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* 1 Tips and Tricks
o 1.1 Unlimited Money Exploit
+ 1.1.1 Method A
+ 1.1.2 Method B
+ 1.1.3 Method C
o 1.2 Teleporters of Death
o 1.3 Instant Respawn
+ 1.3.1 Remote Control of Fusion Coil Bombs
o 1.4 Teleporter Maze
o 1.5 Horizontal Grav Lift
o 1.6 Garages
o 1.7 Floating Objects
+ 1.7.1 Method A
+ 1.7.2 Method B
+ 1.7.3 Method C
+ 1.7.4 Method D
+ 1.7.5 Explanation
+ 1.7.6 Common Ideas
o 1.8 Interlocking Objects
+ 1.8.1 Method 1
+ 1.8.2 Method 2
+ 1.8.3 Method 3
o 1.9 Geomerging
o 1.10 Automerging
+ 1.10.1 No-clip merging with turrets
o 1.11 State Preservation
* 2 Cool Things to Try
o 2.1 Glitches
o 2.2 Map ideas
o 2.3 Miscellaneous
o 2.4 Traps and devices
o 2.5 Uncategorized
* 3 Sources
* 4 Other External Links
edit Tips and Tricks
[edit] Unlimited Money Exploit
As the name implies, the Unlimited Money Exploit is a glitch that allows players
to completely circumvent the object limits imposed by Forge's budget system.
[edit] Method A
To perform this exploit, first buy one of every object you plan on using. Set ea
ch object aside, press X while hovering on it, and set the Run-Time Maximum to o
ne value higher than the amount of the object placed on the map. Now, you can fr
eely place as many of this object as you want, and the Run-Time Maximum will aut
omatically increment with each new object.
Please note that once you've used up your entire "normal" budget, your budget wi
ll start going negative. If, after your budget goes negative, you delete an obje
ct after having placed the maximum amount of that object, then you will have to
redo the glitch to place more of that object. To redo the glitch, you will have
to delete enough objects to get your budget back up to a usable amount. If you d
on't need an item, set it aside until you're completely finished with your map a
nd you know you no longer need it; then delete it.
There is a way to retrieve items that you have lost. These methods include:
1. Saving the map variant
2. Ending the game
3. Starting the game
4. Changing the Run-Time Maximum of the object to 1 higher then the number on
the map.
5. Carrying on with the map
[edit] Method B
It is possible for two players to cooperate and budget glitch a map without plac
ing one of every item on the map -- in other words, it is possible to have a bud
get-glitched canvas map. The method was discovered before August 27, 2008, by pl
ayers with the gamertags "BuddhaCrane" and "TheCartographer".[1] The players sha
ll be called Person A and Person B; a Grav Lift shall be used as an example of t
he item to be glitched. The glitch may be conducted over Live or on Local. A gue
st profile may be used.
1. Person A should open the spawn menu and navigate to Grav Lift. They should
hover over it, and press X to open its summary.
2. Person B should spawn a Grav Lift.
3. After Person B has spawned the Grav Lift, its Run-Time Maximum will change
from 0 to 1.
4. Person A should hover over Run-Time Maximum and press A to select it.
5. Person B should delete the Grav Lift.
6. Person A should press A. Even though Placed on Map is set to 0, Run-Time M
aximum should now be set to 1.
Note that the numbers provided above assume that all Grav Lifts have been delete
d from the map. Such deletion is not necessary, however.
As with Method A, deleting the last of a budget-glitched item (e.x. the last Gra
v Lift on the map) will undo the glitch for that item. Furthermore, if the maxim
um amount of that item has been placed, deleting any of that item will undo the
glitch. In both cases, the glitch will have to be re-done -- and that is only po
ssible if the budget has not been exceeded.
[edit] Method C
An alternative method starts by loading an unmodified version of the map. Next,
find a weapon that uses energy rather than reloadable projectiles. Place a Coven
ant energy-using weapon exactly on top of it. The two items' spawn points (teard
rops) should align exactly, such that they look like one spawn point. Once done,
return to player mode, grab the new weapon, and use all of its energy.

[edit] Teleporters of Death

On many maps, you can place Teleporters outside of the level's boundaries withou
t them being deleted. This allows an instant death, or one caused by the Guardia
ns on Snowbound, Sandtrap or Sandbox. On most maps, however, players entering su
ch teleports will receive the rather inaccurate message that they "fell to [thei
r] death". A specific method of placing floating items makes it extremely easy t
o place such Teleporters.
It is possible, on maps like Last Resort, to place a Teleporter such that player
s may use it to exit the level's boundaries without dying. Sometimes, however, w
hen you are entering the Sender Node, it will say "Teleporter is blocked" if the
corresponding Receiver Node is placed in certain areas.
[edit] Instant Respawn
To set an object to instantly respawn without any wait time, set the object's Ru
n-Time Minimum and Run-Time Maximum counts (under the object's summary page, acc
essed with two presses of the X button) to the same number. The minimum count mu
st be as high as it can go for this to work. The object will now instantly respa
wn when disturbed. (Weapons are an exception, because when you pick them up, the
y still exist on the map.) You can make an infinite Fusion Coil shower using thi
s technique; it is also useful when attempting to use Trip Mines to overload map
[edit] Remote Control of Fusion Coil Bombs
With the infinite respawn tool comes a trick that allows you to remotely turn on
and off Fusion Coil bombs -- groups of perpetually-exploding Fusion Coils. When
you have one running on infinite respawn, and it keeps blowing up, if you wish
to turn it off, bring up the items menu with X, select Fusion Coil in the scener
y object list, hit X, and then set the Run-Time Minimum to at least one below th
e maximum. The infinite respawn will now be turned off.
[edit] Teleporter Maze
A common mapmaking trick is to make several similar-looking rooms and place an i
ntricate network of Receiver, Sender, and Two-way Nodes inside of them, set to a
variety of different channels. This can turn a map into a rather difficult maze
Detailed below is an example arrangement that you can try.
1. Make eight rooms that look as similar to each other as possible (the looks
of first and last rooms don't matter).
2. Place Teleporters and channels in all rooms in this order:
(R - Receiver Node || S - Sender Node || T - Two-way Node || Numbers -
* First room: R8 S4 T4 S1
* Second room: R1 T2 S4
* Third room: R2 R2 T3 S4
* Fourth room: R3 T4 S4
* Fifth room: R4 T8 S5
* Sixth room: R5 T6 S4
* Seventh room: R6 T4 S7
* Last room: T7
3. The last room can be a good place to shoot each other, contain powerful we
apons/power-ups/equipment, or really anything that puts anyone controlling it in
a powerful position.
[edit] Horizontal Grav Lift
It is possible to create a horizontal Grav Lift that propels players laterally i
nstead of vertically. The process is simple. Start by placing a Weapon Holder on
the ground. Then, simply place a Grav Lift (scenery, not equipment) on top of t
he Weapon Holder. The Lift will begin to rotate, until it eventually straightens
out, pointing horizontally.
Please note that you can only place four of these, as you can only place four Gr
av Lifts. Furthermore, to rotate the Lift, you must rotate the underlying Weapon
Holder, and then re-place the Grav Lift atop the Holder.
[edit] Garages
On Sandtrap, spawn a Crate and place a Turret Case on it. Then, spawn a Receiver
Node on top of the stack and delete the objects beneath it. Next, place another
crate with two turret cases on top of it and place a sender node on the pile an
d set it to a different channel than the Receiver Node. Place a Grav Lift on the
Receiver Node and test to see if you can reach the Sender Node, and be certain
that if you accidentally enter the gravity lift, you can get away before you get
teleported off (in Player Mode, with normal speed and gravity) to the left of E
lephant where the team without a Chopper spawns in.
Place a Receiver Node on the interior wall, with the illuminated "leg" pointing
towards the opposite wall, and set it to the same channel as the Sender Node. Ju
st inside each opening except the roof, place a Weapon Holder with one of the up
ward-facing extensions facing outside. Place a Mongoose a short distance behind
each weapon holder (there isn't room for any other vehicle), making sure that th
ere is enough room so that the Grav Lifts you are about to place will not blast
the Mongoose unless you drive it out.
Next, add some Horizontal Grav Lifts using the Weapon Holders you placed earlier
. Set the Run-Time Minimum for Grav Lifts to four. Place four Radio Antennas on
top of the structure over the opening so that it is covered, and have the ends o
f each antenna alternate so it should be that on one side of the gap, their are
two antenna bases, and the same should be true for the other side. Place a weapo
n holder on the thick solid part of each radio antenna to stop them from being b
lown off.
You can also make an effective 'Jail' by using the Horizontal Grav lift trick (t
his works well if you can forge a 'container open') by placing two horizontal gr
av lifts facing inwards. This could be effective if you are playing 'cops and ro
[edit] Floating Objects
A base created in Forge using floating crates.
The Floating Forge Items glitch allows players to force Forge Objects to hover i
n midair. In some cases, items must have an (also-floating) inactive Teleporter
placed beneath them to stay in midair - sometimes, this flaw even affects immova
ble items like Double Boxes, though not on Heroic Map Pack maps.
The glitch is commonly used to construct elaborate and unconventional maps and l
evels - anything from floating Box Forts to raining Fusion Coils.
[edit] Method A
This is the simplest method of performing the glitch, but it is also relatively
error-prone... Movable items floated with this glitch will immediately fall if t
ouched, shot, hit by anything, or even approached when in Edit Mode. However, fo
r things like raining Fusion Coils, this flaw could work to a mapmaker's advanta
To float an item, simply stack up other items until they form a tall enough towe
r or pile. Then, place the item you want to float on top of the pile or tower, a
nd delete the entire pile or tower beneath it once the floated item stops moving
It should be noted that Teleporters floated using this method will never fall, s
o by placing other items on top of Teleporters that have been floated in such a
manner, it is possible to construct elaborate structures in midair.
[edit] Method B
The second method of performing the glitch is also very easy. Perform Method A (
above) on a Teleporter, and then place the desired floating item on top of the T
eleporter. The Teleporter will never fall, so neither will the object.
[edit] Method C
The third method of performing the glitch is still easy, but far less convenient
, as it requires you to end the Forge session. Simply spawn the item you want to
float, maneuver it into the desired location, save the map, and end the Forge s
ession without moving the item. When you re-enter the map in Forge, the item wil
l be floating, and it can't fall unless you grab it in forge.
[edit] Method D
If a destructible Forge Object is dropped by a player in Edit Mode, and then des
troyed while in midair, then it will respawn exactly where it was destroyed. If
an editor, for example, drops a Fusion Coil, and a sniper blows it up in midair,
then it will respawn where it was shot.
[edit] Explanation
The Halo 3 Engine uses a very common physics optimization: if an object is undis
turbed for exactly five seconds, physics stop being calculated for it. If the ob
ject is disturbed later, physics are recalculated. So if, for example, a Fusion
Coil were to remain stationary on top of a Double Box for five seconds, and then
the Double Box were to be deleted, then the Fusion Coil would remain in the air
However, when touched or moved in any way, the Fusion Coil would fall. Furthermo
re, if a new round or session were to start, the Fusion Coil would fall at the s
tart of the game. Only immovable objects remain in the air, because their physic
s are only "reactivated" when they are manipulated by a player in Edit Mode.
As such, the only objects that can be permanently floated in earlier maps are st
ationary support weapons and Teleporters. Later maps, such as Standoff and Sandb
ox, would include immovable scenery.
[edit] Common Ideas
Here is a list of common ideas that the floating items trick is used for.
* Raining Fusion Coils. Place a Fusion Coil in midair without using a Telepo
rter to support it; when you re-enter the map later (or, if you just want to try
this in Forge, nudge it), the Coil will immediately fall. If placed at a suffic
ient height, it will explode upon impact with the ground.
* Floating Structures. Another common exploit involving this glitch is float
ing structures: large structures formed from floating, immovable objects like Do
uble Boxes.
* Ceilings. The glitch is commonly used to supplement ground-based structure
s with floated items that act as ceilings. This is useful in cases where it is d
ifficult to perfectly balance a Wall or Bridge upon other walls of a structure.
* Forge Robots. In many cases, massive statues or "sculptures" made in Forge
depend on floating items.
* Elephants. If you use this glitch to float an object above an Elephant in
Sandtrap, the object will remain "fixed" over the Elephant. By placing floating
Machine Gun Turrets over an Elephant, you can effectively boost their maximum ra
nge and lower their minimum range (so that they can fire at closer targets).
[edit] Interlocking Objects
The Interlocking Objects glitch, as its name states, allows players to force two
Forge objects to overlap and interlock.
[edit] Method 1
To make two or more objects interlock, place the first object you want to interl
ock and turn off its Placed at Start setting. Make sure the respawn time is long
enough for you to place the second object as you want it. You may also want to
place another object such as a wall to act as a "guide" to help align the two ob
Start a new round and place the second object within the area in which the first
object will spawn. Once the first object spawns, the two objects should interlo
ck; be sure to set the first object to spawn at start. The next time you start t
he game the two objects will then be "interlocked" with each other. This method
will in fact theoretically work for any number of objects.
Note, however, that objects that have physics calculated (e.x. Crates, Barriers,
etc.) may come apart.
[edit] Method 2
Method 2 allows you to interlock objects without starting a new round. The instr
uctions use the process of interlocking a Single Box and a Double Box as an exam
1. Place the first object -- in our example, a Double Box.
2. Place Walls or other immovable objects around the location of the second o
bject (which has not yet been placed).
3. Take three or four Doors and turn them so they are somewhat inside the Sin
gle Box -- make sure that there is something over the Single Box so it wont go f
4. Grab the Single Box, and then let it go.
5. When the Single Box stops moving, feel free to delete the Walls, Doors, an
d other objects that you used to force it into position.
[edit] Method 3
It should be noted that this is more of a "geolocking" method -- it will partial
ly force some objects into walls or the ground. The instructions below use a Dou
ble Box (in Foundry) as an example.
1. Spawn a Double Box, and lay it down.
2. Surround it with Walls. The Walls need not touch the Double Box -- some sp
ace is permitted.
3. Spawn a Door, flip it upside-down, and put it on top of one of the long en
ds of the Double Box. Spawn another Door, and do the same with the opposite end
of the Double Box.
4. Pick up the Double Box, drop it, and wait until it stops moving.
5. Wait five more seconds -- just to make sure.
6. Remove the Walls and Doors.
And the process for putting a Double Box into one of Foundry's walls:
1. Spawn a Double Box, and lay it down against a wall.
2. Surround it with Walls. The Walls need not touch the Double Box.
3. Spawn another Wall, and put it on top of the Double Box.
4. Put three Doors (placed such that they're intersecting the Double Box) alo
ng the box.
5. Pick up the Double Box, drop it, and wait until it stops moving.
6. Wait five more seconds -- just to make sure.
7. Remove the Walls and Doors.
Note that movable objects cannot be interlocked. Attempting to interlock a movab
le object with any other object will cause the objects to separate, and in some
cases, they may violently launch away from each other. This is because physics a
re calculated for movable objects after they are placed.
[edit] Geomerging
There is also another method similar to interlocking called geolocking. Geolocki
ng is the act of interlocking immovable items -- such as Fence Boxes or Walls --
into the floors, walls and ceilings of maps. As an example, you can use it to b
ury a Wall half-way inside of the snow in Avalanche.
Movable objects cannot be geomerged for the same reason that they cannot be inte
1. Spawn the object that you want to force into the ground -- let's again use
a Double Box as an example.
2. Surround it on all sides with Two-Way Nodes.
3. Put some Receiver Nodes on top of the Double Box.
4. Spawn a Door. Put the door inside of the Double Box.
5. Pick up the Double Box, drop it, and wait until it stops moving.
6. Wait five more seconds -- just to make sure.
7. Delete the Teleporters and the Door.
[edit] Automerging
An incredibly useful method can be used to easily interlock or geomerge an objec
t.[2] This method is known as automerging, though it has earned other names (suc
h as no-clip merging).
1. Spawn two copies of the object you wish to merge. Set one of the objects'
Respawn Rate to 30; set the other's Respawn Rate to Never. Set the object's Run-
Time Minimum to the highest possible value.
2. While in Edit Mode, aim at one of the two objects. Press A and D-Pad-Up at
the same time. (If you return to Player Mode, or if the object moves, then you
have done it right.) Repeat this step for the other object.
3. Knock the two objects away from their spawn points (the teardrop-shaped ma
rkers). Do not pick the items up in Edit Mode. Knock them away through some othe
r means. You can use explosions, Man Cannons, Grav Lifts, or an impact with a th
ird item to move the two objects.
4. Find the object whose Respawn Rate had been set to 30. Pick it up in Edit
Mode, and hold it still.
5. After 30 seconds, the object will respawn inside of itself. When this happ
ens, the copy of the object that you are holding will become non-solid.
The phrase "non-solid" here means that collisions are not detected for the objec
t, and hence they are not corrected. This allows the object to be moved through
level geometry and other objects. If a player lets go of such an object, it will
be frozen in place. However, the object cannot be picked up once it has been pl
aced. Starting a new round allows players to pick up the object, but it also reg
ains its solidity -- it will not move through solid objects.
The reason that the object respawns "inside of itself" is because the Run-Time M
inimum forces the game to create one copy of the object for every spawn point on
the map, but one of the spawn points' Respawn Rates has been set to "Never". By
holding a copy of the object (and, therefore, its associated spawn point), a pl
ayer can evidently force a game to spawn an object anyway, despite the "lack of
Interestingly, when an automerged object is dropped and stops being Forgeable, i
t behaves in a very similar manner to the "Crate" Forge Object, which temporaril
y stops being Forgeable when it has been significantly displaced.

[edit] No-clip merging with turrets

Please read the above sub-article first!
Follow the steps above until you reach the point where you must move the objects
(after dummying them). You must move the turrets carefully (Machine Gun Turret
or Plasma Cannon) so that you do not break them. Now, in edit mode, grab the res
pawnable turret. Set the RUN-TIME MAXIMUM to as high as it can go. Now you must
find a way to destroy the other turret without dropping the one you have now. H
ere are some ways to do this:
1. Set a fusion coil/power core to spawn high above the ground and quickly mo
ve the non-respawnable turret under it's drop zone and quickly grab the respawna
ble turret so that the fusion coil/power core falls and destroys the non-respawn
able turret.
1. Throwing a grenade (after having moved them both) at the non-respawnable t
urret and quickly going into edit mode and grabbing the respawnable one.
1. Having a second player destroying the nonrespawnable turret after you have
grabbed the respawnable one.

If done correctly, the turret being held will be come clipless as unmovable scen
ery in the sub-article above.
[edit] State Preservation
When you switch from Player Mode to Edit Mode, your state is preserved. This is
a really fancy way of saying that whatever was happening to you in Player Mode w
ill be "paused" until you return to Player Mode, at which point it will continue
. As an example, if you are stuck with a grenade while in Player Mode, and you e
nter Edit Mode before it explodes... the grenade will disappear. But when you go
back to Player Mode, it will reappear, and detonate as it normally would.
The following things are preserved -- they're "paused" when you enter Edit Mode,
and they resume when you return to Player Mode.
* Grenades that are stuck to you
* The act of charging a Spartan Laser
o Hold RT to charge up a Spartan Laser. While still holding RT, enter
Edit Mode. If you exit Edit Mode while holding RT, you'll still be charging the
Spartan laser -- so if you time it right, you can fire the laser immediately aft
er exiting Edit Mode.
* Being on fire (if you were hit with a Flamethrower or Firebomb Grenade)
* Momentum
o If you enter Edit Mode right as you get launched by a Man Cannon, th
en you may continue to be launched when you return to Player Mode.
* The act of throwing a grenade
edit Cool Things to Try
[edit] Glitches
Behind Last Resort
In the main room of Last Resort's power plant, where the turbine is, enter E
dit Mode. Fly up to the invisible wall in front of the turbine, and force the Mo
nitor onto a ledge high above the Power Drain spawn. Once there, fly towards the
turbine; when you find yourself unable to move, lower yourself off the ledge an
d you should be behind the fence separating the main base from the turbine. Boos
ting (LT) makes the process easier. It also helps to add a Teleporter or a Respa
wn Point back there so that other players can get to it without any hassle.
You might need a second person for this to work.
Start a Forge match with all players' Damage Resistance set to 10%. Make a b
ox using Shield Doors, and put a Soccer ball in the center. Place a Machine Gun
Turret nearby.
Enter Player Mode and touch the ball; this will deplete your shields. Run to
the turret, man it, and detach it. Detaching the turret will kill you, but leav
e your corpse standing in the "detached turret" animation.
Note that the connection host cannot see the "clone". If you don't see it, v
iew it from another player's screen in Theater. Aside from the pose, the corpse
is normal -- it fades away like any other dead body.
If you repeat this process but instead of detatching a turret you melee your
clone in the back as if you are performing an assassination, you will die.
Driving a Destroyed Vehicle
Using Forge, a player can enter a broken vehicle. (They can't actually drive
it, however.)
Forcing Teleporters
When playing over Xbox Live, any player that isn't host can force a Teleport
er through the ground. They must simply aim at the bottom of the Teleporter, and
button-mash A until it sinks.
Party Hog
It is possible to drive the Troop Transport Warthog in The Pit by using Forg
e. Set up a Teleporter on the other side of the fence; if you set it on the grou
nd it will disappear, so set it on one of the support bars on the fence. Get out
side the map, move the Warthog against the fence with a large object (barriers w
ork well), and blow it up. When it respawns, it will be drivable.
It is possible to get the Warthog across the fence. Be careful while in Play
er Mode on the outside of the fence; standing on the ground there for 5 seconds
will result in death. This does not include standing on top of objects like the
Warthog, but it does include driving a vehicle on the ground.
Turretless Vehicle Glitch
Good timing in Forge can create a vehicle with no armament.
Underneath Construct
Overload Construct with Trip Mines. Then, go to where the purple lifts shoul
d be. Stand over the hole where the purple laser comes out. Crouch to get throug
[edit] Map ideas
Environment battles
By setting the damage players inflict to 0%, a player can make a map where t
he environment must be used to kill opponents. From there, Forge may be used to
set up environmental traps.
Forge Robots
Scenery and floating objects can be combined to form massive "robots". Add s
ome openings and Spartan Lasers to complete the effect.
Maps like Foundry and Sandbox are extremely flexible, allowing players to cr
eate large mazes. Automerging can be used in Sandbox for a spectacular, cave-lik
e effect.
Memorials to History
Try recreating historical battles in Forge. One could, for example, recreate
D-Day on High Ground.
Obstacle course
Teleporters and other devices can be used to create obstacle courses with va
rious challenges.
Picture map
Many people have created artwork in Forge by drawing with items. Weapons, fo
r example, can be used to draw lines.
Racetracks can be created by placing VIP waypoints along the track, or by pl
acing a single Territory at the end of the track.
Create a large base on Foundry or Sandbox. Give the players inside of the ba
se a small amount of weapons, but no way out of the base. On the opposite side o
f the map, create a small outpost with all of the remaining weapons and vehicles
, as well as a route into the base. Then, set everyone's lives so that if a play
er dies, they're out of the game.
Sky Bases
With enough patience, large floating fortresses can be made in almost any ma
Spawn Destruction
Set the level up so that a domino-like path of Fusion Coils wraps around eve
ry spawn point on the map. When playing the map, simply find a safe spot, destro
y the Fusion Coils, and watch your score rise.:*With proper timing, one can set
the Fusion Coils up so that by the time the path ends, the first Coils will have
already respawned -- so that one shot creates an infinite stream of explosions.

[edit] Miscellaneous
In Edit Mode, spawn a long object (like a Radio Antenna) and use it to bat a
second player (who is in Player Mode). Alternatively, two players can do this a
nd have a "swordfight".
Box Fortress
On Avalanche, go to one of the flat ice areas. Enter Edit Mode and float as
low to the ground as possible. Then look directly up, and spawn a closed Double
Box. Move it as far into the air as you can without moving yourself. Then, witho
ut moving or exiting Edit Mode, drop it, and let it land on you. If done correct
ly, you will be forced into the box. You will be able to shoot out, but people w
ill not be able to shoot in. If you need to move, then just enter Edit Mode, pic
k up the box, and move around. To exit it, just pick it up and push it away.
Elephant Cannon
Move an Elephant to an open area on Sandtrap, preferably near the crashed Ph
antom. Then, use either a Scorpion or a Drop Pod to flip it. (The cockpit of the
flipped Elephant should point in the direction that players should be launched.
) Now, place every Teleporter on top of the flipped Elephant, to hold it in plac
The cannon is now ready. Have someone drive inside with a human vehicle, and
have someone else flip the Elephant. The vehicle will be launched. (Human vehic
les work better because the anti-gravity systems on Covenant vehicle slow the la
Elephant Flipping
It is actually possible to flip an Elephant over.
Flying Elephant
There are several ways to launch an Elephant, and a few ways to keep it in t
he air...
Forced teleporting
A player in Edit Mode can teleport players by simply moving a Sender Node in
to them.
[edit] Traps and devices
Armored Warthog (a.k.a. "Turtle")
On any level with Barricades, place two Barricades on top of a Warthog. The
Warthog will be much more powerful, though players will have to be careful when
driving -- though an Armored Warthog can drive at normal speed, accelerating too
fast will cause the Barricades to slide off. This trick can be preformed on a H
ornet with enough practice, the armored Hornet is sometimes given the nickname o
f "Cockroach".
Infinite Weapon Holder
To give the illusion of a Weapon Holder with infinite ammo, simply place mul
tiple rapidly-respawning copies of the same item onto the Weapon Holder.
Vehicle Stopper
On any map that has Barricades and Drop Pods (such as Sandtrap and Valhalla)
, a roadblock can be created by placing a Barricade with Drop Pods behind it and
touching it. More Drop Pods will make a stronger roadblock.
Secret room
Secret rooms are common in some maps. They are generally used as weapons cac
hes with difficult-to-locate entrances. In some cases, secret rooms may be const
ructed manually; in other cases, glitches may be used to turn a normally-unreach
able area into a secret room. (For example, the Forge Turret Glitch may be used
to enter the small areas beneath The Pit's stairways, or Longshore's power room
right after the overshield spawn, or the two rooms that are right below the two
bases on Foundry.)
Teleporter of Doom
Spawn a Receiver Node, and then spawn a Sender Node right next to it. Place
a Weapon Holder next to the Receiver Node, and set a Grav Lift on the Weapon Hol
der. (The items should be in a straight line, with the Grav Lift pointing toward
both Teleporters.) If necessary, rotate the Weapon Holder to align the Grav Lif
t. If this has been set up correctly, then a player that enters the Sender Node
will be trapped -- the Grav Lift will push them back into the Sender Node, trapp
ing them in a cycle of perpetual teleporting!
Unreachable Items
A mapmaker can taunt players by placing a power weapon in an unreachable are
[edit] Uncategorized
* Change the Gravity - You can actually make gravity change direction! You c
an do this by putting elephants next to each other. It's hard, but if you want t
o get good results put one elephant on top the other. You can do this by getting
a scorpion and putting it inside the elephant then 'hooking' the ends of the sc
orpion with the 'ribs' of the elephant. To hook them twist the scorpion clockwis
e or counter clock wise. Then you lift the scorpion vertically, thus allowing yo
u to lift the elephant. Now set it atop the other elephant. Once you have done t
his put items inside the elephant on the bottom. They will either go up or to ei
ther sides! You should try different ways to put the two together because it cou
ld change the gravity depending how they are united! Note: The change in gravity
won't affect you unless you are in a vehicle inside the elephant. You can make
gravity upside down by putting a lot of tanks inside the other elephant!
* Drive a vehicle while a monitor is still holding it - Normally if a player
is driving a vehicle and a Monitor picks it up, the player is removed, but if y
ou (Player mode) and a friend (Monitor mode) both grab it at the same time (this
may take a few tries)you will be driving the vehicle while the monitor is still
holding it. Have fun!
* Flying Vehicles - Normally if a player is driving a vehicle and a Monitor
picks it up, the player is removed, but if the player is in the side/passenger/g
unner seat of the vehicle they will stay in it, able to shoot as usual as the ve
hicle is moved around the map. This can also be done with machine gun turrets an
d Plasma Cannons.
* Flying Vehicles 2 - Spawn one Mongoose and let your friend (With a rocket)
drive it them blow it up, set the first vehicle to never respawn and spawn anot
her, set run time minimum to the max to be the same with the run time maximum so
it's automatically respawns (It's takes awhile for vehicles), let your friend d
rive it. Now wait for the other one to respawn, once it does, let your friend to
fly off a ramp and then pick up the first Mongoose (Same spawn place as second)
your friend will fly in the air.
o Note: You can delete people if you delete the vehicle/turret! It doe
s not count as a kill, but they respawn as if they died. Also, the infinite turr
et glitch can be achieved this way.
* Baseball - Have a player make as many Rockets as possible and a Gravity Ha
mmer not too far away (This works best on Valhalla), then have one player to get
a Rocket Launcher and the other get the Gravity Hammer. Now fire a rocket at th
e player with the Gravity Hammer and at the last second get the player with the
hammer to hit the rocket and after a few attempts you should get it out of the m
ap. If the player with the Hammer misses, then the Rocket ends his/her's life.
* Rocket Redirection with grenades - For this trick you need a Rocket Launch
er with max ammo and, preferably, every type of grenade except incendiary. Throw
a Frag or Spike Grenade at the ground and quickly shoot a rocket. The rocket sh
ould be misdirected and will corkscrew out of control. You have to time it right
, or the rocket's flight path will be unaffected or the grenade will blow up bef
ore you can launch the rocket. A Plasma Grenade will redirect the rocket, but th
en it will explode right after it passes through the explosion. Also, it is poss
ible to shoot the rocket with a Sniper Rifle, but it requires above-average snip
ing skills. Once it has been hit, the rocket will spiral out of control, either
striking the ground near the area where it was hit or it will spin upwards into
the sky.
* Whirlpool of Death - On a map with walls and man cannons (Foundry), make y
our best attempt at making a medium sized circle, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Make sure there are no sharp corners and the walls are mostly smooth. Spawn man
cannons and place them perpendicular to the wall so that they are sideways. Do
the same to the rest of the wall space (don't overdo it though, 4 is what works
best in a medium sized whirlpool) and make sure that you don't get stuck in any
corners when going around it. Then, the fun part, place objects with a lot of ma
ss, like crates, or put explosive, like fusion coils or even forklifts. A small
roof is recommended to keep objects in, but leave a hole so that people can get
in and see how long they last. For even more fun, spawn a hill marker in there t
o play King of the Hill and see who wins amidst all the chaos. Note: If too many
explosives or objects are put the game may lag.
* Reverse the Field on High Ground - Start by taking the turret that sits at
op the bridge and place it so that it faces the other direction. Then complete t
he process by adding various crates and walls inside the base. This may change t
he flow so that it may seem the outsiders are holding the defenders prisoner, co
ntrolling the outdoors and terrorizing the base.
* Put Yourself in a Loop - On Narrows, put a Gravity lift in front of each M
an cannon and get in one. You'll be able to attack the bridge from the air or ha
ve jousts in mid air with all sorts of close range weapons like the Shotgun or G
ravity Hammer or any weapons with a strong melee attack.
* The Escape Pod - Spawn an Open Container anywhere they are allowed. Go ins
ide and drop a Deployable Cover. Next, grab a gravity lift and drop it inside (w
hile you're inside as well) the box should begin to rise. Fun to do as a trick,
you're about to die and have a gravity lift with a deployable cover nearby and y
ou drop the gravity lift and cover and fly away as the enemy was about to kill y
ou, or to reach new heights. Best done on a level where you can go pretty high w
ithout restrictions or on Last Resort's beach.
* Hornet-Elephant - If you manage to find the patience, try to place drop po
ds inside of the elephant and carefully place deployed gravity lifts underneath
the drop pods. Try to place receiver teleporters on the lifts to hold them in pl
ace. Carefully place a Hornet between the "ribs" of the elephant. Then, place a
radio antenna sideways on top of both of the hornets turbines (wings). Try to pl
ace Covenant supply crates to hold the hornet and the antennas in place and more
teleporter receivers just as backup precautions. Then, place supplies and equip
ment for the match in the elephant. Then, get into the hornet. If done properly,
the lifts will launch the pods at the fence-like ceiling and open the pods. Rem
ember, to quickly get into the hornet as soon as the pods deploy. Use the hornet
to steer and operate the flying machine. Warning: Do not access the Elephants c
* Floating vehicles - This only works on vehicles with a gravity propulsion
drive. (Ghost, wraith, and prowler.) Find an elephant, and place said vehicle on
the roof of the cockpit. Get inside the vehicle and slowly make your way to the
4 prongs of the elephant. You will notice you will be floating. You can continu
e floating as long as you are on the elephant. If you leave the elephant, you wi
ll fall off.
* Vehicular trap - Spawn a vehicle, then surround it with walls and seal the
top with a bridge. If the walls are close enough to the vehicle, you can enter
it, but can't get out since you are surrounded by walls.
* Tank Dropping - Go to a map that supports Scorpions or Wraiths (preferably
Sandtrap), find a relatively flat area, go into monitor mode an spawn a tank (p
referably a Scorpion. Then look directly upwards, while still holding the tank,
and go up nearly as far as you can, push the tank away from yourself and switch
to player mode. The results can be hilarious. The tank can literally send you fl
ying out of the map at hundreds of miles per-hour. Occasionally if done on Sandt
rap, the player's body will actually hit Aegis Fate. This can give hours of amus
ement. Another fun thing to try is dropping the tank on fusion coils, plasma bat
teries, etc.
* Anti-grav Vehicles - This is best done with two people, but can be pulled
off with one. First, delete all the vehicles. Then set any vehicle down and set
the respawn time to 10 seconds. Then drive it forward to a certain point(somewhe
re you can easily recall)Call this vehicle (a). Place a second vehicle (it must
be the same as the first) in the exact spot where you spawned (a). Set the respa
wn to 180 seconds and call this vehicle (b). Destroy both vehicles with a sparta
n laser, (b) and then (a). When (a) has respawned, drive it to the spot where yo
u drove it to before. Set the respawn time from 10 to 180 seconds and run time m
inimum to 2. Now that (b) has respawned, pick up (a). Due to a glitch, you shoul
d be holding (b) which appears out of nowhere. Delete it. Now spawn anything sma
ll, like a grenade, drop it and pick it up again. Vehicle (a) should have no gra
vity as long as a monitor holds the grenade.
* The Invisible Warthog - First Overload the map by spawning trip mines and
put them all to the lowest respawn time, and put it to a run -time minimum and m
aximum, Keep placing them on top of each other and let them explode themselves.
Then spawn a warthog. Get inside of it. While driving turn into a monitor. Then
get out of the warthog and get back in. Then you're done. NOTE: If you're playin
g with 2 or more people you must be on a different team than everyone else.
* Traps - First, spawn a dumpster (Dumpsters can be found in Foundry only) A
fter that, put a pallet on top and a window panel on top of the pallet. Delete t
he pallet. Then, spawn a closed single box on the two sides of the dumpster as w
ell as the back. Place an Active Camo or Custom Powerup in front of the dumpster
that is not surrounded by a box, DO NOT PLACE AN OVERSHIELD. Then, place a man-
cannon on the opposite side of the Active Camo, but place it leaning so the "pla
sma steam" is facing forward instead of at an angle. Lastly, make the Camo insta
nt respawn. Now, when people take the Active Camo or Custom Powerup, the dumpste
r will shoot out, killing them.
* The Game Master - Upon downloading Title Update 2, set the Forge capabilit
y to "Party Leader only". Then, have something around 6-8 people in the party (p
referably an odd number) and have all the players form teams, and then have Part
y Leader stay on their own team. When the teams are killing each other, the Part
y Leader (Monitor) can fly around and attempt to aid players or splatter people,
or even attempt to get the teams to work together to take down the Monitor.
* Carry Two Dual Wield Weapons - In Forge spawn a dual wield weapon like:pla
sma pistol, rifle, mauler, SMG, etc. Switch your first weapon with a dual wield
weapon. Then switch to your secondary weapon. Then get a weapon you want and dua
l wield it with your secondary wield weapon(must be dual wield). Then switch you
r secondary weapon with the same weapon as your primary weapon(Again primary mus
t be dual wield like secondary).
* Rocketship - This only works on Last Resort. Spawn an open container, and
place two barriers inside it, the trick works a lot better if the container and
the barriers are on their sides. Then spawn a Grav Lift near the container. Go i
nto player mode, grab the Grav lift, then you can either jump into the box or yo
u can just stay outside of the box and then deploy the lift on the two barriers.
The container, if done correctly, should fly up into the sky until it hits the
kill barrier.

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