in industrial process- ing this decade.
it is at this stage when the materials es. The CHP process saves global fuel Wärtsilä is focusing its R&D
to be used are selected, and when the resources by through efficient use of on the design and manufacture of
operational parameters, servicing and the energy stored in fuels. The CHP power generating units based on fuel
final decommissioning of the product power plants that Wärtsilä supplies offer cells. Integrating the different technol-
are planned. Continuous improvement extremely high efficiencies. ogies, including fuel cell systems, is one
in Wärtsilä’s and its suppliers’ environ- Environmental legislation has in- of the primary areas in which Wärtsilä
mental performance is a cornerstone of creased considerably in recent years will exploit its expertise. Wärtsilä’s
Wärtsilä’s environmental management and its focus has shifted from regulat- extensive knowhow in combined
system. Training customers and pro- ing operation to regulating the prod- heat and power generation, marine
viding them with adequate instruc- ucts themselves. Wärtsilä actively engine applications and the compa-
tions ensure that products are operat- monitors legislative initiatives and ny’s in-depth knowledge of its custom-
ed correctly and perform as designed. changes in environmental legislation to ers’ needs provide a sound basis for
Wärtsilä’s wide range of maintenance ensure the company’s ability to respond developing fuel cell applications.
services optimizes the performance of appropriately to the operating condi- Wärtsilä’s existing SOFC system
its products throughout their opera- tions of the future. Wärtsilä’s R&D is based on the use of natural gas or
tional lifetime. addresses the requirements of the methanol. The fuel is cleaned of sul-
changing operating environment phur and reformed into methane,
International legislation and initia- and develops products that give the carbon monoxide and hydrogen
tives company a competitive edge. before entering the fuel cells. Some of the
In Wärtsilä’s business, environmen- gases that do not react in the fuel cells are
tal pollution is regulated at the inter- Future energy solutions then directed to a catalytic afterburner,
national level mainly by the IMO (In- Since 2000, Wärtsilä has developed after which the nitrogen oxide and
ternational Maritime Organization) fuel cell technology for decentralized hydrocarbon content of the exhaust
and the World Bank. Wärtsilä’s prod- power generation and marine appli- emissions is extremely low; in practice
ucts comply with the requirements of cations. Today the company’s R&D is less than 1 ppm. The high temperature
these institutions. Other important focusing on developing an SOFC (solid of the exhaust gases also allows heat to
environmental restrictions on Wärt- oxide fuel cell) system for both indus- be recovered and used for industrial
silä’s products are the German TA-Luft trial and marine applications. The goal applications.
regulations often applied to gas engine of this programme is to offer Wärtsilä’s Wärtsilä is committed to supply-
plants and the emission limits on diesel customers highly efficient and environ- ing its customers with environmentally
engines set by India and Japan. mentally clean solutions for generating sustainable power generation solutions.
Enforcement of the Kyoto Pro- energy. Developing the energy generation tech-
tocol will have a significant impact Wärtsilä believes that fuel cell tech- nologies of the future, such as fuel cells,
on the power generation business. nology will be one of the most prom- is a key element in Wärtsilä’s strategy
Wärtsilä supplies decentralized solu- ising energy technologies for de- for sustainable development.
tions for power generation that provide centralized power generation in the
high efficiency with relatively low car- future. Wärtsilä is concentrating partic- Wärtsilä’s products
bon dioxide emissions. The modular- ularly on fuel cell applications in the Wärtsilä supplies ship machinery, pro-
ity of Wärtsilä’s solutions enables our 50 kW to 5 MW range for CHP power pulsion and manoeuvring solutions for
customers to optimize the plant size, all types of ships and offshore appli-
while Wärtsilä’s multifuel solutions cations. Wärtsilä also supplies power
enable customers to switch to cleaner plants for decentralized power genera-
fuels whenever necessary. With respect tion. The product range comprises gas-
to greenhouse gases, among the best and oil-fired power plants with out-
solutions are power plants running on puts from 1 to 300 MW and biofuelled
biofuels as these add no greenhouse power plants with outputs from 3 to 25
gases into the atmosphere. MW. Wärtsilä offers a range of mainte-
The EU Commission plans to in- nance and repair services for its prod-
crease the construction of CHP (Com- ucts throughout their operational life-
bined Heat and Power) capacity in the time. Imatra Steel supplies special en-
EU area. In CHP generation the utili- gineering steels and components to the
zation of fuel energy is highly efficient SOFC system automotive and mechanical engineer-
ing industries.

WÄ RT S I L Ä 2 0 0 4 9
Products and Environmental Aspects

The environmental aspects of emissions and waste. Exhaust The environmental aspects of
Wärtsilä’s products are mainly gases and engine cooling also Wärtsilä’s products are described
related to their use. The most produce waste heat into the air and in more detail in the later sec-
significant environmental aspects water. tions of this report. Wärtsilä’s main
concern engines, which produce The environmental aspects and solutions for environmental conser-
mechanical and thermal energy. main environmental impacts of vation are presented in the sections
In order to produce energy, en- Wärtsilä’s products are presented in specific to Wärtsilä’s Businesses.
gines use fuel and lubricants, which the table below.
results in various kinds of exhaust

The environmental aspects and main environmental impacts of Wärtsilä’s products are presented in the table below

Environmental aspect Product Environmental impact Wärtsilä’s solutions

Increase product lifecycles, use

recycled materials in manufacturing,
Depletion of natural
Consumption of raw materials All products enhance efficiency in use of materials,
improve durability of materials, use of
automatic filters
Consumption of fuels and Engines, propulsion Depletion of natural Improve energy efficiency, reduce con-
lubricants systems resources sumption of lubricating oil

Emissions into the air Engines Air pollution Reduce emissions, improve efficiency

Engines, propulsion Effective noise mitigation solutions and

Noise and vibration Discomfort
systems silencing systems
Increased amounts of waste Recycling of materials, use of automatic
Solid and liquid wastes All products
at landfill sites filters, extend lifetime of lubricating oils
Warming of the Earth’s
Heat emissions Engines Heat recovery systems

Electrical and thermal energy Power solutions Increased wellbeing Energy-efficient solutions

10 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
MATERIALS service life is extended. The materi- are used where possible to mini-
al from end-of-life components is mize environmental impact.
Engines often used to produce recycled ma-
Wärtsilä engines have an extremely terial. Secondary cleaning equipment
long service life, usually well over An engine is made up mainly of for flue gases
25 years. Manufacture of the Sulzer various metal alloys, so the materi- When secondary cleaning equip-
ZA40, for example, started in 1967 al used in the engine and its com- ment is used, the material balance
and so far 1783 of these engines ponents can be recycled. The most sheet of a plant may contain var-
have been built. Another good important structural materials in ious reagents. It is then necessary
example is the Wärtsilä Vasa 32 4-stroke engines are cast iron, al- to replace not just the normal spare
engine, which entered production loy and structural steels, and alu- parts, but also gradually the cata-
in 1978. More than 4500 of these minium alloys. The three main el- lyst materials, for example when us-
engines have been made. Almost all ements used in the metal alloys are ing SCR or oxidation catalysts. The
the engines manufactured of both iron 90.8% m/m, aluminium 2.7% catalyst materials that have been re-
types are still in use. Long-life prod- m/m and carbon 2.2% m/m. placed are usually returned to the
ucts make more efficient use of ma- Wärtsilä’s R&D works system- supplier for reprocessing.
terials than products with a short- atically to improve the wear resist-
er life. The power-to-weight ratio ance and extend the service life of Propulsion equipment and seals
of the engines has also improved, components and materials. All of Wärtsilä’s propulsion prod-
which means that more energy is ucts are designed to last the entire
generated for the same amount of Power plants working life of a ship, which may
material in the engine. Several materials are used in the be as long as 30 years. Most of the
Because of their long service construction of power plants, steel materials are metals, which can
life, older engines are often mod- being the most heavily used mate- be recycled. The products contain
ernized and improved so that rial. Concrete is used with steel in non-ferrous metals such as bronze,
they conform to current require- the foundations. The building itself which is an alloy of copper, nickel
ments, and also to reduce their en- usually lasts for the whole working and aluminium. Recycled material,
vironmental impact. During a nor- life of the power plant. The goal is such as end-of-life coins and bronze
mal service life, an engine is used always to make optimal use of ma- propellers, is used in the casting of
for 100,000 – 200,000 operating terials in a power plant, in part to new propellers, which reduces the
hours. Wear components such as keep costs down. This is achieved environmental impact of the prod-
valves, piston rings and bearings through thorough planning that ucts. Propulsion products contain
are normally replaced about eve- takes into account the conditions few wear parts and these are easy
ry three years and a more thorough at the site. to replace. Lubrication oils or envi-
engine overhaul is carried out two Most of the power plant com- ronmentally sound additives are al-
or three times during the life of the ponents, in some cases even the so used in the products.
engine. During these, the pistons, building, are transported to the The sealing systems are opti-
cylinder heads, piston liners, con- site as prefabricated modules. This mized to reduce the risk of emis-
necting rods and turbocharger ro- helps to minimize transportation sions and the propulsion systems
tors are replaced or overhauled. En- needs and at the same time makes themselves are designed to have
gine components taken out of use more effective use of materials by minimum emission levels.
are scrapped. Overhauled compo- reducing the amount of waste at
nents are reused, which means their the building site. Local suppliers

Power-to-weight ratio of Material balance sheet for Material balance sheet for
Wärtsilä 6-cyl. in-line Wärtsilä 32 engine propulsion products

Power-to-weight ratio
kg/kW • Fe . . . . 90.8% • Cu . . . . 80.1%
Large engines
• Al . . . . . 2.7% • Al . . . . . 9.3%
• C . . . . . . 2.2% • Fe . . . . . 4.4%
Small engines
Medium-sized engines • Si . . . . . 1.7% • Ni . . . . . 4.9%
• Cu . . . . . 1.1% • Mn . . . . 1.3%
Vasa 14T, 14TK, 24 TS
Vasa 22
• Cr, Mn, Ni 1.2% Other . <0.1%
W20 Other . . 0.3% (Zn, Si, Sn,Pb, Yn)
WV32, W32
(P, S, Mo, V, Zn,
Ti, Sn, Pb, Mg)
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 11

Total reserves and usage Although oil is the most important their introduction. At some point,
Until very recently the prevailing fuel, and will remain so for a rel- however, increasing the use of bio-
view has been that the decline in atively long time, a visible change fuels will become unavoidable.
global reserves of fossil fuels dur- is the increasing use of natural gas.
ing the coming 10–15 years would The supply of natural gas is rising Fuels used in Wärtsilä engines
not be enough to make signifi- as gas deposits, for example in the The use of different fuels is an im-
cant changes in fuel usage or pric- sea off northern Norway and Mur- portant part of Wärtsilä’s R&D.
es unavoidable. At present, howev- mansk, are taken into use. In the Even now multifuel engines of-
er, the decline in reserves of high- past, natural gas has been used fer environmentally sound solu-
grade crude oil in the North Sea, by onshore power plants, but to- tions with low running costs far in-
the reduction in natural gas reserves day marine vessels are making in- to the future. Customers have the
in North America, and the gener- creasing use of liquefied natural gas flexibility to operate the same en-
al shortage of crude oil production (LNG) for fuel on environmen- gine with different fuels. They can,
and refining capacity, due in partic- tal grounds. International climate for instance, initially run an engine
ular to the growing demand in Chi- agreements, with their require- on heavy fuel oil, and then switch
na and the USA, all are all push- ments to reduce carbon dioxide to natural gas later when the distri-
ing up market prices. Some of last emissions, can be expected to boost bution network for natural gas has
year’s increase in prices is also due the use of natural gas significantly been built, or even switch to bio-
to global instability. If the price in- in the next few years. Carbon di- fuel.
creases are permanent, this will oxide emissions when using natu- Multifuel technology, which
speed up the development and in- ral gas are 25% lower than in the permits the use of different types
troduction of alternative fuels and, case of oil and 40% lower than for of fuel such as liquid fuels based
through this, will also have an im- coal. An even more effective way to on crude oil, gaseous fuels and
pact on the market for engines. reduce carbon dioxide emissions is biofuels, allows customers to choose
Wärtsilä’s R&D activities take this to adopt renewable energy sources the optimal fuel in each situation.
change in the range of fuels into ac- such as biofuels. Increasing the use Fuel flexibility also ensures that an
count and the company is prepared of biofuels often requires political engine is available for continuous
to respond appropriately. decisions, which may slow down operation, even if there are prob-
lems in obtaining a certain fuel.

Proved oil and natural gas reserves at end 2003

Thousand million barrels Trillion cubic metres

• Asia Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.7 • South & Central America . . . 7.19

• North America . . . . . . . . . . . 63.6 • North America . . . . . . . . . . . 7.31
• Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.8 • Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.47
• South & Central America . . 102.2 • Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.78
• Europe & Eurasia . . . . . . . . 105.9 • Europe & Eurasia . . . . . . . . 62.30
• Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . 726.6 • Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.72
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2004.

12 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Range of fuels for Wärtsilä engines

Liquid, oil-based fuels Gaseous fuels Biofuels (examples)

Liquid fuel oil (LFO) Natural gas (NG) Rapeseed oil

Heavy fuel oil (HFO) Liquified natural gas (LNG) Palm oil

Crude oil (CRO) Compressed natural gas (CNG) Coconut oil

High-viscosity base oils Associated gas Biodiesel (B100)

® Coal bed gas (methane)

Water-fuel emulsions

Many fuels in a wide range of as commercially available products The shaft efficiency of Wärtsilä die-
grades can be used in most Wärtsilä such as Biodiesel (B100), have been sel and gas engines is in the range of
engines, but the suitability of cer- successfully tested on Wärtsilä en- 42 – 50% depending on the engine
tain fuels, such as the special gas- gines. type. Unlike gas turbines, recip-
es and biofuels listed in the table, rocating internal combustion en-
must be established separately for ENGINE EFFICIENCY gines achieve high efficiency over a
certain engine types. broad load range; moreover, their
Natural gas is today often the The efficiency of an engine is the ra- high efficiency and power output
primary fuel option in power plants tio of the engine’s power output to remain virtually unchanged over a
on land if it is available. However, the energy in the fuel fed into the wide range of intake air tempera-
many countries do not yet have a engine. Hence high engine efficien- tures. This feature, unique to recip-
distribution network for natural cy is fundamental to low fuel con- rocating engines, is important with
gas and the use of liquid fuels is sumption and to savings in costs respect to both marine vessels and
then the main option. and emissions. Sulphur and carbon onshore power plants. In ships, the
Wärtsilä’s DF engines can run dioxide emissions, for example, are engine’s load range varies between
simultaneously on liquid light fuel directly proportional to fuel con- 30% and 85% for most of the time,
oil and natural gas. If there is a need sumption and to the content of car- while the intake air temperature
to run an engine on liquid fuel over bon and sulphur in the fuel. Large varies considerably due to the time
an extended period, the DF engine diesel and gas engines typically run of year and geographical location
can be easily modified to operate at very high efficiencies and for this of the vessel. Where onshore pow-
with cheaper heavy fuel oil. reason they also display the lowest er plants with reciprocating engines
If crude oil is available, it is of- specific SO2 and CO2 emission lev-
ten a practical option for the engine els when comparing different en-
fuel, especially in isolated areas. gine types running on the same fuel
Pumping stations for crude oil quality.
pipelines and oil processing units Typical specific CO2 emissions
at crude oil fields are typical exam- of various processes in g/kWh
ples of places where it is used. 800

The continual fluctuations in 700

heavy fuel oil prices have also creat-
ed the need to develop new alterna- 400
tive oil-based fuels. These are fuels Thermal efficiency development 300
such as Orimulsion® and the high- of Wärtsilä engines 200
viscosity bottom oils obtained from % 100
oil company refining processes. 0
The use of biofuels is another
focus area for R&D. Over the past 46
• Coal-fired steam plant . . . . 800
• Gas turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
few years, fuels derived from differ- 44
• Diesel engine of truck . . . . . 700
ent plants that have been processed 42
• Small medium-speed diesel 600
in different ways, such as rapeseed 40 • Large medium-speed diesel 550
oil, palm oil and coconut oil, as well 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 • Large gas engine . . . . . . . . 430

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 13
are concerned, the need to overrate heat and power” (CHP), can raise ue in the years ahead; to maintain
the engine due to a higher intake the plant’s total efficiency to 75 – its competitive edge, Wärtsilä will
air temperature is minimal. Again, 90%. need to raise the efficiency of its en-
compared to a large gas turbine, a Over the past three decades, the gines further despite the ever more
multi-engine installation offers the efficiency of Wärtsilä’s most ener- stringent nitrogen oxide limits.
advantage of being able to run at gy-efficient engines has risen from Raising engine efficiency and
optimal efficiency simply by choos- roughly 41% to about 50%. This lowering emission levels can signif-
ing the right number of engines for has been achieved through a variety icantly reduce environmental load
the required load. of methods such as increasing the because large diesel and gas en-
The total efficiency of large cylinder pressure, raising the com- gines have a long lifecycle, typically
power plants can be raised by con- pression ratio, reducing the fuel in- 25 – 50 years.
verting part of the waste heat from jection period, optimizing the valve
the exhaust gases into electricity. timing, and improving the com-
This requires a steam boiler and bustion process. The pace of im-
steam turbine connected in what provement in efficiency has fallen
is called a “combined cycle”, which off somewhat in recent years owing
can raise the plant’s electrical effi- to the increasing restrictions placed
ciency to approximately 55%. An- on nitrogen oxide emissions. As
other method is to use some of the to engine performance values, the
waste heat from the exhaust gases to most important priorities in Wärt-
produce heat in the form of steam silä’s R&D programme include rais-
or hot water using a waste gas boil- ing efficiency and reducing emis-
er. This system, called “combined sions. The same trend will contin-

Typical relative SO2 and CO2 Impact of intake air temperature

emissions: 4-stroke diesel on shaft efficiency: 4-stroke
engine and gas turbine with diesel engine and gas turbine
same power output with same power output

Relative SO2 and CO2 emissions

Relative shaft efficiency

1.8 Gas turbine 1.025

1.7 4-stroke diesel engine
1.6 1
1.4 0.975
1.3 Gas turbine
1.2 Diesel engine 0.95
0.9 0.925
0 25 50 75 100 125
Engine load (%) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Temperature of intake air

Example of shaft efficiencies at Impact of intake air temperature

25 °C: 4-stroke diesel engine on power output: 4-stroke
and gas turbine with same diesel engine and gas turbine
power output with same power output
50 1.1
4-stroke diesel engine
Relative engine output

45 Diesel engine
Shaft efficiency (%)

40 0.95
35 Gas turbine
Gas turbine 0.85
30 0.8
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature of intake air
Engine load (%)

14 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
EMISSIONS INTO THE AIR Typically, more than 99.5% of the exhaust gases of diesel and gas engines have the same
components as the outside air. In addition to the above components, exhaust gases also
contain the following hazardous substances:

Typical composition of the Typical composition of the exhaust gas of large diesel and gas engine
exhaust gas of a large diesel Component Typical content range of Content of component in
and gas engine component in exhaust gases1 clean, dry outside air1
Nitrogen N2 75 – 77% (v/v) 78.08% (v/v)
Oxygen O2 10.5 – 15.5% (v/v) 20.95% (v/v)
• Nitrogen 75.6% Carbon dioxide 4 – 6.5% (v/v) about 0.035% (v/v)
• Oxygen 12.5%
Water H2O 4 – 11% (v/v)
• Carbon dioxide 6.2%
Argon Ar 0.8% (v/v) 0.934% (v/v)
• Water 4.5%
• Argon 0.8% Typical content range of component in exhaust gases without exhaust gas
• NO , SO , CO,
X X cleaning 2,3
THC, etc. less than
Component Diesel engine Gas engine
Nitrogen oxides NOX 700 – 1.500 ppm (v/v) 60 – 130 ppm (v/v)
Sulphur oxides SOX 30 – 1.000 ppm (v/v) 0 – 3 ppm (v/v)
The composition of dry Carbon oxides CO 20 – 150 ppm (v/v) 200 – 500 ppm (v/v)
outside air Hydrocarbons THC 15 – 100 ppm (v/v)4 1.000 – 2.200 ppm (v/v)4
Particulate mater PM 20 – 100 mg/nm3

% v/v: volume fraction
ppm (v/v): parts per million by volume
• Nitrogen 78.08% 3
mg/nm3: milligrams per nominal cubic metre (temperature=0 ºC and pressure: 101.3 kPa)
• Oxygen 20.95% 4
Measured as methane equivalent
• Argon 0.934%
The following tables list the compositions of the exhaust gases emitted by large diesel and gas
engines, their environmental impacts, formation mechanisms and the possibilities available for
reducing the emission components.

About carbon dioxide and sulphur oxide emissions

General • SOX have an unfavourable effect on Emissions reduction methods

• Alongside water, carbon dioxide (CO2) vegetation and human health, and a in engines
is an end-product of the complete corrosive effect on buildings • Raising the engine’s efficiency, i.e.
combustion of hydrocarbons • Estimates disagree on the negative impact reducing its fuel consumption
• CO2 is a colourless, odourless and of SOX emissions into the oceans because • Using low-sulphur fuels, e.g. changing
non-toxid gas seawater is alkaline and the importance of from heavy fuel oil with a high-sulphur
• CO2 is exhaled by humans the long-range transboundary atmospheric content to low-sulphur heavy or light
• CO2 is a naturally occurring component transport of SOX is not fully understood. fuel oil, or moving over entirely to the
of the atmosphere use of natural gas
• Sulphur oxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide Formation in engines • Changing to fuels with a lower carbon-
(SO3) are grouped together under the • The carbon and sulphur in the fuel oxidizes to-hydrogen ratio. Changing from fuel
general term sulphur oxides (SOX) in the engine’s combustion chamber into oil to natural gas, for example, reduces
• Sulphur oxides are corrosive toxic gases CO2 and SOX. Hence, in practical terms CO2 emissions. Correspondingly,
with a pungent smell. the emissions levels of CO2 and SOX can adopting the use of biofuels essentially
be considered directly proportional to the eliminates net CO2 emissions altogether.
Environmental impacts carbon and sulphur content of the fuel
• CO2 is the most important “greenhouse • Comparisons of different combustion Feasible emissions reduction
gas”; its increasing presence in the processes show that the diesel engine technologies
atmosphere is believed to cause climate has the lowest CO2 and SOX emission • No commercial technology exists for
warming because the diesel process has the high- reducing CO2 emissions
• SOX emissions increase acid rains and est efficiency • Several alternatives are available for
acidification • The typical ratio of SO2 to SOX is 0.95 reducing SOX emissions.
• The typical ratio of SO3 to SOX is 0.05.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 15
About nitrogen oxide emissions

General • The formation of NOX emissions in an • Advancing the closing time of the inlet
• Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen engine is thermal; the primary source of valve to lower the final combustion
dioxide (NO2) are grouped together nitrogen is the nitrogen in the combustion temperature (“Miller valve timing”)
under the general term nitrogen air • Reducing the temperature and pressure
oxides (NOX) • The combustion termperature, the degree of the combustion air fed into the
• NO is a colourless gas of fuel/air premixing and the duration of cylinders
• NO2 is a dark brown, toxic gas the fuel in the cylinder all strongly affect the • Optimizing the geometry of the com-
• Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a colourless gas formation of NOX. NOX formation is highest bustion space and the compression
heavier than air and one of the green- with a high combustion temperature, low ratio
house gases. degree of premixing and long fuel duration • In a diesel engine, optimizing the fuel
• NOX formation in an engine is an extremely injection method
Environmental impacts complex process comprising hundreds • Introducing water to the combustion
• NOX emissions generally increase of different chemical reactions and many space to reduce the temperature, e.g.
acidification and eutrophication (overrich intermediate products using a water-fuel emulsion or saturating
nutrients in water systems and soil) • The typical NO/NOX ratio in a diesel the intake air (Combustion Air Saturation
• NOX emissions promote the forma- engine’s exhaust gases is 0.95, and for System, (CASS); Direct Water Injection
tion of ozone and smog in the lower NO2/NOX 0.05 (DWI); Water-in-Fuel Emulsion (WFE))
atmosphere in heavily populated urban • After being released as exhaust into the • Many measures aimed at reducing NOX
areas. Ozone in the lower atmosphere is atmosphere NO oxidizes into NO2 typically emissions also increase fuel consump-
harmful to vegetation and human health. within a few hours. tion and the formation of particulates.
Optimization of an engine’s emission
Formation in engines Methods of reducing emissions levels therefore requires that all these
• The N2O emissions of reciprocating in the engine factors are taken into account.
engines are typically low • Delayed fuel injection and ignition, which
• The NOX emissions of a diesel engine reduces the in-cylinder duration of the Feasible emissions reduction
are relatively high owing to the high combustion gases at high temperatures technology
combustion temperatures in the diesel • In a diesel engine, lowering the fuel injec- • A Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
process tion pressure; this reduces the formation of catalytic converter.
• The NOX emissions of a gas engine are droplets and also the combustion efficiency
relatively low because this engine’s com- and temperature
bustion process is based on premixing • Raising the degree of premixing, and in a
of the fuel and air. gas engine increasing the amount of air

About emissions of particulates and smoke

Environmental impacts out into the atmosphere in the exhaust Reduction methods in engines
• Apart from the visual nuisance caused by gases. The amount of particles in the • In diesel engines, raising the fuel injec-
smoke, particles are regarded as being exhaust depends on the amount of hydro- tion pressure as this improves droplet
harmful to human health carbons in the fuel and lubricating oil and formation and combustion efficiency
• Particles below 0.2 µm in diameter are on the amount of sulphur and ash in the • Raising the temperature of the intake air
considered to reach the lungs. Some of fuel • Optimizing the geometry of the combus-
the particles arising from the combustion • When using heavy fuel oil, typically more tion space, the compression ratio, and
process belong to this category than 50% of particles in the exhaust come the fuel injection method
• Larger particles are considered to be less from the ash and sulphur components in • Many measures taken to reduce particle
of a health hazard as they are efficiently the fuel emissions also tend to increase NOX
captured in the airway before reaching • When using light fuel oil, most of the emissions.
the lungs particles consist of carbon or hydrocarbons
• Since small particles are easily air-borne, and only a very small proportion comes Feasible emissions reduction
their detrimental effects on health are from the ash and sulphur components in technology
often visible far from their source. the fuel • Of the commercial technologies available
• Particles smaller than about 0.4 µm are today, only the electrostatic precipitator
Formation in engines considered to be invisible. A proportion of is suitable for diesel engine power plants
• Particles form in the combustion space the particles produced by an engine fall but its investment costs are high. Some-
as a result of locally low quantities of below this size times, in conjunction with desulphuriza-
excess air. Some of the particles do not • Gas engines have very low levels of particle tion equipment, bag filters are used to
have time to burn completely but pass emissions. reduce particle emissions.

16 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
About carbon monoxide emissions

General Formation in engines Reduction methods in engines

• Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, • CO is a result of incomplete combustion • Optimizing the geometry of the combus-
odourless and toxic gas. • The formation of CO in the combustion tion space, the compression ratio, and
space is local; it is the result of absent the fuel injection method.
Environmental impacts combustion air and low temperatures
• In large quantities CO is toxic and re- • In diesel engines, CO emissions are low Feasible emissions cleaning
duces the ability of the lungs to absorb compared with other emission sources technology
oxygen due to effective combustion and high • Oxidation catalyst.
• In the atmosphere CO oxidizes to CO2 excess air quantities
within a few hours. • In gas engines, CO emissions are relatively
high due to premixing and relatively low
combustion temperatures.

About hydrocarbons

General Environmental impacts • Hydrocarbon emissions when burning

• Hydrocarbons are a group compris- • THC are instrumental in the formation of heavy fuel oil are generally at a low level
ing hundreds of organic compounds, ozone and smog in the lower atmosphere compared to the use of light fuel oil as
to which carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, in densely populated urban environments evaporation is lower
oxygen and sulphur may be bound • The other hydrocarbons are considered to • In gas engines, THC emissions are
• Given the complex nature of hydrocar- be carcinogenic relatively high due to premixing and the
bon emissions, it is difficult to define the • Of the hydrocarbons that fall within the relatively low combustion temperatures
risks they pose to human health category of greenhouse gases, methane in in these engines.
• Hydrocarbon emissions are particular is strongly instrumental in climate
generally divided into two categories: warming. Feasible emissions reduction
total hydrocarbons (THC) and technology
non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) Formation in engines • Diesel engine: no commercial technology
• Another term used is volatile organic • THC and VOC emissions form in the com- is available when using heavy or light
compounds (VOC), which is generally bustion chamber as a result of the local fuel oils
understood to mean all hydrocarbons absence of combustion air, as well as low • Gas engine:
from which either methane or both combustion temperatures and the evapora- o Oxidation catalyst for NMHC and VOC
the methane and ethane have been tion of lubricating oil from the combustion emissions
removed. chamber towards the end of firing period o No commercial technology currently
• In diesel engines, THC and NMHC emission available for THC.
levels are low compared to other emission
sources due to the efficient combustion
process and high excess air quantities

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 17
NOISE AND ITS SUPPRESSION Power plants are designed primari- ing area is to optimize the methods
ly to meet local legislation and reg- used to reduce the impact of noise.
ulations on environmental noise, If the standard solution proves to be
Noise from engines consists of but in many cases also to comply inadequate, the design of the power
air-borne noise, structure-borne with international criteria on envi- plant is modified to meet the case-
noise and exhaust noise. Compli- ronmental noise such as the World specific demands, and the noise lev-
ance with the IMO regulations is Bank’s guidelines. Wärtsilä’s respon- els are simulated again.
a basic criterion in engine design. sibility for environmental noise de-
Wärtsilä has ongoing programmes pends on the scope of the delivery, The following aspects are addressed
aimed at reducing the noise level reaching its maximum in “turn- in noise engineering for power
of engines. Structure-borne noise key” projects. Wärtsilä guarantees plant applications:
is transmitted through the hull the noise level of a power plant at a • Power plant building de-
structure and radiated throughout specified distance from the site. sign: wall structure and
the ship. Structure-borne noise can Power plant noise impacts thickness, ventilation
typically be reduced by 90%, but can be estimated during the en- • Dampening of the charge air
in special applications a reduction vironmental impact assessment, intake and exhaust outlet
of more than 99% can be achieved. which evaluates the background • Engine cooling system: type
Exhaust noise disturbs commu- noise of the area surrounding the and location of the radiator
nication on smaller ships and is a power plant and addresses the • Relocating the layout of noise-
nuisance factor both onboard and potential disturbance to facilities producing components.
in harbours. The installation of ex- in the proximity such as residences,
haust gas silencers can reduce ex- schools and hospitals. After this the WASTE
haust noise levels. noise levels of the power plant are
Noise control is also an essen- simulated, using Wärtsilä’s input A continuous target of product de-
tial element in the design of Wärt- values, to produce a sound chart sign has been the optimal use of
silä’s power plants. Wärtsilä’s stand- that covers the boundaries of the materials. This is reflected in the
ard power plant products are de- property and the facilities located development of power-to-weight
signed to meet set minimum crite- in its surroundings. The purpose ratio and increased time between
ria. Very often the solution selected of modelling noise levels at the overhauls as well as the improved
is suitable without modification power plant and in the surround- lifetime of the components.
for projects where the power plant
is situated in an industrial area, or
an area in an environment that does
not contain sites detrimentally af- Example of the typical noise level of an engine driven power plant
fected by noise. as simulated with special noise modelling software
The requirements set for noise
vary according to the location of
the plant. The noise criteria for a
power plant situated in or near a
Warehouse and
residential area, for instance, are workshops Other buildings
much stricter than the normal re-
quirements for a power plant in an
industrial area. In such a case the Radiators
starting point is often a standard so- Exhaust stack
lution, to which different technolo-
gies and noise mitigation methods Power house
are then applied to achieve an ac-
ceptably low overall noise level.
It makes little sense to design
power plants for industrial areas to • < 50.00 dB(A)
the noise suppression standards re- • 50.00 – 55.00 dB(A)
quired in residential areas because • 55.00 – 60.00 dB(A)
the background noise level is al- • 60.00 – 65.00 dB(A)
ready relatively high. This avoids • 65.00 – 70.00 dB(A)
the need to build unnecessarily • 70.00 – 75.00 dB(A)
costly power plants. • > 75.00 dB(A)

18 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
The cost of fuels can be a major lubrication oil and oily sludge, The re-usability and final dispos-
component in the operating costs vary considerably. One option is to ability of the end-product creat-
of a ship, which highlights the im- incinerate them, whether at the site ed when reducing particulate and
portance of reducing fuel con- or at an external facility. Another sulphur emissions must be eval-
sumption when considering costs is to send them to the oil supplier uated as precisely as possible dur-
and emissions levels. One way of for producing new oil products, or ing the environmental impact as-
reducing fuel consumption and to local industry for energy produc- sessment of a power plant. Wärtsilä
thus the amount of waste created tion according to legislation and has conducted studies of the typi-
is to raise the engine’s combustion local regulations. cal composition of these end-prod-
pressure. Development of the pis- Exchangeable filters, oily rags ucts, applied a range of accepted
ton–ring–liner combination has and similar waste containing oil methods and performed standard-
achieved low lubricating oil con- or solvents are either incinerat- compliant tests in order to help its
sumption and long change inter- ed along with other oily waste or customers evaluate such issues.
vals, supplemented by systematic delivered to an external facility These tests can determine the basis
co-operation with oil companies to for appropriate treatment or final for classification of wastes into haz-
extend the useful life of the lubri- disposal. Flue gas cleaning crea- ardous or normal wastes. The fig-
cating oil. Minimal waste during tes its own challenges for waste ure below illustrates the reduction
operation has been Wärtsilä’s aim management at power plants. The achieved in sulphur and particu-
when designing the lubricating and catalyst material of an SCR and the late emissions in the end-products
fuel treatment system. To do this, oxidation catalyst must be changed when operating a 50 MW power
Wärtsilä has moved away from us- at intervals. These elements can plant using a certain fuel.
ing disposable insert filters to self- contain hazardous and even dan-
cleaning automatic filters. gerous compounds that are dam-
Waste is generated during the aging to health and the environ-
construction of a power plant, ment. On the other hand, they also
mostly soil and rock derived from contain precious metals that can be
earthworks, wastes created while re-used if suitably processed. They
building the foundations, or pack- are normally sent back to the sup-
ing materials. Since the compo- plier of the unit for reprocessing to
nents, including the wall and roof produce new catalytic material.
structures, for Wärtsilä’s turnkey
power plants are delivered in the
specified sizes as ready-to-install el-
ements, power plant construction
does not create significant amounts
of other wastes. The waste that is
generated is sent to a local waste
disposal site for disposal or utilized
according to local conditions.
Most of the environmental
impact of a Wärtsilä power plant
during its lifecycle comes from the
Material balance of diesel engine power plant
operation of the plant. Operation
390 t/h
of an engine-driven power plant
325 t/h 10 t/h 30 kg/h Flue gas
normally generates only small
Combustion air HFO 3% S Lubrication oil
amounts of waste. Most of the 0.9 t/h
55 t/h 1.0 t/h
0.1% ash BN50
materials classified as waste are Ammonia 25%
Water Limestone
in water
replaced spare parts, used lubrica- 1.5 t/h Water
Diesel engine
tion oil and oily sludge from the and ESP SCR FGD
Spare parts
fuel. Other wastes include small Auxiliaries 50% red. 80% red. 80% red.
1.5 t/h Water
quantities of replaced filters and
Fly ash Used FGD end-production
wear parts as well as normal office Used Replaced Oil 20 kg/h catalytic 2.0 t/h
lubrication oil parts sludge material
15 kg/h 55 kg/h
Replaced metal parts are
normally reprocessed to produce
metal products locally. Procedures
Typical material balance when operating a 50 MW diesel power plant equipped with radiator
for oily wastes, including used
cooling, consumption boilers and flue gas control system.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 19
Ship Power Solutions

Wärtsilä’s engine room and pro- sels, harbour tugs and offshore in- Wärtsilä’s ship machinery prod-
pulsion solutions for marine ap- stallations. ucts are marketed under the brand
plications are reliable, economical The comprehensive product names WÄRTSILÄ®, SULZER®,
and environmentally sound. Wärt- range comprises main and auxiliary LIPS®, Auxpac™, Propac™, Deep
silä tailors its solutions to the pre- engines with outputs from 60 kW Sea Seals and JMT.
cise needs of its customers by op- to 80,080 kW, as well as generating
timizing the entire ship machin- sets, reduction gears, propulsors, Optimizing total ship efficiency
ery, propulsion and control system. steerable thrusters, rudders, con- Wärtsilä has gained promising ex-
This approach is encapsulated in trol systems, seals and bearings. To- perience working with its part-
Wärtsilä’s concept The Ship Pow- gether, these allow Wärtsilä to op- ners in the design of various ves-
er Supplier. Wärtsilä also provides timize the ship’s entire propulsion sel types. Examples include the
lifetime support to ensure the high system for excellent environmental world’s newest liquified natural gas
availability and reliability of the performance. (LNG) vessels equipped with Wärt-
vessel throughout its service life. silä DF dual-fuel engines and the
Wärtsilä’s service portfolio includes Ship Power fact environmentally advanced Envi-
training, spare parts, technical sup- The DF engine is a 4-stroke combustion ropax RoPax vessel. In both cases
port, and continuous technology engine able to run on both natural gas the main emphasis was given to en-
upgrades and improvements. Wärt- and light fuel oil, as well as on heavy fuel hancing their propulsion efficiency
silä also maintains a global network oil with minor modifications. The engine through the use of speed-adapted
of service professionals competent can also be switched instantaneously propellers, HR nozzles and a new
and equipped to carry out mainte- between gas and light fuel oil, and vice hub for controllable pitch propel-
nance and repair tasks in a timely versa, during operation. lers coupled with advanced propul-
manner. sion control.
The DF engine family covers power out-
Wärtslä’s Ship Power products
puts in the range 1400–17100 kW and
and services cover a broad range of the thermal efficiency of these engines is
marine vessels from containerships, max. 47 %, which is higher than for any
bulk carriers and tankers to RoRo other gas engine.
ferries, cruise liners, car ferries and Background to research
More information on Ship Power prod-
LNG carriers as well as vessels for LNG carriers are traditionally
ucts in the Annual Report, Business
special markets such as naval ves- equipped with machinery based on
Review, page 16.
sels, dredgers, coastal fishery ves- steam turbines although diesel en-

20 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Safe, reliable and redundant Total SOx emissions of round trip1
(excluding harbour operations)
Other consumers Gas
Cargo pumps 450
Converter & transformer G 350
M G 200
FPP E-motors
M G 150
G 0
Converter & transformer Steam Twin 2-stroke DF-electric
Cargo pumps Dual-fuel generator sets

Other consumers
Total NOx emissions of round trip1
(excluding harbour operations)
gines, with their higher efficiency, turbine power plant due to their
have long been the preferred choice smaller size and weight. This, in
of prime mover for other types of turn, reduces the overall volume of
vessel. The main reason for this has the engine room, freeing space for
been the opportunity to utilize the a larger payload.
boil-off gas that evaporates from Since the DF engines run on
the LNG vessel’s gas cargo by burn- gas (and 1% marine diesel oil)
ing it in a steam boiler. LNG ves- and have a higher thermal efficien- Steam Twin 2-stroke DF-electric
sels are typically equipped with 23 cy, their exhaust emissions are also
MW steam turbines, and the size lower than for a steam turbine.
and operating speed of these ves- Total CO2 emissions of round trip1
sels has largely been determined by (excluding harbour operations)
the limited efficiency of this tech- tonnes
nology. 30 000
Comparision of SOX, CO2 and NOX emissions
The recent development of a of DF engines, steam turbines and 2-stroke
25 000

diesel engine able to run on low- engines. 20 000

pressure gas and connected to an 1
The results are based on calculations, 15 000
electrical propulsion machinery is model tests and simulations. The results
10 000
encouraging the industry to com- have been used in the engine deliveries.
pletely re-evaluate the size and op- 5 000

erating parameters of LNG vessels. 0

Steam Twin 2-stroke DF-electric
The result is the opportunity today (gas+HFO)
to design and build vessels with de-
cisively better size and sailing char-
Total operating cost of round trip1 Total energy consumption
(excluding harbour operations) of round trip1
USD 1,000 (excluding harbour operations)
New machinery concept 4 000
Since the gas engine (DF) operates 3 500
450 000
at higher efficiency than the steam 3 000 400 000
turbine, fuel consumption is also 2 500 350 000
300 000
lower, which means that smaller 2 000
1 500 250 000
fuel tanks can be used. Similarly, 200 000
1 000
using several DF engines rather 150 000
than one steam turbine leads to 0
100 000
50 000
more flexible engine load as the en- Steam
Twin 2-stroke DF-electric
gines can be run at their optimum Steam
Twin 2-stroke DF-electric

efficiency. • Other cost

It is also considerably easier to • Financing cost of ship • HFO
locate gas engines in the ship’s en- • Maintenance cost • MDO
gine room compared with a steam • Consumables cost • FBOG
• Fuel cost • BOG

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 21
Designing a new vessel stalled power. Despite these advan- Enviropax vessel with podded CRP propulsion
Since the LNG carrier’s design tages the costs of this concept are and CODED machinery.

need no longer be determined by lower than for a diesel-electric ma-

the standard size of the steam tur- chinery.
bine plant, the vessel’s designers To make the machinery as en-
have greater flexibility. Calcula- vironmentally sound as possible,
tions show that the economics of Wärtsilä designed the Enviropax to
this vessel type can be optimized be used with the Wärtsilä Enviro-
by a new design based on lower to- Engine™. This features common-
tal resistance coupled with great- rail technology for minimum fuel
er length and faster engines, lead- consumption and Compact SCR
ing to substantial increases in cargo units to ensure minimum smoke
capacity and operating speed. The and NOx emissions. The CODED machinery with podded CRP
bottom line is lower cost and emis- The new propulsion system fea- gives clear improvements in fuel consumption
sions per transported ton. tures one contra-rotating propel- compared to conventional solutions
ler (CRP)pair. The forward propel-
CASE ENVIROPAX – ENVIRON- ler is a conventional mechanically 105%
MENTALLY ADVANCED ROPAX driven Lips controllable pitch pro- 10 % improvement
VESSEL peller (CPP) powered by two die- 100%

sel engines via a reduction gear. The 95%

Project goals and methods other, mounted directly aft of the
Enviropax is a joint project involv- CPP, is an electric pod (Azipod)
ing Wärtsilä, ABB and Kvaerner with a smaller fixed pitch propeller 85%
Masa-Yards (Aker Finnyards). Its that rotates in the opposite direc-
purpose was to design a new RoPax tion, thus utilizing part of the rota- Conventional ferry ENVIROPAX
vessel concept with better overall tive energy left in the slipstream of
economy and environmental per- the forward propeller. Research also
formance. The shape of the vessel’s investigated the power distribution
hull, its machinery and propulsion of the propeller pair and identified ery related operating costs alone
system are optimized to reach these the factors affecting the dimension- compared to the conventional de-
goals. All three companies collab- ing of the propellers. sign. Moreover, the combined ma-
orated on the design and the ves- chinery allows more flexible use of
sel’s design values have been veri- Benefits and results the engine room, providing scope
fied using independent model tests. Compared to a conventional twin- for increasing the cargo space.
Resistance, propulsion and cavita- screw vessel, the new design achieves
tion tests were performed by two a reduction in fuel consumption of Enviropax prospects
research institutions (VTT1 and 6–10%, depending on the power The first RoPax vessels designed to
Marin2). distribution of the contra-rotating the joint project’s new specifica-
The Technical Research Centre of propellers. The investment costs of tions have now entered commer-
Finland the Enviropax are 0.8–1.3% higher cial operation in Japan. Wärtsilä
The Maritime Research Institute but annual savings as high as €1.0 has supplied the ship machinery
(The Netherlands) million can be achieved in machin- for these vessels.

Project execution CODED machinery with podded CRP propulsion

Wärtsilä’s task was to design and de-
velop the machinery and propellers
for the vessel. The result is a new 6,6 kV / 50
combined diesel-electric and die- WÄRTSILÄ 8L32 4000 kW
sel-mechanical machinery concept WÄRTSILÄ 16V46C 16800 kW

called CODED which employs the Azipod 10 000 kW

WÄRTSILÄ 8L32 4000 kW Hotel
best characteristics of both propul- WÄRTSILÄ 8L32 4000 kW

sion systems. Compared with con- LIPS

Lips CPP thrusters
WÄRTSILÄ 8L32 4000 kW
ventional diesel-mechanical ma- 660 V / 50 Hz
2 x 1500 kW

chinery, the new combined con- WÄRTSILÄ 16V46C 16800 kW

cept offers lower power demand,

Installed propulsion power: 43.6 MW
optimum engine load and great-
Installed engine power: 49.6 MW
er flexibility in the use of the in-

22 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Total propulsion system efficiency tics. The unique feature of its de- (CPPs) based on recent market re-
The propulsive efficiency of a pro- sign is a fixed “torpedo” placed in quirements, particularly the facts
peller is affected both by the open- the rudder horn immediately be- that ships today are required to
water efficiency of the propeller hind the propeller. The torpedo can have more power, operate at higher
and, on the other hand, by the in- be removed to allow easy removal speeds and demonstrate better fuel
teraction between the hull and the and servicing of the propeller shaft. efficiency with lower noise levels.
propeller. Overall propulsion effi- An additional flap can be installed The use of CPPs has grown
ciency, therefore, can be improved on the trailing edge of the rudder steadily since introduction of this
by improving the efficiency of the blade to improve manoeuvrability. design some 40 years ago. Today
propeller, the hull, or both. The Efficiency Rudder offers at this propeller type is in wide use,
The total efficiency of a propel- least three significant benefits: especially in vessels which bene-
ler is a maximum value that rep- • The propulsive efficiency of the fit from high-output 4-stroke en-
resents an ideal level of efficiency vessel is higher than when using gines.
based on a theoretical analysis. In a conventional rudder. CPPs offer many operational
practice a propeller’s open-water • Full-scale trials have confirmed benefits for several ship types. Ship
efficiency is always lower than its engine power savings of 5 – 8% operators normally choose a CPP
ideal figure owing to friction and to for single-screw vessels and for one of the following reasons:
axial and rotational losses. A large 2 – 5% for a twin-screw vessels. • The use of shaft generators for high-
propeller leads to better ideal effi- • The pressure pulses on the hull, er operational efficiency
ciency and for this reason increas- which generate vibration and • Good manoeuvring characteristics
ing the propeller diameter will im- noise, are lower than in the case • The wide range of thrusts
prove the propeller’s open-water ef- of a conventional propeller-rud- required
ficiency. der combination. Full-scale tests • Their fast response to different
The propulsive efficiency of a indicate a reduction of 20 – 40% thrust requirements
moderately loaded propulsor (a in pressure pulses. • Lower operational costs
propeller or similar device such as • Optimal engine load
a waterjet or steerable thruster) is The HR nozzle characteristics.
typically 62%. Losses in operation Nozzles are aerofoil-shaped rings
(38%) fall into three categories: placed around the propeller to in- The E-hub
• Axial kinetic energy losses 20% crease the thrust on the propel- The E-hub has been specially de-
• Rotational kinetic energy ler and therefore its efficiency. The veloped for applications requiring
losses 8% HR high-efficiency nozzle differs high strength such as RoPax vessels
• Frictional losses 10%. from conventional nozzles with its and ice-strengthened propellers.
S-shaped outer surface and a spe- The hub contour is flush (cylinder-
To reduce axial losses, a larger-di- cially rounded leading edge. Sever- shaped) and so particularly suitable
ameter propulsor should be used. A al hundred of these have been in- for high-ship speeds.
large diameter is used especially in stalled in vessels of all descriptions The first E-hubs are expect-
the case of a speed-adapted propel- since the launch of the small-diam- ed to enter operation at the begin-
ler or “slow-runner”. Propellers with eter nozzle-propeller combination. ning of 2005. The concept utiliz-
the largest diameters have been suc- Full-scale tests on several vessels es the strong points of the earlier
cessfully retrofitted to vessels which confirm that the HR nozzle gives a hub designs. The blade bearing, the
are then operated at reduced power 7–10% greater bollard pull, which blade seal and the solutions used
and propeller speed than original- translates into an improvement of are based on proven design tech-
ly. Although the hull efficiency of up to 13% in open-water condi- nology. Optimized construction
the vessel is now slightly reduced, tions, compared to a convention- and the minimum number of parts
the improvement in open-water ef- al nozzle. gives reliability and reduced cost.
ficiency raises the vessel’s total pro- Given these good results, Wärt- The hub can also be used with en-
pulsive efficiency. silä recommends the use of the vironmentally sound water-soluble
Wärtsilä has supplied more high-efficiency nozzle for a number lubricants, although this requires a
than 30 speed-adapted propellers of applications. These include har- lower bearing pressure.
which have raised vessel propulsive bour tugs, offshore vessels, dredg- The contour of the E-hub sig-
efficiency by 5–14%. ers and semi-submersibles among nificantly improves the cavitation
many others. properties in the following ways:
The Efficiency Rudder • The blade bolts have been tilted
Wärtsilä offers the Efficiency Rud- Controllable pitch propellers so that the blade root can be eas-
der to improve a vessel’s propulsive Wärtsilä has reviewed its portfo- ily faired on the blade foot
efficiency and steering characteris- lio of controllable pitch propellers

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 23
Remote control system and is available in different designs
The use of a remote control sys- for retrofitting to existing vessels or
tem can considerably reduce a ves- for use in new tonnage. The Coast-
sel’s operational costs. The system Guard sternseal system is a non-
must of course be reliable, safe and polluting option designed in par-
available at all times. Operational ticular for cruise vessels, bulk car-
costs can be reduced by other fac- riers and RoRo vessels. Similar-
tors including: ly the Airguard 3AS antipollution
• Less fuel consumption by opti- sterntube seal provides an environ-
E-hub construction. mum scheduling of pitch and mentally sound option by prevent-
shaft speed. The LIPSTRON- ing the spilling of lube oil from the
• No flow disturbances are caused IC 7000 system easily allows for seal.
by the blade bolt holes optimum schedules, one for ma- These sealing systems prevent
• The blade bolts themselves are noeuvring and one for open-wa- both the leakage of bearing oil into
level with the surface of the blade ter conditions, to ensure envi- the seaway and the ingress of water
foot. ronmentally sound operation in into the bearing system. They en-
different conditions. sure continuous operation between
A special feature of the E-hub con- • Avoiding over-fast loading and planned maintenance periods, with
cept is the blade foot sealing. This unloading of the engine when no unplanned dry-dockings for
seal was developed for the CPS hub increasing or decreasing the en- emergency repairs.
for the heaviest wear conditions gine speed. Optimized opera-
(sandy waters) and has shown ex- tion reduces maintenance costs Reducing emissions
cellent operating performance. The and extends the lifetime of the Smokeless engines: Common-rail
basic feature of this seal is double equipment. injection
sealing capacity at the blade foot Most harbours in the world are lo-
for the same number of parts. This These features can yield significant cated close to densely populated
gives longer life while minimizing savings in fuel costs as well as less areas and for this reason the
leakages. service and repair due to reduced demand for no visible smoke
The new design makes the outer thermal stress and emissions. under any circumstances has
dimensions of the new E-hub small- become increasingly important in
er than for previous types, leading Protecting the marine recent years. State-of-the-art com-
to better hydrodynamic perform- environment mon-rail injection technology now
ance: 1% in the case of fast RoPax Any oil loss to the environment makes it possible to provide smoke-
vessels (heavily loaded conditions). from the ship’s sealing system is less engines. Wärtsilä has the wid-
unacceptable. Wärtsilä’s Coast- est range of products available with
Guard EnviroSeal pollution-free common-rail technology for heavy
sterntube sealing system offers an fuel operation.
environmentally sound alternative

Steam turbine 2-stroke Dual-fuel electric

Fuel / Boil-off gas 100% Fuel / Boil-off gas 100% Fuel / Boil-off gas 100%
Boiler 89% 2-stroke 49% DF engines 46%
Steam turbine 34% Shafting 98% Alternators 96%
Gearbox 98% Transformers & converter 98%
Shafting 98% Electric motor 98%
Gearbox 98%
Shafting 98%
Propulsion machinery Propulsion machinery Propulsion machinery
29% 48% 41%
efficiency efficiency efficiency

Fuel / Boil-off gas 100% Fuel 100% Fuel / Boil-off gas 100%
Boiler 89% Auxiliary engines 43% DF engines 46%
Steam turbine 30% Alternator 96% Alternators 96%
Gearbox 98%
Alternator 96%

Electric power generation Electric power generation Electric power generation

25% 41% 44%
efficiency efficiency efficiency

24 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Common-rail injection: 4-stroke Reducing NOx emissions is injected into the exhaust gas at a
engines Air humidification technologies temperature of 290 – 350 °C. The
By keeping the fuel’s injection pres- The use of water is an effective way urea in the exhaust gas decays in-
sure high and stable throughout the of reducing temperature peaks dur- to ammonia, which is then put
load range, common-rail technolo- ing the combustion process and through a catalysing process that
gy ensures that the engine operates thus limiting the formation of NOx converts the NOX into harmless ni-
without visible smoke throughout emissions. trogen and water.
its operating range. Optimal engine A typical SCR plant consists
operation has been achieved at all CASS of a reactor which contains several
speeds and loads. The common-rail The newest technology developed catalyst layers, a dosing and storage
system is designed for new engines by Wärtsilä for reducing NOx emis- system for the reagent, and a con-
but it can also be retrofitted to ex- sions is called CASS –Combustion trol system. The SCR reactor can
isting installations. Air Saturation System. CASS tech- also be designed as part of the ex-
nology is based on the principle of haust silencer – a solution called
Benefits of the Sulzer RT flex introducing pressurized water into Compact SCR.
engines the combustion process to damp- The lifetime of the catalyst
The Sulzer RT-flex engines offer en NOx formation. The pressu- elements is typically 3 – 5 years for
distinct benefits to shipowners and rized water is added to the intake liquid fuels and slightly longer if
ship operators such as smokeless air after the turbocharger compres- the engine is operating on gas. The
operation at all vessel speeds and re- sor. Due to the high temperature of main running costs of the catalyst
duced running costs owing to long- the compressed air the water evap- come from urea consumption and
er service intervals and lower part- orates instantly and enters the cyl- replacement of the catalyst layers.
load fuel consumption. Precise inders as steam, reducing the com- The urea consumption is about
control of the injection, high injec- bustion temperature and thus NOx 15 – 25 g/kWh of 40% m/m urea.
tion pressures at low engine speeds formation by as much as 50% when SCR technology can be fitted
and the sequential shut-off of the the water consumption is approxi- on all Wärtsilä engines, both those
injectors combine to give steady mately two times the fuel oil con- already in operation and new 2- and
running at very low running speeds sumption. 4-stroke engines. Many ferries sail-
without smoking, down to 10– ing in the Baltic Sea are equipped
12% of nominal speed. Particular Working principle of CASS with SCR technology.
attention has been given to making
the RT-Flex system reliable. Compressor


Water injection
Compact SCR

Common-rail injection: 4 stroke DWI Exhaust gas

engines Direct Water Injection (DWI) re-
duces NOX emissions by 50 – 60%
without adversely affecting pow- Compact SCR
er output. The solution is a DWI
valve, through which the water and Aqueous urea control
Aqueous urea dosage pump
fuel is injected typically in a water- System control and
to-fuel ratio of 0.4 – 0.7. NOX measurement
Aqueous urea
Existing engines can also be solution storage
modified with NOx reduction tech- Aqueous

nologies such as DWI and CASS. urea


SCR Engine

SCR is currently the only method ca-

pable of reducing NOX emissions
by 85 – 95%. A reducing agent,
such as an aqueous solution of urea,

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 25
logical method to limit SOX emis- performance are offered by many
sions. The Baltic Sea Area is desig- ports in Sweden as well as in Maar-
nated as a SOX Emission Control ianhamina (capital of the Åland
area in the Protocol. Islands between Sweden and
Annex VI prohibits deliberate Finland) and the port of Hamburg
emissions of ozone depleting sub- in Germany.
stances, which include halons and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The INSTALLING EMISSIONS
Tallink Victoria has a Compact SCR system. Annex also prohibits the incinera- REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY
tion onboard ships of certain prod-
ucts, such as contaminated packag- Most of the marine applications
COMPLIANCE WITH ing materials and polychlorinated supplied by Wärtsilä with emissions
REGULATIONS biphenyls (PCBs). reduction systems can be found in
the Baltic Sea but some also oper-
The minimum environmental re- The EU ate in Caribbean and Alaskan wa-
quirement set by Wärtsilä for its The EU Commission has submit- ters. The following table summa-
Wärtsilä and Sulzer brand marine ted a proposal for a directive to re- rizes the exhaust emissions reduc-
engines is compliance with the reg- duce the sulphur content of marine tion technologies either already
ulations of the IMO (Internation- fuels in the EU area. The main pro- in use or on order from Wärtsilä
al Maritime Organization). Wärt- visions of this directive are: (January 2005):
silä has developed, and continues • A 1.5% sulphur limit on fuels in
to develop, NOX reduction tech- all vessels sailing the Baltic Sea, Engines Output (MW)

nologies that will make it possible the North Sea and the English CR 43 363
DWI 53 515
to comply with the strictest nation- Channel
RT-flex 132 5,830
al or regional legislation in the fu- • The same 1.5% sulphur limit on
SCR 68 376
ture. Activity in this area is increas- fuels used by passenger vessels CASS 3 12
ing around the world. on regular services between EU
IMO MARPOL Annex VI • A 0.2% sulphur limit on fuels
Following a ratification process- used by inland vessels and sea-
ing lasting several years a sufficient going ships at berth at EU ports,
number of states have now signed with some exceptions. Prime movers, propulsion systems
the IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex and auxiliary equipment including
VI which will come into effect on The proposal will still be put before emissions reduction technology
19 May 2005. This requires that the European Parliament before the give their best performance with
every engine with a power output Council can give its final approval. high reliability, availability and low
above 130 kW installed in a ves- All Wärtsilä and Sulzer engines emission levels when maintained
sel built (keel laid) after 1 Janu- are already designed and optimized as planned and operated correctly.
ary 2000 must comply with the to run on fuels with any sulphur For this reason Wärtsilä offers its
NOX emissions limits stipulated in content. customers a full range of comple-
MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI. mentary lifetime support services.
Annex VI contains a global Local regulations The history of each product in-
cap of 4.5% m/m on the sulphur Alaska enforces regulations govern- cluding assembly and adjustments
content of fuel oil and calls on the ing the permitted smoke levels from is recorded and updated to ensure
IMO to monitor the worldwide av- ships. Wärtsilä has demonstrated that the appropriate service and re-
erage sulphur content of fuel. An- its compliance with these regula- pair action can be taken and the
nex VI also contains provisions al- tions in a number of projects. right spare parts supplied. Wärt-
lowing for special “SOX Emission Economic control mechanisms silä supplies the spare parts for its
Control Areas” to be established have been widely adopted in cer- core products and auxiliary systems
with more stringent controls on tain countries. A system of envi- through its worldwide network of
sulphur emissions. In these areas, ronmentally differentiated fairway service companies either from its
the sulphur content of the fuel dues was introduced in Sweden in product factories or from HUB
oil used on board ships must not 1998, while in Norway an environ- stocks; the latter hold the most im-
exceed 1.5% m/m. Alternatively, mental tax based on tonnage was portant components closer to the
ships must fit an exhaust gas clean- introduced in 2001. Reductions in customer.
ing system or use any other techno- port dues based on environmental

26 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Recycling – reconditioning and Technology advances are applied Service agreements
product upgrades as much as possible to products Wärtsilä guarantees basic life-
Wärtsilä workshops recondition already delivered and even prod- cycle support for all the equip-
used parts that are still in working ucts removed from the range. In ment it supplies. A broad range of
condition. Customers can also trade other words, Wärtsilä makes avail- Service Agreements is offered
in these parts for reconditioned ex- able numerous product modifica- that give customers the option of
change parts. Complete engines tions, upgradings, tools and agents, further extending their equipment
can be reconditioned as well and and supporting software products. lifetime and even optimizing the
thus restored to their design param- These include: total lifecycle productivity of an
eters. The newest technologies can • On-screen guidance and installation, should they require
be retrofitted to existing engines. management applications for this. The following are the main
The purpose of engine upgrades is finding spares or for performing types of agreement:
to improve the economic and envi- maintenance tasks, etc. • Supply Agreement: increases
ronmental performance and safety • Diagnostic applications for parts supply reliability and
of older engines in service. preventive maintenance information on upgrades.
• Remote monitoring and A Spares-on-Line connection
Training diagnostic support, enabling allows the customer to
Wärtsilä Land & Sea Academy pro- specialists to perform analy- order needed spares directly to
vides general and product-specific ses and give advanced support the ship’s next destination port.
training to customers covering all whenever needed • Support Agreement: provides
operation, maintenance and safety • A combination of manual onboard support and participa-
issues. The Academy also offers ac- inspections and online monitor- tion in daily routines
credited training courses for IMO/ ing of equipment and system • Maintenance Agreement:
STCW-95 certificates, and it has efficiency data makes it possible includes regular overhauls with
the capability and capacity to de- to predict maintenance needs reports and recommendations
liver both ship handling and engine for condition-based mainte- • Operation & Maintenance
room training courses. nance (CBM). Combining Agreement: ensures full
WLSA training centres are lo- traditional methods with pre- performance and operational
cated at the product factories and ventive maintenance, CBM responsibility for the installa-
also in major shipbuilding and ship allows operators to optimize tion.
operating areas. maintenance tasks by scheduling
them with harbour stops, for
Technical service example, thus maximizing
Wärtsilä provides 24-hour techni- operational availability and
cal support for its customers when- safety.
ever the need occurs, from advice
and troubleshooting, to repairs
and ordering and supplying spares.
Wärtsilä’s specialists also perform
various verification and tuning
measurements for the purposes of
the IMO regulations or port regu-
lation limits, etc.
Technical feedback from cus-
tomers is collected, evaluated and
utilized in product development as
well as for maintenance recommen-
dations and other support. Results
obtained from using such feedback
include extended intervals between
overhauls, reduced oil consump-
tion, and improved monitoring of
engine parameters.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 27
Plains End power plant (111 MW) uses ULE-type SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) and oxidation catalysts.

Power Plant Solutions

Wärtsilä’s product portfolio in- Wärtsilä offers complete customer ments for emissions and the fuels
cludes a range of power plants uti- support covering the entire lifecy- used differ widely. Wärtsilä focuses
lizing either oil or gas as fuel. Wärt- cle of the plant for all of the power on fewer types of engine in order to
silä BioPower, a range of boiler generation solutions it delivers. achieve solutions that are more en-
plants fired using mainly solid bio- vironmentally sound and have im-
fuels, adds an extra dimension to proved overall reliability and cost-
the portfolio. In decentralized en- Applications Customers Fuels efficiency.
ergy production, Wärtsilä’s Power
Plants business focuses on the de- Baseload Utility NG, LNG, CNG Energy efficiency
centralized power generation mar- Peaking Industry Special Wärtsilä’s engine-driven power
ket, supplying mostly power plants Standby IPP gases plants offer certain benefits in en-
for baseload operation, as well as Pumping Oil & Gas LFO, HFO ergy economy compared to many
plants for intermediate load and Orimulsion® other types of plants. Energy effi-
peak shaving applications in cer- Bio-oils ciency is an important aspect, not
tain market areas. only in terms of energy economy
Wärtsilä supplies power plants but also because it reduces the use
to utilities or independent power This is achieved through sophisti- of limited natural resources as well
producers (IPPs) for convention- cated service products and service as the emissions produced per unit
al electricity generation. The com- and maintenance agreements de- of energy. Specific emissions of sul-
pany also has industrial customers veloped in collaboration with the phur and carbon dioxide per unit
who want to safeguard their pro- company’s global network of sub- of energy produced with the same
duction with a reliable source of sidiaries and service companies. fuel depend purely on efficiency.
power. An increasingly important In addition to reducing emis- The shaft efficiencies of engines in
market segment is oil and gas ex- sions, Wärtsilä’s Power Plants busi- Wärtsilä® power plant engines can
traction, in which power is needed ness places high priority on devel- be close to 50%, and remain high
for drilling, transportation and re- oping diversity and flexibility of even at low outputs.
fining. The diesel engines that pow- emissions reduction techniques in Typically engine-driven pow-
er the oil pumping stations, for in- order to find solutions that are com- er plants contain several engines,
stance, also run on the crude oil petitive and easy to deploy in differ- thereby fully exploiting the effi-
pumped through the pipeline. ent market areas where the require- ciency advantages in different oper-

28 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Typical plant electrical ergy produced in addition to elec- erated would be more than halved.
52% 52%
efficiency tricity is used for either heating or Furthermore, burning natural gas
cooling, depending on the need, or at the same efficiency would pro-
42% 42% for both simultaneously in different duce only 60% of the quantity of
proportions. Cogeneration typical- carbon dioxide produced by burn-
ly achieves 75 – 90% overall effi- ing coal.
ciency, thereby significantly reduc-
Large gas turbine

ing emissions levels per unit of en- Multifuel solutions

Diesel combined
Small gas turbine

combined cycle
simple cycle

simple cycle

simple cycle

simple cycle
Large diesel
Small diesel
steam plant

Gas turbine

Decentralized power generation Types of fuel used in Wärtsilä’s
means using small energy produc- engine-driven power plants
tion units that are located close to Including associated gas
• Wärtsilä product the centres of energy consumption.
and coal bed gas
• Non-Wärtsilä product The spread of decentralized power HFO water emulsion
Palm oil
generation is a result of electricity High viscosity HFO
ating ranges. The output of a pow- market deregulation and the radi- Rape seed oil
Crude oil
er plant can be regulated, mainly by cal changes this caused in the en- Natural gas + special gases*
Heavy fuel oil (HFO)
the number of engines operating ergy sector. The business environ- Diesel and light fuel oil (LFO)
and by optimizing the output of in- ment of today’s electricity markets 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
dividual engines, thus maintaining clearly favours decentralized power
very high overall efficiency even at generation as opposed to the con-
low turndown ratios (loads). Avail- ventional model, which is based on
ability also increases in a multi-en- centralized generation in large in-
gine installation because an indi- stallations. The short delivery times Most of the power plants that
vidual engine can be serviced while for small plants combined with the Wärtsilä has delivered recently use
the others are in operation. ability to increase their production heavy fuel oil, but the proportion
capacity in stages, and often to eas- of plants using natural gas is in-
Shaft efficiencies of gas turbine ily combine heat and power gener- creasing. Also, the use of crude oil
and engine-driven power plant ation, are definite advantages com- – for instance, at oil pumping sta-
versus power output pared to the inflexible model of tions and in other power generat-
centralized power generation. De- ing applications in the oil industry
1. 2. 3. 4. centralized power generation also – has considerably boosted Wärt-
Engine Engine Engine Engine allows problems such as transmis- silä’s power plant deliveries.
4 x Wärtsilä 18V38 sion losses caused by long transmis- The use of bio-oils is progres-
Shaft efficiency (%)

40 sion lines, and land reservations for sively increasing in Wärtsilä’s de-
Aeroderivative types
the lines, to be minimized by lo- liveries of engine-driven power
35 cating the power generating plants plants. One example is the Pen-
Typical range of
single unit gas close to consumers. Wärtsilä power tesilea project in Italy, which is
turbine efficien-
30 cies plants are well suited to decentral- nearing the commissioning stage.
types ized power generation. The plant will use palm oil as fuel
Reducing emissions at a single in two Wärtsilä 18V32 engines,
5 10 20 30 40
large source is more cost-effective which generate an electrical out-
Plant output (MW)
than reducing them at a number of
small plants. On the other hand, to
In combined heat and power (CHP) ensure the same ambient air quality Relative sales of different types
generation, or cogeneration, the re- the emissions level at a large plant of Wärtsilä’s engine-driven
sidual heat from the engine cooling should be much lower than in the power plants
water and flue gas is used to pro- case of several decentralized plants. (June 2003-May 2004)

duce steam or hot water. This ther- Replacing a large coal-fired plant,
mal energy is typically used in a dis- for example, that has 35 – 40% ef-
trict heating network, an industrial ficiency, with small gas-fired CHP
process or a chiller. plants that can have 90% efficien-
A solution that would maxi- cy, would produce appreciable en-
mize energy efficiency and versatil- vironmental benefits because with
ity in many applications is trigen- the same emission content the rela-
eration, in which the thermal en- tive emission per unit of energy gen- • HFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63%
• LFO / BIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7%
• NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30%

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 29
put of 16 MW. Although the emis- for the needs of LNG tankers. In
sion requirements set for the plant 2002 the oil company Dygoil iden-
can mostly be met by means of the tified a need for such an installation
clean combustion process achieved because the volume of gas available
by the engine technology, both en- fluctuated strongly at one of their
gines have also been equipped with plants. Wärtsilä carried out further
SCRs to reduce NOX emissions. development and delivered a fully-
operational power plant to Dygoil
in March 2004.

Reduction of emissions
Primary methods are mainly used
to control emissions of nitrogen ox-
ides (NOX). When developing and The two Wärtsilä 18V32GD engines in the
optimizing engines it is necessary Dygoil plant in Ecuador use the fuel sharing
to look at the whole picture because principle.
reducing emissions of nitrogen ox-
The Pentesilea plant (16 MW) in Italy is fired ides can result in higher fuel con-
using bio-oil, such as palm oil. sumption and increased emissions Secondary methods are an im-
of other substances. In Wärtsilä portant element in Wärtsilä pow-
Wärtsilä’s dual-fuel solutions for power plants dry primary methods er plants as well. Their use and the
power plants are extremely flexi- – i.e. optimizing the engine – are need for them depend very much
ble. One solution is to select a die- mainly used to reduce emissions, on the location of the plant and
sel power plant that operates dur- which promotes Wärtsilä’s goal of the type of fuel used. Wärtsilä has
ing the first few years on heavy fuel, supplying power plants in which actively engaged in co-operation
for instance. When natural gas later water consumption is minimized. with different equipment suppliers
becomes an option, the engines can In certain applications, how- aimed at reliably deploying various
be converted to gas-powered en- ever, wet primary methods achieve methods in engine-driven pow-
gines. Another more flexible solu- the best overall result because the er plants. Secondary methods can
tion is to select a dual-fuel engine – reduction efficiencies achieved with successfully eliminate many differ-
e.g. a Wärtsilä DF or GD engine – dry methods are limited when fuel ent emission components.
that can switch seamlessly between consumption and other emissions
operating on gas or fuel oil depend- are factored in. Wärtsilä is devel-
ing on availability, prices or other oping, and plans to commercial- Flue gas emission control equip-
such criteria. ize, certain wet technologies for the ment delivered or currently on or-
One of the latest achievements power plant sector in the near fu- der from Wärtsilä (January 2005)
in this field is the fuel sharing con- ture. These chiefly comprise hu- for power plant applications
cept, developed especially to meet midification of the combustion No. of engines Output (MW)
the needs of the oil industry, in air using water or steam, and the SCR 153 972

which a Wärtsilä GD engine uses use of water-in-fuel emulsions. The Oxidation catalyst 247 1,075
ESP 10 160
gas and liquid fuels simultaneously latter already has a track record in
FGD 59 683
in different proportions. This kind commercial applications, such as
of power plant can use gas or fuel Orimulsion® fuel (bitumen-water
oil simultaneously over a very wide emulsion).
operating range. If, for example,
the gas available allows only 30% Operating windows of fuel
of the rated output to be reached, sharing concept
the engine will use fuel oil for the
remaining 70%. The operator can Fuel oil
share %
share %
freely change the setpoint of the 0 100
Gas diesel
10 90
fuel share within a specified oper- 20 80 2
ating window. Of course, the oper- 30 70
40 60
ator has the choice of running the 50 50
Fuel Sharing Fuel Sharing
60 40 3
engine in conventional gas or fuel 70 30
oil operation as well. The principle 80 20
Operating window 1
90 10
was tested originally in 1999 with a 100 0 Fuel oil
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Wärtsilä® 4R32GD engine designed
Engine load %

30 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Reducing nitrogen oxides emissions were higher than normal,
SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduc- making the testing conditions ex-
tion) systems are used in many tremely demanding. This high-dust
Wärtsilä power plants to remove ni- SCR system is now ready for the
trogen oxides (NOX). SCR can be first commercial application.
used in both diesel and gas engine
applications. Typical reduction effi- Reducing sulphur dioxide
ciencies are 80–90%, but increasing Various types of flue gas desul-
the catalyst material and improving phurization (FGD) systems have
the control system can achieve im- been delivered to Wärtsilä’s die-
proved reduction efficiencies, al- sel power plants in different parts 150/160 MW diesel power plant using
though this increases costs. The ba- of the world. Typically two types water-in-fuel emulsion, in which electro-
sic principle of SCR is that the use of FGD systems are used in Wärt- static precipitators and wet limestone flue
of an ammonia or urea solution at a silä power plants: wet sodium hy- gas desulphurization systems have been
suitable temperature reduces the droxide (NaOH) and wet lime- installed.
nitrogen oxides on the surface of stone (CaCO3) FGD systems. The
the catalyst to completely harmless first is better suited to small plants ties aimed at using ESP (electro-
molecular nitrogen (N2) and steam. using low-sulphur fuels because static precipitator) technology with
Wärtsilä’s goal has been to de- the initial investment cost is rela- diesel engines in 1997, which have
velop an ultra-low-emission (ULE) tively low, even for smallish plants, so far covered pilot testing in Fin-
version of an SCR for gas-fired en- although sodium hydroxide is ex- land at the end of 1997 and a dem-
gines, especially for the US market. pensive and results in high oper- onstration in Guatemala in 1999-
This engine which would achieve ating costs. A wet limestone FGD 2000. One result of this R&D is an
a NOX emission level of below 10 system is more suitable for large electrostatic precipitator that can
ppm (15% O2). Power plants fit- power plants and cheap high-sul- achieve particulate emission levels
ted with this solution have been phur fuels. Dry desulphurization of 40–50 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% O2)
delivered to the USA over the past systems have also been installed in with extremely poor-quality fuels.
few years. Emissions have been be- Wärtsilä power plants, but their fea- The first commercial project in
low requirements both in the com- sibility is restricted by, for instance, which ESP is used was ready for in-
missioning stage and during nor- the maximum permissible temper- stallation in early 2004. Two pre-
mal operation of the power plant. atures of the flue gas, which are not liminary measurements of emission
The emission guarantees for cor- optimal for standard engine-driven levels at the Guatemalan plant have
responding power plants designed power plants. already been taken and the results
today can be set at approximate- The conventional limestone indicate that the performance tar-
ly 5 ppm (dry, 15% O2). The larg- FGD system has been used in boil- gets will be achieved.
est remaining challenges for reduc- er plants all over the world for Stricter emission limits in the
ing NOX emissions are controlling many decades now. Since there are future will necessitate even higher
the rise in costs and limiting am- always risks attached to deploy- reduction efficiencies. ESP devel-
monia slip. ing a technology in a new environ- opment with one of Wärtsilä’s sup-
Another significant develop- ment, Wärtsilä conducted a project pliers is ongoing, aimed at achiev-
ment area has been applying SCR for thoroughly monitoring its first ing lower particulate matter levels
techniques in power plants that use plant. The Manisa power plant in (<30 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% O2)). The
poor-quality fuels. One problem in Turkey, in which Wärtsilä’s first testing, scheduled for 2003 in the
the use of conventional SCRs has limestone FGD system was in- original plan, was postponed until
been the increase in pressure loss stalled, has been operating for three 2004. So far two particulate mat-
caused by blockage of the catalyst years now and the monitoring pe- ter (PM) emission measurements
reactor when poor-quality fuels riod is nearing its end. Measure- have been taken of this enhanced
are used. Tests conducted in 2002 ments taken at start-up and each ESP version, and the preliminary
showed that an SCR with a differ- year since show that this FGD sys- results indicate that achieving the
ent catalyst structure and improved tem meets its performance targets. target level is feasible.
automatic soot blowing equip-
ment was an effective solution. The Reducing particulate emissions Reduction of carbon monoxide
change in pressure loss throughout The electrostatic filter is a very and hydrocarbon emissions
a full 3,600 hours of testing, us- old invention that has been used With the exception of SCR, the
ing mainly Orimulsion®, was insig- in countless applications, such as techniques listed above are not
nificant. Since Orimulsion® has a boiler plants and cement facto- normally used with gas engines. In-
high sulphur and ash content, soot ries. Wärtsilä started R&D activ- stead, a substantial part of reducing

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 31
emissions in gas-fired power plants more attractive. Conversely, fuel ing on scheduled measurements of
is performed by oxidation cata- quality has an appreciable impact the flue gas and periodic on-site in-
lysts, which remove either carbon on flue gas quality, and therefore spection of certain process parame-
monoxide (CO) or hydrocarbons also on the need to scrub flue gas- ters and fuel quality.
(HC), or both. Numerous differ- es, the type of scrubber used and
ent types of oxidation catalysts have the scrubbing efficiency needed. A
been supplied to Wärtsilä’s gas-fired poor-quality fuel, high in sulphur Prices of fuel oils in recent years
power plants over the years, rang- and ash, may need flue gas desul- US$ / tonnes
ing from small catalysts for remov- phurization (FGD) and particle re-
ing carbon monoxide through to duction systems while a low-sul- 220
the highly efficient ULE (ultra low phur, low-ash fuel does not neces- 180
emission) versions for the US mar- sarily need any treatment. 160
ket with high CO and HC reduc- A poor-quality fuel may result 120
tion efficiencies but costing many in lower fuel costs but the clean- 80
times more than the small units. ing technology on the other hand 60
Normal oxidation catalysts can requires additional capital invest- 20
reduce emissions of many hydro- ments and additional operating 0
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
carbon components, but removing costs. The customer will make the
methane (CH4) with catalytic oxi- investment decision based on the
dation is especially demanding be- total lifecycle cost corresponding to
cause proper operation of today’s a certain electricity price. The main
Source: Reuters
catalytic materials requires much aspect is that cleaning equipment
higher temperatures than those generally has an appreciable im- The use and maintenance of auto-
in the flue gases from gas engines. pact on the cost of generating elec- mated equipment to ensure relia-
Wärtsilä is monitoring the develop- tricity, and therefore there must be ble operation requires a high level
ment of methane reduction meth- a large enough price difference be- of know-how from the personnel.
ods in the market to find a cost- tween high- and poor-quality fuel This is not necessarily adequate or
effective solution. to make it economically viable to available in all cases and can mean
use poor-quality fuel. that the emission data reported is
Economic impact of flue gas unreliable. Often, therefore, it is
emission control Monitoring emissions considered sufficient to carefully
One consequence of rising fuel Monitoring emissions is a natural monitor the process parameters
prices, especially the sharp rises re- follow-on to reducing emissions. A and to call in a specialized consult-
cently, is that the price and efficien- plant’s emissions can be monitored ant to perform regular measure-
cy of a fuel is of even greater im- on-site in two ways; either by meas- ments. Normally this produces
portance with regard to the overall uring the levels of emission compo- adequately reliable results.
cost of the electrical power a plant nents and other parameters in the The legislation of some coun-
generates. This has made the use flue gas with automatic equipment, tries makes the use of automatic
of cheaper and lower-quality fuels or with a secondary method rely- emission monitoring equipment
mandatory for plants of a certain
type or size. These systems are of-
Power plant electricity production costs as a function ten called CEMS (Continuous
of fuel quality and cleaning techniques Emission Monitoring System) or
AMS (Automated Measurement
• Waste disposal System). In India, for example, it
100 • Emission control O & M is mandatory for large (> 50 MW)
• Capital cost (emission control)
Relative cost (%)

• Fuel cost diesel power plants to use this type
60 • Plant O & M (w/o fuel cost) of equipment for monitoring NOX
40 • Capital cost (regular plant) emissions.
The proportion of Wärtsilä
power plants equipped with CEMS
0 or AMS systems will probably grow
Case1 Case2 Case3
in future. The challenge here is that
Case 1. Good-quality HFO, no emission control Wärtsilä power plants are normal-
Case 2. Low-cost HFO, particle control with ESP, flue gas desulphurization ly provided with individual exhaust
Case 3. Low-cost emulsified fuel, particle control with ESP, flue gas desulphurization ducts and flue gas stacks – each en-

32 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
gine has its own stack. That means siderably increase water consump- Current World Bank Guidelines
numerous individual components tion. On the other hand they offer for the NOX, SO2 and PM emis-
will be needed even if a time-shared savings in fuel consumption and sions of the new power plants
system is used, i.e. a single analys- therefore lower emissions of car- Secondary or wet primary cleaning
er serves a number of stacks. As the bon dioxide. methods make it possible to use
number of components increases, To reduce water consumption, lower-quality fuel and reach lower
the reliability of the equipment de- air-cooled radiators are used in emission levels, or to achieve better
clines. Furthermore, the use of dif- many Wärtsilä power plants. Wärt- fuel economy.
ferent fuels also presents a challenge silä also gives high priority to de- Ambient air quality is an essen-
for equipment design. veloping engines that enable dry tial factor in the World Bank’s emis-
Based on experience in India methods for reducing nitrogen ox- sion guidelines. The compliance of
and on laboratory tests, Wärtsilä ides. a power plant with the relevant am-
has developed a system for meas- bient air quality guidelines or reg-
uring the gaseous components of ulations is the responsibility of the
emissions from diesel plants fired Water consumption of different plant owner. The resulting ambient
by heavy fuel oil. The system can types of power plants air quality is a combination of the
also be adapted to plants fired by Water consumption / t/h
effects of various sources, including
gas or light fuel oil. The system 130 MWe power plant traffic, natural sources, other indus-
has not yet reached the long-term 600 trial plants and households, and it
plant cooling tower
gas turbine power
Diesel and gas engine

Combined cycle

objectives for simple, reliable and also depends on the local momen-
based power plant

easy to use equipment, and there- tary and seasonal weather condi-
Diesel and gas engine based

cooling tower
power plant radiator cooled

400 Steam boiler power plant

fore one of Wärtsilä’s key projects tions. Every effort should be made
in 2004 and 2005 is the develop- to establish the ambient air qual-
ment and testing of a new, innova- ity, and changes in it, with thor-
cooling tower


tive solution for automated flue gas 100 ough studies and atmospheric dis-
measurement. 0
persion modelling, both of which
are important elements in the en-
Water consumption vironmental impact assessment of
Water is a critical resource in many Effect of emissions reduction on the plant.
parts of the world and is becoming water consumption
increasingly important to econom- TA-Luft limit values for NOX
ic and social development year by 80
130 MWe power plant 140 m3/h
German TA-Luft regulations have
year. It is estimated that only 2.5% been widely applied to engine-driv-
Typical water consumption m3/h

with water / fuel technique

of all the Earth’s water resources is en plants in other European coun-

Diesel and gas power plant

with air humidification
25% NOX reduction

fresh water and only 0.26% of this tries apart from Germany. The lat-
25% NOX reduction


amount is easily available. Further- 40 est TA-Luft 2002, released in 2002,

SO2 removal with
limestone FGD

more, some of these scarce water re- 30 sets stricter limits on dust and CO
sources are becoming polluted and 20 emissions. Wärtsilä’s strategy for
in many areas they vary considera- 10 lean-burn gas engines, including its
bly, both locally and seasonally. 0 dual-fuel engine (DF) in gas mode,
Water consumption is also an is to comply with the TA-Luft reg-
important environmental aspect of ulation using primary techniques
energy generation. Minimizing wa- as far as practicable. The use of a
ter consumption and wastewater is Legislative requirements CO oxidation catalyst is normally
one of Wärtsilä’s design principles. A core principle applied by Wärt- required for compliance with the
Compared to many other meth- silä in the development of its power TA-Luft regulations today.
ods, an air-cooled engine-driven plants and equipment is to meet the
power plant in closed circuit is un- requirements of the World Bank. Other limits
rivalled in terms of low water con- Wärtsilä makes every effort in de- India has long been an important
sumption. signing its power plants to ensure market for Wärtsilä diesel pow-
Water consumption is an im- that the World Bank’s stack emis- er plants. In 2002 India launched
portant factor that should be con- sion guidelines are met with a suf- new regulations for diesel engines
sidered when evaluating emissions ficiently good quality of fuel with- which set stricter emission lim-
reduction techniques. Wet primary out using wet primary or secondary its on plants commissioned after
methods for reducing emissions of methods in cases where the plant is June 2005 than for plants delivered
nitrogen oxides, for example, con- located in a non-degraded airshed. before that date. Wärtsilä has fo-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 33
NOX emissions compliance of Wärtsilä diesel cused considerable R&D resourc-
engine power plants with World Bank Guidelines es on developing and launching en-
gines that meet the 710 ppm (dry,
Non-degraded airshed:
15% O2) NOX requirement in or-
NOX mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v), 02, 0 oC)
2 200 2000 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v) 02, 0 oC)
2 000 der to minimize the need for wet
1 800 Compliance with primary methods
1 600 reduction methods and the conse-
1 400 quent increase in water consump-
1 200
1 000 Degraded airshed:
tion. This goal is a demanding one
800 400 mg/nm3 for diesel engines using heavy fu-
600 (dry, 15% (v/v) 02, 0 oC)
el oil, for which there is strong de-
Compliance using SCR techniques and mand in India – especially for small
proper fuel choice
(< 20 MWe) power plants.
The goal has been partly
achieved in that some types of en-
gine meet the new requirements,
SO2 emissions compliance of Wärtsilä diesel and in that unfortunately engines
engine power plants with World Bank Guidelines using heavy fuel oil will often have
slightly higher fuel consumption
Plants < 50 MWe in non-degraded airshed:
and CO2 emissions. Wärtsilä is
SO2 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v), 02, 0 oC)

Compliance with most heavy fuel oils

2 000 continuing its engine development
Plants ≥ 50 MWe in non-degraded airshed: programme and progressive im-
1 500 Compliance with medium sulphur fuel oil or
with FGD
provements are expected from ad-
vances in turbocharging technolo-
1 000 Plants ≥ 50 MWe in degraded airshed:
Compliance with low sulphur fuel oil or gy. Wärtsilä diesel engines can meet
with FGD the other emission limits India has
set, such as those for CO, NMHC
0 and PM, using fuels that are gener-
ally available in the country.
The principle in the US market
for specifying emission limits for
individual power plants differs from
Particle emissions compliance of Wärtsilä diesel the practice in many other countries
engine power plants with World Bank Guidelines in its diversity. The permit process
in the USA applies a number of dif-
Plants < 50 MWe, in non-degraded airshed: ferent regulations, and often total
PM mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v), 02, 0 oC)

100 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v) 02)

100 annual output (tonnes per year) of
a certain emission component is
70 Plants ≥ 50 MWe set as a threshold value for a pow-
60 50 mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v) 02) er plant. In other words, the maxi-
40 Compliance Electrostatic precipitator mum permitted content in the flue
with low-ash and high-ash/-sulphur
low-sulphur fuel 50% reduction
gas is determined according to the
fuels plant’s annual power output.
This being the case, the per-
mitted maximum content depends
very much on the size and annu-
al utilization of a power plant. It is
often important, for instance, that
NOX emissions compliance for gas engine power plant (TA-Luft) HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutants)
emissions are less than 25 tonnes
TA-Luft regulation for spark-ignited
NOX mg/nm3 (dry, 15% (v/v), 02, 0 oC)

4-stroke engines a year, and that individual HAP

Compliance with primary methods
components are less than 10 tonnes
400 a year, for the plant to avoid being
classified in the Major Source cate-
1/2 TA-Luft
gory and consequently subjected to
200 Compliance with considerably more complex licens-
primary methods
100 reducing efficiency ing and monitoring.

34 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Generally speaking, limitations on India’s emission limits for diesel power plants
emissions are in a permanent state
1 July 2003 - 1 July 2005 -
of flux. Certain parameters are used 30 June
across the board today while oth- 2005
ers are just being introduced, and NOX (ppm)
970 710
the rate of change varies in differ- Big cities ≤ 75 MW and other areas ≤ 150 MW
ent market areas. NOX (ppm)
710 360
Big cities > 75 MW and other areas > 150 MW
Installations of emission reduc- NMHC (as C, mg/nm3) 100 100
tion technologies
PM (mg/nm3), light fuel oil 75 75
Although most Wärtsilä gas-fired
PM (mg/nm3), heavy fuel oil 100 100
plants are delivered without SCR,
this technology is now deployed in CO (mg/nm ) 3
150 150
many plants delivered to the USA. S content of fuel oil (%) big cities 2 2
These plants are often equipped
S content of fuel oil (%) other areas 4 4
with highly effective oxidation cata-
lysts as well. Wärtsilä calls this pow- Reference oxygen concentration 15 % O2, nm3 25 °C / 101.3 kPa
er plant solution the ULE (Ultra
Low Emission) concept, an exam- phur content. The CPT-Lungtan which is made visible by the steam
ple of which is the 111 MWe Plains power plant in Taiwan, due for it contains.
End, Colorado, plant commis- commissioning during 2005, is a
sioned in 2002 – 2003. The plant good example of another type of Plant servicing
contains 20 Wärtsilä® 18V34SG en- desulphurization need. Altogether Any power generation unit will per-
gines, each fitted with SCR equip- seven Wärtsilä 18V32 engines will form best in terms of production,
ment and an oxidation catalyst. be installed in this plant, which availability, emissions and long
The NOX emission level guaranteed will use fuel with a maximum sul- service if it is operated and main-
for the plant was 8 ppm (dry, 15% phur content of 0.5%. Despite this, tained according to plan using pro-
O2), and emissions from the plant’s desulphurization was a requirement fessional expertise and high-quality
units have consistently been below for the plant. In this case a wet so- spare parts. The nearest subsidiary
this figure both during commis- dium hydroxide FGD system was of Wärtsilä’s global network partic-
sioning and in subsequent sched- by far the most economically vi- ipates in a power plant delivery, ex-
uled measurements. able option because of its low in- amines the logistics, safety and en-
The use of cheap fuels with a high vestment cost. The desulphuriza- vironmental aspects of the delivery,
sulphur and ash content usually ne- tion unit also contains a flue gas re- provides the customer with post-
cessitates desulphurization of the heater, which uses hot air to raise commissioning support, and con-
flue gases and PM reduction. The the temperature of the flue gas to veys the customer’s feedback and
150/160 MW diesel plant Wärtsilä some 10 degrees above the conden- needs to the organization through-
delivered to Guatemala uses water- sation point. The purpose of the out the operational lifetime of the
in-fuel emulsion, which requires reheater is to minimize the visible installation – and often after it.
ESPs and desulphurization because flue gas after the scrubbing process,
of the sulphur dioxide and particu-
late emissions produced during its
combustion. Each of the ten Wärt- Focus on air emissions from engine-driven power plants
silä® 18V46 engines in the plant is Abbreviations:
NOX = oxides of nitrogen
connected to its own ESP unit, af- Importance
SO2 = sulphur dioxide
ter which the flue gases are cleaned PM = particulate matter
PM10 = particulate matter
in two parallel wet limestone FGD SO2 NOX PM with diameters below 10
systems. The goal for this solution micrometres; in the future also
is to achieve a reduction efficien- PM2.5 will probably appear
Diesel THC = total hydrocarbons
cy of 90% for SO2 and a PM emis- engines* NMHC = non-methane
sion level of below 50 mg/nm3 (dry, hydrocarbon
CO VOC CO = carbon monoxide
15% O2). Initial measurements in- PM10
VOC = volatile organic
dicate that these targets will most HC compounds, typically means
non-methane non-ethane
likely be achieved. CO2
NMHC Gas hydrocarbons
A limestone FGD system has engines THC HC = individual hydro-
definite advantages when the plant carbon compounds (e.g.
formaldehyde) or group of
is big and the fuel has a high sul- Emissions critical Increasing impor- hydrocarbons (e.g. PAH)
to engine types* tance in the future CO2 = carbon dioxide

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 35
The CPT-Lungtan plant in Taiwan will be ronmental performance while also the overall system status and thus
delivered with a wet sodium hydroxide FGD meeting production targets. Gener- predict and optimize maintenance
al or plant-specific training is given needs and maximize plant availabil-
in one of Wärtsilä’s training centres ity and operational safety.
or on-site prior to commissioning a
plant. WLSA also provides remote Operations & maintenance
training and e-learning wherever agreements
this is practical. Wärtsilä’s service agreements are
comprehensive in scope and tai-
Technical support lored to precise needs, letting cus-
Wärtsilä offers its customers 24- tomers choose from different lev-
hour phone support, giving prac- els of partnership agreements, or
tical advice on a range of techni- a day-to-day business relationship.
cal questions. A customer can im- Agreements cover all aspects of life-
Optimized logistics mediately receive instructions by cycle optimization, including parts
Wärtsilä ensures the prompt availa- phoning the nearest Wärtsilä call supply and daily assistance, in-
bility of original spare parts not on- centre, thus avoiding potential ma- spection and maintenance. Wärt-
ly with global transport contracts chine breakage, emissions or acci- silä’s Operations and Maintenance
but also by maintaining HUB dents. Wärtsilä’s technical experts (O&M) agreements include com-
warehouses in Singapore and Flor- also perform measurements and plete operation with implemen-
ida that store the parts most fre- analyses, and publish servicing rec- tation of agreed performance tar-
quently needed. That means criti- ommendations. This helps custom- gets and maintenance for an in-
cal parts for both engines and aux- ers to solve problems and to modi- stallation. Over 140 plant owners
iliary systems are only a reasonable fy and optimize operating perform- around the world enjoy the benefits
distance from the installation. ance. of Wärtsilä’s O&M agreements.
Wärtsilä’s expert-manned serv- Wärtsilä has a 5-year O&M
Recycling, reconditioning and ice provides remote monitoring agreement with Plains End pow-
modernization and diagnostic support through re- er plant, which started operat-
Wärtsilä’s servicing workshops re- mote analyses of problems occur- ing commercially in May 2002.
condition components, spare parts ring in an installation. A combi- The fixed-price contract guaran-
or complete engines for a customer. nation of manual inspections and tees stack emissions, heat rate and
Wärtsilä also stocks and sells recon- online monitoring of equipment plant availability. The plant dif-
ditioned components and engines, and system efficiency data is used fers from many others in that it is
giving a discount for reconditiona- for Condition-Based Maintenance provided with a remote monitor-
ble parts returned by the customer. (CBM) to accurately determine ing system that enables effective
Exploiting technological advances
to modernize and modify installa-
tions helps older production units Cost comparison of
to meet stricter environmental re- maintenance systems
Maintenance cost, parts and work for 50,000
quirements by reducing fuel and
operating hours on different fuel qualities at year
lubricating oil consumption, or by 2002 price level.
enabling the use of a more environ- cost
mentally sound fuel. 120

100 Service agreements in force

Operation and service training Number of agreements
The Wärtsilä Land & Sea Academy 350
(WLSA) provides extensive train- 300
ing programmes covering opera- 40 250
tion, service and safety issues for 20 200
power plant personnel. With a fo- 0 150
cused training strategy and quali- Scheduled maintenance CBM 100
fied teachers, the WLSA provides • Poor quality HFO 50
a thorough understanding of how • Normal quality HFO 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
to optimize lifecycle costs and envi- • Diesel or light fuel oil

36 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
operation with minimum person- ly accepted the plant because of its
nel. Six Wärtsilä employees work at physical appearance and low emis-
the plant, which can be monitored sion levels.
from Fort Lauderdale, over 3,000 Operating the plant at its de-
kilometres away, or even from Vaa- sign values optimizes performance,
sa, Finland. More extensive servic- avoids overloading the engines me-
ing is provided by the nearest Serv- chanically or thermally, and thus
ice Office. keeps gas consumption optimal
The Public Service Compa- during each period of operation.
ny of Colorado, a regional utili- Continual monitoring of operating
ty, needs not only peaking pow- parameters and computation of op-
er to meet fluctuating summer and erational trends reduces the number
winter loads but also standby pow- of unscheduled stops. That allows
er that can quickly be used if the maintenance to be properly sched-
operation of baseload plants is in- uled according to need. Wherever
terrupted. The technology Wärtsilä practical, all maintenance and serv-
offers is a unique solution for gen- ice activities are performed at the
erating standby and peaking pow- same time in order to minimize
er because of the excellent heat rate the number of stops and maximize
of the plant in exceptional ambi- availability. Operating the plant
ent conditions. The plant is located with optimal gas consumption and
1,875 metres above sea level with correctly scheduled maintenance
outdoor temperatures as high as minimizes operating costs.
+37 °C. Local residents have easi-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 37
Boiler Plants

Wärtsilä Biopower manufac- tain optimal results, and these are Energy production
tures and supplies boiler and pow- assembled on site to form the boil- Wärtsilä’s bioboilers are designed
er plants that use biofuels, oil and er plant. At present more than 76 for wood-based fuels that are typ-
gas for fuel. Boiler plants operating BioEnergy and BioPower plants are ically generated as flows of residues
on biofuels have a capacity of 2–17 in use around the world. from forest industry processes.
MWth. Boiler plants that operate on
oil and gas have a unit size of 1–15 Plant manufacture and material Distinctive characteristics of biofuel:
MWth. With these fuels the plants The materials used in the plants • Variable, high moisture content,
can produce hot water, steam and consist of various steels and mason- up to 65% m/m
electricity according to the custom- ry materials. Tubular structures, • Variable heat value on arrival at
er’s needs. In 2004 Wärtsilä Bio- rolled steel and cast steel that with- the plant, at its lowest only
power supplied plants with a com- stand high temperatures are used in 5 MJ/kg
bined capacity of 72 MWth / 6.03 the boiler and combustion equip- • Fairly low, variable energy
MWe. ment. In plants where the flue gases density: 0.5 MWh/m3 < q < 1.2
Biopower has focused on bi- are condensed, corrosion-resistant MWh/m3
omass-fired boiler and power steels are used. The main material • Low sulphur content
plants which it supplies to select- used in the building is usually con- < 0.05% m/m dry
ed market areas. Wärtsilä’s patent- crete. Steel is used for load-bear- • Low ash content
ed BioGrate technology enables the ing structures and normal materi- 0.5 – 3% m/m dry
power plants to use various wood- als are used for thermal and noise • Low chlorine content
based biofuels such as bark, saw- insulation. Safe, standard materials < 0.05% m/m dry.
dust, wood chips and also peat as are used in electrical equipment for
their source of energy. BioEnergy electricity transmission and protec- Boiler plants are usually dimen-
(BE) plants produce hot water and tion. sioned for fuel with a heat value of
steam. BioPower (BP) plants pro- 6 – 9 MJ/kg on arrival. A separate
duce heat and electricity. The boiler Deliveries 2004 drying plant for the fuel is not need-
plant systems are installed and the ed, since Wärtsilä’s grate design can
building is assembled in modules Products MWth MWe utilize wet biomass efficiently.
in the Wärtsilä factory. For larger BioEnergy 18 The biofuel may have picked up
boiler plants, prefabricated mod- BioPower 34 6 impurities such as pieces of metal,
Oil / gas 20
ules are used as far as possible to ob- sand or stones during handling or

38 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
transportation. If these are not re- water. The energy efficiency of oil- also various flexible mechanisms
moved from the fuel, they may re- fired boiler plants varies between for achieving emission reductions.
duce the availability of the plant 85% and 92% and when gas-fired Joint Implementation (JI), for ex-
and increase the need for auxilia- it is 95%, if a preheater is used for ample, makes it possible to finance
ry energy. The impurities can be re- the feed water. investments in emission reduc-
moved with magnetic separators or tions in connection with projects
various screens. carried out in countries that have
BP plant output and efficiency ratified the Kyoto Protocol. In the
Energy efficiency 25
period 2001 – 2004, Wärtsilä Bi-
The main factor affecting the effi- 102%
opower has delivered district heat-
ciency of the boiler is the level of 20
ing plants with a combined output
flue gas losses, in other words the 15 of 12.5 MWth in JI projects in the
proportion of the combustion en- 86%
Baltic countries.
ergy lost with the flue gas. The size
of the losses is affected by the vol- 5 NOx emissions
ume of flue gas emitted from the 0
Nitrogen oxide emissions from
boiler and in particular its temper- DH+FGC DH+HW DH+ FGC
boiler plants running on biofuel
ature. • Electrical output, MW mainly derive from the nitrogen in
The adjacent figure shows typi- • FGC=flue gas condenser output, MW th
the fuel. NOx emissions have been
cal boiler plant efficiencies as a func- • DH=district heat output/ reduced using combustion technol-
tion of the boiler load and moisture HW=drier output, MWth ogy by increasing the phasing of the
content of the fuel. The energy ef- combustion air and increasing the
ficiency varies between 85% and duration of the combustion gases
91%. The drier the fuel used, the Emissions to the air in the combustion zone. BioPow-
greater the efficiency. Using a sys- The flue gas emissions from bio- er and BioEnergy plants normal-
tem to recover the condensation boilers consist mainly of NOx, ly have NOx emission levels of be-
heat in the water vapour contained SO2, CO, CO2 and particle emis- low 90 mg/MJ (when the fuel has a
in the flue gas, cooling the flue gas- sions. The carbon contained in bio- nitrogen content of less then 0.2%
es to the dew point, the plant’s total fuel originates in the carbon diox- m/m). To meet customer require-
energy efficiency (boiler and heat ide in the atmosphere. When the ments, tailored solutions can be
recovery system) can improve by fuel is burnt, its carbon is released implemented that conform to even
up to 20 percentage points. In this back into the atmosphere mainly stricter emissions criteria.
way a high energy efficiency can be in the form of carbon dioxide, but
achieved even with wet fuel. when the biomass decomposes the
Specific nitrogen oxide emissions
In BP plants, electricity is gen- carbon is also released back in the
mg (NO2)/MJ
erated with a steam turbine gener- form of methane (CH4) and other
ator and the low-pressure exhaust hydrocarbons. The burning of bio-
steam from the turbine is used to mass does not in the long term alter
produce hot water in a steam con- the level of carbon dioxide in the 80

denser. The combined heat and atmosphere, nor does it increase the 60

power (CHP) generation process level of greenhouse gases. 40

optimizes production to the heat
requirements with electricity gen- Greenhouse gases
erated as a byproduct. Given what Greenhouse gases comprise sever- Basic level With tailored SNCR
is financially and technically feasi- al gaseous compounds such as car- technology
ble in each case, BP products are bon dioxide, methane and nitrous
• N = 0.2%
dimensioned for relatively low oxide. The Kyoto Protocol, part of • N > 0.2%
steam pressure and temperatures the UN Framework Convention
(23 – 52 bar and 450 – 480 ºC). on Climate Change, will restrict
The total energy efficiency is then the greenhouse gas emissions of the CO emissions
85 – 86%. parties to the agreement. The EU’s The carbon monoxide content of
A BP plant can produce just internal emissions trading scheme flue gas is kept low by maintaining
electricity, in which case the ener- (EU ETS) is also based on the Kyo- a sufficiently high combustion tem-
gy efficiency in electricity genera- to Protocol and is starting at the be- perature throughout the boiler’s ca-
tion is 25%. The low-pressure ex- ginning of 2005. pacity range. This is done with mul-
haust steam from the turbine is The Kyoto Protocol contains tiphase air distribution, with grate
then condensed using either air or not only emission restrictions but structures that effectively control

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 39
the movements of the fuel layer, The following are typical emission The calculated water consumption
with the specially designed brick levels from boilers fired using light varies in BP (CHP) applications
walls of the combustion chamber, fuel oil and gas: running on typical fuels between
and by mixing the flue gases and • CO < 20 mg/MJ 15 g/MJf and 25 g/MJf provided
combustion air effectively. A steady • NO emissions < 60 mg/MJ there is no steam consumption in
frequency-controlled fuel feed to • SOx < 10 mg/MJ the process. Monitored results of
the furnace and a large fuel stock • CxHx < 7 mg/MJ operating power plants are in short
that balances out variations in fuel • Particle emissions < 10 mg/MJ. supply but these correspond to the
quality are further factors in achiev- above values.
ing clean combustion. Noise emissions Water consumption in BE
Noise disturbs those in the neigh- plants relates principally to ash
Sulphur emissions bourhood, and increasing attention treatment unless there is other wa-
Sulphur dioxide emissions (SO2) to is being paid to this when designing ter consumption in the process.
the air are also extremely low, since structures. Noise emissions within Consumption varies typically in
clean biofuel does not normally the plant must be below 85 dB(A) the range 3 – 7 g/MJf depending on
contain significant amounts of sul- at a distance of one metre from the ash content of the fuel.
phur (< 0.02% m/m in dry fuel). machinery and outside below 50 Lubrication oil is used in BP
Typical SO2 emissions are less than dB(A) at a distance of 50 – 100 me- and BE plants in the fuel handling
20 mg/MJ, so no separate system is tres from the wall of the plant. To systems and in the hydraulic sys-
needed for extracting sulphur diox- meet the strictest noise emission re- tem in the grate. Some 500 l/a of
ide from the flue gases in order to quirements, tailored solutions can oil is needed. BP plants also con-
meet the emissions standards. be implemented that meet require- sume 500 l/a of lubrication oil in
ments for lower noise levels. the turbine.
Particle emissions
The level of a boiler’s particle emis- Ash, water and lubrication oil Compliance with legislation
sions is affected by fuel properties Ash is a typical byproduct of BE Wärtsilä’s BioEnergy and BioPow-
such as the ash content, particle size and BP plants. The solid matter in er plants are designed to meet all
and impurities. Clean biomass usu- biofuel includes 1 – 3% ash. Ash local emission requirements. These
ally has a low ash content (0.5–3% is mainly recovered in two sepa- are usually set for:
m/m dry) compared to other solid rate systems. Bottom ash is recov- • Non-combusted gases such
fuels. The grate separates some of ered after it has been extinguished as CO
the ash, which helps to reduce the (wet) under the grate. Dry bottom • Nitrogen oxides
load on the particle separator. The ash has a particle size of 50 µm – • Sulphuric oxides
separation efficiency of different 10 mm. Fly ash is recovered dry ei- • Particle emissions
particle collection systems depends ther from the multicyclone or the • Noise emissions
on the load on the separator (parti- electronic precipitator, depending • Water separated by flue gas
cle concentration, distribution and on the cleaning method, and it can condenser
amount of gas) and the fuel prop- be kept separate from the grate ash. • Condensate from the steam
erties. An electrostatic precipitator Fly ash has a particle size of 1 µm– boiler.
typically achieves particle emission 1 mm. The ash can usually be re-
levels of 10–50 mg/MJ, whereas a cycled. It can be used as a soil im-
multicyclone may achieve 100 mg/ provement agent, as a fertilizer in
MJ. forests, and as an additive in the
concrete industry.
Emissions into the air from oil- Roughly three-quarters of a BP
and gas-fired boilers plant’s need for extra water is deter-
Emissions into the air from oil mined by the quality of the raw wa-
and gas boilers are reduced using ter, the process circuit and the type
efficient combustion technology of plant; where BP2 and BP5 plants
(modern burner with an appropri- are concerned a further factor is the
ate boiler structure) and with pre- need for water treatment. The re-
cise, advanced regulation of the mainder is determined mainly by
combustion air. the ash treatment requirements.

40 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Imatra Steel Products

Imatra Steel supplies low-alloy en- with roughly the final shape. This is component to be quenched in wa-
gineering steels and steel products followed by possible heat treat- ter from the forging temperature
to the automotive and other ad- ment, machining and finishing in a without the need for further con-
vanced sectors of the mechanical separate machine shop into a final ventional energy-consuming heat
engineering industry. Imatra Steel’s forged steel component. The com- treatment. This decreases environ-
operations are founded on full co- ponent is then delivered to an as- mental impacts and costs.
operation between its business sembly line for installation into a Machining of steel forgings re-
units, Imatra Steel works, Imatra specific subassembly, e.g. a car or quires energy and causes toolbit
Kilsta Forge and Scottish Stamp- truck engine. This subassembly is wear. That is why one of Imatra’s
ings Forge, ranging from product then assembled in a car or truck. main product development targets
and process development to inter- The automotive supply chain over the years has been to improve
nal sales. has offered several possibilities for the machinability of the steel it pro-
Imatra’s R&D to find and main- duces. This has led to the product
Lubrication effect of M-steel tain environmentally advantageous concept called M-steel, where M
Normal steel M-steel
solutions both for the manufactur- stands for improved machinability.
Lubricating film
ing process and through the whole M-steels offer better machinabili-
Piece Chip Piece Chip service life of an engineering part. ty than conventional steels without
Crater wear Flank wear Direct quenching steel, a trade-off with mechanical prop-
IMAFORMΤΜ, allows the forged erties. Better machinability means
Tool Tool
that the workshop can either use a
higher machining speed or alter-
natively lengthen toolbit life, both
Steel bars of which have a positive impact on
Imatra’s steel bars, available as round machining costs and the environ-
bars, squares and flats, are predomi- ment.
nantly delivered to automotive ap- From the standpoint of the steel
plications through a diversified manufacturer the important envi-
supply chain. Typically, long bars ronmental aspects in the develop-
supplied by Imatra Steel Works first ment of cars and trucks are safety,
enter a forging process in which lightness and recyclability.
they are forged into a component

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 41
Safety requires that the steel compo- erties. Imatra Steel’s R&D works steel called IMATRA GreenCutΤΜ
nents are of high quality and meet in close and intensive co-opera- to provide customers with an op-
strict mechanical requirements, tion with vehicle designers to ex- portunity to replace leaded steel
one of the most important of which tend and further improve the use with an unleaded alternative offer-
is fatigue strength. To achieve suf- of high-strength steel grades in cus- ing equal machining properties.
ficient fatigue strength properties, tomers’ products. The same arguments applied to
the cleanliness and careful inclu- Motor vehicles are mainly made the automotive industry above also
sion control of the inner structure of steel or other ferrous materials. apply to the steel deliveries to me-
of the steel play an important role. At the end of vehicle’s lifecycle, it chanical engineering industry al-
This is an R&D area that is being becomes an important source of though in this case the machinabil-
given high priority at Imatra Steel raw material for steel producers ity of steel is even more important.
Works. that use scrap steel for raw materi-
The lightness of a vehicle is a al, a factor that emphasizes the re- Die-forged products
design target that aims for better cyclability of a vehicle. Steel as such Imatra Kilsta AB is one the world’s
utilization of the net load of the can be regarded as 100% recycla- leading manufacturers of die-forged
car or truck. This in turn reduces ble. However, some metallic com- products, particularly for the heavy
fuel consumption and hence the ponents, manufactured from so- vehicle industry. Imatra Kilsta spe-
risk of pollution over the vehicle’s called free cutting steels contain cializes in heavy crankshafts, front
service life. One way this objec- lead to improve machinability, are axle beams, steering knuckles and
tive can be achieved is to use high- therefore not favoured as recycla- other steering components.
strength steels with advanced prop- ble materials. Imatra has developed

Imatra Steel’s position in the supply chain

Material supplies Imatra Steel Works Kilsta Forge The system supplier
The raw material used in Imatra The Imatra Steel Works produces The Kilsta Forge specializes in Engines and axles are assembled
Steel’s production chain consists low-alloy round, flat and square forged engine and front axle com- in specific factories into complete
almost entirely of recycled steel. bars for demanding customers in ponents for heavy commercial systems for final assembly.
the automotive and mechanical vehicles. Deliveries are shipped
engineering industries. Deliveries directly to customers’ engine and
go to the Kilsta Forge and to axle factories.
other automotive and mechanical
enginering companies.

The recycler The user The OEM manufacturer

Metal recycling companies recy- The user purchases a safe, reli- Systems and components are as-
cle disused vehicles and other able and pleasant-to-drive vehicle sembled into complete vehicles.
capital goods for further process- that gives efficient service for
ing and reuse. The scrap returns years. Nonetheless its useful life
to the steel works, completing will one day come to an end.
the circle.

42 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
The forge is equipped with the lat- commercial vehicle industry. Its
est technology both in the forging dedicated production process in-
presses and ancillary equipment in cludes some of the latest technol-
order to meet the high demands of ogies to ensure that beams of the
the automotive industry with re- highest industry standards are sup-
gard to quality, tolerances, drafts plied to customers. With a product
and design. Among other equip- weight range of 30 – 180 kg Scot-
ment, Imatra Kilsta possesses the tish Stampings has the flexibility to
most powerful and fully compu- supply low-to high-volume series
terized forging press in the world. in a variety of materials, heat-treat-
This is used to produce heavy diesel ed and in finished conditions in-
engine crankshafts and front axle cluding fully machined.
beams for trucks and buses.
Imatra Kilsta’s subsidiary, Scot-
tish Stampings, is the leading Eu-
ropean manufacturer of forged and
machined front axle beams for the

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 43
44 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Wärtsilä and Sustainable Development
Operational performance Good economic performance es- Social performance
Wärtsilä’s mission, vision and sus- tablishes a foundation for the other Social performance involves fol-
tainable development strategy pro- aspects of sustainability lowing good practices and proce-
vide the framework for developing dures in stakeholder relations. This
the company’s activities and prod- Environmental performance includes such aspects as the well-
ucts. They are supplemented by Good environmental performance being and skills development of the
Wärtsilä’s Operative Excellence Sys- means sound management of nat- company’s employees, product safe-
tem (OpExS), a tool for continuous ural resources and operating on the ty, and smooth co-operation with-
improvement. Wärtsilä harmonizes environment’s own terms. Protect- in Wärtsilä’s network. Good social
its operations worldwide through ing the air, soil and water as well as performance also requires contin-
its global environmental, quality combating climate change and us- uous co-operation with suppliers,
and occupational health and safe- ing natural resources in a sustain- partners and local communities.
ty policies and the company’s oper- able way are all important objec-
ating principles (Corporate Manu- tives. This applies to both Wärt-
al, Code of Conduct). silä’s operations and to the use of
Wärtsilä’s sustainable develop- its products.
ment is based on three closely inter- Manufacturing is the major el-
related pillars: economic, environ- ement in operational performance.
mental and social performance. The main environmental aspects of
manufacturing relate to the use of
Economic performance energy and natural resources, and
Economic performance involves thus also to the emissions that man-
meeting the expectations of share- ufacturing produces. Achieving en-
holders and contributing towards ergy efficiency and reducing emis-
the wellbeing of society. This re- sions are central goals for all Wärt-
quires that the company’s opera- silä companies and factories.
tions are efficient, profitable and

Wärtsilä service worldwide

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 45
Economic Performance

Economic performance involves oration and continuous interaction understanding of Wärtsilä’s strict
meeting the expectations of share- with customers. Wärtsilä provides process and product requirements.
holders and contributing towards its customers with service through- Apart from financial benefits, part-
the wellbeing of society. This re- out the product lifecycle, thus en- nerships create added value for sup-
quires that the company’s opera- suring optimal performance during pliers through the knowledge and
tions are efficient, profitable and the product’s lifetime. The mod- development support Wärtsilä of-
competitive. ernization of installed products can fers them. Successful partnership
Good economic performance also extend their service life. can also assist a local supplier in ex-
establishes a platform for the other Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled panding internationally by becom-
aspects of sustainability – environ- EUR 2,478.2 million in 2004. Eu- ing a part of Wärtsilä’s global sup-
mental and social responsibility. rope contributed 46%, Asia 32%, ply chain. Structural changes in re-
the Americas 15% and Africa 6% cent years have had an impact on
Creating economic value-added to Wärtsilä’s overall net sales. local supply chains. Wärtsilä has
Wärtsilä’s purpose is to create value collaborated with its suppliers in
for its various stakeholders. The fo- Geographical breakdown minimizing these impacts.
cus is on profitability and generat- of markets In 2004 the value of goods, ma-
ing a good long-term return on in- MEUR terials and services purchased by
vestment for shareholders. Achiev- 3 000 Wärtsilä was EUR 1,580.9 million.
ing this depends on Wärtsilä’s abil- 2 500
Wärtsilä has more than 7,000 ac-
ity to satisfy the expectations of its tive suppliers, most of whom are lo-
2 000
other stakeholders as well. This in- cated in Europe where Wärtsilä has
1 500
cludes providing customers with its main production units. Wärt-
high-quality products, solutions 1 000 silä also has a significant number of
and services, building long-term 500 suppliers in Asia.
partnerships with suppliers, offer- 0
ing employees competitive com- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Cost of all goods, materials and
pensation and working conditions,
• Europe services purchased
and contributing to the wellbeing
of the local communities in which • Asia MEUR

Wärtsilä operates. • America 1 800

• Africa 1 600
1 400
Customers • Other 1 200

Wärtsilä creates value for its cus- 1 000

tomers by providing products, so- Suppliers
lutions and services that fulfil their Suppliers play a significant role in 400
needs and expectations. The devel- Wärtsilä’s delivery process. Wärt- 200

opment of high-quality, reliable silä aims to deepen the partnerships 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
and environmentally sound solu- with its suppliers in order to ensure
tions depends on long-term collab- that both parties have a mutual

Value-added distributed to Wärtsilä’s shareholders

MEUR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Customers Net sales 2,706.8 2,358.7 2,519.0 2,357.5 2,478.2
Cost of goods, materials and services
Suppliers -1,708.7 -1,227.1 -1,676.7 -1,666.4 -1,580.9
Value-added 998.1 1,131.6 842.3 691.1 897.3
Distributed to stakeholders
Distribution of value-added
Employees Wages and salaries 429.5 382.5 434.2 447.7 456.6
Public sector Taxes and social dues 221.3 302.2 162.2 110.8 191.7
Creditors Interest on debt and borrowings 31.0 15.2 18.5 15.9 3.3
Shareholders Dividends 143.6 237.8 104.1 106.4 83.3
For business development 172.6 193.9 123.2 10.3 162.4

46 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Employees Wärtsilä companies also receive Community support
At the end of 2004 Wärtsilä had subsidies from the public sector. At the national level, Wärtsilä
12,475 employees worldwide. The value of the subsidies received provides financial support for a
Wärtsilä also employed thousands in 2004 was EUR 6.3 million and number of national, cultural and
of people indirectly through its they were mainly related to R&D social activities. The Board of Di-
supply chain. In order to be able to projects. rectors has supported activities fo-
recruit competent and motivated cused on children and young peo-
people, Wärtsilä endeavours to offer Geographical breakdown of tax- ple, national defence, disabled war
employees competitive salaries, op- es and social dues veterans, and medical and techni-
portunities for continuous person- MEUR cal research. Wärtsilä’s Board of Di-
al development and a good work- 350 rectors contributed altogether EUR
ing environment. Developing em- 300 77,000 to these activities in 2004.
ployee skills and competences is of 250

critical importance both for Wärt- 200

Financial contributions by the Board of
silä’s business performance and for 150
the development of the company’s 100
EUR 1,000 2002 2003 2004
employees. 50
64.5 55 77
Salaries totalled EUR 456.6 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
million in 2004. This sum includes
basic salaries as well as payments • Europe At the local level, Wärtsilä has pro-
based on various incentive schemes, • Asia vided financial support to cultural,
which cover some 60% of the total • America educational, sports and other activ-
personnel. • Africa ities as shown in the table below.
• Other countries
Geographical breakdown of Financial contributions to local
wages and salaries Subsidies received from organizations
public sector1 Total EUR 1,000 2002 2003 2004
450 EUR 1,000 512.8 306.8 385.0
400 7 000
6 000
250 5 000
4 000
100 3 000
2 000
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1 000

• Europe 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

• Asia 1
The 2000-2002 figures include the data from 10 major
Wärtsilä companies and the 2003-2004 figures from 12
• America major Wärtsilä companies.
• Africa
• Other countries Creditors and shareholders
In 2004 Wärtsilä’s net financial
Public sector items totalled EUR 3.3 million.
Wärtsilä pays various social dues Dividends totalling EUR 83.3 mil-
and taxes to the governments of lion were paid to the company’s
various countries. Income taxes shareholders. Wärtsilä’s dividend
and social dues in the financial pe- policy is to pay a dividend equiva-
riod 2004 were EUR 191.7 mil- lent to 50% of its operational earn-
lion. The social costs for employees ings per share. In recent years the
that Wärtsilä pays in most coun- company has distributed an ex-
tries contribute to the funding of tra dividend based on the sales of
pensions, unemployment and oth- certain non-core business inter-
er social benefits that provide secu- ests. The dividends paid per share
rity and improve the quality of life are presented in the financial state-
for the company’s employees and ments.
their families.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 47
Environmental Performance – Power Businesses

Wärtsilä’s strategy is to be a leading sequently, the figures in this report for its own purposes while also sell-
global supplier of power solutions. show an absolute increase in the ing part of this electrical energy to
Operational development in line figures for those years. a local power company. Due to the
with the principles of sustainable nature of engine test runs, the pro-
development is a key aspect of the ENERGY duction of electricity and the com-
company’s operating environment. pany’s electricity demand are not
In all activities associated with de- Total energy consumption equivalent; this allows the surplus
veloping its activities, processes and The total energy consumption (in energy to be sold to a local power
products, Wärtsilä aims to use the terajoules, TJ) presented below in- company.
latest technology available for im- cludes the electricity, heat and fu-
proving efficiency in materials and els used in Wärtsilä companies in
energy consumption, and for re- recent years. Annual electricity consumption
ducing and managing emissions GWh
and wastes. Wärtsilä’s targets to the 120 120

end of 2005 are presented in the Annual energy consumption 100 100
table below. TJ 80 80
Wärtsilä’s principle is to apply 2 500 120
60 60
certified Environmental Manage- 2 000
40 40
ment Systems based on ISO 14001 80
1 500
in all Group companies. The com- 60
20 20

pany’s environmental system focus- 1 000 0 0

40 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
es especially on compliance with le-
500 20
gal requirements, identifying and
reducing environmental aspects, 0 0 • Purchased electricity
impacts and risks, training person-
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 • Generated electricity
Electricity index (2000=100)
nel and clearly defining their re-
sponsibilities, full documentation • Heating

of activities and procedures, ac-

• Electricity
• HFO (high ash)
tion in emergencies, and continu- • Orimulsion ® Electricity balance 2004, GWh
ous improvement of environmen- • Natural gas
tal performance. • LFO
Wärtsilä’s main environmental • HFO (low ash)
aspects relate to the use of mate- • Other
rials and natural resources, energy Energy index (2000=100)

consumption, and emissions and

wastes generated by the compa-
ny’s operations. The company’s en- Electricity
vironmental records cover produc- Wärtsilä uses electricity in its man-
tion, maintenance and sales units. ufacturing operations – for exam- • Purchased electricity 109
The coverage of environmen- ple, in machining components –
• Generated electricity 4
• Sold electricity 54
tal reporting has changed since the and in service workshops and offic-
2002 Sustainability Report. The es. Both the electrical and the heat
figures for 2003 and 2004 include a energy generated during engine
higher proportion of Wärtsilä com- test runs can be utilized. Wärtsilä’s
panies than in earlier years. Con- aim is to use the electrical energy

Target Environmental benefit Status at end of 2004

Reduced consumption of primary energy, Some factories have performed

To perform energy analyses and
more efficient use of natural resources, energy analyses and improvement
improvement programmes in all factories.
and reduced emissions. programmes.

To perform a lifecycle assessment for one

A deeper understanding of lifecycle
Ship Power application and one The lifecycle assessments are ongoing.
environmental impacts.
Power Plant.

48 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Heat Heat emissions into water systems The painting of engines and other
Heating for factories and offices ac- arise from engine cooling and pro- Wärtsilä products generates VOC
counts for most of Wärtsilä’s con- cess cooling water. Wärtsilä compa- (volatile organic compounds) emis-
sumption of heat energy. In sever- nies use water from the local water- sions.
al factories the heat generated in course for their engine and process
engine test runs is used for heat- cooling needs. In such cases, the Monitoring environmental impacts
ing. Some factories and offices are cooling water system is kept sepa- Within Wärtsilä, environmental
connected to a local district heat- rate so that only heat is released in- impacts caused by operational ac-
ing network, some have their own to the natural water system. Waste- tivities are monitored as follows:
heating plant, and some use elec- water is sewered and piped to the • Participation in the monitoring
tricity for heating. local wastewater treatment plant. of air quality with other local
If effluent is not suitable for sew- stakeholders
age treatment, it is taken to a spe- • Measurement of air emissions
Annual heat consumption cial treatment plant for hazardous • Charting of noise levels
GWh wastes. • Periodical effluent analysis
• Soil analysis.
120 Emissions to the air
100 The primary source of manufac- In addition Wärtsilä Finland Oy
80 turing noise is engine test runs and has participated in the following
60 ventilation machinery on factory surveys: nitrogen fallout patterns,
40 roofs. This noise is mostly low fre- bio-indicator surveys, and NOx
quency and is therefore not easily and SO2 diffusion surveys.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 detected by the human ear. Wärt-
silä has specifically addressed the is- Compliance
• Purchased heat sue of noise protection using tech- The operations of Wärtsilä’s pro-
• Generated heat nical means and we have succeeded duction companies require a val-
in lowering noise levels considera- id environmental permit. Wärtsilä
bly. However, noise abatement is a companies have the required en-
Water continuous need and requires regu- vironmental permits, the terms of
The water consumed by Wärtsilä lar monitoring. which are generally met. Incidents
can be divided into two catego- Air emissions are mainly caused of non-compliance are described
ries: domestic use and cooling use. by test runs and the painting of below.
Domestic water is used mainly for completed engines or other Wärt-
sanitary purposes and by industri- silä products. Test run emissions Environmental disturbances and
al equipment such as machine tools consist of nitrogen oxides, sulphur complaints
and washing machines. Some fac- dioxide, carbon dioxide and par- The number of disturbances, com-
tories also use water to produce ticles, as well as small amounts plaints and incidents of non-com-
moulds. of other emission components. pliance are presented in the figure.
Reported disturbances cover inci-
dents in which the Wärtsilä com-
pany concerned has generally been
Annual water consumption Annual VOC emissions obliged to report the disturbance to
1,000 m3 tonnes the authorities.
12 000 140 70 120 The following main environ-
10 000 120 60 100 mental disturbances occurred at
100 50
Wärtsilä’s business locations in
8 000
80 40 2004:
6 000 60
60 30 • 6 fires
4 000
40 20 • 2 fuel leaks
2 000 20 10
20 • 2 lubricant leaks

0 0 0 0 • 5 chemical leaks
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
• 1 oily water leak
• 1 leak in an effluent system
• Cooling water • VOC • 1 small gas explosion during
• Domestic water VOC index (2000=100)
a test run
Water index (2000=100)
• 1 breakdown in the monitoring

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 49
All the above disturbances were in- At Wärtsilä Propulsion Norway AS, Annual particulate emissions
vestigated and appropriate correc- an audit of the environmental man- tonnes
30 140
tive action was taken in each case. agement system identified deficien-
Most complaints were received cies in the procedures for monitor- 25
from occupants of neighbouring ing compliance with permit condi- 20
sites. The main cause for complaint tions. The matter is being investi- 15
was noise. All complaints were in- gated and the necessary corrective 10
vestigated and appropriate correc- action will be taken when the solu-
5 20
tive action was taken wherever nec- tion is found.
0 0
essary. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Non-compliance cases present-
Cases of non-compliance ed in previous reports • Particulate
At Wärtsilä Finland Oy there was An internal review conducted by Particulate index (2000=100)
one case of exceeding the conditions Wärtsilä France identified needs
set by the permit relating to emis- for corrective action, most of which
sions of methane from the LNG has been taken. The remaining non- Annual CO2 emissions
storage facilities. Consequently, compliances related to the height tonnes
120 000 140
Wärtsilä Finland Oy has applied for of the stacks and the treatment of
an amendment to its environmen- wastewater. Action in both cases is 100 000
tal permit. The authorities are cur- still ongoing. Because of the struc- 80 000
rently reviewing the matter. tural changes involved, the meas- 60 000
Wärtsilä Iberica SA had three ures necessary to rectify these non-
40 000
separate incidents of non-compli- compliances, and others that were
20 000 20
ance relating to: identified, must be re-evaluated
• Deficient classification of with the authorities. 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

hazardous wastes
• Delay in submitting reports Waste management
• CO 2
to public authorities Manufacturing activities causes CO2 index (2000=100)
• Deficient maintenance of a various wastes. These are divided
cooling tower. into two main categories: hazard-
These non-compliances were ous and non-hazardous. Hazard- Annual NOx emissions
rectified during 2004. ous wastes include cutting fluids, 1 400 140

1 200 120

1 000 100

800 80

600 60
Disturbances, complaints and 40
non-compliance 20
0 0
35 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
30 Annual waste
25 tonnes
• NO x

20 35 000 NOX index (2000=100)

15 30 000
10 25 000

20 000
100 Annual SO2 emissions
5 80 tonnes
0 15 000
60 400 120
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
10 000 40 350 100
• Disturbances 5 000 20 300
• Complaints 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
0 250

• Non-compliance 200 60
• Hazardous waste for incineration 100

• Hazardous waste for recycling 50

• Hazardous waste for landfills 0 0
• Waste for incineration 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
• Waste for recycling
• Waste for landfills • SO 2
Waste index (2000=100) SO2 index (2000=100)

50 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Environmental capital expenditures and operating expenses

MEUR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Environmental capital expenditures 3.0 5.2 1.8 2.1 2.8
Environmental operating expenditures 2.4 2.3 4.0 4.9 2.8

various types of waste oil, paints ment. It is equally difficult to define

and solvents, oily wastes and solid capital expenditure as an exclusive-
wastes, etc. Hazardous wastes are ly environmental investment or as a
taken to a hazardous waste disposal machine or equipment investment
facility for appropriate treatment. in the production process.
All Wärtsilä companies sort Concerning Wärtsilä’s oper-
their waste according to local mu- ations, we have defined expendi-
nicipal regulations. However, gen- tures as environmental expendi-
erally speaking the main sorting tures if they are related to soil, wa-
categories are: waste to be incin- ter and air pollution control, waste
erated, crude waste for landfills, management, environmental man-
clean cardboard, and waste paper. agement or noise control.
Waste wood, scrap metal and metal
chips are collected separately. On- Wärtsilä’s real estate and envi-
ly coarse waste and in some cases ronmental liabilities
waste wood are removed for landfill The real estate that Wärtsilä owns is
disposal. Other wastes are used ei- mainly located in urban areas. The
ther as raw materials or for energy. company is not aware of any prop-
erties that are situated in the biodi-
Waste management in Wärtsilä versity-rich habitats.
has four aims: Environmental risks and liabil-
• To reduce the amount of the ities are identified and reviewed as
waste generated in Wärtsilä a part of overall risk management.
processes In Wärtsilä’s operations, potential
• To use the waste as a material liabilities are primarily related to
• To use the waste as energy the company’s real estate. Environ-
• To dispose of the waste in an mental liabilities are systematical-
environmentally sound way. ly scrutinized in conjunction with
every acquisition or sale of real es-
ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS tate. Wärtsilä has recognized certain
cases where potential environmen-
Environmental capital expenditure tal liabilities may exist but these are
and operating costs are difficult not expected to have a significant
to separate from normal operat- financial impact on Wärtsilä.
ing costs in our operating environ-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 51
Environmental Performance – Imatra Steel

The Imatra Steel Group consists of die-forged products, particularly Main environmental aspects
Imatra Steel Works, the Imatra Kil- for the heavy vehicle industry. The Imatra Steel Works has conducted
sta Forge and Scottish Stampings. factory specializes in heavy crank- a lifecycle assessment (LCA), in co-
Imatra Steel’s business units work shafts, front axle beams, steering operation with the Finnish Envi-
together in close collaboration. knuckles and other steering com- ronment Institute, to evaluate the
Imatra Steel Works is Europe’s ponents. Its subsidiary, Scottish most important environmental im-
leading supplier of long special en- Stampings, supplements the prod- pacts of steel production. The in-
gineering steels. The plant uses re- uct range with its forged and ma- ventory conducted prior to the
cycled steel scrap as its raw materi- chined front axle beams for trucks LCA covered the production of the
al. The scrap is melted in an elec- and other heavy vehicles. raw materials needed for steel pro-
tric arc furnace, cast, hot-rolled and During forging, the steel bar duction, energy production and the
further processed according to the supplied by Imatra Steel Works or actual manufacturing of steel. The
customer’s needs and specifications another supplier is heated, cut and results showed that carbon dioxide
into round, square, flat or threaded forged into the form of the forg- emissions contributing to climate
bars. Steel for forging is delivered ing die. The forged pieces are heat change and the oxides of nitrogen
hot-rolled and finished. Further treated, machined, finished and in- and sulphur that cause acidification
processing of the steel bars com- spected. In some cases the part is account for more than 85% of all
prises various forms of heat treat- ready for its final intended use at the large-scale environmental im-
ment and a wide range of mechani- this stage, but many customers pacts of manufacturing steel bars.
cal treatments and inspections. wish to finalize the process in their All these emissions are related to
Imatra Kilsta AB is one of the own workshops. the use of fossil fuels.
world’s leading manufacturers of

Raw material handling Melting Refining Continuous casting

Soaking Heavy section rolling Inspection Billet heating Medium section rolling

Further processing

52 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
The other production units of Im- Permits and other legal matters environmental permit is valid until
atra Steel use steel bars as their Implementation of the Integrat- the end of the year 2013.
raw material and consume large ed Pollution Prevention and Control
amounts of energy. Consequently, (IPPC) Directive The European Union’s Emissions
the main environmental aspects to The aim of the IPPC Directive is Trading Scheme
address are common to the whole for all industry in the EU area to Imatra Steel Works falls within the
Group: the efficient use of energy use the Best Available Technolo- scope of the Emissions Trading Di-
and raw materials. gy (BAT) from the environmental rective and will thus participate in
LCA is a suitable method when viewpoint by the end of 2007. The the Emissions Trading Scheme be-
evaluating wide-scale environmen- directive requirements apply to all tween 2005 and 2007. Imatra Steel
tal impacts on air and water, but it of Imatra Steel’s production sites Works has been granted an emis-
is very difficult to link local impacts and will be implemented by incor- sions permit and emissions rights
and waste to LCA. porating them in the environmen- for that period. It is estimated that
A survey conducted in August tal permits for Imatra Steel’s oper- the direct effects on Imatra Steel’s
2002 showed that residents in Im- ating sites. The schedules for these financial performance will be quite
atra Steel’s neighbourhood consid- permits vary slightly from coun- minor because of the factory’s cur-
ered the intermittent noises from try to country. Scottish Stampings rent low level of emissions. How-
the smelter scrap yard as the most and Imatra Steel Works received ever, the indirect effects caused by
irritating environmental nuisance, their renewed permits in Decem- electricity price changes are as yet
especially during summer nights ber 2004, while Imatra Kilsta will unknown. A number of reports
when noise carries long distances. submit a permit application to the forecast a sharp rise in the cost of
Scottish Stampings is also located authorities in 2005. electricity, especially during years
near populated areas, and the re- Both Imatra Steel Works and of low rainfall in the Nordic coun-
sponse of neighbouring residents the Environmental Centre of tries.
in these areas is broadly the same South-Eastern Finland, the super-
as at Imatra. vising authority in this case, ap- Material consumption
The results of lifecycle assess- pealed to the Administrative Court Steel can be produced from iron ore
ments of waste seldom match the concerning the terms and condi- or steel scrap. Imatra Steel Works’s
guidelines given by the EU’s waste tions of the permits. Imatra Steel raw material is solely scrap, which
policy. The manufacture of steel Works did not accept the condition consists mainly of industrial cut-
and steel products produces large limiting the total emissions of par- ting and machining wastes, steel
volumes of wastes. Therefore con- ticulate matter because this cannot from demolished buildings and
tinuous efforts are needed to mini- be achieved by applying BAT. The structures, as well as machines, ve-
mize the generation of waste and to Environmental Centre felt that the hicles and other objects rejected in
increase recycling. provisions on slag and slag prod- industrial, commercial and private
ucts were too open to interpreta- activities.
Environmental management tion. The estimated time for han- Using scrap saves large amounts
Environmental matters within the dling the appeals is between eight of iron ore, as well as lime and oth-
Imatra Steel Group are managed and ten months. er raw materials. The amount of en-
locally in accordance with Group Imatra Steel Works currently ergy required in the electric arc fur-
guidelines. Each unit appoints a has modern production processes as nace process is only 25% of that
person who is responsible for mon- a result of the large investment pro- needed in the ore-based process,
itoring legislation, assisting with gramme implemented over the last which in turn means less carbon
compliance and coordinating mat- 15 years. The production equip- dioxide emissions to contribute to
ters that concern the whole mill or ment, processes and minimal en- the greenhouse effect.
forge. Any environmental action vironmental impacts of the Works Imatra Steel’s processes provide
needed is taken by the line organi- clearly fulfil the BAT requirements. a good example of the environmen-
zation in each case. The Imatra mill Therefore, the terms and condi- tal benefits of using materials effec-
and the Kilsta forge have certified tions of the permit are reasonable tively. Manufacturing steel parts
environmental systems in place. from Imatra Steel Works’s stand- with complex shapes by forging
Scottish Stampings is currently im- point and do not require large in- produces much less scrap than oth-
plementing its own environmental vestments. Many of the terms and er methods, such as machining. Al-
system. conditions support the principle of though the metal chip produced in
continuous improvement already machining is re-used as raw materi-
embodied in the ISO 14001-com- al, forging makes the environmen-
pliant environmental system that tal impacts caused by manufactur-
Imatra Steel Works uses. The new ing the steel chip unnecessary.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 53
Monitoring environmental im- Imatra Steel Works is committed nents need. Other types of process-
pacts to energy conservation and aims es use fuels for, among other things,
All Imatra Steel companies moni- to increase energy efficiency in all heating ladles and producing steam
tor the efficiency of their material its processes through systematic re- for vacuum pumps. Fossil fuels are
usage and energy consumption as views and critical evaluation of the also used for heating factory build-
an essential part of managing their results, and by development pro- ings and offices, and for internal
production costs. Environmental grammes for enhancing energy ef- transport.
impacts are monitored according ficiency.
to the terms and conditions of the Heat recovery
environmental permits. Electricity The main aim in designing pro-
The electric arc furnace and adjoin- duction equipment for a particu-
ENERGY CONSUMPTION ing processes use roughly 75% of lar process must be the overall in-
the electricity consumed at Imat- ternal efficiency of that process; in
Total energy consumption ra Steel Works to produce raw steel other words, the energy output of
The production of steel and steel from scrap. The hot rolling of steel the process must ideally be re-used
products is highly energy-inten- bars and various forms of pumping in the same process. Thus the hot
sive. Energy consumption is the also consume high volumes of elec- flue gases from the electric arc fur-
third highest production cost af- tricity. Pumps are used for pump- nace at Imatra Steel Works are used
ter raw materials and labour costs. ing cooling water and hydraulic to preheat scrap, and the billet re-
Consequently, the need to use en- fluids, fans for combustion air and heating furnaces are equipped with
ergy effectively pre-dates environ- flue gases, and compressors to pro- recuperators that use the flue gas-
mental concerns in the steel indus- duce compressed air. Other process- es to preheat the combustion air.
try and has always been an impor- es play a minor role in terms of elec- Recuperative burners are also used
tant factor in developing and oper- tricity consumption. Most of the in some smaller units for the same
ating production processes. electricity consumed by the forges purpose. The heat contained in the
is used to heat the steel bars for hot cooling water of the bloom reheat-
forging and heat treatment. ing furnace, the largest heating unit
Annual energy consumption
in Imatra Steel Works, is used ex-
2 500 120 Fuels ternally to heat some factory build-
Half of the total energy used in Im- ings and office blocks.
2 000
atra Steel is produced from fos-
1 500 sil fuels, mainly natural gas, LPG, Water consumption and dis-
1 000
and heating oil. Most of this ener- charges of sewage
40 gy is used for direct heating of ma- Tools and production equipment
20 terial to the temperature of 1,200 – and sometimes the product it-
0 0 – 1,300 °C that is required for hot self – require large volumes of cool-
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 forming processes, mainly rolling ing water since steel production in-
or forging, and to lower tempera- volves high temperatures. A total
• Electricity tures for the heat treatment of steel of 12.6 million cubic metres of riv-
• Natural gas and steel products in order to give er and rainwater were used for this
• LFO them the mechanical properties purpose in 2004.
• LPG that steel parts for machine compo-
• Heating
Energy index (2000=100)

Annual electricity consumption Annual water consumption

GWh 1,000 m3
Annual heat consumption
350 120 25 000 120
300 100 30 100
20 000
250 25 80
80 15 000
200 20 60
60 10 000
150 15 40
40 5 000
100 10 20

50 20 5 0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
0 0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
• Domestic water
• Purchased electricity • Purchased heat • Cooling water
Electricity index (2000=100) • Generated heat Water index (2000=100)

54 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Discharges to the watercourse EMISSIONS TO AIR Annual NOX emissions
Imatra Steel uses several technol- tonnes
200 120
ogies to reduce flows of water and Carbon dioxide
emissions to the watercourse: Emissions of carbon dioxide are 150

• Cooling water flows in a closed calculated from material balances. 80

circulation system and heat is Most emissions originate from the 100 60
evaporated in cooling towers burning of fuels. The remainder, 40
(total flow not reported) some 15,000 tonnes a year, is pro- 50
• Clean cooling water is kept sep- duced by metallurgical reactions in
arate from other water, so that the manufacturing process for li- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

heat is the only emission into quid steel. The carbon dioxide
the watercourse (10.5 million emissions monitoring programme • No x
cubic metres) that Imatra Steel uses complies with Nox index (2000=100)
• Contaminated process water is the regulations of the European
treated and cooled enough to Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme. Annual SO2 emissions
be recycled for purposes that do tonnes
not set high requirements on Sulphur and nitrogen oxides
water quality (10.6 million cu- The majority of oxide emissions 60

bic metres). originate from the use of fuels, and 50 120

emission volumes are calculated 40


Imatra Steel Works and Imatra Kil- using general emission factors. The 30

sta have their own sewage treat- production of liquid steel generates 60
ment plants. The discharged water the remainder of the emissions, 40

(2.8 million cubic metres in 2004) which are calculated according to 10 20

contains oils and suspended sol- measured emission factors. 0 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
ids. The oil originates from lubrica-
tion used in the bearings of the rolls Particulate matter and metals
• SO 2
and other machine components as The methods for estimating vol- SO2 index (2000=100)
well as occasionally from hydraulic umes of particulate matter and
fluid leakage. Most of the suspend- metal emissions and the reliability Annual CO2 emissions
ed material is fairly harmless iron of the estimates vary, depending on tonnes
oxide from hot rolling and forging, the emission source. For emissions
80 000 120
but the water also contains small typical for one ducted source, such
70 000 100
amounts of metals used as alloying as the stack for the EAF flue gas 60 000
elements in steel production. Dis- filtering system, the emission fac- 50 000

charged water also contains zinc tors are determined using standard- 40 000 60
and lead from the scrap used as raw ized measuring procedures. Gener- 30 000
material but generally these metals ally, estimates based on these pro- 20 000
10 000
are bound to the suspended solids cedures are highly accurate. When
0 0
and are efficiently removed during there is a single emission source for 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
the treatment of wastewater. several pollutants, such as mercury,
The provisions of the permits lead and zinc, the annual estimates • CO 2

for both production sites set lim- for the volumes of these pollutants CO2 index (2000=100)
its on the emissions of suspended are also reliable.
solids and oil. Imatra Steel Works However, the situation with re- Annual particulate emissions
monitors its emissions of copper, gard to diffuse emissions of partic- tonnes

lead, nickel and zinc as a part of the ulate matter including dust-bound 80 120

mill’s normal procedures for moni- metals, such as iron and alloying el- 100
toring environmental impacts. ements, is entirely different. Most 80
All Imatra Steel sites have sepa- processes in the production of steel
40 60
rate sewage systems for taking sani- and steel products are dusty and
tary discharges to municipal sewage require high temperatures. Even 20
treatment plants. though the major sources of dust 20

are isolated and the evacuated air is 0 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
effectively cleaned, some dust is al-
ways present throughout the proc-
ess environment. Many process
• Particulate
Particulate index (2000=100)

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 55
steps require very large volumes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Nevertheless, in addition to a sub-
ventilation air to maintain accept- (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls dued but steady rumbling, the fac-
able working conditions because (PCB) and polychlorinated benzo- tory emits occasional banging nois-
of the heat. Despite the low dust p-dioxins and -furans (dioxins). All es that some people find disturb-
concentration of the evacuated air, of these compounds persist in the ing. However, the factory’s noise
these emissions of air are the ma- environment and tend to accumu- level does not exceed the limits set
jor source of dust emissions at all late in food chains. Some of them by the environmental permit.
of Imatra Steel’s production sites. are toxic or highly toxic to human The situation is broadly the
There is no reliable method for de- beings and animals. These emis- same for Scottish Stampings. In
termining the amount of these dif- sions are monitored, partly for re- 2004, the company planned a noise
fuse emissions. Therefore estimates porting purposes but mainly to ver- management programme which
of the total amount of dust emis- ify to the authorities that the emis- will be tested during the summer.
sions cannot be very accurate. sions are kept at an acceptable lev-
el. Waste
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) In this report, Imatra Steel follows
All Imatra Steel sites emit VOC Noise the practice of classifying untreated
emissions due to solvents used in As almost all Imatra Steel’s units are steel slag from the electric arc fur-
the washing of machine compo- located close to population centres, nace as waste, and steel scrap as a
nents during servicing. The emis- noise management issues are high- secondary raw material.
sion factor for Imatra’s electric arc ly important. Steel slag, rolling scale (oxidized
furnace was measured for the first Several Imatra Steel works has iron) and used refractory materi-
time in 2004, which explains the performed several studies to reduce als constitute over 90% of Imatra
increase in VOC emissions com- noise levels. Basic noise abatement Steel’s non-hazardous waste. Steel
pared to previous years. measures were taken when building slag is processed into a byproduct
the smelter and scrap yard at Imat- used in road construction aggre-
Other emissions into the air ra. A noise barrier has since been gate, and rolling scale is used as raw
The melting of scrap in the elec- installed in the scrap loading area material in the cement and iron in-
tric arc furnace generates a varie- for the electric arc furnace to re- dustry. The use of refractory waste
ty of organic compounds, which duce the noise produced by han- (some 2,500 t/a) in the EAF proc-
then mix with the flue gases. Imatra dling scrap. These measures, com- ess was fully implemented in 2004
Steel Works monitors the emissions bined with annual training ses- although some of the waste, rough-
of three major compound groups: sions, have yielded excellent results. ly 20%, is not suitable for use and
is transported to landfills.
The dust separated from the
Annual VOC emissions Annual waste emissions flue gases of the electric arc furnace
tonnes tonnes accounts for over 90% of the total
35 120 70 000 120 amount of hazardous wastes pro-
30 100 60 000 100 duced by Imatra Steel. Over 35%
50 000
80 of the dust is zinc originating from
40 000
galvanized and electroplated steel
15 30 000 scrap. The dust is transported to a
40 40
10 20 000 treatment plant, where more than
20 20
5 10 000 1,000 tonnes of zinc per year is sep-
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
0 arated. The profits generated in this
way significantly reduce the other-
• VOC • Waste for landfills wise high transport and treatment
VOC index (2000=100) • Waste for recycling costs of the dust.
• Waste for incineration Apart from the EAF dust, there
• Hazardous waste for landfills are some 15 designated hazard-
• Hazardous waste for recycling ous wastes that originate mainly
• Hazardous waste for incineration from service functions. In terms of
Waste index (2000=100) weight, these mainly consist of var-
ious grades of waste oil and oily sol-
id wastes.

56 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Compliance with legislation, Environmental costs
environmental permits and Imatra Steel’s operating costs for
other requirements environmental conservation in
The operation of Imatra Steel’s pro- 2004 amounted to a net EUR 1.93
duction sites complied with envi- million. Corresponding capital ex-
ronmental laws, permits and agree- penditure totalled EUR 0.23 mil-
ments in 2004, and there were no lion.
disturbances or accidents that re-
quired reporting to the authorities. Environmental liabilities
During their evaluation of environ-
Recorded complaints mental risks, Imatra Steel Works
There was one complaint to Imat- and Imatra Kilsta assessed the envi-
ra Steel Works concerning the dust ronmental impacts of their past ac-
generated by the treatment of slag. tivities in the areas that are suspect-
Corrective action to avoid excessive ed of being contaminated. Scottish
dust generation in future consisted Stampings has conducted a similar
of a meeting with the subcontractor assessment as demanded by the au-
responsible for the slag treatment at thorities, and the results have been
which the agreed rules and the im- approved. The contamination is
portance of following them were mainly related to oily soil. Because
discussed. the contaminated areas are relative-
Scottish Stampings received ly small and the associated liabili-
four complaints about environ- ties are limited, the remediation
mental noise in 2004. The sources will be conducted progressively as
of the nightly banging noises were a part of normal operations.
charted and in the autumn a pro- A systematic assessment based
gramme was designed to reduce on taking samples and covering the
the noise. The practical effective- entire factory area and all potential
ness of the programme will be as- pollutants has not been conducted
sessed over the summer. at any of Imatra Steel’s production

Disturbances, complaints and


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

• Disturbances
• Complaints
• Non-compliance

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 57
Social Performance

Wärtsilä’s social performance strate- in Turku until the end of 2004, af- Personnel by market area
gy defines the central objectives for ter which service and support activ-
Wärtsilä’s operations. Wärtsilä’s in- ities, and certain other functions,
tention is to act as a good corporate would remain in Turku, generat- • Europe 68%
citizen, to offer an interesting, mo- ing employment for some 200 peo- • Asia 21%
tivating and hazard-free workplace ple. The net result was a loss of 407 • America 8%
to its employees, and to enhance jobs, although about 130 employ- • Africa 2%
employee skills and supply chain ees included in this figure could be • Other 1%
management. In 2004 Wärtsilä ap- entitled to various pension bene-
proved its Code of Conduct for fits. Wärtsilä’s aim in this difficult
achieving these goals. Each Wärt- restructuring was to act responsi-
silä employee is required to act in bly by, for instance, offering longer Personnel by country
compliance with the Code of Con- periods of notice than normal and
duct and each Wärtsilä subsidiary making special arrangements for
must verify compliance locally. senior employees.
• Finland 26%
• Italy 9%
Wärtsilä’s Board of Manage- In Wärtsilä France, measures • The Netherlands 9%
ment has approved the following started the previous year to cease • India 7%
objectives for the company’s social production of high-speed engines • Sweden 5%
performance: were completed. This will result in • France 5%
• Verification of compliance with the loss of about 305 jobs. Of these, • Other 39%
the Code of Conduct, and the 43 employees have been re-located
creation of monitoring proce- within the company. Wärtsilä pre-
dures and reporting practices in pared a comprehensive social plan
2005-2007 to safeguard personnel benefits. Change in number of employees
• Review and update of supplier Wärtsilä’s Service division has per business
requirements so that they con- expanded strongly in recent years
form with the Code of Conduct and the Ciserv units, in particular, • Service 6378 . . . . . . . . . . . . +385
in 2005 have grown in number. Wärtsilä re- • Ship Power 1810 . . . . . . . . . +132
• Introduction of Occupational cruited altogether 385 skilled em-
• Power Plants 741 . . . . . . . . . . -75
• Engine Division 2095 . . . . . . -158
Health and Safety Systems in all ployees in 2004 to meet the growth • Imatra Steel 1259 . . . . . . . . . . +46
subsidiaries. in the Service business. This fig-
ure also includes corporate acqui-
Structural changes in the company sitions.
In 2004 Wärtsilä continued imple- Personnel by business
menting measures to match pro- Personnel
duction to the prevailing level of Wärtsilä’s personnel mainly com-
demand. In January the company prises full-time employees with
announced its plan to close down permanent employment contracts.
production of Wärtsilä 46 engines The number of temporary and
at the Wärtsilä factory in Turku, part-time employees is relatively
Finland, and to centralize produc- low. The number of Wärtsilä’s em-
tion instead at the company’s fac- ployees has remained fairly stable
tory in Trieste, Italy. Trieste was se- over the past few years, despite re- • Power Businesses 90%
lected as the manufacturing loca- structuring. In addition to direct • Imatra Steel 10%
tion for large engines because its employment, Wärtsilä also uses
premises were more suitable and subcontractors in its factories, ac-
because no significant investment counting for altogether 1,170 man-
was needed to increase the factory’s years of work in 2004.
manufacturing output.
After negotiations with person-
nel, as required by Finnish legis-
lation, it was decided to continue
manufacturing Wärtsilä 46 engines

58 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Personnel by business Permanent/temporary Consulting and informing in
employees Group companies
14 000 % Wärtsilä’s procedures for consulting
12 000 100 and informing within the Group
10 000
80 are arranged in each country ac-
8 000
96.6% 94.7% 94.9% cording to local legislation. Wärt-
6 000 60
silä’s Code of Conduct calls for on-
4 000
40 going and open dialogue between
2 000
the company’s management and
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 employee representatives through
0 co-determination bodies, and em-
2002 2003 2004
• Imatra Steel ployees are kept informed of both
• Power Businesses the Group’s situation and that of
• Temporary contracts their particular company. Com-
Personnel in average
• Permanent contracts
of which in Finland pany management and personnel
engage in open discussion also in
those countries where there are no
formal co-determination bodies as
Full-time/part-time employees such. Regular briefings for person-
Personnel in figures 2004 % nel are an integral part of the oper-
Total 12,475 100 ating procedures of Wärtsilä com-
Nationalities of personnel: 68
panies. Employee participation
Change in number of employees in decision-making also extends
(net employment creation): +177 96.1% 96.6% 97.1%
60 to occupational health and safety
Average age of personnel: 34.8 years
40 (OHS). Most Wärtsilä units have
Total payroll costs: EUR 573.3 million
Aggregate coverage of different
an OHS committee with represent-
bonus systems: 60%
atives from all personnel groups.
Development discussions held annually:58% 0 In addition to Wärtsilä’s proce-
2002 2003 2004
dures for consulting and inform-
ing employees at the local level, the
• Part-time employees European Works Council (EWC)
• Full-time employees handles issues that affect the whole
Group. The EWC and its working
committee play an active role in
Net sales/person
considering and pursuing Group-
EUR 1,000
In many European countries almost wide issues. Employee satisfaction
all employees fall within the scope surveys are reviewed in the Stake-
250 of collective bargaining agreements, holder Engagement section of the
200 with the exception of senior man- Annual Report.
150 agement. The proportion of per-
sonnel belonging to trade unions
ranges between 70% and 100%.
In other countries the proportions
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 vary so much that a Group-wide av-
erage would not give a true picture.
Matters affecting personnel are also
reviewed in the Annual Report.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 59
Occupational health and safety The indicators used to measure oc- Wärtsilä’s values in everyday man-
Wärtsilä’s occupational health and cupational health and safety per- agement work. Wärtsilä provides
safety principles are defined in the formance include the number of training for senior management
company’s policy and directive injuries, the amount of absence due in co-operation with the London
on occupational health and safe- to illness and the frequency of inju- Business School.
ty (OHS). Wärtsilä’s subsidiaries ries. There were no fatal injuries in Wärtsilä’s training organization
must have a management system Wärtsilä’s factories or offices during arranges a variety of open courses
in use that conforms to the OHS the review period. for employees as well as numerous
policy and directive. Although cer- courses tailored to the special needs
tification is not a requirement, 11 of individual departments.
Wärtsilä companies have certified Absence rate
their occupational health and safe- Human rights
ty systems. The main aspects in the In line with the Code of Conduct
management system relate to com- 4 approved at the end of 2004, Wärt-
pliance with legislation, identify- silä supports and respects basic hu-
ing and minimizing occupational man rights as outlined in the UN’s
health and safety risks, personnel 2 Universal Declaration of Human
training, providing written instruc- 1
Rights. Wärtsilä expects its suppli-
tions, the use of protective equip- ers to operate in compliance with
ment, and continuous improve- 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
the same ethical standards with re-
ment of OHS performance. gard to human rights.
The objective of Wärtsilä’s occu- Wärtsilä’s employees represent
pational health and safety policy is
• Absence due to lost-time injury almost 70 different nationalities,
• Absence due to illness
to prevent and manage health and and the company supports equal
safety risks to personnel and stake- treatment of all its employees irre-
holders. In addition to the man- Training and personal development spective of race, colour, nationality,
agement system, Wärtsilä compa- Wärtsilä has a comprehensive per- gender, age or religion. The compa-
nies apply OHS programmes re- sonal development programme, ny’s employees are selected on their
quired by local legislation, which the aim of which is to continuously qualification and competence for
are normally implemented in OHS improve the skills, motivation and each specific job.
committees consisting of repre- co-operation of the company’s em- Wärtsilä supports the work-re-
sentatives of the companies’ man- ployees and managers. The target is lated rights defined by the Interna-
agement and personnel. Accidents 5 training days per person per year. tional Labour Organization (ILO)
are recorded and investigated in Management skills programmes, and therefore works to ensure there
the manner required by local le- such as Lead and Energo, focus on is freedom of association and the
gislation. Altogether 60% of Wärt- enhancing supervisory and man- right to collective bargaining in the
silä companies have an occupation- agement skills. The programmes company. In those countries where
al health and safety committee. also emphasize the importance of local legislation does not recognize
these rights, Wärtsilä endeavours to
give employees other channels for
Injuries Training days
expressing their opinions. Wärtsilä
Days/employee does not accept the use of forced
pcs/year 4 labour or child labour in any form.
1 600 40 These commitments have been
1 400 35 3 an integral part of Wärtsilä’s way of
1 200 30
working, which were codified in the
1 000 25
Code of Conduct that Wärtsilä en-
800 20
600 15
1 dorsed at the end of last year. Wärt-
400 10 silä’s Board of Management has also
200 5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 decided on practical implementa-
0 0 tion of the Code of Conduct dur-
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Trainin days
ing 2005 – 2007. The first step in
Days/employee 2003 2004
the implementation plan is a wide-
• Number of injuries total scale campaign to disseminate in-
Managers 3.2 2.5
• Number of lost-time injuries formation internally through the
resulting at least 1 day absence Technical employees 3.5 3.4

Lost-time injuries/million working hours Administrative employees 2.2 2.4 company’s magazines and intranet.
Blue-collar employees 2.6 3.3 The Code of Conduct will also be a

60 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
topic at all levels of Wärtsilä’s inter- zil evaluated companies operat- The programme documentation
nal training programmes. Wärtsilä’s ing in the country, and altogeth- includes a manual of competition
compliance programmes, internal er 460 companies participated in law, which provides information
audits and OpExS management the competition. In 2003 Imatra about competition regulations and
systems will be used to monitor the Steel’s Steel Works won Technolo- instructions for the company’s in-
effectiveness of these measures. gy Industries of Finland’s award for ternal procedures. Wärtsilä has al-
Since Wärtsilä expects its part- the best work environment among so arranged training in competition
ners and suppliers to act in com- Finnish metal refining companies. law for key personnel.
pliance with its Code of Conduct,
similar measures will also apply to Bribery and corruption prevention Product liability
them. The company sets common Wärtsilä’s Code of Conduct ex- Wärtsilä’s occupational health and
requirements for its suppliers and pressly prohibits the company and safety policy defines procedures for
regularly monitors conformance its employees from accepting or of- ensuring product safety. Further in-
with these requirements through fering any kind of benefit consid- formation about issues relating to
numerous performance indicators ered to be a bribe. Only normal product safety is given in the Pol-
and audits. All the main suppliers business gifts of nominal value may icies and Management System sec-
are required to comply with Wärt- be given or accepted. The instruc- tion of the Annual Report.
silä’s requirements in order to gain tions, which make it compulsory to
Approved Supplier status. comply with anti-bribery provisions Customer satisfaction
and to report any cases of bribery, Wärtsilä conducts customer satis-
Impacts on communities also make reference to the OECD’s faction surveys, as described in the
The guiding principle of Wärt- anti-bribery legislation and prin- Stakeholder Engagement section of
silä’s Code of Conduct is to pro- ciples. The company updated and the Annual Report. The results for
mote openness and good interac- clarified its agent agreements and 2004 are based on a new measure-
tion with our stakeholders locally. Broker Guidelines during 2004 in ment system and are as follows:
This applies as much to the families response to claims of bribery in cer- • Ship Power 7.5
of personnel, our neighbours, edu- tain project which Wärtsilä consid- • Service 7.8
cational institutions and the media ers to be groundless. • Power Plants 8.0.
as to local authorities and officials.
The methods we have used towards Political lobbying
this end include Open Door days, Wärtsilä’s policy is engage in open
press briefings and different modes dialogue and discussion with both
of communication for different tar- local and international public au-
get groups. Wärtsilä’s activities for thorities and officials. An impor-
charitable purposes are described in tant area of co-operation in this fo-
the Economic Performance section rum is the reduction of emissions
of this report. from energy production. Stake-
Wärtsilä collaborated close- holder co-operation with public
ly with local authorities on a dai- bodies is a part of Wärtsilä’s busi-
ly basis concerning the closure of ness operations and not a political
production activities at Turku (Fin- activity.
land) and Mulhouse (France) in or-
der to find new jobs and minimize Competition regulations
the detrimental effects of these clo- Wärtsilä has a compliance pro-
sures. Suppliers Days were arranged gramme for managing risks relat-
in both Turku and Trieste for sup- ing to competition law, and the
pliers of the Turku factory to review company’s corporate management
the impacts caused by the change are strongly committed to imple-
and create a framework for contin- menting this programme. Wärt-
uing supplier relationships into the silä’s various subsidiaries conducted
future. reviews of compliance with com-
petition regulations when formu-
Wärtsilä as an employer lating the programme and during
In 2004 Wärtsilä Brazil was named the course of mergers and acquisi-
one of the 100 best employers in tions. No infringements of compe-
Brazil. This was the 8th time that tition regulations were identified.
Great Place to Work® Institute Bra-

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 61
Summary of Key Figures

Performance indicators1 2000 2001 20022 20033 20043

R&D expenses [EUR mill.] 81 82 88 70.2 59.4
Environmental investments [EUR mill.] 3.02 5.19 1.83 2.23 3.05
Environmental operating expenses [EUR mill.] 2.45 2.25 6.02 6.93 4.71
ENVIRONMENTAL: Power Businesses
Total energy consumption [TJ] 1,340 1,348 1,923 2,251 1,723
• Electricity consumption [MWh] 84,315 85,193 106,617 112,806 112,324
• Heat consumption [MWh] 121,746 130,179 126,294 134,944 117,684
• Light fuel oil [t] 4,691 4,872 4,866 4,862 4,474
• Heavy fuel oils [t] 8,353 8,571 13,552 20,146 7,169
• Natural gas [t] 1,366 1,365 7,611 6,785 9,625
• Other fuels [t] 242 146 188
• Orimulsion® [t] 797 342 232 3,275 0
Total water consumption [1000 m3] 5,357 5,222 9,570 8,710 7,207
• Consumption of domestic water [1000 m3] 609 530 727 576 606
• Consumption of cooling water [1000 m3] 4,748 4,692 8,843 8,134 6,601
Emissions of nitrogen oxides [t] 919 947 1,287 1,174 696
Emissions of carbon dioxide [t] 48,492 49,155 83,232 98,419 66,586
Emissions of sulphur oxides [t] 286 252 348 310 117
Particulates [t] 17 18 25 24 11
VOC [t] 39 31 55 62 47
Non-hazardous waste [t] 10,622 12,921 23,887 23,608 19,587
Hazardous waste [t] 3,320 3,533 3,644 5,835 3,913
Total energy consumption [TJ] 2,001 1,915 1,917 1,942 2,047
• Electricity consumption [MWh] 297,000 279,000 298,000 291,299 313,462
• Heat consumption [MWh] 22,600 24,600 24,000 23,256 22,643
• Light fuel oil [t] 88 100 320 364 247
• Natural gas [t] 17,083 16,715 15,118 16,522 17,442
• Liquified petroleum gas [t] 1,080 973 948 423 25
Total water consumption [1000 m3] 19,056 17,853 17,754 17,113 12,591
• Consumption of domestic water [1000 m3] 156 153 154 158 44
• Consumption of cooling water [1000 m3] 18,900 17,700 17,600 16,955 12,547
Emission of nitrogen oxides [t] 143 150 139 139 133
Emissions of carbon dioxide [t] 66,500 62,900 58,900 57,558 62,309
Emissions of sulphur oxides [t] 43 43 48 49 31
Particulates 60 48 46 47 48
VOC [t] 29 21 24 16 31
Non-hazardous waste [t] 55,260 56,040 46,600 48,336 52,677
Hazardous waste [t] 2,700 2,790 2,960 3,686 3,645
Training days [days/employee] 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.1
Number of lost-time injuries 348 356 422 467 382
Lost-time injuries [number/million working hours] 34.6 35.8 21.4 21.5 16.6
Absence rate [% of total working hours] 4.24 4.14 2.92 3.04 3.13

The operational performance data in this report has been compiled from the economic, environmental and social records
of the Wärtsilä companies. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is neither incomplete nor misleading,
it cannot be considered as reliable as the financial information published in the Financial Review.
The 2002 figures include the second-phase companies, which are presented in the previous report.
The 2003 and 2004 figures include the third-phase companies, which are presented in the previous report.
The third reporting phase includes all Wärtsilä companies except those mentioned in the Report Scope section.

62 WÄ RT S IL Ä 2 0 0 4
Assurance Statement

At the request of Wärtsilä Corpora- Sustainability reporting present-

tion, we have reviewed the sustain- ed in the Business Review and Sus-
ability reporting of Wärtsilä Corpo- tainability Report of the Annual
ration consisting of the economic, Report 2004 of Wärtsilä Corpora-
environmental and social data and tion has been prepared in accord-
statements presented according to ance with the 2002 GRI Guide-
the GRI content index in the Busi- lines. Based on our activities, noth-
ness Review and Sustainability Re- ing has come to our attention that
port of the Annual Report 2004 of causes us to believe that the da-
Wärtsilä Corporation for the years ta presented according to the GRI
2003 and 2004. We have also re- content index in the Business Re-
viewed the systems and methodol- view and Sustainability Report of
ogies behind the data. The data pre- the Annual Report 2004 of Wärt-
sented is the responsibility of and silä Corporation would not have
has been approved by the Board of been gathered and processed ac-
Management of Wärtsilä Corpo- cording to the internal reporting
ration. The inherent limitations of guidelines and would not describe
completeness, consistency and ac- the present state and progress of the
curacy of the data are set out in the issues presented in the Business Re-
Business Review and Sustainability view and Sustainability Report of
Report of the Annual Report 2004 the Annual Report 2004 of Wärt-
of Wärtsilä Corporation. silä Corporation.
This engagement was conduct-
ed in accordance with the Interna- Helsinki, 14 March 2005
tional Standards for Assurance En-
gagements. We planned and carried KPMG OY AB
out our work to provide reasonable,
rather than absolute, assurance on Mauri Palvi
the reliability of the data presented Authorized Public Accountant
that was subject to assurance.
Our review consisted of the fol- Tuomas Suurpää
lowing procedures: Manager, Sustainability Services
• a discussion with management
responsible for compiling the re-
• an examination of relevant sup-
porting information for the data
• a review in more detail of the sys-
tems for gathering and process-
ing data at the operating level at
one site in Norway and one site
in India, selected by us.

WÄ RTS I L Ä 2 0 0 4 63
Design: Incognito Oy
Photos: Indav Oy and Wärtsilä photo archive
English Translation and Editing: Andrew Gardiner, Impress Ltd
Printing house: Libris Oy
March 2005
Wärtsilä Oyj Abp
John Stenbergin ranta 2
PL 196
00531 Helsinki
Puh. 010 709 0000
Fax 010 709 5700

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