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Name ________________________________________________________________

Fractals Project

Item | | Points
| |
Cover Page | | 5
Sierpinski Triangle Drawn & Analyzed | | 10
Sierpinski Carpet Drawn & Analyzed | | 10
Koch Snowflake Drawn & Analyzed | | 10
Sierpinski + Pascal’s Triangle Completed | | 10
Completed Questions re: Fractal Dimension | | 10
Computer Fractal Exploration Screen Captures | | 10
Fractal Research & 1-paragraph summary | | 10
Fractal Printmaking | | 20
Conclusion Paragraph | | 10
| |
Total | | 105 possible

Fractal Research Choices:

1) Menger Sponge
2) Sierpinski Tetrahedron
3) Mandelbrot Set
4) Cantor Set(s)
5) Koch Quadric Island
6) Fractal Coastlines
7) Barnsley Fern
8) Peano Space
9) Other, with teacher’s prior approval

Conclusion Questions
Summarize the project in five-seven sentences, answering questions such as:

 What did you learn from this project?

 What did you like and dislike about this project?
 What did you do well and what could you have done better?
 What would you do different if you did this project again?

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