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Such medical conditions which occur suddenly and last for the brief period in
the body, are said to be the acute disease. But the medical condition where the
disease occurs slowly and last for a long time or sometimes for the entire life is
called as the chronic disease

By saying or concluding that the disease is acute or chronic, it will not define the
severity of that disease rather only length of the illness or diseases. As sometimes
acute condition may develop into chronic disease also, like in case of asthma, the
first attack is said to be the acute condition, but it may later develop into the chronic
condition if left untreated.

The phenomenon by which disease can be classified depends on many factors.

These factors can be the condition due to which the disease occurred, the duration
of a disease and its severity. So, on these points diseases falls under two categories –
Acute and Chronic.

Comparison Chart

Such disease which shows it's prolonged effects

Such disease which
on human health. The condition is said to be
occurs suddenly
chronic when the disease lasts for more than
Meaning and last for a short
three months. Such disease can be life-
period is called as
threatening and majorly affect the immune
acute disease.
system of the body and thus declines the health.

It Appears Suddenly. Gradually.

It lasts for a short

Time Span time, usually few It lasts for longer or lifetime also.
days to the week.

They do not cause They may cause severe long term effects on
Effects long term or ill human health, which may be life-threatening
effects on human. too.

Cold, burn, breaking

of bone, typhoid,
Diabetes, arthritis, cancer, tuberculosis, heart
Examples jaundice, cholera,
disease, asthma attack, osteoporosis, etc.
burn, strep throat,

Definition of Acute Disease

A disease marked by the sudden onset of symptoms is called as acute disease. This
type of medical condition resolves quickly on their own or with mild medical
treatment. An acute condition sometimes may be so fast acting and severe also that
it gets difficult for the patient to survive.

Examples of acute disease are strep throat, appendicitis, asthma, broken bone,
influenza, pneumonia, etc. In some cases, there is the requirement of medical
treatment or hospitalization, while some may not require any medical attention.

Definition of Chronic Disease

A chronic disease is characterized by the slow and long term progression over the
time. These are long lasting or may be for the lifetime. If the disease lasts for more
than three years than it is said to be the chronic disease. In the initial stage of the
chronic disease, the symptoms are less severe than those in an acute phase.

The chronic disease shows slow progression and results in the severe damage in the
body, which can be partial or complete or sometimes leads to death. Elephantitis,
diabetes mellitus, arthritis, emphysema, HIV/AIDS, COPD, hepatitis C are some of
the examples of chronic disease.

A person suffering from the chronic disease has the higher percentage than of the
acute. The risk factors may be age, gender, life style, unhealthy diet, unawareness
about a disease, antigenicity, lack of physical activity. Chronic disease can be cured
by medications, neither can be prevented through vaccines in very severe cases.
Key Differences Between Acute and Chronic Disease
Given below are the few substantial difference between the Acute and Chronic

1. The medical condition which occurs suddenly and lasts for a short period is
called as acute disease. There is another medical condition which develops
slowly in the body and shows its prolonged effect, which can be life long or
sometimes result in death is called chronic disease. The condition is said to be
chronic when the disease lasts for more than three months. The chronic
disease shows slow progression.
2. The acute disease lasts for a short time, usually for few days to the week but
Chronic disease lasts for the longer period or lifetime also.
3. Cold, burn, breaking of bone, typhoid, jaundice, cholera, burn, strep throat, etc.
are the example of Acute disease, but the disease like diabetes, arthritis,
cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease, asthma attack, osteoporosis, etc. are the
example of Chronic disease.

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